What are the names of all the characters from Tokyo Ghoul. Juzo Suzuya (Tokyo Ghoul)

Manga Universe " Tokyo Ghoul "takes us to an alternative modern Japan, to the streets of Tokyo, where side by side with people live creatures that look no different from an ordinary person, called ghouls, whose food is people. Ghouls are distinguished by enormous physical strength, high regeneration rates, and their bodies are quite strong, so they cannot be wounded by conventional weapons. The creatures themselves have unique weapons - kagune, which is released after they turn into their true form.

While for most people ghouls are bloodthirsty, ruthless monsters, people for most ghouls are weak-willed cattle. But not all ghouls are like this, there is also a group among them that wants to live in peace with people. These include the workers of the Anteiku cafe - Toka, Yoshimura and others. But there are also extremely hostile ghouls who consider themselves to be something of a superior race, such as the Aogiri Tree, an organization that rules in the 11th region. Depending on their aggressiveness towards people and power, ghouls are divided into six classes: starting from the weakest C and ending with the most dangerous and strong - SSS.

To combat such a dangerous enemy of humanity, the government created a special organization CCG, whose investigators destroy ghouls using a special weapon - the quinque. The Quinque is a weapon based on the kagune of defeated ghouls. Thus, the features, form and strength of the quinca depend on the characteristics of the original kagune.

The main character of this story is a young first-year university student - Kaneki Ken, modest, reserved, bookworm. One day Kaneki was lucky enough to go on a date with a beautiful girl. Walking her home, he learns the hard way about the existence of ghouls, because his passion turns out to be none other than one of them. But he is saved from death by a “happy accident” of a collapse at a construction site. At the hospital, Kaneki is transplanting the organs of a girl who died next to him... a ghoul.

Kaneki's life is falling apart. A terrible, irresistible hunger falls heavily on him, while ordinary food simply makes him vomit. This is how Kaneki becomes half ghoul and half human. Where is his place now? Kaneki has to find out what he is and find new goal in life? Whose side will Kaneki take in this eternal war?

Review of Manga "Tokyo Ghoul"

The plot itself Tokyo Ghoul"as old as the world itself. There is nothing new in it: the confrontation between demons and human race, which ultimately ends in the eruption of a huge conflict - may seem familiar, but this is only part of the story that the author is telling us. In addition, Isis managed to make the hackneyed plot completely original.

Here we are met with horror that does not disappoint and, unlike many other stories in this genre, chapter after chapter the tension only increases, and the dark horror does not leave the pages. From the first page to the end of the arc, and indeed the entire manga as a whole, it is full of disgusting, creepy moments and imbued with human fear of ghouls. Monsters are hiding among people, they could be anyone! A girl running to meet you teddy bear, or an old man with a newspaper on a bench. They are overcome by a hunger for human flesh, and their mighty strength and deadly weapons known as kagune, which stretch out like sharp tentacles in the hunt for prey, are designed to inspire awe. And here is the other side of the coin: the perception of the situation, the world on behalf of the ghouls, helps to overcome this tension and horror.

Strong characters. The characters themselves - their individual appearance and personalities - are unique, which also plays into the hands of the story. Moreover, the author very subtly draws out the characteristics of each and gives enough information about each character to make us not indifferent to their fate, fill us with sympathy and empathy, connecting us with them with strong emotional ties. The ambiguity of the characters is very interesting. Here it is worth noting the amazing work done by the mangaka, who managed to equally endear the reader to both people and ghouls, showing that both have light and dark sides, strength and weakness. It soon becomes clear that there are good guys and bad guys among both species.

The ghouls themselves are also very interesting. Judge for yourself, these are not hackneyed vampires, werewolves or zombies, stories about which are as old as time. Here a completely different, new, never-before-seen “monster” comes onto the scene - a ghoul. Outwardly indistinguishable from a person with approximately the same life expectancy, the same mortal. Let it be a little more durable, with high regeneration and enormous power, but still not so different. To survive, this species is forced to feed on human flesh or the flesh of its own kind. Hopelessness this fact sometimes makes you feel a little compassion for monsters.

Sharp transitions are not uncommon here: at one moment the mood is heightened when we witness a feast of ghouls devouring human flesh, and the next moment we are transported to a flashback in which we are immersed in a story about heroes, which instantly changes the mood, and with it evokes completely different emotions. It's done so subtly and smoothly that the contrast doesn't seem forced.

Most of the scenes in the manga are drawn in dark colors. Guli hunt in dark alleys, and beautifully drawn scenes and the facial expressions of the characters allow us to highlight moments of pure horror.

The play of colors makes you feel the difference between the safe world of people and the dangerous world of ghouls. So, when Kaneki is at the university with his friend Hide, we see white sheets, and when he is immersed in the world of ghouls or faces a terrible opponent, they turn black. This stylistic feature distinguishes manga from other similar stories.

But don't let the screenshots fool you! The drawing of Isis is quite rough and largely lacks details; sometimes the battle scenes are especially hard to understand. But, in some miraculous way, this does not matter and does not make the manga any less attractive. After all, manga does not live by drawing alone!

The plot is constantly evolving and keeps the reader in wild suspense from chapter to chapter. The manga is full of bloody battles and dynamically developing events. Every now and then new ones appear in history. interesting characters, in general, you won’t be bored here. With each chapter, we are revealed more and more information about the world of ghouls, about the CCG investigators, but nevertheless without overloading the reader with empty chatter.

Also pleasing here is the evolution of the main character, who from a kind of insecure, pathetic quiet person at some point turns into a strong fighter who is taken into account, from a weak victim into a ruthless hunter.

« Tokyo Ghoul"is an outright action-horror, a rather intense psychological thriller, a brutal story woven from pain and suffering. There is nothing cute, funny, nothing good happens here, just a oppressive gloomy atmosphere, guts and blood everywhere. This is a story for lovers of the goosebump-piercing, inexorable animal fear that permeates everything here.


The best assessment of the manga is that it is constantly in the top sales. So, the art is the weakest link here, although it is passable. The dynamics of the plot, its unexpected twists and unsurpassed originality and detail of the characters make the manga “” exactly the way millions love it.

Creators of the Manga "Tokyo Ghoul"

« Tokyo Ghoul“This is by no means a story about the struggle between good and evil. In fact, the “red thread” here is the question: what do you understand by good and evil, what do you consider good and bad, that if we do something bad, with the goal of ultimately helping someone, will it be considered as good or still evil? It is this struggle that burns inside the main character throughout the story. What makes us human?

Not long ago I posted a review of the first season of Tokyo Ghoul. You can find it at . In short, the anime turned out to be good, although not without some small flaws, such as a ragged plot or huge amount unrevealed characters. The first season of Tokyo Ghoul is still subject to a barrage of criticism from manga fans, but people who haven’t read the manga may like it (I know from personal experience). But then the gentlemen-screenwriters decided to give us a surprise, and released a misunderstanding called Tokyo Ghoul √A ("Tokyo Ghoul TV-2"), which is a direct continuation of the events of the first season...

Brief information

Tokyo GhoulA— 12-episode anime produced by the studio Studio Pierrot in 2015. As you can see, both the first and second seasons of Tokyo Ghoul were produced by the same studio, which is actually surprising considering the dissatisfaction among fans about the first season. You may ask why I called Tokyo GhoulA misunderstanding? The answer is simple - the scriptwriters decided not to adapt the ready-made manga plot, but came up with their own. And well, their version of the story would be better, or at least at the level of the manga. But no, they failed miserably and turned a great story into an obscene farce, which you can only watch while shedding tears of blood. However, first things first.


I'll start, as usual, with the main character, Kaneki Ken. I remember in a previous review I called it the weakest point of Tokyo Ghoul. Who would have thought that this character can be even more annoying. It would seem that he had ceased to be a useless weakling, the situation should have improved. However, the pathos that the screenwriters endowed him with in return only causes more irritation. Yes, I would rather watch a weak character crying on every corner than a strong one, whose every action causes an overdose of pathos. Ah, this unhappy face, looking into the distance with a tired look. Oh, these arrogant phrases like “I want to become stronger to protect everyone. If I don't get stronger, everyone will die." . Moreover, even despite the strength he has gained, Kaneki still manages to beat everyone to the punch.

Apart from the dull protagonist, in keeping with the worst traditions of the first season, us continue to throw in crowds minor characters , which appear for five minutes only to disappear into thin air. However, if in the first season their appearance was at least somehow justified by the plot, then in Tokyo Ghoul √A they do not explain to us at all where the new heroes came from and for what purpose they appeared. First, twins with red eyes, then some pumped-up Mongol handing out cabbage soup to the unfortunate Kaneki, then a blond man with a red scarf - who they were, why the hell they were doing what they were doing was absolutely unclear to me. And the most disgusting thing is that the anime characters (unlike us) know each other, which puts the viewer in an even more uncomfortable position: like we’ve known each other for a long time, but you don’t need to know about our past, figure it out yourself. Rare disrespect.


He became even more inappropriate. Why do characters do certain things? Why the hell was it necessary to save Jason's inadequate henchman? Why did Kaneki need to break into the prison and fight the Mongol? Any episode now consists of either useless conversations or unnecessary fights. And it’s hard for me to decide which of the above was more boring to watch. Especially when you consider that the outcome of most battles is completely illegal. I still don’t understand how ordinary people, even armed with weapons (kagunes) that resemble swords or axes, can fight ghouls on equal terms. However, in the anime there are scenes where Amon fights alone against 20-30 ghouls, armed with two one-handed swords. In general, it’s strange.

There are hundreds of similar minor omissions/shortcomings/jambs in the plot. Perhaps it was because of them that the plot could not develop into a single pleasant picture, and looks like a broken vase that they were too lazy to glue back together. And this is even more striking given the fact that the plot in Tokyo Ghoul √A does not coincide with the plot of the manga. So why the hell couldn’t you even bring your own plot to a sane state? It's one thing to attribute mistakes to the source, but another when you, for some unknown reason, discard the source and invent your own story based on it.

I cannot help but mention once again the increased amount of pathos. It’s not just Kaneki who is guilty of this: now literally every character begins to utter sublime phrases. Ooh, I want to become stronger . Ooh, If we had met under different circumstances, we would have had a heart-to-heart talk. Ooh, I will fight in the name of humanity/father/sister/second cousin . All this with serious facial expressions and arrogant poses. It's like watching ten episodes of Naruto again.


She stayed on the same high level . On the one hand, this fact is pleasing, because there is an extra reason to watch Tokyo Ghoul √A. On the other hand, it becomes a shame that all the efforts and talent of the artists are smashed against a wall of mediocre story and unclear characters. It's like shooting sparrows from a cannon. Not even guns, but with the help of a nuclear warhead, because the art in Tokyo Ghoul √A is really good. If the writers had come up with a decent plot, if they had used the characters wisely, we could have ended up with a potential masterpiece. But, as they say, it’s not fate.


My opinions on the art also apply to the musical design. It is in no way inferior to the level of the first season. The only drawback I found is terrible opening. I've never seen an opening that I wanted to rewind after the first viewing. Muddy song, mediocre picture - the complete opposite of the first season. Perhaps I just didn't understand the trick. If we ignore the opening, the rest of the music is very cool. A killer guitar and piano combination was used that always sounds amazing.


Characters - 2.0. Old characters don't develop, and new ones even less so. Kaneki is more annoying than in the first season.

Plot - 2.0. The script written is disgusting and completely illogical. Why couldn't they just use the manga and follow it completely?

Drawing - 9.0. Approximately at the level of the first season - everything is also pleasing to the eye.

Music - 10.0. Gorgeous. Guitar + piano = success.

Pretentiousness -over 9999. That's the thing, but it's hard to compete with Tokyo Ghoul √A in terms of pathos.


If the first season can be interesting to a person who has not read the original manga, then when watching the second season, any viewer will feel that something went wrong during the screening. The concentration of pathos has increased significantly, and there is even less logic in the behavior of the characters and the events taking place than in the first season. There is so little of it that even excellent art and music are no longer sufficient reasons to recommend Tokyo Ghoul √A for viewing. It is strictly contraindicated for manga fans to watch. Those who liked the first season can check it out to find out what happens next, but don't expect any quality development of the story. Both in terms of plot and in terms of characters, the second season is an order of magnitude worse than the first (and this is provided that in the first season these characteristics were weak points). I'm disappointed.


Rudean, special for site

Review of the anime Tokyo Ghoul √A (“Tokyo Ghoul TV-2”) was last modified: September 9th, 2018 by Rudean

This summer turned out to be much more fruitful than last, which is why there were much more worthwhile anime. You will learn about some of them in this and subsequent reviews. This time the choice fell on the film adaptation of Ishida Sui’s manga “Tokyo Ghoul” of the same name. The series is designed for 12 episodes, which have already successfully ended and are waiting for their viewer. Well, as we all know, today the easiest way is online.

The anime begins with two school friends sitting peacefully in a cafe and discussing girls. The scene is everyday for almost every person with a personal life, except when you are sitting and writing a review.

But in fact, in this world, in addition to people, there also live not quite people - Ghouls. They eat people, but at the same time have human appearance and intelligence. Significant difference The same thing about people is that they have great physical strength, and killing them is a difficult task.

However, let's return to our young people who are sitting at a table and discussing one girl. Some mysterious girl Every day he comes to this cafe with another book. And one of the guys, Kaneki Ken, liked it, and he himself really likes to read. In general, the possible couple has topics to talk about. His friend, more active and cheerful (as it should be for an anime), is an adviser to our “Romeo”. After a short conversation, they agreed that just staring at the girl was not enough.

But then something happened that any guy in love dreams of, the girl decided to meet him (this is almost the same as she will be the first to write to you on VKontakte, but only with her legs and next to you). And the guy and the girl even communicated well, until the moment when Kaneki decided to accompany Riza near dark alleys and a construction site. Just at that moment the girl decided that her boyfriend smelled very nice and could be eaten.

In reality, Riza turned out to be a Ghoul and a very strong Ghoul. Already lying on construction debris with several holes in his body, the guy managed to say goodbye to everyone he knew, but an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances and the building blocks fly to Riza.

Thus, the cannibal who brought fear to Tokyo was eliminated. But the guy survived and was sent for surgery. Only the doctor turned out to be on his own and transplanted Gul Kaneki’s organs. As a result, the patient turned out to be more than alive and after some time went from sick leave to his home.

Even in the hospital, Kaneki ate practically nothing, but at home it turned out that the problem was him, and not the food. After some thought, it becomes clear that the survivor has become a Ghoul and needs human meat. However, human consciousness rebels against this.

What do I think about Tokyo Rumble

Curious what it is so far only job Ishida Sui and I must admit, she turned out to be very strong and interesting. The plot is really compelling, as is the violence in the anime. At the same time, I would like to hope that the author will not pursue easy money in the future by drawing the same type love stories. Instead, he should continue in the same direction.

As for not the content, but the name - “Tokyo Ghoul”, it fits very well; in fact, almost all Russian-language anime sites left it that way, where you can always watch free anime online. And here, special thanks to our Russian film search for the name “Tokyo Monster”. It may be true, but it sounds like something out of a cheap comedy movie.

If you look at the reaction of the Russian-speaking anime community and their opinions in the comments, it is divided into two polar points of view. The former adore the released series, the latter are trying to trample the entire plot and characters into the mud. I don't understand such passions.

However, the fact that “Tokyo Ghoul” evokes such emotions among people once again shows that the creators managed to touch the audience. However, comparing it to series like " ”, which some particularly zealous commentators do, is still not worth it, these anime are too much about different things. And before you continue reading this post, remember that any review is largely the opinion of one single person.

As for the narration of the plot, I must admit it turned out to be very uneven. Some episodes turned out to be much stronger than subsequent ones. This fact has a serious impact. A common phenomenon has occurred where a director is unable to create a cohesive product. It turned out that “Tokyo Ghoul” starts and ends very cheerfully. However, the middle of the series ends up being smoother and calmer than it needs to be. This could be forgiven for the series, however, some viewers may be thrown off track by the narrative. It can be especially upsetting for those who would like to watch the characters fight, rather than their soul-searching.

They pull out the anime, as I said, the beginning and end of the picture. The first creates the desired atmosphere and sets several important issues in the plot. This essentially forces you to watch the middle of the series, because some things you only learn there. The ending will make any viewer, including me, wait for the continuation. By the way, the second season of the series will appear on screens in January 2015.

At the same time, the ending of the first season can be easily divided into two parts: the bloody one - episode 11, the psychological one - episode 12. But even here I have one question. If there are no complaints about episode 11, then why is episode 12 so reminiscent of the ending? ? At least, this is created according to personal feelings.

In fact, the plot is not weak, and if you look at it in comparison with many other anime, then “Tokyo Ghoul” can be praised for its content. After all, we are told not just the story of monsters and their hunters. Here each side has its own truth, for which they fight. It will never be clear until the end who is more humane in the series, people or ghouls. The image of Kaneki is more like an outside observer than the main character. He comes to the forefront only at the end of the season.

Actually, we have come to the weakest moment of the entire story, namely the characters. There is a feeling that many heroes simply did not get enough playing time. Somewhere there are hints about the stories of minor characters in this series, and the viewer is forced to only guess from vague phrases. For other characters, the motives turn out to be too simple or limited to “evil because evil.” Such explanations were not enough for me.

佐々木 琲世 Sasaki Haise) is the main character, an eighteen-year-old freshman who becomes half-ghoul due to an organ transplant from a deceased ghoul, Ridze. After the operation, Kaneki realizes that something incomprehensible is happening to him: he is disgusted by ordinary food, so he realizes that he became a ghoul when he learned that he was transplanted with the organs of the girl who died next to him. Kaneki tries to hide the fact that he is a ghoul by trying to live a normal life, but he ends up working as a waiter at the Anteiku Cafe, which supplies ghouls with human flesh. He adopted several characteristics of Ridze: the left eye of a ghoul, the power of regeneration and the inability to digest food common to humans. Until he met other ghouls, he considered them cruel creatures and thought that if he was not completely a ghoul, but no longer human, then he had no place in this world. Kaneki enjoys reading books and is usually quiet and reserved. He likes to trust strangers, which is why his life is often in danger. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye, which reveals his ghoul characteristics. After the battle between Aogiri and the CCG, Kaneki left Anteiku and founded his own team of ghouls, finding out why he became a half-ghoul. In the second season of Tokyo Ghoul, Kaneki told Toka that he was leaving Anteiku and going to Aogiri. After leaving, he began working with Ayato.

Kaneki was eventually defeated by Arima, after which, without memories of the past, he begins new life. Kaneki's new identity is a first-class investigator in the CCG, a mentor of the Quinx squad (under the supervision of Akira Mado and Kisho Arima) and a part-time member of Mado's special team. Haise appears to be a reliable person, a good-natured and at the same time self-sufficient partner who shows interest in his work. He is dedicated and faithful. Haise loves to take care of the Quinxes, respects them and promised to protect them. Sasaki, like Kaneki, loves free time read books, he is very friendly and prefers to work and achieve heights in the CCG with his group than alone. When Haise and Mado were at the Naan restaurant, he showed his habit of "playing on words". Haise also has a habit of scratching his head when he is confused, uncomfortable, or unable to find a solution. Because of his soft-heartedness, Haise often has problems with his subordinates, who difficult situation cannot rely on him and disobey his orders, worried about their own safety. Even though Kaneki had previously accepted his ghoul identity, Haise is unable to cope with it: he is disgusted with his ghoul side, despite repeatedly trying to accept it. In battle, Haise is often quick to think and has good deduction skills. In fact, Sasaki wants to learn about himself and regain his old memories, but he fears that because of this he may lose his new friends and the memories of them.

During the battle at Tsukiyama's headquarters, he regains his memory and finally remembers everything. In the middle of the season, after the battle with Suzuya, he turns into a large caterpillar formed from his Kagune, which subsequently separates and with which the heroes fight almost until the end of the season.

Voiced by: Natsuki Hanae

Touka Kirishima (Japanese: 霧嶋董香 Kirishima To:ka) - main character, a sixteen-year-old ghoul girl. She works part-time at Anteiku Cafe and goes to school. She manages to integrate well into human society because she believes it is important to keep the fact that she is a ghoul a secret. She is sometimes vindictive, and her actions usually appear reckless, like those of a person with a penchant for violence. At first she hated Kaneki, because she believed that he would never understand what it was like to be a ghoul from birth, but soon became Kaneki's partner in training fighting skills. Shows feelings for Kaneki after his rescue from the 11th district. Takes on the role of Hinami's guardian after her parents are killed by investigators. Has ornithophobia (fear of birds). In Tokyo Ghoul: re she is also a waitress, but her character has become calmer.

Voiced by: Sora Amamiya

Rize Kamishiro (Japanese: 神代利世 Kamishiro Rize) - a girl Kaneki met in a cafe. Rize lured Kaneki out on a date to eat him, but Rize's plan failed when beams fell on her and she died. Her organs are transplanted into Kaneki to save his life because he suffered greatly after Rize's attack. Before this incident, Ridze was known as one of the most powerful and merciless ghouls. Like Kaneki, Ridze was a member of Anteiku and loved to read. Later it became known that Ridze was actually alive.

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa

Nishiki Nishio (Japanese: 西尾錦 Nishio Nishiki) - a sophomore at the same university where Kaneki studies. He is arrogant and irritable, and does not like it when teenagers talk to him. He does not like it when ghouls invade his area, and is also hostile towards other ghouls. He began working as a waiter at the Anteiku cafe after the incident with Shu Tsukiyama. He loves his girlfriend, Kimi Nishino, very much. Nishiki is a loner and a pretty good fighter; ghouls try to avoid fighting with him even in a group. Like Touka, Nishiki is good at hiding his ghoul identity while still being quite famous at the university. In Tokyo Ghoul: re, he went to Aogiri and began to live under the identity of a ghoul with the nickname "Snake".

Voiced by: Shintaro Asanuma

Shu Tsukiyama (Japanese: 月山習 Tsukiyama Shu:) - one of the most problematic ghouls of the twentieth district, even some ghouls try to avoid meeting him. Known as a "gourmet" among investigators who can't catch him. He is part of the "ghoul restaurant", known under the pseudonym MM. Shows himself to be a strong, cunning and smug ghoul. Among other things, Tsukiyama likes to dress fashionably and use phrases in English, Spanish, French or Italian. He looks quite athletic and knows a lot about martial arts. In Tokyo Ghoul: re, he fell into depression due to the fact that he “lost” Kaneki, as a result of which he lost his sense of smell.

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano

Yoshimura (Japanese: 芳村)- the manager of the Anteiku cafe in the twentieth district, is a ghoul. In fact, he is a kind and reasonable person who helps ghouls who are not capable of killing people themselves to obtain human flesh. Convinced Kaneki that his balance between ghoul and human is more of an advantage than a disadvantage, teaching him the subtleties that will help him coexist with ordinary people in society. In his youth he was known as "Cousin". He is an SSS rank ghoul - Owl, that is, the strongest ghoul, along with his daughter Eto.

Voiced by: Takayuki Sugo

Uta (Japanese: ウタ)- An old friend of Renji and Itori. Has its own art studio in the fourth district, where he creates masks and headbands for other ghouls. He has many tattoos and piercings on his body. He also has a tattoo on his neck with the inscription Greek. NεΧ ποσσυμ ΤεΧυμ ωΙωερε, νεΧ σΙνε Τε.(in the original it is Latin proverb, written in Greek letters lat. Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te., lit. “I can’t live - neither with you nor without you.”). He is also a member of a large group of ghouls, the Clowns.

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai

Renji Yomo (Japanese: 四方蓮示 Yomo Renji) - Yoshimura's right hand, old friend of Uta and Itori. Because of his scavenger habits and winged kagune, Yomo earned the nickname "Raven". A tall, strongly built man with silver hair and a heavy, stony gaze. He usually wears a long coat and a black T-shirt, which he kept from his days in the 4th district. His mask is similar to a respirator with a design strongly reminiscent of a bird's beak. Calm and reserved man; in the past, he was a hot-tempered ghoul obsessed with revenge and a lust for violence. In Tokyo Ghoul: re, he became the manager of the new café "re".

Voiced by: Yuichi Nakamura

Hinami Fueguchi (Japanese: 笛口 雛実 Fueguchi Hinami) - a 14-year-old ghoul girl. She came to the twentieth district with her mother when her father was killed by investigators. She is very shy and shy, but shows her thirst for knowledge, even though she is not allowed to attend school. Hinami meets Kaneki at Anteiku, where he helps her learn some new kanji. After the death of her mother at the hands of Mado, Hinami begins to live with Tohka. Loves the same author as Kaneki, she is interested in new things. Has heightened sense sense of smell, which is several times greater than that of ordinary ghouls. In the second season of the manga, for unknown reasons, she joined Aogiri.

Voiced by: Sumire Morohoshi

Itori (Japanese: イトリ Itori) - An old friend of Renji and Uta. She can be found at the Helter Skelter bar, where she makes money in the information web of the underworld. Itori is overly friendly and talkative. She loves to have fun and is even capable of some mischief. Uses people as puppets to get the information she needs. He is a member of the Clowns gang of ghouls.

Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki

Ayato Kirishima (Japanese: 霧嶋絢都 Kirishima Ayato) - Toki's younger brother, grew up with her in the twentieth district, but suddenly disappeared. Currently a member of Aogiri, he hates investigators. Arrogant, like Toka, excessively cruel. He hates his father, and also Kaneki, because he looks like him. Ayato and Tohka have similar habits and look alike. The CCG is known as "Black Rabbit" - an SS rank ghoul who kills ghoul investigators. In Tokyo Ghoul: re, he remained in Aogiri and acquired a team that included Hinami Fueguchi and the ghoul Torso.

Voiced by: Yuki Kaji

Yakumo Omori (Japanese: 大守八雲 About: Mori Yakumo) - Member of Aogiri (nicknamed Yamori or Jason). A maniacal ghoul who loves to bully weak ghouls. in different ways. Before joining Aogiri, he was captured and tortured every day, but escaped by killing his tormentor. He brutally tortured Kaneki in order to break him, which he succeeded in, but thereby made things worse for himself. Possesses special kind kagune - kakuja. Defeated by Kaneki and killed by Suzuya. Through his torture he helped Kaneki increase his strength.

Voiced by: Rintaro Nishi

Tatara (Japanese: タタラ)- Member of Aogiri. Deputy of the "One-Eyed King", leader of Aogiri. Always wears a mask.

Voiced by: Koji Yusa

Nucky (Japanese: ナキ)- Member of Aogiri. For a long time he was detained in a ghoul detention center, until members of Aogiri staged a raid there. Was right hand Yamori had the utmost respect for him, calling him "Divine Bro".

Voiced by: Hiro Shimono

"The One-Eyed King"- leader of Aogiri, at first the identity was unknown, but then it turned out that this character was invented by Eto and Arima. When Eto and Arima died, Kaneki became him.

This (Japanese: エト)- One-eyed owl, daughter of Yoshimura and member of Aogiri. Eto often comes into contact with his fellow Aogiri Tatara. Her relationship with the One-Eyed King is unknown, but the CCG believes that It and the One-Eyed King are the same person. Among other things, she is a writer under the pseudonym Sen Takatsuki. She wrote the favorite books of Kaneki, Ridze and Hinami.

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto


Kotaro Amon (Japanese: 亜門鋼太朗 Amon Ko:taro:) - First class investigator, hunts ghouls, friend of Mado. He has an inexhaustible sense of justice, considers it his duty to make the “wrong world” right by exterminating ghouls, because of which children become orphans, like himself. He loves his job, often conducting research after hours, and after the murder of his ghoul hunting partner, Mado, he begins to work even harder, and Mado's daughter becomes his partner. At the end of the first season of the manga, Kaneki was seriously injured and most likely killed by Tatara, but perhaps he, like Takizawa, was taken to Dr. Kano’s laboratory to create new “Owls”.

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi

Kureo Mado (Japanese: 真戸呉緒 Mado Kureo) - First class investigator, hunted ghouls with Kotaro. Experienced and ruthless in combat, it is a challenge even for powerful ghouls. He always trusts his intuition, which has never let him down. He eventually became obsessed with ghouls, collecting their weapons and destroying them, which led to his death. Mado was tracking down Hinami, whose mother he killed with his own hands, but was eventually killed by Tohka. His goal was to take revenge on the ghoul "one-eyed owl" for the murder of his wife. He considered ghouls to be “scum” who only imitated people, which seemed funny to him.

Voiced by: Toru Okawa

Hideyoshi Nagachika (Japanese: 永近英良 Nagachika Hideyoshi) - best friend Kaneki, nicknamed "Hide". Observant, has a keen intuition: while Kaneki tried his best to hide the fact that he had become a ghoul, Hide already guessed that something strange was happening to his friend. After disappearing, Kaneki joins the CCG as an assistant to find out about his whereabouts. He eventually becomes a rookie investigator and begins working for Kotaro and Akira's team. At the end of the first season he disappeared without a trace. In the second season, he fights against ghouls on the side of the CCG, and in the end, after being seriously wounded, he dies in Kaneki's arms. In the manga, Kaneki allows himself to be eaten in order to defeat Arima, who is waiting ahead. Becomes one of Kaneki's personalities.

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Toyonaga

Kimi Nishino (Japanese: 永近英良 Nishino Kimi) - the girlfriend of one of the ghouls, Nishiki Nishio, with whom she studies at the same university. She loves him so much that she is ready to die for him.

Voiced by: Yurie Kobori

Juzo Suzuya (Japanese: 鈴屋什造 Suzuya Ju:zo:) - second class investigator (after promotion), hunts ghouls. Has an androgynous appearance. Strong, known for his sadistic tendencies. Used the name in the past Ray Suzuya (Japanese: 鈴屋玲 Suzuya Rei) . He has strange hobby: Sewing on the body that makes him look intimidating. His past ghoul hunting partner is Yukinori Shinohara. Before joining the CCG (organization for the extermination of ghouls), he was raised by a female ghoul, which is why he has absolutely no concepts of morality and fear. She abused the child, considered him her pet, dressed him in dresses and eventually castrated him so that he would “remain a girl forever.” In Tokyo Ghoul: re he became a candidate for a special class.

Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya

Akira Mado (Japanese: 真戸暁 Mado Akira) - daughter of Kureo Mado, second-class investigator (before promotion). At first she acted as a subordinate of Kotaro Amon, investigating the case of Rize Kamishiro. When she gets very drunk, she shows her weak side and accuses Amon of being the reason her father died. Akira - smart woman who takes both her work and her life seriously everyday life. Like her father, she has deep insight and intuition, which helps her in investigations and determining what happened at the scene.

Description: Tokyo has been at war with a certain unusual type of crime for a long time. Ghouls have long been humanity's number one problem, as they were monsters in human form. Just imagine, the person walking opposite you may turn out to be an animal who dreams of feasting on you. In such a situation for normal life you don't have to think about it. But many years later, people decided to fight ghouls with the help of new weapons - Quinxes, who also had the abilities of ghouls, they were ideally opposed to ghouls. Sasaki Haise was the leader of the squad, he is the strongest of the Quinxes. True, he has a secret. Sasaki knows nothing about his past, does not know what happened before and what he did. Now for him there is only the present, where there are friends. Well, you should already know the past life, this is everyone’s favorite Kaneki. Sasaki is haunted by fear of the unknown, at one moment he remembers his life and gives free rein to his second personality - Kaneki, and Sasaki falls into sleep. Therefore, in the new season we will be introduced to our old acquaintance in more detail.

Tokyo Ghoul (Season 3) / Tokyo Ghoul: Re

Description: Any threat can appear from where no one expected it; usually the worst thing is right under our noses, we just can’t see it, or we simply don’t want it. It’s the same here, the impending threat came from the people themselves. After all, man is the most terrible creature that is capable of anything. But Ghouls... This is a separate topic, a creature that looks like a human. But if a person can still be tamed, then such a trick will not work with a ghoul, people are also animals in some way, and ghouls, a ghoul, can hardly be called a beast, but it is quite possible. Tokyo was one of the first cities to fall under the influence of ghouls, they just came and wanted to feed on human beings. To combat this threat, an organization was created that fought with all its might against the ghouls, only they could repel the ghouls, and they partially succeeded. Kaneki decides to return... Only this time it will not be the same Kaneki as before, now he is Sasaki Haise. The responsibility falls on his shoulders to be at the head of the Quinxes, a squad that must put an end to the ghouls once and for all.

Tokyo Ghoul (season 2) / Tokyo Ghoul

Description: The second season of the anime series “Tokyo Ghoul” promises to be no less epic and exciting. Continuation of the story about the guy Kaneki Ken, who, by the will of fate, became a half-monster. The thing is that, having volunteered to help a fragile and sweet-looking girl, poor Kaneki almost ended up with her for lunch, because the person was none other than a bloodthirsty and very voracious ghoul. The collapsed building saved his life, but does the young man need such a life? Now he is half human, half ghoul, he can only eat human meat and drink only black coffee. On top of that, he learns that ghouls are a dime a dozen throughout Japan and he, a half-breed, has become a very intriguing person to everyone.

Tokyo Ghoul OVA (2015) / Toukyou Kushu Jack

Description: Of course, when we say "Tokyo Ghoul" we are introducing Kaneki Ken, but these two short OVAs make us understand that the world of ghouls did not originate with Kaneki and did not always revolve around him before the poor man got his hands on power of the ghoul, a lot of things happened. After all, ghouls have been eating humans for a long time now, without particularly advertising themselves, of course. The hunger tearing them apart from within forced them to kill people, but there were also those who did it just for fun. Humanity was forced to defend itself and therefore a “department for combating ghouls” was created; the employees of this department were popularly called pigeons. We will talk about one of these same pigeons, or rather Arima Kisho. He was not always the best of the best fighters of bloodthirsty killers, but from a young age he knew exactly what he would do. An unpleasant encounter with a ghoul in his youth determined his entire future fate.

Tokyo Ghoul (season 1) / Tokyo Ghoul

Description: The main character of the anime series "Tokyo Ghoul" is a simple guy named Kaneki Ken, he has a serious hobby, he likes to read, eat true friend, with whom he often spends time. But he didn’t have a girlfriend, and not every one would suit his taste. But then he saw her, she was holding books in her hands, she was sweet, and Kaneki offered her his help. Carrying all kinds of romantic nonsense in his young head, he still did not know that he was completely her type, like any other person, because the only thing the girl wanted from him was to feast on his fresh meat. This is her ghoul essence. Having already said goodbye to life, the boy could not even think that by the will of fate he would turn out to be the same monster as the one that tried to devour him.

Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)

Touka Kirishima

Sora Amamiya

Description: One from the anime Tokyo Ghoul. She previously worked as a waitress at Anteiku. When hunting for prey, she wore a rabbit mask, so she received the nickname Rabbit. She is irritated because of half her life as a ghoul, and half an ordinary person. She played the role of the girl well. Like all children, she goes to school, has friends, and after school goes to work as a waitress, but as soon as she becomes a ghoul, she forgets about everything and becomes merciless to everyone. She hates CCG researchers due to the destruction of her family, so she had to live on the run from everyone.

Rize Kamishiro (Tokyo Ghoul)

Rize Kamishiro

Kana Hanazawa

Description: This heroine has a hard time satisfying her hunger. Having a ghoul rank of S, she moves from area to area, as she eats almost everyone. Has the nickname Devourer. After several months, she adapted to this human world, after which she retains the appearance of a girl, even attracting guys to her side. But falling in love with her, the guy becomes a victim of murder. Realizing that she herself is beautiful, this becomes her weapon for prey, luring a person to dark places where there is no one, Rize eats him without witnesses and unnecessary people.