Monuments of Ancient Rus' Design of manuscripts Architecture Painting. Architectural monuments of ancient and medieval Rus' Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

The first detailed historical information about the life of our ancestors, the Eastern Slavs, dates back to the 9th - 10th centuries. There is also more ancient evidence, but it is so vague that scientists are still arguing whether it is talking about the Slavs or some other peoples. Of course, this does not mean that in the 9th century. our ancestors did not have their own history. It’s just that the natural and social conditions in which they lived were not conducive to the preservation of information. The Slavic lands are mostly fertile and humid, forested plains. There's not a lot of stone here, but a lot of wood. So, for centuries, wood served as the main building material. Stone buildings appeared in Rus' only with the adoption of Christianity, at the end of the 10th century. It is from this moment that the story about East Slavic architecture should begin. Of course, there is every reason to believe that even before baptism, Slavic builders erected magnificent structures, but wood is a very fragile material, and we have almost no information about the architecture of pre-Christian Rus'.

Reconstruction of St. Sophia of Kyiv

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov

Tithe Church in Kyiv. 989-996 Attempt at reconstruction by Yu. S. Aseev

The first stone building known to us in Rus' was the so-called Tithe Church, erected in 989 - 996 by order of Prince Vladimir the Saint in Kyiv. Unfortunately, it has not been preserved, and now we can only see the lines of its foundation and reconstructions made by scientists. The church was created by Byzantine builders and almost completely repeated the classical Byzantine cross-domed design.

The oldest Russian Christian temple that has survived to this day is the famous Sophia of Kiev, erected in 1037 - 1054 by order of Yaroslav the Wise. Byzantine churches also served as a model for it, but here original national traits, the surrounding landscape is taken into account. Over the centuries since the reign of Yaroslav, Sofia was rebuilt several times, and its original appearance was changed. We will talk about it in more detail in an article specifically dedicated to the architectural monuments of Ukraine. One of the oldest architectural monuments of Kievan Rus is also the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov, built by Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich.

Spaso-Reobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov

The next stage in the development of Russian architecture is no longer associated with Kiev, but with Novgorod, a large trading city on the northwestern border of the Slavic lands. Here in 1045-1055 its own Sophia was built. The basics of its design are similar to Byzantine prototypes, but the appearance and general impression that the temple produces are far from these prototypes. The main volume of the building is close to a cube in shape, but each of the five naves has its own rounded ceiling. The church is crowned with six domes; at first they were helmet-shaped, and then were replaced with a bow-shaped one. The helmet-shaped dome is the oldest in ancient Russian architecture. Later, hipped and onion-shaped domes appeared. The massive walls of Sofia Novgorod are devoid of any decoration and only in a few places are cut through by narrow windows. The temple is the embodiment of strict and courageous beauty and is in amazing harmony with the northern landscape.

Apse of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov

Church of St. Nicholas on July near Novgorod. 1292 rub.

In the 12th century. A republican form of government was established in Novgorod. This political event was reflected in the development of architectural style. Instead of large monumental cathedrals, relatively small churches are beginning to be built. At this time, a type of single-domed church emerged, which later became classical.

A typical example of such an architectural structure is the Church of the Savior - Nereditsa, built near Novgorod at the end of the 12th century. It is a simple cubic volume topped by a single dome on an octagonal drum. Such churches were built in Novgorod in the 14th century. The architecture of the neighboring Pskov Principality is very similar to that of Novgorod, although its monuments are more massive.

Sofia Novgorodskaya

Novgorod. St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery

Pskov. Cathedral of the Ivanovo Monastery. First half of the 12th century.

All this time in Rus' they continue to build not only from stone, but also from wood. This is indicated by the fact that in the development of stone architecture styles, a noticeable influence of wooden architecture is obvious. However, most of the wooden monuments that have survived to this day were built later, and will be discussed separately.

After the fall of Kyiv in the 12th century. stone construction also actively developed in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. During the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who made the city of Vladimir his capital, many wonderful monuments were erected there. Vladimir cathedrals served as models Italian masters, when in the 15th century. built the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. Vladimir - Suzdal Principality

Church of Fyodor Stratilates on the stream in Novgorod (1360-61)

The architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was not as severe as northern Russian architecture. The facade here could be decorated with thin semi-columns connected by small arches and complex ornaments. The most ornate temple of the style is considered to be the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir. Among his decorations we see stylized leaves, and even fantastic animals, griffins.

Moscow Kremlin and its famous cathedrals

Vladimir. Golden Gate

In the 15th century The East Slavic lands are gradually gathering under the rule of the princes of Moscow. From a provincial fortress, Moscow turns into the capital of a huge state, and the prince begins to be called a tsar. In this regard, extensive construction is taking place here. It was at this time that the Kremlin was erected, the walls and towers of which are familiar to us all from childhood from numerous drawings and photographs. The famous Kremlin cathedrals were also built at the same time. As already mentioned, they used the churches of Vladimir and Suzdal as models. However, Moscow architecture of this period is not just similar to its predecessors. New motives were also introduced. Yes, it was during this period that bell towers began to be built, standing separately from the main church building. In the first half of the 16th century. Stone churches with a tent roof, that is, crowned with a dome that has the shape of an elongated pyramid, have gained popularity. Until now, such covering was typical only for wooden architecture or secular construction. The first stone tented church was the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow; it was erected by Tsar Vasily III in honor of the birth of his son, the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Now this monument is located within the city.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

Moscow. Bell tower Ivan the Great. 1505-1508

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

1475-1479 RUR. Architect Aristotle Fioravanti

A special place among the architectural monuments of Muscovite Rus' is occupied by the Intercession Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, built in the 16th century, but already during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It is located on Red Square in Moscow, and everyone has seen at least a picture of it. The cathedral consists of nine pillars that rise from the ground floor, surrounded by a single gallery. Each of them has a coating that is different from the others. Above the central pillar there is a tent covering, the others are topped with onion-shaped domes. Each of the domes has a unique outline and is painted in its own way. The bright temple gives the impression of a painted, patterned toy, but at the same time seems majestic. After all, St. Basil's Cathedral was erected in honor of the great military victory of the Moscow state - the capture of the capital of the Kazan Khanate.

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. 1475-79 Plan and analysis of proportions

Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. 1484-1489

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

During the 16th century. The Moscow state waged a constant armed struggle with the neighboring Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In addition, it was threatened from the north by the Swedes, and from the south by the Crimean Tatars. Therefore, many fortifications were erected during this period. Monasteries located in strategically important areas of the country often took on the role of military fortresses. Such monasteries-fortresses include the Trinity Monastery near Moscow,

St. Basil's Cathedral

Kirillo - Belozersky monastery in the Vologda region, Solovetsky monastery on the White Sea.

Moscow. Trinity Church in Nikitniki (1631-1634) General view and plan

The 17th century was a time of economic and political decline of the Moscow state. It is torn to pieces by internal wars, in which external enemies willingly participate. Therefore, no major construction is currently underway. But small buildings are erected, the modest size of which is compensated by a large number of decorations. To decorate them, special figured bricks are made, from which decorative details are laid. Small protruding parts are painted white, and they stand out brightly against the background of red brick. The structure is surrounded on all sides by small pediments, piled on top of each other. The decoration covers the walls so thickly that this style is often called "patterned". Such monuments include the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Putinki and the Trinity Church in Ostankino. In the second half of the 17th century. A decree was issued by Moscow Patriarch Nikon on the fight against too worldly decoration of churches. In this decree, by the way, the tent covering of religious buildings was prohibited, as borrowed from secular architecture. According to the patriarch, Orthodox churches should be crowned with traditional onion-shaped domes. After the order, tented churches disappeared in the capital, but they continued to be built in provincial cities and especially in villages. In the second half of the 17th century. There is a partial return from the “patterned frequency” to a more strict Old Russian style. An example of such architecture can be the Kremlin ensemble in Rostov the Great.

Yaroslavl. Ensemble in Korovniki

Yaroslavl. Church of St. John Chrysostom in Korovniki. Plan

Tiled panel around the window of the middle altar (late 17th century)

But this time the artificially introduced severity did not last long in the architecture of the Moscow state. A new impetus for the development of an elegant, bright style was the annexation of Ukraine, where Western European baroque was already widespread and a distinctive national version of this style was born. Through Ukraine, Baroque came to the Russians.

Cathedral on the territory of the Rostov Kremlin

Monuments of artistic culture Ancient Rus' represent a collection of amazing architecture, which is distinguished by its special beauty, as well as amazing designs. It is worth noting that the cultural monuments of the times of ancient Rus', which will be discussed in our article, are the most famous.

Yaroslavl masterpieces

Church of St. Nicholas Nadein in Yaroslavl

The church is considered the first stone church in Yaroslavsky Posad. It is worth noting that this amazing architectural structure after the Troubles. If we talk about the architecture and murals of the temple, they are mainly focused on the traditions of the 16th century.

The most beautiful Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Yaroslavl

It is important to know that the Transfiguration Cathedral is one of the oldest cathedrals not only in Yaroslavl, but throughout Russia. It is worth noting that this building was founded in pre-Mongol times, when Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich ruled in Yaroslavl. If we talk about the history of the formation of the architectural ensemble of the Transfiguration Cathedral from the Spassky Monastery, then it gives historians, as well as archaeologists, many new discoveries. In addition, the following names are associated with the history of this cathedral: Metropolitan Macarius, the formidable Tsar Ivan IV, Dmitry Pozharsky and others.

Trinity Cathedral of Danilov Monastery

This cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky takes its rightful place among the most famous monuments ancient Russian architecture. These cultural monuments of ancient Rus' can easily be called unique. Special attention should be paid to the simple and monumental forms of the cathedral, which are designed in the styles of Central Russian architecture of the 16th century. Fresco painting can easily be called unique.

Church of St. John the Evangelist in the Kremlin

The presented church was erected in 1680 thanks to Metropolitan Jonah, who is an outstanding Russian church figure of the 17th century. It is worth noting that this particular building is the final stage in the formation of the world-famous Kremlin ensemble. If we talk about the interior of the presented church, the wall paintings here are perfectly preserved. The subjects of the painting include the hagiographic cycles of the famous apostles.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of the Snetogorsk Monastery

This cathedral was built in 1310. This building is distinguished by unique frescoes. In addition, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is one of the monuments of Pskov, which is almost perfectly preserved.

This structure was created thanks to Pskov artists, as well as architects. I would like to pay special attention to the plastic expressiveness of the architecture, which is rich in the iconographic program of painting, as well as the free manner of execution of the frescoes. The cathedral is considered the central monument of Russian artistic culture of the 14th century. That's why monument protection cultural heritage must be carried out efficiently.

Church of the Nativity of Christ on the Red Field near Novgorod

This church was built from 1381 to 1382. The building is distinguished by well-preserved mural painting. During the period of rivalry between cities such as Moscow and Novgorod, an amazing Christmas fresco ensemble appeared here. Artists, as well as architects, embodied in this temple the modest appearance of the ideals of non-covetousness.

All of the above presented cultural monuments from the times of ancient Rus' are unique in their kind, since each of them has its own amazing story construction. This topic is quite popular among many scientists who are interested in history and culture.

Finally got around to showing it in detail amazing artifacts, found in 1999-2000 during clearing the territory of the Luzhetsky Ferapont Monastery in Mozhaisk (Moscow region). The information has already appeared on the Internet; in particular, A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky wrote about it in some detail.

There is an interesting work by L.A. Belyaeva “White stone tombstone of the Ferapontov Monastery” describing the first artifact of this kind found in 1982. However, I have not yet come across extensive photographic materials, much less a detailed analysis of artifacts.
I'm trying to fill the gap.

We will talk about such stones.

Thanks to an impressive photo shoot done by my brother Andrey, it is possible to look at all this in more detail. I have already written somewhere that I am gradually curtailing my own historical research, focusing exclusively on writing and language, but perhaps the publication will stir up the inquisitive minds of other researchers and we will finally be able to at least partially understand what Rus' was like before the Schism, before the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, and according to some versions, before the real, actual baptism of Rus' in the 17th century and not in the mythical 10th.
This topic is especially dear to me because we are talking about my small homeland. On the ruins of this monastery, we boys played war and told each other legends about black monks, underground passages and treasures, which of course are hidden in this land and walled up in these walls. :)
Actually, we were not far from the truth; this land really did contain treasures, but of a completely different kind. Right under our feet was History, which perhaps they wanted to hide, or perhaps it was destroyed due to thoughtlessness or lack of resources. Who knows.
What can we say for sure - before us are fragments (in the literal sense:)) of the real history of Rus' of the 16-17 (and according to Belyaev, even 14-17) centuries - genuine artifacts of the past.

So, let's go.

Historical information.

Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Nativity of the Virgin Mary Ferapontov monastery- located in the city of Mozhaisk, has existed since the 15th century. The only one (except for the temple complex on the site of the former Yakimansky Monastery) of the 18 medieval monasteries of Mozhaisk that has survived to this day.

The monastery was founded by St. Ferapont Belozersky, a student of Sergius of Radonezh at the request of Prince Andrei of Mozhaisky. This happened in 1408, 11 years after the founding of the Belozersky Ferapont Monastery by him. Dedication of the Luzhetsky Monastery to Christmas Holy Mother of God connected with the decision of Ferapont himself. Apparently the Nativity of the Mother of God was close to his soul, since the Belozersky Monastery was also dedicated to the Nativity. In addition, this holiday was especially honored by Prince Andrei. It was on this holiday in 1380 that his father, Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ioanovich, fought on the Kulikovo field. According to legend, in memory of that battle, his mother, Grand Duchess Evdokia, built the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Moscow Kremlin.

The first stone cathedral in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary stood in the Luzhetsky Monastery until the beginning of the 16th century, after which it was dismantled, and in its place, in -1547, a new, five-domed one was built, which has survived to this day.

The first archimandrite of the Luzhetsky monastery, the Monk Ferapont, having lived ninety-five years, died in 1426 and was buried near the northern wall of the cathedral. In 1547 he was canonized as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. Later, a temple was built over his burial.

The Luzhetsky Monastery existed until 1929, when, according to the protocol of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee and the Moscow City Council of November 11, it was closed. The monastery survived the opening of the relics of the founder, devastation, destruction and desolation (it stood ownerless in the mid-1980s). In the pre-war period, the monastery housed a furniture factory and a workshop for a medical equipment plant. At the monastery necropolis there were factory garages with inspection pits and warehouses. Communal apartments were set up in the fraternal cells and the buildings were transferred to the establishment of a canteen and a club for the military unit.

“Later, a temple was built over his burial...”

This short phrase from the wiki prefaces our entire story.
The temple of St. Ferapont was erected in the second half of the 17th century i.e. after Nikon's reforms.
Everything would be fine, but its construction was accompanied by a large-scale collection and placement of gravestones from surrounding cemeteries in the foundation of the temple. This practice is incomprehensible to our minds, but in fact it was quite common in the old days and is explained by the saving of scarce stone. Gravestones were not only placed in the foundations of buildings and walls, but they even paved monastery paths with them. I can’t find the links right now, but you can search online. There are definitely such facts.

We are interested in the slabs themselves, although their appearance makes us wonder whether they were hidden so deeply only to save resources.

But first, let's get our bearings on the area :).
This is actually what remains now from the temple of St. Ferapont. This is the same foundation that workers stumbled upon when clearing the monastery territory in 1999. The cross was installed at the site where the relics of the saint were found.
The entire foundation is made of tombstones!
There is no ordinary stone there at all.

By the way, for supporters of the catastrophe theory, well, the one when everything fell asleep :)
The part of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (first half of the 16th century) where the red brick is visible was completely underground. Moreover, in this state it underwent later reconstructions, as evidenced by the position of the gate. The staircase of the main entrance to the cathedral is a remake, restored from the excavated remains of the original.

The height of the cathedral masonry freed from the ground is about two meters.

Here's another view of the foundation

But the slabs themselves

Most of the artifacts are designed according to a single principle and contain a patterned edging, a fork-shaped cross (at least that’s what it is called in the scientific literature) in the lower part of the slab, and a rosette in the upper part. At the branching node of the cross and the center of the rosette there is a round extension with a solar symbol or cross. It is noteworthy that the solar symbols of the cross and rosette are always the same on one slab but different on different slabs. We will touch on these symbols later, but for now we’ll just show their types in large detail.

Branches of the cross



The slabs can be quite thin, 10 centimeters, medium, about 20 centimeters, and quite thick, up to half a meter. Slabs of medium thickness often have side borders something like this:

“...there are inscriptions in Russian” (c) VSV

It’s somehow hard to believe that the photographs above refer to Rus', and even Christian Rus'. We see absolutely no signs of the traditions to which we are accustomed. But according to official history, Rus' had already been baptized for six centuries at that time.
The confusion is legitimate, but there are artifacts that are even more perplexing.
Some slabs contain inscriptions, mostly in Cyrillic inscription, sometimes very high level execution.

Here's an example.

“On the 7th day of the summer of December 7177, the servant of God, the schema monk Savatey [F]odorov son of Poznyakov, reposed”
The inscription leaves no doubt that a Christian monk is buried.
As you can see, the inscription was made by a skilled carver (the ligature is very good) on the side of the stone. The front side remained free of inscriptions. Savatey died in 1669 AD.

And here's another one. This is a favorite masterpiece. It was this stove that turned my life upside down :), it was from it that I actually “got sick” of Russian script as a unique way of writing, several years ago.

“On the 5th day of the summer of January 7159, the servant of God Tatiana Danilovna reposed in the monastery of the schema monk Taiseya.”
Those. Taisiya died in 1651 AD.
The upper part of the slab has been completely lost, so there is no way to know what it looked like.

Or here is an example where the side with the inscription is laid at the junction of the blocks. It is impossible to read it without destroying the masonry, but it is clear that a great master worked there too.

Already from these three pictures questions arise.
1. Don’t you think such rich tombstones of monks are strange? The schema-monks are of course revered in Orthodoxy, but is it enough to have such last honors?
2. The dates of the burial make one doubt the version that supposedly only old tombstones were used for construction (there is such a point of view). These slabs went into the foundation very young, which, by the way, is evidenced by their preservation. It's like they were cut yesterday. It’s your choice, but it’s very strange to treat fresh burials this way, and even those of holy brethren.
I can cautiously suggest that... they were no longer brothers to the Nikonian reenactors, but, as it were, people of a different faith. And you don’t have to stand on ceremony with the deceased people of other faiths, then they didn’t take very good care of the living.

A few more slabs with inscriptions of varying quality before we complete this part of the material.

As can be seen from the latest examples, the practice of engraving an epitaph on a patterned horizontal surface of a slab also took place. Apparently in this case the inscription was made in the field between the fork-shaped cross and the upper rosette.
This is clearly visible here. And the border and the rosette and the cross and the inscription coexist quite organically.

So what do we have?
At the end of the 17th century, after the completion of the reform of Patriarch Nikon, the temple of St. Ferapont was erected on the territory of the Luzhetsky Monastery. At the same time, the tombstones that were present in the area at that time are placed at the base of the temple foundation. Those. slabs of different ages preserved in the foundation for three hundred years. The pre-Nikonian canon of the Orthodox gravestone is also preserved for three hundred years. What we can see now is essentially the state of quality, wear and tear, and indirectly the age of the artifacts at the time of their laying in the foundation.
It is obvious that the less worn slabs correspond to the time of creation of approximately 1650-1670. The samples presented in this part correspond mainly to this time.
But! There are also older slabs in the foundation and there are inscriptions on them too.
But more on that in the next part.

Russian State University named after. I. Kant

Faculty of History

Preserved architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' XI - beginning of XII 1st century

Historical information,

completed by a student I course

specialty "history"

Dolotova Anastasia.



The purpose of this work is to consider the surviving monuments of ancient Russian architecture and give them a brief description.

When choosing architectural monuments for inclusion in the historical reference, the main criterion was the degree of preservation of the structure, because many of them either came to us heavily altered and did not retain their original appearance, or retained only some of their fragments.

Main tasks of the work:

Identify the number of surviving architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' of the 11th - early 13th centuries;

Give a description of their special and specific architectural features;

Assess the historical fate of monuments.

St. Sophia Cathedral (Kyiv)

Time of creation: 1017-1037

The temple is dedicated to Sophia - “The Wisdom of God”. It belongs to the works of Byzantine-Kyiv architecture. Saint Sophia is the main religious building of Kievan Rus during the times of Yaroslav the Wise. Construction equipment and architectural features The cathedral indicates that its builders were Greeks who came from Constantinople. They built the temple according to models and according to the traditions of metropolitan Byzantine architecture, albeit with some deviations. The temple was built using the mixed masonry technique: rows of square bricks (plinths) alternate with rows of stones, and then covered with limestone coating - plaster. The interior of Sophia of Kyiv was less distorted and retained some of its original decoration. The earliest mosaics and frescoes have been preserved in the temple. They were also made by Byzantine masters. Scrawled inscriptions - graffiti - were found on the walls of the cathedral. About three hundred graffiti testify to political events of the past, they mention specific historical figures. The earliest inscriptions made it possible for researchers to clarify the dating of the interior decoration of the church. Sofia became the burial place of the Kyiv princes. Yaroslav the Wise, his son Vsevolod, as well as the sons of the latter, Rostislav Vsevolodovich and Vladimir Monomakh, are buried here. The question of why members of the same family were buried in different churches, - in Sofia and in Desyatinnaya, - did not receive a convincing answer from historians. St. Sophia Cathedral was assigned the role of the main temple of Kievan Rus and the stronghold of the new, Christian faith. For several centuries, Sophia of Kiev was the center of the all-Russian ecclesia, the focus of political and cultural life countries. Sophia was originally crowned with thirteen chapters, forming a pyramidal structure. Now the temple has 19 domes. In ancient times, the roof consisted of lead sheets laid on the vaults. At the corners the temple is reinforced with buttresses - vertical supports on the outside of the wall that take on its weight. The facades of the cathedral are characterized by an abundance of blades, which correspond to the internal division of space by supporting pillars. The outer walls of the galleries and apses are decorated with numerous niches. On the western side, according to Byzantine tradition, two staircase towers adjoin the temple, leading to the choir and flat roof - the gulbische. During the service, the choirs were intended for the Grand Duke, his family and associates. However, they also had a secular purpose: here the prince, apparently, received ambassadors and discussed state affairs. The book collection of St. Sophia Cathedral was also kept here. Perhaps there was also a scriptorium in a separate room - a workshop for copying books. The interior of the cathedral was an equal-ended cross, with an altar apse in the east; there were two-tier arcades to the north, south and west. The central dome rose above the middle part of the cross. The main volume of the building was surrounded by two rows of open galleries. The question of the interior decoration of the western part of the main nave acquires fundamental significance in connection with the study of the ktitor fresco depicting the family of Yaroslav the Wise, located on the western wall of the two-tier arcade. Over the centuries, the church has undergone many changes. During the defeat of Kyiv by Batu in 1240, it was plundered. Subsequently, the temple burned down several times, gradually fell into disrepair, and was subjected to “repairs” and alterations. In the 17th century, Sofia was “renovated” by Metropolitan Peter Mohyla in the Ukrainian Baroque style and its appearance became very far from the original. The best preserved structure is the eastern façade with apses, where fragments of ancient masonry were cleared away.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (Chernigov)

Creation time: around 1036

Mstislav Vladimirovich founded the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov. This five-domed cathedral was built according to the Byzantine model, and most likely by Byzantine stone craftsmen.

In plan, the cathedral is a large (18.25 x 27 m) three-nave church with eight pillars and three apses. The western pair of pillars is connected by a wall, which led to the emergence of a porch (narthex). The height of the walls reached approximately 4.5 m. The facades of the building are made of extremely elegant brickwork with a hidden row. The facades are also decorated with pilasters, flat in the first tier and profiled in the second. The facades of the temple are divided by flat blades. The middle zakomars, which contain three windows, are sharply raised compared to the side ones. The interior of the Spassky Cathedral is dominated by a strict and solemn combination of verticals and horizontals. The elongation of the building is clearly emphasized here, which is combined with internal two-tier arcades extending into the dome space. Along them were originally wooden floorings of the northern and southern choirs, reinforcing the horizontal division of the interior. The floor of the temple was covered with carved slate slabs inlaid with colored smalt.

St. Sophia Cathedral (Polotsk)

Creation time: 1044-1066

Built under Prince Vseslav Bryachislavich on the territory of the Upper Castle. Information about the original appearance is contradictory: in some sources it is mentioned as seven-headed, in others - as five-headed. The masonry of the eastern apse of ancient Sofia is mixed: along with flagstone bricks (plinth), rubble stone was used. The surviving fragments suggest that in the past this building was a centric structure. Its square-shaped plan was divided into five naves, covered with a developed system of vaults. The selection of three middle naves created the illusion of elongation of the interior of the cathedral and brought it closer to the basilica buildings. The construction of three apses, faceted on the outside, so typical of wooden churches, is one of the features of the Polotsk Cathedral. St. Sophia Cathedral is the first and still timid example of a structure that displays features characteristic of the art of Polotsk, where mainly in the 12th century. Numerous buildings appeared with an original interpretation of the cross-dome system.

St. Sophia Cathedral (Novgorod)

Time of creation: 1045-1050.

The temple was built by order of the Novgorod prince Vladimir Yaroslavich. It is a huge five-nave temple dissected by pillars, adjoined on three sides open galleries. The cathedral has five chapters. The sixth dome above the round staircase introduced a picturesque asymmetry into the composition. Large protrusions of the blades strengthen the walls of the building vertically and delimit the facades in full accordance with the internal divisions. The masonry mainly consisted of huge, roughly hewn stones that did not have a regular square shape. The lime mortar, pinkish from the admixture of finely crushed bricks, fills the recesses along the contours of the stones and emphasizes their irregular shape. Brick is used in small quantities, so the impression of “striped” masonry from regularly alternating rows of plinths is not created. The walls of the Novgorod Sofia, apparently, were not initially plastered. Such open masonry gave the facades of the building a peculiar, rugged beauty. In the first centuries of its existence, the temple was higher than it is today: the original floor level is now at a depth of 1.5 - 1.9 meters. The facades of the building also go to the same depth. In Novgorod Sofia there are no expensive materials: marble and slate. The Novgorodians also did not use mosaics to decorate their cathedral church because of its high cost, but Sofia is richly decorated with frescoes.

St. Michael's Cathedral of the Vydubetsky Monastery (Kyiv)

Creation time: 1070-1088

In Vydubitsy, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, founded a monastery under family patronage in the name of his heavenly patron - Archangel Michael. Thanks to his support, the monastery cathedral was erected. In the 11th century, St. Michael's Cathedral was a large (25 x 15.5 m) six-pillar temple with unusually elongated rectangular proportions. The craftsmen who worked in Kyiv at that time carried out masonry mainly from brick with rows of large uncut stones. The stones were located at different distances from each other, the larger ones were used in the middle parts of the walls, laying them as backfill together with bricks (mostly broken). The brickwork itself had a hidden row. With this type of masonry, not all rows of bricks are brought out onto the facade, but through a row, while the intermediate ones are moved a little deeper and covered from the outside with a layer of mortar - cement. The outer layer of the solution was carefully smoothed, almost polished. Thus, the processing of the outer surface of the walls was carried out twice: first rough, and then more thorough. The result was an extremely picturesque striped surface structure. This masonry system also provided ample opportunities for decorative designs and patterns. Initially, the church apparently ended with one chapter. To the west there was a wide narthex and a spiral staircase leading to the choir. The walls of the cathedral were painted with frescoes, and the floor was tiled - slate and glazed clay. To protect the church from being washed away by the waters of the Dnieper, in 1199 the architect Peter Miloneg erected a huge retaining wall. For its time, this was a bold engineering decision. But by the 16th century, the river also washed away the wall - the bank collapsed, and with it the eastern part of the cathedral. The surviving western part of the church has survived to this day in the restoration of 1767-1769. St. Michael's Cathedral became the princely tomb of the family of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich.

Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery

Time of creation: 1073-1078.

The cathedral was built by Byzantine architects. According to its plan, it is a cross-domed, three-nave, six-pillar church. In this monument, the desire to create simple volumes and laconicism in the interior prevailed. True, the narthex still remains, but the choir is no longer led to by a spiral staircase in a specially built tower, but by a straight staircase in the thickness of the western wall. The temple ended with zakomars, the bases of which were located at the same height and crowned with one massive dome. The construction technique also changed: instead of masonry with a hidden row, they began to use equal-layer plinth with all rows of plinth exposed to the outer surface of the wall. Based on written sources, one can draw a conclusion about one exceptional feature of the Assumption Cathedral: the general dimensions of the temple were set in advance and the builders were forced to perform the difficult work of calculating the size of the dome. Its diameter had to be increased to maintain the proportions of the entire structure. From 1082 to 1089, Greek craftsmen painted the temple with frescoes and decorated it with mosaics. According to church legend, the ancient Russian icon painters, the famous Alypius and Gregory, worked together with them.

In 1240, the temple was damaged by the Mongol-Tatar hordes, in 1482 by the Crimean Tatars, and in 1718 the building was badly damaged during a huge monastery fire. In 1941, the Assumption Cathedral was blown up by German troops occupying Kyiv. By 2000, the building was rebuilt in Baroque forms of the 18th century.

St. Nicholas Cathedral (Novgorod)

Time of creation: 1113-1136.

The temple was erected by order of the son of Vladimir Monomakh - Mstislav. The cathedral was a palace temple: its clergy were subordinate not to the ruler of Novgorod, but to the prince. St. Nicholas Dvorishchensky Cathedral occupies the main place in the architectural ensemble of Novgorod Torg, where nine more churches are located. St. Nicholas Church is a large ceremonial building (23.65 x 15.35 m) with five domes and high apses, which is a trace of a clear imitation of Sophia in the city Kremlin. The facades of the church are simple and austere: they are divided by flat blades and finished with artless zakomaras. In its layout, the temple is close to such a Kyiv monument as the Cathedral of the Pechersk Monastery: six cross-shaped pillars divide the internal space into three naves, of which the middle one is much wider than the side ones. In the western part of the church there are extensive choir-halls for the princely family and palace entourage. Soon after its construction, the St. Nicholas Cathedral was painted with frescoes. Only small fragments have survived from the painting: scenes " Last Judgment" on the western wall, three saints in the central apse and "Job on the rotting spot" on the southwestern wall. Stylistically, they are close to the Kyiv murals of the early 12th century.

Nativity Cathedral of the Anthony Monastery (Novgorod)

Creation time: 1117

In 1117, a stone cathedral was erected in the monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Stone craftsmen erected buildings from local cheap, roughly processed stone, binding it with limestone mortar mixed with crushed brick. Uneven walls were leveled using brick layers made of plinth. The most structurally important parts of the temple (vaults, girth arches, arched lintels) were laid out mainly from plinth using the masonry technique with a hidden row. A cylindrical staircase tower protruding from the general cubic volume was added to the church from the north-western corner, leading to the choir, which was later hewn down. The tower is crowned by a chapter. The cathedral has three chapters in total. The original appearance of the Nativity Cathedral was different from its modern look. Low porch galleries were attached to the ancient church on three sides. Inside the cathedral, mainly in the altar, fragments of frescoes from 1125 have been preserved. The cathedral is brought closer to the princely traditions of temple architecture by the proportions of the plan, the tower with a spiral staircase adjacent to the northwestern corner, the raised choir and the overall inflated volume of the building.

St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery (Novgorod)

Creation time: 1119

The temple was built through the efforts of Vsevolod Mstislavich. The name of the creator of the temple has also been preserved - he was “Master Peter”. This is a six-pillar temple with choirs, which are reached by a staircase tower. The forms of the temple are simple and uncomplicated, but it looks very impressive. The cathedral has three asymmetrically located chapters. One of them is located on square tower, attached to the main building. The heads of the church are shifted to the west, which is completely uncharacteristic for Orthodox churches. The walls of the cathedral are built on cement mortar from barely hewn stones, which alternate with rows of bricks. The accuracy of the rows is not maintained: in some places the bricks fill irregularities in the masonry and in some places are placed on edge.

The top of the church was covered with lead sheets. The cathedral is virtually devoid of decor, except for laconic flat niches. On the central drum they are inscribed in an arcature belt. The interior of the cathedral impresses with its grandeur and the solemn upward direction of the temple space. Cross-shaped pillars, arches and vaults are so tall and slender that they are not perceived as load-bearing supports and ceilings.

Soon after its construction, the temple was richly painted with frescoes, which have not survived to our time.

John the Baptist Church on Opoki (Novgorod)

Time of creation: 1127-1130.

The church was initiated by Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich, the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh.

This is a six-pillar, three-apse church with one dome. The design of the temple revealed new trends in Novgorod temple construction: reducing the scale of construction and simplifying architectural forms. However, St. John's Church still maintains the traditions of ceremonial princely architecture of the early 12th century. Its length is 24.6 m and its width is 16 m. It had a choir, which was reached by stairs, apparently in a tower located in one of the western corners of the building. The walls are made of gray limestone slabs and plinths, that is, in mixed media masonry The Church of John the Baptist in its upper part evokes associations with wooden architecture: it has a pinch (gable) form of zakomara. The upper part of the church was dismantled in 1453, and on the old foundation, by order of Archbishop Euthymius, it was erected new church. The ancient temple reflects the historical struggle of the Novgorodians with the princely power. Six years after the illumination of the church, in 1136, massive popular unrest broke out, which led to the establishment of a feudal republic. The Novgorod prince, ktitor of the temple Vsevolod Mstislavich, was captured. The veche decided to expel Vsevolod and his family from the city. Prince Vsevolod was forced to transfer the church to St. John the Baptist on Opoki to wax merchants. John's parish was made up of the richest merchants - eminent people. All-Novgorod standards of measures were kept in the church: “Ivanovo cubit” for measuring the length of cloth, “ruble hryvnia” for precious metals, waxed skalvas (scales), etc.

Peter and Paul Church (Smolensk)

Time of creation: 1140-1150.

The Church of Peter and Paul is the most ancient temple preserved in Smolensk. Apparently, it was erected by a princely artel. The original forms of the building were restored by P. D. Baranovsky. The church is an example of a cross-domed, single-domed, four-pillar building. Smolensk craftsmen built from bricks. In its external forms and proportions, the temple is static, strict and monumental. But thanks to the “flexible”, workable brick, the plastic of the princely church is complex and sophisticated. The blades are turned into semi-columns (pilasters), which end with two rows of curbs and overhanging cornices. From the same double rows The curb has belts at the base (heels) of the zakoma, below which the arcature is laid. On the western facade, wide corner blades are decorated with runners and relief crosses made of plinth. The entrance to the church is opened by promising portals, but they are still made very modestly - only from rectangular rods. The temple has powerful, far protruding apses. The head drum was twelve-sided.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (Pereslavl-Zalessky)

Time of creation: 1152-1157.

Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded the Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, which he founded. The upper part of the temple was completed by his son Andrei Bogolyubsky. The width of the temple is greater than its height. This is an almost square, three-apse temple with four cross-shaped pillars that support the vaults and a single dome. The side apses were not closed by the altar barrier, but were freely open to the eyes of the worshipers. Its forms are laconic and strict. The massive drum and dome give the structure a military appearance. The narrow slit-like windows of the drum are associated with fortress loopholes. Its walls, divided by blades into spindles, are completed with zakomaras, the central ones of which are larger than the side ones. The building has a very clear plan layout.

The temple is made of carefully crafted white stone squares. The stones were laid almost dry, filling the gap between the inner and outer walls with rubble, and then filled with lime. A basement runs along the bottom of the building. The foundation of the building consists of large cobblestones held together with the same limestone mortar. Outer surface The vaults, dome and pedestal under the drum are made of rough stone blocks. Along the top of the drum there is a decorative belt, which has survived only in fragments: most of it was knocked down and replaced by restorers with a remake. Below there is a crenate strip, above there is a runner, and even higher there is an ornamented half-shaft. A distinctive feature of the Spassky Church is the minimal use of decor, which found its place only on the drum and on the apses.

Assumption Cathedral (Vladimir)

Creation time: 1158-1160

The cathedral was founded by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The most advantageous place in the city’s landscape was chosen for the cathedral church, over which the five-domed bulk of the temple dominates. Its golden domes were visible from afar on the forest roads leading to the capital city. It was built in the form of a six-pillar, three-nave and one-domed building. It was conceived as the main temple of all Rus'. Masters of various branches of art were invited from different countries of Western Europe to paint the temple. In 1185, the temple suffered a severe and destructive fire, in which almost half the city burned out. Apparently, immediately after the fire, Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest ordered the restoration of the cathedral. In 1189 it was re-consecrated. During the restoration, the temple was significantly expanded and made five-domed. The temple was surrounded by wide galleries from the south, north and west and received more extensive altar apses, a gilded central and silver-plated side domes, and its top received two tiers of zakomaras. The walls of the temple were cut through with arched spans and turned into the internal pillars of the new cathedral of Grand Duke Vsevolod III. Fragments of frescoes by unknown masters of the 12th century have been preserved. The Assumption Cathedral served as a princely necropolis. The great Vladimir princes are buried here: Andrei Bogolyubsky, his brother Vsevolod III the Big Nest, Alexander Nevsky's father Yaroslav and others. The cathedral, together with the St. George's chapel, is the main operating church of the Vladimir-Suzdal Diocese.

Assumption Cathedral (Vladimir-Volynsky)

Creation time: 1160

The cathedral was built by order of Prince Mstislav Izyaslavich, but not in Detinets, but in a roundabout town. To build the cathedral, the prince brought Pereyaslavl architects to Vladimir, since before that he ruled in Pereyaslavl-Russian. The work of craftsmen from this city is confirmed by a special technique for molding bricks. They are of very high quality: good firing and great strength. The church was built using the technique of equal-layer masonry. The thickness of the mortar joints is approximately equal to the thickness of the bricks. There are channels in the walls from rotten wooden ties. The Assumption Cathedral is a large six-pillar, three-apse temple. Its narthex is separated by a wall from the main room. For the sake of strict symmetry and balance of all the masses of the building, it did not have any extensions or even a tower leading to the choir. They were apparently approached along a wooden walkway from princely palace. The internal division of the space with supporting pillars corresponds to powerful semi-columns on the facades, and the walls are completed with arches-zakomars corresponding to semi-circular vaults. The temple in Vladimir was built in the image and likeness of the cathedrals in Kyiv. The cathedral was damaged many times and was robbed more than once. In the 18th century, during perestroika, it was greatly distorted. The Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady in Vladimir-Volynsky is the largest temple of this type among all monuments of the 12th century.

John the Evangelist Church (Smolensk)

Time of creation: 1160-1180.

The temple was erected through the efforts of Prince Roman Rostislavovich. It was located in the princely residence. Built, like many other Smolensk churches, of brick, the church in its technical and design features is in many ways close to the Peter and Paul Church. IN architectural composition Of interest to the monument is the arrangement of the outer aisles and tombs along its eastern corners. In the masonry of the upper parts of the building, two types of pots were used: imported amphorae and locally produced narrow-necked pots. On the outside corners of the temple there are wide flat blades, and the intermediate pilasters were in the form of powerful semi-columns. The portals and window embrasures have a two-ledged profile. The dimensions of the temple are 20.25 x 16 m. The walls of the temple and galleries are made of bricks. Lime mortar mixed with cement. The foundation is made of cobblestones and has a depth of more than 1.2 m. The church is a four-pillar, three-apse temple. The Princely Ioannovskaya Church was painted with frescoes, and the icons, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, were generously decorated with enamel and gold. During its long existence, the church underwent numerous reconstructions and has survived to this day in a greatly altered form.

Golden Gate (Vladimir)

Creation time: 1164

The date of foundation of the Vladimir Gate is unknown, but construction began no earlier than 1158, when Andrei Bogolyubsky began to build the city’s defense line. The completion of the gate's construction can be precisely dated to 1164. The gate is made of beautifully hewn limestone squares. However, in some places roughly processed porous tuff is used. Holes from the fingers of the scaffolding were left unfilled in the masonry. The original height of the passage arch reached 15 m; Currently, the ground level is almost 1.5 m higher than the original one. The width of the arch is precisely measured at 20 Greek feet (about 5 m), which suggests that the monument was erected by builders from Byzantium.

St. George's Church (Staraya Ladoga)

Creation time: 1165

The Church of St. George may have been built in honor of the victory in 1164 of the Ladoga residents and the Novgorod squad over the Swedes by Prince Svyatoslav or mayor Zakhary. The area of ​​this four-pillar temple is only 72 square meters. meters. The eastern side of the elongated cube is occupied by three high apses reaching to the zakomari. The cubic volume of the building is dissected by simple and massive blades. A light drum with a helmet-shaped dome crowns the overall mass of the church. Its height is 15 meters. Instead of choirs, a wooden flooring was made connecting two chapels in the corner parts of the second tier. The facades with semicircles of zakomaras are dissected by blades. The decor on the facades of the temple was extremely sparse and was limited to a jagged cornice along the contour of the zakomara (the cornice was not restored during the restoration) and a flat arcature along the top of the drum. The foundation of the Staraya Ladoga monument consists of boulders and goes 0.8 in depth meters. A leveling layer of bricks is laid on top of the foundation. The walls of the temple are made of alternating rows of limestone slabs and bricks, but slabs predominate. The masonry mortar is lime with cement. The frescoes of the drum, dome, southern apse and individual fragments in other places have survived to this day. In the Old Ladoga church we see complete correspondence between the external appearance and interior of the building. Its overall design is clearly and clearly visible.

Elias Church (Chernigov)

Creation time: around 1170

According to church tradition, the founding of the monastery in the name of Elijah is associated with Anthony of Pechersk, the first abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. In 1069, he intervened in the Kyiv dynastic feuds of the princes and fled from the wrath of Izyaslav Yaroslavich to Chernigov. Here, having settled on the Boldinsky Mountains, Anthony “excavated a cave,” which served as the beginning of a new monastery. The Ilyinsky Temple is well preserved, but its original forms are hidden under the stylistic layers of the Ukrainian Baroque of the 17th century. The Ilyinsky Church is located on a small area under the slope of the mountain and is connected by an underground passage with the Ilyinsky cave monastery. The northern wall was cut into the slope of the mountain, that is, it was like a retaining wall and in the lower part was placed close to the ground. Above ground level, its masonry is made, like the masonry of the other walls, with careful jointing and one-sided cutting of the seams. For pilgrims, an entrance to the caves was dug in the northern wall, and for the clergy, the same entrance led from the altar. The church is pillarless, with a separate porch (narthex) adjoining it to the west. Initially, the church had one dome, and the supporting arches on which the drum rested were cut into the thickness of the walls. In terms of plan, the Elias Church is not very large in size (4.8 x 5 m) with one semicircular apse, a narrow vestibule and a shallow babinets. Elias Church is the only surviving single-nave building belonging to the Chernigov school of architecture from the era of political fragmentation.

Boris and Gleb Church (Grodno)

Time of creation: 1170s.

The church in the name of the ancient Russian holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb was erected over the Neman. The names of the saints coincide with the names of the Grodno appanage princes Boris and Gleb. Apparently, the initiators of the construction of the temple could have been either themselves or their father, Vsevolod. Monumental construction in Grodno was carried out by craftsmen who arrived from Volyn. The length of the cathedral is about 21.5 meters, width - 13.5 meters. The thickness of the walls is at least 1.2 meters. The temple was built of brick using cement masonry technique. Flagstone bricks were used. The composition of the cement was special: it included lime, coarse sand, coal and broken brick. The walls are laid in equal layers - all rows of bricks face the facade evenly, and the seams are approximately equal to the thickness of the brick. In the interior of the church, the patterned floor covering made of ceramic tiles and polished stones is of particular value. The walls, built from plinth, are decorated with complex patterns of multi-colored granite stones, colored majolica tiles, and even greenish saucers and bowls. For a special acoustic effect, so-called “voices” - clay vessels like jugs - are built into the walls. Polished stones of various shades are inserted into the wall. At the bottom of the wall they are larger, and at the top they are small. Grodno Church has six pillars and three apses. The pillars of the temple are round at the base, and at high altitudes they take on a cross-shaped form.

Church of the Annunciation in Arkazhi (Novgorod)

Creation time: 1179

According to legend, the temple was erected in memory of the victory of the Novgorodians over the Suzdalians in 1169, achieved thanks to the miraculous intercession of the “Our Lady of the Sign” icon. The temple is square in plan with three apses on the eastern side and four rectangular pillars that supported a single dome. In the volumetric-spatial structure of the Annunciation Church, the tendency of Novgorod architecture of the last quarter of the 12th century towards simplified architectonics, reduction of internal space and saving of building materials is noticeable. The temple is cross-domed with one light dome, which is supported by pillars of rectangular cross-section. The eastern, altar side consists of three apses. Initially, the construction had a post-mosquito completion. The Arkazhskaya church is built of limestone slabs, fastened with cement, and the most important places are made of brick: vaults, drum, dome. In the left aisle, an ancient font for performing the sacrament of baptism (similar in structure to the “Jordan”) has been preserved. A round pond with a diameter of about 4 meters was laid out in the stone floor, apparently designed for adults. In 1189 the temple was painted.

Michael the Archangel Svirskaya Church (Smolensk)

Time of creation: 1180-1197

The majestic church in the name of Michael is once the court temple of the Smolensk prince David Rostislavich. It is located on the western outskirts of Smolensk, on a hill overlooking the Dnieper floodplain. Smolensk masters at the end of the 12th century developed compositional schemes for brick construction characteristic of their time. The extremely high height of the main volume is emphasized by the massive vestibules and central apse subordinate to it. The dynamics of the building are enhanced by complexly profiled beam pilasters. Distinctive feature this church has rectangular side apses. Massive narthexes are also unusual. In the Church of the Archangel Michael, square holes were discovered in the masonry of the walls and pillars - the exit points of the once existing wooden ties that strengthened top part temple. Judging by these holes, the wooden beams were arranged in four tiers. The temple vaults were completely rebuilt into XVII-XVIII centuries, but almost all the ancient arches that divided the vaults, including the girth ones, have been preserved. Both the pedestal under the drum and a significant part of the drum itself survived. The Church of the Archangel Michael is unusual in its general architectural design, proportions, and forms, which gives it exceptional originality. The centric stepped composition of the temple became widespread in other local schools of architecture of Ancient Rus'. The Svirskaya Church has something in common with the Pyatnitsky churches in Chernigov and Novgorod.

Dmitrovsky Cathedral (Vladimir)

Time of creation: 1194-1197.

Cross-shaped pillars are carved to the height of the walls and support the massive head of the cathedral. On the interior walls, the pillars correspond to flat blades. On the western side there are choirs.

The temple was built by Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest. The single-domed, four-pillar, three-apse temple was originally surrounded by low covered galleries, and at the western corners it had staircase towers leading to the choir. The sculpture abundantly covers the entire upper tier of the cathedral and the dome drum, as well as the archivolts of the portals. In the arched frieze of the southern façade there were figures of Russian princes, including those of Vladimir. The sculpture of the upper tier of the southern facade also glorifies a wise and strong ruler. The predominance of images of a lion and a griffin in sculpture indicates the further development of the grand ducal emblem. However, the strengthening of symbolism and cosmologism of the entire plan led to a decrease in relief. In the central zakomars there is a figure of a royal singer playing the psalter. The carving of the figure, especially the head, is distinguished by its large height and rounded relief. To the right of David, on the southern façade, is the Ascension of Alexander the Great to Heaven. On the left side of the western façade is King David, followed by Solomon. In the sculpture of the western facade, scenes of the labors of Hercules attract attention. In the central spindle of the upper tier, birds intertwined with their necks refer to the symbolism of an inextricable union. The northern facade facing the city expresses with its sculpture the idea of ​​strong princely power directly, and not symbolically. Prince Vsevolod III himself is depicted on the left side. The complex and varied turns of the figures as if the apostles were talking to each other, the free and at the same time strict drapery of the robes, and most importantly, the deeply psychological interpretation of the images reveal the hand of a great master.

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa (Novgorod)

Creation time: 1198

The Church of the Savior was built by Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich. According to tradition dating back to Soviet times, the paintings were attributed to local Novgorod masters. Some finds indeed suggest that this master headed the work on creating frescoes in the Church of the Transfiguration. In its architectural appearance, the Savior on Nereditsa no longer differs from the township parish churches of Novgorod. The political and financial position of the prince was so weakened that he did not pretend to compete with the Cathedral Sophia in his construction. By his order, a small cubic type, four-pillar, three-apse, single-domed temple was erected. It is built with stone and brick masonry, traditional for Novgorod architecture. The interior space of the Spasskaya Church is simplified in comparison with the buildings of the previous period - the first third of the 12th century. The princely choir-halls, where two chapels were located, looked quite modest. The staircase in the attached tower was no longer there; it was replaced by a narrow entrance in the thickness of the western wall. During the construction of the building, the accuracy of lines and shapes was not maintained. The excessively thick walls were crooked and the surfaces were uneven. But thoughtful proportions brightened up these shortcomings, and the temple made a dignified, solemnly majestic impression.

Paraskeva Friday Church (Chernigov)

Time of creation: 1198-1199.

The time of construction of the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church, as well as the name of its customer, are unknown. Most likely, it was built by merchants with their own money. The dimensions of the church are small - 12 x 11.5 m. The ancient church on the market belongs to the typical small single-domed churches with four pillars. But an unknown architect developed this type of construction, common in the 12th century, in a completely new way. He places the pillars unusually widely, pressing them against the walls, which allows him to maximize the expansion of the central room of the temple and in a new way, in the form of semi-zakomars, to design the corner parts of the facade, which he makes in a quarter circle. The transition to a high and massive drum is carried out using raised arches and two rows of kokoshniks. The apses, small in volume, are slightly lower than the zakomara. The portals of the Pyatnitskaya Church are made with a profiled frame, with eyebrows located above them. Above is a frieze of brick meander, and even higher are decorative niches in which remains of plaster have been preserved. Above them is a belt of “runners”. The central sections are completed by triple windows. The skillful use of brick gives the structure a special expressiveness: two brick walls with the gap between them filled with stones and bricks with mortar. After 5-7 rows, the masonry was made continuous, after which they again switched to the backfilling technique. The master decided to lay out arches thrown over pillars above the vaults. Thus, the drum, resting on the arches, rises significantly above the walls. The meticulous precision of the brickwork reveals the hand of a Byzantine master. Perhaps it was Petr Miloneg. Despite the small size of the temple, the master also built a choir, but a narrow one, and an equally narrow staircase in the western wall.

Paraskeva Friday Church on Torg (Novgorod)

Creation time: 1207

Most likely, the Pyatnitsky Church at Torg was erected not by Novgorod craftsmen, but by Smolensk craftsmen, because it has no direct analogies among the Novgorod churches, but is similar to the Svirskaya Church of Smolensk. The corners of the temple itself and the narthexes are decorated with wide multi-stepped blades, unusual for Novgorod. The same applies to the side rectangular apses. The church is a cruciform building with six pillars. Four of them are round, which is not at all typical for Novgorod construction. The temple has three apses, of which the central one projects much further to the east than the others. The main volume of the church was adjoined on three sides by lowered porches (narthexes). Of these, only the northern one has survived; only small fragments have survived from the other two, and they were rebuilt by restorers. The building acquired its modern appearance as a result of restoration, during which many, but not all, of its ancient forms were revealed. Now the temple houses a kind of museum of the history of Novgorod architecture.


So, we see that quite a lot of monuments of Old Russian architecture of the 11th - early 13th centuries have been preserved. - about 30. (One should also take into account the fact that many buildings were not included in the work due to significant changes in their appearance during fires, wars, natural disasters or unsuccessful restorations) There are especially many of them left in the Novgorod and Kyiv lands.

Temples were founded mainly by local princes in honor of their heavenly patrons, but often a cathedral could be erected in honor of some major victory. Sometimes the local trade elite became the customer of the temple.

The architectural features of many monuments amaze with their magnificence, and the skill in their execution deserves admiration. In the course of my work, I found out that foreign craftsmen, in particular Byzantine and Greek, were often invited for construction. But many temples were built through the efforts of Russian architects. Gradually, each principality developed its own architectural school with its own approach to construction techniques and building decoration.

By the 12th century. Russian craftsmen mastered the technique of cement masonry and used brick. Much attention was paid to painting churches with frescoes and decorating them with mosaics.

The historical fate of many architectural monuments of that time is deplorable - they are irretrievably lost to us. Some are luckier - although they have been significantly rebuilt, they can still give us some idea of ​​the architecture of that era. Many buildings have survived to this day almost in their original form, and it is they that give us the most complete picture of the architecture of Ancient Rus' in the 11th - early 13th centuries.

List of used literature:

1. Komech A.I., Old Russian architecture of the late X - early XII centuries. - M.: Nauka, 1987.

2. Rappoport P. A., Old Russian architecture. - St. Petersburg, 1993.

3. Russian temples / ed. group: T. Kashirina, G. Evseeva - M.: World of Encyclopedias, 2006.

In the eleventh – twelfth centuries there was an upsurge in the development of the culture of the Kyiv state. Large cities that, due to reforms, acquired the status of European centers (Kyiv, Galich, Novgorod) become cultural centers.

Excavations carried out in these lands showed scientists that the people living at that time were, for the most part, literate (at least at a basic level). Conclusions were drawn about this based on surviving business receipts, petitions, orders on economic affairs and other documents.

In addition, it is known for certain that even before Christianity was adopted, Rus' knew writing. The first handwritten books preserved from that time are unique works of art. They were written, as a rule, on very expensive parchment, which was made from processed goat, calf or lamb skin, and they were decorated with excellent colored miniatures.

Most of the books that have come down to us, which relates to this period, has religious content(out of one hundred and thirty books, about eighty contain basic knowledge of Christian morality and doctrine). However, along with this, there was also religious literature to read.

“Physiologist” is perfectly preserved- a collection of short stories about legendary and real-life stones, trees and birds (at the end of each story there was a religious parable associated with a given creature or object). To the same time, researchers also attribute such outstanding literary church monuments as the “Sermon on Law and Grace,” attributed to the pen of Metropolitan Hilarion, as well as the sermons of Cyril of Turov. There were also “apocrypha” (from the Greek word “hidden”) - stories that unconventionally interpreted biblical stories. The most popular of them is considered to be “The Virgin’s Walk through the Torment.”

The “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh is also considered an outstanding literary monument, which is a teaching to princely children and contains teachings on how the offspring of warriors should behave in the world.

And finally, most A significant colossus of ancient Russian literature is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, the basis of which was the campaign undertaken by Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians. It is considered a huge loss that the only manuscript of this text was burned in Moscow during a fire (1812).