What is the name of the yellow bird from Angry Birds. What are the names of the yellow and blue birds in Angry Birds?

red bird
Red - this is how the name Red is translated into Russian - is a symbol of the Angry Birds game, is present on all icons of all versions and occupies a central place on all banners, posters and loading screens. This is the first bird that is available to you at the beginning of the game of any of the Angry Birds series. Red has no special ability, his “penetrating” power is small.

And although at the moment this little bird is shot from a slingshot we see exactly one bird, in fact there are three of them. Separation occurs in flight when the “ability” is activated. The blue ones work well against the ice elements in pig designs, and according to the plot, they are very cheerful and love jokes.

yellow bird
Chuck – that’s the name of Yellow – is Speed! His ability is to accelerate in flight. It passes through wood perfectly, for which it received the nickname “woodpecker” among fans.

Black bird
Bomb is both a name, a “profession”, and a temperament. Black has a very hot-tempered, even explosive nature. Literally and figuratively. In the game he acts as a “phoenix bird” (or kamikaze terrorist), exploding structures and enemies along with himself. Works great against stone blocks.

White bird
Matilda is the first girl bird in the Flock. Her ability is to drop an egg bomb on the heads of grunting thieves. After the “bombing” it flies off under acute angle to the flight path, which can also be used experienced player for your own purposes. Because of its ability to "lay eggs" and appearance very often called "chicken" by players.

Green bird
Toucan, boomerang - they call it Hala! Its feature is unique and original - in flight it turns 180 degrees and, like a boomerang, hits the Piglets' structures from where they least expect it!

Big Brother
Terence is Red's older brother. Yes, it's really big! And VERY angry! From his very appearance the Pigs are already beginning to tremble. Terence does not have a “special” ability, but due to his size and weight, he has excellent penetrating power, especially with a competent throw!

Orange bird
Bubbles (or Bubble) is a famous sweet tooth. Capable of eating buckets of candy! But don’t let the small size of this sweet tooth scare you - firstly, it perfectly penetrates wooden floors, and secondly, in anger it can swell, increasing in size 10 times! Naturally, the surrounding structural elements and blocks fly apart in different directions like a house of cards!

Pink bird
Stella joined the Pack quite recently, but has already firmly taken her place in it! She also has a very original hobby - blowing soap bubbles. However, this seemingly harmless activity, if used correctly, can make a lot of noise and cause quite a lot of trouble for the Piglets! Stella's soap bubbles lift up the blocks of locks and the unwary thieves themselves, and when they burst, they send them down to certain death!

The Flock also has a powerful patron - the Mighty Eagle. He is very big and incredibly angry - especially when he is distracted by trifles. Therefore, it is better not to disturb him over trifles. But Oryol doesn’t abandon his relatives in trouble and, if “everything really gets bad,” he will always come to the rescue. And then - cry with burning tears, Bad Pigs! Destruction is falling on your stupid and greedy heads!

Considering my family's latest trend of filling the house with birds, like Hello-Sorry-God-Kittyami before, I decided to look into this issue a little. No, I won’t play and don’t persuade me. It's not mine. But I must know the enemy by sight.

The first bird swallows were virtual and did not bother me. In general, everything on the ball rarely bothers me. But since then, the Birds have multiplied significantly, materialized, and the reproduction rate is already comparable to China.
The first to materialize was a box containing a dozen rubber birds, pigs and a catapult. The most convenient thing if you suddenly find TV unnecessary.
Then about 50 of them arrived in pajamas. These seem to be safe, but there are many of them. The last bird landing landed in the form of school erasers - they thought I didn’t recognize them - naive!
Now it turns out that a series of books about Birds “Legends of the Mighty Eagle” has appeared (we certainly urgently need it), notebooks, coloring books, bath sets... And that’s not counting the screaming “life-size” plush creatures. The natural size of individual specimens is impressive - their prototype was probably an emperor penguin or a medium-sized ostrich.

Having assessed the scale of the impending disaster, I began to study the hardware. I must somehow identify which of the creatures I will not buy today.

So, if there is a lack of vigilance on your part, you may unexpectedly become acquainted with the following instances:

Red bird. Nickname - Red (not trivial)

Has no special skills.Available at the very beginning of the game (from level 1-1). Always used on the icon of all 4 games. If you click on it in flight, it will chirp. In the game Angry Birds Space, she gets glasses, a modified crest and a tail. Plush sizes: from tennis ball until well-fed, spherical chicken. He is the plenipotentiary representative of all Birds, and often and heavily “sells his face.”

Red bird with a bow. (for girls)
Not found in any of the levels, appears after completing level 15 of the episode "Hogs and Kisses" on a postcard. The main task is to trade face with Red. Own name doesn't have one yet.

Three brothers (most likely identical twins). Names: Jay, Jake, Jim. To mislead the enemy, they first pretend to be one bird (and often replace each other).
In flight, they split into three birds. Effective against glass, effective against wood and stone. In the game Angry Birds Space, these birds also changed their appearance a little - they got a winged mask.

Yellow bird. Nickname - Chuck.
He sticks his nose everywhere. Therefore, the game appears most often.
Lives right under the roof. It is not known whether the bird initially chose housing for itself or, on the contrary, in the process of evolution it adapted to its housing. Anyway, Chuck is triangular in shape.

Special skill: it accelerates in flight, slightly changing its trajectory. Oak head effective for destroying wooden structures, but stone wall can only kill himself.
In the initial screensavers he was small, since then he has grown and become stronger.
In Angry Birds Space, it is painted purple for camouflage.Violet's special feature: when you click, you can select the flight path along which she will fly.To completely disguise himself, he can wear thin rectangular “Super Vision” glasses with rounded ends. For a photo shoot he puts on a raincoat.

Black bird. Nickname - Bob
A very angry bird. Angry to the point of blushing. And then he explodes with anger. Therefore it is used as bombs.
Effective for destroying stone structures, ineffective against wood and glass.
In Angry Birds Space, he wears a cape.

White bird. Name - Matilda. (his tender soul is a little shy and therefore Matilda with a bow can only be seen in an old pre-war photograph, and then only under certain conditions)
Carpet bomber. Lays eggs directly on the heads of enemies. In the literal sense - it rushes (like a chicken). I don’t know which of these eggs would hatch into chicks... But the eggs explode.

Green bird. Name - Al.
The stupidest (albeit quite angry) bird. Having been sent on an important mission, she immediately forgets it and quickly flies back to find out what she forgot. Along the way, by pure chance, it can kill someone or destroy something. It penetrates wood very well. A good military leader can learn to use the bird's forgetfulness and speed of return to his advantage.
She went through captivity, perhaps this affected her memory and mind.

Big red bird.Name - Terence. (older brother of the usual red bird).

The prototype in the plush is a plump turkey. It chirps like a little bird, but in a hoarse voice. Breaks everything and everyone. In Space it turns green either from fear or from lack of oxygen.
It’s not easy, oh, so not easy. Sometimes you need to know to make a call spell code, sometimes appears as a bonus character.

Orange bird. Name - Bubbles.
A bird with a huge ego. Thinking about one’s own greatness swells to incredible proportions.
Effective against any structure.

Glamorous pink bird. Name - Stella.
Gives the impression of a harmless little girl. In fact, much more dangerous. Runs with soap bubbles and captures objects in them. Like any woman, she is fickle, so she always screams different things.

That's continued.

I'm kind of tired.

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Of all the angry birds, Bomb is the most hot-tempered, but far from the most serious. Bomb's main goal in life is to have fun. Bomb has a short temper when it comes to stealing eggs, causing him to literally explode. However, he is quite calm about most things. Bomb is a good cook and loves ice cream and corn. Black is also quite talented and athletic. Suffering from somnambulism.

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Edward's wife and Timothy's mother.

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Mim, like other birds, lived on Bird Island both before and after the arrival of the pigs. He was busy entertaining the birds, showing various pantomimes. Throughout the entire film he said only one phrase - My God! (eng. Oh My Gosh!).

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Main character.

Red is not very lucky in life. Since childhood, his peers laughed at his eyebrows and the fact that he was an orphan, which made young Red very upset and angry. Due to the accumulated anger, he developed uncontrollable fits of anger, which became quite commonplace for him. Eventually, the rest of the birds get fed up with this, causing them to call Red to trial. The sentence is the obligation to attend Anger Management courses taught by Matilda.

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Terrence's cousin, lives in Finland.

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The boomerang bird, the most mysterious of all birds. He enjoys traveling and playing the banjo. In the Angry Birds Transformers comic, Hal says that he doesn't like fighting pigs, using hippie slang. Also in one of the comics, the authors made it clear that Hal is friends with the Bluebirds, and on a hike he often helps them, for example, making himself a bridge over a ravine, a boat for crossing, or protecting the chicks from the rain. The Blues thank him, and he himself is pleased to help others.

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Angry Birds movie character in cinema.

In the Angry Birds Movie, Ross arrived with Leonard on Bird Island on a ship for unknown purposes. Birds met them there.

Ross is Leonard's assistant, but very often fails in certain matters, including in the affairs of his master.

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An enemy from the game Angry Birds Epic. Is a knight.

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An enemy from the game Angry Birds Epic. Is a ghost.

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A cowboy pig with a passion for country music.

Angry Birds: Transformers

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Unlike other characters, Arcee must be obtained by completing a special mission, and not unfrozen. The character's ability is to shoot bubbles. They push back blocks and pigs, making Arcee strong against towers; however, the character is weak against armored opponents. If you level up Arcee to level 4, she will have the “Energon Shield” ability.

Arcee's counterpart from the original game is Stella.

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Swinepticon. Freeing Bludgeon will cost the player 300 pigs, which is pretty cheap. Bludgeon's weapon can shoot three different directions two laser bunches, quite effective: it does not require recharging and perfectly penetrates glass, but is weak against large quantity wooden blocks and stone. The counterpart to Bludgeon from the original game is the King of Pig.

If Bludgeon is upgraded to level 3, he will have an additional ability - “Energon Shield”. After activating this ability, a protective sphere appears around Bludgeon, which will make him invulnerable to shots for a few seconds.

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Defrosting Braul will not cost very much - 1600 pigs, and this cost is fully justified by the character's ability. Its effective ability is similar to Bludgeon's, but now, instead of three laser blasts, it only fires one blast. The character reloads quite quickly and penetrates both glass and wood well, making him an indispensable character for combat.

After upgrading to level two, he gains the additional ability “Energon EMP Jammer.” Brawl's counterpart from the original game is the Pig King.

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leader of the Swinepticons. The unfreezing price is 2250 units of the currency of the same name. His ability is that he shoots two black holes at his opponents, which is different from Dark Megatron. They suck in blocks and pigs and throw them out, which is very effective, but the two holes are not as strong. However, the transformer also has disadvantages. If the player has aimed, he will have to wait a little. The character himself is not effective against swinepticons on balls. The black hole will "lead" the enemy away, and the player will not receive any coins. If the transformer is improved, it will have an additional ability - “Energy Bombardment”. It allows you to summon Skywarp to the level, which destroys buildings using missiles.

Like all alt characters, this one has a distinctive ability. The number of coins earned during the event is doubled.

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Autobird. High octane Bumblebee is the only one on this moment Bumblebee's double. High Octane Bumblebee's appearance is similar to that of Bumblebee, but as with Sentinel Prime and Soundblaster, some parts of High Octane Bumblebee have been repainted black. Unlocking the character will cost the player 2500 pigs, which is a bit expensive.

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Swinepticon, character from Angry Birds Transformers. Freeing Galvatron will cost the player 1000 pigs on iOS and 800 on Android, which is quite a lot. Galvatron's weapon, which is a laser beam, has its pros and cons: it is very powerful, but it takes quite a long time to recharge. This brings especially a lot of inconvenience if flying Decepticpigs are circling nearby. Galvatron's laser is more effective against wood and glass, less effective against stone. The analogue of Galvatron from the original game is Corporal.

If the transformer is improved, it will have an additional ability - “Energy Bombardment”. It allows you to summon the Decepticpig Skywarp to the level, which destroys buildings using missiles.

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Autobird, character from Angry Birds Transformers. Goldbite Grimlock is Hal's second doppelgänger to appear in the game. As with all other doppelgangers, his appearance has changed, but his form remains the same. Goldbite Grimlock's body color has changed - the yellow elements have become darker. Green color almost completely disappeared, also about half is occupied by a gray metallic color, and the black part of the beak has also been repainted dark yellow. Unlocking Goldbite Grimlock costs 2500 pigs, which is quite the character's power.

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When Grimlock was still in the game, unfreezing him was not very expensive compared to previous characters- 1000 pigs. He had the same ability as his counterparts. Grimlock can release powerful pulses that destroy Swinepticon buildings. If upgraded, it gained the Energon Bombardment ability. The character was effective against missiles: he hits them immediately. Reloading was present. At the first levels there were problems with reloading and breaking through blocks, but the character could be improved.

After upgrading to level two, he gains the additional ability “Energy Bombardment”. The counterpart to Grimlock from the original game is Hal.

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Autobird. His ability cannot be called too powerful or effective - when touched, he sends a single rocket to the specified point (Bumblebee has a similar ability).

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Lockdown is not the most powerful or dangerous among the Transformers, but certainly the most harmful. No one dares to stand in his way, and even the Swinepticons are terribly afraid of him. Brr, scary!

Lockdown is pleased with his reputation and enjoys sowing discord among the Swinepticons. A real bad guy!

Lockdown is incredibly strong. And he has an amazing mustache! Are these two facts somehow connected? No, most likely not.

Yes, in his spare time he draws drawings of strange inventions, but since the instructions are completely disgusting, in the end nothing comes of it. Automatic mustache trimmer? Failure. Remote Energy Charging? Failure again. Don't give up, baby Lockdown, you will succeed someday.

Its speed and rate of fire allow it to cope with almost any situation.

Keep an eye on the clip of your weapon and choose the time to reload wisely - while the weapon is reloading, you cannot shoot - transform into a car to hide from large pursuers. He is very fast - be careful not to miss all the fun!

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Deceptospig. Soundwave is the second character after Bumblebee that the player must free. This service is not that expensive - to free the transformer it is enough to pay 100 pigs. Soundwave's ability is quite effective - when touched, he releases a large sound wave at the specified point, which destroys blocks and destroys Decepticons. Waves penetrate glass very well and also destroy wood quite well. However, they are weak against stone. The game can also be complicated by the fact that Soundwave's reload speed is not very high, which does not allow him to shoot very quickly.

If the transformer is improved, it will have the additional ability “Energon Shield”. It makes it possible not to receive damage from enemies for 6-7 seconds of battle. Soundwave's counterpart in the original game is Chef Pig.

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From the video we learn that a clone of Heatwave has appeared on Pig Island. Bumblebee, in order not to confuse two absolutely visually identical transformers, pours black paint over Sentinel, which explains the black inserts on the transformer’s body. Sentinel's ability is an improved ability of Heatwave: Sentinel shoots into the sky, after which three laser beams fall on the pigs' buildings. The ability is powerful, but it takes a long time to recharge. Sentinel himself has a low movement speed

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Swinepticon, character from Angry Birds Transformers. Skywarp was a non-playable character for a long time, but he could be used by pressing a special button. This button is not available to the player immediately after purchasing a character, but with level improvements. When upgrading to a certain one, the player can use Skywarp, an ability that is found only in some transformers.

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A cunning and arrogant swinepticon, eager to become the ruler of the transformed pigs. He also loves to eat, as shown in the game.

It was later added to the game. It can be obtained in the Search and Destroy event. Surprisingly, it appeared later than its energon counterpart. His ability is to shoot electric charges. He is similar in appearance to Energon Starscream, but is much darker.

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In the game, Heatwave appears almost immediately after Soundwave is freed. Unlocking a character costs 500 pigs. Heatwave is a fairly powerful character, but has two serious drawbacks - extreme slowness and low speed shooting. When touched, Heatwave fires a shot into the sky, after which the indicated point is covered from the sky by a bluish wave, which destroys most of the objects in the structure.

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Autobird, one of the characters that needs to be unlocked by completing a special mission. Her ability is to shoot energy bubbles flying in 3 random directions. The skill does not require recharging, which is very effective, since the bubbles have enormous power and can destroy a stone block in just a few hits.

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Zeb first appears in the final cutscene of the bird side of the episode Rebels, along with the rest of the rebels. He does not appear as a playable character in the levels, and can be used by purchasing him in the store or activating TelePods.

His ability is a slightly improved skill of Obi-Wan Kenobi - when he touches the screen, Zeb activates a red wave of force around him, which pushes away all nearby blocks. What distinguishes it from Obi-Wan's ability is that the wave is not activated in a specific direction, but around the entire bird at once. If his ability is not activated, Zeb will simply explode like a normal Bomb.

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Angry Birds character Star Wars. Appears in every level of Path of the Jedi as a non-playable character. This character was created specifically for Angry Birds Star Wars and does not have early prototypes and does not feature any previously known angry birds.

In Angry Birds Star Wars 2 he becomes playable, his ability is to spin and swing his green lightsaber and ricochet off all surfaces, severely damaging them. Kit Fisto has a similar ability. The pig equivalent of Yoda is the droideka.

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smuggler, Rebel Alliance pilot, partner of Lando Calrissian during the Battle of Endor. Appears only in cutscenes.

Together with Lando Calrissian, he destroyed the second Death Star.

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Neimoidian, viceroy and governor of the Trade Federation, ally of Count Dooku and General Grievous, one of the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, subordinate of Darth Sidious. For the invasion of Naboo he was arrested by Captain Panaka, but after going through several trials he was released. Several years later, on the orders of Darth Sidious, he was killed by Anakin Skywalker the Sith.

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Sabine Wren first appears in the Birdside opening sequence of the episode Rebels. According to the plot of the game, she and Ezra Bridger went on a mission to destroy stormtroopers. Being next to the Jedi, she saw how the stormtroopers went in pursuit of him. When he was surrounded, pinned against a wall, she blew up the wall, killing several stormtroopers and saving Ezra. Together they managed to get to the “Ghost” and escape.

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It is a swamp-green pig with two short black horns (one of which is broken), reinforced with spikes. The pig's entire face is covered with scars and various scratches. Noticeable ears are different from those of ordinary pigs - they are more elongated and longer; There is an earring in one ear. Sicatro's pupils are red and he has black sideburns on his sides.

Millennium Falcon (Millennium Falcon) ( Millennium falcon)

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A powerful character used in the game Angry Birds Star Wars instead of an eagle.

Represents a large red and white spaceship with laser and other types of weapons.

Shoots nine lasers at random locations.

Becomes available after completing Tatooine level 1-40.

Han Solo ( Han Solo)

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Double Chuck from Angry Birds Star Wars. Han Solo was a smuggler hired by Jabba the Hutt to transport goods. One day he was overtaken by the Empire, as a result of which Solo was forced to dump his cargo and found himself in debt to the Hutt. One day, Han and his friend Chewbacca were hired to fly to Alderaan, but at the site of Alderaan, the Death Star was waiting for the rebels, which sucked in the Falcon. The star was attacked by rebels, Khan helped in its destruction.

Chewbacca ( Chewbacca)

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Also known as Chewie, he is the double of Big Brother from the games Angry Birds Star Wars and Angry Birds Star Wars 2. He is an analogue of the character of the same name from Star Wars and belongs to the Wookiee race. Chewbacca is the only bird that has fangs. His abilities have remained virtually unchanged, but now his weight is even greater. Even without activating the ability, it causes enormous destruction.

Ewoks ( Ewoks)

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small bear-like alien characters who first appeared in the Angry Birds Star Wars episode Moon of Endor as non-playable characters. On February 6, 2014, in the second part, the playable Ewok character Wicket appeared, where his ability is to throw Ewoks in all directions. The pig analogue of the Ewoks in Angry Birds Star Wars 2 is Agent Kallus.

Ezra Bridger ( Ezra Bridger)

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Ezra Bridger represents a red bird with blue-black hair and a yellow suit. His ability is to shoot a beam at a designated point, with the beam reflecting off metal objects, just like a blaster. Ezra Bridger's counterpart on the pig's side is the AT-DP Pilot. He first appears as a playable character in the first level of Birdside in the episode Rebels. After this, he can be seen quite often both in levels and in cutscenes.

Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) ( Anakin Skywalker)

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Angry Birds Star Wars 2 character, red bird doppelgänger. Father of Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, and husband of Padmé Amidala.

The first years of his life he was a slave on Tatooine. Growing up, he joined the Jedi Order and became Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan. The Jedi believed that Anakin was the Chosen One, who, according to Jedi prophecy, would restore the balance of the Force by destroying the Sith. However, Anakin instead defected to the Empire, became the commander of the Empire's troops, donned a black mask and became Darth Vader.