Delicious salted red tomatoes. How to pickle tomatoes for the winter in a jar, pan, bucket, barrel or tub

Many housewives like to cook salted tomatoes in jars for the winter. However, there are recipes for pickling large number, it all depends on what taste your family likes.

An open can of tomatoes immediately spreads the wonderful aroma of brine and spices; you can pickle tomatoes in the quantity needed for your family. They are suitable as a snack both on the festive table and as a treat for guests.

How tomatoes are salted for the winter, and what recipes for such salting exist, you will learn in the material. Some of them have not only a characteristic salty, but even a sweet taste.

Key principles for preparing salted tomatoes for the winter

Almost every housewife has her own signature recipe for pickling tomatoes for the winter, depending on her preferences and the tastes of her family. However, there are key rules preparations salted tomatoes, which must be followed regardless of the recipe. So, tomatoes can be salted in three ways:

  • through hot salting;
  • dry;
  • cold.

The hot method of salting tomatoes for the winter is traditional. We take jars, carefully sterilize them and put seasonings on the bottom. Place clean tomatoes on top, then pour in boiled brine, roll up the jars, cool and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

The cold salting method refers to the salting of tomatoes. in barrels, buckets, tubs and even jars. According to this recipe, tomatoes are poured with cold brine, and a round wooden board is placed on top. These pickles are stored in the cellar.

When dry pickling, there is no brine in the tomatoes. The tomatoes are laid out in layers in a tub, generously salted with coarse salt and covered with a wooden circle. They stand in the room for a while, then are transferred to the refrigerator. This option is a summer one, since it is not stored for a long time; therefore, such tomatoes cannot be stored for the winter.

There is a type of dry salting called the quick way to salt tomatoes. They are also stored for a short time, but the vegetables will need to be peeled from their entrails and stuffed with crushed garlic, they are salted and eaten within two days.

The taste of salted tomatoes depends not only on the recipe, but also on factors such as:

  • tomato variety;
  • stages of maturity;
  • the presence of certain seasonings and other additional components.

Tomatoes need to be taken elastic and strong. They need to be salted with coarse salt. Select seasonings:

Below we offer you recipes for some salted tomatoes for the winter that you can prepare with your own hands.

Recipe for traditional salted tomatoes for the winter

This recipe will be interesting to those who love the classics and do not like to experiment with flavors in terms of pickling tomatoes for the winter. In order to pickle tomatoes this way, prepare the following ingredients:

  • medium tomatoes - about 2 kg;
  • clean water– 1.5 l;
  • dill – 30 g;
  • 2 z. garlic;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

All components are described based on salting tomatoes per three liters. In subsequent recipes, ingredients will be indicated based on the same calculation.

Tomatoes are traditionally salted for the winter like this:

  • Wash the jars well and sterilize them. Place dill, cinnamon and garlic on the bottom;
  • wash the tomatoes and put them to the top in jars;
  • prepare the brine - bring water to a boil, salt it and add sugar. Cook until they are completely dissolved;
  • Fill the tomatoes with boiling brine, cover the jars lightly and sterilize them in a container with boiling water for about 15 minutes. Roll them up using clean metal lids.

Place the jars in a dark place and turn them over until they cool. Then we transfer it to a cool room for the winter.

Recipe for “Homemade” tomatoes for the winter

Unlike the previous recipe, this one differs in taste and composition of seasonings used. And the tomatoes themselves turn out to be very appetizing, tender and soft.

You will need:

Tomatoes are prepared like this:

  • put all the listed spices in clean jars, except salt, sugar and mustard;
  • Wash and pierce the tomatoes, place them tightly in jars. Boil a liter of water, add salt and sugar to it, pour it over the tomatoes in the jar;
  • We take cotton cloth, scald it and cover the jars with it. The fabric should be sprinkled with mustard powder. As a result, salted tomatoes will acquire a unique taste and will not succumb to mold.

Banks need to be kept for two weeks at room temperature. Then they will need to be closed with sterile plastic lids and put in the refrigerator for a month.

Recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter “Youth”

This recipe for preparing it for the winter got its name due to the fact that green tomatoes are used for preparation. In addition, in winter, this preparation will be appropriate as an ingredient for a salad for the New Year's table.

You will need:

  • young tomatoes - about 2 kilograms;
  • 7 pieces of black currant leaves;
  • 3 dill with inflorescences;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • a little allspice;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • 4 large spoons of coarse salt.

To pickle tomatoes for the winter according to this recipe, rinse the tomatoes and remove the stems. Place greens on the bottom of the jar, then tomatoes, then more greens, then hot peppers and garlic. Such fill the entire jar in layers one at a time. The final layer should be greenery.

For brine in cold water dissolve the salt, leave for 2 minutes and fill the jar to the top. The liquid should cover the entire contents of the jar.

After you close the jar with a sterilized tight plastic lid, transfer it to a dark, cool room. The tomatoes will be completely ready to eat in a month.

Recipe for cold salted tomatoes for the winter

IN in this case applies cold type of pickling. It is carried out in a three-liter jar. For preparation you will need:

To prepare this preparation for the winter, take dry jars and put horseradish leaves on their bottom, then fill them tightly with tomatoes so as not to overwhelm them. During the filling process, the tomatoes are evenly covered with the leaves listed above, celery and garlic. Then salt and sugar are poured into the jar and filled with boiled or filtered water.

You can add a little vinegar if desired, cover the jar with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter in their own juice

This recipe will appeal to those who want to try something new in pickling tomatoes. They need to be pink or brown. They should also be small and have a high density. You will need a kilogram of these tomatoes, and you will also need an additional kilogram of ripe tomatoes. For spices, prepare additional garlic, four branches of dill, hot pepper, salt and seasoning for preserving vegetables.

Method for preparing this preparation for the winter the following:

The bank should sterilize for about half an hour, then take out the jar, close the lid, turn it over until it cools completely.

Recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter in apple juice

This recipe will delight lovers of a spicy aroma; the tomatoes will be slightly sweet and original. Prepare the following:

  • strong fresh tomatoes - kilogram;
  • clarified apple juice– 1 liter or 2.5 kg of reds fresh apples;
  • half a teaspoon of ginger;
  • 3 small spoons of salt;
  • a large spoon of sugar.

Tomatoes should be carefully placed in a clean jar. Meanwhile, the apples are passed through a meat grinder or juicer, and the resulting juice is diluted by half. Ginger is grated and added to the prepared juice.

Juice is poured into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then pour the boiling liquid into the jars. They are pasteurized for an hour, but the liquid should not boil. Then they roll up and wrap themselves up until they cool down.

Salted tomatoes for the winter in Ukrainian

Tomatoes, regardless of variety, may be suitable for this recipe. But they must be dense and hard.

The ingredients for the winter recipe are:

  • elastic tomatoes – kilogram;
  • large carrots;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • sugar – 3 small spoons;
  • a little salt;
  • a little spice.

To prepare tomatoes for the winter using this recipe, grate carrots, then place raspberry leaves in jars in layers, then carrots and tomatoes.

At the same time, prepare a steep brine. For it, dilute 100 g of salt in a liter of water and add some spices. The brine is boiled for 5 minutes, then it is cooled and poured into a jar. Cover the tomatoes tightly, place a raspberry leaf on top and close tightly with a clean plastic lid. Store the jar in a cool place.

Recipe for salted tomatoes with rowan for the winter

This recipe is very simple, the tomatoes will have incredible original taste. What do you need:

  • peeled tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • rowan bunches - 1.5 kg;
  • water for brine – 1 l;
  • sugar and salt.

Prepare a jar for rolling up the pickling, place tomatoes and rowan berries in it. Bring the water to a boil, dilute salt and sugar in it. Fill the jar with the resulting brine, cool it, drain it, then boil it again and fill the contents of the jar again. We repeat these steps three times. Then the jar is twisted, cooled and stored in the cellar for the winter.

Preparing sweet tomatoes for the winter

Many people love original conservation, in particular, sweet marinated tomatoes. Here you will need:

  • kilogram of red tomatoes;
  • up to 4 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh dill;
  • sweet pepper;
  • half a lemon or a little citric acid;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • up to 8 black peppercorns;
  • a large spoon of salt;
  • two large spoons of sugar;
  • 5 cherry and currant leaves;
  • water - depending on the volume of the container.

According to the recipe for sweet pickled tomatoes you need choose soft and whole tomatoes, wash them. Place dill, currant and cherry leaves in jars, bay leaf, peas and garlic.

Then we place the tomatoes, heat water in a separate container and pour it over the tomatoes. They can be pierced so that they are better preserved whole and soaked in the marinade.

Dissolve sugar and salt in water and bring to a boil. Add lemon juice or acid to the jar. Pour everything into a jar and immediately roll it up. We turn sweet tomatoes in jars over and wrap them. They will be most aromatic and have a distinctive sweet flavor if they are allowed to sit for at least a month.

Regardless of whether you like your canned tomatoes sweet, salty or sour, remember to follow the key rules for pickling tomatoes.

  1. Choose firm tomatoes that are about the same size. Lady's finger, Adam's apple and other varieties with small fruits and dense pulp are perfect.
  2. Tomatoes take longer to salt. To speed up the process, pierce them with a toothpick in several places. This is necessary if the recipe does not require cutting off the caps or making other cuts.
  3. It is convenient to salt tomatoes in a wide saucepan. If you place the fruits on the bottom in one layer, they will not wrinkle like when taken out of a jar.
  4. Store lightly salted tomatoes in the refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly turn sour and moldy. Especially in the heat.

In the bag, the tomatoes are salted in own juice, so cuts on vegetables are necessary. This salting method takes 2–3 days. But if you add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, the process will go faster.


  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of dill.


Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut out their stalks and make shallow cross-shaped cuts on the back side. Place the tomatoes in a clean plastic bag. Add salt, sugar, chopped garlic and herbs to them. In addition to dill, you can use parsley or basil.

Tie the bag tightly and shake gently until all ingredients are well mixed. To ensure that the released juice does not leak out, put the vegetables in a pan or put another bag on them.

Store tomatoes at room temperature for 2-3 days. When salted, transfer to a container and put in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes can be filled with either hot or cold brine. In the first case, salting will go faster: you can try it in a couple of days. In the second you will have to wait 3-4 days. But the tomatoes will be denser: they look like fresh, but in the middle they will be pickled.


  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 ½ liters of water;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 horseradish root and leaf;
  • 2–3 bay leaves;
  • 5–7 black peppercorns;
  • 3–5 sprigs of dill.


Wash vegetables and herbs. Prick each tomato with a fork or toothpick. Place dill sprigs, horseradish leaves, peeled garlic and tomatoes on the bottom of the pan.

Make a brine: dissolve salt and sugar in water, add bay leaf, peppercorns and horseradish root, cut into slices. Boil it. Pour hot brine over the tomatoes, cover with a lid and let them salt for 2-3 days at room temperature. Then put the snack in the refrigerator.

As an option: you can pour chilled brine over the tomatoes, and add more currant leaves to the bottom of the pan.

Easy to prepare and very savory snack, which is not a shame to serve on the table. The combination of red and green looks impressive. You can try it in a day and a half. But the longer the tomatoes are salted, the richer the taste.


  • 10 tomatoes;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6–7 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 1 bunch of dill and parsley.


Finely chop the herbs and garlic. The latter can be grated on a fine grater. Stir.

Cut the washed and dried tomatoes crosswise approximately to the middle. Distribute the herb and garlic filling between the resulting slices. Place the stuffed tomatoes in a saucepan.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water and fill with this brine. Cover them with a large plate and place something heavy on top, such as a jar of water. Keep it in a warm place for 1–1.5 days, and then put it in the refrigerator.

Here is a variation of this recipe where lemon juice is used instead of brine. Thanks to this, the tomatoes are salted faster: you can eat them after 5 hours.

If you have your own recipe for lightly salted tomatoes, be sure to share it in the comments.

Almost every one of us remembers the taste of our grandmother’s salted in a barrel. Their presence on festive table has already become a tradition. And, besides, it’s not often in the winter that you get to enjoy high-quality fresh tomatoes.

We have to resort to in various ways preparations for this useful . And since salting tomatoes in a barrel is not available to everyone in our time, experienced housewives advise stocking up on salted tomatoes preserved in jars for the winter.

Despite the fact that in modern world You can buy absolutely everything; canned goods prepared with your own hands are much more valuable than purchased ones. So, let's look at the most popular pickling recipes.

The fastest way

Summer is vegetable season. But what I wanted so much in the winter has already become boring in the summer in its fresh form. Fresh ones are no exception; salads with their participation no longer suit even avid supporters proper nutrition and diets.

Often you want to diversify the menu. For this purpose, experienced housewives came up with a simple and quick recipe how to salt in jars for the winter. The highlight of this method is that you can enjoy lightly salted tomatoes 3 days after harvesting and thereby add a new taste to summer dishes.

For the most instant cooking fermented tomatoes you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • - 1 head;
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • pod;
  • water - 5 l.;
  • greens (horseradish leaves).

Step by step instructions

To implement this pickling method, you should first select high-quality tomatoes. should be fresh and firm, since bruised or soft ones can eventually turn into slurry in the tomato shell. Most suitable look- cream.

It is advisable to select tomatoes of approximately the same size, ripeness and variety. need to be washed and dried thoroughly.
In parallel with the vegetables, jars should be prepared. Wash and sterilize the container. Then we line the bottom of the jars with herbs and cut peppers. After that, we lay them out - you can cut them if you wish, so more will fit. Place another ball of greenery on top and...
All that remains is to fill the folded ingredients with brine. It is prepared as follows: you need to dilute salt and sugar in 5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes and pour it over.

Important! Very important point: Tomatoes should only be filled with hot brine.

The final touch: close the filled containers with lids and leave them for a day in a room with a temperature of +20 ° C, and then take them to or put them in the refrigerator. You can enjoy lightly salted tomatoes after 3 days.
If desired, you can reduce or increase the proportions of ingredients. You can diversify the taste using different spices.

Classic recipe

Relevance classic recipe salted for the winter in jars only increases over the years. After all, high-quality pickles are always a godsend for gourmets.

What you will need

For implementation this method When preparing pickled vegetables, you should be armed with the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes (about 2–3 kg);
  • 1 tbsp. l. 1% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. sugar (depending on your taste preferences);
  • cherry, horseradish, currant leaves;
  • , if desired - ;
  • black peppercorns;
  • water.

Cooking instructions

Thoroughly washed ingredients should be placed one by one in carefully sterilized jars. First, lay out the greens, peppers and leaves. Place vegetables on top of greens. Then another layer of green.
All this must be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 5 minutes. After this, carefully drain the water from the jars without shaking the contents too much.

Place the drained liquid on the fire, dilute sugar and salt in it and boil again. Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables a second time. Finally, add vinegar and roll up.
The rolled product must be wrapped, turned upside down and waited until it cools to room temperature. After this, place in a cool place and wait for the right opportunity to eat.

Original recipe (salted in sugar)

If you are wondering how to pickle tomatoes in jars for the winter in order to achieve a unique exotic taste, we advise you to use a capricious recipe for pickling pickled tomatoes in sugar. As a result, you will delight your family and guests with an extraordinary delicacy.

Product List

As with any other recipe for preparing lightly salted tomatoes for the winter, the first ingredient is tomatoes - 10 kg. In second place in importance is not salt, but sugar - 3 kg.

The list of products also includes: tomato puree - 4 kg, currant leaves - 200 g, black pepper - 10 g, salt - 3 tbsp. l. For an amateur, you can use 5 g of cinnamon and cloves.


Place washed and sorted by size and level of ripeness into a container, the bottom of which is covered with greens and. Each layer of tomatoes must be sprinkled with sugar. You should leave about 20 cm free at the top of the jar.

After this, we prepare tomato puree from prudently selected overripe vegetables (pass them through a meat grinder). Add the remaining sugar and salt to the puree. Fill the jars with tomatoes with the resulting mixture. All that remains is to tightly roll up this yummy.

Did you know? Scientists have found serotonin in tomatoes- joy hormone: after you eat this vegetable, your mood will certainly improve.

Recipe with vinegar

This method will allow you to enjoy delicious tomatoes in winter with a sourness that will pleasantly tingle your tongue. This is an excellent, and most importantly, healthy addition to any side dish.

Pickled cucumbers or tomatoes can be considered the simplest preservation, which even an inexperienced housewife can master. It is not difficult to roll up a jar of these vegetables for the winter, and in winter they will not be at all superfluous. In addition, the crisis and rising food prices are forcing housewives to save more and more. In stores, prices for canned goods are steep, but the cost of one such can of vegetables is very low. What a reason to spend half an hour and save a few cans of tasty and appetizing tomatoes for the winter. This time we will give a recipe for salted tomatoes in jars for the winter. Tomatoes for this preservation should be chosen to be firm, preferably slightly unripe. Very often green tomatoes are used for pickling; we will use small, firm yellow tomatoes.

Taste Info Tomatoes for the winter

Ingredients for one half liter jar:

  • 1 tsp salt,
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 30 ml vinegar,
  • tomatoes (as many will fit),
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 2 heads of garlic,
  • carnation,
  • peppercorns.

How to prepare salted tomatoes for the winter in jars

Wash the tomatoes; there is no need to remove the stems; they make the preservation even more beautiful. For small cans it is better to take small tomatoes, ideally cherry. Otherwise, in one such jar you will only fit 2-3 tomatoes - there is no point in wasting time. More large tomatoes It’s better to seal it in liter or even two liter jars. The jars also need to be washed thoroughly, preferably with soda. You don't need sterilization. Place bay leaves, cloves, peppers and garlic at the bottom of thoroughly washed jars, and place tomatoes tightly on top.

Pour boiling water over it, cover with lids and forget about them for 5 minutes.

Then open the lids, pour the water into the pan and add new boiling water, leave for a few more minutes. Meanwhile, add salt and sugar to the pan, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per half liter jar, place the pan on the stove, bring the water to a boil. Drain the water from the tomatoes again, pour 30 ml of vinegar into each jar, and pour the prepared brine on top. Roll up and turn the top upside down.

Place in a warm place, wrap with a blanket or towel. Leave it like this until it cools completely. Then send it to a cool place. Take it out as needed and help yourself.

Pickling tomatoes was previously the only way to preserve a bountiful tomato harvest. Time goes by, technology is developing, but pickling recipes remain the same.

Tomato selection

For pickling, select tomatoes of the same size and degree of ripeness; the best option is slightly unripe tomatoes. We recommend choosing soil-based tomato varieties with thin but durable skin.

The inside of the tomato should be uniformly red; the presence of a white core is not welcome.

After carefully selecting the tomatoes, with the rejection of spoiled and damaged specimens, they will only need to be thoroughly washed in cold water, after which you can begin pickling.

Placing tomatoes in jars

We hope that you have either already prepared a broom for pickling or bought it from grandmothers selling the same tomatoes at the market. It usually consists of stems and umbrellas of dill, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants.

Cut the pickling broom into pieces, approximately 6-8 cm long, into each of the washed and sterilized three-liter cans put a handful of this crushed mixture.

Only half of the pickling broom should be used, the other half will be used a little later.

It's time to put the tomatoes into jars. The procedure is simple; when laying, make sure that the tomatoes are packed tightly, but not damaged by excessive pressure.

At the same time as the tomatoes, place 3-4 cloves of garlic in each jar.

Having spread the remaining half of the chopped pickling broom into the jars on top of the tomatoes, proceed to the next stage of pickling.

Preparing and pouring brine

To prepare the brine, it is advisable to use spring water - tomatoes pickled using such water will be simply incomparable.

If such water is not available, it can be replaced with artesian water or water from a deep well. As a last resort, you can use tap water, but only after thoroughly cleaning it.

Now regarding the salt. Don’t even think about using iodized or crushed salt to pickle tomatoes. The tomatoes will taste bitter, and their fermentation process may either not begin or proceed unpredictably.

To obtain delicious salted tomatoes, use only coarse salt.

How much in brine? There are many recipes, each of which indicates proportions, sometimes noticeably different from each other.

However, almost all of them lead to positive results and excellent taste qualities finished product. What is the reason for such a variety of recipes?

Everything is very simple: during the pickling process, tomatoes take from the brine exactly as much salt as they need, no more and no less. Therefore, for 1 liter of water, take 3-4 large rock salt and give the tomatoes the opportunity to absorb as much salt as they need.

The next question that arises for a person who takes up pickling tomatoes for the first time is: “How much brine needs to be prepared?”

It all depends on the size of the tomatoes and the density of their packing; to fill a 3-liter jar of tomatoes you will need from 0.5 to 1 liter of brine. To avoid getting into trouble, prepare it with a reserve.

Dissolved in boiling water required quantity salt, let the brine cool a little (5-7 minutes), and then pour it into jars.

Final part

Place jars of tomatoes, filled to the top with brine, in a warm place for 2-3 days to start the fermentation process.

After the brine becomes slightly cloudy and the formation of gas bubbles becomes noticeable to the naked eye, tightly seal the jars with nylon lids and place them in a cold place: in the refrigerator, cellar or basement.

After 2 weeks, the tomatoes will be ready to eat - with thin, bubbly skin and a piquant, spicy-salty taste.

Bon appetit!