Restore the old design of the VKontakte page. “This is terrible, how can I get the old interface back?”: users criticized the new design of VKontakte

A few days ago, the social network Vkontakte turned 10 years old. Of course, in honor of such an event, the developers could not sit still and a couple of months ago they organized a new design for Vkontakte, which, unfortunately, many did not like.

In the month of August 2016, the design of VK was transformed and began to be shown to absolutely everyone, and not just to users who participated in testing. Those, in turn, could still click on the treasured “Return to old design", but now she's gone. So what should I do? How to return the old VK design?

For this case, I found several options that will allow you to return the design. I think that such a feature will not work for a long time and sooner or later you will have to switch to a new design.

Attention! After searching the Internet, I discovered various scripts, shortcuts, etc. that supposedly would help switch to the old design. Indeed, this was the case before, but now these methods are already outdated and do not work 100%, so you don’t even have to try. The method I have given below is a little crude, but it allows us to some extent use the old design that we once loved.

Old VK design, how to switch to it?

So, one very good developer created a browser plugin that allows you to switch to the old design. To install this extension follow this link.

When you are on the site, click on the link "Install Stylish", after which you will be prompted to install the Stylish extension.

Enable the extension in the browser panel and go to the VKontakte website.

Click on the plugin icon and select the option there "Find other styles for this website", you will be redirected to the same site where you need to select the first link "Old VK design".

You will be redirected to a page where you need to click on the green button "Install With Stylish". Confirm the installation of the add-on for the extension.

Go to the VK website and click on the extension icon and check the box "Old VK design". Bottom tick “Turn off all styles, remove”. We update the page and voila, we have the old VK design.

This is interesting:


For me, the new design was to my taste, although it was not familiar, for some it was terrible. On this moment This is the only way to switch to the old design, since no scripts or shortcuts no longer work. The disadvantage of this extension is that it is not yet finalized. You will see many shortcomings, but overall VKontakte will be similar to what it was before. Good luck with your transition.

The majority of users have already noticed how the design of the popular social network VKontakte has changed. This “nightmare” happened on August 17, 2016 early in the morning and now all VK users are displaying a new updated design. Now no one can take it back old version resource, since this is not officially provided by the developers.

At the moment, the Internet is full of discussions about the global redesign of the Russian social network; many users are unhappy with the new changes. However, the developers left the following message for supporters of the old version of the site: “We got rid of unnecessary details and made the resource easier for you to understand.”

Dramatic changes affected the font, icons, navigation bar, and avatar design. According to the lead developer V. Dorokhov, work on the new design of the social network was carried out over a year and a half. Since April 2016, the developers started testing a new type of site, and any user could take part in this. Over the entire period, more than 2,500 minor and significant corrections were made to the resource code, listening to the wishes of users. The main task is to improve the stability of the site, as well as switch from outdated Flash technology to the new one - HTML5.

I repeat once again, the official way return old VKontakte design alas, no, despite the dissatisfaction of many users social network. However, there is still one way to correct the situation. Below we will look at how you can return the old version of VKontakte to your PC in a few clicks.

How to return the old VKontakte design in a couple of clicks

So, in order for the design of the website to regain its previous appearance, we will use a special browser extension for you Google Chrome. This extension is called “Return old VK design”. For now, revenge is one of a kind, but I believe that over time there will be a considerable number of analogues. Today there is one caveat: the version of this extension is still damp, so you can observe some bugs when surfing the social network, but the developer often releases an update to this extension, eliminating errors found by users. To change the design of the site, go to the Google store and install the extension.

Click on the “Install” button, a window will appear where we click “Install extension”.

After the extension is installed, click once on the icon:

and update the VK page. Below you can see what the page looked like in the new design:

and here’s what it looks like after installing the extension, which changes the new version of the site to the old one:

Time will pass, and there will be a sufficient number of such extensions. You can find out which one is the best by looking at the rating in the Google store. However, I believe that many users will simply get used to the new VKontakte design and the need for the old version will automatically disappear.

As you can see, friends, change the new version of VK to the old one It’s very simple: just carry out a few simple steps. If you liked the instructions, share it with your friends using the social buttons below.

Causing outrage among users on the Internet. Members of the social network opposed the transition to a new design. Many page owners demanded to retain the ability to use the old version of the VKontakte design, which, in their opinion, is much more convenient.

One of the users, dissatisfied with the mandatory installation of a new design for VKontakte, even created a petition on demanding that users be given the “right to choose” while retaining “the ability to use the old design.”

Many users complained that with the new design, VKontakte became too similar to Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Facebook. At the same time, it is not possible to return to the previous design option on the social network - with today The old interface is completely disabled. An unofficial method has appeared on the Internet that allows you to solve the problem.

How to return the old VKontakte design:

Step 1: Install the Stylish browser extension or .

Step 2: Open for the old VKontakte design. Click the "Install with Stylish" button to download the theme.

Step 3: Confirm the installation of the Stylish add-on.

Step 4: Reload the VKontakte page in your browser to see the changes.

The style developers promise to fix all the shortcomings in the near future. Users will only need to update the style using the Stylish extension. To do this, find the Stylish extension icon in the browser panel, select “Manage installed styles” and click the “Check for updates” button.

VKontakte announced the new design on April 1. Almost every section of the social network has undergone a radical overhaul. There are fewer items in the left menu, and the most popular sections have moved to top part screen. The “Messages” section has also changed a lot. In this version of the design, a list of recent dialogues is displayed on the left side of the screen, and current correspondence is displayed on the right.

By introducing a new interface to users. As many experts expected, the developers focused on Material Design, bringing the design of the desktop version as close as possible to the look of the social network in applications on Android and iOS. The media and Internet users perceived the redesign of Russia's largest Internet service differently.

Since the appearance of VKontakte in 2006, the creators have added new functions, eliminated old ones (as was the case with the famous wall), but did not touch the basic design, changing only some elements. " Main principle new VKontakte design - it looks similar and recognizable on all devices. It is easy for the website user to find the desired section in mobile application, and vice versa,” said the operating director of the social network, Andrei Rogozov.

Users of the social network began to actively discuss the innovations: “We are testing a new design for Kontashka! At first glance, it’s cozy! We are waiting for alternative likes, ala Facebook", "VKontakte's redesign has pleased many", "Briefly about the new design #VKontakte is a little unusual, but in principle everything is not bad, return only square avatars-icons!", "A mixture of #Instagram and # FB, and, of course, actually invented tricks,” “The VKontakte redesign is, perhaps, one of the few April Fools’ things that is not a joke, but a completely pleasant reality.”

However, not all comments are positive character: “The new design on VKontakte is complete nonsense. Can't you come up with anything yourself? There are simply no words,” “The redesign of VK is simply terrible,” “The new design of #VKontakte is like someone else’s glasses with diopters.”

Many users accused VKontakte of copying Facebook: “I don’t understand, #VKontakte was bought by #facebook? Because the new design in many things repeats the design of the overseas social network”, “Holy crap….how to return the old design of VKontakte? This is terrible…’s like I got into Facebook….a bad dream”, “When developing a new design, the VKontakte team couldn’t come up with anything better than to steal what Facebook had.”

For now, users can return the “classic” design if they don’t like it a new version. It is unknown when the new design will be available to everyone without exception. Internet users do not rule out that the “redesign” is just an April Fool’s joke.

How to return the old VKontakte design on your computer quickly, in 5 seconds? In May, VKontakte changed its design and address from to, which was an unpleasant surprise for many VK users.

Hi all!
Today I hung out on VKontakte, and as a result of communication it became clear what topics I could write articles on.
Today I had to answer this question twice today, asked in different word forms, but this did not change the meaning).
For example, there was another question.
How to switch to the old version of VKontakte?
First things first.

August 17, 2016 social network VKontakte changed the website address from to, and also removed the old design, which for many was, to put it mildly, not a very pleasant surprise.
To be more precise, VK began to change the old design to a new one not at once for everyone, but gradually.
For example, I updated the design of my VKontakte page for the first time just a couple of weeks ago.

I’m sitting at my laptop, as always, I have a lot of open tabs, you can chat there, look here, read here... in general, I click on the tab of my VKontakte page, the new version flies out... the first thought then was - what is this That mobile version, I look at the address, ... the second thought is that it’s a phishing site. In general, I poked, I poked, my problem was that I have more than one account in contact, well, they like to freeze contact pages, for no reason, people openly scatter advertisements on the open walls of groups about cheating and selling VK accounts and this normal, here you throw a thematic link and they block you... In general, the meaning is that passwords for accounts are stored in the browser’s memory, and while I’m changing the new design to the old one, VKontakte’s security is triggered, I’m kicked out of the site and I can’t come in).
To sum it all up.
I don't like the new version of Contact.
Hell, it’s a matter of habit or design, but I don’t want this design, I like the old VK on the computer.
Many people say that the new design is eerily similar to the Facebook design.

Okay, I won’t bore you with my everyday life), let’s get down to business.

How to return the old VKontakte design

At the moment this is The best way! There are simply no others. Watch the video and repeat.

In fact, returning the old design is quite easy. I heard that someone has changed it irrevocably, it seems to me that they are lying, they are lying). The control killer at the end, but it just appeared not long ago).
I will show you 2 ways to change the new VKontakte design to the old one.

First way.

Scroll your mouse almost to the very bottom of the VKontakte page, click full version.
You will return the old design of your contact page.

If this does not help you, move on to the second option.

Second option.
Consists of adding the number "0" to the url
Just write before, add 0, you should get something like this: then your id.

I hope everything worked out for you.
If not, follow the link to this site
That's all.
I'm going on vacation, don't bother me for a week).
Good luck to everyone, see you here on July 14;)