Famous Aries. Celebrities born under the sign of Aries

Many people were born under the zodiac sign Aries famous personalities. What unites them all strong character, brightness, energy and determination.

A bright representative of this constellation is the singer Lady Gaga. This is a typical Aries. She loves power, fame and recognition. The patron planet of all Aries - Mars - endowed her with a fighting character and fortitude. Lady Gaga's striking stage image is one of the manifestations of the character of her belonging to this zodiac sign. The girl loves shocking, extravagance and originality. In addition, she is a good organizer. The cluster of planets in her horoscope in the first house suggests that she is able to influence people.

An equally bright and charismatic representative of the constellation Aries is Eddie Murphy. The actor has incredible vital energy. He, like a true Aries, achieved everything himself. Thanks to his perseverance and tenacity of character, he was able to build an excellent career as an actor.

The versatile talents that Aries possesses can be seen in the example of Jackie Chan. He is better known as an actor. But in addition to acting in films, he directs, sings well, is a producer and stunt coordinator, and is also actively involved in charity work. Aries are not used to sitting idle; they constantly need movement and development. Jackie Chan fully corresponds to this sign of Aries.

The passion and fiery nature of this zodiac sign is fully reflected in the face Russian actor and showman Nikita Dzhigurda. This person is endowed with incredible energy power, which can be transmitted to others. Dzhigurda, as a true representative of the Aries zodiac sign, is always ready to fiercely defend his point of view.

The next celebrity who was born under this constellation is actress Keira Knightley. Aries endowed her with an appearance characteristic of this zodiac sign. As a rule, most Aries have visual appeal, charm and good manners. Despite her fragile physique, the actress is endowed with enormous power will and perseverance. She always achieves her goal thanks to the optimism and determination inherent in all Aries.

The character of a typical Aries is manifested in boxer Vladimir Klitschko. In his sports career, he is helped not only by excellent physical data (which is very characteristic of Aries), but also by the spirit of a winner. Klitschko is always determined to win. It's no wonder that she is given to him so often. In general, athletes born under this constellation have a great chance of making a successful career.

Robert Downey Jr. is also a great example of an Aries zodiac sign. Possessing high intelligence, charm and wit, he moves through the world without any obstacles. Of course, difficulties happen, but the actor masterfully copes with all adversities and does not give up.

31.05.2013 15:45

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Greetings to new and regular readers! In the article “Aries: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity” - about positive and negative qualities his character. Names of Aries famous in the world. Video.

Aries: character of the zodiac sign

A person born under this sign has pronounced leadership qualities. He takes on any task, regardless of the circumstances. Since childhood, he has been striving for freedom, so there is a high probability of leaving his parents’ home early.

Often he develops arrogance, and at a young age, a desire to dominate everything. This zodiac sign is ruled by Mars, the warlike planet. Aries are by nature conquerors and pioneers.

Aries are born in spring, when the sun shines brightly. So they try to shine, and not shine all their lives. Men are smart businessmen, assertive businessmen, and careerists. Women are not inferior to them in stubbornness; they persistently try to climb the career ladder. However, they may not have enough patience and may quickly burn out.

They depend on the opinions of loved ones. If the family is dissatisfied with their idea, they are able to abandon their plan. They are caring parents, they love to play with their child and tell fairy tales, and they themselves tend to believe in miracles.

The element of this sign is Fire

Usually he does not close himself off to people, but, on the contrary, goes towards them. They are very stubborn both in achieving goals and in small things. And yet, with them you can always find common language.

Bright, hot-tempered, stubborn Aries always strive to be the center of attention. For them, people are the backdrop against which they reveal themselves in all their glory. Energy makes them take on several things at once, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

Therefore by nature good health Over time it begins to fail. They need a nanny partner who can live in their shadow, constantly admiring them. “Nanny” will take care of timely nutrition, sleep and rest for an overly active companion.

Aries are optimistic and do not like to lose heart and give up. The fire element inside forces them to continuously move forward. Sometimes, despite his naturally good health and tenacity of character, he turns out to be a dreamer.

Dreaming of fame, a representative of the fire element is able to lie on the couch without making any effort to make his dream come true. This happens when the position of the planets is unfavorable at the time of birth.

Aries - celebrities

As you can see, a unique company has gathered!

  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Elton John
  • Mstislav Rostropovich
  • Harry Houdini
  • Rafael Santi
  • Maria Sharapova
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Nikita Khrushchev
  • Alla Pugacheva
  • Catherine de' Medici
  • Irina Khakamada
  • Montserrat Caballe
  • Robert Kiyosaki
  • Jean-Paul Belmondo
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Francisco Goya
  • Sergey Lavrov
  • Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Rene Descartes
  • Otto von Bismarck
  • Nikolai Gogol
  • Sergei Rachmaninov
  • Jackie Chan
  • Ivan Urgant
  • Dmitry Nagiev
  • Marlon Brando
  • Ronaldinho
  • Diana Ross
  • Claudia Cardinale
  • Hans Christian Andersen
  • Anastasia Vertinskaya
  • Simone Signoret

Hans Christian Andersen

Johann Sebastian Bach

Marlon Brando

Vincent van Gogh

Franz Joseph Haydn

Harry Houdini

Konstantin Stanislavsky

Arturo Toscanini

Tennessee Williams

Henry James

Thomas Jefferson

Bette Davis

Joan Crawford

Sergei Prokofiev

Joseph Pulitzer

Simone Signoret

Peter Ustinov

Nikita Khrushchev

Charles Chaplin

Aries man

And this sweet old man

He said to me with a smile:

I'm catching water on a hook

And I burn her in the fire...

I just want to get into the garden

but it doesn’t matter how.

Something that looked like an explosion, a tornado, lightning, and Superman combined just flashed past you. No, no, you're right. This is Aries. If you are the type of woman who needs a constant holiday in life with noise and fireworks, hurry up: your ideal is in front of you. But if you are looking for reliability and tranquility in marriage, then, alas, this is not the hero of your novel.

The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another. One moment he was burning with passion, and the next moment there is an iceberg in front of you. If you offend him or he simply loses interest in you (or maybe both at the same time), you will feel a dramatic change in yourself immediately. To get his attention again, you will have to start from scratch.

Aries are full of ideas and creative energy, so being with them all the time is sometimes tiring, but not boring. They are fast and swift, and if you are a snail by nature, you will find it difficult to keep up with an Aries; besides, he has no habit of looking back, and you can get lost along the way. Aries usually look younger than their age, maturity and maturation come to them. later than others, don't forget about it. The Aries man is impatient, determined and self-confident; he strives to get ahead of everyone, sometimes even himself. Sometimes he is generosity itself, shares everything he has with people, and at the same time he can be intolerant, forgetful, unbearably demanding and selfish if his desires are not fulfilled immediately.

The Aries man's attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely believing that this is only love in the world (with the possible exception of Romeo and Juliet). When the romance unexpectedly collapses, Aries rushes with the same passion to glue the broken shards, and if he fails, with the same faith and no less passion he starts an affair with the new Juliet, where everything is repeated all over again. Regardless of the serial number of the novel: be it the first or the hundred and first, Aries firmly believes that this one is the true one. Aries in love pure water an idealist and so sentimental that he will not miss a single sigh, glance or groan of yours, enveloping your relationship in a haze of sublime poetry. He doesn’t do anything halfway, so he gives himself completely to love, without reserve.

Sometimes among Aries you come across creatures that seem at first glance to be calmer. But don't be fooled. Aries is an Aries, and any Aries is ruled by Mars. Is your Aries not very talkative? Is he calm and not bursting with energy? This is just an appearance. The brain of any Aries rotates at a speed of 200 revolutions per second. If you want to find out something about your atypical Aries, make inquiries about him at his previous place of work or ask his former lovers. In response to your questions, they will laugh:

modest? shy? You must have confused him with someone else. Only after communicating more closely with Aries will you understand everything yourself. This is just a mask behind which hides a passionate heart and a hot head.

None of the other signs of the Zodiac is as faithful in love as Aries (if, of course, the love is real). Honest by nature, he will never cheat on you and, being an idealist, will not even think about it. No matter what they write about him in books, infidelity and even light flirting are unusual for Aries. And how is this possible - after all, he loves you to the point of insanity. Love for Aries is an ideal, sublime romance, suggesting love to the grave. As for all his other hobbies, they were B.D.T. (were before you).

True, listening to the passionate babble of Aries, you must be aware that all his words relate only to this moment. Aries's desire for ideal love can result in the fact that if tomorrow you stop meeting the image of his ideal lover, it will cost him nothing to switch to another object. Therefore, being the lover of an Aries, do not show yourself to him with a thick old scarf wrapped around your neck during a cold; do not force him to be present at your toilet when you do a manicure, brush your teeth, dye your hair, glue on eyelashes, put a mask on your face;

do not subject him to the torture of listening to your many hours of conversations with your mother and friends. All these actions are not part of his idea of ​​an ideal lover, a fairy-tale princess. Next to him, you should always look as if you were getting ready to go to a ball or wherever he wants to invite you. If you live alone with him and he, coming to your bed in the morning, like the Prince from “Sleeping Beauty”, wakes you up with a kiss, do not greet him with snoring or an exclamation: “Why the hell are you waking me up?” You should play the role of the Sleeping Beauty to the end, who, upon awakening, looks at her lover with a languid, sleep-blurred gaze and gently wraps her arms around his neck.

Aries, if his beloved is not romantic enough, first gets upset, then gets angry and, finally, goes in search of a new, less down-to-earth lover. And such an act cannot in any way be called dishonest on his part. He didn't break his promises. It was you who disappointed his expectations. You promised him to be a wonderful nightingale, but in reality you turned out to be an annoying jay. Your voice seemed to him like the voice of an angel, and you scream at him so much that his eardrums burst. And most importantly, why? He just stayed up late two nights in a row with friends, and you are throwing a tantrum as if he committed a crime. What do you allow yourself? Marriage in his concept is not a prison, and he is not a prisoner, you must understand this well.

If you nevertheless learn to look at him languidly and try not to lose your charm for him, he will happily prefer you to all other women in the world, especially since Aries is very rarely attached to several women at the same time (unless, God forbid, there were no Geminis in his family or Venus was not in an unfortunate position at the hour of his birth). Several novels at once simply do not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone, unique love. He will never start a new romance without breaking up with the previous one. In any case, you will feel that things are heading towards a break. Aries rarely pretend to be in love and do not strive to do so. But now you know perfectly well what you need to do in order to chain Aries to you for a long time. Don't be boring, monotonous or overly modest. To keep an Aries, you have to be Grace Kelly, Ursula Andree, Marie Dressler, Marie Curie and Queen Victoria at the same time. Try to convince him that you are the best woman in the world, and his loyalty will be limitless. Being an idealist and an egoist at the same time, he will never admit that he was wrong and will not believe that his love has died. He will try to resuscitate her. And yet his patience is not unlimited, and he will find a situation that most men easily accept unbearable and will try to get rid of it. After the breakup, if you happen to catch him in the appropriate mood, you can start an affair with him again, but under one condition: pretend that nothing happened between you before. To make it easier for you to forgive him for his betrayal, remember that the reason for everything was primarily the boy! yourself. It was you who ceased to be the one he loved. Adultery is not characteristic of Aries's nature, so the roots of his betrayal lie in your wrong behavior. Remember this. You hold the keys to your happiness - don't lose them.

If you think you can fix the relationship by making him jealous, get those thoughts out of your head once and for all. Your first betrayal will most likely be your last. Aries will not tolerate not only genuine betrayal, but even light flirting and advances with another man. Aries loves to reign everywhere and in everything, including in your heart; he is a terrible owner and jealous. But, what’s worse, he allows himself much of what is denied to you personally; at the same time, he requires from you absolute faith in his infallibility. You have to get it on your nose that everything is his lively conversations with other women is nothing more than a tribute to secular decency. But your flirtatious conversation with another will be perceived as a personal insult. Aries will happily put you on a pedestal and pray to you, but God forbid you come down from there or at least pretend that you don’t like it there.

In social and public life Aries is a born fighter and rebel. He will willingly challenge his superiors, as he is confident in his superiority over them. Perhaps this is so, but who likes it when they tell him about it? Due to the fact that Aries loves to demonstrate his superiority, he often gets it painfully, especially in those cases when he demonstrates this quality in front of his superiors, who will not miss the opportunity to humiliate the proud man. In such cases, Aries will certainly turn to you for consolation and support for his offended pride. Know that behind the self-confidence and aggressiveness in the character of Aries there is often hidden a well-disguised inferiority complex, which a true Aries will not admit to even on pain of death. And if you are able to heal the moral injuries inflicted on him with tenderness and devotion, the heart of your Aries will belong undividedly to you. Never try to prove to Aries that he is wrong, even if you are sure of it. You must learn to see the world through his eyes: to love what he loves and hate his enemies. This is his life principle, and if you cannot follow him, it is better to look for another man for yourself. The nature of Aries is alien to any pretense; you will immediately feel that he has cooled down towards you, by the aloof tone with which he will address you. At the same time, the violent outbursts of anger that he unleashes on you subside quite quickly and most likely indicate only temporary discontent. This is why Aries's coldness is much worse than his anger.

Play is not natural to Aries. He is always direct and truthful in all his manifestations - both in business and in love. Once he understands what he loves, he won't waste a second, but let him play the lead role. Don't stalk him, don't bother him with your calls, and don't declare your love to him until you are sure that your feelings are reciprocated. The best way losing Aries means taking the initiative into your own hands. Aries must be a leader, otherwise his interest in you will disappear so quickly that you won’t even have time to blink an eye. But when he confesses his love to you, put aside your coldness and excessive modesty, otherwise he will look for warmth elsewhere. Love with an Aries man is like balancing on a tightrope, and you yourself are like a tightrope walker. You must keep him in constant tension, maintaining interest in you, but at the same time he must be completely confident in you. As you can see, the game is not easy. But if you want to keep Aries, learn how to play it.

The positive side of a relationship with Aries is that after a quarrel, he will usually be the first to ask for forgiveness and the first to come to your aid. If you are sick or in trouble. Aries will always be with you. He will generously spend money on you,” will not miss an opportunity to compliment you, and will openly admire your appearance and talents. He can be quick-tempered over trifles, but this condition quickly passes. You can become the greatest value in his life, and he will certainly tell you about it, but at the same time, he is pleased when you sincerely share his hobbies and listen to his opinion. Aries strives to be everything to you and at the same time, unlike other men, he will gladly reveal himself to you. Aries wants his girlfriend to be femininity itself, and at the same time - his boyfriend; he loves independence in you, but still such that he remains the leader. He craves adoration and devotion on your part, but not slavishly, but with dignity. How, after all of the above, do you still want to stay with an Aries? Commendable. Then, at the end of the day, a few more touches of his character. He may lose his temper and say hurtful things (which, however, he doesn’t think about), but you must forgive and forget everything as quickly as he does. You should like all his friends, although he reserves the right not to like yours. What do you want? You have chosen a real man, and in the person of your Aries you have him. And if you are a real woman, then your Romeo and Juliet romance (without the sad ending, of course) will be the envy of everyone around you. If you become the wife of an Aries, he will be the head of the family. He will not tolerate any comments from you, both in public and in private. Especially when it comes to money. After all, it's his money, he earned it. It cannot be said that he is a good financier, but do not even think about interfering in his financial affairs. If he is a typical Aries, he will never spare money for you and will give you as much as you want. He will be happy to buy you a snakeskin handbag, but only after he buys himself a crocodile case (if, of course, there is money left after buying it). He is, of course, selfish, but by no means stingy.

Although Aries, until he starts his own business, may often change jobs, this will not affect your well-being in any way. He will find a way to earn good money, although it will flow away quickly. Best advice in this case, it is more economical to manage the household and give the savings when he needs the money most. Aries rarely save “in reserve”, unless, of course, they had someone stingy in their family or if at the time of Aries’s birth the Moon (predisposing to saving) - the patroness of Capricorns and Cancers - was not shining.

Aries is an attentive and proud father, who delights in the birth of a baby (no matter what kind of baby he turns out to be). Later, however, he will try to control the children and dictate their future careers. In this case, he should be reminded that children love independence no less than he does. Fatherhood is a role in which Aries feels excellent. He enjoys playing baseball and football with the kids, talking about birds and bugs, and when the child grows up, he will willingly invite them to a restaurant for a family dinner. All that is required of you is not to let him understand that young Herman or Henrietta means more to you than he does, otherwise his love for children will noticeably decrease.

If you were successful at your job before you got married, you can do it after you get married, but (especially if you work in the same field) don't try to outshine your husband with your production or creative successes, he won't tolerate this. Aries is the kind of husband who would rather forgive you for a hastily prepared dinner than for losing your interest in him and his affairs.

Don't interfere with his independence, but tactfully try to restrain his impulsiveness. He must lead in life, otherwise it loses all meaning for him; Don't suppress his energy and enthusiasm. As soon as he ceases to dominate at work or at home, his optimism will turn into dull discontent, and then into complete indifference. Remember that he lacks the ability to obey. Don't try to break his masculinity, but don't lose your own individuality. Don't boss him around and don't let him boss you around. An Aries husband will not tolerate a wife who spends every evening chatting in a ladies' club. And at the same time, he will not like his wife, who always hangs around at home, doing only household chores. Try to find a middle ground. And if you succeed, many, many years later, at your golden wedding, you will be the only gray-haired Juliet, and next to you will be the aged, but eternally loving Romeo. For the sake of such a wonderful prospect, especially if you are romantic by nature - and you cannot help but be if you have chosen Aries as your companion - it is worth living.

If an Aries believes in something, you will never move him astray, even if it is a delusion. He puts blinders on his eyes, but he himself, nevertheless, is able to change his mind with lightning speed or come to a completely different decision. Read interviews with Aries celebrities; you will hear between the lines their reluctance to listen to anyone and their confidence that they are right, bordering on madness. Maybe this is the recipe for their success?

Main features of the sign

Fiery Aries born under the planet Mars, their color is red, their stone is ruby, their plant is garnet. They are impatient enthusiasts and eternal children.

Thanks to universal optimism, people born under the signs of Aries rarely suffer from chronic diseases. Being simple-minded by nature and not at all intriguing, Aries are completely incapable of diplomatic tricks and tricks. But if they master this art, believe me, no one will surpass them in this.

Below we provide a list of Aries celebrities and their dates of birth. It is interesting that people of this sign most often create wealth for others, while they themselves can wander around the corners all their lives. Chasing money is not their main goal. They are selfish, but there is no cruelty in them. They simply sincerely believe that they will do everything better than others. If Aries has to choose between fame and personal well-being, he will, without hesitation, choose the first option.


These Aries men are celebrities in the field of literature, prose writers, poets, critics and publicists, public figures.

Actresses - list of Aries celebrities

These ladies are just fire! They illuminate everything around them when they appear in sight, their powerful, unbending characters and assertiveness have helped them reach the top of the lists of the most famous and sought-after actresses. Russians, Americans, British and Europeans are all strong personalities, full of unique charisma.

  • (April 15). United Kingdom.
  • Emma Watson (April 15), British star of "Harry Potter".
  • Joan Crawford (March 23). America. She acted in silent films.
  • Julia Stiles (March 28).
  • Lucy Lawless (March 29) New Zealand actress and singer of "Xena" fame.
  • Shannon Doherty (April 12). Famous American, in the legendary television epic "Beverly Hills, 90210".
  • Kristin Stewart (April 09). The star of the landmark Twilight saga.
  • Jennifer Garner (April 17). America.
  • Sarah-Jessica Parker (March 25). America. The star of "Sex in big city".
  • Olga Volkova (April 15).
  • Simone Signoret, born March 25 in France, wife of Yves Montand.
  • (April 15). Italy, "Mother", "8 and a half".
  • Bette Davis (05 April), America. ("Death on the Nile").
  • Oksana Akinshina (April 19). Russia.
  • Claire Danes (April 12). America.
  • Kate Hudson (April 19), America.
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar (April 14). America.
  • Elena Korikova (April 12) Russia.
  • Keira Knightley (March 26). Britannia.
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva (April 18).
  • Reese Witherspoon (March 22), America.
  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (03 April). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Famous male actors under the sign of Aries

Alluring and attractive gentlemen from this list are the objects of adoration of the majority of the fair sex around the world. They are not necessarily all handsome, but their personalities are etched in the memory, and this impression will not disappear anywhere.

Celebrity artists under the zodiac sign Aries

Among the famous representatives of this sign, we note the Dutchman Vincent Van Gogh, who was born on March 30, 1853 and is known throughout the world as a post-impressionist artist.


Whether on the catwalk, on magazine covers or at social events, these sparkling, witty and colorful ladies are the jewels in any setting and at any time.

All, with the exception of Carmen, were at one time “angels” of the world famous lingerie brand Victoria's Secret.

Musicians, performers

Their music and works, performance and mood of their creations are full of fire.


A fiery, brave heart and a devilishly stubborn character are what characterize every Aries on the list below. These are the character traits of real winners.

  • Garry Kasparov (April 13), Soviet and Russian chess player, politician.
  • Maria Sharapova (April 19), Aries celebrity, Russian tennis player, former world number one, winner of all tournaments Grand Slam V different years.
  • Tatyana Navka (April 13), world and Russian figure skating champion, Olympic champion.
  • Igor Akinfeev (08 April), Russian football player, goalkeeper of CSKA and the Russian national team.
  • Maxim Marinin (March 23), Russian figure skater, world, European and Russian champion, skates in pairs with Tatyana Totmyanina.
  • Pavel Bure (born March 31), an outstanding Soviet and Russian hockey player.
  • Jonathan Gureiro, (April 3), Australian figure skater, two-time Russian Cup champion.
  • (04 April). Russian swimmer performing in backstroke.
  • Ilya Kovalchuk (April 15), Russian hockey player, two-time world champion.
  • Ronaldinho (born March 21). Legendary Brazilian football player.
  • Vladimir Klitschko (March 25). Ukrainian professional boxer, politician.
  • (04/08/1983), Olympic champion in synchronized swimming.


There are also many Aries among political figures and leaders of countries.


Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France since 1547, and her daughter Margaret of Navarre, better known as "Queen Margot," were also born in early April under the sign of Aries.


Among the famous scientists born under the sign of Aries, the most famous is Leonardo da Vinci, born on April 15 in 1452.

Other celebrities

These Aries male celebrities became famous due to their own personal characteristics, talents and character traits.

  • Giacomo Casanova, April 2;
  • Harry Houdini, born March 24th.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Aries


Aries character Aries is a born leader, and there is nothing you can do about it. Already at the first acquaintance with Aries, you can literally feel with your skin main feature of this zodiac sign - inescapable self-confidence and in its rightness.


Have you dreamed of an ardent and passionate relationship since childhood? Then keep in mind: an Aries man is what you need. The Aries man's feelings are not only strong, but also surprisingly romantic; Aries in love happily idealizes the object of his passion, placing him (that is, you) on an unattainable pedestal. Hence all the ensuing pleasant consequences: flowers, gifts, dinners with candles...


Women in general are difficult to understand, and the Aries woman in particular. However, nothing good will await anyone who says this discriminatory phrase out loud in front of her. Even the very word “woman” in this context offends her ears, because the weaker sex, in her firm belief, is in no way inferior to men! And who, looking at her energy, firmness and inexhaustible love of life, would dare to say that she is wrong?


Impulsive, impatient, actively exploring the world around him, the Aries child needs increased attention from birth. From the first days of life, the little representative of this zodiac sign demonstrates the energy, assertiveness and uncompromising nature inherent in him. Over time, the Aries child becomes the main ringleader among his peers and a pioneer who is able to captivate those around him with his bold ideas!


Under no circumstances start a conversation with Aries by talking about your problems! If you want to complain to him about fate or ask for help, first ask Aries about his affairs, because he is the center of the Universe. And only he can decide what direction to take your conversation.


This sign is one of the best for a career. Aries is ambitious, ambitious, active, has pronounced leadership qualities, and all this helps him achieve his goals. Aries knows how to make decisions both for himself and for others, and prefers not to be a blind cog in someone else’s mechanism, but to carry full responsibility for your area of ​​work. His independence, self-confidence, enthusiasm and creativity can make him a leader and help him achieve career heights in almost any field.


If Aries has fallen in love, then it is difficult not to notice. His love flashes with lightning speed. It pushes Aries to rash and desperate actions, but, alas, it often ends as quickly as it begins.


Aries is an optimist, and therefore least susceptible to depression and chronic diseases. His vulnerable sides are excessive ardor and activity, which can manifest themselves in high blood pressure, severe colds (overwhelmed with work, Aries waits until the last minute, without seeing a doctor, and is not inclined to adhere to bed rest), as well as in trauma associated with his busy rhythm life. In addition, Aries's work enthusiasm can undermine his strength and nervous system leading to stomach ulcers and nervous disorders. However, he always has at hand the best medicine for all diseases - good mood and a winning mindset.