Brief summary of Nikolai Nosov. Interesting facts about children's writers. N. Nosov. Essay “My favorite writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov”

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 23, 1908. The versatility of the writer’s talents was evident during his studies at the gymnasium, and then at the school for working youth. The young man, along with studying music, singing, and amateur theater, was also interested in the exact sciences. The young man was also interested in chemistry, chess, amateur radio, electrical engineering, and photography. Already in those days, Nosov was composing for the handwritten magazine "X". The writer’s youth came at a difficult time in our history. Nosov managed to work as a laborer, a newspaper seller, a digger, a mower, and a log carrier. In 1927 Nikolai entered the Kiev University art institute, and in 1929 he was transferred to the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. From 1932 to 1951 Nosov worked as a director of animated, popular science and educational films. After filming several training films for the Red Army in 1943, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Nosov made his debut as a writer in 1938: his first story for children, “Entertainers,” was published. Soon Nosov's stories were published in one of the most famous magazines at that time, Murzilka.

The stories "The Living Hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful Trousers", "Mishkina Porridge", "Gardeners", "Dreamers" and others were collected in the children's collection "Knock-knock-knock" and published in 1945. Collections of stories "Steps" and "Funny Stories" (for children of younger and middle age) were published in 1947. Knowledge of child psychology and command of accessible and, at the same time, figurative language allowed us to gain strong recognition among children and adults, as well as take a worthy place in short stories for young people school age. The name of Nikolai Nosov becomes beloved and famous among middle-aged schoolchildren after the publication of the stories “The Cheerful Family” (1949), “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsin” (1950), “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home” (1950). The struggle with the own shortcomings of the main character Vitya Maleev, described in a humorous manner and psychologically accurate, is something new that has been noted by critics. For the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" Nosov was awarded the State Prize for 1952. In the 50s, novels were published: fairy tales united in the trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”. In 1961, the humorous short stories “The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin” were published, where the author ridicules not only children’s shortcomings, but also the vices of adults. Respect for the child's personality distinguishing feature Nosov's prose. In 1971, "The Tale of My Friend Igor" was published. Memories of family and childhood are reflected in the fictional memoir story “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (1977). Films based on the screenplays of N. Nosov have been created: “Two Friends”, “Druzhok”, “Fantasists”, “The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin”, plays “Dunno Is Studying”, “Dunno Traveler”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”. Nosov appears in his works and as a popularizer of polytechnic and economic knowledge: introducing children to everyday rules, he presents them in such a way that useful and interesting knowledge comes to the readers as if by themselves.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov.

Date of birth: November 23, 1908
Date of death: July 26, 1976
Place of birth: Kyiv

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov- famous children's writer, Nosov N.N.- playwright.

In 1908, in the city of Kyiv, a son was born into the family of the pop actor Nosov. This happened on November 23rd. The boy was named Nikolai. He grew up as a very active child, was interested in theater, chess, music, and tried to compose. He was fascinated by his father's performances, which he often attended. But things didn’t work out for him with music. After buying him the violin he had been asking for, he tried playing it. I quickly realized that this was not an easy task and abandoned the tool.

After seven years of school, due to the difficult financial situation of his family, Nikolai worked as a laborer at a factory and as a mower, while simultaneously studying the program high school on one's own.

At that time, Nikolai developed another hobby. As it seemed to him then, for the rest of his life. This is chemistry. He had his own team of like-minded people, with whom they created a chemistry circle. And it was with chemistry that the future thought to connect his life famous writer Nikolay Nosov.

But due to the fact that he did not have completed vocational education, he could not enter the institute. And when he had a professional education, connecting his life with chemistry was no longer in his plans.

In 1927, Nosov entered the art institute in the city of Kyiv, but he studied there for only a couple of years. He transferred to the Moscow Cinematographic Institute, which he successfully graduated from.

After college, he worked as a director at Soyuzkino.

His first story was published in the popular magazine of that time, Murzilka. And it all started with simply telling stories to my son. And then, during the year, Nosov wrote more than once for this magazine. Nosov would later say that he started writing for children by accident, but quickly realized that this was the most interesting work, which requires a person to have a lot of knowledge on various topics. Nosov treated children with great respect and was interested in their psychology.

Thanks to Nikolai Nosov I saw the light new hero Dunno is a funny and mischievous little man who is full of energy and new ideas are constantly born in his head.

“Vitya Maleev at school and at home” won the Stalin Prize and the love of readers. Main character at the beginning of the work he was a poor student and a truant, but thanks to working on himself, by the end he finished the class almost perfectly.

It is perhaps impossible to name a single work by this outstanding children's writer, which would go unnoticed. They are all loved and read.
Nikolai Nosov wrote not only children's works, but also satirical stories. The writer’s work also included autobiographical stories, which were published both in magazines and published separate books.

Nikolai Nosov also acted as a screenwriter for feature films, based on his works animated film about Dunno.
In 1957, a list of writers was compiled who were most translated into other languages. Nikolai Nosov was third on the list. His heroes spoke different languages.

Nikolai Nosov was one of the favorite writers of children of all times; they read his books; Dunno conquered him with his resourcefulness and curiosity; his Vitya Maleev instilled hope that everything is in the hands of man; the parents were calm, if their son or daughter reads books by Nikolai Nosov, then he would grow into a real person.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov died in 1976 on July 26. He was a sympathetic and kind man who did not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. He was harsh in places, taciturn in others, but he always remained sincere and honest, both with himself and with people.

Achievements of Nikolay Nosov:

Numerous awards, including the Stalin Prize and the Order of the Red Star.
Outstanding children's writer, film screenwriter.

Dates from the biography of Nikolai Nosov:

1908 - born
1927 - entered the art institute
1929 - transferred to the Institute of Cinematography
1938 - beginning of activity as a children's writer
1952 - received the Stalin Prize
1976 - died

Interesting facts of Nikolai Nosov:

Was filmed documentary"Nikolai Nosov".
For the writer’s centenary, the Bank of Russia issued a silver coin.
His works contain a lot of scientific information.

After graduating from high school, he worked as a laborer at a concrete factory in Irpen, then at a brick factory in the city of Bucha. At the age of 19 he entered the Kiev Art Institute, then transferred to the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. During the Great Patriotic War directed military-technical films. Until a year he worked in the field of cinema: director, stage director.

N.N. Nosov gave almost forty years the noblest cause raising girls and boys. His tireless work was rewarded with high government awards: State Prize of the RSFSR named after. N.K. Krupskaya, USSR State Prize (for “Vitya Maleev...”). In 1976, N. Nosov died. He entrusted us with his most main secret– funny and smart books. He owned the “golden key” to the hearts of girls and boys. Happiness is not found in gold found at the bottom of an old well. The mystery is in man. In the ability to obtain and appreciate knowledge, and most importantly, to think, live honestly, work, appreciate every day of your life, without wasting yourself on trifles. Read books by N. Nosov, comprehend the wisdom of the heroes, learn the secret of N. Nosov.

His first story was published in children's magazine“Murzilka” was called “Zateiniki”. It is with short stories N. Nosov’s creative path began for children. The writer's stories and stories are books for children and about children. N. Nosov's heroes are not just boys, but little citizens of their country. His boys are principled, inventive, and smart. Why are all the heroes boys? The writer replied that he probably knew the boys better, which is why he wrote about them.

“Mishkina Porridge” - in which the same two friends are trying to cook porridge for dinner, and it, such a dirty trick, keeps getting out of the pan; “Telephone” - where Mishka and Kolya buy practically real telephone sets for themselves, and then spoil and break them, and solely for research purposes - I really wanted to see how they work; “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” is about schoolchildren who became beekeepers.

The story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” is called one of the most successful in Nosov’s work: despite the rather ordinary source material - pioneer gatherings, school lessons, conversations between teachers and students - it describes the everyday life boys, and this is done so interestingly and naturally that any reader will recognize himself in them. And this is not surprising - after all, Nikolai Nosov did not invent many stories, but took them from life, communicating with his son and his friends, spying and finding them everywhere: on the street, at guests, in schools, where he was invited to creative meetings...

In “The Adventures of Dunno,” Nosov talks in detail about such machines, devices, and instruments that had yet to appear. The first edition of "Dunno in the Sunny City" was published in 1958 - then the television traffic monitoring system described in detail in the book was still science fiction. Modern readers know that such a system actually exists. This means that the writer was able to look into the future... This is very funny fairy tale, whose characters are suspiciously similar to their little readers. Especially, Dunno. Well, exactly like a tomboy who, because of his inability and arrogance, ends up in the most different stories. That's why he was loved the most. And not only to our (then Soviet) children, but also to foreign ones, since through the efforts of translators he very soon spoke many languages ​​of the world. Even in Japanese!

And one more, very important point. All Nosov's books are filled with humor - a cheerful, friendly portrayal of the characters in a funny way. Open any page - it’s impossible to read without a smile, or even uncontrollable laughter. Conduct an experiment: ask one of the adults if they have read Nikolai Nosov’s books. In response, the person will definitely smile and remember a funny episode from “Dunno” or “Vitya Maleev”, “The Cheerful Family” or the fairy tale “Bobik Visiting Barbos”... The stories became the children’s favorites, they were published in huge editions, cost pennies, because they were published mainly in thin covers.

Nikolay Nosov- Soviet children's writer and screenwriter. He is the author of works about Dunno, whom all the children loved so much.

Biography of Nosov

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 10, 1908 in. His father was variety artist, however, when in his creative life there was a lull, he worked as a railway worker.

In addition to Nikolai, two more boys and one girl were born in the Nosov family: the older brother Peter and the younger brother and sister.

Childhood and youth

As a child, Nikolai Nosov was very inquisitive and keenly interested in theatrical art. He loved to attend concerts where his father and other artists performed.

At one time he wanted to learn to play the violin, but to master this musical instrument he never succeeded.


Already at the beginning of his biography, Nikolai Nosov encountered various difficulties. His childhood occurred during the First World War (1914-1918), as a result of which he was often malnourished.

During this period, the entire Nosov family, including Nikolai, suffered from typhus. By some miracle, the boy remained alive, being sick the longest.

However, along with difficulties, there were also joyful moments in the life of the future writer. The young man was interested in photography and playing chess, and was also interested in electrical engineering.

When Nosov was 14 years old, he took on any job to earn at least some money. He sold newspapers, worked as a mower, and also dug up soil.

It is interesting that children's and teenage years Nosov were very heavy. As mentioned earlier, he often went hungry, was sick, and began working in his teens.

His close friends and colleagues claimed that the writer had a complex and even difficult life.

However, despite this, in his works Nosov managed to bright colors describe the cute characters he invented, and find a subtle approach to children.

Personal life

The first wife in Nosov’s biography was Elena Mazurenko. In this marriage they had a son, Peter, who in the future would become a photojournalist.

During the war, Elena worked digging trenches. Unable to withstand such a load, in 1941 she died of heart failure.

Tatyana became Nikolai Nikolaevich’s second wife. In this marriage, the couple did not have children, but Nosov dedicated “The Adventures of Dunno” to her.


Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov died on July 26, 1976 at the age of 67 years. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

Nosov left behind a huge literary heritage. Today he is still published in large numbers, and films are made based on his stories.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 10 (23), 1908 in Kyiv in the family of a pop actor. This influenced his choice. After 2 years, in 1929, Nikolai Nosov transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. Nikolai was the second son in the family. Besides him, the family had an older brother, Peter, and a younger brother and sister. The most famous and loved by readers fairy tales Nikolai Nosov about Dunno. After buying the violin, Nikolai realized that learning music was not easy, and the violin was abandoned.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov - famous children's writer, N.N. Nosov. - playwright. Nikolai Nosov wrote not only children's works, but also satirical stories. Nikolai Nosov also acted as a screenwriter for feature films; an animated film about Dunno was made based on his works. In 1957, a list of writers was compiled who were most translated into other languages. Nikolai Nosov was third on the list.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov died in 1976 on July 26. He was a sympathetic and kind man who did not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. A documentary film “Nikolai Nosov” was shot. For the writer’s centenary, the Bank of Russia issued a silver coin. His works contain a lot of scientific information.

After graduating from the institute, Nosov began directing training films for the Red Army, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1943. In 1938, his first story for children, “Entertainers,” was published. Since his high school years, Nosov has been interested in music, theater, chess, photography, electrical engineering and even amateur radio. To feed his family, Nikolai was forced to work from the age of 14: he was a newspaper merchant, a digger, a mower, etc. After 1917, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school.

Then other stories were published: “The Living Hat”, “Cucumbers”, “Wonderful Trousers”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Gardeners”, “Dreamers”, etc. They were published mainly in the magazine for children “Murzilka”. His first wife Elena died when their son Peter was 15 years old. There were no children from his second wife Tatyana. Nikolai Nosov dedicated “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” to her.

IN school years he wanted to become a musician and for a long time dreamed of being bought a violin. After Civil War Nikolai became interested in chemistry. Nikolai then became seriously interested in photography, and then cinema. Nikolai Nikolaevich himself said that he began writing for children completely by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends.

How and when Nikolai Nosov became a children's writer: what is the secret of the popularity of his works?

In 1952, Nikolai Nosov received the Stalin Prize of the third degree for writing the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.” In 1954, this story was adapted into a children's film. feature film"Two friends." The first of them is the fairy tale “Vintik, Shpuntik and the Vacuum Cleaner.” Then the famous trilogy was written, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1953-1954), “Dunno in the Sunny City” (1958) and “Dunno on the Moon” (1964-1965). Nikolai Nosov is a writer whom I loved as a child, based on books about Dunno.

Nikolai Nosov's childhood: where did Dunno come from and who is he?

But that's not true. Everything in Nikolai Nosov’s life developed in such a way that he had to deal with technology, but... he became the favorite children’s writer of many generations.

The boy was named Nikolai. After seven years of school, due to the difficult financial situation of his family, Nikolai worked as a laborer at a factory and as a mower, while simultaneously studying the high school curriculum on his own. At that time, Nikolai developed another hobby. Vitya Maleev at school and at home” won the Stalin Prize and the love of readers. The main character at the beginning of the work was a poor student and a truant, but thanks to working on himself, by the end he finished the class almost perfectly.

Which books by Nikolai Nosov should I buy for children?

The writer’s work also included autobiographical stories, which were published both in magazines and as separate books. By studying the biographies of successful people, the reader will learn how great discoveries and achievements were made that gave humanity a chance to reach a new stage in its development.

According to Nosov himself, he came to literature by accident: a son was born, and it was necessary to tell him more and more fairy tales, funny stories for him and his preschool buddies. In 1952 for his literary activity Nosov was awarded the Stalin Prize. In more later years come out autobiographical works writer: “The Tale of My Friend Igor” and “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well.”

In 2008, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of N. N. Nosov Central Bank The Russian Federation issued a silver coin. A year later, the publishing house "Detgiz" published the next collection of Nosov's stories - "Steps". Coin of the Bank of Russia - Series: " Prominent personalities Russia", 100th anniversary of the birth of children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov, silver, 2 rubles, reverse. The writer's son Pyotr Nosov (1931-2002) became a photojournalist, a classic of Russian genre and reportage photography.

Grandson - Igor Petrovich Nosov (b. 1962) - photographer, writer, author of “New Adventures of Shorties”. In 1947, a collection of stories was published - “ Funny stories" His stories for teenagers “The Cheerful Family” (1949), “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” (1950), and “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home” (1951) also gained wide popularity.

Nikolai Nosov died in Moscow on July 26, 1976. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow. He spent his childhood in the village of Irpen, not far from Kyiv, where the boy began studying at the gymnasium. He graduated from it in 1932 and until 1951 worked as a producer and director of animated, scientific and educational films.