Comic quiz on literature. literature material on the topic. World Literature Quiz. High school students know everything! Literary questions what where when

Comic questions for a literary quiz

1. Which of the heroes of Russian folk tales was a bakery product?
2. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was a vegetable

3. What Russian folk tales tell about the problem of separate living space?

4. What type of energy did Baba Yaga use when flying in the mortar?

5. Which fairy-tale character sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that was left was to harvest it?

6. Which poultry was engaged in making products from precious metals for its owners?

7. ◘ Is a dentist a literary critic specializing in the works of Dante, or a dentist?

8. ◘ Is the make-up artist a researcher of the works of the Brothers Grimm or a theater worker?

9. ◘ Is a critic a resident of the Greek island of Crete or a person who interprets and evaluates works of literature from a modern point of view?

10. ◘ He is a critic, she is... Who?

11. ◘ How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born?

12. ◘ Both Mazai and Pikhto - who are they?

13. ◘ In “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy has a phrase: “Pierre Bezukhov opened the letter.” Where did Pierre get the computer and printer at that time?

14. ◘ Which Turgenev hero did not have a sound card?

15. ◘ The name of which title character of the novel by L.N. Is Tolstoy read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

OBJECTIVES: increasing interest in literature; broadening the horizons of students; development of skills to actively demonstrate one’s abilities, ingenuity, and work in a team; unification of the class team.

Teams from grades 5 and 6 take part in the game.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)
2. What was the bun: gingerbread or pie? (gingerbread)
3. What is the real name Frog princesses? (Vasilisa the Wise)
4. Name the long-lived fairy-tale king. (Koschei)
5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)
7. Name the birthplace of Kolobok (oven)
8. Name the only heroine of the fairy tale “Turnip” whose name we know? (Bug)
9. Name fairy tale character, crawling out of your skin? (Princess Frog)
10. What is the name of the part of a woman’s dress in which lakes, swans and other elements are placed? environment(sleeve of the Frog Princess's dress)
11. What fairytale headdress can’t be drawn? (invisibility hat)
12. Name " workplace"scientist's cat? (oak)
13. Which fairy tale tells about the dire consequences of poor fire safety equipment? ("Cat house")
14. Which fairy tale talks about some of the difficulties associated with delivering fresh baked goods to your home? ("Little Red Riding Hood")
15. Who did Winnie the Pooh give an empty pot for his birthday? (to Eeyore)
16. There are 38 parrots, 6 monkeys and 1 baby elephant. Who is this? (boa)
17. Who was it? fairy tale Cinderella good witch? (godfather)
18. How many letters were “lost” in the original name of Captain Vrungel’s yacht? (2)
19. Name a Russian folk tale, in which there were 3 attempted murders and one murder? (“Kolobok”)
20. What fairy-tale heroes lived “30 years and 3 years”? (old man with old woman)

Guess the same words - the names of animals that can be found in Krylov's fables - hidden in several proverbs. The fewer proverbs, the better. If you guess the first proverb - 3 points, the second - 2, the third - 1.

HE would pretend to be a goat, but the tail is not like that.
. No matter how you feed HIM, HE keeps looking into the forest.
. HIS feet feed. (wolf)

HER paws are soft and her claws are sharp.
. SHE smells whose meat she ate.
. Good word and she is pleased. (cat)

And SHE remembers who feeds her.
. Don't be afraid of HER nonsense, but be afraid of HER silent one.
. SHE is in the manger: she doesn’t eat herself and doesn’t give it to others. (dog)

SHE will guide seven wolves.
. HER tail is not for beauty.
. SHE even counts chickens in her sleep. (fox)

A big donkey won't make a HE.

Making HIM out of a molehill.
. Ay, Moska, you know she is strong, that she barks at HIM. (elephant)

And the wolf eats just a few of them.
. Don't pretend to be HER: the wolf will eat you.
. They beat the wolf not because he is gray, but because he ate HER. (sheep)

Don't throw your pearls in front of THEM.
. SHE will always find dirt.
. Place HER at the table, with her feet on the table. (pig)

HE sings for a month, but the crow caws all year round.
. The swallow begins the day, and HE ends it.
. HE doesn't need a golden cage, a green branch is better. (nightingale)

Don't teach HER to swim.
. That's why SHE is in the sea, so that the crucian carp doesn't doze off.
. I wish I knew when SHE changes her teeth. (pike)

Tell me whether you believe it or not that...

1. Ilya Muromets was a bomber. (Yes, “Ilya Muromets” is a bomber aircraft designed by Sikorsky)
2. Champs Elysees in Paris are named after Prince Elisha, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale. (No)
3. For school essays A.P. Chekhov received only “A” grades. (No, he never received higher than a “C” for school essays)
4. One day M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin received a “D” for an essay he wrote instead of his daughter. (Yes, and also with a note: “You don’t know Russian!”)
5. After the tragic duel of A.S. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky exclaimed: “Ay-ay-ay, they killed a black man, they killed a black man...” (No)
6. Lake Pleshcheyevo in the Yaroslavl region is named after the Russian poet A.N. Pleshcheev. (No)
7. He is a poet, she is poetics. (No, she is a poetess. And poetics is the teaching of poetic creativity)
8. In the fable “Quartet,” the author ridicules animals that play poorly musical instruments. (No)

In the titles of famous works, all words were replaced with their opposite meaning. Try to restore the true names encrypted in this way.

1. “Dog Barefoot” (“Puss in Boots”)
2. “Girl-kalancha” (“Boy with a Thumb”)
3. “Blue Handkerchief” (“Little Red Riding Hood”)
4. “Iron Lock” (“Golden Key”)
5. “Znayka underground” (“Dunno on the Moon”)
6. “The Sand Maid” (The Snow Queen)
7. “The Tale of the Iron Hen” (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)
8. “Giant Mouth” (“Dwarf Nose”)


Whoever completes the puzzle picture the fastest will name the work and the author. (You can take any illustration and cut it into pieces to get a puzzle, or you can take ready-made ones (I took the “Quartet” puzzles based on Krylov’s demon)

Summing up, awarding the winners.

Full text of the material Literary quiz“Through the pages of your favorite books” see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

To paraphrase famous expression, let's say: “Literature is our everything.” Scientific, artistic, and documentary literature introduces us to the events of the past and present, to the Russian word, to the thoughts and feelings of humanity.

The quiz “Year of Literature 2015” contains 14 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What are the main objectives of the Year of Literature?
Answer: attracting attention to reading, solving problems in the book sphere, stimulating Russians’ interest in books.

2. Who is represented on the official logo of the Year of Literature?
Answer: A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A.A. Akhmatova

3. What are the main types of literature?
Documentary prose
Memoir literature
Scientific and popular science literature
Educational literature

4. List three classic questions of Russian literature:
"Who is guilty?" Herzen +
"What to do?" Chernyshevsky +
“What will I do for people?”, Danko, Gorky
“Who lives well in Rus'” Nekrasov +

5. What events are planned for 2015 as part of the declared Year of Literature?
Answer: International writers' forum "Literary Eurasia", project "Literary Map of Russia", "Library Night - 2015", pilot project "World Book Day", competition "Literary Capital of Russia".

6. Which of the heroes does not belong to the “type” little man"in Russian literature?
Samson Vyrin (“ Stationmaster"A.S. Pushkin)
Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin (“The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol)
Pierre Bezukhov (“War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy) +

7. When did the phraseological unit “muslin young lady” first appear in Russian literature?
Answer: For the first time in literature, this phraseological unit appeared in Nikolai Pomyalovsky’s story “Philistine Happiness” (1861)

8. Who can be counted among the “heroes of their time” cohort?
Evgeny Onegin +
Evgeniy Bazarov +
Grigory Pechorin +

9. Which work are the phrases from?

“And there is nothing to marvel at:
How can a tree make friends with fire?
Answer: from I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Grove and the Fire”

“But they bring tea; girls decorously
They barely took hold of the saucers,
Suddenly, from behind the door in the long hall
The bassoon and flute rang out.”
Answer:"Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin

"Who, serving the great purposes of the age,
He gives his life completely
To fight for a man's brother,
Only he will outlive himself.”
Answer:“Zine” N.A. Nekrasov

10. Which type of Russian literature does NOT belong to the “Turgenev girls”?
Lisa Kalitina +
Katya Odintsova +
Olga Dymova

11. Comic question (phraseologisms)
How do we talk?

Seventh water on...
Kisele +

And Vaska is listening...
Backing away
Eats +

Let's return to our...
Rams +

Questions on the history of Russian literature

12. Which Russian writer stood at the origins of the satirical movement in literature?
A.D. Kantemir +
V.K. Trediakovsky
M.V. Lomonosov

13. Which direction dominated literature in the 18th century?
Classicism +

14. What work do we call “Monument of Old Russian Literature”?
A Word about Igor's Campaign +
From the tales of Oleks Dovbush
Tales of Prometheus

Murametova Luiza Rakhmankulovna

This material useful for teachers of Russian language and literature. The event is intended to be held as part of the Russian language and literature week, Book week in grades 9-10. The game will help students remember what they have learned works of art and learn a lot of interesting and educational things by answering the questions asked.

Target : to attract high school students to study the Russian language and literature and to read books with the help of cognitive questions.

Equipment : projector, computer, top, lined board allowed

Progress of the game

1. Introduction to the rules of the game

The event dedicated to Book Week will be held in the form of a game “What? Where? When?" and “Own game.” The class will be divided into teams, each team will choose a captain and come up with a name. First one team plays, then the other. You will play against a team of teachers and students from our school. The first team of experts sits down at the table, spin the top, choose a question number, are given 30 seconds to think, then answer the question. The expert whom the captain calls answers. If the answer is correct, the team gets a point, if the answer is incorrect, the team of teachers and students gets a point. Each team answers 10 questions.

Round 1: Warm-up. Questions are asked to each participant separately

1. Explain how the words SHABA’SH and SATURDAY are related.

Sabbath - enough, enough;

Saturday (from Hebrew) -

rest - a day of rest.

2. How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

let's settle"

3. Which work’s heroine are we talking about? :

For the first time with such a name

Tender pages of the novel

We willfully sanctify.

So what? It is pleasant, sonorous;

But with him, I know, it’s inseparable

Memories of the past.

Tatyana Larina from "Eugene Onegin"

4. To whom did Derzhavin dedicated his ode “Felitsa”?

Catherine the Great

5. Here is the “updated” name famous work Russian writer. Restore the true title and indicate the author."Ancestors and Babies"

"Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev

6. Here is an “updated” title of a famous work by a Russian writer. Restore the true title and indicate the author. “Shnobel”

"The Nose" by Gogol

7.Before you are the opening lines of a poem by a famous Russian poet. Continue it.

“Frost and sun. Wonderful day...”

You're still dozing lovely friend,

It's time, beauty, wake up...

8.Before you are the opening lines of a poem by a famous Russian poet. Continue it.

“I came to you with greetings...”

Tell me what Sun is up,

What is it with hot light

The sheets fluttered

9. To whom from literary heroes does the following saying belong? Who is author? What is the name of the work?

“I don’t want to study, but I want to get married!”

Mitrofan from the comedy “The Minor” by Fonvizin

10.Which literary character does the following saying belong to? Who is author? What is the name of the work?

Learning is the plague, learning is the reason that today it is worse than ever,

There were crazy people, deeds, and opinions.

Famusov from “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov

11.Which work’s character received the following instruction from his father:

“Look, study, don’t be a fool, don’t clown around, but most of all please your teachers and bosses.”

Gogol " Dead Souls", Chichikov

12. We are accustomed to recognizing the meaning of the Russian word ABEVEGE in a different sound. Name it .


13. Here are several reproductions from paintings by Russian artists (Surikov “Boyaryna Morozova”, Repin “Princess Sophia”, Flavitsky “Princess Tarakanova”). The lines created by V. Shalamov are dedicated to the heroine of which painting??

Icons bow before her,

People - before the power of directness

Furiously earthly bows

And they draw crosses in the air.

And over the enslaved crowd,

Far away and fabulously visible,

Unforgiving and unforgiven

She leaves the marketplace.

"Boyaryna Morozova", Surikov

14. Which composer set music to Pushkin’s poem?

“I remember a wonderful moment...”? To whom did Pushkin dedicated these lines?

Glinka, Anne Kern

15.Replace the highlighted phrase with one a foreign word, equal in value. Mom knitted a warm sweatshirt with a high collar.


16. Give three lexical meanings for the word BOXING.

1. Men's haircut;

2. Type of sport;

3. Fenced off part of the room in medical institutions for isolated patient care

17. What occupation was Kiribeevich from “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”?


18. Pushkin in “The Captain's Daughter” describes the following incident: before Pugachev’s attack on the fortress, the commandant, saying goodbye to his family, ordered Masha to put on a sundress.

Why did he do this?

A sundress is the clothing of Russian peasant women, but the Pugachevites did not touch people from the people. This means that the captain was not sure that the fortress would stand

19. Write down the 3724th anniversary in one word.

three thousand seven hundred and four years

20. How can you feed your whole family with one crumb?

Add the letter O to it and pour the resulting okroshka into everyone’s plates

Round 2. “Who can do what?” (According to the table)

"In the animal world"

10. It was from there that the elephant called Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

(from camel)

20. It was they who appeared in a dream to Gogol’s Mayor: “...they came, they sniffed and walked away...”.

(two extraordinary rats)

30. One to this wild animal Soviet writer equals first love.

Wild dog Dingo or a story about first love" R.I. Fraerman)

40. The main character of this story by Jack London, Beck, was the son of a St. Bernard and a Scottish sheepdog.

("Call of the Wild")

50. The ancient Romans said: “There lies a hare.” What are we saying?

(that's where the dog is buried)

"Number 3"

10. In painting - a triptych, and in literature?..


20. These three movers never moved the non-motorized vehicle.

(Swan, Cancer and Pike)

30. This fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin begins like this: “Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening...”

("The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

40. These Japanese poems have only three lines and 17 syllables.


50. The titles of three of his novels begin with the letter “O”.

(I.A. Goncharov: “Cliff”, “Oblomov”, “ An ordinary story»)


10. It is not only an elegant animal, but also a form of oriental poetry.


20. It was this poet who first called St. Petersburg Petrograd.

(A.S. Pushkin: “Over the darkened Petrograd / November breathed the autumn chill.”)

30.He was the husband of the famous Isadora Duncan.

(S.A. Yesenin)

40. They couldn’t find a rhyme for this word either. famous poet Tsvetik, nor his student Dunno.


50. In one of his poems in 1821, the line first appeared: “The genius of pure beauty.”

(V.A. Zhukovsky)

"To you, gourmets"

10. He couldn’t make a choice between honey and condensed milk and asked for both.

(Winnie the Pooh)

20. This is the dish that Pinocchio ordered at the Tavern of the Three Peskars.

(three crusts of bread)

30. This artisan resolutely refused the English “hot studio on fire”: “I don’t know that you can eat this!”


40. Great amount This delicacy was eaten by the oldest visitor to the circus.

(old man Hottabych ate the popsicle)

50. This is what was dedicated to last book Alexandre Dumas the father.


"All the Colors of the Rainbow"

10. This book is reprinted every year International Union protection of nature and natural resources.

("Red Book")

20. What color were the flowers that M.A. Bulgakov put into Margarita’s hands during her first date with the Master?


30. This is the nickname that everyone had famous hero Charles Perrault. Its prototype was Marshal of France Gilles de Rais.

(Blue Beard)

40. This wonderful tale about underground inhabitants was written by Anthony Pogorelsky.

(“Black chicken, or underground inhabitants»)

50. This famous fairy tale ends with the words: But the wolf, alas, the more modest he seems,/ the more cunning and terrible he is.”

(Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”)

"Book World"

10. Seven ancient cities argued for the honor of being called his homeland.


20. “Red Nose Frost”, “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”, “In the Trenches of Stalingrad”... What do these people have in common? different works?

30. This is the name of a poem in which the first letters of the lines form a word or even a whole phrase.


40. She was only 20 years old when she prophetically wrote: “My poems, like precious wines, / Will have their turn.”

(M.I. Tsvetaeva)

50. He published 2 novels a year, and wrote even faster, so that after his death the publisher had enough work for another 9 years.

(Jules Verne)

Round 3 “Playing with spectators”

"A fairy tale is a lie..."

10. This useful thing can be obtained for three good deeds.

(Magic wand)

20. It was him that Balda called his little brother.


30.he was hunted by twin brothers in famous fairy tale Wilde.

(Canterville Ghost)

50. The prince picked up the shoe from Cinderella’s foot. But was she right or left?

(the shoe on the right foot was no different from the shoe on the left)


10. “Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you.” This ancient Christian commandment is called...

(Golden Rule)

30. Goethe put the words into his mouth: “Stop, just a moment! You are wonderful!


40. “A furry bumblebee for fragrant hops...” Music by Andrey Petrov. And the words...

(R. Kipling)

50. On the outside of his ring was written: “All things pass”, and on the inside – “This too shall pass.”

(King Solomon)


10. What was the name of the person who really wanted to create a stone flower?

(Danila the master)

20. Which flower did S.T. Aksakov especially promote in his work?

The Scarlet Flower»)

(R. Bradbury)

40. What was the poison made of that Juliet asked from the pharmacist Lorenzo?

(ranunculus flowers)

3. Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony

The plot of The Inspector General was suggested to Nikolai Gogol by Alexander Pushkin. The story is based on fairly real events that occurred in the Novgorod province. Alexander Sergeevich himself also used the stories of his friends. Plot " Queen of Spades“He was advised by Prince Golitsyn, who lost heavily, but was able to get his money back by betting on three cards on the advice of grandma. Now we have told you only two cases from the world of Russian literature, but we have more. We invite you to take our test and test your erudition. Good luck!

Question 1 of 10

Which Russian monarch is dedicated to the monument in A.S. Pushkin’s poem “The Bronze Horseman”?

Alexander Nevskiy

Peter the First

The monument is dedicated to the founder of St. Petersburg, Peter the Great.

Ivan groznyj

The monument is dedicated to the founder of St. Petersburg, Peter the Great.

Question 2 of 10

What is the real name of Maxim Gorky?


Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov - this is the real name of the classic Soviet literature, known under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky.

Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov is the real name of the classic of Soviet literature, known under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky.

Question 3 of 10

What was the name of the girl with whom the main character of the novel A.S. was in love? Pushkin "Dubrovsky"?

Masha Troekurova

Sofia Marmeladova

Marya Kirillovna Troekurova - main character Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky", daughter of Dubrovsky's main enemy, Dubrovsky's beloved.

Masha Grineva

Marya Kirillovna Troekurova is the main character of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky", the daughter of Dubrovsky's main enemy, Dubrovsky's lover.

Question 4 of 10

Indicate which works were written by A. Solzhenitsyn.

"Flint", "Boiling Point"

"Kolyma stories", "Black Stones"

"Matryonin's Dvor", "In the First Circle"

Question 5 of 10

In which work by M. Bulgakov is there a warning that disruption of the natural course of things leads to irreversible consequences?

"Fatal Eggs"

"dog's heart"

"Master and Margarita"

"White Guard"

Question 6 of 10

To whom did I. S. Turgenev dedicated his most famous novel “Fathers and Sons”?

V.G. Belinsky

A.I. Herzen

I.S. Turgenev dedicated this novel to V. G. Belinsky. The writer had a great friendship with him, and his views on literature were formed under the influence of these relationships. He even bequeathed to be buried next to Belinsky.


I.S. Turgenev dedicated this novel to V. G. Belinsky. The writer had a great friendship with him, and his views on literature were formed under the influence of these relationships. He even bequeathed to be buried next to Belinsky.

V.A. Zhukovsky

I.S. Turgenev dedicated this novel to V. G. Belinsky. The writer had a great friendship with him, and his views on literature were formed under the influence of these relationships. He even bequeathed to be buried next to Belinsky.

Question 7 of 10

What was A.P. Chekhov's profession?


While still a student, Chekhov helped doctors at the Resurrection Hospital. The head of this hospital recalled the work of his young colleague in this way: “Anton Pavlovich did the work slowly, sometimes his actions expressed a kind of uncertainty; but he did everything with attention and visible love to the work, especially with love for the patient who passed through his hands.”

While still a student, Chekhov helped doctors at the Resurrection Hospital. The head of this hospital recalled the work of his young colleague in this way: “Anton Pavlovich did the work slowly, sometimes his actions expressed a kind of uncertainty; but he did everything with attention and visible love for his work, especially with love for the patient who passed through his hands.”

While still a student, Chekhov helped doctors at the Resurrection Hospital. The head of this hospital recalled the work of his young colleague in this way: “Anton Pavlovich did the work slowly, sometimes his actions expressed a kind of uncertainty; but he did everything with attention and visible love for his work, especially with love for the patient who passed through his hands.”

Question 8 of 10

Name the author of the tragedy "Ariadne".

A. Akhmatova

K. Balmont

In 1924, Marina Tsvetaeva wrote the poetic drama "Ariadne".

Boris Godunov

Among the heroes of the story" Captain's daughter"The colorful figure of Emelyan Pugachev, whom Pushkin described as a surprisingly sympathetic villain, stands out.

Stepan Razin

Among the heroes of the story “The Captain's Daughter,” the colorful figure of Emelyan Pugachev, whom Pushkin described as a surprisingly sympathetic villain, stands out.

Question 10 of 10

How many sons did Taras Bulba, the main character of the novel of the same name by N.V. Gogol, have?

Taras Bulba had only two sons - Ostap and Andriy.

Taras Bulba had only two sons - Ostap and Andriy.

Taras Bulba had only two sons - Ostap and Andriy.