Secret technologies for achieving success. How to achieve your goal? How to achieve your goals

Man is designed in such a way that he constantly sets goals for himself: to learn foreign language, buy a car, move up career ladder, fly to Cyprus, gain fame and recognition. The goal becomes for him a peak that must be climbed, a welcome oasis in the desert of failure and hard work, a destination, the achievement of which is a kind of matter of honor. A person who has a goal looks special: his eyes light up, his movements are fast and impetuous, he seems to emanate enthusiasm and energy. Hope blossoms and blossoms in his soul, and that is why he is great.

However, for some reason, many people who inspire admiration in the early stages of their progress towards a goal suddenly suddenly give up and abandon everything halfway. Interest in the goal disappears, and it becomes another unfulfilled dream, carelessly thrown along with the others into the distant suitcase of your soul. What does this mean and how to achieve your goals? Let's consider what psychologists and those who have succeeded in this advise in such cases.

Clear wording

The first thing to start moving towards a goal is its clear formulation. Lengthy expressions are unacceptable in the psychology of success: “I want to be rich,” “I want to succeed in my career,” “I want to be happy, but I don’t know how.” In order to succeed in any business, you must clearly see the end result in front of you and know what you want.

The expressions of a person who is clear about his goal take the following form: “I will become famous writer“,” “I will become the head of the department,” “I will be an actress,” “I will earn a million in 1 year.”

It follows from this that a person knows how to achieve his goals, and, based on the formulation, will build a strategy. Let's allow to become famous writer, he will throw all his energy into writing a book with an original plot. The future head of the department will develop a project that will result in a promotion for him. A girl who dreams of becoming an actress will go to enroll in a theater school. Do you feel the difference? In the first case, the person says: “I want, but I don’t know how,” and in the second: “I want, I know how, and I will achieve it!” A clear vision of your goal will bring you closer to the result much faster than you will wander in the darkness of your consciousness, trying to find the line between your dream and doubts.

Don't spread yourself thin, or How to quickly achieve your goal

You should have one goal. Until you finish what you started, don’t come up with a second and third goal. You cannot simultaneously build a career and give birth to a child, or become both a writer and an actor. Know how to prioritize. In addition, there is a high probability that, torn between two birds with one stone, you will end up with broken trough. But what to do if all goals seem desirable to you? A detailed analysis of them helps in such cases. Take a piece of paper, write all your goals on it and write down all the pros and cons under each of them. The dream with the most “pros” will be the first in your achievements diary. You can take on the rest only after implementing the first one.


If you have been cherishing a dream in your soul for a long time, but still don’t know how to achieve your goal, write it down on paper. And then the vague internal idea will take on clear and tangible forms. You clothe the fantasy walking in the imagination with a specific goal. Recording will no longer allow you to give up; with this action you will get rid of doubts and launch the mechanism of success at full speed. Also record the benefits that come from achieving the goal. They will only spur your desire to move forward, inspire you and lead you. Spilling it all out on paper positive aspects achieving your goal, you will convince yourself that you will be able to overcome all obstacles, say to yourself at the most critical moments: “Once you set a goal, achieve it! And period." After all, in the end you will be able to fulfill so many of your desires!

Turn-based strategy, "war plan"

In order not to go astray and not give in to your weaknesses and laziness, draw up a clear, step by step plan. Indicate in it the time frame, methods of achievement, divide it into several stages, identify possible obstacles and difficulties. As you consistently implement each stage, do not forget to mark it as completed. Your plan should work, and not lie forgotten in a desk drawer. Regularly make amendments and additions to it, maneuver and look for other moves and exits. The plan should be drawn up so that you know exactly how to achieve your goal and what to do next.

Working on yourself

Achieving a goal is often hampered by internal factors such as laziness, self-doubt, fear of failure, painful perception of criticism, and the desire to get everything at once and now. Be patient, overcome those qualities in yourself that prevent you from moving forward, deal with laziness and close your eyes to criticism and people judging you. And most importantly, don’t quit what you started halfway. This can become a habit.

Don't pay attention to the trolls!

In any case, you will have to face criticism. The important thing to remember here is that there is no such thing as useful criticism. This is the standard opinion of people who consider themselves the smartest and most knowledgeable. To know the answer to the question of how to achieve your goal, you need to be able to ignore trolls. They will always judge you, and will only recognize you when you achieve something. Do not under any circumstances try to justify yourself to them, and certainly do not get into arguments.

All this will not bring success, but will only plant seeds of doubt in your soul. No one but you can truly appreciate what you do. And if you feel like you're going in the right direction, don't listen to anyone other than Steve Jobs, who said something very useful thing: “Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your inner voice.”

If you drive more quietly, you will continue!

How to achieve your goal quickly and immediately? This question probably worries many people. However, the path to the goal is not a competitive system for speed and efficiency. This is not a decisive battle, but a long-term war, where every step is carefully thought out and verified. It is impossible to get everything at once in one jerk. Any success is built on a series of failures, difficulties and obstacles. We admire famous people, without even imagining what they had to endure on the way to victory. “The essence of human nature is movement. Complete rest means death,” said Pascal Blaise and he was right a thousand times. No matter how fast you move forward, it is important that each day is marked by something, no matter how tiny. Take your time, just go for it.

Smile at failure

No one on Earth is immune from failures and mistakes. However, this is not a reason to give up everything, fall into despair, and then suddenly change direction. Any path is associated with uncertainty that perhaps this is not yours, with the questions “Do I need this? Am I doing the right thing?”, with attacks of apathy when you don’t want to do anything. There will also be stalemate situations, doubts, and obstacle courses. At such moments, it is important to persevere and tell yourself: “Always achieve your goals and don’t give up!” Severely suppress your attempts to escape and surrender into the hands of laziness. Don't rush from one goal to another - you won't achieve anything. Proven by living examples.

Don't waste your life looking for an original idea.

A successful galaxy of businessmen, actors, writers, and designers does not mean that it is no longer possible to achieve anything in these areas. Yes, you may turn out to be a modern-day Einstein, but spending your whole life trying to come up with something revolutionary new is absurd. Start small, study biographies famous people, follow their example, learn and improve - and then Fortune will happily smile on you.

Sources of inspiration

A great way to understand how to achieve your goals in life is to constantly increase your motivation level. Read books, watch films dedicated to your field, attend seminars and conferences, fuel your will with inspiring sources of information. By studying such materials, you will imperceptibly recharge your desire.

Common Mistakes

Setting a goal is not enough if your mind is filled with negative thoughts. What are these thoughts?

  • "I'll do it tomorrow." This idea is familiar to everyone, and it is what often prevents people from achieving success. By putting things off until tomorrow, next week, month, year, you seem to be admitting your own incapacity. As a result, days, months, years pass, and you are still where you were, not deciding and not knowing how to achieve your goal.
  • "I can't." All people have doubts, but this does not mean that you really cannot. Try it! At least, if you fail, you will continue to live with the calm conscience of a person who tried to do at least something.
  • "It's not time yet." Fate has graciously given you a chance, but instead of grabbing it, you sit and think that you are not ready yet - there is not enough knowledge, experience, or time. Absolutely wrong approach. Start today, now, this minute, and experience will come in the process, just don’t hesitate, because, as mentioned above: complete peace is death.

  • “I’ve tried so many times, it probably won’t work again.” This is the most destructive opinion that leads to nowhere. The psychology of how to achieve a goal is built on the ability to learn from mistakes, fall and get up again, try until the path is completed. It's good to be content with what you have, but you need to constantly strive for better conditions, better life, and not drown out your inner voice with alcohol and food.

The main thing is not to go fast, the main thing is to go. It is important not just to cherish a dream in your soul, but to throw all your strength into its realization. The person who develops the plan will know how to achieve his goal and will be prepared for difficulties, unlike the critic who questions everyone and everything. Don't listen to anyone, move forward at a slow pace - and soon you will find yourself at the desired top!

Every person wants to achieve something specific. And he is faced with the question: “How to achieve your goal in life?” After all, everyone wants to see themselves successful and happy. A person does not always want something unattainable and unrealistic. Sometimes he simply doesn’t know how to achieve even a very simple one. Some wait for the right moment, which most often never comes. Others rely on help that may not come. All this pushes the desired goal away, making it blurry and unattainable. And then the person simply lets her go, believing that he simply is not given it, blaming her for everything hard fate. But fate has nothing to do with it. Each individual is the creator of his own destiny and can, if desired, achieve almost any real goal. Failure, problems in life, pessimism - all this happens due to the inability to realize what you want.

How to achieve your goal from simple to complex

Most often, to achieve what a person wants, only one thing is missing - action. It’s not enough to make plans, you need to do something to fulfill them. A dream by itself very rarely comes true. To make her closer, you need to take more than one step towards her. And so, with big and small steps, dashes and leaps, but you can achieve what you want. One wise man once said: “If you don’t accomplish your plan within a year, you will never do it!”

Algorithm of a successful person

In order to know exactly how to achieve your goal in life, you need to develop a strategy or action plan, the implementation of which will lead to the fulfillment of what you want. You will need:

1. Start a great battle with your own fears and laziness. And on this battlefield you must be the winner.

2. Believe in yourself and your success. I never believe. Swear to yourself that you will always, under any conditions, believe in your strength and your luck. This is the kind of faith you will have best assistant when doing great and small things. It will constantly push you forward as an incentive.

3. Perseverance and hard work. Remember Darwin’s phrase: “Labor made man from ape.” In your case, work will make you successful and purposeful person. Be persistent in your learning and honing your skills. Spend less time on empty and unnecessary things.

4. Don’t scatter your goals - “I want this and that, and also this.” Choose the most important goal for yourself and achieve it.

5. Learn to plan and wait. Again it will help proverb: “Patience and work will grind everything down.” By developing an action plan and following it, you will learn to focus your attention on what is important and not be distracted by unnecessary things. Remember that fruits do not ripen immediately on a tree. And so sometimes you have to wait before This wisdom tells you how to achieve your goal in life.

6. Train yourself to be self-disciplined - don’t sleep until lunch, eat right, learn something new every day, train your body and mind, etc. Self-discipline will help turn time into your assistant. You will learn to manage everything without harming yourself and your body.

7. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them. Everyone makes mistakes: and ordinary people, and geniuses. Don't dwell on your mistakes, but try to learn from them. After all, every minute of life teaches us something. Open your heart and mind to gain knowledge - and then you will understand how to achieve your goal in life.

8. Learn to accept help and help others. Mutual assistance as soon as will speed up the approach of your goal.

9. Visualization. If you find it difficult to set yourself in the right mood, then put in a visible place or post pictures around the house depicting your goal - they will constantly remind you of what you need to achieve.

Of course, it will be difficult at first, but in order to know for sure how to achieve your goal in life, you need to cultivate all these qualities in yourself. The main thing is not to stop halfway and not give up at the first failure. Imagine that you are an icebreaker or a torpedo that is heading towards the intended destination and will definitely reach it.

You should not assume that when you achieve what you want, your goal in life will disappear, because when one goal is achieved, a person immediately faces others, no less desirable ones. The right motivation can set a person in a positive mood and help him cope with his own fear.

Everyone at least once asked themselves the question: “How to achieve success in life and career?” How do people achieve outstanding success in school, work, business, personal relationships and any other endeavor?

The answer to this question is that they have a special thinking, knowledge and most importantly - they act!

As one of the wise men very accurately noted, some people achieved success only because they began to strive for it before you. Everyone has a choice - to be successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor, happy or unhappy. And everyone makes their own choice throughout their lives!

In today’s article I want to give not just empty advice on how to achieve success in life, but clear methods/techniques of successful people with the help of which you will achieve everything you could not even dream of before.

These methods really helped me get started and achieve truly impressive results in a short period of time.

By the end of the article, you will be able to choose a specific method (strategy) that is right for you and begin to plan your life and achieve success!

So how can you become successful in life and achieve your goals?

Many of us do not have clear life goals and priorities. Often we cannot say “NO” to certain people and things. We don't know our strengths and weaknesses. We do not control our energy and often scatter it aimlessly. We are constantly afraid of something.

The basis of success is the correct self-organization (self-government) And motivation. All success depends on this!

Self-organization (self-government) means competence, one’s personal and professional development, regardless of external circumstances. Part of self-organization is time management, or in simple words, time management.

Peter Drucker, perhaps one of the most prominent authors on self-management of the 20th century, said that we live in an era of unprecedented personal and professional opportunity.

However, these opportunities require taking responsibility for your development and personal maturity. On this subject, Peter Drucker says:

  • You must become both a leader and a subordinate for yourself, in other words, on the one hand, you must be able to set the right goals and objectives, organize your time and, on the other hand, follow your plan and complete the intended tasks.
  • Throughout your life, you must remain curious and productive.
  • In order to do things well, you must maintain a deep awareness of yourself.
  • You need to know what skills you have and where you can use them most effectively.

The ultimate goal of self-organization is for us to consciously take our daily work into our own hands.

This also includes: planning, organizing, motivating and goal setting.

To achieve success in life you should:

  • better organize yourself
  • plan your tasks,
  • prioritize and of course,
  • be always motivated.

To sum it up:
It is vital that you make the most effective decisions.

It would seem like such simple tips However, it is hard work. Scientists say: every day we take more than 20,000 solutions , most of them within a few seconds. It's quite difficult to imagine!

Especially in the process of work, we again and again find ourselves in situations in which we have to make decisions quickly. We find ourselves in this state, under pressure from lack of time, 60 percent of the time.

Start with one goal

How can you set your goals?

First steps:

  • Yours target should be clearly determined.
    The path to achieving a goal is most often not easy. Therefore, you must set clear goals and be able to make decisions more spontaneously and improvise. Too strict planning does not allow this.
  • Don't be a slave to your goal.
    It sounds harsh, but there are people who stubbornly stick to a goal once set, no matter what happens to them. It is worth admiring your perseverance if, when your life circumstances change, you are able to adjust your goals or abandon them altogether.
  • Your passions spontaneously shape your goals.
    If you value something, stand behind it, and most importantly, love it, then you don’t need any other goals. In this case, you know exactly what you want to achieve.

Now let's move on to the main thing - strategies that will allow you to achieve success in life.

The Pareto principle, named after Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), states that We achieve 80% of all results with 20% of our efforts . The remaining 20% ​​of the result requires as much as 80% of our effort.

In other words, we often spend huge amount of your time and effort on things and deeds that don’t really produce any results.

This is illustrated in the following graph:

Bottom right square– this is actually nothing more than garbage. These tasks may not be completed. They are neither urgent nor important.

Lower upper square– these are unimportant but urgent tasks. These tasks should be delegated.

Tasks that in turn are not urgent, but important (bottom left) must be entered into the calendar and later executed step by step.

Remaining tasks in the upper left corner: urgent and important. They must be implemented immediately!

Of course, it would be pointless to develop such a coordinate system for every day. The purpose of this is to internalize this principle so that you can apply it intuitively.

Which method you choose to achieve your goal is your personal choice, the main thing is that it contributes as much as possible to achieving success.

4. Let's become successful and achieve our goals!

Gradually, step by step, we are moving towards success! So what is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people?

5. Individual performance curve

People, like all other living beings, have an “internal clock” called biorhythms. Depending on the time of day, people are either active or relaxed.

The productivity of an individual, as a result, is not always the same throughout the day, but changes at regular intervals.

Successful activity requires high degree concentration and activity. So important tasks should be performed during the periods in which they are most suitable - in terms of activity and effectiveness.

Therefore, it makes sense to know your performance curve and take it into account. To avoid a phase of low concentration while working, you should adjust your work schedule in accordance with your productivity curve.

There are 3 performance curves:

    "average person""owls""larks".

5.1 Performance curve of the “average person”

It is suitable for most people.

Productivity is strongly felt in the morning and reaches its climax in the morning (8.00 to 11.00).

It decreases towards lunch and noon and increases again towards evening (18:00 - 20:00).

But the morning peak of productivity will no longer be achieved.

In order to use this performance curve, you must

  • Schedule important work and meetings during the time of your highest level of productivity - morning
  • Leave less important matters and routine work for the afternoon.

5.2 OWL performance curve

Do you fall asleep late, don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, have no appetite and are not particularly talkative?

Then you are probably a “evening person” whose performance curve is shifted back by 2 hours compared to the “average person”.

5.3 LARK performance curve

Are you often already tired by 21.00, but as soon as you wake up, you are already in a cheerful state and are immediately ready to act?

Then most likely you are a morning person.

Your performance curve is shifting from an ordinary person approximately 1 hour ahead.

In order to effectively use your performance curve, you must

  • start your working day early,
  • use the hour before your colleagues arrive to do important work in silence,
  • Perform routine work in the afternoon.

The chart below should help you understand the different performance curves more clearly:

Individual performance should be observed and noted over a long period of time.

Then you can build your personal performance curve and make it the basis of your daily work.

What tasks did I complete today and what did I achieve?

Things don't always go as easily as we would like. Therefore, you must stay motivated throughout the day.

Everyone, including top managers and highly qualified athletes, has experienced a lack of motivation. It is often tedious, boring, or difficult to follow your plan. This can seriously weaken motivation.

Motivation is a prerequisite for successful work. But how to motivate your reluctance, moreover, if you are at the bottom?

Become aware of your own motives and their meaning.

Motivation is often just a matter of having the right attitude.

The motivation and drive to achieve certain goals can only be found if you have a compelling reason to achieve that goal.

Only when a person understands the benefits of the goal and the actions associated with it, will he be able to motivate himself and work towards achieving the goals.

If a task seems strange to you in some way or you cannot understand its meaning, then you should question this task. Try to collect all possible information about the task being performed: Why do it? What will this give me? Do I need this?

Each person is individual. For one, a vacation with his family is a great happiness, another needs the applause of the audience, while the third lives only with his car.

The first step towards self-motivation is to understand what really motivates you.

What are your personal motivations for achieving your goal?

Only those who identify themselves with daily activities have greater intrinsic motivation and, accordingly, high level productivity.
Steve Rice, an American psychologist, found in one study (Rice profile) that there are 16 basic human needs:

Motive Behavioral trait
Power Influence, success, leadership
Independence Freedom, Self-determination
Curiosity Knowledge, truth, unknown
Confession Social recognition, membership, positive self-esteem
Rule Clarity, structure, stability, good organization
Collecting/ Accumulation Property, accumulation of material wealth
Honor Morals, principles, integrity of character
Idealism Social justice, decency
Social connections Friendship, camaraderie, sociability, humor
Family Family life, own children
Status Reputation, public opinion, rank, social status
Struggle Competition, revenge, aggression
Love Beauty, sexuality, erotica, aesthetics
Food Feed, cook, drink, enjoy
Physical activity Physical activity, fitness, body, sport
Calm Relaxation, emotional security, satisfaction

The better you know yourself, the better you can control yourself!


Here some advice O volume, How You you can save money precious time.

Conducting a telephone conversation

  • never call without a plan
  • call purposefully
  • set aside a specific time for phone calls
  • asking your partner if he has time
  • get straight to the point
  • think about costs
  • use cheap phone call hours
  • talk about important things to repeat
  • write down important information immediately
  • don't get distracted while talking

About how to find high paying job on the Internet, read - .

Every person has a goal. For some, it’s small, like buying a new phone or going on vacation. For others it is larger: for example, creating a business with a turnover of a million rubles a month or building a house for a family. Still others focus on the global and practically unattainable: becoming president, solving the problem of poverty in the country, establishing peace throughout the world.

What is a “goal”, how to achieve the goal?

Very often people confuse the concepts of “goal” and “dream”. Although they are similar to each other, they are very different in meaning.

A dream is a hypothetical object or phenomenon, upon achieving which a person will, as he believes, feel happiness.

A goal is an ideal or real object of a person’s aspiration, towards the achievement of which a person’s thought process and actions are directed.

The difference between these concepts is that the “goal” is measurable and creates a direction - a vector, the achievement of a goal. It has a direction of movement, and the dream simply exists. A dream pleases the mind with its presence, but the goal has a very real framework, and most importantly, you can draw up a step-by-step plan to achieve it. As they say: “A goal is a dream with a specific deadline”.

We are more fully exploring the principles of setting and achieving goals in the “” project. Connect and achieve your goals easier and faster!

Most people make goal setting too easy. We thought about her, and that’s enough. But setting a goal and achieving a goal are inextricably linked. The more precisely it is set, the easier it is to achieve.

There are several methods for staging it, they are all similar to each other like brothers. But the most common is the S.M.A.R.T. system. When setting a goal, it is necessary to take into account 5 main components that allow you to specify it as much as possible, making the steps to achieve it clear and consistent.

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system:

  • Specific– specificity. Determining the need for a goal is too vague a perception. You need to get to the bottom of the real reasons why you want to achieve this particular goal. Maybe you want to gain respect in the eyes of others or assert yourself. There can be many reasons. But only after you understand real reasons your desires, it will be possible to build a real plan to achieve it.
  • Measurable– measurability. A clear criterion is needed by which it will be possible to determine that the goal has been achieved. For example: “Earn $100,000 in 12 months” or “Create an online store with 500 visitors and sales of 5 items per day.”
  • Agreed– consistency. Your goal should not directly intersect or affect the interests of other people. This can make achieving your goal much more difficult. If it is impossible to avoid the intersection of interests, it is necessary to improve the original plan taking into account these nuances. For example, before opening your own store, you need to check whether there are competitors in the area, and if so, how you can get around them.
  • Realistic- realism. Great ambition is one of the important traits and many call it “”, but it is important to understand that they (ambitions) must be balanced. Naturally, the goal of “earning a million dollars in a week from scratch” is impossible to achieve, no matter how much effort and enthusiasm you have. “Earn $10,000 from scratch in a month” is quite difficult, but possible. But “In 2 years, create a business that brings in $10,000 in monthly profit” is quite realistic and achievable.
  • Timed– limited in time. Deadline is a very important method of achieving a goal. It is the limited time that will allow.

Only after it has been fully worked out according to these five criteria can and should be created a plan for its implementation and broken down into specific tasks.

Now a few important points. Do not confuse “goal” and “task”. A task is a specific action, the implementation of which brings us closer to achieving the goal. For example, “Create a business plan for an online store” is a task. And “Provide a stable monthly income of $10,000 for your family” is the goal.

It’s also worth clearly defining what you really need. Buying a car within a certain period of time is a goal. The desire to ensure comfortable movement in the city is more like a task or a wish.


Determine what you really want. Many goals can be imposed by society, so it’s worth understanding your desires. You need to think carefully, and if you really want to achieve it, then go ahead! If it matches your deepest values ​​and desires automatically.

How to achieve a goal - each of us asked ourselves this question. And this is understandable, because every person wants something, strives for something, but does not always know how to do it correctly.

There is even such personal quality- determination. This is when a person knows how to achieve his goals. Is this good or bad, what do you think? For the most part, this quality is considered positive. Of course, if the goals are humane, if you are not doing anything to harm anyone. But even here, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Yes, you can achieve your goal, but you place your mental and physical health on its altar. It seems that the person did everything to achieve the goal, walked towards it with leaps and bounds and even achieved what he wanted, only the result will be doubtful.

And what am I leading to all this? Moreover, it is important not only to achieve your goal, you need to be able to do it correctly, having fun, and not sacrificing your health.

That is why it is necessary to be able to set goals correctly, initially develop a plan of action, foresee all possible consequences and complications, so that as a result you do not have to “gnaw your elbows.”

Where to start?

Let's start with what the goal is.

A goal is what we want to achieve and towards which we take certain steps.

So, how to set a goal and achieve it? In order for a goal to become feasible, it needs to be visualized and imagined.

For example, I want to buy an apartment (I write the first thing that came to my mind). It seems like a completely adequate goal. But if I want an apartment in New York, in the center of Manhattan, with an area of ​​about 150 square meters, then it will be more of a dream than a goal. Especially if I don’t have even a hundredth of the money to purchase it.

An achievable goal is one that is comparable to your capabilities. And so we return to buying an apartment again. If I set myself the goal of buying an apartment, then, based on my real capabilities, I must clearly imagine how many rooms the apartment should have (for example, 2), in what area of ​​the city it should be located, what its approximate area will be, in what condition it will be located (new building, secondary housing without renovation or, conversely, with European renovation), etc. Based on all these parameters, we can imagine the approximate cost of such housing.

Let me return again to how to set goals and achieve them. As long as the goal is abstract (just buy an apartment), the motivation to implement it will not be very great. When you want something abstract, at first you want it, perhaps you even take some steps towards its realization, but over time all the desire fades away. As a result, if such a goal is labor-intensive, then the likelihood of achieving it is negligible.

What is written with a pen...

It is important not just to imagine your goal, you need to record it on paper. And not on some piece of land, but so that you have the opportunity to constantly see your goal. You could even draw a picture or cut out a picture of what you want from a magazine and stick it in a visible place.

Until you have described your goal in detail and recorded it on paper, it will be just a dream.

Even if during the day you glance at the picture of your goal several times, you, whether you like it or not, will return to thoughts about it again and again. You will want to achieve your goal even more, and naturally, there will be a greater chance of a positive result.

I hope you have already begun to understand how to set goals and achieve them, where to start, then move on to the next stage.

Plan, timing and starting position

A goal is, of course, good. But if you don’t have a clear plan to achieve it, it won’t be easy. You need to make a plan of what you have to do and how it is even possible to accomplish it. The more similar the plan is, the easier and clearer it will be what needs to be done and in what sequence.

Remember: a big goal needs to be broken down into small subgoals.

Another important point— deadlines. It is advisable that we set specific deadlines for ourselves (time X), this way we will be able to “move” better and it will be easier to draw up a plan.

Don't forget about the starting point. After all, we can set the same goals, however, everyone has different opportunities and means. Who do you think is easier to learn perfectly? German someone who has been actively teaching it for 2 years, or someone who has just started?

Since I touched on the topic of buying an apartment as an example, then I’ll return to it again. For example, I decided that the estimated cost of the apartment would be about 36 thousand dollars. I plan to buy it in 3 years. Accordingly, in order to collect the planned amount of money, you will need to annually save 12 thousand dollars per year or 1 thousand per month.

Why are these calculations needed? Agree, it’s unlikely that everyone will be able to save 12 thousand dollars at once, but 1 thousand dollars a month is a much more feasible goal.

If achieving a goal must take a long time, then you can and should set temporary goals. For example, in a year I should have 12 thousand dollars saved, in 2 - 24, and in 3 - the entire amount. Here is a simple, but at the same time working scheme for achieving your goal.

Small steps, but every day

At school, each of us had to pass such a physical education standard as running long distance(for example, 2 or 5 kilometers). Remember those feelings you felt? Most immediately began to run at a fast pace, trying to get ahead of their classmates, and very quickly “blown away”, slowed down, and then barely walked at all.

Not everyone reached the finish line, especially if the distance was significant. There was simply no strength, no desire, no motivation left; everything was wasted at the start. But for those who immediately managed to ask correct topic, the probability of reaching the finish line was much greater.

The same is true in achieving any goal. It is important not to push as hard as you can, losing desires, opportunities, and strength; it is important to constantly take small steps towards your goal. It is important to keep going and not give up.

Why did I choose buying an apartment as my goal? Because for most people, it is unlikely that they will be able to make such a large purchase in one month without putting any effort into it. But by gradually putting it off, sometimes giving up something that you don’t really need, it is quite possible to acquire your own home.

Remember: if you take small steps every day towards your goal, then after a while you can achieve a lot.

I love one saying: a drop wears away a stone not by force, but by frequent falling. It's the same with purpose. If you move towards it little by little, even slowly, without giving up or stopping, then you can achieve any goal. Yes, you will have to work hard, yes, sometimes you will have to step on the throat of your laziness and resist, but it’s worth it!

How to achieve a goal (psychology of success)

Each person has his own goal, for some it is small, and for others it is large. But it is not so much the goal itself that is important, but faith in yourself, in your capabilities.

How to achieve any goal? Is this possible? I think so. The most important thing is a sense of self-confidence and a desire to move and develop in the direction of your goal.

It is important to believe in what you are doing, what you want, to know that you will definitely succeed, no matter what.

When you have a goal, the best thing to do is tell people who believe in you, who will support you, about it. Constantly remind yourself that you will definitely succeed.

Obstacles on the way and fellow travelers

When you start moving towards your goal, it is very important to not only think through a plan in advance, make a list of necessary things to do, you need to predict what may prevent you from achieving your goal. Of course, you shouldn’t use your imagination too much, but it doesn’t hurt to realistically assess the circumstances.

In almost every situation you can find a person who will go with you in the same direction, albeit not all the time, but only a certain part of the path. Do not neglect such people, ask for help and use it with gratitude.

By the way, if something doesn’t work out for you, then you need to figure out the reasons, and not give up on the goal and start feeling sorry for yourself.

What if we take a different path?

Let's say you clearly defined what you want, visualized the goal, and even made a plan of small steps. But somehow you don’t really want to go, and the circumstances seem to be not entirely in your favor. What to do in this case?
Psychologists recommend not only imagining your own path on the way to the goal, but also the opposite direction.

For example, if I now live in rented housing, I need to think about buying my own apartment, but I will not do anything. What will change in a year - two - three?

Firstly, I will need to live somewhere. And you will need to rent housing. For example, for $500 a month. For a year this is 6,000 thousand, and for 6 years - 36 thousand dollars (again, the cost of an entire apartment). You can buy expensive things, eat in a restaurant, not deny yourself anything, but instead live in a rented apartment in a year, and in two, and in five. Moreover, if now I have the opportunity to save for an apartment, then in 5 years this opportunity may not exist.

Did I present a real option? Quite. Such thoughts will not only push you on how to achieve your goal, but can also cause melancholy. Therefore, you shouldn’t go too fast in your imagination, but this technique works well as a magic kick-starter.

Don't spread yourself thin

What if you want it here, here, and there? How to achieve a goal in life, especially if the goals are a carriage and a small cart? This is where I want to disappoint you. It is unlikely that you will be able to manage everywhere at once. If only simply because by constantly being scattered, you can simply go astray and get lost.

After all, in achieving a goal, not only the result is important, but also the path. However, hardly anyone would want to walk through the desert for 40 years. So you can lose all faith in yourself, and motivation will come to naught.

Yes, you can combine several goals, but only if they intersect, and even if there are no more than 2-3 of them. But if you make a kilometer-long list, then no methods will work. It’s better to do everything in order: first achieve one thing (at the same time your self-esteem will grow), then another, then a third.

It is not the goal itself that is important, but the path to it

Achieving your goal is, of course, good. Only after the peak to which you are going, you may not see the path itself, the beauty that is at arm's length.

Career, success, material values ​​are all good, but in pursuit of them we can miss all the best that has been given to us.

In order to go and not give up, you need to be able to rest, be able to communicate with loved ones, with friends. If you don’t take breaks, don’t look for emotional and physical nourishment, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired heights, because you will run out of strength and lack motivation.

Only those who know how to rest, who know how to appreciate life and every moment of it can fight to the end. Therefore, learn to stop periodically, not only to see the path that still needs to be conquered, but also to appreciate what you have already managed to do.

Appreciate the people who walk next to you, help you, learn to be grateful. Remember, it is not the goal itself that is important, but the changes and improvements that will happen to you on the way to your goal.