Selling Chicken Eggs - how to organize it so as not to go broke. How to make a business from chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are a universal product that is consumed by almost all people, regardless of gender, age and religion. Eggs are quite unpretentious in storage and have a fairly long shelf life. Therefore, when good quality eggs and affordable price, they will always be popular.

There are several possible ways make money on chicken eggs. The first is to breed laying hens yourself and sell eggs to resellers. Second, purchase eggs through private traders or poultry farms and their subsequent sale to the population, through markets, or other points. Third, resale of eggs to stores, confectionery shops, bakeries and other legal entities. persons.

In this article, we will talk about the third method. So, what do you need to do first to start making money from chicken eggs?

We open an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

We indicate the main type of activity: " Wholesale meat, poultry, products and canned food from meat and poultry", "Wholesale trade of dairy products, eggs, edible oils and fats." We register a company, find a small office and a warehouse. If you are opening an individual entrepreneur, then the office can be located at the main address of residence, and the warehouse in the garage.

We find a suitable poultry farm.

When you search on the Internet, a thousand links to various poultry farms will immediately pop up. Before concluding a contract, it is worth reading all possible information about this poultry farm. What kind of egg they sell, what kind of shell the eggs have (color, density), what kind of yolk, how much breakage is on average per box, what type of egg, how many eggs they can supply you per month. Therefore, it is quite possible that it will be more profitable to transport eggs from a neighboring region than to cooperate with a poultry farm near your home. Remember that the quality of your eggs will directly affect your sales. Typically a carton contains about 360 eggs in bulk or 350 in dozens. The permissible number of battles per box is no more than ten. With a fragile and brittle shell, the amount of fight can increase significantly.

We are collecting a client base.

To do this, you can independently check out the grocery stores, canteens, bakeries, confectioneries, etc. available in your city. Or you can hire a sales representative to do this himself.

We call clients and make appointments.

When calling a client, do not rush to hang up after the first refusal. First, gather as much information as possible. How many eggs do they sell per week, what company or poultry farm do they cooperate with, and how much do they charge for an egg. You may be able to offer them better terms.

We are working.

As a rule, poultry farms themselves deliver eggs to your warehouse location. Therefore, you do not have to acquire a truck at first. At first, eggs can be transported to clients in a regular passenger car, especially if you work with a small volume of eggs and within your city. Later, you will still have to buy or rent a gazelle, since your business will grow and you will have to transport large volumes of goods, and for more long distances. You may have to hire a driver.

Whether it’s worth hiring a customer service manager – decide for yourself. Typically, the responsibilities of such a person are to call clients, generate applications, and create a package of documents.

Clients who buy eggs for cash only require a sales receipt, or less often, a cash receipt. Clients who work with a non-cash form of payment require an invoice, delivery note, TTN, as well as a copy of the egg quality certificate and the original veterinarian’s certificate. The certificate is ordered from a veterinarian, at the request of clients, it is prepared quickly and is inexpensive.

As a rule, stores are content with only sales receipt, therefore, problems rarely arise with the issuance of documents. At first, you can involve one of your relatives, such as your wife or mother, in order to save on wages.

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Are you interested in how to open your own business? Then here you go:

Breeding laying hens is a very profitable and popular area of ​​the poultry business. There has always been, is and will be a demand for eggs, but there are no particular difficulties in raising chickens. Almost anyone can start this business by arranging a poultry room and arming themselves with the necessary knowledge.

This “egg” business attracts many budding entrepreneurs. And this is not surprising - chickens grow very quickly, eat little, and at the age of five months they are already actively laying eggs. Some breeds lay eggs all year round - the main thing is that suitable conditions are created for them. The main advantages of this business:

  • Low costs. The laying hen business is one of the most profitable - feed costs are significantly lower than income from eggs. And if you have your own plot, where chickens can walk freely and eat pasture, this expense item is sometimes reduced to zero.
  • Demand for products. Fresh eggs can be bought at any time of the year. Competition in this industry is quite high, but this does not in the least prevent you from earning decent money from laying hens.
  • Simplicity. Compared to other types of livestock farming business, breeding laying hens requires a minimum of work - it is enough to equip a place and regularly collect a “harvest” of eggs.
  • Productivity. You can sell not only eggs. Chicken droppings are considered a valuable fertilizer, and the feathers and down of this bird are used in the production of clothing, pillows and blankets. And “retired” chickens can be sold for meat.

The laying hen business is perfect for a small family that lives on its own plot outside the city. The labor intensity in this matter is extremely low, and with a competent approach to business, you can receive a stable, guaranteed income.

How to start a laying hen business

As in any business venture, you first need to draw up detailed business plan. With its help, you can study all the nuances of the upcoming work, identify possible difficulties, and also use it as a means to obtain a loan from a bank. If the business plan is prepared correctly, it will reflect all initial investments with a full calculation of the payback period.

Not only a person who has his own farmstead, but also a city resident can take up this farming business. It is only important to find a small plot of land that will be needed for breeding and walking birds.

If you plan to engage in this business for a long time, it is better to register as individual entrepreneur– in the future, this will simplify obtaining permits for products.

You can download a business plan for breeding laying hens at the link: .

Poultry house preparation

If there is no ready-made poultry room, you can build it yourself - it’s quite simple, but you need to take into account a number of requirements, compliance with which will increase the productivity of laying hens:

  • The ceilings in the chicken coop should be no more than two meters high. This will be quite enough for breeding laying hens. It is better to make the roof at an angle (pitched) so that it does not break in winter under the weight of snow. It is not difficult to calculate the area of ​​the poultry house - 10 laying hens need 5 square meters of free space.

  • There are two ways to keep chickens - floor and cage. The floor method is more often used because it is more convenient in terms of air ventilation and bird feeding. With cage rearing, laying hens are fed only with compound feed, but with floor rearing, it is possible to let them go for a walk outside in search of pasture.

  • The chicken coop should be well ventilated and lit. As a ventilation device, you can use a regular window (covering it with a rodent mesh) or install a ventilation pipe. It is advisable to organize an artificial light source, which will be needed in winter to increase daylight hours for birds.

    Chicken coop - photo

  • To raise laying hens, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the region of 0-25°C. Exceeding the norm causes a decrease in the egg production of birds, and at too low temperatures, chickens can get frostbite and die. If the chicken coop was built from lightweight materials, it will definitely need to be insulated. Pine needles, straw, sawdust, and dry leaves are suitable for this. Insulation material must be mixed with lime in a ratio of 30:1. This is necessary in order to prevent rodents from entering the house. Usually the walls and ceiling are insulated, but if there are severe frosts, you will need to insulate the floor as well.
  • Nests for laying hens are usually placed in the corners of the room. Nests can be made from a simple wooden box, filling the inside with straw or sawdust. One nesting place is installed for 4 laying hens. You will also need to make perches, placing them on the wall opposite the entrance.

    Video - chicken business in detail

    Rules for breeding laying hens

    The business of breeding laying hens will bring high profits only if you wisely choose a rooster and a laying hen for hatching the offspring. The rooster must be energetic, healthy and strong. When choosing a chicken, you should pay attention to its comb - a good laying hen has a bright red comb large size. To hatch eggs, it is advisable to select calm hens that will not often jump up and leave their nest.

    The selection of eggs for laying is an issue that must be approached with all responsibility, since the health and fertility of future laying hens will depend on the quality of the eggs. Eggs must be of the correct, even shape, free from dirt and stains.

    When the chicken hatches from the egg, you need to help it free itself from the shell, and then carefully place it under the hen. The chicks will be ready for independent life no earlier than 1.5 months after birth.

    In order for chickens to be healthy and lay eggs well, you need to provide them with balanced diet. You can use ready-made feed mixtures, or you can prepare them yourself. The diet of laying hens should include food waste, boiled potatoes, cake, chalk, eggshells, greens, and vegetable mixtures.

    In the winter season, you will need to enrich the diet with sprouted grains, and in the summer, be sure to give the chickens fresh plants. It is advisable to provide laying hens with an area for walking outside, where they can independently feed on pasture and insects. To increase egg production, it is recommended to add yeast diluted in water to the feed (for 1 kg of feed you need to dilute 25 g of yeast in a liter of water).

    Expense and payback

    No business starts without a preliminary calculation of profitability, which must take into account the number of initial expenses and the approximate payback period of investments.

    For example, let’s take a farm with a hundred laying hens:

    Sale chicken eggs- this is a fairly profitable business with the right approach

    In addition to the eggs themselves, you can increase your income by selling the waste products of laying hens. Chicken manure is considered the most valuable type of fertilizer and is sold for 30-50 rubles per 1 kg. Considering all these features, breeding laying hens can be considered one of the most profitable and simple types poultry business.

    Video - chicken business from scratch. Let's figure out how profitable it is


Meat and eggs are frequently used products that no family can do without. Therefore, the demand for them always remains high. A chicken egg business can become quite profitable if you think through every detail. Don't forget about your competitors, of which there are many. To create own business, you will have to buy a chicken farm. She requires constant presence of a person next to her, because chickens need regular feeding, cleaning and care. If you live in a village and have a large plot of land, you can organize a farm at home.

Growing methods

A common method of breeding laying hens is cage farming. This technique makes it possible to triple the level of use of the premises. The second technique used when raising chickens is floor-based. IN in this case, instead of cages, premises (sheds) are provided. As practice shows, many farmers prefer cage-based housing for laying hens. This method has more advantages.

Cellular content

This method of breeding chickens makes it possible in the best possible way provide sanitary and hygienic conditions. Accordingly, the eggs will be cleaner, which will attract more buyers. In addition, care when raising chickens in cages is simplified; there is no need for deep bedding. Feed costs are reduced, and poultry safety is higher, since the likelihood of injury is minimized. But there is one drawback, which is the restriction of movement, which affects the period of productive use of chickens, their resistance to stress and environmental influences.

Outdoor growing

In addition to cell breeding, there is another technique called floor breeding. Its essence lies in the fact that laying hens are kept in a room with an adobe or wooden floor. This type of barn usually has low ceilings and good ventilation. A fenced walking yard will be organized near it. If you also take care of the canopy, this will protect the chickens from the threat of attack by birds of prey. The floors of the room are covered with a bedding of straw, hay, shavings or sawdust. Be sure to create perches, which are best placed opposite the windows.

Nests are installed in the depths of the barn where the chickens will lay eggs. When building a barn, it is important to consider the number of laying hens planned to be kept. Normally, one bird requires approximately 20cm of perch space. And, of course, the chickens should have enough room to move.

At home, poultry is raised using the floor method.

Condition requirements

When using the cellular method, for the maximum possible number of eggs, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the laying hens. The room must be well ventilated. Birds require approximately 11 cubic meters per hour fresh air. Thus, an industrial fan will do. In addition, there must be windows. There are about 4 chickens per 1 m². It is advisable that the room be well lit, although this does not affect the number of eggs.

Heat is an important indicator when raising laying hens. If the temperature drops to 12˚C or more, the chickens stop laying goods normally. Thus, the business may become unprofitable. It is recommended to insulate the room in winter, when cold weather sets in in spring and autumn.

To build a room or cages for raising chickens, you will have to incur costs for materials. These include:

  • profile;
  • pipes;
  • net;
  • boards;
  • Fiberboard and others.

The selected materials and, accordingly, the costs of their purchase depend on the preferences and financial security of the beginning entrepreneur.

Breed selection

The deal on such eggs involves the purchase of chickens of certain breeds. Attention should be paid to unpretentious breeds. Great value has the number of eggs chickens can lay.

Based on this, in order for the business to bring high income, it is recommended to have the following breeds of birds:

  • Loman-Brown;
  • Leghorn;
  • Shever and others.

Productivity relative to the number of eggs in such breeds reaches 95%. As for the purchase itself, it is better to choose a poultry farm. This will reduce the risk of getting a “pig in a poke.” Also, the buyer receives a certificate along with the product, which indicates all the vaccinations given to the birds.

Feeding and care

The main diet of laying hens is:

  • hay-straw;
  • compound feed;
  • grain waste;
  • vitamins;
  • gravel;
  • calcium.

The bird needs to be watered clean water, and in summer consumption volumes increase. This should definitely be taken into account. When keeping chickens in cages, the water must be changed more often, it must always remain cool, which will allow the bird to lower its body temperature. In addition, it is important to regularly clean the area where laying hens are raised.

This will make it possible to get rid of unpleasant odor, which is inherent in the chicken coop.

Implementation and documents

A business selling eggs will not become profitable without organizing sales of products. Before offering your product on the market, it is necessary to pay a visit to the veterinary control laboratory, which issues documents confirming the quality of products.

According to reviews from entrepreneurs, the demand for chicken eggs is high. Therefore, it is quite difficult to leave the market having sold less than two or three hundred eggs. The main buyers are regular customers whom the entrepreneur acquires as his business develops. They give greater preference to buying eggs from home-raised chickens than to products from poultry farm incubators.

In addition, as practice shows, competition, which seems enormous at first glance, turns out to be not so significant in reality. Many people donate their eggs to supermarkets, so they often don’t appear on the market. When marketing products, it should be taken into account that in the summer the cost and sale of eggs decreases. As for the profit that a business promises, in most cases it all depends on the region, season, and price level.

It is worth saying a few words about registration of entrepreneurial activity. If you plan to sell a small number of eggs, registration is not necessary. When selling products obtained at home, this procedure can be bypassed.

If you plan to supply goods to retail stores, which provides for large volumes of egg sales, you will have to register an individual entrepreneurship.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the business of selling eggs can become successful if you learn its basic principles.

To organize entrepreneurial activity, you need chickens, a room for raising them and food. It is worth noting that birds kept in cages are more productive. Insulation of the inside of cells – important procedure, which allows you to maintain the temperature in the chicken coop at 17˚C in winter. If its indicator is lower, the birds do not lay eggs. Ventilation of the room is also important, but this does not mean that you need to create drafts.

Breeding chickens at home, preference is given to the floor method of keeping. Birds independently obtain food for themselves throughout the day, walking in places specially designated for them. However, this does not mean that they do not need to be fed with feed or grain. It is advisable to buy laying hens from a poultry farm, which requires vaccinations. But it is not without its drawbacks. The fact is that poultry farms often offer one-year-old chickens whose egg production reserve is 80% exhausted. Best option To sell eggs - buy one-month-old chicks.

It is preferable to use hybrid breeds of chickens that lay brown or white eggs. These birds are resilient and require lower feed costs.

The business is built on the breeding of chickens equipped with age groups. It is not recommended to keep individuals of the same age in the same coop, since they require different feeding and care regimes. Also, an older bird can infect young birds in the event of any disease. The optimal age for laying hens is 17 weeks.

The chicken's body requires concentrated feed. This can be grain, which contains a large amount of nitrogenous substances, animal proteins. Most of the diet consists of these types of feeds. The composition must include minerals. When a bird lays eggs, it needs a lot of calcium. It is better to organize sales of products to the local market. In the absence of a certificate from a veterinarian, it is advisable to obtain permission to trade. It is issued by a special laboratory.

It’s easy to make a chicken egg business profitable if you take into account all the nuances of this type of activity. The main thing is to provide the chickens with normal living conditions and proper care, as well as to collect a customer base.