Belarusian folk fairy tales. Belarusian folk tales

This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / December 23, 2012. While the process is being discussed ... Wikipedia

Lev Grigorievich Barag ... Wikipedia

BELARUSIAN LITERATURE. In the area artistic creativity The Belarusian people have a rich folklore, diverse ancient writing and the vibrant literature of modern times, which originated at the beginning of the last century, enriched in recent... ... Literary encyclopedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Averin. Oleg Averin ... Wikipedia

Alexander Lukashenko- (Alexander Lukashenko) Alexander Lukashenko is a famous political figure, the first and only president of the Republic of Belarus President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko, biography of Lukashenko, political career Alexandra Lukashenko ... Investor Encyclopedia

I. Concept II.C. as a genre 1. Origin of S. 2. Types of S. 3. Fairy-tale motifs and plots 4. Fairytale images 5. Composition S. 6. Existence S. III. Literary S. Bibliography ... Literary encyclopedia

Viktor Moiseevich Vazhdaev Birth name: Viktor Moiseevich Rubinshtein Date of birth: 1908 (1908) Date of death: November 18, 1978 (1978 11 18) Citizenship ... Wikipedia

- (tribe). In our literature, the question arose: does a separate Belarusian tribe exist at all? But, of course, the peculiarities of the B. language, their customs and customs, rich folk literature etc. prove the existence of a separate Belarusian tribe.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Emmanuil Grigorievich Ioffe Emanuil Rygoravich Iofe Emmanuel Ioffe, May 9, 2010 ... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Romanov. Evdokim Romanovich Romanov Belor. Eudakim Ramanavich Ramana Date of birth ... Wikipedia


  • Belarusian folk tales
  • Belarusian folk tales. Why a badger and a fox live in holes, how Vasil overcame a terrible, terrible snake, where the bear beast came from and how to get rid of annoying guests - under the cover of this book are collected...

Sitting comfortably under the blanket, the child looks forward to this amazing moment every evening. The mother comes into the room where the lamp is dimly shining and, stroking the baby’s head, begins amazing story about fearless warriors, proud heroes and pirate robbers. A velvety voice sounds, which accompanies you to unknown countries, transfers you to huge ships that cut through the waves of the oceans and head to dangerous uninhabited shores. A fairy tale... On a quiet evening, this is the best cure for boredom and fear.

This amazing and instructive genre has leaked out from time immemorial. Surely at dawn human history the first people told instructive stories and passed them on to subsequent generations. It is well known that most of them were based on real events and conveyed to the listener the true state of affairs in a humorous or exaggerated form. Fairy tales have become not only part of cultural heritage, but also performed an important educational work. The author's speculations only slightly embellished them, making them more action-packed and interesting.

Rich cultural heritage

National folklore, namely folklore, is of keen interest to modern readers. Belarusian fairy tales. They are distinguished by excellent artistic style and amazing originality. The deepest is subtly conveyed through entertaining stories and storytelling. She is able to educate and cultivate high spiritual values ​​and moral strength in children.

The distinctive feature that Belarusian fairy tales conceal is easy to notice. This is an amazing and unshakable faith in the bright side human nature. An example would be the following stories: “Soldier Ivanka”, “Musician-Sorcerer”, “The Blue Retinue is Twisted.” The moral and physical chastity that such stories instill is an invaluable lesson that will influence all future life child. There are few things in the world that could be more instructive. In such stories, the authors always tried to look a little beyond the limits of the possible - be it airplane carpets or walking boots.

The invaluable benefits of short works

The desire for something unknown and unfamiliar has always attracted people. Belarusian fairy tales open the door to magical world talking animals and plants. The children listen to them in fascination and imagine a different world in their imagination: kind, naive and unspoiled. Some skeptics claim that they are pulling the rug of reality from under children's feet. Mythical creatures and the conversations of inanimate objects will supposedly develop in the child an incorrect idea of ​​​​the living and real world.

However, I would like to note that more than one generation has grown up reading Belarusian folk tales. And this did not have any negative impact on the emotional and psychological state children. It is well known that a fairy tale itself implies fiction, so no one is sure in advance that it carries exclusively true information. These good, even if fictitious, stories do not pretend to be true. Belarusian folk tales were created and designed to touch feelings and convey life’s thoughts in a satirical light.

The most popular stories among children are stories about animals, such as “The Sparrow and the Mouse”, “The Blade and the Sparrow”, and “Light Bread”. In these stories, the main roles are assigned to people and animals. In each of these stories, pressing problems of the people are raised. Thus, the fairy tale “The Blade and the Sparrow” conveys to readers the importance of mutual assistance between people, and the story “Easy Bread” helps children understand honesty. Here good always defeats evil, and justice triumphs.

Reflects the life of the people

Since the Belarusian people are hardworking and agricultural by nature, most stories revolve around everyday life people and animals, their life, work and rest. These are the works “The Whispering Grandmother”, “Husband and Wife”, “Uncourteous Son” and others. The fairy tale is as close as possible to the needs of the population, and this means that its readers will be able to feel the atmosphere and experiences of the main characters from beginning to end. Famous writers and critics claim: in terms of picturesqueness and beauty contained in the stories, Belarusian fairy tales have no equal in the world.

Wisdom of Generations

Philosophical problems of human existence are reflected in many literary works. Belarusian folk tales in the Belarusian language are an indicator that such a simple and short story can carry deep meaning. long time Since its existence, folklore has absorbed the thoughts and feelings of many generations. Life experience, which is contained in their pages, is a storehouse of wisdom and the key to understanding human nature.

Belarusian fairy tales in the Belarusian language are the artistic heritage of the nation, which combines deep content and sublime poetic forms.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a daughter, Alyonka. But none of the neighbors called her by name, but everyone called her Nettle.

Look, they say, Nettle took Sivka to graze.

There Nettle and Lyska went to pick mushrooms. All Alyonka hears is: Hives and Hives...

One day she came home from the street and complained to her mother:

Why is it, mother, that no one calls me by name?

The mother sighed and said:

Because you, daughter, are the only one we have: you have neither brothers nor sisters. You grow like nettles under a fence.

Where are my brothers and sisters?

There lived one inquisitive fellow, Andrei. He wanted to know everything. Wherever he looks, whatever he sees, he asks people about everything, finds out about everything. Clouds are floating across the sky... Where did they come from? And where are they going? The river is noisy behind the village... Where does it flow? The forest is growing... Who planted it? Why do birds have wings? They fly freely everywhere, but man has no wings?

People answered him, answered him, but in the end they saw that they themselves did not know what to answer.

You, Andrey, want to be wiser than everyone else,” people began to laugh at him. - Is it really possible to know everything?

But Andrey doesn’t believe that you can’t know everything.

An old grandmother lived in a village. And the village was small, about ten yards. And at the very edge of it stood the grandmother’s hut. As old as grandma.

Found some kind person, put up supports for the grandmother’s hut and covered it with rubble. And she stands, not knowing which side to fall on. The grandmother collects wood chips, lights the stove and warms herself by the fire. It’s clear that it’s cold for an old man even in the summer. If there is something, he will eat it, but if he doesn’t, it will work out that way.

And once a gentleman passed through that village. He saw a familiar grandmother and was surprised.

A sparrow sat on a blade of grass and wanted it to shake it. But the blade of grass did not want to shake the sparrow, so it took it and threw it away.

The sparrow got angry at the blade of grass and chirped:

Wait a minute, lazy thing, I’ll send goats at you! The sparrow flew to the goats:

Goats, goats, go gnaw on a blade of grass, it doesn’t want to shake me!

A big misfortune happened in a certain state: the nine-headed serpent Miracle Yudo swooped in from somewhere and stole the sun and the month from the sky.

People are crying, grieving: it’s dark without the sun, and it’s cold.

And there lived in those parts one poor widow. She had little son- so about five years. Life was difficult for the widow in hunger and cold. And her only joy was that her son was growing up smart and daring.

And there lived a rich merchant nearby. He had a son the same age as the widow's.

Whether it was a long time ago or recently, whether it was true or not - now no one knows about it.

Well, let’s tell you what grandfathers told their grandchildren, and grandchildren told their grandchildren.

Once upon a time people lived in one country in peace and harmony. There is a lot of land, there is space everywhere - one did not interfere with the other, and if trouble happened to anyone - they helped each other, they overcame trouble.

A sparrow and a mouse lived next door: the sparrow was under the eaves, and the mouse was in a hole in the underground. They fed on what was left over from their owners. In the summer it’s still like that, you can grab something in the field or in the garden. And in winter, at least cry: the owner sets a snare for a sparrow, and a mousetrap for a mouse.

Well, there lived a man in the village. Handy for everything. Whatever he thinks, he will do. And he managed everything easily.

One day he wanted to laugh at the gentlemen. He came to the master's yard. He looks and sees a white pig with piglets walking around the yard. The man took off his hat and began to bow to the pig.

There lived two brothers: a rich one and a poor one. The rich man did nothing himself; he had many workers. And the poor man fished in the lake - that’s how he lived.

Once a rich man celebrated a wedding and married his son. He had many guests.

“I’ll go and visit my brother,” the poor man thinks. He borrowed a loaf of bread from his neighbors and went to the wedding.

He came and stood on the threshold with bread. The rich brother saw him:

Why are you dragging yourself? The guests I have here are no match for you! Get out of here!

And he drove him away.

It was a shame for the poor brother. He took a fishing rod and went fishing. He got into an old shuttle and sailed out to the middle of the lake. Bit, bit, and all the little fish come across. And then the sun is already setting. “Well,” the poor fisherman thinks, “I’ll throw it one more time for luck.” He threw out a fishing rod and pulled out such a fish as he had never seen in his life: big and all silver.

I found two Belarusian folk tales in the book “Krynitsa” by R.M. Mironov. To make it interesting for my Russian-speaking readers and their children, I translated these fairy tales into Russian. Interesting reading for you :)

Not with i bark, and rosumam.

Adz i n chalavek paishov u forest firewood cuttings. I cut the wood, sit on the stump adpachyts.

Pryhodz i ts myadzvedz.

Hey, chalavek, let's be a barucazza!

Paglyadze's chalavek on myadzvedzia: duzhi kalmach, dze z i m barukazza! Sleep with your paws - get out...

Eh, - every chalavek, - why am I having trouble with you! Come on, let's go ahead and take a look.

And how will we look? - tortured myadzvedz.

I know the chalavek of the syaker, razshchapi ў stump of the beast, kill ў at the schism well kli n i each:

Feces I razdzyaresh gety paw the stump, meaning, maesh si lu. Then I’ll be with you.

Well, myadzvedz, don’t be foolish, put your paw in splits. And in the middle of the night fucking with the butt on the cli well - that one jumped out.

Rave myadzvedz, galloping on three legs, but I couldn’t break the stump or pull it out.

But what, - every chalavek, - are you doing business with me?

No, - absolutely myadzvedz, - I won’t.

That's right, - said the chalavek. - It’s not only the strength of the barucazza that is possible, but the roses.

Ub i ў yon wedge back at the stump; Myadzvedz snatches his paw and walks away without looking back.

At this hour, yon i bai sustrakazza za chalavekam.

Prashto kukue zyazulya.

It was a hell of a lot of chalk. Once upon a time there lived a son-in-law with a son and a dacha. The mother's skin wound lay far away in the forest on Charvyako, Kazyulyak, and the dzyatsey paki gave in the hellish hats.

Glyadz And that's it, dzetki, don't go anywhere! Chakaitse me! – Yana punished.

Ale dzets I didn’t hear velmi sya matsi. Just yana palyatsi shukatsya spazhyvu, yana lock the hut, and go for a walk.

All of them went on such a rampage that they didn’t care how they ruined the spring of the hell of the hut. Just fell in the evening.

Oh, why do we need a slave? - the sister burst into flames. - Hadzem, grab the key! You are on that side, and I am on that side. As soon as you hear the key, you honk at me, and I know that I’ll honk at you.

Razyshl i sya yany ў pink tanks. The sister hutka knew the key and started calling her brother. Ale brother Adysha is far away and lost.

So eight i lyatae even da getaga hour sister in the fields, in the gardens i ўsyo sukae svaygo brother:

Ku-ku, brother i k! Ku-ku, I knew the key! Dze are you? Cuckoo!

In Russian...

Not by force, but by mind.

One man went into the forest to chop wood. He chopped some wood and sat down on a tree stump to rest.

The bear comes.

Hey man, let's fight!

The man looked at the bear: a strong roll, where to fight it! Squeeze it with its paws - and the spirit is gone...

Eh,” says the man, “why should I fight with you!” Let's see if you have the strength first.

How are we going to watch it? - Asks the bear.

The man took an ax, split the stump from above, drove a wedge into the crack and said:

If you tear this stump with your paw, it means you have strength. Then I will fight with you.

Well, the bear, without thinking, stuck its paw into the crevice. Meanwhile, the man was hitting the wedge with his butt - he jumped out.