Aquarius horoscope for August health. What causes sneezing allergies

Horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius indicates that this month you need to pay attention to your relationships. Therefore, you should fulfill the promises you made earlier to your friends, colleagues and partners. Your further fate. No matter how tired you are and no matter how nervous you experience, try to treat the people around you tactfully and with kindness. If you do not leave your team, friends, partners in difficult times, and even help them, this will have a positive impact on your future prospects. Horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius indicates that you will be able to count on their support and plan new business, activities and work. So your positive qualities character will play the role of a stabilizer that will not allow happiness, luck and prospects to be destroyed. To implement new plans, you will need to hold a series of meetings to conclude agreements. In order for these meetings to end successfully, you should carefully prepare for them. During meetings and negotiations, show patience, which you sometimes lack in order to hear and understand your interlocutor. This will help you draw the right conclusions and offer mutually beneficial cooperation.

Marriage horoscope

To strengthen personal happiness, it is necessary to correct the mistakes made and ask for forgiveness. It is advisable for those who left their family to return to it. It is dangerous to start an affair, as you will easily succumb to the influence of others and fall under the power of a dangerous or frivolous person.

In the last month of summer, Aquarians will note their well-developed intuition. People around once again They will see that representatives of your zodiac sign are devoted friends, ready to share the most daring ideas. In August 2016, many Aquarius will be inspired, thanks to which they will begin to gush with ideas and create. A period of creativity will begin, and it will become in demand in the workplace. Easy-going representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign are able to solve problems together or go on a trip - whatever they want to a loved one. Dedication will be appreciated, which will allow Aquarians to receive moral satisfaction. At the same time, those born under your sign will surprise you with their unshakable principles and firm decisions. It is possible that this month Aquarians will encounter financial difficulties that will not be resolved in a hurry.

In the first ten days of August 2016, Venus in Virgo predicts career prospects and management approval for Aquarius. Your zodiac sign has a greater desire for self-realization than monetary reward. Aquarians are able to pore over a project at night just to satisfy their internal interest. You should carefully approach the paperwork, since pitfalls can cause even a successful project to fail. In the first ten days of the month, Aquarius should start planning a budget, since money will be spent faster than it is earned. It is highly not recommended to take on debt obligations at this time - they will only bring ruin and disappointment. The desire to lend money will also have a negative impact on representatives of this zodiac sign.

The second ten days of August 2016, under the auspices of the planet Neptune, promises romance, tenderness and pleasant surprises for Aquarius. In love, representatives of this zodiac sign are sincere and selfless, they immediately express feelings and rarely change the indicated course. The main thing is not to fall into the trap at this time - passion will overwhelm you and it will seem like a real feeling. To return to reality you will need to use your brains and common sense. You should be wary of excessive affection and possessiveness - if you do not let go of your partner and show jealousy, you can destroy even bright feelings. Family Aquarius They will feel tension in the relationship, but there is no point in showing leadership qualities. It is better to take on more responsibilities around the house than usual - your loved one will appreciate it.

In the third ten days of August 2016, Mars in Sagittarius promises good health for Aquarius. But the love of nightclubs can cause headaches and some fatigue - it is worth reducing your activity and reducing the dose of alcohol consumed. Signs of depression may appear, especially if you promise a lot: not everything will work out, against the background of which some representatives of your zodiac sign may feel disappointed in their abilities. If you have hobbies: fishing, cycling, gardening, whatever, you can safely set aside time for this. You'll get a ton positive emotions and satisfaction from doing what you love.

In the last month of summer, Aquarians will note their well-developed intuition. Those around you will once again see that representatives of your zodiac sign are devoted friends, ready to share the most daring ideas. In August 2016, many Aquarius will be inspired, thanks to which they will begin to gush with ideas and create. A period of creativity will begin, and it will become in demand in the workplace. Easy-going representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign are able to solve problems together or go on a trip - whatever a loved one wants. Dedication will be appreciated, which will allow Aquarians to receive moral satisfaction. At the same time, those born under your sign will surprise you with their unshakable principles and firm decisions. It is possible that this month Aquarians will encounter financial difficulties that will not be resolved in a hurry.

In the first ten days of August 2016, Venus in Virgo predicts career prospects and management approval for Aquarius. Your zodiac sign is characterized by a desire for self-realization more than monetary reward. Aquarians are able to pore over a project at night just to satisfy their internal interest. You should carefully approach the paperwork, since pitfalls can cause even a successful project to fail. In the first ten days of the month, Aquarius should start planning a budget, since money will be spent faster than it is earned. It is highly not recommended to take on debt obligations at this time - they will only bring ruin and disappointment. The desire to lend money will also have a negative impact on representatives of this zodiac sign.

The second ten days of August 2016, under the auspices of the planet Neptune, promises romance, tenderness and pleasant surprises for Aquarius. In love, representatives of this zodiac sign are sincere and selfless, they immediately express feelings and rarely change the indicated course. The main thing is not to fall into the trap at this time - passion will overwhelm you and it will seem like a real feeling. To return to reality you will need to use your brains and common sense. You should be wary of excessive affection and possessiveness - if you do not let go of your partner and show jealousy, you can destroy even bright feelings. Family Aquarians will feel tension in relationships, but there is no point in showing leadership qualities. It is better to take on more responsibilities around the house than usual - your loved one will appreciate it.

In the third ten days of August 2016, Mars in Sagittarius promises good health for Aquarius. But the love of nightclubs can cause headaches and some fatigue - it is worth reducing your activity and reducing the dose of alcohol consumed. Signs of depression may appear, especially if you promise a lot: not everything will work out, against the background of which some representatives of your zodiac sign may feel disappointed in their abilities. If you have hobbies: fishing, cycling, gardening, whatever, you can safely set aside time for this. You will receive a lot of positive emotions and satisfaction from doing what you love.

New opportunities will open up for Aquarius in August 2016. They will be able to realize their ideas. The knowledge gained in psychology and your own intuition will help with this. In some cases, they will go ahead and not pay attention to others. This will greatly surprise those around them who have not previously noticed their aggression and cruelty. But representatives of the air element are accustomed to going against the flow.

At the end of summer, many of the housing problems of Aquarius should be resolved. Many of them will change their place of residence, move to new apartment or. At the same time, they will be able to move either to another area or leave permanently to another country. There is no need to worry, everything will turn out well.

The professional activities of Aquarius in August will be very intense. Don't think that you can get "easy money" without sacrificing anything. You will not only ruin your reputation, but you can also lose your freedom for financial fraud. To avoid problems, do not agree to participate in scams. Work honestly.

This month it is better to give up loans. Otherwise you will lose a large sum money because you won’t be able to pay on time. It is best to postpone this matter until a more opportune moment. Those Aquarians who are thinking about career advancement must work conscientiously. Special attention You need to pay attention to maintaining business records. There should be no inaccuracies here. If you cope with the task, management will definitely appreciate it and promote you.

The personal life of Aquarius will be quiet and calm. In August you can forget about quarrels and conflicts. The relationship will be passionate and romantic. You will enjoy each other, enjoying every minute spent together. Lonely representatives of the sign may lose their heads when they meet a new chosen one. At the end of the month they will realize they were wrong.

Aquarians who are married should devote the last month of summer to establishing relationships with their spouses' relatives. It's not always pleasant. Just listen carefully to the advice of the older generation. Nobody forces you to live by their rules. In your family, you can set your own rules. This month you can make expensive purchases that your family has long dreamed of. Allocate money for them from the family budget.

People of this sign will not have any special health problems. There will be enough strength for everything if you alternate work with rest. Free time try to make it fun and useful. Give up bad habits that poison your body. Lead healthy image life.

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Inga Polonskaya.

General horoscope
Aquarius has a highly developed intuition and understanding of people. It is not for nothing that this sign is considered mystical and truly unique. Aquarius is a true devoted friend and ally, he is inclined to share even the craziest ideas! In August 2016, this sign will get a second wind, and inspiration will become frequent guest in his soul. There is a high probability of creative activity and demand. Airy and light, Aquarius sometimes surprises those around him with his strong principles and unshakable moral qualities. In general, a sign of contradictions and mysteries.

Work, career and money
In work, what is important to Aquarius is, first of all, not material gain, but self-realization. Only this sign is capable of working day and night on a project purely out of inner interest. Detailed horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius promises this zodiac sign career prospects, and there is also a chance of approval from superiors. But there may be problems with documentation and paperwork. Money will be spent too quickly, so Aquarius should think about planning their budget. In August 2016, it is highly discouraged to take on debt obligations and become a guarantor - this will only bring losses and disappointments.

Love horoscope
In love, Aquarians are selfless and sincere; they immediately voice their position in relationships and are not inclined to change this course. In August 2016, they may fall into the trap of their own illusions: passion will seem like a big and real feeling, and the heart will no longer control the situation. Turn on your mind! He's like cold shower, will help you cope with emotions and see the true state of things. The entire horoscope for August 2016 for Aquarius will be filled with romance, tenderness and pleasant surprises. At this time, perhaps the only thing you should be wary of is the desire to completely take possession of your partner. Otherwise, jealousy and excessive mistrust can destroy even the brightest feelings.

Relationships and family
The family hearth will be subject to some tension. You will want to show all your undisclosed leadership qualities and command your family members. Aquarians shouldn't do this! Otherwise, close people can harshly put you in your place. According to the horoscope for August 2016, Aquarius will take on some of the responsibilities associated with the house: repairs, buying new equipment, helping elderly parents. There will be absolutely no time left for yourself. But dedication and altruism will not go unnoticed and will bear fruit.

The health of Aquarius in August 2016 will not raise suspicions, but it is worth reducing excessive activity. Since Aquarius loves parties and a nocturnal lifestyle, sleep disorders and headaches are possible. There is a possibility that various kinds of dependencies may arise. This sign especially needs to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. It would be a good idea to undergo a full check-up with a doctor.