What tracing paper looks like. What is tracing paper and what are its areas of application. Green card - green card

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High-quality tracing paper, used for copying drawings in ink and for blueprinting, is heavily moistened during production, calendered under high roll pressure and oiled with film-forming substances. Exactly high degree The compactness of relatively plain paper partially ensures its transparency to light.

The main property of tracing paper is transparency. There are two ways to achieve it:

  • calendering;
  • increasing the degree (degree) of grinding of cellulose fiber.

The second method is more effective, since along with high transparency it allows one to achieve high strength, but it is also more expensive. It is also possible to combine the two methods. It is this path that some modern domestic manufacturers have taken, which has made it possible to obtain a high-quality product while maintaining an acceptable price.

Tracing paper for drawing and copying with a pencil (matte, without a glossy side) is precisely transparent, non-calendered paper. Tracing paper with a glossy side was of two types in the USSR:

  • ink, on a paper base with a semi-gloss sheen, very thin and vulnerable, much thinner and mechanically weaker than pencil tracing paper;
  • film-like lavsan, where the glossy side was the most transparent film base (lavsan, celluloid or vinyl), noticeably thicker and stronger than both types of paper, and a rough translucent matte coating for drawing was applied to the film itself.

The surface of double-sided matte tracing paper is much more abrasive than that of ordinary drawing or office paper. This greatly accelerates the wear of non-ballpoint tools that work on the principle of direct sliding of metal on paper, for example, metal quills and fountain pens, rapidographs and drawing pens. In the absence of an abrasive stone at hand, matte tracing paper is used as a grinding material to polish factory calligraphy nibs to an acceptable gliding smoothness (chamfering the contact area) and rounding the outer corners of the pen that scratch the paper.

Matte pencil tracing paper from the times of the USSR is so abrasive that it can be used as a handy grinding material not only for soft metals like copper and brass, but for steel and even glass. The glass matted with abrasives was treated with GOI paste No. 3 (chrome oxide, grain size - 17-8 microns), and finishing sanding paper with abrasive marked as “3000 grit JIS” (oxides, grain size - 4‑5 µm). After high-speed grinding with matte tracing paper (made in the USSR in the 1980s), the glass lost any hint of gloss that appeared after grinding with “3000 grit” abrasive and became rougher, and the sliding of Teflon feet of equipment weighing 145-154 grams on the glass also deteriorated quite noticeably . Polishing the glass with tracing paper immediately after GOI paste No. 3 (without the intermediate stage of grinding with “3000 grit” abrasive) resulted in a complete lack of shine and gloss stated for this paste number. During subsequent (after polishing with tracing paper) polishing with a paste, the glass surface became more abrasive to plastics and Teflon than after polishing with matte tracing paper. In total, the approximate assessment of the abrasiveness of pencil tracing paper lies between 4 microns and 17-8 microns, and subjectively corresponds to “2000 grit” sanding paper (grain size - 7-8 microns), adjusted for the extremely small volume of material being removed.

    Samples of TAKEYO tracing paper.jpg

    Sheets of tracing paper


    Roll of tracing paper

Substance Density Humidity Roughness Transparency Tensile strength ( ) Surface Alkali pH
ISO 536 ISO 287 ISO 8791-2 ISO 2469 ISO 1974 ISO 6588
/ ² / ³ ml/min %
42 1,200÷1,235 7 100-300 79+/-5 220-440 6-7
53 1,200÷1,235 7 100-300 77+/-5 220-440 6-7
63 1,220÷1,250 7 100-300 75+/-5 220-440 6-7
73 1,220÷1,250 7.5 100-300 75+/-5 220-440 6-7
83 1,220÷1,250 7.5 100-300 75+/-5 220-440 6-7
93 1,220÷1,250 7.5 100-300 75+/-5 220-440 6-7
100 1,220÷1,250 7.5 100-300 75+/-5 220-440 6-7
112 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 73+/-5 220-440 6-7
130 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 69+/-5 220-440 6-7
150 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 65+/-5 220-440 6-7
160 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 61+/-5 220-440 6-7
170 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 59+/-5 220-440 6-7
190 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 55+/-5 220-440 6-7
200 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 53+/-5 220-440 6-7
240 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 47+/-5 220-440 6-7
280 1,220÷1,250 8 100-300 45+/-5 220-440 6-7

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • (English) .
  • . Collection of excerpts on production.

Excerpt characterizing Tracing paper (paper)

Sonya interrupted him.
“I already refused,” she said hastily.
- If you refuse for me, then I’m afraid that on me...
Sonya interrupted him again. She looked at him with pleading, frightened eyes.
“Nicolas, don’t tell me that,” she said.
- No, I have to. Maybe this is suffisance [arrogance] on my part, but it’s better to say. If you refuse for me, then I must tell you the whole truth. I love you, I think, more than anyone...
“That’s enough for me,” Sonya said, flushing.
- No, but I have fallen in love a thousand times and will continue to fall in love, although I do not have such a feeling of friendship, trust, love for anyone as for you. Then I'm young. Maman doesn't want this. Well, it's just that I don't promise anything. And I ask you to think about Dolokhov’s proposal,” he said, having difficulty pronouncing his friend’s last name.
- Don't tell me that. I do not want anything. I love you like a brother, and will always love you, and I don’t need anything more.
“You are an angel, I am not worthy of you, but I am only afraid of deceiving you.” – Nikolai kissed her hand again.

Yogel had the most fun balls in Moscow. This was what the mothers said, looking at their adolescentes [girls] performing their newly learned steps; this was said by the adolescentes and adolescents themselves, [girls and boys] who danced until they dropped; these grown-up girls and young men who came to these balls with the idea of ​​condescending to them and finding the best fun in them. In the same year, two marriages took place at these balls. The two pretty princesses of the Gorchakovs found suitors and got married, and even more so they launched these balls into glory. What was special about these balls was that there was no host and hostess: there was the good-natured Yogel, like flying feathers, shuffling around according to the rules of art, who accepted tickets for lessons from all his guests; It was that only those who wanted to dance and have fun, like 13 and 14 year old girls who put on long dresses for the first time, want to go to these balls. Everyone, with rare exceptions, was or seemed pretty: they all smiled so enthusiastically and their eyes lit up so much. Sometimes even the best students danced pas de chale, of whom the best was Natasha, distinguished by her grace; but at this last ball only ecosaises, anglaises and the mazurka, which was just coming into fashion, were danced. The hall was taken by Yogel to Bezukhov’s house, and the ball was a great success, as everyone said. There were a lot of pretty girls, and the Rostov ladies were among the best. They were both especially happy and cheerful. That evening, Sonya, proud of Dolokhov’s proposal, her refusal and explanation with Nikolai, was still spinning at home, not allowing the girl to finish her braids, and now she was glowing through and through with impetuous joy.
Natasha, no less proud that she was in long dress, at the real ball, she was even happier. Both were wearing white muslin dresses with pink ribbons.
Natasha became in love from the very minute she entered the ball. She was not in love with anyone in particular, but she was in love with everyone. The one she looked at at the moment she looked at was the one she was in love with.
- Oh, how good! – she kept saying, running up to Sonya.
Nikolai and Denisov walked through the halls, looking at the dancers affectionately and patronizingly.
“How sweet she will be,” Denisov said.
- Who?
“Athena Natasha,” answered Denisov.
“And how she dances, what a g”ation!” after a short silence, he said again.
- Who are you talking about?
“About your sister,” Denisov shouted angrily.
Rostov grinned.
– Mon cher comte; vous etes l"un de mes meilleurs ecoliers, il faut que vous dansiez,” said little Jogel, approaching Nikolai. “Voyez combien de jolies demoiselles.” [My dear Count, you are one of my best students. You need to dance. Look how much pretty girls!] – He made the same request to Denisov, also his former student.
“Non, mon cher, je fe"ai tapisse"ie, [No, my dear, I’ll sit by the wall," Denisov said. “Don’t you remember how badly I used your lessons?”
- Oh no! – Jogel said hastily consoling him. – You were only inattentive, but you had abilities, yes, you had abilities.
The newly introduced mazurka was played; Nikolai could not refuse Yogel and invited Sonya. Denisov sat down next to the old ladies and, leaning his elbows on his saber, stamping his beat, told something cheerfully and made the old ladies laugh, looking at the dancing young people. Yogel, in the first couple, danced with Natasha, his pride and best student. Gently, tenderly moving his feet in his shoes, Yogel was the first to fly across the hall with Natasha, who was timid, but diligently performing steps. Denisov did not take his eyes off her and tapped the beat with his saber, with an appearance that clearly said that he himself did not dance only because he did not want to, and not because he could not. In the middle of the figure, he called Rostov, who was passing by, to him.
“It’s not the same at all,” he said. - Is this a Polish mazurka? And she dances excellently. - Knowing that Denisov was even famous in Poland for his skill in dancing the Polish mazurka, Nikolai ran up to Natasha:
- Go and choose Denisov. Here he is dancing! Miracle! - he said.
When Natasha’s turn came again, she stood up and quickly fingering her shoes with bows, timidly, ran alone across the hall to the corner where Denisov was sitting. She saw that everyone was looking at her and waiting. Nikolai saw that Denisov and Natasha were arguing, smiling, and that Denisov was refusing, but smiling joyfully. He ran up.
“Please, Vasily Dmitrich,” Natasha said, “let’s go, please.”
“Yes, that’s it, g’athena,” Denisov said.
“Well, that’s enough, Vasya,” said Nikolai.
“It’s like they’re trying to persuade Vaska the cat,” Denisov said jokingly.
“I’ll sing to you all evening,” said Natasha.
- The sorceress will do anything to me! - Denisov said and unfastened his saber. He came out from behind the chairs, firmly took his lady by the hand, raised his head and put his foot down, waiting for tact. Only on horseback and in the mazurka it was not visible vertically challenged Denisov, and he seemed to be the same young man that he felt himself to be. Having waited for the beat, he glanced triumphantly and playfully at his lady from the side, suddenly tapped one foot and, like a ball, elastically bounced off the floor and flew along in a circle, dragging his lady with him. He silently flew halfway across the hall on one leg, and it seemed that he did not see the chairs standing in front of him and rushed straight towards them; but suddenly, clicking his spurs and spreading his legs, he stopped on his heels, stood there for a second, with the roar of spurs, knocked his feet in one place, quickly turned around and, clicking his right foot with his left foot, again flew in a circle. Natasha guessed what he intended to do, and, without knowing how, she followed him - surrendering herself to him. Now he circled her, now on his right, now on his left hand, now falling on his knees, he circled her around himself, and again he jumped up and ran forward with such swiftness, as if he intended to run across all the rooms without taking a breath; then suddenly he stopped again and again made a new and unexpected knee. When he, briskly spinning the lady in front of her place, snapped his spur, bowing before her, Natasha did not even curtsey for him. She stared at him in bewilderment, smiling as if she didn’t recognize him. - What is this? - she said.

Tracing paper (paper) is a translucent paper, most often colored White color. Today, ordinary white translucent paper has been transformed and located among designer paper collections. The transparency and density of tracing paper is achieved due to less crushed fiber than in ordinary paper and the addition of binders and resin. Thus, the trace is usually denser than that of the same thickness. Standard classification tracing paper does not.

What kind of tracing paper is there?

Most often, it differs in purpose and types of printing as follows:

Paper in rolls is intended mainly for technical work on plotters and laser copiers, as well as drawing with ink and pencil.

Tracing paper sizes

The most commonly used tracing paper widths are 297 mm, 420 mm, 594 mm, 610 mm, 841 mm, 914 mm (imported) and 420 mm, 625 mm, 878 mm (Domestic). A4 and A3 are popular for printing on copiers and laser printers, and for offset and stencil printing, printing formats are preferable - 70 by 100 cm, etc. Modern tracing paper comes in the following types:

  • classic white;
  • all possible colors and shades;
  • matte, imitation parchment;
  • for gold and silver;
  • with various patterns;
  • with patterns that imitate water.

Traditional use of paper (tracing paper)- in booklets and calendars it is used as the second sheet after the cover. Tracing paper is used for inserts with the text of an invitation or postcard. Sometimes an envelope is made from tracing paper to match or the same color as the envelope. Also popular on tracing paper.
Tracing paper causes virtually no problems in printing.

Ways to work with tracing paper

Tracing paper has proven itself well in offset printing, but the surface of tracing paper does not absorb moisture, so foil ink is recommended. Tracing paper does not dry well, so to avoid dragging paint from one sheet to another, it is better to unload the receiving area in a timely manner. You need to hold the finished prints in small piles because the paint needs to set.

Excellent recommendation for the use of cripples and in the form of printing. When printing on DPM toners(Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, etc.), you must test the system on one sheet. Sometimes the toner does not bake onto the tracing paper correctly and falls off. When printing, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the fuser, since you can lose not only the paper, but also the printing device. As a rule, the main characteristics of the material (low resistance) are indicated in the specification. Exotic problems are also possible - some brands of tinted tracing paper change color after heating.

It is better to glue tracing paper with synthetic glue, because water-dispersed adhesive may cause a wavy effect at the gluing site. Tracing paper is sensitive to change climatic conditions This means that in order to avoid curling of the paper before and after printing, the material must be protected from drafts and changes in temperature and humidity.

A common property of all types of tracing paper- the ability to absorb moisture from the air and increased sensitivity to changes in conditions in the print shop, so the packaging should be opened only immediately before printing. During the printing process, stable humidity and temperature are maintained (+20 °C and 50% humidity).

Sometimes difficulties arise during post-processing: the material is very dense and difficult to cut. The recommended height of the tracing paper stack when processing with a saber or guillotine cutter should be no more than 5 cm.
Before ordering on tracing paper, do not forget to consult with the technologist of the printing house where you plan to complete the order. When working with any designer paper, you need to study it, do a few test prints and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Look video about using tracing paper as paper for transferring drawings onto wood.

Tracing paper. Types and applications

Tracing paper (French calque) is all translucent types of paper, most often white or colored in the paste. Ordinary white translucent paper has today been transformed and is located among designer paper collections. The transparency of tracing paper is achieved by grinding the fibers finer than in regular paper and adding binders and resins. Therefore, tracing paper is usually denser than paper of the same thickness. There is no standard and generally accepted classification of tracing paper. Most often it is divided by areas of application (types of printing): For artwork(drawing, drawing, coloring; usually white, from 40 to 480 g/m2); for PPC (plain-paper copier - copier for plain paper), i.e. for electrographic devices (most often white, 90-480 g/m2); For traditional types printing (mainly offset and screen printing, 40-480 g/m2); for plotters (inkjet and pen). This article will focus mainly on tracing paper for electrographic and traditional types of printing.

Tracing paper in rolls is intended mainly for engineering work on plotters and laser copiers, as well as drawing in ink and pencil. Most often supplied in widths of 297, 420, 594, 610, 841, 914 mm (imported), 420, 625, 878 mm (domestic). Office formats A4 and A3 are popular for printing on copiers and laser printers, and for offset and stencil printing, printing formats are preferable - 70x100 cm, etc.

Modern tracing paper:

  • classic white;
  • all colors of the rainbow and with splashes;
  • matte, with parchment imitation;
  • gold and silver;
  • with various designs;
  • with patterns imitating water ones.

Traditional use - booklets and calendars, usually the second (lining) sheet after the cover. Tracing paper is used for text inserts in invitations and cards. Sometimes they select an envelope from tracing paper to match or in the same colors. Business cards on tracing paper are also popular.

Tracing paper brands Abezeta And Canson practically do not cause problems in printing.

Ways to work with tracing paper

Offset printing. Tracing paper from the presented companies has proven itself to be excellent in an offset machine, but the surface of the tracing paper is not absorbent, so foil inks are strongly recommended. Tracing paper dries poorly, to avoid the paint being squeezed from one sheet to another, it is better to unload the receiving tray in a timely manner and keep the finished prints in small piles, the paint should set.

Printing on digital machines. Excellent recommendations for using cripples in this type of printing.

Printing on toner digital printers (Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, etc.). When printing, you need to test one sheet. Sometimes the toner does not adhere to the tracing paper properly and falls off. When printing, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the fuser, since you can lose not only paper, but also the printing device. As a rule, such material features (low heat resistance) are indicated in the specification. Exotic problems are also possible - some brands of paper tinted in the mass change color after heating.

Silk screen printing: It fits perfectly on tracing paper, the opaque volumetric paint on translucent paper is very beautiful. Interesting effects are produced by applying selective varnish to tracing paper.

"Translucent" afterprint. Pure cellulose tracing paper is a very brittle material, especially at high densities, so creasing and folding must be done extremely carefully, and for tracing paper with a density of 200 g/m2 and higher, it is generally better to avoid folding. To avoid creases, be sure to crease (preferably double or reverse), fold only in the direction of the grain, and try not to create folds for tracing paper that are denser than 170 g/m2. This material is capricious when cutting: Special attention when cutting and carving - sharpening knives.

Embossing is embossed, blind and foil. For cripples, this is possible, but you need to carefully select the temperature and pressure of the stamp, and carefully make the cliche. Useful property tracing paper was opened at the Department of Finishing Processes at Moscow State University. The binding material “Balakron-Thermo”, which changes its color during blind and embossing under the influence of a stamp and temperature, gave the unpleasant effect of sticking to the stamp during operation. In our printing houses in similar cases begin to select embossing modes (pressure, temperature). In the West, this is avoided by using a gasket in the form of special paper under the stamp, but it is not supplied to us. Students experimented and embossed “Balakron-Thermo” through a sheet of tracing paper. It turned out that one A4 sheet can easily withstand up to 10 prints! When embossing, you need to pay attention to the depth of the stamp, since most types of tracing paper are not as flexible as cardboard of a similar density. But when embossed, an interesting effect is obtained - the tracing paper loses its transparency.

Glue tracing paper It is better to use synthetic adhesives; water-dispersed ones can cause a wave-like effect at the gluing site.

Tracing paper is sensitive to changes in climatic conditions; to avoid curling of the paper before and after printing, the material should be protected from drafts and changes in temperature and humidity.

A common property of all types of tracing paper is the ability to quickly absorb moisture and increased sensitivity to changes in conditions in the printing shop, so the packaging should be opened immediately before printing, and during operation, ensure that the humidity and temperature are maintained at a stable level (+20 °C and 50% humidity). There are also difficulties in post-printing processing: the material is very dense and does not cut well (the recommended stack height is no more than 5 cm).

P.S. Before ordering material for printing, do not forget to consult with the technologist of the printing house where you plan to carry out the order. When working with any designer paper, study and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

The article was written based on materials from the site www.publish.ru

To the question of what tracing paper is, you can get different answers. Most popular meaning of this word- transparent paper on which you can draw and draw. At the same time, the term is used by phraseology to create variants of words borrowed from other languages. Housewives use tracing paper for baking and preparing various meat rolls.

Transparent paper and its purpose

Before the advent of the computer with its design programs, the combination of components, parts and reproduction of drawings was done using tracing paper. The builders checked the coincidence of load-bearing walls and supports on floor plans. Sheets with drawings made in ink were superimposed on each other and placed opposite the light source. All lines and places of contact of parts that went beyond the dimensions were clearly visible.

Now drawings are made on a computer and thick transparent tracing paper (paper) has been created for the printer. It is used mainly by builders and designers for testing and demonstration. various options arrangement, layout, laying of life support systems, security and other communications on building plans.

An old engineer, when asked what tracing paper is, will answer unequivocally - paper for copying and duplicating drawings. The copyist transferred the lines from whatman paper to tracing paper, placing it on top. Black mascara was most often used. Copies were then made on photosensitive paper in the quantities required for production.

Making tracing paper

Regular tracing paper is produced in rolls and packs of sheets standard sizes. It is made from bleached cellulose and wood pulp, ground to flour. The filling is cotton or glassine. Calendering - passing between hot rollers - and strong squeezing promotes good gluing and oiling. This gives transparency and the desired surface roughness.

The use of grinding to form smaller fractions makes the tracing paper stronger. Since the cost of using complex equipment greatly increases the cost of paper, we chose a middle ground. The components are crushed to medium size, and in a drying drum the finished product is passed through rollers.

Tracing paper for drawing in ink using a pen and drawing pen was made smooth from a thin glossy film of celluloid, less commonly vinyl and lavsan. The matte surface was then sprayed on one or both sides. The paper was rough and could be used for polishing copper and soft alloys of aluminum and iron. An ordinary ballpoint pen quickly breaks down when drawing on such a surface.

How to make tracing paper yourself?

You can create translucent paper yourself; just answer the question of what tracing paper is and how it differs from regular paper. The easiest way is to moisten a regular sheet with gasoline free of oils and additives. You need to copy quickly, as the writing paper will dry out and lose its transparency.

To create a matte, stable tracing paper, wax is used. You can melt it in turpentine to saturate the sheet and wait until the turpentine evaporates. Paper laid out on hot metal absorbs wax well. Simply apply it evenly and rub in. You can use this tracing paper to draw with a pencil, watercolors and colored ink. The lines do not blur, the image is clear.

In addition to wax, castor oil gives writing paper a stable transparency. Dissolved in alcohol, it is applied to the sheet. Dries quickly. You can draw with ink and pencil. This technology is interesting because of the reverse process. You can remove the oil from the sheet with alcohol and the paper will become opaque again, the pencil drawing will remain intact.

A design for embroidery and other occasions can be easily and quickly copied using tracing paper. Just place it on the image and secure it. Then draw the contour lines with a pencil or ink; if a little, you can use a ballpoint pen and liner. Colors and shades are applied later.

The side of the tracing paper with the ink design is applied to the dampened wood or leather. This is what tattoo artists and wood carvers do. The image is mirrored. Needlewomen additionally use carbon paper or simply fasten the paper to the fabric and embroider on it using satin stitch, placing stitches on top.

Tracing paper can replace a canvas for an artist. Drawings are copied and colors are applied watercolor paint, pencils and ink. The image turns out bright against a translucent background and looks great.

Other uses of tracing paper

What is tracing paper in the kitchen? This is a material that does not absorb or allow fat to pass through. The dough does not stick to such paper. Therefore, tracing paper is often placed in baking dishes, on sheets. It is used to roll rolls from minced meat and other soft ingredients.

French – calquer (to make a copy). Latin – calx (limestone). The word became widespread in Russian in the 19th century. It was borrowed from French, in which the original meaning was “to make an impression on wet lime.” Etymological dictionary Semyonova

  • KALKA - KALKA (semantic borrowing) - borrowing from another language by literal translation of the structure of a word or phrase: Russian “impression” from French impression, Russian “entirely and completely” from German im Ganzen und Vollen. Big encyclopedic Dictionary
  • tracing paper - K'ALKA, tracing paper, gen. pl. calc, female (French caique) (special). 1. units only Transparent paper or calico placed over a drawing or design to make an exact copy. 2. A copy made through such paper. 3. transfer Dictionary Ushakova
  • tracing paper - (French caique - copy, imitation). A word or expression that is a translation in parts of a foreign word or figure of speech with the subsequent addition of the translated whole. Dictionary linguistic terms Rosenthal
  • Tracing paper - I Tracing paper (French calque) is transparent paper or fabric used for drawing. For copying drawings in ink and for making blueprints - well-calendered paper or fabric treated with film-forming oiling substances. Big Soviet encyclopedia
  • tracing paper - tracing paper and, well. calque m. 1. Transparent paper or calico placed over a drawing or drawing to make a copy. Ush. 1934. There is specially prepared tracing paper. Bulgakov Hood. enz. What are they made of?<�панталоны 1923... Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language
  • tracing paper - Kalki, r. pl. cripple, f. [fr. calque] (special). 1. units only Transparent paper or calico placed over a drawing or design to make an exact copy. 2. A copy made through such paper. 3. transfer Large dictionary of foreign words
  • tracing paper - noun, number of synonyms: 4 paper 80 borrowing 49 copy 41 photo tracing paper 1 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • - (French calque) A word or expression modeled on the corresponding words and expressions of a foreign language by accurately translating their constituent parts into the corresponding words or morphemes of the native language (interjection - inter ectio). Dictionary of linguistic terms Zherebilo
  • tracing paper - See Art. Glassine. Technique. Modern encyclopedia
  • tracing paper - tracing paper, and, gen. pl. cripple, f. 1. Transparent paper or cloth for making copies of drawings and drawings. 2. A copy of the drawing, drawing on such paper. The new area is still in sketch form (only planned, in the drawings). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • tracing paper - spelling tracing paper, -i, r. pl. cripple Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • tracing paper - tracing paper -i; pl. genus. -lek, dat. -lkam; and. [French calque] 1. Specially treated transparent paper or cloth used for making copies of drawings or drawings. 2. A copy of a drawing or drawing on such material. 3. Linguistic Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary