Biography of Snoop Dogg in English. Snoop Dogg - biography

On 10-20-1971 Snoop Dogg (nickname: Snoop Dogg, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Bigg Snoop Dogg, Tha Doggfather, Snoop Lion, DJ Snoopadelic) was born in Long Beach, California, United States. He made his 135 million dollar fortune with Doggystyle, Doggy Fizzle Televizzle, Murder Was the Case. The celebrity, actor & musician is married to Shante Broadus, his starsign is Libra and he is now 47 years of age.

Snoop Dogg Facts & Wiki

Where does Snoop Dogg live? And how much money does Snoop Dogg earn?
Birth Date20-10-1971
Religion - believes in God?Rastafarianism
ResidenceHe lives together in a house in Blaisdell Ranch, Claremont, CA, USA.

Snoop Dogg Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Snoop Dogg, born Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr., is an American rapper, actor, entrepreneur, and media mogul. His net worth is estimated at USD 135 million. He earns from his music, concert tours, endorsement contracts, restaurants, marijuana sales, and appearances. He earned a cool USD 500,000 from his work in Starsky and Hutch.
Estimated Net Worth135 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsAdidas,Blast Colt 45,Monster
Highest Grossing MoviesPitch Perfect 2, Turbo & Starsky & Hutch
ColleaguesIce Cube, Busta Rhymes & Warren G


  • Photo: house/residence of cool friendly fun 135 million earning Blaisdell Ranch, Claremont, CA, USA-resident

  • He sold his USD 2 million house in Claremont 10 years ago. The mansion sits on 6,500 square feet of land, has 8 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, a basketball court, a pool, a movie theater, and a music recording studio. This house was featured on MTV Cribs. The family moved to Diamond Bar, a quiet neighborhood in California. He also bought another property in the same neighborhood, which he calls The Chuuch. He converted all the rooms in the house into a recording studio.

    Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.

      Vernall Vernado (Father)Berverly Broadus (Mother)Cordé Broadus (Son)Cordell Broadus (Son)Cordi Broadus (Daughter)


    Skin, Hair & Eye color

    This cool friendly fun celebrity, actor & musician originating from Long Beach, California, United States has a skinny body & triangle face type. Snoop Dogg makes commercials for Adidas, but actually uses: Reebok.

    Hair colorBlack
    Hair typeCurly
    Hair Lengthlong hair
    Distinct featurehair
    Skin Tone/ComplexionType VI: Black brown skin
    Skin TypeNormal
    Beard or MustacheBeard, Mustache,
    Eye colorDark Brown
    Does Snoop Dogg smoke?Yes, chain smoker

Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr. was born on October 20, 1971. As a child, his mother called him “Snoopy.” This nickname subsequently played a role in the choice stage name Snoop Doggy Dogg, which was later shortened to Snoop Dogg. In addition to being one of the most famous rappers from the West Coast, Snoop is also an actor and music producer.

Since childhood, Calvin has been involved in music and took part in the church choir. However, his life was far from being like the life of a respectable citizen; in addition to the fact that he was involved in drug distribution, he also joined the notorious Los Angeles black gang The Crips. After graduation, Snoop Dogg continued his studies at Polytechnic College in Long Beach. Taking part in the gang The Crips, he ended up in prison with enviable frequency, and such a life could not be combined with his studies in college.

Imagine that it was prison life and the influence of prisoners that pushed Snoop to turn over a new leaf and take up rap seriously. At home, Calvin recorded his first rap compositions. He was helped in this by his cousin Nate Dogg and best friend Warren G. Warren's half-brother Dr. Dre noticed Snoop Dogg's talent and they began to collaborate. They recorded main topic for the film "Deep Cover". Snoop took an active part in the work on Dre's solo debut, The Chronic. He assisted Dr. Dre in writing lyrics for his album, which, after its release, brought Dre fame as a hip-hop musician. This album is still considered a gangsta rap classic today.

After the release of the debut album Dr. Dre's "The Chronic" had everyone eagerly awaiting the recording of Snoopy's debut album. And as soon as his album, entitled “Doggystyle,” was released, it was immediately followed by the arrest of Snoopy on charges of murdering Walter Waldermarin, a member of a rival gang. The trial in this case lasted for three years and ended with the dismissal of all charges against Snoop Dogg. This scandal still managed to spoil Snoop’s reputation. However, if we look at this case from the other side, we can conclude that it was the unfolding hype brought the album “Doggystyle”, albeit scandalous, but popularity. The album immediately topped the national charts. This does not often happen with the debut albums of other artists. For several months, the album did not disappear from the music charts. Both Snuppy’s criminal fame and the lyrics. , with cruel and violent plots secured his controversial fame. In this regard, in 1994, Dr. Dre came up with the idea of ​​​​making a short film that would tell everyone about the trial of Snoop Dogg. The idea was expressed in a film called "Murder Was the Case". The soundtrack to the film was composed by Snoop Dog himself.

However, after some time, the popularity of gangsta rap began to go downhill. Care in 1995 of Dr. Dre of Death Row Records also played a role. First, the head of the label, Suge Knight, was accused of blackmailing his own musicians, then the high-profile murder of the label's main artist, Tupac Shakur, occurred. There could be no talk of any glory for Snoop Dogg's second album, "Tha Doggfather", which was released in 1996. Over the entire period, two million copies were sold. In the same year, Snoop Dogg Dogg put an end to his collaboration with the scandalous label Death Row Records and changes his pseudonym.

In 1997, Snoop Dogg became one of the participants in the traveling rock festival Lolapalooza. He does not hide his interest in the rock community and in interviews talks about collaborating with Beck and Marilin Manson. However, these projects were never destined to come true.

After signing a contract with the No Limit label in 1998, Snoop Dogg recorded four albums over the next two years. However, quantity does not indicate quality. Each subsequent Snupp album was received by a smaller and smaller audience.

After the release of Dogg's autobiography in 2001 and after his promise that he would still stop taking drugs and abusing alcohol, he switched to Geffen. First, an album called “Paid tha Cost to Be the Boss” was released, which was criticized symbolically dubbed “a return to form.” And two years later, the album “R&G (Rhythm&Gangsta): The Masterpiece” appeared, the title of which included the word “masterpiece” for a reason.

In 2003, Snoop Dogg again found himself in criminal history. His car was shot at by unknown assailants, but the musician himself remains alive.

In 2004, Snoop Dogg decided to divorce his wife and in the same year opened his own film company, Snoopadelic Films.

In 2005, Snoop Dog participated in the charity concert “Live 8”. In the same year, he announced his reconciliation with Dr. Dre, with whom they decide to continue their collaboration. In their work they provide each other with mutual assistance - Dr. Dre is producing Snoopy's new album, The Blue Carpet Treatment, and Snoop Dog is set to make a guest appearance on the ever-delayed and now legendary new album. solo album Dr. Dre "Detox"

His performance style is difficult to confuse with other singers of this genre - calm, drawling words, slightly lazy. In the 15 years since the beginning of the 90s, Snoop Dogg's albums have sold more than seventeen million copies in the United States.

Snoop Dogg willingly collaborates with many performers. In 2010, one of the most successful joint songs was released - a duet with Katy Perry called California Girls.

Snoop Dogg (Kelvin Broadus) was born on October 20, 1971 in Long Beach (USA). As a child, his mother called him Snoopy. This nickname subsequently played a role in choosing the stage name Snoop Doggy Dogg, which was later shortened to Snoop Dogg.

Since childhood, Snoop has been involved in music and took part in the church choir. However, his life was far from being like the life of a respectable citizen; in addition to the fact that he was involved in drug distribution, he also joined the notorious Los Angeles black gang The Crips. After graduation, Snoop Dogg continued his studies at Polytechnic College in Long Beach (USA). His involvement in a gang often landed him in prison, a life that could not be combined with his college studies.

Start of a career

At home, Snoop records his first rap compositions. His best friend Warren G. Dr. helps him with this. Dre became involved with Snoop after listening to his demo tape, which was given to him by his half-brother Warren G.

Finest hour

In 1992 they recorded a song for the film Deep Cover and a number of other songs for the album The Chronic.

Debut album in 1993 Doggystyle was the most anticipated release, with over one and a half million pre-orders received prior to release.

During the MTV ceremony, Snoop was arrested on suspicion of murdering criminal Philip Woldemarium, who was shot by Snoop's bodyguard. The trial lasted three years and in February 1996 the charges were dropped on the grounds of self-defense. In this regard, in 1994, Dr. Dre came up with the idea to make a short film that would tell everyone about Snoop's trial. The idea was expressed in a film called Murder Was the Case. Its soundtrack was composed by Snoop himself.

In July 1995 he founded the recording studio Doggy Style Records.

In 1997, he took part in the Lollapaloozas rock tour.

After signing a contract with the No Limit label in 1998, Snoop recorded four albums over the next two years. Each subsequent Snoop album was less and less accepted by the audience.

After the release of Dogga's autobiography in 2001 and after his promise that he would finally stop taking drugs and abusing alcohol, an album called Paid tha Cost to Be the Boss, which critics symbolically dubbed as a return to form. Two years later the album R&G: The Masterpiece appeared.

In 2003, Snoop Dogg again got into criminal history. His car was shot at by unknown assailants, but the musician himself remained alive.

In 2005 he founded his own film company, Snoopadelic Films. Dogga's commercial projects - clothing, shoes, games, food, cigars, toys, drinks, porn films, headphones, skateboards. With an annual income of more than $15 million, Snoop is the coach of the Pomona Steelers youth football team, which includes his son.

In 2009, Snoop Dogg, together with a Russian rapper, shot a video for the song Groove On.

On April 20, 2009, a wax figure of the rapper was installed in one of the branches of the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum (in Las Vegas). Snoop Dogg became the third hip-hop representative at the museum, following Notorious B.I.G.

In 2012, he became a partial owner of the Los Angeles Rideretts women's soccer team. Snoop has released a pocket-sized book called Rolling Words.

In the 15 years since the early 90s, Snoop Dogga's albums have sold more than seventeen million copies in the United States.

Personal life

On June 12, 1997, Snoop married his high school sweetheart Shanta Taylor and has two sons and a daughter.

In 2004, he decided to divorce his wife, and in 2008 they remarried.


  • Malice n Wonderland
  • Ego Trippin'
  • Blue Carpet Treatment
  • R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta)
  • Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss
  • Tha Last Meal
  • No Limit Top Dogg
  • Da Game Is to Be Sold Not to Be Told
  • Tha Doggfather
  • Doggystyle
  • Doggumentary
  • Reincarnated


  • The murder was accidental
  • Unbaked
  • Black business
  • Race
  • Scammers
  • Game of life
  • Black angel
  • Wrecking Crew
  • Hot guys
  • Oriental peppers
  • Baby
  • Bones
  • Training day
  • Washing
  • Old school
  • Cool transport
  • Sex in another city
  • Starsky and Hutch
  • Rule #1: The boss is always right
  • Inhabitants
  • Snoop Dogg's Terror Quarter
  • Shoals
  • Detective Monk
  • King Singh
  • golden door
  • Scam in Wonderland
  • Big shot
  • We are the party
  • Mac and Devin: Going to high school
  • Scary Movie 5


  • Coach Snoop
  • Down for Life
  • Dogg After Dark (TV series)
  • Hood of Horror
  • Boss'n Up
  • Wash, The
  • Tha Eastsidaz


  • 2002 - MTV Channel Award. Winner: Best Cameo Training Day

Prepared based on materials from open sources.

Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. was born on October 20, 1971. As a child, his mother called him “Snoopy.” This nickname subsequently played a role in choosing the stage name Snoop Doggy Dogg, which was later shortened to Snoop Dogg. In addition to being one of the most famous rappers from the West Coast, Snoop is also an actor and music producer.

Since childhood, Calvin has been involved in music and took part in the church choir. However, his life was far from being like the life of a respectable citizen; in addition to the fact that he was involved in drug distribution, he also joined the notorious Los Angeles black gang The Crips. After graduation, Snoop Dogg continued his studies at Polytechnic College in Long Beach. Taking part in the gang The Crips, he ended up in prison with enviable frequency, and such a life could not be combined with his studies in college.

Imagine that it was prison life and the influence of prisoners that pushed Snoop to turn over a new leaf and take up rap seriously. At home, Calvin recorded his first rap compositions. He was helped in this by his cousin Nate Dogg and his best friend Warren G. Warren's half-brother Dr. Dre noticed Snoop Dogg's talent and they began to collaborate. They recorded the main theme for the film "Deep Cover". Snoop took an active part in the work on Dre's solo debut entitled "The Chronic". . Dre in writing lyrics for his album, which after its release brought Dre fame as a hip-hop musician. This album is still considered a classic of gangsta rap.

After the release of the debut album Dr. Dre's "The Chronic" had everyone eagerly awaiting the recording of Snoopy's debut album. And as soon as his album, entitled “Doggystyle,” was released, it was immediately followed by the arrest of Snoopy on charges of murdering Walter Waldermarin, a member of a rival gang. The trial in this case lasted for three years and ended with the dismissal of all charges against Snoop Dogg. This scandal still managed to spoil Snoop’s reputation. However, if we look at this case from the other side, we can conclude that it was the unfolding hype brought the album “Doggystyle”, albeit scandalous, to popularity. The album immediately topped the national charts. This does not often happen with the debut albums of other artists. For several months, the album did not disappear from the music charts. Both Snuppy’s criminal fame and the lyrics. , with cruel and violent plots secured his controversial fame. In this regard, in 1994, Dr. Dre came up with the idea of ​​​​making a short film that would tell everyone about the trial of Snoop Dogg. The idea was expressed in a film called "Murder Was the Case". The soundtrack to the film was composed by Snoop Dog himself.

However, after some time, the popularity of gangsta rap began to go downhill. Care in 1995 of Dr. Dre of Death Row Records also played a role. First, the head of the label, Suge Knight, was accused of blackmailing his own musicians, then the high-profile murder of the label's main artist, Tupac Shakur, occurred. There could be no question of any glory of Snoop Dogg's second album, entitled "Tha Doggfather", which was released in 1996. Over the entire period, two million copies were sold. In the same year, Snoop Dogg Dogg put an end to his collaboration with the scandalous label Death Row Records and changes his pseudonym.

In 1997, Snoop Dogg became one of the participants in the traveling rock festival Lolapalooza. He does not hide his interest in the rock community and in interviews talks about collaborating with Beck and Marilin Manson. However, these projects were never destined to come true.

After signing a contract with the No Limit label in 1998, Snoop Dogg recorded four albums over the next two years. However, quantity does not indicate quality. Each subsequent Snupp album was received by a smaller and smaller audience.

After the release of Dogg's autobiography in 2001 and after his promise that he would still stop taking drugs and abusing alcohol, he switched to Geffen. First, an album called “Paid tha Cost to Be the Boss” was released, which was criticized symbolically dubbed “a return to form.” And two years later, the album “R&G (Rhythm&Gangsta): The Masterpiece” appeared, the title of which included the word “masterpiece” for a reason.

In 2003, Snoop Dogg again found himself in criminal history. His car was shot at by unknown assailants, but the musician himself remains alive.

In 2004, Snoop Dogg decided to divorce his wife and in the same year opened his own film company, Snoopadelic Films.

In 2005, Snoop Dog participated in the charity concert “Live 8”. In the same year he announced his reconciliation with Dr. Dre, with whom they decide to continue their collaboration. In their work they provide each other with mutual assistance - Dr. Dre is producing Snoopy's new album, The Blue Carpet Treatment, and Snoop Dog is set to make a guest appearance on Dr.'s ever-delayed and now legendary new solo album. Dre "Detox"

His performance style is difficult to confuse with other singers of this genre - calm, drawling words, slightly lazy. In the 15 years since the beginning of the 90s, Snoop Dogg's albums have sold more than seventeen million copies in the United States.

Snoop Dogg willingly collaborates with many performers. In 2010, one of the most successful joint songs was released - a duet with Katy Perry called California Girls.

Snoop Dogg discography:

Reincarnated (April 23, 2013)
Doggumentary (2011)
Malice n Wonderland (2009)
Ego Trippin" (2008)
Tha Blue Carpet Treatment (2006)
R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta) (2004)
Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss (2002)
Tha Last Meal (2000)
No Limit Top Dogg (1999)
Da Game Is to Be Sold Not to Be Told (1998)
Tha Doggfather (1996)
Doggystyle (1993)

Snoop Dogg is a musician, producer, and actor who became famous in the late 90s thanks to his debut album and problems with the police.

Rapper Snoop Dogg

In his youth, Snoop was regularly jailed. Today he is a world famous rap artist, successful businessman and an exemplary family man.

Childhood and youth

Calvin Broadus, which is the real name of the famous rapper, was born in 1971 in Long Beach. The cute dog from the Peanuts comics is the musician’s favorite character. His mother named Calvin after a cartoon character. The nickname stuck with the boy, and later, years later, it turned into a music brand.

Snoop has two brothers. His father fought in Vietnam and left the family three months after Calvin was born. His grandfather looked after the restless boy in his mother's absence. Later, having become a star, Snoop admitted that he was able to benefit from the lack of fatherly attention. Bitter experience taught the musician not to make parental mistakes and helped him become a wonderful father.

Snoop learned the basics of vocals in a church choir. But this does not mean that the future rapper was distinguished by a humble and flexible disposition. The uncontrollable teenager was not influenced by either parental instructions or choral singing. It’s not surprising, because Calvin grew up in a criminal area.

After school, the future rapper entered college, but did not graduate: he lacked perseverance. In addition, the guy, prone to adventure, was irresistibly attracted to the street. Romance, freedom, independence - these do not exist in the lives of law-abiding citizens.

In the late 80s, Snoop became a member of the Crips gang. Criminal activity had logical consequences. Kelvin's biography includes several arrests. Perhaps he would have become a crime boss, but at some point he stopped, thought about the future and decided to change his lifestyle. At this time, Snoop became interested in live music. And soon the unknown black guy met Dr. Dre.


An influential producer listened to the demo tape and then took Calvin under his wing. In 1992, the film “Undercover” was released, the soundtrack to which was written by Snoop Dogg. Two years later the first album was released. Then the guy with a criminal past gained popularity. The Chronic – collaboration Calvin Broadus and Dr. Dre. The album includes songs in the genre of so-called gangster funk - a musical direction in the development of which Snoop Dogg played a leading role.

The song Gin & Juice from their debut album has become a hip-hop classic. And then an incident occurred in the rap artist’s life that raised his rating. The musician was arrested on charges of murder. It later turned out that Philip Woldemarium was shot by Snoop's security guard and did it in self-defense. The charges against the rapper were dropped. But this incident was discussed for a long time, a photo of the debutant appeared in the press. Snoop's popularity grew. The idol of African-American youth occupied the first lines of the charts for several months.

Snoop Dogg - I Wanna Rock

In 1996, an album dedicated to. The nickname Snoop Dogg received official status after signing a contract with No Limit Records. The rapper recorded three albums on the label of the famous record company.

In 2000, Dr. Dre released the single “The net Episode,” which was included in his second studio album. Snoop and his brother Nate took part in the recording. The composition ends with the words of the latter: “Smoke Weed Everyday”, and therefore it is mistakenly called “Smoke Weed Every Day”.

Snoop Dogg in the movie "Starsky and Hutch"

In 2004, Snoop Dogg played in the film Starsky and Hutch. Two years later, he recorded two songs that won a Grammy. Snoop did not forget about his past associated with the Crips gang: in 2005 he recorded a single dedicated to the leader of the criminal organization.

Even after becoming famous, the rapper did not seek to find a common language with law enforcement agencies. In 2006, Snoop got into an argument with police at the airport. What excited the star that day is unknown. Together with his friends, he tried to get into the VIP room. However, security barred access to the overly noisy company. They couldn’t think of anything else but to head to Duty Free and break several bottles of elite alcohol.

Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa - Young, Wild and Free

Law enforcement officers, called by store employees, had difficulty calming down the rowdies. In this case, they were injured. Stup found himself behind bars again, but not for long. The next day, the rapper was released on bail. There is a lot that is unclear in this story. Later, the official version of the rowdy musician was criticized. A video recording has been preserved confirming that the musician did not offer any resistance to the police. 10 minutes before the fight, Snoop had a nice conversation with the kids in the waiting room.

In 2009, the rap musician’s popularity grew so much that a wax figure of him was installed in Las Vegas. In the same year he recorded the single Groove On. The composition was presented for the first time in Saint-Tropez.

In 2012, Kelvin Broadus took on a new creative pseudonym. Now he's Snoop Lyon. However, his fans still call him Snoop Dogg. The singer decided to use a new image after he visited Jamaica and joined the Rastafari movement. Snoop changed the music genres of hip-hop and gangsta rap to reggae and presented fans with a new hit “JA JA JA”.

Snoop Dogg - JA JA JA

Among the popular songs that Snoop created with other musicians is a duet with the French DJ “Wet”. The track started at the top of the international rap music charts. Another collaboration with Wiz Khalifa and the single “Young, Wild & Free” also received high Billboard Hot 100 ratings and a Grammy nomination. Despite the fact that three musicians recorded the song, Bruno Mars did not participate in the filming of the video. Often the rapper had to perform with him at group concerts. Later, the musician spoke highly of his colleague’s work, calling it “the hope of white America.”

Snoop Dogg and David Guetta - Sweat

In the summer of 2014, a video for the song “Pharrel” appeared on the Internet. The composition was intended for a new album, produced by. A year later, two singles were released. One of them was called “So Many Pros” and was included in the album “Bush”, which was released in the spring of 2015. Other famous representatives of the rhythm and blues genre also participated in the recording. Critics greeted the 13th album of Snoop's solo discography positively.

Personal life

Snoop is a man who is at odds with the law. This is the stage image. In fact, the famous rapper is an exemplary family man. Calvin married Shanta Taylor in the mid-90s. I met her as a child. Snoop has been playing basketball since an early age. Perhaps it was thanks to sports that their romance began. Shanta was rooting for the team of which her future husband was a member. Already in those years, Snoop was tall (192 cm and weighing 85 kg).

In 1994, the rapper became a father: his son Korde was born. Three years later, Cordell was born, and in 199, daughter Cory was born. The girl was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease - lupus erythematosus. According to his father, despite his illness, Corey remains a cheerful and active child. Snoop once admitted to reporters that because of concerts, he is sorely lacking time to communicate with his children, however, he tries to devote every free minute to his family. Snoop and Shanta chose the Californian city of Claremont as their place to live.

Later, the singer’s wife registered the “Co Co Ri” trademark, which produces designer sportswear. Calvin and Shanta Broadus sell T-shirts and sweatshirts with the Snoop Dogg logo through their online store. The rapper’s wife also owns the “Boss Lady Entertainment” label. As a manager, the woman worked with rapper The Lady of Rage.

The famous rapper collects cars and is involved in charity work. The singer attends basketball matches. Among the teams that the musician supports are the Los Angeles Lakers, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Los Angeles Dodgers.

Snoop's family is rich in talent. His cousins, who perform under the names RBX, Nate Dogg, Lil' ½ Dead and Daz Dillinger, Brandy and Ray J., have also become successful in hip-hop and R&B circles.

In 2004, a crisis arose in the relationship between Snoop and his wife, but four years later the family was reunited. In 2015, the eldest son, musician Korde, gave birth to his first child, Zion.

Rapper Snoop Dogg

Snoop loves to experiment with his appearance. In front of the public in different times the performer appeared either with curled curls, over which he wore a pink cap or baseball cap, or with a perfectly combed-back ponytail. The rapper's favorite hairstyle is dreadlocks, which he styles differently every time. Also on the musician’s body there are tattoos in the form of a portrait of his wife and a memorable image in honor of his colleague and friend Nate Dogg.

Snoop Dogg now

In March 2017, on Snoop's page "Instagram" information has appeared about the release of the next album. IN solo career rapper has more than 10 albums. Dog also surprised fans with a video clip for the song “Lavender.” On screen, Snoop shot a clown dressed as a toy gun. The musician borrowed the song from the Canadian band Bad Bad Not Good, which he created a remix for together with beatmaker Kaytranada.

Snoop Dogg - Lavender

Kelvin Broadus acts in films, does business, and goes on tour. His filmography includes dozens of works. In 2017, the film Grow House was released, in which the rapper played a cameo. Snoop Dogg also participated in the filming of the film “ Future world" His name appears in the cast of the comedy “Beach Boom.”

In 2018, Snoop Dogg pleased fans of his creativity with the new EP “220”, songs from which were later included in the studio album “Bible of Love”. Judging by the musical compositions, the rap veteran became interested in the gospel style.

In May, Snoop Dogg received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records. The musician distinguished himself by preparing a 500-liter glass of cocktail, which he called Paradise. The recipe for the drink is quite simple - it only contains gin and juice.

In August, on his personal Instagram account, the artist announced the cookbook “From Crook to Cook,” which will be released in the fall of 2018. The collection will consist of 50 recipes for all occasions, including the musician’s favorite drink – the Gin and Juice cocktail.


  • 1993 – Doggystyle
  • 1996 – Tha Doggfather
  • 1999 – No Limit Top Dogg
  • 2002 – Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss
  • 2006 – Tha Blue Carpet Treatment
  • 2009 – Malice n Wonderland
  • 2013 – Reincarnated
  • 2015 – Bush
  • 2016 – Coolaid
  • 2017 – Neva Left
  • 2018 – Bible of Love