Sowing calendar favorable days in April.

With the onset of April, work on the site increases. Most days of the lunar calendar for gardeners in April 2017 are favorable for planting. It is also necessary to finish pruning trees and shrubs, replenish the lack of moisture in the buds and have time to do many other urgent matters. To find out about the best landing days in April according to the lunar calendar, carefully study this material.

Lunar calendar of planting days for a gardener from April 1 to April 15, 2017

April 1, 2017, Saturday, 5th, 6th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Gemini

On this day, according to the gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017, it is recommended to sow early varieties of tomato seeds for seedlings. Seedlings of early ripening varieties of cabbage can begin to be planted in the ground at the end of March - at the beginning of April. For plants planted in autumn or spring, weakened, dry or broken branches must be removed before buds open. For raspberries and gooseberries, you need to cut off the ends of the shoots affected by powdery mildew.

April 2, 2017, Sunday, 6th, 7th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Gemini

On this day it is recommended to sow and plant plants - it is a favorable time, but most importantly, the planting of trees and shrubs begins, the best time for planting stone fruit crops fruit trees these include cherries, plums, sweet cherries, apricots, and peach. The timing of planting seedlings may shift in one direction or another, depending on climatic conditions, weather and established temperature. Taking into account the recommendations of the gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017, do not forget that a delay in spring planting can lead to the death of trees due to lack of moisture.

April 3, 2017, Monday, 7th, 8th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in the sign of Cancer

Today is a good day for preparing decoctions, infusions, tinctures, etc. It is useful to fertilize plants growing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.

You need to do pruning, whitewashing, and pest control.

April 4, 2017, Tuesday, 8th, 9th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in the sign of Cancer

It's a good time to work in the garden. If the weather is good, start cleaning the tree trunks - remove the old bark, clean the cracks and cover them with garden varnish. Whiten the trunks, remove pests.

April 5, 2017, Wednesday, 9th, 10th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Leo

It is recommended to replant those plants that need it. You can fertilize the plants in the greenhouse; this is the right time for pest control, tillage, and weeding. Continue working in the garden, especially since the day is considered favorable for physical activity.

April 6, 2017, Thursday, 10th, 11th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Leo

In the greenhouse, plant dahlia tubers in pots for germination and cuttings, and sow decorative onion seeds for seedlings. This day according to the moon sowing calendar as of April 2017, it is favorable for germinating begonia tubers or sowing seeds in boxes.

Start processing the plants and beds - pick vegetable crops, remove weak and diseased Plants.

April 7, 2017, Friday, 11th, 12th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Virgo

On April 7, 2017, according to the lunar planting calendar, you need to sow lettuce, parsley, celery, herbs - basil, marjoram, and plant onions. It is recommended to sow cabbage seeds of early varieties for growing seedlings in a greenhouse and on a windowsill, and cucumber seeds for growing in a greenhouse.

April 8, 2017, Saturday, 12th, 13th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Virgo

The lunar calendar for gardeners for April 2017 does not recommend planting plants on this day. Take care of your health - eliminate physical stress and try to get more rest. This day lunar cycle considered one of the health hazards.

April 9, 2017, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Virgo

The right time to sow leeks and celery root seedlings. Also, on April 9, 2017, according to the lunar sowing calendar, the gardener needs to plant onions on a feather to get fresh greens. In the greenhouse, plant dahlia tubers in pots for germination and cuttings. You can put begonia tubers to germinate or sow seeds in boxes.

Start processing plants and beds - pick vegetable crops, remove weak and diseased plants. If necessary, feed the plants.

Remember that this day of the lunar cycle is favorable for those undertakings that can be completed during the day, without delaying until tomorrow.

April 10, 2017, Monday, 14th, 1st 5th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Libra

Sow lettuce, parsley, celery, herbs - basil, marjoram, and plant onions. You can sow cabbage seeds of early varieties for growing seedlings in a greenhouse and on a windowsill, and cucumber seeds for growing in a greenhouse.

On old strawberry plantations, on April 10, 2017, according to the lunar calendar, the gardener needs to hill up the bushes to form powerful adventitious roots, and it is also necessary to loosen the soil in early spring.

April 11, 2017, Tuesday, 1 5th, 16th lunar day.

  • Full Moon
  • Moon in Libra

During the full moon, it is an unfavorable time for sowing, transplanting, and picking plants. You can thin out seedlings of vegetable crops grown in a greenhouse and on a windowsill. Don't overwork yourself on this day.

April 12, 2017, Wednesday, 16th, 1st 7th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Engage in replanting, pinching cucumbers, and planting tomatoes.

Given appropriate weather and temperature, the gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017 recommends planting grape cuttings.

As soon as soil conditions allow, you can plant raspberries and strawberries. The best time is considered to be mid-April - early May.

April 13, 2017, Thursday, 17th, 18th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Do not forget about the further care of the seedlings - later they will need to be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, regularly loosen the tree trunks, and destroy weeds.

April 14, 2017, Friday. 18th, 19th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in the sign of Scorpio

April 14, 2017, according to the gardener’s lunar planting calendar, is a favorable time for planting kohlrabi cabbage, onions, carrots, beets, and radishes.

April 15, 2017, Saturday. 19th, 20th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

On this day in April, planting according to the lunar calendar is not recommended. In the evening, you can start feeding indoor bulbous flowers, especially if they have a weak root system; at this time, feeding is well absorbed.

Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener from April 16 to April 30, 2017

April 16, 2017, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

This is a favorable time to feed indoor flowers, especially if they have a weak root system. On this day, according to the lunar sowing calendar for April 2017, seedlings of flowers and cabbage need to be planted.

April 17, 201 7, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Capricorn

This is a favorable time to feed indoor bulbous flowers, especially if they have a weak root system. As the day before, on this day, according to the lunar planting calendar for April 2017, it is recommended to plant seedlings of flowers and cabbage.

April 18, 201 7. Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Capricorn

good time for feeding indoor bulbous flowers with a weak root system. Today is a good day for preparing decoctions, infusions, tinctures, etc. It is useful to fertilize plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.

April 19, 2017. Wednesday. 23rd, 24th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Capricorn

Try to complete what was started yesterday; in astrology, the twenty-third lunar day is considered favorable for completing things and unfavorable for any undertakings.

For plants planted in autumn or spring, weakened, dry or broken branches must be removed before buds open. Planting according to the lunar calendar on April 19, 2017 is not recommended. For raspberries and gooseberries, you need to cut off the ends of the shoots affected by powdery mildew.

April 20, 2017, Thursday. 24th, 25th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

Continue forcing parsley, celery, and onions. You can do replanting and fertilizing.

This day of April according to the gardener's lunar calendar is one of the best for sowing seeds of head lettuce, leaf celery, onions, basil, parsley and other green crops, as well as ornamental plants.

April 21, 2017, Friday. 25th, 26th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

A good time to transplant, water and fertilize plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. On April 21, according to the gardener's lunar calendar, you can sow seeds of root crops, spicy and medicinal plants.

A suitable day for watering and feeding indoor flowers. This day of the lunar cycle is considered unfavorable for health, so be especially attentive to your well-being and do not overwork.

April 22, 2017, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Pisces

The right time for sowing and planting. Sowing seeds of head lettuce, leaf celery, onions, basil, parsley and other green crops, as well as ornamental plants. Also, on April 22, according to the lunar sowing calendar, the gardener is recommended to plant seedlings early cabbage, cucumbers under film.

April 23, 2017, Sunday. 27th, 28th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Pisces

On this day in April, the gardener's lunar sowing calendar does not recommend planting plants, as this is an unfavorable time. This day is considered favorable for health and a good time for creativity. Think about what changes you would like to make this year in the layout of the flower garden, what new crops to grow in the garden.

April 24, 2017, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Aries

If you have not yet planted shrubs and trees, then planting berry bushes and strawberries also begins in April.

Black and red currants, gooseberries, and raspberries are planted in areas prepared in the fall.

April 25, 2017, Tuesday, 29th, 30th lunar day.

  • Waning Moon
  • Moon in Aries

Just like the day before, on this day in April, the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar does not recommend planting, replanting, or picking - now is not the right time to work with plants.

April 26, 2017, Wednesday, 30th, 1st lunar day.

During the new moon, it is an unfavorable time for sowing, transplanting, and picking plants. In the garden, according to the lunar calendar, on April 26, you can thin out the seedlings of vegetable crops grown in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. Don't overwork yourself.

April 27, 2017, Thursday, 1st, 2nd lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Taurus

April 28, 2017, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Gemini

A good time to plant trees, sunflowers, and corn.

On this day, according to the lunar sowing calendar for April, it is recommended to sow seeds of zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumbers. Engage in plant replanting and thinning. If the weather is suitable, during the budding phase, treat the trees and fruit bushes in the garden.

April 29, 2017, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in Gemini

The second half of the day is the right time to sow lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Sow the seeds of spicy plants - dill, marjoram, coriander, fennel, borage. Get a transplant.

April 30, 2017, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day.

  • Waxing Moon
  • Moon in the sign of Cancer

Continue working in the greenhouse and in the house - on the windowsill. Engage in replanting, pinching cucumbers, and planting tomatoes.

According to the recommendations of the lunar planting calendar, on April 30 it is recommended to sow seeds of cucumbers, beans, peas, cauliflower, and broccoli. Continue sowing flower seeds - you can sow seeds of purslane, petunia, annual chrysanthemum, hybrid delphinium, etc.

The summer season is already open, so the lunar sowing calendar for April 2017 will be very useful for gardeners and gardeners for those who are just going to sow and plant vegetables, flowers and other crops, as well as for everyone who is not sure when and how best to water and feed seedlings, grafting and pruning trees and shrubs in the garden.

How the moon affects plants

Talking about lunar calendar, I would like to draw attention to useful information, which will be useful not only for novice gardeners and gardeners, but also for experienced experts. Lunar month It is customary to divide it into several stages:

  • new moon;
  • waxing moon;
  • full moon;
  • waning moon.

In time, the new moon lasts three days (the day before and after is included). It is worth noting that this state of the Earth’s natural satellite is critical for many plants. During the new moon, it is not advisable to sow seeds or plant plants, incl. seedlings, vaccinations. And if you decide to weed the weeds and remove shoots and shoots, then unfavorable planting days are the right time to do it.

When the moon is waxing, they sow and plant, and also replant. What you can do on the waxing moon:

  • sow and plant annual and perennial flowers;
  • thin out seedlings;
  • trim plants for good growth shoots;
  • root mustache;
  • trim diseased plant branches;
  • ferment and salt vegetables.

The root system of plants becomes most vulnerable when the moon is in its waning phase. Even the slightest damage to the roots can lead to the death of the entire plant. At the same time, the above-ground part responds weakly to damage. When the moon wanes, you can do the following things:

Planting and replanting trees and shrubs in the waning month is not advisable, nor is grafting (budding) or sauerkraut.

Favorable landing days and calendar for April 2017

It is worth immediately noting that April 19, 20 and 26 in 2017 are not favorable days for sowing, planting and gardening work in general, at this time it is recommended to take a short break and rest. Favorable (best) days for planting in April 2017, as well as sowing and replanting, are as follows:

Favorable landing days in April

In April 2017, from the 25th to the 27th, the days are unfavorable for planting fruit trees and shrubs; the best ones are as follows:

favorable planting days in April for planting trees

According to the lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners for April 2017, it is better to apply organic fertilizers on 12-13, 17-18, 21-23, and mineral fertilizers on 2-4, 27, 30. You can plow, cultivate, hill up and loosen the soil on 14-16, 19-20, 24-25, trim branches and shoots - 15-24, control pests - 24-25.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2017 for gardeners and gardeners - pictured

Tricks of gardeners

To reap a large and generous harvest, many summer residents and gardeners use some tricks and secrets, because it is not always possible to get what you want with just the power of thought:

➤ use peat mulch to increase the yield of parsley, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, turnips and radishes. It is peat mulch that smoothes out temperature fluctuations in the soil and promotes the accumulation of useful microelements, and also protects plantings from rapid growth weeds. It is better to mulch the beds in the fall, but you can also mulch them in the early spring;

➤ to grow strong, after germination, keep the crops at a temperature of +15... +18 ̊C during the day, at night - +12...+14 ̊C. Cucumber seedlings are ready for planting when they reach the age of 20-25 days;

➤ the best predecessors for carrots are cucumbers, onions, cabbage, tomatoes. Carrot seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +4...+5 ̊С, seedlings are not afraid of frosts down to -2 ̊...-3 ̊С;

➤ Petunia begins to bloom 3 months after sowing the seeds. Remove the apical part on the central shoot to get a chic, powerful bush. Petunia is pinched several times during the season;

➤ It is better to fertilize with potassium sulfate, since the vegetable needs sulfur. In addition, the shelf life of the bulbs depends on potassium, which is supplied during the growing season with fertilizing - ordinary wood ash, which needs to be scattered between the rows, will help here;

➤ to give a generous harvest, spray the bushes during flowering with honey solution (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water);

➤ Tomato tops will help against aphids and leaf-eating pests. You need to put 4 kg of crushed (chopped) tops in 10 liters of water and boil for half an hour. Let cool. Then, for each liter of broth, add 3.5 liters of warm water and 10 grams of laundry soap.

Sowing calendar for April 2017

April 1, Sat
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Moon

Recommended: (if the weather is appropriate and the soil is ready) planting legumes and climbing plants, loosening, mulching, hilling, thinning seedlings, weeding. Well, fight pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation).
It is possible to sow all types of cabbage and prepare cuttings.

April 2, Sun
Moon in Cancer 21:27
Waxing Moon

It is recommended (if the weather is appropriate and the soil is ready) to plant legumes and climbing plants, loosening, mulching, hilling, thinning seedlings, and weeding. It is good to prepare a place for lawns and beds, to fight pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation).
It is possible to prepare cuttings.
Sowing or pruning of herbaceous plants is not recommended.

April 3, Mon
Moon in Cancer
First quarter 21:39

It is recommended that sowing seeds, picking seedlings and planting most crops: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, squash, eggplant, zucchini, loosening, watering, grafting, fertilizing.

April 4, W
Moon in Cancer
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to soak seeds, sow seeds, pick seedlings and tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, squash, zucchini, loosening, watering, grafting, fertilizing.
Rooting and replanting of indoor plants is possible.
The use of chemical plant protection products is not recommended.

April 5, Wed
Moon in Lev 01:13
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant and replant shrubs and trees with a strong root system. The right time to prepare lawns for planting, mulching, pruning and forming the crown of fruit trees.
It is possible to treat plants against pests and diseases,
Sowing and replanting garden crops, watering, fertilizing, and pruning are not recommended.

April 6, Thu
Moon in Lev
Waxing Moon

It is also recommended for planting lawns, mulching, pruning and forming the crown of fruit trees.
Possible loosening, weeding, treatment of plants from pests and diseases,
Sowing and replanting garden crops is not recommended.

April 7, Fri
Moon in Virgo 07:20
Waxing Moon

We recommend loosening, cultivating, hilling, mulching trees, spraying, sowing annual flowers, picking, watering, and fertilizing.
It is possible to sow parsley, dill, and shrubs, loosen, weed, and treat plants against pests and diseases.
It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or sow seeds.

April 8, Sat
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Moon

Loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching of trees, spraying are recommended
sowing annual flowers, picking, watering, fertilizing.
It is possible to sow parsley, dill, and trees, loosen, weed, and treat plants against pests and diseases.
It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or sow seeds. Unfavorable day for soaking seeds

April 9, Sun
Moon in Libra 15:34
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant stone fruits, leguminous crops (beans, asparagus, lentils), as well as sowing annual flowers, garden strawberries, picking, watering, and fertilizing.
Possible: sowing parsley, dill, planting trees and shrubs, loosening, weeding, treating plants from pests and diseases.
Unfavorable day for soaking seeds.

April 10, Mon
Moon in Libra
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to plant stone fruit trees, leguminous crops (peas, asparagus, lentils), as well as all flowers, sowing root and tuberous crops, rooting cuttings, loosening, pruning and crown formation.
Unfavorable day for grafting or spraying plants.

April 11, W
Moon in Libra
Full moon 09:08

April 12, Wed
Moon in Scorpio 01:41
Waning Moon

It is recommended to soak seeds, plant climbing and climbing flower crops, plant root crops except potatoes, pruning trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, killing pests, loosening the soil
It is not recommended to plant trees.

April 13, Thu
Moon in Scorpio
Waning Moon

It is recommended to soak seeds, sow flower climbing and climbing crops, and other root crops, except potatoes. You can trim trees and berry bushes. Grafting, fertilizing, destroying pests, and loosening the soil are effective.
Weeding, loosening, and treatment of plants against pests and diseases are possible.
Planting fruit trees is not recommended.

April 14, Fri
Moon in Sagittarius 13:27
Waning Moon

Cultivation, weeding, pest control,
In the first half of the day, it is possible to soak seeds, sow other root crops, flower climbing and climbing crops, grafting, watering, and fertilizing.
Possible: weeding, loosening, treating plants from pests and diseases.
Unfavorable day for pruning plants. Be careful when doing any gardening work.

April 15, Sat
Moon in Sagittarius
Waning Moon

Cultivation, weeding, and pest control are recommended.
loosening, thinning of seedlings, pinching, .
Watering and pruning plants is not recommended. Be careful when doing any gardening work on this day.

1April 6, Sun
Moon in Sagittarius
Waning Moon

It is recommended to be careful when doing any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, loosening, processing will go well.
It is possible to sow plants for seeds.
Unfavorable day for watering and pruning plants.

April 17, Mon
Moon in Capricorn 02:04
Waning Moon

We recommend soaking seeds, sowing root and onion crops, loosening, root and foliar feeding, taking cuttings, applying fertilizers, and treating against pests and diseases.
Under appropriate weather conditions, it is possible to plant radishes, rutabaga, and turnips. Sowing is also possible legumes.
Transplanting flowers, picking, or pinching plants is not recommended.

April 18, W
Moon in Capricorn
Waning Moon

Recommended (in suitable weather conditions) are radishes, rutabaga, turnips, and legumes. We also recommend soaking seeds, loosening, fertilizing, root and foliar feeding, taking cuttings, and treating against pests and diseases.
Transplanting flowers, picking and pinching plants is not recommended.

April 19, Wed
Moon in Aquarius 13:52
Last quarter 12:57

It is recommended to carry out spraying and fumigation, trimming trees and bushes, weeding,
root and foliar feeding, preparation of cuttings, treatment against pests and diseases.
In the morning it is possible to sow legumes and early potatoes. After lunch, sowing and planting are not recommended. Unfavorable day for picking and pinching plants.

April 20, Thu
Moon in Aquarius
Waning Moon

April 21, Fri
Moon in Aquarius until 22:43
Moon in Pisces 22:43
Waning Moon

It is good to spray and fumigate, you can trim trees and bushes, weed,
loosening the soil, thinning out seedlings, spraying against pests and diseases.
Sowing and planting are not recommended.

April 22, Sat
Moon in Pisces
Waning Moon

It is recommended to plant celery, radishes, bulbs, plant seedlings in the ground, pruning and grafting of trees and berry bushes. An excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing. You can plant potatoes, plant seedlings under film covers.
Pruning and treatment against pests and diseases are not recommended.

April 23, Sun
Moon in Pisces
Waning Moon

Recommended are radishes, bulbous plants, planting seedlings in the ground, pruning and grafting of trees and berry bushes. An excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing, planting seedlings under film cover.
It is possible to prepare cuttings for grafting.
Unfavorable day for pruning and treatment against pests and diseases,

April 24, Mon
Moon in Aries 03:32
Waning Moon

April 25, W
Moon in Aries
Waning Moon

April 26, Wed
Moon in Corpuscle 04:56
New moon 15:16

April 27, Thu
Moon in Corpuscle
Waxing Moon

Lettuce, planting berry bushes and fruit trees, soaking and germinating seeds are also recommended.
It is possible to sow pumpkin crops (under cover) and green crops, annual and perennial flower plants.
Carefully loosen the root zone!

April 28, Fri
Moon in Gemini 04:39
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to sow and plant climbing and climbing plants (grapes, lemongrass, lemongrass), legumes, strawberries. Thinning of seedlings, loosening, weeding, hilling, and mulching will work well. This is a good time to prepare space for lawns and beds, spraying and fumigating against pests and diseases.
Unfavorable day for sowing herbaceous plants and pruning.

April 29, Sat
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to sow and plant climbing and climbing plants (climbing rose, grapes, lemongrass, actinidia, legumes). Removing excess shoots, weeding, mulching. You can prepare space for lawns and beds, fight pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation). A good time for loosening, hilling, thinning seedlings, and weeding. You can spray against pests and diseases.
Sowing or pruning of herbaceous plants is not recommended.

April 30, Sun
Moon in Cancer 04:48
Waxing Moon

It is recommended to sow and plant most crops with above-ground fruits: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, squash, eggplants, and zucchini.
It is also good to soak seeds and plant seedlings. Loosening, watering, grafting, fertilizing, and laying compost will be effective.
It is possible to plant fruit trees and berry bushes, rooting, and replanting indoor plants.
The use of chemical plant protection products is not recommended on this day.

The gardener's lunar calendar for April 2017 indicates Moscow time.

April 1, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Planting roses. Cover the beds with film for early planting.

April 2, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Planting roses. Cover the beds with film for early planting.

April 3, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Potatoes, gladioli and dahlias are taken out for germination. Conifer transplantation.

April 4, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Laying lawns. Conifer transplantation. Planting any trees and shrubs.

April 5, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. Bringing potatoes into the light for quick germination. Glazing of greenhouses.

April 6, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. Pruning before buds swell and cutting out undergrowth from trees and shrubs.

April 7, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Growing Moon in Virgo. Pruning and planting trees and shrubs, whitewashing tree trunks.

April 8, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Do not sow vegetables. Planting ornamental trees, shrubs, conifers.

April 9, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. Do not sow vegetables. Cuttings of shrubs. Collection of buds for tea.

April 10, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Moon in Libra. Garden cleaning. Spraying bushes. Preparing the soil for planting.

April 11, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Full moon. Waning Moon in Libra Garden cleaning. Spraying bushes. Preparing the soil for planting.

April 12, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Removing cover from perennial heat-loving crops, freeing raspberries from winter binding and pruning them.

April 13, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Removing cover from perennial heat-loving crops, freeing raspberries from winter binding and pruning them.

April 14, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Hedge trimming. Spraying bushes. Preparing the soil for planting.

April 15, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Sowing medicinal plants: aloe, anise, motherwort, hops.

April 16, 2017, 20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Spraying bushes. Preparation of greenhouses and soil for planting.

April 17, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Preparing the soil for planting. Loosening the trunk circles of trees and shrubs.

April 18, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Planting bulbous plants, potatoes, dahlia rhizomes if spring is early.

April 19, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Planting bulbous plants, potatoes, dahlia rhizomes if spring is early.

April 20, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. It is undesirable to plant or sow. Do not trim. Do not water.

April 21, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. It is undesirable to plant or sow. Do not trim. Do not water.

April 22, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. It is not recommended to plant and sow spice plants, use chemicals,

April 23, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. It is not recommended to plant and sow spice plants or use chemicals.

April 24, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Pruning and planting trees and shrubs, whitewashing tree trunks.

April 25, 2017, 28-29 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Pruning and planting trees and shrubs, whitewashing tree trunks.

April 26, 2017, 29, 30, 1 lunar day. Moon in Taurus. New Moon at 05:27. It is not recommended to plant, replant, graft, or prune.

April 27, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Taurus. Collecting last year's leaves, loosening the top layer, draining water from the site.

April 28, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Collecting last year's leaves, loosening the top layer, draining water from the site.

April 29, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Planting roses. Cover the beds with film for early planting.

April 30, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Potatoes, gladioli and dahlias are taken out for germination. Laying lawns.

Attention! Gardener's calendar for April 2017 designed for moderate climates.

From lunar phases the growth of terrestrial plants depends - with the waxing Moon (first and second phases), the movement of juices occurs in the upper part of the crops. At this time, plants need abundant watering.

During the waning Moon (third and fourth phases), the activation of growth moves downward, which promotes the development of the root system - you can safely trim branches and shoots, as well as feed the plants with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners - April 2017

There are a number of features for different months of the gardener's lunar sowing calendar, which we will consider using the example of April 2017. For most summer residents and owners of personal plots, April is the “hottest” month in terms of sowing and planting work. You could even say that it is in April that the foundations of the future harvest are laid.

Therefore, it is so important to know about the features of the lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for April 2017 and use this knowledge in your work. For example, the first day of April in 2017 promises gardeners to provide all plants planted on this day with special strength for growth and development.

Also, according to the table, active agricultural work in April can be carried out until the 10th. It is on April 10 that the new moon will begin, which, together with the full moon, according to the sowing calendar, are considered critical days for any work with plants.

The first flowers begin to bloom in April spring flowers, buds are blooming on the trees and ringing bird voices are heard - spring is coming into its own. For summer residents, the time has come to take care of the seedlings, which will need to be planted in the ground next month. April is considered one of the most troublesome periods, since this month it is necessary to complete all the March “unfinished projects” in the garden. In addition, it is advisable to prepare as much as possible for the mass planting and sowing of crops coming in May - when the foundation for the future harvest occurs.

So, we dedicate this month to sowing seedlings in open ground: radishes, lettuce, parsley, potatoes, carrots, peas, beans. When the temperature reaches 6 - 8°C, cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, and beets “beg” to be planted in the beds.

At the end of April, you can start picking previously planted seedlings. Planting trees and shrubs with seedlings is best done during this period - until the buds bloom. In this case, you will just have time to carry out preventive measures to combat pests by treating the berry bushes with an acaricide against ticks, and the solution will help protect against fungus copper sulfate. As soon as the snow melts, you need to trim dry tree branches, remove old leaves and remove a layer of mulch.

April 2017 – Moon phases:

  • Waxing Moon – 1st – 10th
  • Full Moon – 11th
  • Waning Moon – 12th – 25th
  • New Moon – 26th
  • Waxing Moon – 27th – 30th

We recommend that gardeners and gardeners familiarize themselves with the lunar sowing calendar for April 2017 (by day):

April 1, 2 – We plant legumes and climbing plants (climbing roses, strawberries, grapes). We remove excess shoots, weed, mulch, and prepare space for beds and lawns. We carry out pest and disease control.

April 3, 4 – We plant tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, squash, eggplants, and zucchini.

April 5, 6 – We plant shrubs and trees, prepare beds and lawns for planting, mulch, and fight diseases and pests. Sowing and replanting garden crops is not recommended.

April 7, 8 – We carry out loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching, spraying. Planting and replanting vegetables, fruit trees, as well as sowing seeds is not recommended.

April 9, 10 – We plant stone fruit trees, peas, beans, asparagus, lentils, flowers.

April 11 – We do not carry out sowing and planting.

April 12, 13 – Planting tuber crops (except potatoes). We prune trees and bushes, graft, apply fertilizers, water, loosen the soil, and destroy pests. Tree planting is not recommended.

April 14 – 16 - We carry out cultivation, weeding, and destroy pests.

April 17 – 18 – We plant potatoes, radishes, rutabaga, turnips. We carry out loosening, apply fertilizers, and graft trees. Replanting flowers is not recommended.

April 19 – 21 – We carry out spraying and fumigation, trim trees and bushes, and weed. Sowing and planting is not recommended.

April 22, 23 – We plant celery, radishes, bulbs, and seedlings in the ground. We prune and graft trees and berry bushes. We cultivate, water, and fertilize.

April 24 – We prepare the soil for sowing, destroy pests, weed, mulch. Sowing and planting is not recommended.

April 25, 26 – We do not carry out sowing and planting.

April 27 – We sow lettuce and cabbage. We trim trees and bushes.

April 28 – 29 – Planting legumes and climbing plants. We remove excess shoots, weed, mulch, prepare space for lawns and beds, and fight pests and diseases.

April 30 – We plant tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, squash, eggplants, and zucchini.

According to the sowing calendar of gardeners, in April, planting work in the garden and vegetable garden is recommended to be carried out on the following days:

  • 10, 15, 22, 27, 30 – cucumbers
  • 18, 22, 23, 27 – greens, salad
  • 10, 18, 22, 27, 30 – tomatoes
  • 10, 12, 13, 18, 27, 30 – white and cauliflower cabbage
  • 3, 4, 10, 18, 22, 23, 26, 27 – annual flowers

Unfavorable days - according to the lunar sowing calendar for April 2017

For planting garden crops, the most unfavorable days is the full moon, the day before the new moon, the new moon and the day after the new moon. In April it is the 11th, 25th, 26th, 27th. On these days, all work with plants in the garden and vegetable garden is prohibited.

Sowing calendar - table for April 2017

The time for planting garden crops, presented in the sowing calendar table, is calculated depending on the lunar phases. If you adhere to all the recommendations of the schedule, you can achieve not only generous crop yields - the fruits and berries will be large and juicy. In addition, planting plants according to the sowing calendar for April 2017 will allow you to do without drugs to stimulate growth.

How to carry out planting and work according to the sowing calendar - study the table for April 2017:

There are four phases of the moon, each of which has a special effect on a living organism. Therefore, when compiling a lunar table, astrologers pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Full Moon And New Moon- periods when you should not go to the garden and sow, transplant or plant plants. On these unfavorable days, clean up the garden, weed the beds, or simply take a break from soil work. Everything is due to the fact that useful substances in these phases accumulate in the root system of plants. The process of sap flow becomes slow - stems and leaves do not grow.
  • Moon on the rise- intensive metabolism begins in the above-ground parts of plants. At this time, leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits grow well. In the garden, you can loosen and dig up the soil and hill up the beds, as the risk of damage to the root system is reduced.
  • Moon on the waning- metabolism begins in the underground part of the culture. During this period, you should not dig up or loosen the soil so as not to damage the roots of the plants, otherwise they will die. Plant plants in the ground that are valued for their roots. Roots play an important role in the growth and development of shrubs and trees. Therefore, on the waning Moon, you can plant and transplant seedlings.

In the first days of the month, you can safely prepare the soil for early planting of crops. For example, you can take out potatoes for germination on the 3rd or 4th. But already on the 8th-9th you should take a break from work: it is not recommended to plant vegetables during these couple of days.

Having studied the lunar sowing calendar for April 2017, you can find out that on the 10th-11th you should actively continue preparing the soil.

And already from the 18th, it is permissible to plant sprouted potatoes. If at the beginning of the month it is not possible to germinate potatoes and the gardener wants to start planting later, then the tubers should be taken out for germination on April 30.

Most important task Gardeners need to strictly follow the specified instructions to obtain vigorous growth of both flowers and trees. The following tip will help in timely planting and caring for grown crops:

  1. At the beginning of the month, you can start planting roses and germinating dahlias and gladioli. You can also start planting trees, conifers and deciduous shrubs (after the 3-4th).
  2. From the 6th-7th you can start pruning trees and shrubs.
  3. Cuttings of shrubs are carried out on the 9th. And spraying is on April 10-11.
  4. Fans of raspberries should open the bushes from winter tying on the 12th-13th.
  5. If a gardener is engaged in growing useful plants, then the 15th is suitable for planting aloe, motherwort, and anise.
  6. Bulbous plants need to be planted in the ground on the 18th-19th.
  7. On April 24-25, you can continue planting shrubs and trees. And at the end of the month - April 29, you can plant new rose seedlings.

Regarding favorable and unfavorable days in April 2017, then in the sowing lunar calendar they are marked with special marks. Ideal days for planting/sowing/planting individual crops are also highlighted. Let's take a closer look at the favorable and unfavorable days according to the sowing lunar calendar for April 2017.

April 5-7 - great days for planting vegetable crops, as well as transplanting them into open ground.

April 17-18, 21 are favorable days for vaccinations, fertilizing, sanitary pruning, watering.

April 27-28 - good period for planting and replanting plants in open ground, planting ornamental plants, watering.

As for unfavorable days, it is better not to do any agricultural work on April 11 (new moon) and April 26 (full moon). These two periods in the lunar calendar are considered crises. Therefore, these days, gardeners and gardeners are advised to rest.