What kind of wife is Andrey Cherkasov dating? Andrey Cherkasov - biography and life. Latest photos. Life after the project

Date of birth: 02/06/1982
Place of birth: Moscow

Biography of Andrey Cherkasov

Andrey was born in Moscow on February 6, 1982. Andrei was brought up in an ordinary family. Andrei Cherkasov's father is an officer, a veteran of the Afghan war. The father always believed that his son should build a military career, and no matter what opportunity directed Andrey to go to a military university. After graduating from school, Cherkasov did just that; he entered the Military University of the Ministry of Defense. During his studies, Andrei made great progress; he was the best student in his course.

Afterwards, Andrei Cherkasov served for a long time in the airborne troops, where he later became a commander. Also, in his youth, Andrey received a manager’s diploma in the sociocultural sphere. Andrey is a very educated young man. He can support any conversation, in addition to his physical fitness, Andrey devotes great value self-development in all possible areas.

Andrey Cherkasov on the TV project House 2

The young guy came to the TV project on October 12, 2007. The first girl with whom Cherkasov began to communicate was Olga Agibalova. Soon, after several days of communication, Andrei turned his attention to Olga’s younger sister Rita. The young man waited several months for Rita to turn 18 and begin taking part in the television show House 2.
When Andrey waited for Rita, the guys began to build a relationship. At first everything went well, but after that neither Andrei nor Rita could cope with the age difference and misunderstanding of each other - the couple broke up. After that, Andrei Cherkasov tried several times to build relationships with several girls, but all the relationships led nowhere.

Relationship with Natalya Varvina

Some of the most long relationship Andrei Cherkasov was on a TV project with Natalya Varvina. The young couple was very happy together; many of Andrei’s fans were sure that the relationship would lead to marriage.
But unfortunately, the guys were unable to maintain their relationship. Natasha and Andrey began to quarrel frequently and throw fists at each other. This was unacceptable for the entire team and television viewers. As a result, after another assault from Andrey, he was kicked out of the project.

Life outside the project

After Andrei Cherkasov’s scandalous departure from the project, many TV viewers were upset that they would no longer be able to see Andrei. But all the worries were in vain, after leaving Andrei began to engage in creativity. The young man became a very popular event host. A lot of Andrey’s fans wanted to see him at their holidays as a host.

The second appearance of Andrei Cherkasov on the television project House 2

The second time Andrey came to the TV project in the summer of 2013. Immediately after his arrival, Andrei was surrounded by great attention from the girls. Many beauties competed with each other for the guy's heart.

Relationships with Kristina Lyaskovets and Anna Kruchinina

Andrey was amazed by the persistence of Christina Lyaskovets. The girl literally did not give way to the guy. She wanted to win Andrei’s heart so much that she was ready to do anything. After several days, Andrei succumbed to Christina and reciprocated the girl’s feelings. However, after several months of dating, Christina became bored with Cherkasov and preferred DJ Gabriel. And then she completely left with her young chosen one to continue the relationship outside the perimeter.
After the breakup, Andrei could not come to his senses for a long time, until he met Anna Kuchinika. Andrei was attracted to Anna's calmness, complaisance and kindness. Anna was madly in love with Andrei, it was obvious to everyone, but the guy’s feelings were in question. In his relationship with Anna, Andrei was a very unfaithful man. Almost every day frontal place His flirting with girls outside the perimeter was discussed. Soon, the relationship became unbearable and the young people broke it off.

Andrey Cherkasov and Victoria Romanets

After Victoria Romanets came to the TV project House 2, Andrei could not find a place for himself. Almost at first sight he was in love with her. The girl almost immediately reciprocated. Spun between young people whirlwind romance. In 2015, the couple of Victoria Romanets and Andrei Cherkasov was the most popular among TV viewers.

After a year of relationship, Andrei proposed to Victoria, to which she responded positively. After several months, everything changed in the guys’ relationship, they even decided to postpone the wedding. Andrey's feelings for Victoria have cooled. And he broke off the relationship. For Romanets it was a complete surprise, the girl was head over heels in love, but she believed in the best and hoped for reconciliation. After the breakup, the team and TV viewers hoped that the guys would make peace. But unfortunately this did not happen.

Andrey Cherkasov now

After Andrei left the television project for the second time, his life changed dramatically. The young man became very popular. Andrey Cherkasov’s Instagram has more than 900 thousand subscribers, where the young man shares his photos and videos from performances.
Andrey Cherkasov is a very recognizable personality, he is a legend and the star of the television project House 2. Now the management of House 2 has invited Andrey to work on the television project as a presenter. TV viewers really like the new presenter; Andrey is very kind and fair to the participants, unlike other presenters.

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Member name:

Age (birthday): 6.02.1982

City: Moscow

Height and weight: 169 cm

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Andrey was born in Moscow on February 6, 1982. The guy's father is an officer, and his mother worked as a secretary. Cherkasov is the only child in the family.

His father, Anatoly Ivanovich, wanted the guy to devote his life to military affairs.

That is why the young man immediately after graduating from school entered the Military University. In addition, he mastered the specialty of a manager.

Andrey has always been keen different types sports. He is sure that only sport will help a man become stronger. Music is also among his interests. The guy is passionate about singing, playing the guitar, and dancing. In addition, the young man writes stories and poems.

Interestingly, he got involved in the project at the invitation of Alexander Gabozov in 2007. The fact is that Andrei was his commander when he served in a military unit.

When Cherkasov appeared on the project, immediately came to the attention of Olga Agibalova. Then he broke up with her and turned his attention to the girl’s younger sister, Rita.

Due to her age, Margarita was able to come to the TV show only a few months after meeting Andrei. However, the guy was unable to build a strong relationship with her either.

After breaking up with Rita, the guy tried to find his match among many participants. Among them was a beauty and even TV presenter Olga Buzova.

Cherkasov not only tried to build his love, but also to realize himself in creativity. He performed at concerts with other guys with his famous song “Little One”. He dedicated this single to Rita.

Andrey Cherkasov writes songs with a guitar, famous: Lips on the body.

After some time, Margarita and Andrey again tried to build a relationship, but broke up again.

Then Andrei Cherkasov drew attention to Natalya Varvina. The girl didn't see young man as your soulmate.

But still, the guys declared themselves a couple and moved into a city apartment. But their relationship did not work out that way. Moreover, things even came to a fight and Cherkasov was asked to leave the project.

Behind the perimeter, the guy was doing creative work. He led various events . The guy continued to communicate with some of the show participants.

In June 2013, Andrey came to the project again. He immediately stated that he had already built a relationship and came on the show to teach guys how to communicate with girls.

In January 2016, Andrei left the project after taking only 4th place in the “Person of the Year” competition. But then he came back again. Subsequently, Cherkasov tried to build relationships with many girls, but nothing worked for him.

C the last girl, Victoria Romanets, Andrei was even going to get married, but the guys broke up. Vika left the project after the incident, and later Andrei Cherkasov also left the perimeter. Andrey returned to the project as a host and became a fairly successful participant in this status.

In November 2018, he proposed to his girlfriend, whom he took from the project a long time ago.

Photo by Andrey

Andrey is one of the most popular participants in the Dom 2 project; he has more than 700 thousand subscribers on Instagram.

He proposed to his 26-year-old lover Kristina Oslina, whom he has been dating for about a year. In his microblog on Instagram, Cherkasov published a video that captured a touching moment. Andrei said that the girl received the coveted ring on the runway of the Seychelles airfield.

"How it was: Christina dreamed of flying in a helicopter. On November 5th I arranged all this. He said: “Let’s make a beautiful video for us.” Christina had no idea about anything.We enjoyed the views Seychelles From a bird's eye view, it was amazing, and when we started to land, a light, pleasant rain began to fall.We got out of the helicopter with a smile, walked a few steps, and then I stopped Christina, got down on one knee and proposed: “Be my wife.” Marry me! Give me children"The airfield staff, the Seychellois, were peeking out of the doors and applauding, smiling and congratulating us.This will be remembered for a lifetime.We were happy.Those. WE ARE HAPPY!» - said the presenter of the reality show (the spelling and punctuation of the authors hereinafter are given without changes. - Note ed.).

Kristina Oslina also rushed to describe her emotions from what was happening. The ex-reality participant was so happy that she could not hold back her tears and happily agreed to become the wife of one of the most eligible bachelors television buildings. “It was unforgettable... And I will not tire of saying that my Andrei is best man in the world,” admitted Christina.

Note that the wedding of Cherkasov and Oslina is scheduled for next summer. According to Andrei, he warned Christina in advance that she would receive a marriage proposal this year. Now the future spouses are planning their wedding. A simple painting would be enough for Cherkasov himself, but Christina wants to organize a celebration.

The host of “House-2” Andrei Cherkasov proposed to Kristina Oslina

Let us recall that Andrei Cherkasov came to Dom-2 in 2007 and immediately started building relationships with Olga Agibalova , but quickly switched to her younger sister Ritu . The young man’s candidacy was also supported by the girl’s mother, Irina Agibalova , but Rita preferred Andrey . After breaking up with his girlfriend, Cherkasov began to build relationships with other participants - Daria Pynzar, Evgenia Feofilaktova and others. Changing lovers so often, Cherkasov gained fame as the main ladies' man of the project.

Andrey's longest relationship was with Natalya Varvina. But although Cherkasov called himself “the last romantic of the Dom-2 project,” their communication could not always be called romantic, because young people often behaved incorrectly towards each other, even resorting to assault. After another scandal and fight, on June 1, 2009, Andrei Cherkasov left the TV show. In 2013, the participant returned to “Dom-2” again, but again could not find love and about two years ago he left the reality completely.

True, with the project Cherkasov did not part ways. He began to serve as a mentor for the television project. At the beginning of 2017, the showman’s competence began to include long-distance selection of participants. During one of the castings, he met his future wife Christina. Soon the presenter decided to take the first step and invited the participant on a date, after which their relationship began. “We walked in the park, and then went to a lounge bar with an amazing panorama of the city, where I had never been,” the girl admitted. Later, the lovers decided to build a relationship outside the cameras. In April 2017, Cherkasov invited the girl to leave the show and move in with him.

Andrey was born on February 6, 1982 in the family of an officer. His father, a veteran of the Afghan war, decided that for his son a military career was the only possible and right choice. Therefore, rack your brain before choosing future profession, Andrey didn’t have to, everything had already been decided. He entered and successfully graduated from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense.

Andrey Cherkasov also has a manager qualification. The young man is fond of sports, and believes that this is the main thing for any man.

Andrey served for a long time in the military unit of the Airborne Forces, where he was the commander of Alexander Gobozov. The latter invited his former fellow soldier to the project.

On October 12, 2007, Cherkasov came as a participant to. His entire presence on the television project can be identified with the Agibalov family. At the beginning he had an affair with Olga, and then the guy met her younger sister Margarita Agibalova. At that time, Rita was only 17 years old, and she was allowed to come to the television project only a few months later, when the girl turned 18.

Andrey was waiting for Rita and after her arrival they immediately began to build a relationship. True, over time the couple broke up, and Margarita went to Evgeny Kuzin.

In addition to building relationships, Cherkasov managed to realize himself creatively. He went, along with other participants, on tour, where he sang various songs at home 2, including his most famous hit, which he dedicated to Rita "youngster".

After breaking up with the younger Agibalova, Cherkasov tried to create a couple with many girls, among whom was Dasha Chernykh (now Pynzar), as well as Evgenia Feofilaktova, for whose heart he competed with Nikita Kuznetsov. The paratrooper also made attempts to win the heart of Olga Buzova. But all this was not serious, and was done rather “out of boredom”,

After some time, Margarita Agibalova (now Kuzina) again tried to build a relationship, but again nothing worked out for them. Then Andrei turned his attention to his old friend Natalya Varvina, who at first refused to even consider Cherkasov as her potential boyfriend. But in vain I promised...

Natasha and Andrey managed to create a rather strong and reverent relationship. But they gave in too. Varvina’s constant complaints, as well as her discussion and condemnation of all Cherkasov’s actions together with her friend Elena Bushina, were not in vain for the young man. Andrey lost his temper and in one wonderful evening began to throw Natasha all over the city apartment like a doormat. The next day, June 1, 2009, he was kicked out of the project.

On June 11, 2013, a triumphant return took place under the banners of the revolutionaries. Andrey joined those who appeared a day earlier, and. Cherkasov came and openly stated that he had relations outside the perimeter with

Thirty-three-year-old Muscovite Andrei Cherkasov lived in ordinary family officer. His father is a participant in the war in Afghanistan, his mother is a secretary in a government agency. Of course, a military career was prepared in advance for the only child in the family. Thus, Andrei did not even bother about choosing a future profession. Cherkasov graduated with honors from VUMO, and also managed to master the intricacies of the manager’s profession.

Sports have always occupied a special place in Andrei’s life - the young man was seriously interested in athletics and football. At the same time, he also did not forget to pay attention cultural development his personality - he wrote stories and poems, danced, sang and played the guitar.

Andrey owes his appearance on the House 2 project to his army commander. Sasha brought a former fellow soldier to the program in 2007.

Perhaps, Cherkasov’s entire stay in the reality show is closely connected with the Agibalovs’ surname. Initially, he drew attention to Olga, after which he became interested in Margarita (Olga Agibalova’s younger sister). However, due to her too young age, Rita was able to come to the project only after reaching eighteen years of age. Having waited for the girl, Andrei began to build a relationship with her. However, they were never able to develop into anything serious, and soon Evgeniy Kushchin began to court Rita.

The first failure on the love front did not stop Cherkasov, and very soon he earned the title of a skilled heartthrob and ladies' man on the project. The list of girls’ hearts he conquered, in addition to the Agibalov sisters, also included (Chernykh), Evgenia Feofilaktova,. However, Andrei himself has repeatedly admitted that he undertook all these adventures solely “out of boredom.”

Against the backdrop of all these love passions, Andrey Cherkasov paid enough attention to creative self-realization. Together with the rest of the participants in the reality show, he performed the popular compositions of House 2. And he dedicated the most successful hit called “Little One” to Margarita.

An attempt to revive relations with Agibalova was made by Cherkasov after a certain period of time, but nothing good came of it. After this, the young man began to court Varvina Natalya (his longtime friend), who at first pointedly did not pay attention to Cherkasov. Soon the couple began to live together. However, this attempt was unsuccessful. Endless scandals often ended in fights between lovers. As a result, in the summer of 2009, Andrei was expelled from the project for assault.

Leaving the television project became an impetus for Cherkasov to engage in creativity. He began performing in nightclubs and offering his services as a host for weddings and corporate parties. He still had many friends in House 2 - he also involved some of them in part-time work outside the perimeter.

But this time too, Cherkasov was expected to fail on the love front - a three-year romance with Evgenia Kuzina ended as soon as the young man came to the program. Later, Zhenya spoke about the meanness of Cherkasov, who preferred fame to strong relationships.

After several unsuccessful novels, Andrei Cherkasov focused his attention on Anna Kruchinina. An eighteen-year-old flexible blonde is madly in love with Cherkasov, who continues to actively flirt with fans outside the perimeter. Anya’s jealousy caused a break in the relationship and her departure to Lenchuk Bogdan, but very soon the lovers began to meet again.