Albanian names and surnames. Albanian names. Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual

Sukhanov Fedor Ivanovich (1923-2000) “Mamaev Kurgan”. 1972
Volgograd Museum fine arts them. I.I. Mashkova.

On October 15, 1967, the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” was inaugurated in Volgograd.

The decision to build a memorial ensemble dedicated to the feat of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943) was made back in January 1958. Construction began in May 1959 and was completed by October 1967.

The project was developed by a team of sculptors and architects under the leadership of E. V. Vuchetich. Architects: Ya. B. Belopolsky, V. A. Demin, F. M. Lysov. Sculptors: M. S. Aleshenko, V. E. Matrosov, L. Maistrenko. M., Melnik A.N., Marunov V.A., Novikov N.S., Tyurenkov A.A. Head of the engineering group Nikitin N.V.

The main military consultant of the project was Marshal V.I. Chuikov, commander of the army that defended Mamayev Kurgan.

The total area of ​​the architectural and sculptural complex on Mamayev Kurgan is 26 hectares.

Symbolic ruins of Stalingrad, Square of those who stood to the death, Square of Heroes, Hall Military glory, Sorrow Square and other sculptural objects have enormous power emotional impact. Along the serpentine leading to the top of the hill, the remains of 34 thousand 505 soldiers - the defenders of Stalingrad - were reburied.

The logical center of the memorial is the sculpture “Motherland”. The work of the sculptor Vuchetich and engineer Nikitin represents a multi-meter figure of a woman quickly stepping forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to fight the enemy. The total height of the monument is 85 m. The height of the female figure is 52 m, the length of the arm is 20 m, the length of the sword is 33 m. The weight of the sculpture is 8 thousand tons, and the length of the sword is 14 tons.

In 2008, Mamayev Kurgan was included in the “7 Wonders of Russia”.

Monument-ensemble to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. Volgograd. Mamayev Kurgan: Set of 10 postcards / Photo by A. Shagin. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1967. - 1st region. (10 separate l.).

Monument “Stand to the death!”
Heroes Square
Heroes Square
Monument "Sorrow" and view of the main monument
Introductory composition
Main monument
General view of the “Wall-ruins”
Detail “Wall-ruins”
Monument "Sorrow"
Detail “Wall-ruins”


Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

On the front side of the medal is a group of fighters with rifles at the ready. Above a group of fighters, with right side medals, a banner flutters, and on the left side you can see the outlines of tanks and planes flying one after another. At the top of the medal, above the group of fighters, there is a five-pointed star and the inscription along the edge of the medal “FOR THE DEFENSE OF STALINGRAD.”

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND.” Above the inscription are a hammer and sickle.

The medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Stalingrad - servicemen of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense. The period of defense of Stalingrad is considered to be July 12 - November 19, 1942.

As of January 1, 1995, the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was awarded to approximately 759 561 Human.

In Volgograd, on the headquarters building of military unit No. 22220, there was a huge wall panel depicting a medal.

Monuments to the Battle of Stalingrad

  • · Mamayev Kurgan - " main height Russia." During the Battle of Stalingrad, some of the fiercest battles took place here. Today, a monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” has been erected on Mamayev Kurgan. The central figure of the composition is the sculpture “The Motherland is Calling!” It is one of the seven wonders of Russia.
  • · Panorama “Destruction” Nazi troops near Stalingrad" - painting on the theme of the Battle of Stalingrad, located on the Central Embankment of the city. Opened in 1982.
  • · “Lyudnikov Island” - an area of ​​700 meters along the Volga bank and 400 meters in depth (from the river bank to the territory of the Barricades plant), the defense area of ​​the 138th Red Banner Rifle Division under the command of Colonel I.I. Lyudnikova.
  • · The destroyed mill is a building that has not been restored since the war, an exhibit of the “Battle of Stalingrad” museum.
  • · “Rodimtsev’s Wall” - a quay wall that serves as shelter from massive bombings by German aircraft for soldiers of the rifle division of Major General A.I. Rodimtseva.
  • · The "House of Soldier's Glory", also known as the "Pavlov's House" - a brick building that occupied a dominant position over the surrounding area.
  • · Alley of Heroes - wide street connects the embankment to them. 62nd Army near the Volga River and the Square of Fallen Fighters.
  • · On September 8, 1985, a memorial monument dedicated to the Heroes was opened here Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory, natives Volgograd region and the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. Artwork executed by the Volgograd branch of the RSFSR Art Fund under the direction of the city’s chief artist M.Ya. Pyshty. The team of authors included the chief architect of the project A.N. Klyuchishchev, architect A.S. Belousov, designer L. Podoprigora, artist E.V. Gerasimov. On the monument are the names (surnames and initials) of 127 Heroes of the Soviet Union, who received this title for heroism in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943, 192 Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the Volgograd region, of whom three are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 28 holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees.
  • · Poplar on the Alley of Heroes is a historical and natural monument of Volgograd, located on the Alley of Heroes. The poplar survived the Battle of Stalingrad and has numerous evidence of military action on its trunk.

in the world

Stalingrad Avenue in Brussels

Named in honor of the Battle of Stalingrad:

  • · Stalingrad Square (Paris) - a square in Paris.
  • · Stalingrad Avenue (Brussels) - in Brussels.

In many countries, including France, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy and a number of other countries, streets, gardens, and squares were named after the battle. Only in Paris is the name “Stalingrad” given to a square, boulevard and one of the metro stations. In Lyon there is the so-called “Stalingrad” bracant, where the third largest antique market in Europe is located.

Also named after Stalingrad main street city ​​of Bologna.

And adjacent settlements both during urban battles and later, when Stalingrad was being restored in a new way master plan, often not paying attention to the fact that historical relics are lost forever. But at the same time, the monuments to the Battle of Stalingrad, created after the war, reflected the greatness of the country that won the world war, and bitterness for the millions of dead and maimed Soviet citizens.

Monuments in Volgograd

The most famous of them:

In addition to well-known monuments in Russia and the world, the following are dedicated to the memory of the Battle of Stalingrad in Volgograd:

  • the unrestored building of the plant director on the banks of the Volga, a witness to the defense bridgehead 138th Guards Division ( Lyudnikov Island).
  • « Quencher» - fire boat Volga military flotilla.
  • "Defense Line" - a line of 17 tank towers T-34-76, symbolizing the defense line of Stalingrad (Volgograd), with a length of about 30 kilometers. The idea of ​​creating a monument appeared immediately after the end of the war. The decision to build the complex was made in February 1948, the author of the project was the Moscow architect F. M. Lysov. The first pedestal was installed on September 3, 1951, the last - three years later, on October 17, 1954. Tank turrets were assembled here, from equipment lost in the Battle of Stalingrad. Turrets of T-34 tanks of various modifications with traces of battles and holes were selected. The distance between the towers is several kilometers.
  • Alley of Heroes- a wide street connects the embankment to them. 62nd Army near the Volga River and Square of Fallen Fighters. September 8 1985 A memorial monument dedicated to the Heroes of the Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory, natives of the Volgograd region and heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad was unveiled here. Artistic works were performed by the Volgograd branch of the art fund RSFSR under the leadership of the main artist of the city M. Ya. Pyshta. The team of authors included the chief architect of the project A. N. Klyuchishchev, architect A. S. Belousov, designer L. Podoprigora, artist E. V. Gerasimov. On the monument there are names (surnames and initials) 127 Heroes of the Soviet Union who received this title for heroism in the Battle of Stalingrad in - 1943, 192 Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives Volgograd region, of which three are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 28 holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees
  • The building of the Central Department Store (view of the pre-war facade of the building on Ostrovsky Street) - in its basement the headquarters of the 6th German Army and F. Paulus were captured. The Memory Museum is located in the basement.
  • Poplar on the Square of Fallen Fighters- a historical and natural monument of Volgograd, located on the Alley of Heroes. Poplar survived Battle of Stalingrad and has numerous evidence of military operations on its trunk.

Monuments in the Volgograd region

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • List of specially protected natural areas of the Tomsk region
  • Project:USA/Technical monuments in the USA

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    Volgograd- This term has other meanings, see Volgograd (meanings). The request "Stalingrad" is redirected here; see also other meanings. The city of Volgograd ... Wikipedia

    Battle of Stalingrad- Great Patriotic War, Second world war... Wikipedia