Where to download and how to install visual bookmarks for Chrome and Mozilla browsers? The process of adding visual bookmarks in Firefox

Many people liked the idea of ​​visual bookmarks, and Mozilla Firefox users wanted this functionality for their favorite browser. The browser developers gave little support for this idea, but many third-party add-ons have appeared that perform this popular task. But these plugins may also turn out to be “crude”, as users often complain that visual bookmarks have disappeared in FireFox. Find out how to restore them in this article.

About visual bookmarks

Let me clarify some points right away. What is currently presented in the browser can be called visual bookmarks, but the functionality remains not fully developed.

Yes, sites you've visited appear when you open a new tab (not your home page). But you cannot add a bookmark here yourself. In general, you can pin a site's position (I pinned the site bbc.com) and it will remain in this window, even if:

Otherwise, if you do not check the “Pin this site in the current position” checkbox, all data will be lost forever.

Advice! Do you work with foreign websites using Mozilla Firefox? Connect a page translator to recognize unknown foreign words on the spot or translate the entire text.


Browser plugins help solve the problem with full-fledged bookmarking functionality, and more. For example, by installing an extension in Mozilla Firefox from Yandex, you can get additional useful information. To install, simply click "Add to Firefox".

But what should you do if, when you open the browser and start a new session, the visual bookmarks of the plugin disappear and the standard “new tab” is displayed?

There was probably some kind of malfunction in the plugin and Mozilla Firefox turned it off. To enable the add-on back:

If the plugin does not turn off, but there are problems with it, contact the author of the add-on or look for information on the home page.

The Mozilla Firefox web browser has a special bookmarks bar where users can save links to the most needed and most frequently visited sites. However, if a lot of such tabs accumulate, they no longer fit on the panel and it becomes not very convenient to use them. To solve such problems, there are so-called visual bookmarks for the Mozilla Firefox browser. This article describes how to install the visual bookmarks bar and the basics of working with it: saving new items, customizing the interface, and so on.

Unfortunately, the Mozilla Firefox developers did not implement visual bookmarks in their program, like in Yandex or Opera. However, users can install special extensions that add this functionality. Since Mozilla Firefox is quite popular, many different plugins are released for it.

To familiarize yourself with the range of applications and install the ones you need, users can use the standard catalog of plugins for Firefox. To do this you will need to do the following:

Immediately after installation, the new application will be ready to use.

Visual bookmarks from Yandex

One of the most popular browser extension developers is Yandex. It has released a whole set of applications for browsers - Yandex Elements. This product has its own website, so you don't have to waste time searching for it in the catalogue.

Follow the link https://element.yandex.ru/ to home page resource. Here you can save and install a complete set of all Elements. It includes:

  1. "Smart line" from
  2. Yandex Advisor for online stores.
  3. Plugin for working with cloud storage.
  4. Protection against phishing and viruses.
  5. Music player.
  6. Weather widget.
  7. Quick access to interactive maps"YandexTraffic".
  8. Mail client.
  9. Translator.
  10. And, of course, an express panel for bookmarks.

If you don't need all these applications, you need to click on the "What's Included" link, which is located at the bottom of the screen. In the drop-down list, select the “Visual Bookmarks” section. Click on the yellow “Install” button, which is located at the very bottom of the page that opens.

In the pop-up window that opens, you need to click “Allow” to begin the installation. After this, everything you need will be downloaded to your personal computer, and you can get to work.

Saving your favorite sites using the Yandex service

Immediately after installation, an express panel will appear at your disposal. It will be visible whenever you open a new tab (instead of a blank page). By default, this interface contains a search bar from Yandex and a field of 12 cells in which selected sites are located in the form of tiles.

The most important part of the job is saving your favorite websites. To do this, you need to click on the transparent “+Add bookmark” button at the very bottom of the screen. A special interface for adding will open. Here users can add a new tab from the list of popular or recently visited resources, or simply enter the address of the desired site.

All modern browsers have the ability to add visual bookmarks for quick access to your favorite and frequently visited sites. Mozilla Firefox does not natively have built-in visual bookmarks, for example, like Chrome or Opera. So what are visual bookmarks? firefox bookmarks, how to configure them? This article will describe instructions for setting up bookmarks. Using our tips you will make your work with Mozilla convenient and easy.

Visual bookmarks are a service for users of all existing browsers to provide instant access to sites.

Setting up visual bookmarks in Firefox

As mentioned above, there is no automatic visual bookmarking function in Mozilla. To do this, you need to connect them using add-ons that you can easily download. The most famous add-on for Firefox is Yandex.Bar. But there are other add-ons: Fast Dial, Sugestron Speed ​​Dial, Speed ​​Dial.

So, to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla, consider the Speed ​​Dial add-on. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Open your browser, go to “Tools” and select “Add-ons”. Next, click search for add-ons and enter “speed dial” in the search bar.
  • After the add-on is found, click the “add to Firefox” button (after clicking, a warning window will appear, don’t be afraid and click “install”).
  • After installing the add-on, you need to restart the browser. After the reboot, the installed add-on needs to be configured. The setup is done as follows: “Tools – Add-ons – Extensions”. At this point, click on the add-on you installed and select “Settings”.
  • The Action menu appears. In this menu you can manage the add-on (for example, you can add downloads of add-ons, create groups of visual bookmarks and other functions).
  • Select "Settings". Thanks to this menu, you can create groups of tabs, sort them by name, and also set the time for constant updating of tabs and downloading add-ons. To save everything, select the functions you have selected and click OK.

Now your browser has become more comfortable and faster in operation.

As a rule, Internet users save useful or frequently used sites, as well as pages they like, to their computer using bookmarks. Using regular browser tools, you can add a page to a special panel under the address bar or save it to a special folder, which can be accessed through the program interface. If the standard panel is not enough for you, or you are not satisfied with its functionality or appearance, you can install visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox.

Unlike some other web browsers, Mozilla Firefox does not have a standard interface for working with visual bookmarks (it's called the Express panel). Instead, users can install third-party applications to add new elements they need, called plugins.

If you want to get express panels similar to those implemented in Yandex browsers or Opera, you need to save and install the appropriate extensions. You can find it online huge amount visual bookmarks that differ in consumed system resources, appearance elements and panel design, the presence of various additional functions, and so on.

This article discusses how to install and configure the bookmark bar you like, and also provides reviews of the two most popular plugins in Russia: Yandex.Bookmarks and SpeedDial.

How to install the plugin

In the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser, there are 2 ways to save to your hard drive and install the plugin you are interested in. First, users can visit the website for the application they want and save it to their computer. The required sites are described in the application-specific sections of this guide.

Alternative way install the extension - use the add-on directory built into the browser. In order to install the extension you need, you must do the following:

Now you can go to the “Extensions” subsection using the left menu. Among the list installed applications Your bookmarks will appear. If you need to remove them, you can use the “Disable” button to pause the plugin or the “Remove” button to uninstall it.

Speed Dial

The SpeedDial plugin is considered the most complete, developed and multifunctional among all existing ones. In addition, it has enormous flexibility of settings - users can change many parameters, ranging from the number and location of bookmarks, ending with their animation and the location of additional elements.

You can display your mailbox and shortcuts to other useful extensions stored on your browser in the Express Panel. Thanks to all these features, SpeedDial has gained immense popularity among users of all popular browsers.

You can save this extension to your personal computer by following the link https://speeddial2.com/ to the official website of the program developer. There you need to click on the blue “Install” button.

Immediately after installation, the express panel will be available for use. If you want to customize the application to suit your needs, you will need to click on the SpeedDial2 icon that appears to the right of the address bar. From the contextual drop-down menu that expands, select Options.

In order to save the website you are interested in, you need to add a new bookmark. You can go to the desired page, click on any free space RMB window, and click “Add new bookmark” in the drop-down menu. An alternative way is to go to the main page of your Quick Dashboard and click on the plus sign + in the place where you want to create a bookmark. After this, you will need to copy the website address into the provided text field and come up with names for the created object.

A very useful feature of Speed ​​Dial2 is the collection of statistics about the pages you view. The application's database stores all the sites you have visited and builds visual graphs and diagrams based on this information. With their help, users can see which sites they visit most often and add them to bookmarks to increase their online productivity.


In Russia, services from Yandex are very popular. Bookmarks from Yandex cannot boast of such enormous configuration flexibility as the SpeedDial described above, but they are no less convenient.

The Yandex interface is more minimalistic, but nevertheless extremely convenient for storage large quantities information and easy navigation through your links. Users of this add-on can set a background image, set the number of simultaneously displayed elements, and also configure many other parameters.

To save this application, you need to visit official page Yandex elements. Here users need to go to the section dedicated to visual bookmarks and click on any image or on the yellow “Install” button.

Immediately after installation, you can start working with the application. To add a new object, you need to click on the plus sign icon, and in the pop-up window that appears, indicate a link to the site where the data you are interested in is stored and enter a name for the link.

At the bottom of the page there is a button for calling the configuration menu. Here users can set the number of web pages that will be displayed, select a background, configure the display of additional services and buttons, for example, changing browser settings. In total, you can save up to 48 bookmarks.

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Immediately after opening, it presents the user with a page on which all available visual bookmarks are stored. Due to failures or incorrect installation, the application may not have such a page; in the article we provide a list of recommended measures that will help display visual bookmarks in any browser installed on the computer. Don’t neglect the convenience that a list with links to the most frequently visited sites can provide. As practice shows, bookmarks significantly save time searching for the desired resource, optimizing the user’s experience on the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox web browser

There are two ways to make visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox.

To configure tabs in the first way, you need to remember the features of this browser; in Firefox, the system settings stored by default will include on the home page those visual bookmarks that are links to sites visited the last time you used the application.

So that the user can personally verify the information that is on at the moment located on the home page, you need to find the “Settings” subcategory in the browser program menu. Among other options, selecting the “Basic” section will help you adjust the work of Firefox in accordance with your personal preferences. In one of the drop-down menu items called “When Firefox starts,” you should select the command “Show windows and tabs opened last time.” Then in the field that is located opposite the home page address, you need to delete all the data so that it remains empty. The above manipulations will allow Firefox to set its page first, in other words, display visual bookmarks as the first loaded page. As a result, you will only need to save the created changes.

To create visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox in the second way, you will have to resort to the help of one of the most popular Yandex services.

One of the most famous and popular search engines among users, Yandex, allows anyone to install a specific add-on that allows detailed customization of visual bookmarks, while simultaneously increasing their quantitative volume.

After the user downloads the corresponding program, it will need to be installed, allowing the web browser to add an add-on. The application to install requires restarting Firefox.

Working in the Google Chrome web browser

Visual bookmarks that appear in the Chrome browser can only be edited when the “Quick Access Page” is enabled as the home page. You can configure it through the “Settings” category, which is located in the main menu of the program. When setting the parameters of the “Initial group”, you need to check the box next to the “Quick access page” section.

After the next opening Google Chrome will display visual bookmarks of pages that the user visited during his last time on the Internet.

Today you can find more advanced visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. You can install them using a specialized extension. To do this, you need to find the “Extensions” section in the system settings; if it turns out to be empty, you will have to check the gallery. Among other extensions, visual bookmarks for Google Chrome will help you install the found “speed dial”. This extension will appear in your web browser immediately after you click Install. This procedure will allow you to add your favorite resources to your home page in a way that is more convenient for the PC owner.

Opera browser

It should be noted that in earlier versions the user had to manually configure visual bookmarks, while latest versions programs have them by default.

To add a list of preferred web resources, enter the main menu by clicking on the “Opera” button and select the “Preferences” category in the “Settings” settings of your web browser. The same manipulation can be performed by simultaneously pressing the CTRL+F12 keys. Then, in the “General” category, find the “Startup” section. In the start page settings, you must select the “Start with Speed ​​Dial” command. This will allow you to display visual bookmarks. The created changes should be saved using the “Ok” button.

Standard web browser Internet Explorer

Despite the fact that this particular web browser was one of the first to be created, the speed of its development today leaves much to be desired. Unlike typical applications, it improves too slowly; even in versions 8 and 9, Internet Explorer did not have automatically configured visual bookmarks that functioned by default. The home page could be set up using the second method used in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox).

In other words, the program could be supplemented exclusively by third-party Yandex extensions. The user must go to the search engine page using Internet Explorer, find the appropriate extension and install it to further display tabs.

Working in Yandex Browser

Making visual bookmarks for Yandex Browser is very simple; all you need to do is open the application. The Yandex web browser provides the user with the opportunity to begin setting up tabs immediately after installing the program.

So, having visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser by default, you can open a new tab by clicking on the “+” icon located with right side, next to the last tab you opened. This manipulation can be done by simultaneously pressing the “CTRL+N” buttons.

For the first time, the list opened on the screen will display the sites that the user visited during his last visit to the global network. You can add new web resources by clicking on the “Add site” command located on the right side.

Visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser can be configured by manually entering the electronic name of the corresponding site, or by copying the contents of the address bar. After clicking on the search result, the important resource will automatically appear in the list.

The advantage of Yandex.Browser is that the user can change electronic web resources in places by dragging them at his discretion using the mouse, delete unnecessary sites and pin the necessary ones. Equipped with a button and a cross, the tab helps you pin (install in a specific location) and remove an unnecessary site from the list of bookmarks. You can confirm the changes made by clicking on the “Done” button.

Among other things, visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser can be more optimal and functional; this effect can be achieved by installing a specialized extension.


Modern web browsers allow the user to customize applications in accordance with the personal preferences of the PC owner. The user can delete and add visual tabs, making working at the computer more convenient.