Interview with Kravets: about girls, music and superheroes. Marina Kravets: “This may disappoint someone, but Olya Buzova is far from a fool Kravets interview

- an example for many girls and an ideal for many men. Famous actress studio "Kvartal 95" took part in social project for the fight against breast cancer “Promise yourself to take care of yourself”, which initiated Charitable Foundation"Kvitna". The actress shared her secrets of beauty and health.

You always look amazing on screen and on stage. What is the secret of your beauty?

Thank you. I'm working on it, as they say. I try to take care of myself, I love massages, and I pay attention to new technologies in the field of cosmetology. Well, sport does its job if you manage to do it regularly.

Does the predominantly male team play a role in this?

I think yes, partly. Boys pay attention to everything, even if they pretend not to. But I myself like all these beauty chores.

Have you ever resorted to any diets in your life?

No, I had to resort to nutritionists. It is to resort, not to come! So they taught meAlways eat right. Well, okay, almost always. And I don't like diets.

Do you have your own own style food?

Today my main rule in food is “eat tasty, but not enough.” It has been noticed that this is the nutritional system that all more or less slender people adhere to. There are no restrictions on flavors and calories, there are restrictions on quantity and serving size. I also like to live better this way.

What role does sport play in your life? How did you develop your style of exercise?

Sports generally play the main role in the pursuit of beauty and have an encouraging effect on me. For a long time I preferred yoga and Pilates. I still love them, but now you can see me more often in gym with a trainer, on a bike or track during cardio and stretching in the Valeria Versailles Studio. I want to do the cross splits at least once in my life!

The rhythm of life for a stage person is quite intense and intense. How do you cope with stress? Do you have your own recipe?

I'm meditating. Last November I became acquainted with the practice of Transcendental Meditation, learned this simple technique for relieving stress from real masters, and now I’m watching how my life changes.

What does real relaxation mean to you? What does he look like?

This is family, closest friends, gatherings, conversations, delicious food, children and dogs running around. Laughter and good stories. Or the second option is to stay alone in the company of books, films, tea and sleep.

How do you feel about your health? Do you regularly undergo medical examinations?

I'm not a big fan of constant checkups, but there are some things you can't ignore. Mammologist, gynecologist, dentist - this is my top list of specialists whom I visit once every six months.

Have you ever encountered a cancer diagnosis in someone you know?

Unfortunately, I had to. And fortunately, timely treatment and attention to oneself now allows one to talk about these cases in the past tense.

Now more and more young women are facing this problem. Why do you think? And is it possible to resist this?

I believe that in matters of health there cannot be an attitude of “oh well, later, someday, there is no time.” Now there is no time to visit the doctor, then there is no time to live. And, of course, this needs to be talked about, told, explained.

Why did you decide to support the “Promise Yourself to Take Care” project to combat breast cancer?

Because in the case of this diagnosis, the decisive factors that can save a life are timeliness, awareness and concern. I am grateful to Uriel (Uriel Stern - founder of the Kvitna Charitable Foundation - author's note) for the opportunity to be useful in this movement, I hope that everything is not in vain!

A few motivational words for women to love and take care of themselves.

Women, dear! Think about how many people on this earth need you. How your eyes, words, hands and heart are needed by children, loved ones, parents, and most importantly - how the whole Earth needs you! Without you, Life on it has no meaning. Remember this more often, and promise yourself to take care of yourself!

Your colleagues are entirely witty, charming young people. Therefore, who else, if not you, should ask the question: is friendship possible between a man and a woman?
Possible! But here the movement comes from the woman: if she allows herself to flirt with a man, both sides move to another level. If a girl behaves, let’s say, “chastely” and understands exactly what she wants from the male team, then everything is possible. I want to work, enjoy it and at the same time maintain friendly relations with the guys.

And how do you manage to maintain friendly relations with such sharp-tongued colleagues?
A sense of humor and healthy cynicism helps. If male colleagues try to stick something in, believe me, it will not go unanswered. But nothing like this has happened yet. I really like that we don’t have behind-the-scenes intrigues or gossip behind our backs. To be honest, I’m generally lucky with people.

And in Comedy Club Do you have any real friends?
More like buddies. The guys have their own strong friendships, like, for example, Kharlamov and Batrutdinov. I can rather call friends those people who remained in my life after studying at the university. But at the same time, I have a very close and trusting relationship with my partners: Zurab Matua, Andrei Averin, Lyusk Sorokin. This is fine! Whoever cooks in which pot communicates more closely with him.

How did the only Comedy Club girl get into this big cauldron?
Here, too, we couldn’t do without friends. I’m from St. Petersburg myself, where we had our own stand-up “Peter style”. And here is Igor Elvis Meerson, who at that time was resident Comedy Club, suggested making a jazz arrangement of the song “Hop, Trash Can.” We added a saxophone, a soft voice, facial expressions and somehow all this together gave a good result. We decided to promote the act through Elvis at the Comedy Club. Although we didn’t have much hope. But everything worked! At that moment, the show was changing its format, and I somehow fell into the flow. When I arrived with “Musork”, they offered me to take part in a couple more numbers at the same time, just to play along. It was necessary, for example, to pretend that you were coming on a date, but this is not the most difficult task. Then they called me and offered to participate again. Then again. And further. Well, in the end, I actually moved to Moscow, and everything fell into place.

Did you quickly decide to move from St. Petersburg?
There were, of course, doubts. But for the last couple of years I kept thinking that sooner or later it would happen. And now the turning point has come. At that time I was working at Radio Rox. I honestly went to the office at 8 am, went on air, played music and did not receive a salary for six months. The management periodically gathered us and said: “Guys, we are a team! We need to be patient a little longer.” Apparently I was the only “team”, as the youngest and most inexperienced, because those who were smarter and braver left earlier. And I kept thinking: well, this is how it should be, and I endured it until the last moment. But at some point I couldn’t stand it and started sending out my resume. I also sent it to Mayak radio. They were looking for a co-host of an evening show. And that's when I'm in Once again I arrived at the Comedy Club for filming, then I ran into the radio station - it was literally across the street. I met the guys, had an interview, then several more rounds. In the end I was accepted. It was in the summer, July 1st. They told me right on the air that I had passed, and at the same moment a text message came to my phone from my former manager that the St. Petersburg radio station no longer existed.

So everything was decided in one day?
Yes, that's how it works. The hardest thing at that time was for my then future husband Arkady. He helped me a lot - both morally and financially. Together we scraped together some money to send me to Moscow. Work, work and work again! For the first month I lived in a hostel on Red October. This was the only place where I felt safe. I was scared to go out into a big city that was foreign to me at the time and start looking for an apartment. I thought that when it came to concluding an agreement, I would go crazy, fall into an unconscious state and my hand could sign anything. As a result, Arkady realized that we had to somehow save the situation, he came, and two weeks later we found housing.

Has Moscow managed to become your hometown?
Yes! I feel very good and comfortable here. Although before it seemed that I would never be able to live in this crazy metropolis. I once starred in Comedy Woman a long time ago, then the project was still called Made in Woman. I came to Moscow twice a month for filming and was under extreme stress. It seemed to me that this is always the case in Moscow. But it turns out that here you can work in a completely different atmosphere. And now I relax precisely when I return to Moscow. Even on vacation I remember it: what’s in our house, who should we call...

Andrey Averin, Marina Kravets, Zurab Matua and Dmitry Sorokin

provided by TNT channel

Where do you prefer to work: on stage or on the radio?
These are two different problems, and both are very interesting. When you broadcast, they don’t see you, but they listen more attentively. Therefore, you can use vocal skills, intonate, act out something with your voice... And on stage there are more opportunities to influence people visually. Sometimes a small facial movement is enough to be noticed and laughed in the audience. And you understand that you did everything right, you hit the mark. It's nice!

It was probably especially pleasant to work at the Comedy Club in the summer, during the filming of the new season in Jurmala.
Yes, it was great this year, and the weather was great too. It would seem that it should be distracting, but nothing like that: in the morning you can sunbathe, and then at in a great mood go to filming. And last year I was completely stressed, I never even went to the sea! I felt wildly responsible for what was happening - this was my first experience of working in front of an audience of two thousand in Jurmala. In addition, I saw that few people in the room understood who I was and what I was. And I was terribly nervous.

What has changed in a year?
They began to recognize me. I worked well with the guys again. Therefore, I relaxed and began to get a real buzz from work. Residents who have been performing at the Comedy Club for a long time have a certain liveliness, improvisation, and lightness. And I'm trying to learn this. And last year I approached the task very academically. It got to the point where she was punishing herself: if she didn’t memorize the text of the number, she didn’t go to the red carpet. As a result, I was only on one of the three. This year I didn’t deny myself anything. She came to one of the red carpets in a luxurious designer dress: a tight yellow top, a purple skirt with such a slit. I’ll tell you a little secret: this cut was exactly on the leg where I had a huge bruise - I don’t know where it came from. But I carefully held the dress so that nothing would get into the photographers’ lenses.

Marina is the only girl in the stern male company of residents. the site found out what the star thought about her colleagues, how she initially refused to wear makeup and why the fact that “Comedy is no longer the same” is good.

About how to get into Comedy

– By that time I had several friends at Comedy, in particular, Igor Meyerson and Sasha Nezlobin. When the idea was born to do the “Hop, Trash Can” number in a stylish jazz style, Sasha was just about to have a benefit performance. He offered to show this issue at the editorial office in Moscow - what if it ends up on the air? Well, actually, I went with this thought: “Wow, I’m the only girl who will sing on the stage of a purely male show - Comedy Club.” We filmed this number, and I also played in several more, simply because: “Listen, we need a girl!” Play Revva’s girl, you have to stand with the flower, and the others will move around you.” Then they suddenly called me and invited me again. I think: “Well, that’s it, I’m the only girl who has been to Comedy twice”! Then they started calling for more and more, and it naturally became part of some kind of work process. It was interesting, exciting and very enjoyable.

Photo by Igor Novikov

About your own numbers and colleagues

– If I turn on TNT4 and Comedy is on there, I always leave it with pleasure! I got to my numbers a couple of times: “Hop, Trashcan”, “Blues Singer”, “Disco Goddess”. It's very funny to watch your colleagues! I really like how the guys have changed in appearance. In particular, Andrei Averin has changed in better side– lost weight and many were even worried that because of this he would become less funny. But since Andrei loves sweets very much, he is slowly becoming funny again. Dima Lyusek Sorokin has finally grown his eyebrows, and they organically fit into his overall look. The men have become real men, and I am very pleased to be in such an environment.

About change

– Outwardly I have changed, I like the way I look much better now. Yes, and before I was a little closed. When I first came from St. Petersburg to Moscow to participate in a Comedy Club act, I remember saying: “No, you don’t need to do anything with your hair, just put makeup on me!” No, less cosmetics! And now I’ve cut my hair off and come to a more natural look. By the way, some residents not only began to look better, but also actually looked younger, Sasha Revva, for example. Take him eight years ago, when he still had shoulder-length hair - well, he looked 20 years older than he does now. Then he played the grandmother without makeup, and the audience believed him. Time often changes people for the better.

Photo by Igor Novikov

About expectations and reality

– I remember I had a thought about Pasha Volya - how dare he communicate like that? You may not like Kirkorov, but he is already famous. And who are you? I heard that Kirkorov was almost the first star to come to the Comedy Club party. Perhaps he just had a free Thursday (laughs). And later, when I got to know Pasha better, I realized that he was very intelligent and sincere. He just loved to be rude to people from stage to face. But speaking a little more seriously, in Comedy there is no random people. On stage we are all the same as in life. Not sad clowns who go on stage and pretend to be something funny. We look at many things in life through the prism of humor and a certain amount of cynicism. It’s very funny for us, even when we’re just getting together in the office to eat, think about material, or celebrate someone’s birthday. Comedy Club is already a way of life.

Elena Kravets is an actress, TV presenter, creator of a clothing brand for pregnant women and - finally - just a beauty! But what is she like now? the main role?

"Lisa": Lena, you studied to be an economist and became an actress. Did this childhood dream win?

Elena: Until I was 14, I performed at home in front of the mirror when I was alone. She loved to wear her mother’s dress and shoes and imagined herself as a superstar. My first public performance took place at school, at a parody competition: I sang “to Valeria,” copying her movements and articulation. My debut was successful, and I began to dream of entering the theater. I took this issue seriously and even chose two among many institutes - the Shchukin School and VGIK. But fortunately, my mother quickly brought me down to earth. She insisted that I first get an education in Krivoy Rog. I listened to her, and I don’t regret it one bit.

L: Can you imagine your life outside of Kvartal-95? Ever wanted to go your own way?

E: I tried it. But working as a financial economist quickly made it clear that this was not for me. By the way, Vova (Zelensky - Ed.)– one of those who had a hand in ensuring that I ultimately decided on my vocation. He didn’t persuade me, I was mentally ready to leave work. It just gave me confidence that I could provide for myself.

L: When was yours born? eldest daughter Masha, you were at the start of your career and worked a lot. Do you regret now that you didn’t get to spend enough time with your baby?

E: Honestly, I don’t like to remember those eight months that Masha and I lived apart. Seryozha (husband - Ed.) and I just arrived in Kyiv and could not transport the child as well. It was really hard. Of course, I feel guilty towards Masha about the long departures and filming, but it seems to me that she understands me. Our relationship with her is genuine. I'm always honest with her, I never pretend, for example, good mood if it's bad for me. And she, thank God, is also sincere with me.

L: Today you are a mother of many children! How do you cope with twins?

E: We're doing great. Of course, part of the load falls on the nannies, but Masha also spends a lot of time with the kids. They are incredibly interesting to watch. Despite the fact that they were born a few minutes apart, they are completely different in character and thus complement each other. Vanechka is curious and very active, and Katya is a little philosopher who likes to keep quiet.

photos provided by the editors of Panorama magazine

L: Are you a strict mother? Do you limit your children in any way?

E: It seems to me that I am a sensitive mother, and my children are the same. You can always come to an agreement with them; they feel me on some cosmic level. They say that children are given to us either for experience or for joy. So, my husband and I’s children were given to us for joy. And I don’t see the point in punishments. Masha is approachable, peaceful, and easily compromises. I also don’t like conflicts, it’s completely not in my nature.

L: Do you have to abandon projects now?

E: You have to say “no,” sometimes more often than usual. Priorities are now dictated by nature itself – feminine and maternal. But filming, touring, rehearsals are that part of my life that appeared even before children, and I’m not ready to completely give it up with their appearance. Therefore, I equally enjoy being at home, spending time with my family and kids, reading while they sleep, cooking something delicious, as well as working on a new look or going on tour.

L: Can you give advice to those who are faced with the choice of “career or family”?

E: It all depends on what you really want. The decision is from the heart and will be correct. When internal contradictions are weaker and quieter than the feeling of happiness that you like to live this way every day, then there will be no feeling of guilt. And when a woman is happy, everyone in the house is happy. And I am simply convinced of this.

Marina Kravets (33) was lucky to be the only girl in the Comedy Club on TNT. But is it as fun as it seems from the outside? IN exclusive interview PEOPLETALK Marina told how she survives in a male team and why she sometimes dreams of escaping from this “pirate ship.”

You are the only girl in the male kingdom called Comedy Club. Have you been on the same page with guys since childhood? Or is this a new experience for you?

Almost all my life, with the exception of school, I was surrounded by guys: in the KVN team “Simples”, in the groups Mary and band and NotNet, on St. Petersburg radio “Rox” and on Comedy Radio #comedyradio. What can I say – I even grew up with two brothers! Apparently, this is my calling - to be a defector in a male company.

But you do it well! By the way, who and when suggested you to become a permanent resident?

Husband at the end of 2009. We realized that we can make money on this. Besides, I always loved to sing, and at the Comedy Club you can do it on stage and in front of the camera. So all the benefits!

How is your typical day like?

I start every morning with water! I turn it on and wash my face. After that, I, fresh, check the news to see if the Comedy Club has been closed down, and go to breakfast. Then I tell my husband that I’m going for a run, and I go to the nearest pastry shop. And then everything is standard - work, shopping, photo shoots, milking cows followed by tasting, a new tattoo and returning home.

You mentioned the closure of the Comedy Club. Now all the fans of the show are frozen in fear... Are there any prerequisites for this?

Sooner or later, Moscow will run out of red-haired Brazilians, whom the guys demand to be delivered to the dressing room along with packets of whipped cream before filming, and this will lead to collapse. (Laughs.) First, of course, the cream will run out. But seriously, the residents do things that don’t fit into any framework! Sometimes I’m even embarrassed to rehearse with them, let alone perform on the same stage. Sometimes I feel like I've landed on a pirate ship.


Already on the approaches to the Comedy Club Production office, any normal person will think that Moscow is covered in smog. Further - worse! Instead of the aromatic smell of coffee, a friendly “Hello, can I help you with something?” and the uninterrupted knocking of the keys on the keyboard, you hear strange sounds coming from the office of Garik Martirosyan (43) and similar to something between the prayers of lepers and the exorcism of the devil. And only later do you realize that he did not inflict one of the tortures of the Inquisition on the guilty employee, but listens new album some rap artist...

Horrible! In this situation, you can find only one advantage - you don’t have to stand in line for the women’s restroom.

Unfortunately, the residents are based on the third and fourth floors of the office, and there are only men's toilets, so I have to run up four flights of stairs, exit the building, travel two stops on a minibus, and then the need sometimes loses its relevance...

How do you survive with guys on tour?

I have already adapted to survive in any, even wild male conditions, besides, everywhere has its advantages!


Well, for example... (There was a long pause.)

For the last couple of years, I have completely unexpectedly gotten sick right on February 23rd. But in 2017, we finally gathered our strength, the girls from the office and the liberated red-haired Brazilians, and we threw the guys a beer party, for which Nikita from USB even dressed up as a Bavarian girl. It was great: the beer flowed like a river, the sausages flew away one after another (mainly thanks to Kharlamov: he turns out to be great at throwing sausages!), and the smell of fish disappeared from the room for another three days.

In 2017, I received from them 50 bouquets of tulips, four bags, two dresses and even one ring. They never skimp on emoticons in correspondence! And on stage during congratulations anything can happen! For my birthday, they somehow hit me with a cake - it was unexpected and delicious. And, even though the dress was rented, I tried to clean it up a little: I peeled off the berries and nuts and ate them!

What do you think, if you, the entire Comedy Club lineup, ended up at desert island Which one of you would last the longest?

Garik Martirosyan or Pavel Volya. They were able to last the longest at the Comedy Club. Garik Kharlamov (36) would be least happy about this news, because it is unlikely that in dense thickets he would have found Wi-Fi and been able to play Clash of Clans. And most of all, this news would inspire Dmitry “Lyuska” Sorokin (36). This would solve his eternal dilemma: move to Moscow or still stay in Tambov.

Can you afford an apartment in Moscow? Do comedians actually get paid much? Where do you keep your money?

For now, I keep money only in my thoughts... As for making money, everything is learned by comparison. So, compared to the untold wealth of Garik Martirosyan, we all have something to strive for.

But have you already secured a decent old age for yourself?

Are you wondering if I bought myself a house on the ocean and put some of the money in a savings account? So far, I’ve only caused myself a nervous breakdown a couple of times, trying to explain to the guys why it’s more comfortable for me to go on tour separately from them and that “and I’m Nikita” should only use my own cosmetics!

Touring, endless travel, filming... Have you long ago discovered the dark side of fame? Have you ever offered money for a dinner together or a candid photo?

One day Demis Karibidis (34) offered me to buy a photograph in which he was captured in a translucent bodysuit... I decided not to discover it for myself dark side, that’s why the envelope with the photo remains unopened. And the rest is mine " star life"is quite ordinary and adequate. As you understand, unlike Demis.

How do you feel about criticism?

And what is wrong? Do you have any complaints?

No, I’m just curious how you feel about...

I'm fine! Next question!

OK. Then let's move on to the main question that worries everyone - can a sense of humor be developed or trained?

Certainly! Any professional athlete without regular exercise will very quickly lose shape. The same applies to professional comedians. So this is a unique case when the words “training” and Garik Kharlamov can appear in the same sentence and not contradict each other.

What else would you like to do? What haven't you tried yet?

Patchwork. I'm not into patchwork at all! And felting. And we haven’t sung with Nezlobin yet (33). Yes: Nezlobin, patchwork and felting. And Nordic walking.

What do you like most about Comedy Club?

Jokes aside, but, firstly, it’s a general cheerful mood. Secondly, mutual assistance. Thirdly, the opportunity to ask older comrades for advice and money. Fourthly, not all guys drink. And finally, Batrutdinov (39)!

What are your plans for the future?

This summer I'm going to build up my strength and patience for September. After all, serious changes are coming to the Comedy Club in the fall, and you need to be prepared for any development of events! Therefore, immediately after the interview I will go and apply my makeup.

How often do you need breaks like this? Are there times when you want to give up on everything and run away?

Sometimes you just want to escape from this pirate ship. But we have all already sailed too far from the shore.