Favorable days for Sagittarius in July. Sagittarius - horoscope for July

In July, it will be almost impossible to keep Sagittarius. This can manifest itself both positively, for example, in victory over unfavorable circumstances or in the desire to complete what has been started, or negatively. That is, what you came up with for yourself can result in anything, in any trouble, but you will still try. We can say that this month you will be your own enemies. And all due to stupidity, restlessness and childishness. In July, Sagittarius may encounter a person whom they have not seen for a long time.

This could end in a 10-minute conversation, or it could end in an evening spent together. This will bring variety to your life, but you shouldn’t trust too much what he tells you. If you try to repeat his story in action, everything will turn out completely different. And, most likely, in a worse version. Accidents and injuries will be increased at this time. Including in production. Or there may be problems with some technical devices.

Horoscope for July 2018 Sagittarius woman

You are energetic, active and impatient. The desire to achieve their goal as quickly as possible pushes many Sagittarius to rash actions. Fortunately, once in difficult situation, representatives of the sign do not get upset or give up, but quickly find a way out of it. Other people's affairs seem more interesting than your own, and you interfere in them, sometimes quite tactlessly. This is a favorable month for physical labor, sports, outdoor games and active recreation. The longer you sit idle, the more your mood deteriorates, so try to find something you like.

Horoscope for July 2018 Sagittarius man

You will achieve good results if you follow proven methods and refrain from experiments and risky endeavors. Appear interesting ideas and plans, but it’s better not to rush into putting them into practice. Before you take on something new, finish what you started before. Cash receipts are possible, and they may turn out to be more than you expected. Do not rush to spend money: you will soon need it. The end of July promises pleasant acquaintances that may have a romantic continuation.

Favorable days: 8, 10, 14, 16, 25, 31. Unfavorable days: 2, 7, 11, 15, 22, 24.

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You only have a little time to wait until positive changes occur in your life. Moreover, in July 2018, this will not be so difficult for optimistic Sagittarius. And if at the beginning of the month you have to work a little more, and perhaps worry, then, as the horoscope promises, already in the second half you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and do some of your favorite things.

Main tasks of the month of the Sagittarius sign

In July 2018, the Sun will be in Sagittarius in the 8th house - the area of ​​extreme situations and inheritance. This month you will strive for risks and dangers, they will inspire and give you strength. The Sagittarius horoscope for July 2018 says that such situations, with a reasonable approach to them, can significantly expand your capabilities and contribute to a breakthrough in achieving some goal. Of course, any risk must be well calculated. Some representatives of the sign may feel a strong interest in everything mysterious and in the occult sciences. High competition awaits you in the professional field, so the horoscope strongly advises you to be more active here than usual, especially at the beginning of the month. Perhaps take on those things that you have been putting off for a long time. But in the second half of the month you can expect encouragement from management.

Horoscope for July 2018 Sagittarius: study, business and contacts

In July 2018, Mercury will be in your 9th house of your horoscope - the area of ​​distant surroundings and travel. Now Sagittarius can significantly expand the boundaries of their capabilities. This month you will actively communicate with foreigners, establish business and personal acquaintances with them, and sign contracts. For those who are engaged in personal business, there will be a chance to enter international level. The month is right to start studying foreign language. According to the Sagittarius horoscope, July 2018 is a time when some representatives of the sign may feel that they are missing one thing higher education and will submit documents to the university to get the second one. Others will receive an offer to work abroad, which, according to the horoscope, definitely needs to be considered more carefully - this will probably really turn out to be a great opportunity to take their life to some other, higher level.

Love and money of the Sagittarius sign in July 2018

At the beginning of this month, Sagittarius will have to solve many financial problems. In July 2018, you will have to pay off, if not all, then at least the main debts, and therefore the horoscope advises you to think about what opportunities you have for additional income. At the end of the first decade, Venus moves into your 10th house zodiac circle- area of ​​personal success and career. Therefore, in the second half of the month you will receive profit from previously executed transactions or monetary reward from management. Lonely Sagittarius, according to the horoscope, will be in constant search in July 2018. And not only a partner, but, mainly, one’s own image, a new image, perhaps a place of residence or environment, trying to make positive changes in one’s life. Unfortunately, excessive fuss will not help you solve your personal problems. Although you will make many new acquaintances, they are unlikely to be romantic. Some representatives of the sign will think about their former partner. As the horoscope for July 2018 predicts, Sagittarius must remember that the old relationship cannot be returned, you need to close the page and look to the future. Sagittarians who are coupled or married in July 2018 may experience a not the most pleasant period in their lives. Now you will have quite a lot of quarrels and disagreements, sometimes it will seem to you that your chosen one does not understand you at all, and that you have chosen the wrong person as your companion.

Horoscope for July 2018 Sagittarius: activity and health

During July 2018, Mars will be in the 3rd house of your horoscope - the area of ​​your immediate environment and short trips. Unfortunately, now it is becoming regressive, and therefore in July, Sagittarius is not shown any active physical activity. The risk of injury on the road or during a trip also increases - you need to be especially careful, including at work, follow basic safety rules and under no circumstances take risks. July 2018 is good time to start leading healthy image life. If you have problems with overweight, the horoscope advises you to consult a doctor and check the functioning of your cardiovascular system.

For classic representatives of the sign, July (at least the beginning of the month) will not be the best simple period. However, if you maintain a positive outlook on the world and believe that success is just around the corner, you will be able to benefit from even the most difficult situations. Moreover, the Sun supports you now.

Sagittarius - horoscope for July

Lucky color of the month: red.
Good luck talisman: rose.
Motto of the month: “The best is, of course, yet to come.”

Work and money

Typical Sagittarians have a chance to succeed, but to do this they will have to overcome a rather difficult obstacle course. So, before you get involved in the race for luck, try to adequately assess your strengths and the capabilities of your opponents. Which will be more than enough.
On the other hand, there is no need to leave the race in advance. Everything will work out for you - the main thing is to correctly lay out the route to success. The first decade will be difficult. You are quite vulnerable, and it is better not to give in to the temptation to risk everything. It’s not worth taking risks yet, but now you can make useful contacts, go on business trips, and start collaborating with out-of-town and foreign partners. And Mercury and Venus will help you.
At the end of the first decade, Venus will move to the 10th house, and your chances of success will increase significantly. And thanks to the successful aspects of Uranus, Venus and Saturn, you will be able to not only advance in your career, but also earn good money, as well as find alternative sources of income.

Love and family

In the personal life of many Sagittarius, everything is not so rosy. It would be nice to go on a romantic trip together in the first week of the month, while the planet of love is in the 9th house (travel). This will help you get closer to your loved one and understand each other better. This means that it will be easier to overcome the difficult period that awaits typical representatives of the sign ahead.
At the end of the first ten days of July, Venus, responsible not only for feelings, but also for work and financial well-being, will move to the 10th house, the area of ​​success and career. What is good for business, but not for family relations. Many Sagittarius ladies will immerse themselves in business, will stay at work for a long time, and even at home, some representatives of the sign will think exclusively about work problems. It's good if you and your spouse have a trusting relationship. In this case, a frank conversation will avoid conflicts and mutual claims. Moreover, you can count on your husband’s understanding and support. But if the family boat sprang a leak and you did not have time to fix it, serious conflicts cannot be ruled out. Don’t even try to sort things out: everything will get even more confused. Due to continuous arguments and disagreements, some Sagittarians may decide that they are living with a person who does not understand them at all. The main thing is not to rush to conclusions and not to make hasty decisions: from May 13 to May 27, we will experience a period of eclipses. At such moments, many things are seen in a distorted light.

Health and beauty

Despite the weak position of Mars, which is responsible for physical activity and energy status, many Sagittarians feel cheerful and full of energy, especially in the second half of the month. They have already coped with a number of tests that the Sun has arranged for them, and have come to the conclusion: difficulties strengthen them. This is true. However, it’s better to save your energy now. Firstly, you will have to spend a lot of energy at work, and secondly, retrograde Mars increases the likelihood of injuries and accidents.
So, dear Sagittarius, no risky adventures or extreme sports. You don't want to break any bones, do you? Even in everyday life, you should be careful: you risk getting hurt when chopping carrots, or getting burned, including the stove. Your life is already full of challenges right now, so don't make things worse. -
Otherwise, everything is not bad at all. Bacteria and viruses do not attack you, exacerbation of chronic ailments is unlikely. In any case, if you give up excesses and start leading a healthy lifestyle, everything will be fine. Walks, outdoor recreation, trips to the country - and you’re in in great shape. Avoid direct sunlight, use protective creams, and when caring for your skin, give preference to proven products.

Sagittarius Man

Companions of typical Sagittarius should be patient: in July, a real obstacle course awaits your hero. But there is good news: you can help your hero overcome any challenge. So, what should you prepare for? Many representatives of the sign will be immersed in work. The wives of such Sagittarians may feel that they are simply being ignored. There is no need to invent anything: the spouse is very busy, and it is not easy for him. As soon as he solves all the problems, he will happily return to the family. And you, dear ladies, should show delicacy and understanding. Do not pester a person with questions, much less with reproaches: this will only heat up the atmosphere.
Some representatives of the sign will want to tickle their nerves in July: jump with a parachute or go hiking in places where no one has gone before. In this case, dear women, your tactics must be completely different. Use your charms, logical arguments, appeal to your conscience - you cannot allow Sagittarius to risk life and health. Let it work better.

Sagittarius Child

Parents of the youngest Sagittarius may think that they do not have a baby, but a perpetual motion machine. The child, already quite active, breaks all records: he does not sit still at all. Even cartoons and dad's mobile phone are not able to interest him. What to do? Direct children's irrepressible energy into a creative and, most importantly, safe direction. Avoid hard surface areas and ride together on any rides. In a word, be a reliable insurance policy for your child, and everything will work out.
Teenagers may have the idea of ​​going camping with friends. Which in itself is not bad, but not now! In July there is an increased risk of injury, especially away from home. Explain to your son or daughter that you are not prohibiting anything, but now the family has other plans. Dacha, for example. Boring; but it's safe.
It’s difficult to keep a high school student on a short leash. Fortunately, many young Sagittarius, under the influence of the favorable aspect of Uranus and Venus, are in virtual reality. Not very healthy, but in this situation it's the lesser of two evils.

Aromatherapy will help you cope with the challenges. Tan, essential oils of citrus, cedar and juniper will help restore strength and increase energy tone. Cypress neutralizes negative impacts from the outside, and rose oil will protect you from rash actions.

Sagittarians will inevitably take on so many things that they will not physically have time to get acquainted with the necessary information that they need to successful work- warns the horoscope for July 2019. Sagittarius, however, with his hard work and efficiency will not go unnoticed by the management or owners of the enterprise. Expect a salary increase, or at least praise.


If you work for yourself, then your success in business will inevitably arouse feelings of envy from your competitors. It is this that will push them to trip you up; they will try to hide important information from you.

If you decide to start own business, you can't start it using like start-up capital borrowed money. Repaying the loan will place a heavy burden on the young enterprise; it will die without developing.
Business trips and business trips will not bring Sagittarius desired result, so in July 2019, try to resolve all issues within the walls of the enterprise. You are needed here now. If you do have to leave the office for a long time, they will be waiting for you upon arrival. Augean stables unsorted documents, among which you will subsequently never find the ones you need.
During the working day, beware of making spontaneous decisions even in the most minor matters. Better count to ten!


In July 2019, Sagittarius will become the owner of unplanned income - he may receive a gift from distant relatives or business partners. And if you are not lazy and make at least some effort in the right direction, you can receive an inheritance or win the lottery.
The family’s living conditions require improvement, and many representatives of the zodiac house will plunge headlong into such a troublesome task as repairs. On this basis, disagreements, or even conflicts, with your significant other may arise. Be more accommodating when choosing wallpaper or other finishing materials; remember that both of you will have to live in a renovated house or apartment.
By the end of the month, expect uninvited guests. At first you will be unsettled, but later you will be pleasantly surprised that the guests turned out to be very helpful. As a result of communication, you will receive very valuable advice, which will help out more than once in a critical situation.

Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman naturally has a beautiful figure, but if you have extra pounds around your waist, you can go on a diet in the second half of July 2019 - the results will not be long in coming and your figure will quickly become slimmer. Moreover, now there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables of local origin, and this also means health! Don't forget about physical activity, especially if your job does not involve active movement. Fitness centers can easily cope with this task. In the worst case, just take a walk before going to bed fresh air, especially since many men follow you with admiring glances. Which one then a real woman it is unpleasant?

The horoscope for July 2019 warns the Sagittarius woman that many may experience unpleasant moments associated with gossip from close friends. Forgive them, you are so good now that it makes them a little jealous and backbiting about you.

Sagittarius Man

Many Sagittarius already at the very beginning of July 2019 realize that the month is going to be busy. Unfortunately, such an intense workload and family environment may negatively affect the morale and health of a Sagittarius man. It is vital for him to develop a clear regime from the very beginning of the period and not deviate one step from it. When planning it, try to remember to set aside some time for yourself. Oddly enough, but very useful activity in July 2019 there will be contemplation of fire, this will attract good luck into your life. So, go ahead and light a fire outside the city! Barbecue will not interfere with pleasant contemplation!

Sagittarius child

Little Sagittarius in June 2019 can become a source of minor troubles, including in monetary terms. It could be a lost phone, a neighbor's broken window, torn pants. You should not reprimand him with all the severity of which you are capable, without understanding true reasons what happened. And after that, do not punish the child strictly, he will punish himself for what happened. Limit yourself to conversation, because it’s not pedagogical to let everything go.
A Sagittarius preschooler’s diet should include: more vegetables and fruits, and keep your sweet intake under strict control!


The Achilles heel in matters of well-being in July 2019 for Sagittarius will be the head. Headaches of various origins will haunt representatives of the sign at work and at home. Deterioration in health should be taken as seriously as possible, and a trip to the doctor is simply necessary.

Start by measuring your blood pressure - this is the most common cause of headaches, but even here self-medication is strictly not recommended. High blood pressure has many causes, and only a doctor can establish the truth and prescribe the correct course of treatment. You should not swallow pills that help your aunt or brother; you can cause irreparable harm to your blood vessels and the body as a whole.
In addition, Sagittarius should avoid stress and anxiety whenever possible. Of course, it’s easy to give advice, but it’s much more difficult to put it into practice. Strengthen nervous system with the help of meditation, spend more time in the fresh air, replace a couple of evening cigarettes with a walk around the evening city. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours with the window open, if living conditions in your city allow it.

Horoscope for July 2019, Sagittarius, who dreams of organizing his own business, should not start a business using loans.
Business trips and long-distance business trips will not bring Sagittarius the desired result.
The Sagittarius woman will hear gossip about herself spread by envious people.
Horoscope for August 2019 Sagittarius.

Sagittarius has a very busy month ahead. Although many of them are already looking forward to their upcoming vacation, there is still a lot to do before it arrives. This applies to both work and home affairs.

It’s as if those around the representatives of the sign are conspiring, everyone will demand help and some kind of effort from them. Sagittarius will have to fulfill their own and other people's official duties, engage in public affairs, solve family problems and earn money for all the expenses that usually appear before going on vacation.

Fortunately, your labor efforts will be decently paid, and you will have enough strength and health to do any job. It is advisable for Sagittarius to monitor their nerves, because they may be the first to fail to withstand the load. You should also not be afraid of scandals with colleagues and superiors.

There may not be enough time for your personal life, but the main thing here is not to try to cause jealousy and not to be jealous yourself. Jealousy will not lead to anything good, and the existing romance does not need such dubious methods of strengthening.

Sagittarius Woman: Horoscope for July 2019

Sagittarius women will be very successful in communication in July. In the family sphere, they will be able to establish relationships with older relatives, even very grumpy ones.

They will be best at work business meeting. At the beginning of the month, small conflicts with colleagues are possible, but you should not give them great importance. By the middle of the month everything will be settled, and the Sagittarius woman will become a very respected and sought-after employee.

The work efforts of representatives of the sign will be adequately paid. There will be funds to go on vacation to some exotic place. Sagittarians are often drawn to taking risks, and July will be no exception.

In matters of love and relationships, Sagittarius women will be prone to excessive romanticism and drama. The main thing is not to turn this mood into a tragedy, but to transfer everything into the plane of love games and romantic dates.

Sagittarius Man: Horoscope for July 2019

Sagittarius men will have a lot of worries in July 2019. But, if they take this philosophically, without panic, they will be a good winner.

Representatives of the sign are shown mental rather than physical work, because it will work out better than ever, and will allow you to save strength.

Sagittarius men are not expected to have large incomes, but they will have enough for life and small pleasures, and prestigious and status items acquired a little earlier will help maintain the appearance of a well-to-do and prosperous person.

Sagittarians are always a little extreme, but in July they should especially carefully control this quality of theirs so that it does not ruin their personal life. There are few women who are able to appreciate this quality in their companion.