Why do you dream about an evil devil? Damn: why do you have a dream?

Big dream book Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Devil?

Devil - A devil in a dream portends great luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an angry, vain and arrogant person. Your indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure will lead to trouble. Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil means poverty due to your own stupidity and penchant for secret vices. Conversation with the devil warns of mortal danger in reality, you should be extremely attentive and careful.

Maly Velesov dream book

Devil in a dream

Damn - Okay, good news // danger; kissing him is a dangerous thing; talk - you will get into trouble, betrayal, death, loss; run away from him - you will get rid of trouble; many devils - grief, illness; to beat is to defeat an enemy.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about the Devil

Devil - Seeing a devil or a demon in a dream means your desire to dominate, dominate and command others. If in a dream you felt fear, they are trying to forcibly persuade you to take actions that you do not like. To take on the appearance of a devil in a dream and have supernatural powers - you are tired of everything and urgently want new impressions and experiences. You want to refresh your feelings and emotions, fall in love and relive the range of sensations that falling in love gives to young people.

Idiomatic dream book

Damn - what does what he saw symbolize

The devil - “Go to hell”, “the devil has misled” (bad transgression, miscalculation), “the devil pulled his tongue” (to let it slip), “hell no” (get nothing), “to get drunk as hell.” See Add. Demon in mythology. Sl.

The meaning of a dream about a Demon (Mythological dream book)

Interpretation of the dream: Devil - A traditional image in many myths: a dark-haired anthropomorphic creature with a tail, hooves, horns and a pig's heel instead of a nose. Less often - a winged creature capable of werewolf - emphasizes the future situation of temptation, seduction, apparent luck that will turn out to be bad consequences. Sometimes it reflects the process of infusing an evil spirit into a person, during which the sleeper becomes biased, fanatical, and obsessed.

I dreamed about the Devil (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

Devil - See the interpretation of the devil dream.

Devils are your irritations, small impulsive actions and their consequences. They run out of you - your irritability is too obvious, they climb inside - on the contrary, they dangerously accumulate in you. Devils are running around you - promiscuity, irritability, their rampant behavior in your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Demon (the message of the Tarot cards)

Damn - Rock, fatal circumstances.

The meaning of a dream about Evil Spirits (Muslim dream book)

Devil - If you dream of an unclean spirit, trouble will befall him. If anyone sees that he has been deceived by the devil, he will find himself far from his property and from his homeland. If any person sees that he is at enmity with the devil, this means that he will win a victory over the enemy, this is how the meaning of your dream is deciphered.

The meaning of the dream about Devils ( Modern dream book)

Damn - Meeting a new face.

The meaning of a dream about the Devil (Vangi's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about the Devil? - To dream about the Devil is a prediction of strong luck, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, having become proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an angry, vain and arrogant person. If you dream that you are talking to the devil, then in reality you are in mortal danger. Your life can end tragically if you are not extremely attentive and careful. Twisting the devil while holding him by the tail is evidence that your evil and sarcastic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were previously sincerely devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for you will remain alone.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Damn like an image in a dream

Damn - Fear and defeat.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Devil according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Damn - Fear and defeat.

The meaning of a dream about an Evil Spirit (Dream Book of Feng Shui)

Damn, an evil spirit - Seeing him in a dream means sadness, sorrow, grief. Seeing him dead is fortunate. A woman argues with him - to a quick divorce from her husband.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Devil in a dream?

Devils - Seeing devils in a dream is a warning; your indiscriminateness in the search for pleasure will lead to trouble. If you see yourself in the guise of a devil, it means that your own stupidity and secret vices will lead you to poverty.

Why did you dream about the Devil according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Devils - Be afraid of being tempted to do bad things.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To have a dream about Devils, what does it mean?

Devils (demons) – The appearance of devils in a dream is a warning about an excess of passions and harmful attractions. Devils symbolize both external forces that drag you into the pool, and an internal feeling of disorder. The appearance of a devil in a dream represents short-term joys, for which you will have to pay in the future.

Slavic dream book

Why the hell in a dream?

Devil is a negative sign. Dangerous friends. Danger of prison or drug addiction. Mars in the 12th house. Black Moon in Aquarius.

Seeing the Devil in a dream (according to the Housewife's dream book)

Devil - temptations; promiscuity in the search for pleasure.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Devil in a dream

I dreamed about the Devil - A rash act can lead to collapse in a relationship with a loved one. The best remedy against such a dream - prayer and the sign of the cross. When you wake up, cross yourself and read any prayer.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see Devils, what is it for?

Devil (demon, devil) is a warning dream. One must be careful in business or everyday life to avoid getting into a difficult situation. Also a symbol of crop failure and ill health. For young girls and women - a warning that a hypocrite and adventurer may appear in their lives. Any deal with the devil in a dream is a risk of falling into a trap in reality. For a lover, this dream threatens temptation and inclination to betrayal. Damn in the form of a beautiful, luxurious dressed man– you may develop excessive pride in your position, vanity, which over time will turn into arrogance and a contemptuous attitude towards people. To be scared of the devil - to strong enemy. To see from afar is to be exposed to temptation; to have a conversation with him is to deceive an evil person.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with the Devil mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why do you dream about the devil in a dream - To give a bribe.

In the summer, why did the devil dream - Anxiety for the children will not be in vain.

In the fall, why did the devil dream - For a difficult exam, there is little hope of success.

In winter, why do you dream of fighting the devil - To captivity.

The devil is the most popular character in Russian folklore. In numerous tales and stories, he appears in the usual role for himself and those around him as the sworn enemy of man, trying by all means available to evil spirits to prevail over human intelligence.

Battle of aliens from the other world

On the other hand, the devil is the most beloved fairy tale hero! Despite the seeming paradox of such a statement, there is no need to prove the fact that if there were no devils in the world at all, a replacement would certainly be invented for them. To affirm the triumph of human reason over evil spirits without an obligatory “scapegoat” it was at all times considered a farce unworthy of the public. And the devil could not have been more suitable for the role of a “goat”: horned, bearded, with a tail. In general, he’s a freak on whom all misfortunes can be blamed.

In cases where the devil materializes, a person appears before a creature that is more like a nightmare: black, with claws, a tail and horns, a wide muzzle, a long nose or, conversely, with a pig’s snout and eyes glowing brightly in the dark.

“Last summer, two of my friends and I vacationed on the coast of the Azov Sea,” says Muscovite Vladimir Novikov. - Due to a number of reasons, we did not have a civilized vacation, so for three weeks of vacation we were forced to live like “wild” tourists - in nature.

One evening we settled down for the night on sandy beach near Mariupol. My friends quickly fell asleep, but I tossed and turned on my uncomfortable bed for a long time. In the end, after just soaking my sides, I lay down on my back and tried to fall asleep, counting the stars in the sky. But soon my attention was attracted by two bright points that were moving down the sky at high speed. Continuing to observe them, I realized that these were not cosmic bodies. The dots on my eyes were increasing in size and were about to fall in close proximity to me!

I did not hear any noise from unknown bodies falling to the ground. However, about five minutes after their supposed landing, it seemed to me that behind the nearest stone ridge someone squealed thinly and loudly. Now there’s no time for sleep at all!

And behind the stone ridge I suddenly heard frequent snorting, heavy snoring and, finally, I saw THEM! They were devils, real devils!! With horns, tails and hooves!!! They were clearly visible to me because their fur glowed in the night, as if it had been rubbed with phosphorus. With every step the devils came closer to our place of overnight stay. I closed my eyes in horror, opened my mouth to scream and... I couldn’t utter a sound. You know how it happens in a dream: you are being pursued, you want to call for help, but for some reason you can’t...

Continuing to pretend to be asleep, I raised my eyelids and... immediately slammed them shut. One of the devils was staring at me. The spectacle was so impressive and at the same time repulsive that even with my eyes closed I kept its incredible image in my memory for a long time. The monster was two meters tall, of an ugly build - as if a huge black horned goat was rearing up - and with a boring, crazy look of large, round, bright yellow eyes. When, after a while, I opened my eyes again, I saw that both devils were already looking at me and my sleeping friends.

I don’t know how long this exchange of glances lasted. I only remember that while we were looking at each other, I asked myself an idiotic question: why don’t they stink - like in most fairy tales - of sulfur?

I never had time to answer it: one of the devils bent down, picked up a weighty, about thirty kilograms, cobblestone from the ground and, holding it like a feather in his hand or paw, took a step towards me. I realized that now the end would come for me, but, I repeat, I could not escape: all my limbs were paralyzed. I closed my eyes, saying goodbye to life, and... the next moment I heard the sound of a struggle!

Opening my eyes again, I saw that the devils were fighting! The fight was terrible: one of the devils beat the other with the very cobblestone that was intended for me. The air was quickly filled with their inhuman screams and real pig squeals. I suddenly felt that I could already control my body, and tried to push my comrades away. But neither my blows nor the heart-rending screams of the fighting monsters could wake them up. I still can’t understand what this was connected with. Just as I can’t understand another thing: why did one of the night monsters decide to stand up for me?

The fight between the devils ended as unexpectedly as it began. They quickly jumped up from the ground, shook themselves off like dogs with their whole bodies and... I missed the moment of their disappearance, closing my eyes from the first rays rising sun.

In the morning, I told my friends about my nightly adventure and showed them a broken horn with dried blood and a large clump of fur - all that I found at the site of the devils’ night fight. In response, my friends laughed at me.

Offended, I did not tell them about the most important thing. About the fact that the clump of damn wool continued to glow in the dark! Returning home from vacation, I gave a few hairs of hair to an expert I knew from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He, having passed them through a dozen spectrometers and other “smart” devices (I don’t know much about them), spoke out unequivocally: the hairs belong to a hominoid unknown to science, the hairline of which is partially similar to the hairline of the so-called “Bigfoot.” As for the glow of the wool, he did not say anything specific, specifying only that he did not find phosphorus in the wool.

Now my mysterious findings are being studied in a closed research institute.”

The mystery of the Shatura pond

No stranger to devils family life, but since there are no females among them, they marry, when they are thirty years old, witches, strangled or drowned women.

Adult devils treat newly born imps rather unceremoniously. On dark nights, they sneak up to a house where there is an unbaptized baby or one cursed by the mother and perform a substitution. Changelings (pups) are typically “skinny in body and extremely ugly.” They scream constantly and eat a lot. Their head is excessively large and hangs to the side. After two years they strangely disappear.

Many people know the expression: “There are devils in still waters.” And they really are there! These are little devils that adult devils carry into the pools from houses. Here the descendants of evil spirits live up to seven years.

...This pond was dug on the outskirts of the Shatura forest with the help of a caterpillar excavator by summer residents, to whom the Moscow region authorities allocated six hundred square meters of land here, in a completely uninhabited place. A pit was dug in the place where dowsers found underground springs. The new pond had 13 of them: seven were located on one side and six on the other.

Ten years have passed since then, and the history of the pond has become overgrown with numerous secrets and mysteries. One of them is a green fog that envelops the pond in quiet moonlit nights, and at this time terrible screams and sobs are heard from under the water.

The locals don’t swim in this pond anymore: they’re afraid. Not a year goes by without someone drowning in it and, what is especially strange: in the area of ​​​​the seven springs. Moreover, only young men and men drown, while children and women survive incredibly

A year ago, in mid-July, a girl was swimming in a pond with a large inflatable ball. She was splashing quite close to the shore, when suddenly a funnel appeared in the middle of the reservoir, and the child began to be pulled towards the seven springs.

The forces of the elements and the child were unequal, the whirlpool pulled her to the lost place, snatched the ball and... again threw her to the shore, where the poor girl was picked up by adults who ran up. The ball spun in a whirlpool, froze, then two shaggy hands rose from the water and dragged it to the bottom.

The rescuers don’t believe the stories about the creature living at the bottom of the reservoir, but, nevertheless, they are not eager to go down there again.

Naturally, the anomalies and devilry happening on the cursed pond attract the attention of all kinds of adventure lovers. So, immediately after the incident with the girl, a certain Evgeniy showed up in the holiday village, introducing himself as a metropolitan researcher of paranormal phenomena. For several nights in a row he kept watch for an unknown creature in the thickets near the pond, until, finally, one morning the summer residents found him lying unconscious on the shore.

Having come to his senses a few hours later, Evgeniy told those gathered completely incredible story. Just after midnight, the surface of the pond, according to him, began to seethe violently, and then a certain creature on four legs climbed onto the shore. It was the size of a large dog. The creature shook itself off the water, stood on its hind legs and headed exactly in the direction where Evgeniy was sitting in the thickets. At this time, the moon came out from behind the clouds, and in its ghostly light, Eugene saw that a real devil was moving straight towards him! With a tail, horns and eyes that glow in the dark.

Why do the devil dream

Miller's Dream Book

A peasant who sees the devil in a dream expects the destruction of his crops, livestock diseases and other losses.

For athletes, especially those who travel outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful.

If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a beautifully dressed gentleman who calls you to his house - in reality you should be wary of the traps set hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it must be careful in their actions and rely more on friends.

If in a dream the devil strikes your imagination, then real life You may fall into some kind of trap.

Communication with the devil in a dream promises you rash actions. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers.

Seeing devils in a dream is a warning. Your indiscriminateness in the search for pleasure will lead to trouble.

If you see yourself in the guise of a devil, this means that your own stupidity and secret vices will lead you to poverty.

Why do the devil dream

Freud's Dream Book

The devil is a phallic symbol.

Conversation with the devil - symbolizes your unfulfilled sexual fantasies.

A feast with the devil means that when having sex you are only concerned about your own experiences and sensations, and you forget about your partner or are not interested at all.

Many devils - symbolize your craving for frequent changes of sexual partners.

If the devil or devils are dragging you somewhere, you are not sure of your sexual attractiveness.

Why do the devil dream

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a devil in a dream is a prediction of strong luck, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, having become proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an angry, vain and arrogant person.

If you dreamed that you were talking to the devil, in real life you are in mortal danger. Your life can end tragically if you are not extremely attentive and careful.

Twisting the devil while holding him by the tail is evidence that your evil and caustic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were previously sincerely devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for you will remain alone.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Damn - fear and defeat.

Why do the devil dream

Family dream book

A dream about devils is a warning. It means that your indiscriminate search for pleasure can bring you a lot of trouble.

Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil, you must understand that stupid behavior and secret vices can lead you to poverty.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The image of a devil in a dream usually warns of some kind of trouble that can make you angry.

Why do the devil dream

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A head disease of unknown origin, but damage, the evil eye, as well as the onset of a mental illness, including alcoholism, cannot be ruled out. D. signs a contract with you - to shameful temptations that you cannot resist.

Seeing yourself Ch. - damage, evil eye, other negative program; Ch. came to you - to physically cheat on your husband (wife).

Why do the devil dream

Spring dream book

Little devil - you will not resist and will sin.

Why do the devil dream

Summer dream book

Little imp - worry about children will not be in vain.

Why do the devil dream

Autumn dream book

Little imp - to give a bribe.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a devil in a dream portends dubious pleasure and bitter repentance.

To argue with the devil is to be caught in reality by tax authorities for concealing income.

If the devil takes you to hell, this means a sharp turn of events for the worse.

The devils surrounding you in a wild dance and not allowing passage are a harbinger of favorable changes in business, but difficulties in family life.

Fleeing from the devil is a dream warning not to trust the false promises of imaginary friends.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Damn - Fear and defeat

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation modern woman

A devil in a dream portends great luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an angry, vain and arrogant person. Your indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure will lead to trouble.

Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil means poverty due to your own stupidity and penchant for secret vices.

A conversation with the devil warns of mortal danger in reality; you should be extremely attentive and careful.

Why do the devil dream

Azar's Dream Book

Damn - fear and defeat.

Devils - be afraid of being tempted to do bad things.

Why do the devil dream

Modern dream book

Related Posts Seeing a devil in a dream predicts for a peasant a crop failure, loss of livestock, as well as illnesses in the family. Athletes, hunters and other people who love risk should take this dream as a warning: they need to be extremely careful not to get into a dangerous situation and not to break the laws.

If in a dream you see a devil in the guise of a stately, representative man, whose hands and clothes are decorated with sparkling jewelry, and he is trying to invite you into his home - such a dream warns you that unscrupulous people are looking for an opportunity to destroy you and use the most inventive flattery for this. .

Young innocent girls after such a dream should seek protection from their friends and avoid strange manifestations of attention, especially from married men.

Weak-willed, gullible women should beware unknown men, as they can be defrauded of money and jewelry. Beware of contact with the devil, even in your dreams. The devil is always a harbinger of despair.

If you dream that you are being pursued by his spell, in reality you will find yourself in a net set for you by enemies hiding under the guise of friends. For a lover, such a dream predicts that a dissolute woman will force him to break his oath of fidelity.

Why do the devil dream

Eastern dream book

The devil is a favorable dream for players; you can count on breaking the bank, but how it will all end is still a question.

If you dream that you are talking to the devil, you are in mortal danger.

Why do the devil dream

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Devils are your affects, whirlwinds of passions and inclinations, pushing you to unexpected actions not justified by conscience and reason / a happy occasion, a fulfillment of desires, which instead of joy will bring melancholy and gloomy forebodings.

The devil comes to you, and you accept him as a friend or an old acquaintance - extraordinary luck in everything, a super-lucky star, but for the time being.

He comes to you, sits on your road - a warning that your actions are dictated not by reason, but by passions.

The devil starts or maintains a fire, cooks something in a cauldron - you yourself artificially fan the fire of your passions.

He invites you to play cards - a risk for you, the most dangerous temptation.

The devil smokes, blows smoke, draws, flies, dances in the smoke - dangers from an overly developed imagination, from losing the line between reality and illusion.

He throws himself at you, yells - an internal protest against your restraint and calm is brewing in you.

The devil crawls out of the chimney, climbs into the chimney, into the oven - your sensual desires, their victory over you.

Seeing the devil in the mirror means conceit and pride are the source of all your passions.

He is afraid of the cross - good; is not afraid - his victory is over you.

He turns into animals - your pure aspirations are prone to sudden transformation, degeneration into base passions.

He pursues you - their result will be illnesses and nervous disorders.

Why do the devil dream

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of the Devil - A rash act can lead to collapse in a relationship with a loved one. The best remedy against such a dream is prayer and the sign of the cross. When you wake up, cross yourself and read any prayer.

Why do the devil dream

Ancient dream book

Devils are your irritations, small impulsive actions and their consequences. They run out of you - your irritability manifests itself too much in your sleep, they crawl inside - on the contrary, they dangerously accumulate in you. Devils are running around you - promiscuity, irritability, their rampant behavior in your life.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Damn, evil spirit - Seeing him means sadness, sorrow, grief. Seeing him dead is fortunate. A woman argues with him - to a quick divorce from her husband. The soldier sees how he fights the devil - to captivity. A student sees Lot - for a difficult exam, there is little hope of success.

Why do the devil dream

Spiritual dream book

DEMONIC IMAGES (devils, demons, etc.) - their special activity in dreams is associated with cleansing (correct) or incorrect esoteric practice.

Why do the devil dream

Ladies' dream book

Ferris wheel - fear of heights; a reminder that it is possible to live a calmer life.

Why do the devil dream

Modern dream book

Damn – Meeting a new face

Why do the devil dream

Ancient Russian dream book

Devil - See the interpretation of the devil dream.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Devils (demons) – The appearance of devils in a dream is a warning about an excess of passions and harmful attractions. Devils symbolize both external forces that drag you into the pool, and an internal feeling of disorder. The appearance of a devil in a dream represents short-term joys, for which you will have to pay in the future.

Why do the devil dream

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does the Devil (demon, devil) mean in a dream - a warning dream. One must be careful in business or in everyday life so as not to get into a difficult situation. Also a symbol of crop failure and ill health. For young girls and women - a warning that a hypocrite and adventurer may appear in their lives. Any deal with the devil in a dream is a risk of falling into a trap in reality. For a lover, this dream threatens temptation and inclination to betrayal. Devil in the form of a handsome, luxuriously dressed man - you may develop excessive pride in your position, vanity, which over time will turn into arrogance and a contemptuous attitude towards people. To be afraid of the devil is a sign of a strong enemy. To see from afar is to be exposed to temptation; to have a conversation with him is to deceive an evil person.

Why do the devil dream

Women's dream book

Devil - A devil in a dream portends great luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an angry, vain and arrogant person. Your indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure will lead to trouble. Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil means poverty due to your own stupidity and penchant for secret vices. A conversation with the devil warns of mortal danger in reality; you should be extremely attentive and careful.

Why do the devil dream

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Devil - temptations; promiscuity in the search for pleasure.

Why do the devil dream

Dream book of catchphrases

DAMMIT - “go to hell”, “the devil got me wrong” (bad transgression, miscalculation), “the devil pulled his tongue” (to let it slip), “hell no” (get nothing), “get drunk as hell.” See add. demon in mythology sl.

Why do the devil dream

Muslim dream book

If anyone sees an unclean spirit in a dream, trouble will befall him.

If anyone sees that he has been deceived by the devil, he will find himself far from his property and from his homeland.

If any person sees that he is at enmity with the devil, this means that he will win victory over the enemy.

Why do the devil dream

Idiomatic dream book

“The devil got me wrong” - a bad offense, a miscalculation; “the devil pulled his tongue” - let it slip; “Hell no” - you won’t get anything.

Why do the devil dream

Online dream book

If you see the devil, you may suffer major losses.

The devil, who in your dream looked like a gentleman, is a sign that someone has been diligently digging a hole for you for a long time.

A lot of them were chasing you - beware of your surroundings, these people want to harm you.

If you dreamed that you were in conflict with the devil, someone will discover your crimes.

He dragged you to hell - everything you planned will not come true, the changes will be sudden.

Why do the devil dream

Dream Interpretation Devil Related Posts Seeing a devil in a dream: predicts for a peasant a crop failure, loss of livestock, as well as illnesses in the family. Athletes, hunters and other people who love risk should take this dream as a warning: they need to be extremely careful not to get into a dangerous situation and not to break the laws. If in a dream you see a devil in the guise of a stately, representative man, whose hands and clothes are decorated with sparkling jewelry, and he is trying to invite you into his home: such a dream warns you that unprincipled people are looking for an opportunity to destroy you and use the most inventive flattery for this . Young innocent girls after such a dream should seek protection from their friends and avoid strange manifestations of attention, especially from married men. Weak-willed, gullible women: should be wary of unknown men, as they can be scammed out of money and jewelry. Beware of contact with the devil, even in your dreams. The devil is always a harbinger of despair. If you dream that you are being pursued by his spell: in reality you will find yourself in a net set for you by enemies hiding under the guise of friends. Such a dream for a lover Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil Seeing a devil in a dream foreshadows dubious pleasure and bitter repentance. To argue with the devil is to be caught in reality by tax authorities for concealing income. If the devil takes you to hell, this means a sharp turn of events for the worse. The devils surrounding you in a wild dance and not allowing passage are a harbinger of favorable changes in business, but difficulties in family life. Fleeing from the devil is a dream warning not to trust the false promises of imaginary friends. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Devil DAMMIT - good, good news // danger; kissing him is a dangerous business; talk - you will get into trouble, betrayal, death, loss; run away from him - you will get rid of trouble; many devils - grief, illness; to beat is to defeat an enemy.
Border (between, line) in a dream Drawing a border (between, line) with a stake is a land matter. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil The appearance of devils in a dream: this is a warning about an excess of passions and harmful attractions. Devils: symbolize both external forces that drag you into the pool, and an internal feeling of disorder. The appearance of a devil in a dream: short-term joys, for which you will have to pay in the future. ABC of dream interpretation

Meaning of the Devil's dream Devils. Seeing devils in a dream is a warning. Your indiscriminateness in the search for pleasure will lead to trouble. If you see yourself in the guise of a devil, this means that your own stupidity and secret vices will lead you to poverty.
Devil, devil in a dream Devil, damn. A peasant who sees the devil in a dream expects the destruction of his crops, livestock diseases and other losses. For athletes, especially those who travel outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful. If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a beautifully dressed gentleman who calls you to his home, then in reality you should be wary of traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it must be careful in their actions and rely more on friends. If in a dream the devil strikes your imagination, then in real life you may fall into some kind of trap. Communication with the devil in a dream promises you rash actions. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers. Big dream book

Sleep Damn A dream about devils is a warning. It means that your indiscriminate search for pleasure can bring you a lot of trouble. Having seen yourself in the guise of a devil, you must understand that stupid behavior and secret vices can lead you to poverty. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the devil as follows: If you saw a devil in a dream, good luck awaits you, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, having become proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an angry, vain and arrogant person. If you dreamed that you were talking to the devil, then in real life you are in mortal danger. Be extremely attentive and careful. Twist the devil by the tail - your evil and sarcastic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were previously sincerely devoted to you. Make sure you don't end up alone. Large universal dream book

Dream of the Devil A dream about devils means great troubles and sorrows. People around you will suddenly start to annoy you. You will be haunted by deceitful and vindictive individuals. Lovers are now treading on dangerous ground and entrusting their soul to an untrustworthy person, and if he or she continues to be so trusting, it will end very dramatically. Ancient English dream book

Why do you dream about the Devil? Devil: good, good news / danger of kissing him: it’s a dangerous thing to say: you will get into trouble, betrayal, death, loss, run away from him: you will get rid of trouble many devils: grief, beat illness: overcome the enemy. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Devils Devils (demons) - The appearance of devils in a dream is a warning about an excess of passions and harmful attractions. Devils symbolize both external forces that drag you into the pool, and an internal feeling of disorder. The appearance of a devil in a dream represents short-term joys, for which you will have to pay in the future. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Devil Devil (a traditional image in many myths: a dark-haired anthropomorphic creature with a tail, hooves, horns and a pig's heel instead of a nose, less often: a winged creature capable of werewolf): emphasizes the future situation of temptation, seduction, apparent luck, which will result in bad consequences. Sometimes it reflects the process of infusing an evil spirit into a person, during which the sleeper becomes biased, fanatical, and obsessed. Mythological dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil Devil in a dream: portends great luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an angry, vain and arrogant person. Your indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure will lead to trouble. Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil: to poverty due to your own stupidity and penchant for secret vices. Conversation with the devil: warns of mortal danger in reality; you should be extremely attentive and careful. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Devil If anyone sees an unclean spirit in a dream, trouble will befall him. If anyone sees that he has been deceived by the devil, he will find himself far from his property and from his homeland. If any person sees that he is at enmity with the devil, this means that he will win victory over the enemy.

What to do if you saw a devil in a dream? Prepare for troubles, engage in introspection or wait for happy changes in the future? The dream book will help you find the most accurate interpretation and tell you why such an unusual character is dreaming of.

Interpretation according to Miller

It’s worth saying right away that the image of the devil has an extremely negative meaning. Even its ominous shadow can nullify the positive interpretation of any have a good dream. And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in evil spirits or not; its appearance in a dream is of a very serious nature.

Therefore, you should not brush aside a dream in which you even saw a small and not at all scary little devil. Miller's dream book, for example, advises immediately starting to work on your own character and behavior.

Inner Ego

In addition, the dream book believes that the appearance of the devil symbolizes the internal state of the dreamer himself. This character can personify the most secret sides of character, the existence of which the person himself often does not even suspect.

That is, devils, especially with horns, a tail and all the attributes befitting this mythical creature, are the very fears, negative emotions and feelings that live in the human heart and are born from time to time.

That is why seeing a devil in a dream is considered an unfavorable sign from almost any angle. Knowing this, it is not difficult to guess why you dream of giving birth to a devil in a dream - your own character will cause great difficulties.

It’s even worse if you dreamed that he was strangling the dreamer. This is a clear sign that the passions raging in the heart will one day prevail over positive motives.

At the same time, it is not difficult to explain why you dream of chasing and even killing the devil. You will probably find the strength to cope with the problems of your inner Ego.

Who dreamed

When interpreting such an extraordinary dream, the dream book advises taking into account who exactly the devil dreamed about. For example, if the devil appeared to a man, then a modest and quiet dreamer in reality dreams of possessing his strength, confidence and arrogance.

If a young girl had a chance to see a little devil, then she should be careful about new acquaintances. For a woman, a devil with horns who appears in the form of a respectable man promises serious danger. According to the dream book, he personifies a rich, but evil and treacherous person.

Moreover, any contact with the unclean, be it kissing, talking or hugging, in reality guarantees unfavorable situations related to reputation, personal freedom and even a threat to life.

If a young woman falls in love with an imp in a dream, then she will definitely fall into a trap set by an experienced suitor. If a young man in love dreams of a devil, then in reality he will be seduced by a dissolute woman.

Type of activity

The dream book also advises remembering what exactly the dreamer does in real life. For example, for farmers, a red devil running around promises loss of livestock and crop failure.

For people who have to risk their lives (athletes, hunters, firefighters, etc.) after such a dream, the dream book recommends exercising maximum caution.

It's extremely bad if mythical creature suffocates in night dreams. For sick people, the imp promises a deterioration in well-being, while for healthy people it guarantees troubles, loss of strength and spirit.

Size of the problem

The appearance of the character himself speaks about the extent of the impending changes. Little devils cause minor troubles and troubles. In this light, it is not difficult to guess why the scary devil with horns is dreaming - all the troubles will be of a grandiose nature.