The mysteries of Mylene Farmer: what facts one of the most mysterious singers prefers not to comment on. Kylie Minogue, Mylène Farmer, Patricia Kaas: why stars don't have children

IN school years Marie was unsociable and had practically no friends. Free time The young Canadian woman spent time alone with a book or in the company of the yard boys, for whom a short-haired girl named Gaultier was “their guy.”

Passionate about horse riding, Marie dreamed of becoming an equestrian instructor or an actress, but before taking any steps towards her dream, she managed to work as a nurse in a gynecological department and as a salesperson in a shoe store.

Wayward girl dropped out of college graduating class, and in 1979 she moved to Paris. There she began modeling, and before starring in Laurent Bouton's film Giorgino, she managed to become familiar to viewers in Ikea and Fiskars commercials.

When Mylene turned 22, Boutonne invited her to sing the song Maman a tort (“Mom is wrong”), which brought her first fame. Having recorded several more compositions, the young people began knocking on the thresholds of record companies. In 1984, Farmer's first disc, Maman a tort, was released, which became no less successful than the title track. However, the next album by the aspiring singer, On est tous des imbeciles (“We are all idiots”), was not entirely understood by the public.

In 1986, twenty-five-year-old Milen, who changed her image by becoming fiery red-haired, performed the composition Libertine (“Little Woman”), which had previously been intended for another singer. The song, for which a colorful video was shot, filled with erotic scenes, instantly made Farmer a star. The album Cendres de lune ("Moon Ash"), released the same year, was also a stunning success.

Already at the end of 1989, Mylène Farmer was recognized in France best singer year. By that time, the singer had released a double live album, En concert. In 1991, the singer’s third studio album, L’Autre, was released. In 1995-96, Mylène worked on a new album, Anamorphosée, and completely changed her image and musical style, moving away from melancholy and gothic.

In 1999, Mylène Farmer presented her new album Innamoramento, and in 2005 her disc Avant que l’ombre was released. In September 2006, Mylene recorded a duet with Moby Slipping Away (Crier la vie). Following which she gave her voice to Princess Selenia in the animated film by Luc Besson "Arthur and the Minimoys", as well as for the next two films, "Arthur and the Revenge of Urdalak" (2009) and "Arthur and the War of Two Worlds" (2010). After which she starred in the film L’Ombre Des Autres (“The Shadow of Others”) based on her novel best friend Natalie Reims.

In August 2008, Farmer's seventh album Point de suture was released, two years later the album Bleu noir was presented, where Laurent Boutonne was no longer listed as a composer - instead the music was written by Moby, RedOne and Darius Keeler from the British group Archive. In 2012, the 9th studio album Monkey Me was released, and in December 2013 the live album Timeless 2013 was released.

Personal life

The singer's personal life is shrouded in secrecy. It is only known that for ten years she had an affair with Laurent Boutonne, who made the young Canadian a star of the French and world stage. In 1984, a 23-year-old directing student, Boutonne, wandered into the modeling agency where Mylene was then working in search of a performer for the song Maman a tort he had written.

The red-haired diva was also credited with an affair with the black soul singer Seal, with whom they recorded the duet Les mots in 2001. Farmer now lives with producer Benoit Di Sabatino. The singer has no children.

Interesting facts

In 2003 she wrote the book Lisa-Loup et le conteur ("Lisa-Loup and the Storyteller")

Mylene's name was a combination of "Marie" and "Helene", and she borrowed her surname from one of her favorite actresses, Frances Farmer.

As a child, on Sundays I went to the hospital to visit sick children. This became a tough test for the psyche of a ten-year-old girl. Since then Mylene hates Sundays

Until the age of 14 she was mistaken for a boy

The beginning creative path for the singer there was a little counting song “Mom is wrong” (Maman a tort)

From the very first song Mylene is not allowed to pass by censorship

Gained widespread popularity thanks to the video for the song "Little Woman", lasting eleven minutes on thirty-five millimeter film.

In 1988, sales of the album Ainsi soit je reached the then fabulous figure of 600,000 copies, ahead of U2 and Michael Jackson

The singer flatly refused to comment on the murder of her secretary at the Polydor studio by a mad fan

Today, September 12, is the 57th birthday of one of the most famous French women, Mylène Farmer - singer, actress, writer and composer. In honor of Mylene’s birthday, BigPiccia shook up the old days, exclaimed “Fak zem ol”, turned on louder “Fatamo” (Fatamo is Farmer’s most famous song) and collected the most famous songs in one text. interesting facts about life stars.


Mylene was born in 1961 in Pierrefonds, a suburb of Montreal (Canada). Shortly before the birth of the child, Mylene's parents - engineer father Max and housewife mother Margarita - moved from France due to the work of the head of the family. However, they still returned to France - however, when the future singer was already eight years old.

As a child, Mylene real name whom, by the way, Gautier was fond of horse riding, but by the age of 17 the girl gave up horses and decided that her future was theater. She left her parents for Paris, but drama school didn't arrive.


Farmer saw herself as an actress, but she was rejected from drama colleges and schools four times. True, in the end she still entered the Cours Florent studio. Few people know that after completing the course, Mylene starred in commercials for Ikea and Fiskars. Later, he starred in the disastrous film Giorgino (1994) and much later, in 2018, in the film Ghostland.


Mylene Farmer worked as a model until she was 23 years old - her income from photo shoots was practically her only income. She didn’t audition for films, nor did she audition for theater. However, everything changed when she met the aspiring director and composer Laurent Boutonnat. He was looking for a singer and heroine for his video for the song “I Don’t Want to Grow Up.” Mylene came to the auditions and passed them with flying colors. This is how her career as a singer began, and the union with the director lasted until 1994 - the girl wrote the lyrics, and her partner wrote the music. By the way, he was responsible for Mylene’s image. It was in this union that the album “Ainsi soit je” was born, for which Farmer would later receive his first award - “Artist of the Year”.


This tragedy has been talked about a lot in the world press, however, there are still not many specific details. The fact is that in 1991, when Mylene already had a name, several awards and fame, a fan, obsessed with love for the singer, burst into the Polydor recording studio. He threatened her with a weapon and demanded Farmer's address. The secretary refused to give the coordinates of the star, and the fan shot the woman.

“They offered me security, but I refused. In such a situation, you don’t think about yourself, not about what could have happened, but about a family in mourning, about a person who died for nothing and who had nothing to do with it... This death is so unfair...” quote from Mylene Farmer on a Russian-language fan forum.


At the time of the tragedy, the singer already had worldwide fame, including in Russia. She herself admitted that she loves our country very much, and several years before the terrible precedent at the Polydor studio, back in 1986, Farmer recorded the song Tristana and released a video for it - based on “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" by Alexander Pushkin.


In the Soviet Union, and later in Russia, Mylene Farmer was often compared to Zhanna Aguzarova - the singers are very similar in appearance. True, in creativity, role and appearance they have nothing in common.


From birth, Mylène Farmer is blonde, but in the name of her stage image, she was forced to follow Laurent Boutonne’s lead. It was he who came up with her red-haired role, which later became business card singers.

This is how the girl looked before her image change - the photo shows her natural hair color


Mylene has never been married, but numerous novels are constantly attributed to her. After a long relationship with Laurent, Boutonnat was said to be dating singer Seal from Britain. The romance allegedly began while working on the song Les Mots. However, these were just journalists’ guesses.

Later, the singer actually had a long affair with director Benoit di Sabatino, which Mylene did not hide. She admitted that it was one of the happiest relationships in her life.

Mylene Farmer and Benoit di Sabatino

Even in her youth, Farmer stated that she did not intend to start a family, much less children. Over the years, this position has strengthened. It is known that now the diva lives alone, she has two monkeys.

By the way, Mylene is a vegetarian and loves the cold. Just a couple of interesting details.


Mylène Farmer has released six albums. The release of the new seventh album, entitled “Désobéissance” (“Disobedience”), is due out on September 28. It will include 12 songs in French and English languages, including the previously released single Rolling Stone and a duet from LP.

Mylene Farmer has hundreds of awards, among which the most significant are “Best Female Performer of the Year”, “Best Selling French-Language Album” and “Best Female Artist of the Last 20 Years”.

To this day, her songs (and Mylène Farmer’s career lasts for 34 years) remain some of the most beloved French songs among music lovers around the world, and her albums are among the best-selling. At the same time, the singer herself, to this day (despite numerous fan forums all over the planet) remains one of the most mysterious people - smiling, she sometimes says in the press that if someone wants to really get to know and understand her, then let them listen to her recordings . They contain all of her and her whole life.

Mylène Farmer (real name Mylène Gautier) is a popular and extraordinary French singer, music producer and composer. Many of her songs and videos are, to put it mildly, frank and rebellious, which is what distinguishes her from the mass of other performers.

World fame did not come to the singer immediately, but this did not lead her astray and allowed her to achieve her goal. Today Mylène Farmer is well over 50, but she still delights fans around the world with concerts and an incredible voice. Read on for details about the path to the pinnacle of fame and personal moments.

Canadian born singer French roots burst onto the scene and made a name for herself with her unique voice and rebellious image. Millions of fans from all over the world were crazy about the beautiful and unusual singer, and women were jealous of her model appearance, constantly curious about her height, weight, and age. How old is Mylene Farmer - publicly available information that can be found on the Internet. The singer’s height is 167 cm, weight – 45 kg, age – 56 years.

Photos of Mylene Farmer are often viewed on the Internet; the photos in her youth and now are very different. It is especially interesting to view archival photos even before the singer’s popularity, she had a completely different hair color and style.

Biography and personal life of Mylene Farmer

The world's most popular publications often discuss the biography and personal life of Mylene Farmer. She is one of the few French singers who have become famous throughout the world.

The future celebrity was born in Quebec (Canada) in large family. Father - Max Gautier - engineer, mother - Marguerite Martin, housewife, sister - Brigitte Gautier, brother - Jean-Loup Gaultier, sister - Michelle Gautier.

When Mylene was 10 years old, the family moved to the suburbs of France, which was necessary because of her father’s work. The move was not easy for Mylene; she kept to herself, didn’t make friends, talked to few people and wasn’t interested in anything. The real salvation was communication with her grandmother and horses, to which she became addicted from the age of 12. She was good at horse riding and planned to connect her life with horses in the future, becoming a riding instructor. But this was not destined to happen, because soon the girl’s plans would change dramatically.

Mylene Farmer was expelled from the lyceum for poor academic performance, then she leaves for Paris and dreams of becoming a singer. They immediately noticed her modeling skills and began inviting her to shoot on magazine covers and various projects, but this was far from what the girl dreamed of.

It seemed that she was forever stuck in the image of a model and just a nice girl, but Mylène Farmer’s meeting with Laurent Bouton changed her life. This young director and musician was looking for a singer who could transform into a rebel, a passionate and unusual singer whose voice gives goosebumps. And so, he met her. Mylene changed her last name, dyed her hair and starred in a provocative video, contrary to all social conventions.

The singer was immediately noticed, and her first song became a real hit. The following songs and videos, in which the frank and daring Mylene Farmer immediately attracted the attention of the public, sold in large quantities and made her a star.

Mylene Farmer's repertoire includes compositions of completely different genres; she has released more than 10 music albums throughout her career.

Angelic appearance and audacity became a successful tandem, thanks to which the performer gained millions of fans around the world. At every concert she gave her all and never considered herself a beauty, much less suffered from star fever.

Mylene Farmer has repeatedly given concerts in Russia, where she also has her own audience.

The singer’s personal life is taboo for discussion in the media. She rarely makes comments that do not relate to her career. Therefore, when discussing the novels of Mylène Farmer, one only has to use guesses. For example, the public has repeatedly brought up the singer’s relationship with her producer Laurent Boutton for discussion. According to some reports, the couple hid the affair for a long time, and after the separation there were no comments.

The media also attributed Mylene Farmer's affair with British singer Seal, actor Jeff Dahlgren. The only man with whom Mylène Farmer did not hide her relationship was director Benoit di Sabatino. The singer said that this union brought her long-awaited happiness.

Mylene Farmer never started a family and children, devoting herself entirely to work. And she never dreamed of getting married and having children.

Family and children Mylene Farmer

The family and children of Mylene Farmer are a myth that the journalists themselves spread. However, this did not stop them from warming up the audience a little. Well, the singer did not hide the fact that her plans do not include marriage and children, she lives for the stage and the stage is her life. Many who have attended the singer’s concerts have been impressed for a long time, because it is always an extraordinary and avant-garde spectacle.

Mylene Farmer devoted herself entirely to her song career, which she does not regret one bit. People adore Mylene's songs, idolize her and admire her talent.

Mylene Farmer's husband

The public is wondering if Mylene Farmer really has a husband? After all, she hides her personal life so carefully that she could easily hide her husband, even a civilian one.

The singer is very famous and beautiful woman all over the world, but has there really never been a man who managed to win the heart of Mylene Farmer? Perhaps it does exist, but no one knows about it.

Well, hiding your relationship or flaunting it is everyone’s personal choice. Let's hope that popular singer I have yet met or will meet my soul mate.

In many videos and at concerts, the singer often appears in revealing outfits, and therefore many try to find a photo of Mylene Farmer in Playboy magazine. In fact, there was no such photo shoot, but the network is full of photographs where she is almost naked. And for this you don’t have to search long, you can just watch some clips of Mylene Farmer.

Some will condemn her for her frankness, but in fact, the singer has such a style, so there is nothing to gossip about. Is it bad that a woman with good looks appears in sexy outfits? Not at all.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mylene Farmer

Excellent sources for the latest news and photos are Instagram and Wikipedia Mylene Farmer. Only there are several pages on the social network, but which of them is run by a really popular singer is not known for certain.

On the Wikipedia website there is full biography French singer, including her detailed description career, some hits, filmography.

Until the age of ten, Mylène Gautier lived with her parents in Montreal, Canada, and then, at the end of her father’s work contract (he was an engineer and helped in the construction of the Manicouagan Dam), she went to the suburbs of Paris. The move was not easy for the future star. Vulnerable and closed, the girl had difficulty making friends, so it was difficult for her to part with her Canadian acquaintances.

In her senior year, the girl was kicked out of school for bad grades, which became the reason to start new life- She went to the capital for happiness. Mylene managed to try many jobs: she was an assistant to a gynecologist, a saleswoman, but she stayed longest in a modeling agency, taking photographs for furniture and clothing catalogs. But Mylene’s real dream at that moment was cinema, so she gladly attended theater courses.

Star Trek singer

A fateful meeting for Milen was with the composer and director Laurent Button, who was just looking for a performer for his new song Maman a Tort in the modeling agency where she worked future star. They managed to record a single, and Laurent suggested that his ward take a pseudonym. This is how Mylene Farmer appeared - in honor American actress Frances Farmer, who became famous in the 30s and 40s of the last century not only thanks to her successful roles, but also to her prolonged treatment in a psychiatric clinic. In 1984, the track was published in a circulation of 100 thousand copies and became the best-selling track in France. An English version of the hit Mama Is Wrong is also being released.

On the wave of popularity, Mylene decided to record an album. Her collection Cendres de Lune sold millions of copies in France, Switzerland and Belgium. The public especially liked the song Libertine, in which the performer shamelessly called herself a slut. At the time of the popularity of the first record, Mylene dyed her hair from natural black to red.

Two years after her debut, the album Ainsi soit je... was released, which brought even greater success: Milen received the title of “Artist of the Year” and the role of the French Madonna, and her concerts were sold out. The audience was delighted not only by the girl’s full-blown texts, but also by the singer’s long and intense clips, which told a little story of madness and loneliness.

In 1991, the third album L'Autre was released, the most popular single of which was the hit Désenchantée, which sold a million copies.

At the peak of her popularity, Mylene decided to fulfill her old dream and starred in Laurent Button’s film “Georgino”. The film tells about desperate and cruel people who survived the First World War, and includes all the favorite leitmotifs of the singer’s work: a psychiatric hospital, pain, both physical and spiritual, the tragedy of love. However, despite the efforts the creators put into this film, it failed at the box office. Mylene never succeeded in becoming an actress, but later she voiced animated film Luc Besson's "Arthur and the Minimoys" and the two parts that followed.

In 1995, Farmer released a new album, Anamorphosée. In search of a new image, she completely abandoned the gloomy scenery and melancholic lyrics and appeared before the public more cheerful and cheerful.

The next collection, Innamoramento, was released four years later. And in 2000, Milen decided to start producing and, having written the song Moi... Lolita, helped the aspiring singer Alize to promote it.

In 2003, Farmer tried herself in a new role - as a writer. Her philosophical short story “Lisa-Lu and the Storyteller” was published.

Personal life of Mylene Farmer

Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutton are one of the most creative couples in France. And fans have always suspected that these talented people were connected by more than just their careers. However, the singer never commented on these rumors and generally rarely spoke in interviews about her personal life.

Mylène Farmer (real name Mylène Gautier) is a popular and extraordinary French singer, music producer and composer. Many of her songs and videos are, to put it mildly, frank and rebellious, which is what distinguishes her from the mass of other performers.

World fame did not come to the singer immediately, but this did not lead her astray and allowed her to achieve her goal. Today Mylène Farmer is well over 50, but she still delights fans around the world with concerts and an incredible voice. Read on for details about the path to the pinnacle of fame and personal moments.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mylene Farmer

The Canadian-born singer with French roots burst onto the scene and made a name for herself with her unique voice and rebellious image. Millions of fans from all over the world were crazy about the beautiful and unusual singer, and women were jealous of her model appearance, constantly curious about her height, weight, and age. How old is Mylene Farmer - publicly available information that can be found on the Internet. The singer’s height is 167 cm, weight – 45 kg, age – 56 years.

Photos of Mylene Farmer are often viewed on the Internet; the photos in her youth and now are very different. It’s especially interesting to look at archival photos even before the singer’s popularity; she had a completely different hair color and style.

Biography and personal life of Mylene Farmer

The world's most popular publications often discuss the biography and personal life of Mylene Farmer. She is one of the few French singers who have become famous throughout the world.

The future celebrity was born in Quebec (Canada) into a large family. Father - Max Gautier - engineer, mother - Marguerite Martin, housewife, sister - Brigitte Gautier, brother - Jean-Loup Gaultier, sister - Michelle Gautier.

When Mylene was 10 years old, the family moved to the suburbs of France, which was necessary because of her father’s work. The move was not easy for Mylene; she kept to herself, didn’t make friends, talked to few people and wasn’t interested in anything. The real salvation was communication with her grandmother and horses, to which she became addicted from the age of 12. She was good at horse riding and planned to connect her life with horses in the future, becoming a riding instructor. But this was not destined to happen, because soon the girl’s plans would change dramatically.

Mylene Farmer was expelled from the lyceum for poor academic performance, then she leaves for Paris and dreams of becoming a singer. They immediately noticed her modeling skills and began inviting her to shoot on magazine covers and various projects, but this was far from what the girl dreamed of.

It seemed that she was forever stuck in the image of a model and just a nice girl, but Mylène Farmer’s meeting with Laurent Bouton changed her life. This young director and musician was looking for a singer who could transform into a rebel, a passionate and unusual singer whose voice gives goosebumps. And so, he met her. Mylene changed her last name, dyed her hair and starred in a provocative video, contrary to all social conventions.

The singer was immediately noticed, and her first song became a real hit. The following songs and videos, in which the frank and daring Mylene Farmer immediately attracted the attention of the public, sold in large quantities and made her a star.

Mylene Farmer's repertoire includes compositions of completely different genres; she has released more than 10 music albums throughout her career.

Angelic appearance and audacity became a successful tandem, thanks to which the performer gained millions of fans around the world. At every concert she gave her all and never considered herself a beauty, much less suffered from star fever.

Mylene Farmer has repeatedly given concerts in Russia, where she also has her own audience.

The singer’s personal life is taboo for discussion in the media. She rarely makes comments that do not relate to her career. Therefore, when discussing the novels of Mylène Farmer, one only has to use guesses. For example, the public has repeatedly brought up the singer’s relationship with her producer Laurent Boutton for discussion. According to some reports, the couple hid the affair for a long time, and after the separation there were no comments.

The media also attributed Mylene Farmer's affair with British singer Seal and actor Jeff Dahlgren. The only man with whom Mylène Farmer did not hide her relationship was director Benoit di Sabatino. The singer said that this union brought her long-awaited happiness.

Mylene Farmer never started a family and children, devoting herself entirely to work. And she never dreamed of getting married and having children.

Family and children Mylene Farmer

The family and children of Mylene Farmer are a myth that the journalists themselves spread. However, this did not stop them from warming up the audience a little. Well, the singer did not hide the fact that her plans do not include marriage and children, she lives for the stage and the stage is her life. Many who have attended the singer’s concerts have been impressed for a long time, because it is always an extraordinary and avant-garde spectacle.

Mylene Farmer devoted herself entirely to her song career, which she does not regret one bit. People adore Mylene's songs, idolize her and admire her talent.

Mylene Farmer's husband

The public is wondering if Mylene Farmer really has a husband? After all, she hides her personal life so carefully that she could easily hide her husband, even a civilian one.

The singer is a very famous and beautiful woman all over the world, but is there really no man who managed to win the heart of Mylene Farmer? Perhaps it does exist, but no one knows about it.

Well, hiding your relationship or flaunting it is everyone’s personal choice. Let's hope that the popular singer has met or will meet her soulmate.

In many videos and at concerts, the singer often appears in revealing outfits, and therefore many try to find a photo of Mylene Farmer in Playboy magazine. In fact, there was no such photo shoot, but the network is full of photographs where she is almost naked. And for this you don’t have to search long, you can just watch some clips of Mylene Farmer.

Some will condemn her for her frankness, but in fact, the singer has such a style, so there is nothing to gossip about. Is it bad that a woman with good looks appears in sexy outfits? Not at all.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mylene Farmer

Excellent sources for the latest news and photos are Instagram and Wikipedia Mylene Farmer. Only there are several pages on the social network, but which of them is run by a really popular singer is not known for certain.

The Wikipedia website has a complete biography of the French singer, including her detailed description of her career, some hits, and filmography. Article found