Tailed Beasts (Naruto). Tailed Demons

Tailed beasts- huge creatures whose size is comparable to Gamabunta. They have partial similarities with the creatures of Japanese mythology, they have different number tails: one is the weakest, nine is the strongest. And each is a beast from Japanese mythology. Compared to humans, tailed beasts have a much larger reserve of chakra. Shukaku has a level of chakra several times higher than that of a human, and the Kyuubi's chakra is virtually infinite. Despite their unmatched strength and power, not all tailed beasts are able to effectively use their chakra. The Three-Tailed Beast, for example, did not have the intelligence to control its own power, which made it weaker.
Carriers of bijuu are called "jinchuuriki", which literally means "the power of human sacrifice."

Famous tailed beasts:

One-tailed Shukaku

First appearance in Manga: chapter 35
Hidden Village: Sand
Rank: Kazekage
Bijuu: Shukaku no Ichibi (one-tailed raccoon)
Strength: reduced form of Shukaku~ protective sand form of a raccoon, automatic sand protection.
Flaws: if Gaara falls asleep, Shukaku takes control of his body.
Status: captured and sealed by Akatsuki.
Information: Chiyo placed the demon Shukaku in the body of the Kazekage's son Gaara. Gaara led a lonely life before meeting Naruto. He pledged to prove his worth and protect the village. His ambition allowed him to become the Kazekage. He was defeated in battle by Deidara, and Akatsuki separated him from Shukaku, killing Gaara. He was later resurrected by Chiyo, but after that he was no longer a jinchūriki. Despite this, he retained the ability to control sand.

History and Myth:
Tanuki are a type of dog found in Japan. The species was named "raccoon dog" due to its similar appearance to a raccoon. It was believed that tanuki had a playful nature, could change shape and bring good luck. Shukaku in Naruto is associated with several tanuki stories. One of them tells about Banbuku Chagam. In this story, the tanuka was transformed into a teapot for making tea. In the series, Shukaku was once sealed in one of them. Some stories about tanukas say that they are priests in the guise of raccoons. These stories are related to the series in which it was stated that Shukaku was a fallen priest of the Sand.

Shukaku is passive in Gaara's body, but can act freely when Gaara is asleep. Due to the great danger of Shukaku in his free, uncontrollable form, Gaara is forced to stay awake. As a result of this, his eyes became colorless and his eyelids became black. Stylistically, this emphasizes Gaara's connection with tanuki, as this species has specific black circles around its eyes.
Another item that is reminiscent of Gaara's tanuki is his bottle gourd on his back, as many pictures show tanukas with a giant bottle gourd scrotum, which they wear with straps slung over their shoulders.

Automatic protection: Gaara uses the one-tailed Shukaku in several forms. The Sand Demon provides Gaara with an automatic protective field that protects him from blows. The automatic defense is limited in speed, so fast enough attacks can reach Gaara's body before the sand can interfere with the strike and provide protection again.
Strength: Using his own chakra to encase his enemies in sand, Gaara constricts and kills his opponents. Their blood in turn increases Shukaku's power. When Gaara returns the sand to the gourd, the blood of the vanquished is literally mixed into it.
The exact reason why blood increases Shukaku's strength is not known.

Jinchuuriki's form is Bijuu.
Using sand from his gourd and spreading it around, Gaara covers himself with it to achieve his "superior" form. To prepare himself for this state, Gaara uses a sand cocoon. During his preparation, Gaara reacts to dangerous situations in the form of a small Shukaku. This "mini Shukaku" form allows Gaara to throw sand shurikens and use techniques such as Daitoppa's Mugen Sajin. The final and superior version of this technique is the use of huge sand scales, which allows Shukaku to escape and escape, inflicting huge losses on opponents. First Gaara collects huge amount sand in the form of a large Shukaku, he then uses the False Dream technique to neutralize his enemies and then allows Shukaku to take control of his large form. As stated, it was this technique that terrified Temari and was the cause of much destruction in the past.

Other influences from Shukaku.
Except in those cases when Gaara is asleep and Shukaku's influence causes enormous damage, Gaara, in consciousness, uses other techniques that allow Shukaku to overpower him. They include the initial model of the Sabaku Ryu technique with the paw-like appendage characteristic of this technique and the Shukaku no Tate technique, which became Gaara Saikou Zettai Bougyu (Highest Absolute Defense)

Two-tailed demon cat

Nii Yugito and Nibi
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 312
First appearance in anime: Shippuden episode 71
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Jonin
Biju: Two-tailed demon cat.
Strength: blows jets of fire from his mouth
Flaws: unknown
Status: captured and sealed by Akatsuki.
Information: Yugito was a kunoichi from Hidden Clouds Village. Like Gaara and Naruto, she was an integral part of her village. At the time of her appearance in Naruto, she was 20 years old. It contained a demon of a two-tailed cat, “ikiroyu,” otherwise called a “living ghost.” She was defeated by Hidan and Kakuzu. After Akatsuki deprived Yugito of Nibi, killing her.

History and Myth:
The cat is a common pet around the world, and stories about bakemono (monster) cats are very popular throughout Japan. The neko-mata (forked cat) myth states that she must be the oldest cat to have a forked tail. According to myth, being of enormous size, this cat was rumored to have the ability to manipulate the dead like puppies and was often associated with unexplained fires and various strange incidents. Perhaps this explains Nibi's nickname "ikiroyu" ("living ghost") and her ability to breathe fire.

Jinuuriki's form is Bijuu (ultimate demon)
Yugito has a high level of control over his jinchūriki form, the Bijuu. As the chakra separates from her, she slouches and allows Nibi to materialize. Being smaller than the same form of Shukaku, Nibi can cause enormous disasters. In this form, Yugito can spit ghostly streams of fire from his cat's mouth. These jets are particularly destructive and, doubled by the power of Nibi, can turn the surrounding area into ruins.

Three-Tailed Demon Turtle

Yagura and Sanbi.
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 317
First appearance in anime: Shippuden episode 98
Hidden Village: formerly Mist Village
Biju: Three-tailed demon - turtle
Status: captured and sealed by Akatsuki.

Information: Akatsuki has located the Sanbi, a three-tailed demon that has the characteristics of a turtle and a shrimp. In the past, Sanbi was in the body of a ninja named Yagura from the Village Hidden in the Mist. When the Akatsuki caught him, the Sanbi was in his "wild" form, without the jinchūriki host. For this same reason, he was weaker because he could not control his strength properly. Tobi caught this demon with Deidara's help. This demon was successfully sealed into the Hell King by the group.

History and Myth:
The turtle is a familiar species throughout the world, and stories of turtles and sea bakemono (monsters) have spread throughout Japan. One myth tells about the spirit of the eaten turtle Sappon no Yurei. In the story, three men were trapped by the spirit of a turtle they had eaten. This incident frightened them so much that they were in a state of deep shock for three whole days. Other sea monsters like Umibouzu were described as large green turtles, huge and attacking fishermen.

Four-tailed monkey demon

Roshi and Yonbi.
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 353
First appearance in anime: no data
Hidden Village: Stone
Bijuu: Four-tailed demon monkey.
Strength: Yuton Ninjutsu
Flaws: unknown
Status: captured and sealed by Akatsuki

Information: Roushi was the oldest known jinchūriki. It contained a four-tailed demon that took the form of a large lava-spewing gorilla. He was meant to be the Jinchūriki of the Hidden Stone Village, in a way he and the Hidden Stone Village were kept company. He traveled the world trying to understand his powers. He used the Bijuu to create Yuton (Lava Element) Ninjutsu, a combination of the elements of earth and fire that together created lava that could pass through any object. He was defeated in a battle with Kisame.

History and Myth: The vast family of primates includes chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and humans. There is one myth about Satori, a monkey-like creature that lives in the mountains. There is a classic Chinese folk novel, Journey to the East, in which a young monkey named Sun Wukong goes on an adventure. The same story would later be adopted by other authors, including Akira Toriyama, in his Dragon Ball series. In "Dragon Ball" main character transforms into a large ape-like creature.

Five-tailed demon horse-whale

Khan and Gobi.
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 420
First appearance in anime: no data
Hidden Village: Stone
Biju: five-tailed demon horse - whale
Flaws: unknown
Status: captured and sealed by Akatsuki.

Information: Akatsuki caught Han and Gobi a long time ago. The demon took the form of a hybrid of a horse and a whale. It is unknown who from Akatsuki caught the demon. The jinchuurike, abandoned by his village when Akatsuki attacked, was captured by two invisible exiles. The one who caught the demon must be one of these exiles.

History and Myth: Condylars, the first ungulates, during evolution were divided into many genealogical branches, which included equids, in particular horses. Cetacean species include whales, dolphins and porpoises (brown dolphins). In the myth, Sagari had the head of a horse, which hung loosely from the branches of a nettle bush. Bake-kujira was a huge skeletal whale.

Six-tailed clam demon

Utakata and Rokubi.
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 420
First appearance in anime: Episode 151
Hidden Village: Fog
Biju: six-tailed gastropod
Flaws: unknown
Status: captured and sealed by Akatsuki.

Information: Akatsuki caught Utakata and Bijuu quite a long time ago. The demon takes the form of a slimy slug. It is unknown who from Akatsuki caught the demon. The jinchuurike, abandoned by his village when Akatsuki attacked, was captured by two invisible exiles. The one who caught the demon must be one of these exiles.

History and Myth: Gastropods are the second class of animals after insects in terms of the number of species known in it. They live in a variety of habitats, including rivers, deserts, oceans and depressions. Some slugs secrete a layer of mucus that envelops their bodies. Mucus secretions help slugs avoid falling from vertical surfaces. In some ways, mucus secretion is a method of defense, since the layer of mucus provides the slug with reliable stops. According to myth, Sazae, an oni, was a demon snail with a turban on his head, capable of changing shape.

Seven-tailed demon beetle

Fuu and Shichibi
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 420
First appearance in anime: no data
Hidden Village: Waterfall
Biju: seven-tailed demon beetle Rhino
Flaws: Unknown
Status: was captured and sealed by Akatsuki

Information: The Akatsuki captured Fuu and her tailed beasts in the distant past. Her demon takes the form of a six-winged beetle with a single caudal appendage acting as a tail. It is unknown which Akatsuki member caught the demon. The jinchuurike, abandoned by his village when Akatsuki attacked, was captured by two invisible exiles. The one who caught the demon must be one of these exiles.

History and Myth: Rhinoceros beetles are one of the largest and strongest animals on earth relative to their size. The tendency of Rhino beetles to fight with other males has made them very popular in the role of gambling in Asia. Beetles have a strong exoskeleton and fore wings that create flexible armor. The front wings are not used, but cover the back of the body and protect the second pair of wings, which are designed for flight. Some beetle families are unable to fly.

Eight-tailed cephalopod bull demon

Killer Bee and Hachibi.
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 408
First appearance in anime: episode 142
Hidden Village: Clouds
Rank: Unknown (possibly jonin)
Biju: An eight-tailed cephalopod bull demon.
Strength: small form of Hachibi - Hachibi's protective chakra takes the form of a cephalopod, Killer acquires giant chakra and strength.
Status: Active.

Information: Akatsuki is still looking for two jinchuuriki to seal:
Naruto and the Bijuu Hachibi, who goes by the name Kiraa Bii (Killer Bee). After Madara Uchiha lured Sasuke to his side, he sent him after this bijuu. They eventually found this Mist Ninja training in the mountains. Killer Bee has two tattoos, an iron tattoo on his shoulder and bull horns on his cheeks. He also possesses eight swords, taking the form of the real seven swords and their tailed form. Bee has the ability to transform into his bijuu, a bull with tentacles. Ultimately, Sasuke overpowered him with his Amaterasu and took him away to apply the seal. However, it was later discovered that his body was only a transformed tentacle when the real Killer Bee was completely safe in the Land of Lightning. This allowed Bee to escape captivity and escape the Akatsuki.

History and Myths.
In some myths, Ushi-Oni is a sea creature, with the head of a bull and the body of another creature with many limbs. Hachibi was created based on this creature. Cephalopods (a class that includes squid and octopuses) are animals often seen in the oceans, appearing in stories of giant sea creatures in Japan and other countries. In other non-Japanese myths, the Kraken is a giant squid capable of capturing big ships. After all, it was only recently that this squid was spotted by researchers in its natural environment.

The tattoo is on Killer Bee's left cheek. The tattoo represents bull horns, but also looks very much like the arms of an octopus. Together they are the two animals of this bijuu Ushi-Oni. Other details that make him look like a cephalopod are two ropes hanging from his belt, similar to the tentacles of a squid.
Jinchuuriki Form - Bijuu (Eight-Tails)
Killer Bee has a high level of control over his jinchuuriki-tailed beast form.
Together with the chakra emanating from his body, a cover of tentacle-tails is formed. These tails form their own individual chakra tails, separately covering his ropes and scarf. He eventually has five full chakra tails and three tails covering his clothes. He can also use his two tails as bull horns for his Rariato technique to cut through his enemies.
Jinchuuriki Form - Bijuu (Ultimate Demon)
Killer Bee has a high level of control over his Bijuu form.
After summoning Hachibi, Killer Bee begins to take full form demon.
In this state, he is able to emit a stream of compressed dark chakra that can pass through almost anything.

Nine-tailed demon fox

Uzumaki Naruto and Kyuubi.
First appearance in the manga: Chapter 1
First appearance in anime: Episode 1
Hidden Village: Sheet
Rank: genin
Biju: Kyuubi no Yoko (Nine-Tailed Demon Fox)
Strength: small form of the Kyuubi - the protective chakra of the Kyuubi takes the form of a fox, and Naruto gains giant chakra and strength.
Flaws: Overuse of the Kyuubi's chakra destroys Naruto's body, turning him into a mindless killing machine.
Status: Active
Information: After the attack on Konoha, the Yondaime Hokage imprisoned the Kyuubi in Naruto's body. Like most jinchuuriki, Naruto was lonely. But after some time, he made friends, leaving behind his hopeless life. He trained under the sannin Jiraiya in order to take full advantage of the jinchuuriki.

History and Myths.
Kyuubi - Kitsune (Japanese fox) or fox. Myths say that the fox is able to change its shape, live long and use magic. It is believed that the number of tails depends on the lifespan of a fox, with one tail acquired for every 100 years of life lived. With age, their strength also increases, and by 1000 years and nine tails, foxes achieve almost divine strength. The Yondaime Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Kyuubi in the body of the child Naruto.
It is believed that he used the Shiki Fuujin technique to seal the Kyuubi into Naruto, and then the Hakke no Fuuin Shiki & Shishu Fuuin sealing techniques to keep it inside. The seal created an internal prison for the Kyuubi, with a barrier gate and seal keeping it locked away. The seal was created so that the Kyuubi's chakra could pass through this barrier when entering Naruto, and, as the Yondaime Hokage intended, was supposed to help Naruto.


After placing the Kyuubi into Naruto, three marks appeared on his cheeks. When Naruto gets very angry and the Kyuubi's chakra begins to flow out of him, these marks become larger and give him a feral appearance. His eyes also change color, turning from blue to red, and his teeth and nails lengthen, becoming sharper.
Other details that make Naruto look like a fox are the orange, black, and white colors in his costume, his penchant for mischief, and his sideways glance when embarrassed.

In the beginning, Naruto could only summon the Kyuubi's chakra in moments of heightened emotional state and anger. And after training with Jiraiya, Naruto learned to summon the Kyuubi's chakra in his own way at will. This chakra allows him to use jutsu beyond his normal capabilities, such as summoning Gamabunta.

Chakra protection.
When the Kyuubi returns to its normal form, the swirling red chakra can deflect attacks. In his tailed form, Naruto's body is enveloped in a red fox aura formed by the Kyuubi within him. Although this chakra appears to protect him from external influences, it constantly destroys his body, destroying cells, and then regenerating them again. At high level When the Kyuubi's chakra is concentrated, such as in its four-tailed form, the chakra becomes poisonous to external touch. If flesh touched the Kyuubi's flaming form, it would immediately be burned and poisoned by that chakra, and simple medical treatment would not be able to cure such a wound.

Chakra attack.
In its tailed form, the Kyuubi's chakra can also be used for attacks. Naruto can extend this chakra from his hands to grab and punch his opponent. These deadly limbs can extend unpredictably from his actual body, and in his four-tailed form, such an attack becomes even more refined. Naruto becomes capable of a quick attack, and even if his body misses a hit, the chakra can move him, allowing him to strike from a different angle. He can also release this chakra in huge ball-shaped bursts, destroying everything around him. In one of his deadliest attacks, Naruto can absorb a mixture of the Kyuubi's dark chakra and his own blood to then fire that chakra out in a massive stream.

Due to the fact that the Kyuubi's life is connected to Naruto, one of the positive aspects of this union is the fact that the Kyuubi heals Naruto when he is injured. Unfortunately, overusing high level healing kills Naruto. Due to the fact that cells have a limited lifespan, when critically injured, increased body regeneration shortens its life.


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Translation from English: Fan-Naruto Team
Design of text and pictures: Light

names of all tailed demons. . from naruto

  1. All the tails are mixed!
    Half from 3-tailed to 9-tailed, animal type and names are described incorrectly!
    Let's start with the fact that
    The 4th-monkey name is Son-Goku.
    The 5th is a raccoon dog named Koku.
    The 6th slug's name is Saiken.
    7th - winged insect name Chuumen, type unknown.
    The 8th is a bull and an octopus named Hachibi.
    Apparently the guy hasn't watched Naruto!
  2. One-tailed demon
    Name: One-Tailed (Japanese: Ichibi-no-Shukaku or Sandy Shukaku (Japanese: Suna no Shukaku))
    Animal: Tanuki (Raccoon dog, found in Japan and other Asian countries.) Element: wind (god of wind)
    Owner: On at the moment no one before Gaara
    Abilities: Can control sand, creates wind balls from wind chakra, Shukaku can use sandstorms, manipulate sand and wind.
    Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
    Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki

    Two-tailed demon
    Name: Two-Tails (Japanese: Nibi-no-Nekomata)
    Animal: Nekomata (Mythical two-tailed cat)
    Element: death (god of darkness) Owner: At the moment, no one before Yugito Nii Abilities: Breathes fire, Nekomata can control zombies, spread darkness, kill with his eyes, absorb the chakra of those killed by him.
    Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
    Nekomata is a two-tailed demon in the form of a cat, and has the power of death.

    Three-tailed demon
    Name: Three-Tails (Japanese: Sanbi-no-Isonade)
    Animal: Unknown (turtle-like creature)
    Element: water (god of water) Owner: No one, was free before Akatsuki's capture Abilities: Water manipulation.
    Status: Sealed by Akatsuki.
    The Sanbi is a three-tailed turtle shark with sharp scales. She lives at the bottom of the ocean.

    Four-tailed demon
    Name: Four-Tails (Japanese nbi-no-Soko)
    Animal: Unknown (rooster-snake, basilisk)
    Element: poison Owner: Currently no one, previously unknown old man Abilities: Controls poison, spits out poisonous fumes, harmful festerings Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
    Yonbi is a four-tailed reptilian demon, saturated from head to toe with poison.

    Five tailed demon
    Name: Five-Tails (Japanese: Chibi-no-Hoko (Gobi))
    Animal: Dog Element: illusion
    Abilities: Each tail represents one element of power: Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Fire. Can control all five elements, combine them, and also create illusions and mirages
    Gobi is a white five-tailed dog. Each tail of this dog represents an element: wind, water, lightning, earth, fire.

    Six-tailed demon
    Name: Six-Tails (Japanese: Rokubi no Raiju)
    Animal: Weasel (ermine) Element: lightning (thunder god)
    Abilities: Can use lightning, deafening thunder, chains of lightning, ball lightning, paralyzing spells, and also fly, developing a huge speed of revolutions, like ball lightning.
    Raiji is a six-tailed weasel with four legs with steel claws and a golden skin. His cry sounds like thunder. Originally, it was the God of Thunder, but because of Hachibi, it became a weasel.
    Shukaku is a one-tailed demon in the form of a raccoon dog.

    Seven-tailed demon
    Name: Seven-Tails (Japanese: Shichiba-no-Kaku (Shichibi))
    Animal: Badger Element: earth (earth god)
    Owner: Atsuto
    Abilities: Manipulation of earthly activity, causes earthquakes, and can also acquire any form (Henge elementary jutsu
    Kaku is a seven-tailed badger with blue fur.

    Eight tailed demon
    Name: Eight-Tails (Japanese: Hachibi-no-Hachima (Hachibi, Yamato-no-Orochi))
    Animal: Snake Element: Malice Owner: Presumably Orochimaru
    Abilities: Summon evil spirits, enormous strength and chakra obtained from kusanagi
    Hachibi, also known as Hachimata, is an eight-tailed, eight-headed snake.

    Nine-tailed demon
    Name: Nine-Tails (Japanese: Kyuubi-no-ko)
    Animal: Kitsune (Fox)
    Element: fire (god of fire)
    Owner: Naruto Uzumaki
    Abilities: Fire creation and manipulation, flaming claws, fireballs, hurricanes, rapid regeneration.
    Status: Sealed in Naruto
    Voiced by: Tess Genda
    Kyuubi is a nine-tailed fox demon. He is the strongest and most powerful of all the tailed demons.
    If Naruto dies, then he dies too

One-tailed Shukaku

Name: One-tailed Shukaku (Japanese: Ichibi no Shukaku) or Sand Shukaku (Japanese: Suna no Shukaku)
Animal: Tanuki (Raccoon dog, lives in Japan and other Asian countries.)
Element: wind (wind god)
Host: At the moment, no one, before Gaara, before him two unknown Sand shinobi
Abilities: Can control sand, creates wind balls from wind chakra, Shukaku can use sandstorms, manipulate sand and wind.
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki
Shukaku is a one-tailed demon in the form of a raccoon dog. Before, he was a priest who lived in Suna. Due to the dark power released by Hachibi, he transformed into this appearance (his actual form). He has a playful and unpredictable nature. Shukaku lives in the souls of people killed by wind and sand, so Gaara can absorb an opponent's chakra, killing them and absorbing their blood. History: In the fight of nine demons, he defeated Yonbi, was defeated by Raiji, Nekomata and Sanbi, and also escaped from Hachibi. Shukaku was defeated by a Suna Monk named Oraga Nakashimu and sealed in a deer antler. After his second arrival, he was sealed into Gaara.

Eighth in strength among demons, and ninth in chakra.

Two-tailed demon cat
Name: Two-tailed cat demon (Japanese: Nibi no Nekomata)
Animal: Nekomata (Mythical two-tailed cat)
Element: death (god of darkness)
Host: Currently no one before Yugito Nii
Abilities: Breathes fire, Nekomata can control zombies, spread darkness, kill with his eyes, and absorb the chakra of those he kills.
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki

Nekomata is a two-tailed demon in the form of a cat, and has the power of death. This demon lives in the Forest of Death. His appearance is that of a cat monster with a huge, black body oozing dark chakra. He is the pet of the Death God. Accumulating souls of the dead people, can call them to fight for him. Therefore, Nii Yugito has the ability to summon the dead. He also drinks a lot of alcohol. History: In the fight of nine demons, he formed an alliance with Gobi to defeat the others, but they were disastrously defeated by Kyuubi, but defeated Kaku and Sanbi. He was saved from death by the God of Death, at the moment when Kyuubi was about to finish him off. Yugito was imprisoned in Nii (the God of Death himself also helped in imprisonment), but Akatsuki, having caught her, extracted the demon

The fourth tailed demon in strength, and the eighth in chakra


Name: Three-Tails (Japanese: Sanbi)
Animal: Unknown (turtle-like creature)
Element: water (god of water)
Boss: No one, was free before the capture of Akatsuki
Abilities: Water manipulation.
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki.

The Sanbi is a three-tailed turtle shark with sharp scales. She lives at the bottom of the ocean. Every year the Sanbi swims to the surface of the ocean to take a sip fresh air. To feed, it makes storms and funnels, dragging sailors to the bottom. Sanbi also has an assistant - big fish Samehada. Samehada is attached to the Sanbi's stomach and absorbs his food to return it as chakra. Thanks to her, Sanbi has five times more chakra than she actually has. Therefore, the main source of Sanbi chakra is Samehada. History: In the fight of nine demons, Sanbi defeated Kaku and Shukaku, lost the fight to Nekomata and fled from Hachibi. He was imprisoned in a pot, but was freed and lay on the bottom of the Ocean. He was later sealed by Akatsuki due to his inept use of chakra.

The tailed demon is sixth in strength, and seventh in chakra


Name: Four-Tails (Japanese: Yonbi)
Animal: Unknown (rooster-snake, basilisk)
Element: poison
Host: No one at the moment, a previously unknown old man
Abilities: Controls poison, spits out poisonous fumes, harmful festerings, etc.
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki

Yonbi is a four-tailed reptilian demon, saturated from head to toe with poison. He lived near a volcano in the Land of Earth. Due to volcanic gas and exposure, he was transformed into a half-rooster, half-snake monster. Rooster and Snake are two halves in Yonbi's body. With large membranous wings, but lacking the ability to fly. Everything miles away from it withers and dies from the poison it exudes. His snoring causes the volcano to spew out its flames. History: In the fight of the nine tailed creatures, he had not very successful fights: he was defeated by Shukaku, Kaku and Gobi, and also ran away from Raiji. He was imprisoned in a lunar cage, and after the second arrival in an unknown old man. Subsequently, Akatsuki was sealed.

The ninth tailed demon in strength, and the sixth in chakra

Name: Five-Tails (Japanese: Gobi)
Animal: Dog
Element: illusion
Owner: Unknown
Abilities: Each tail represents one element of power: Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Fire. Can control all five elements, combine them, and also create illusions and mirages
Status: Unknown

Gobi is a white five-tailed dog. Each tail of this dog represents an element: wind, water, lightning, earth, fire. Thanks to this, Gobi can cause enormous damage when attacking five elements of nature at once. But despite everything, each element has one tail, which means the strength of one element is equal to one. He is also the god of illusions, and genjutsu came from him. History: In the war of the nine tailed demons, he defeated Yonbi, Nekomata and Raiji, but lost to Kyuubi. After the battle with Kyuubi, he was very seriously wounded and fled to the tree of life. He was subsequently sealed into an unknown person.

The third demon in strength, and the fifth in chakra.


Name: Six-Tails (Japanese: Rokubi)
Animal: Weasel (ermine)
Element: lightning (god of thunder)
Owner: Unknown
Abilities: Can use lightning, deafening thunder, chains of lightning, ball lightning, paralyzing spells, and also fly, developing a huge speed of revolutions, like ball lightning. The fifth tailed demon in strength, and the fourth in chakra
Status: Unknown

Raiji is a six-tailed weasel with four legs with steel claws and a golden skin. His cry sounds like thunder. Originally, it was the God of Thunder, but because of Hachibi, it became a weasel. In battle, Raiji's entire fur becomes vertical and saturated with a huge discharge of electricity, and his tails take the form of a thunderstorm History: In the War of the Nine Tailed Demons, Shukaku and Yonbi defeated, but was defeated by Gobi, Hachibi and Kyuubi. Originally the god of thunder. After that, he hid for a long time in the Land of Thunder, but he was imprisoned in an object of power - the Hidden Prison of Thunder. He was released by Hachibi already in the form of a weasel. After the fight of nine demons, the ninja Sarutobi was imprisoned by an unknown person from Kaminari. He was able to defeat him with a ninjutsu technique: a rai-kiri, cutting through Raiji's huge bolt of lightning and inflicting a huge wound on him (which disproves the invention of this technique by Kakashi). After Raiji lost the ability to resist, Sarutobi sealed him.

The fifth demon in strength, and the fourth in chakra.


Name: Seven-Tails (Japanese: Shichibi)
Animal: Badger
Element: earth (earth god)
Owner: Unknown
Abilities: Manipulation of earthly activity, causes earthquakes, and can also take on any form (Henge - an elementary jutsu
Status: Unknown

Kaku is a seven-tailed badger with blue fur. Kaku is the smallest of the tailed demons, but the most cunning, mysterious and agile. Kaku spends most of its time underground, digging huge holes. He hunts in a very unique way - he breaks a huge hole under the ground where the victim is standing, and then causes an earthquake, the victim falls through and ends up in Kaku's mouth. Also, thanks to the clay underground, it can transform into any form. History: In the war of the nine tailed demons, Yonbi defeated and also escaped from Nekomata, Hachibi and Sanbi. It was originally imprisoned by Ikkyo Soujin into an object of power - the Altar of the Remaining Earth. Ikkyo was able to achieve this after burning Kaku's clay reserves, thereby preventing him from transforming. Having freed himself, he took part in the fight of the nine tailed creatures, and after some time he was re-imprisoned by the unknown. If Akatsuki catches it, presumably Deidara will be its owner.

The seventh demon in strength, and the third in chakra.


Name: Eight-Tails (Japanese: Hachibi, Yamato no Orochi)
Animal: Snake
Element: evil
Owner: Unknown
Abilities: Summoning evil spirits, enormous strength and chakra obtained from kusanagi
Status: Unknown

Hachibi, also known as Hachimata, is an eight-tailed and eight-headed snake. He has red eyes and is also the lord of the demonic world, a symbol of evil. Each Hachibi head represents a sign: soul, ghost, evil, devil, monster, murder, afterlife and death. Initially, he was weak, only summoning evil spirits, but when he stole their sword from the legendary Kusanagi clan - Kusanagi no Tsurugi, he absorbed its power and became very strong. History: After Hachibi took possession of Kusanagi, great evil began to ooze from him. This evil awakened and released all the tailed demons sealed in the objects, and they again began to fight for the title of demon king. Thanks to Kusanagi, Hachibi defeated Shukaku, Sanbi, Kaku and Raiji, but could not defeat Kyuubi, whose chakra was limitless. After that, he was imprisoned by an unknown person in the Village of Sound, and Orochimaru took possession of the kusanagi sword. He is presumably the host of Orochimaru - this explains Orochimaru's use of soul transference techniques, evil spirits, and body stretching.

He is the second demon, after Kyuubi, in strength and chakra.

Nine-tailed demon fox

Name: Nine-tailed demon fox (Japanese: Kyuubi no Yoko)
Animal: Kitsune (Fox)
Element: fire (god of fire)
Owner: Naruto Uzumaki
Abilities: Fire creation and manipulation, flaming claws, fireballs, hurricanes, rapid regeneration.
Status: Sealed in Naruto
Voiced by: Tessho Genda

Kyuubi is a nine-tailed fox demon. He is the strongest and most powerful of all the tailed demons. He owns a huge stock vitality as well as an almost infinite amount of chakra. It represents the element of fire. Kyuubi is a very intelligent demon with speech. He is very cunning, smart and resourceful. If Naruto dies, then he will die, so he always helps him in battle. Whirling its tails rapidly, it creates hurricanes, and fiery meteorites fly out of its fur, which can destroy entire villages. History: In the war of the nine tailed demons, Kyuubi was always dominant - he inflicted enormous damage on Gobi and Nekomata, defeated Raiji, and after a long battle defeated Hachibi. After the fight between the tailed demons ended, he went to the Land of Fire. If not for the fourth hokage, Kyuubi would have destroyed the village - the fourth, sacrificing himself, imprisoned him in Naruto. Thanks to the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto has enormous chakra, immense stamina and rapid regeneration, as well as the ability to open up the Nine-Tails' chakra during a furious attack.

Famous tailed beasts

One-tailed demon

Name: One-Tailed (Japanese: Ichibi-no-Shikaku or Sandy Shukaku (Japanese: Suna no Shukaku))
Animal: Tanuki (Raccoon dog, found in Japan and other Asian countries)
Element: wind, sand
Former owner: Gaara, before him two unknown Sand shinobi
Abilities: Can control sand, creates wind balls from wind chakra,
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki
Shukaku is a one-tailed demon in the form of a raccoon dog. Has speech, like Kyuubi. He has a playful and unpredictable nature. Shukaku lives in the souls of people killed by wind and sand, so Gaara can absorb an opponent's chakra, killing him and absorbing his blood. The eighth most powerful among demons, and the ninth in chakra. Shukaku controls the sand that Gaara carries in his pumpkin (it automatically protects Gaara, but Gaara can use this sand to attack). Many believe that Shukaku demands blood, and therefore the sand village still fears Gaara and at one time wanted to kill him; Garra himself believes that the sand is not controlled by Shukaku, but by the spirit of his mother, who was killed when Shukaku was sealed in Gaara. In the second season, Akatsuki removes Shukaku from Gaara and this leads to his death. But the combination of Naruto's Chakra and Chiyo's Jutsu brings him back to life.

Two-tailed demon
Name: Two-Tails (Japanese: Nibi-no-Nekomata)
Animal: Nekomata (Mythical two-tailed cat)
Element: death (god of darkness)
Former Host: Yugito Nii
Abilities: Breathes fire, Nekomata can control zombies, spread darkness,
kill with his eyes, absorb the chakra of those killed by him.

Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
Nekomata is a two-tailed cat-shaped demon with the power of death. This demon lives in the Forest of Death. His appearance is that of a cat-monster with a huge black body oozing dark chakra. He is the pet of the Death God. Accumulating souls dead people, can challenge them to fight for him. Therefore, Nii Yugito has the ability to summon the dead. Yugito was imprisoned in Nii, but Akatsuki, having caught her, extracted the demon.

Three-tailed demon
Name: three-tailed (Japanese Sambi)
Animal: Three-tailed turtle
Element: water (god of water)
Former owner: Yagura
Abilities: Water manipulation.
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki.
The sambi is a three-tailed turtle shark with sharp scales. She lives at the bottom of the lake. Every year, Sambi swims to the surface of the lake to take a breath of fresh air. To feed, it makes storms and funnels, dragging sailors to the bottom. Sambi also has an assistant - the big fish Samehada. Samehada is attached to Sambi's stomach and absorbs his food to return it as chakra. Thanks to her, Sambi has five times more chakra than she actually has. Therefore, the main source of Sambi chakra is Samehada. Previously, he was in the body of a shinobi from the Hidden Mist Village. He was later sealed by Akatsuki due to his inept use of chakra. There was a boy who could control it - Yukimaru. Yagura was the 4th Mizukage and could control his tailed beast perfectly.

Name: Four-Tails (Japanese: Yonbi)
Animal: Gorilla
Element: lava
Former owner: Roshi
Abilities: Spews lava from mouth, Connects chakra elements
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
Yonbi is a four-tailed demon. According to the mangaka, he used a gorilla as the basis for this biju, combining it with the features of the monkey Son Goku from Dragon Ball. Previously owned by the Hidden Stone Village and was sealed into a red-haired old man named Roshi. The only ability described is to release lava from its mouth.

Five tailed demon
Name: Five-Tails (Japanese: Gobi)
Animal: Dolphin Horse
Element: unknown
Former owner: Khan.
Abilities: unknown
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
The Gobi is a white, five-tailed creature said to be a mixture of a dolphin and a horse. Belonged to Hidden Stone Village. Its wearer uses steam in battle and wears steam armor. One element on each tail

Six-tailed demon

: Six-Tails (Japanese: Rokubi)
Animal: Slug
Element: unknown
Former owner: Utakata.
Abilities: unknown
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
Rokubi is a six-tailed slug demon. Previously belonged to Hidden Mist Village. Was in the body of a host named Utakata, who used the soap bubble technique.

Seven-tailed demon
Name: Seven-Tails (Japanese: Shichibi)
Animal: Rhinoceros beetle
Element: unknown
Former owner: Ugh
Abilities: unknown
Status: Sealed by Akatsuki
Shichibi is a seven-tailed beetle that resembles a rhinoceros beetle. Six of its tails resemble insect wings. Previously belonged to Hidden Waterfall Village and was sealed into a green-haired girl named Fu.

[edit] Eight-tailed demon
Name: Eight-Tails (Japanese: Hachibi-no-Hachima (Hachibi))
Animal: bull octopus
Element: Malice
Host: KillerBee (Killer Bee)
Abilities: Summoning evil spirits, enormous strength and chakra obtained from kusanagi
Status: Sealed into a person (After Sasuke's mistake, Akatsuki is forced to look for him again)
Hachibi, also known as Hachimata, is an eight-tailed bull. He has red eyes and is also the lord of the demonic world, a symbol of evil. He is imprisoned in the brother of the Raikage (Cloud Village). He was seriously wounded in the battle against Sasuke, but still survived. He is the second most powerful demon, second only to Kyuubi and Jubi in strength and chakra.

Nine-tailed demon
Name: Nine-Tails (Japanese: Kyubi-no-Yoko)
Animal: Kitsune (Fox)
Element: fire (god of fire)
Owner: Naruto Uzumaki
Abilities: Fire creation and manipulation, flaming claws, fireballs, hurricanes, rapid regeneration.
Status: Sealed in Naruto
Voiced by: Tessho Genda
Kyuubi is a nine-tailed fox demon. He is the strongest and most powerful of all the tailed demons. He possesses a huge supply of vitality, as well as an almost endless amount of chakra. It represents the element of fire. Kyuubi is a very intelligent demon with speech. He is very cunning, smart and resourceful. If Naruto dies, then he will die, so he always helps him in battle. Whirling its tails rapidly, it creates hurricanes, and fiery meteorites fly out of its fur, which can destroy entire villages. If not for the fourth hokage, Kyuubi would have destroyed the village - the fourth, sacrificing himself, imprisoned him in Naruto. Thanks to the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto has enormous chakra, immense stamina and rapid regeneration, as well as the ability to open up the Nine-Tails' chakra during a furious attack. But when Naruto truly takes the power of the Kyuubi, gaining the "Shroud demonic fox“It seems that all the damage cannot be done to him and his regeneration is super-fast. But this only seems, since the demon, with its chakra, gradually destroys Naruto’s body, resulting in a reduction in the duration of his life. Throughout the manga, the 1, 2, 3 tails of the Nine-Tails' coat have been shown to a greater extent; 2 times 4 tails appeared, 1 time 6 tails, 1 time 8 tails and only for a second 9 tails appeared once. It is said that no one can withstand the full chakra of the Nine-Tails.

Ten-tailed demon
Name: Ten-Tails (Jubi)
Animal: Unknown
Element: Unknown
Host: Rikudo Sennin, also known as the Sage of the Six Paths
Abilities: Unknown
Status: The power of the Ten-Tails is distributed among the other nine tails
The Ten-Tails lived during the time of Rikudo Sennin and possessed an unimaginable amount of chakra. Rikudo saved people from the Ten-Tails by sealing it within himself - this is how he became a legend and the strongest shinobi who ever lived. Knowing that after his death the sealing jutsu would disappear, the Sage of the Six Paths divided the monster's power into nine parts - this is how the nine tailed bijuu demons appeared, and he sent the body of the Ten-Tails to the sky, where no one could reach him. Madara Uchiha wants to resurrect the Ten-Tails and become his jintyuriki, gaining gigantic strength and capabilities. Is the king of demons and the first tailed demon in every way

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Naruto... episode 466... ​​Every day I look for a freshly squeezed episode, but it’s still not there. They promise June 30th, but in the meantime I suddenly felt sad and sad that I decided to read more about the tailed animals. Found a lot of interesting things! By tradition, I share this portal with every totor.

Enjoy your dive into the life of a bijuu!

Let's start with the basics. What is a "tailed beast" or Biju? This is an unimaginably huge amount of living chakra that has taken the form of a beast. Each caudate has from one to nine tails. Their bestial nature, unfortunately, does not give them much intelligence for effective management with their own abilities, therefore, only after being sealed in a person (jinchūriki) can the bijuu use the mind and experience of their “adopted” um... “adopted” person.

Many shinobi see tailed animals only as weapons, which is why the animals do not like or even hate people. The Bijuu know about the Sage of the Six Paths and how they were born from the Ten-Tails. This does not prevent them from considering themselves as individuals, having character and completely different views on life. Their attitude towards each other is friendly, they know their “colleagues” well, but still sometimes quarrel and swear. Personally, I think that Kurama with his “whoever has more tails is cooler” only adds fuel to the fire. Bijuu are also telepaths! Telepathic connections are enough for them to communicate with each other, but with their jinchuuriki they met in their heads, chatted, and parted ways.

So, more about each tailed-frightening cutie.

1 tail - Shukaku

Full name Ichibi no Shukaku. He was sealed inside the well-known Gaara of Sunagakure. After Deidara captured Gaara, Shikaku was extracted and sealed by Akatsuki. Shukaku possessed wind chakra. In Gaara, the demon Shukaku protected him from bodily harm, which made him completely invulnerable. I don’t really understand what kind of animal this Shukaku is, but it resembles a raccoon dog. While "either a dog or a raccoon" was sitting in Gaara, he could take the form of a mini-Shukaku.

2 tails - Matatabi

Matatabi, or Nibi, was sealed inside Yugito Nii of Kumogakure. He was later captured by Yugito Kakuzu and Hidan, extracted and sealed by the Akatsuki. During the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Tobi sealed the beast into Yugito again.

3 tails - Isobu

Isobu, or Sanbi, was inside Yagura from Kirigakure, but for some unknown reason he was free, lying in the lake, and was later captured by Deidara and Tobi. During the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Tobi sealed the beast into Yaguru again.

4 tails - Son Goku

Son Goku, or Yonbi, is a bijuu Roushi from Iwagakure. After his capture by Kisame, he was removed and sealed by the already pretty tired Akatsuki. In World War IV, the shinobi, already quite tired of Tobi, again sealed the tailed one in Roushi.

5 tails - Kokuou

Kokuou, or Gobi, is a beast sealed within Hana of Iwagakure. The anime itself states that Gobi was captured before the events of the second part of the series. During the IV World War, shinobi Tobi (him again) sealed the beast into Hana again.

6 tails - Saiken

Saiken, or Rokubi, went to Utakata from Kirigakure. The anime says that Rokubi captured Nagato, but this even required changing the original plot of the manga. During World War IV, the shinobi Tobi sealed the beast back into Utakata.

7 tails - Choumei

Choumei, or Nanabi, lived and did not grieve in Fuu from Takigakure. In the anime, Nanabi was captured before the second part of the series. Guess during which war, who sealed the beast back into whom? =)

8 Tails - Gyuuki

Gyuuki, or Hachibi, was the original rap and hip-hop ninja master Kira B from Kumogakure. This gigaaaaanant bull octopus. He was once wounded and sacrificed his tentacle to save the life of his jinchuuriki. According to the octopus Gyuki, he was a wild beast before he met Kira B, and then changes in him only occurred in better side. Currently, part of Gyuki is sealed into Naruto, the other part is reborn into Shinju (ten-tails).

9 tails - Kurama

Kurama, or Kyuubi no Yoko, is the sealed eared fox inside Naruto Uzumaki of Konohagakure. In our hero, the fox appeared only in the form of a red cover. Each tail that appeared when the fox's cover appeared had different strengths. When the fourth tail hatched, Naruto could no longer control the Kurama within him. It was necessary to put the boy to death: either with a magic piece of paper on the forehead, or with a good blow to the cabbage soup. With each new tail, the Kyuubi gained more and more of its true form and strength. When all nine tails were visible on the horizon, Naruto lost control of himself and as he did so, the seal began to break, freeing the fox. Fortunately, they were able to come to an agreement and achieve quite a lot. #sasqueenvy

10 tails - Shinju

Or simply Juubi - almost the daddy of all animals. “Almost” - this is because the original demon, from whose chakra all nine tailed beasts were created, was precisely him. I'll be Captain Obvious and add that the ten-tails was sealed in the Sage of the Six Paths. Shinju was, in principle, the first being in the entire universe to have chakra, and the first tailed one. Although he was divided into 9 bijuu, he alone is stronger than all of these nine combined.

Shinju is shown in both the manga and anime as a tree 500 meters tall. At the end of the trunk it has a flower. When it blooms, the “Mugen Tsukuyomi” is activated, and a sharingan with three concentric circles is visible on the moon.

And a little background

For incredible abilities tree, people called it “tree-god”. Princess Ōtsutsuki Kaguya decided to end the endless war of those times. She ate the chakra fruit from this tree and received its chakra. According to Kaguya's wishes, the beast god was sealed within her. She soon learned that her sons received chakra at birth and tried to get it back. The princess's two sons sealed their mother in the moon. But Shinju himself remained on earth, and Hagoromo (the same Sage of the Six Paths) sealed him within himself. Before his death, he divided it into 9 parts, and sent the body to the moon.

Such things) Who will also feel sad and sad - . There's never a dull moment with this yellow-haired guy.

Counting tailed animals in Russian

And in the original