The Life of Da Vinci. Creativity and inventions of da Vinci. Interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci's Meter

Who lies in Leonardo's grave? April 8th, 2017

Leonardo da Vinci. Self-portrait.

Leonardo da Vinci is considered one of the most prominent representatives of the Renaissance. This “universal man” was far ahead of his time with his brilliant creativity, discoveries, and research. The master left behind many unsolved mysteries, including the place of his burial. Da Vinci did not die in Italy, as many believe, but in France. However, many scientists are still arguing whose remains actually rest under the granite slab with the name of the great master.

How did this happen?

Castle of Cloux (Clos-Lucé), place of Leonardo's death.

After the death of Giuliano de' Medici, Leonardo da Vinci lost his powerful patron. When in 1516 he was invited by the French king Francis I to take the place of court artist, the aged da Vinci agreed without a drop of doubt. At that time, France was actively involved in the Renaissance, so da Vinci was universally revered. However, the artist was already 65 years old at that time. The master's strength left him, right hand went numb. He picked up paints less and less. Fate gave him only a couple of years to live in France.

Reconstructed room of Leonardo da Vinci in the castle of Clos (Clos-Lusset) in Amboise. France.

According to legend, the French king Francis I was at da Vinci's deathbed when he passed into another world. At the castle of Cloux (Clos-Lucé), where he died great master, the room in which Leonardo da Vinci lived is now open to public viewing. The interior of the apartment differs from the general style of the castle, as historians have tried to reconstruct the interior in the Renaissance style down to the smallest detail.

Church of Saint-Floraten, in whose chapel Leonardo da Vinci was originally buried. |

As a result of the long Huguenot wars that took place in the second half of the 16th century, the Church of Saint-Floraten was gradually destroyed. The poor took away the sarcophagi of aristocrats, among which was the grave of Leonardo da Vinci. They even took the lids of the coffins, dumping the remains of the dead in one pile

Chapel of Saint-Hubert.

In 1863, thanks to the energy French critic Arsene Gousse, excavations were carried out at the site of the church. The found remains of the deceased were mixed, and the bones of Leonardo da Vinci were chosen at random. The critic Gousset was guided lifetime description the artist's appearance - large stature, massive skull, high forehead. Next to the “suitable” remains, we were able to find stones with the badly worn letters INC. The researcher then discovered slabs with the inscriptions LEO and DUS. Arsene Gousset rejoiced: the fragments formed into the name of the great master LEOnarDUS vINCius.

Tombstone of Leonardo da Vinci.

In a Gothic chapel built into a steep stone wall Amboise Castle, whose fortifications dominate the town of the same name, contains a tombstone with the name of Leonardo da Vinci. Therefore, many visitors to the Amboise Castle mistake this elegant Gothic chapel, as if floating in the air, for the actual burial place of the great artist.

Granite slab and epitaph of Leonardo da Vinci in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert.


Leonardo da Vinci, whose years of life and death are known to the whole world, is perhaps the most mysterious figure of the Renaissance. Many people care about where Leonardo da Vinci was born and who he was. He is known as an artist, anatomist and engineer. In addition to numerous discoveries, this unique person left behind huge amount various mysteries that the whole world is trying to solve to this day.


When was Leonardo da Vinci born? He was born on April 15, 1452. It is interesting to know where Leonardo da Vinci was born, and specifically in which city. Nothing could be simpler. His surname came from the name of his place of birth. Vinci is an Italian city in the then existing Florentine Republic.

Leonardo was the illegitimate child of an official and an ordinary peasant girl. The boy grew up and was brought up in his father's house, thanks to whom he received a good education.

As soon as the future genius turned 15 years old, he became an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio, who was a talented sculptor, painter and representative of the Florentine school.

One day Leonardo's teacher took on one interesting work. He agreed to paint an altarpiece in the church of Santi Salvi, which depicted the baptism of Christ by John. Young da Vinci participated in this work. He painted only one angel, which turned out to be an order of magnitude more beautiful than the entire image. This circumstance was the reason that I decided never to pick up brushes again. His young but incredibly talented student was able to surpass his teacher.

After another 5 years, Leonardo da Vinci becomes a member of the guild of artists. There, with particular passion, he began to study the basics of drawing and many other required disciplines. A little later, in 1476, he continued to work with former teacher and mentor Andrea del Verrocchio, but already as a co-author of his creations.

Long-awaited glory

By 1480, the name Leonardo da Vinci became famous. I wonder when Leonardo da Vinci was born, could his contemporaries have imagined that he would become so famous? During this period, the artist receives the largest and most expensive orders, but two years later he decides to leave hometown and moves to Milan. There he continues to work, painting several successful paintings and the famous fresco “The Last Supper”.

It was during this period of his life that Leonardo da Vinci began to keep his own diary. From there we learn that he is no longer just an artist, but also an architect-designer, hydraulic engineer, anatomist, inventor of all kinds of mechanisms and decorations. In addition to all this, he also finds time to write riddles, fables or puzzles. Moreover, his interest in music awakens. And this is only a small part of what Leonardo da Vinci became famous for.

Some time later, the genius realizes that mathematics is much more exciting than painting. He is so keen on exact science that he forgets to even think about painting. Even later, da Vinci begins to show interest in anatomy. He leaves for Rome and stays there for 3 years, living under the “wing” of the Medici family. But very soon joy gives way to sadness and longing. Leonrado da Vinci is upset due to the lack of material for conducting anatomical experiments. Then he tries various experiments, but this also leads to nothing.

Life changes

In 1516, the life of the Italian genius changed dramatically. The king of France notices him, truly admiring his work, and invites him to court. Later, the sculptor would write that although Leonardo’s main job was the very prestigious position of court advisor, he did not forget about his creativity.

It was during this period of life that da Vinci began to develop the idea aircraft. At first he manages to come up with a simple design based on wings. In the future, it will serve as the basis for a completely crazy project at that time - an airplane with full control. But even though da Vinci was talented, he was never able to invent a motor. The dream of an airplane turned out to be unrealistic.

Now you know exactly where Leonardo da Vinci was born, what he was interested in and what life path he had to go through. The Florentine died on May 2, 1519.

Painting by a famous artist

The Italian genius was very versatile, but most people think of him solely as a painter. And this is not without reason. Leonardo da Vinci's painting is true art, and his paintings are true masterpieces. Above the mysteries of the most famous works, which came out from under the brush of the Florentine, are fought by thousands of scientists from all over the globe.

It is quite difficult to choose a few paintings from the whole variety. Therefore, the article will present the top 6 most famous and most early works author.

1. First job famous artist- "A small sketch of a river valley."

This is a really neat drawing. It shows a castle and a small wooded hillside. The sketch is made with quick strokes using a pencil. The entire landscape is depicted in such a way that it seems as if we are looking at the picture from some high point.

2. “Turin Self-Portrait” - created by the artist at about 60 years old.

This work is interesting for us primarily because it gives us an idea of ​​what it looked like the great Leonardo da Vinci. Although there is an opinion that a completely different person is depicted here. Many art historians consider the “self-portrait” to be a sketch for the famous “La Gioconda”. This work is considered one of best works Leonardo.

3. “Mona Lisa” or “La Gioconda” - the most famous and, perhaps, the most mysterious picture Italian artist, written around 1514 - 1515.

This in itself is the most interesting fact about Leonardo da Vinci. There are so many theories and assumptions associated with the picture that it is impossible to count them all. Many experts argue that the canvas depicts an ordinary landscape against the backdrop of a very unusual landscape. Some believe that this is a portrait of the Duchess of Costanza d'Avalos. According to others, the wife of Francesco del Gioconda is in the picture. But there is also a more modern version. It says that the great artist captured the widow of Giovanni Antonio Brandano named Pacifica.

4. “Vitruvian Man” - a drawing created as an illustration for a book approximately in 1490-1492.

It very well depicts a naked man in two slightly different positions, which are applied to each other. This work received the status of not only a work of art, but also a scientific work.

5. last supper Leonardo da Vinci - a painting that shows the moment Jesus Christ announced to his disciples that he would be betrayed by one of them. Created in 1495-1498.

This work is as mysterious and enigmatic as La Gioconda. Perhaps the most truly amazing thing about this picture is the story of its composition. According to many historians, Leonardo da Vinci could not write Judas and Christ for a long time. Once he was lucky enough to find a beautiful young man in the church choir, so spiritual and bright that the author’s doubts disappeared - here he is, the prototype of Jesus. But the image of Judas still remained unfinished. For three long years Leonardo walked through the seedy alleys, looking for the most degraded and vile person. One day he found one like this. It was a drunk in a gutter. Da Vinci brought it to his workshop and painted Judas from it. How unimaginable was the author’s surprise when it turned out that he based Jesus and the disciple who betrayed him on the same person, simply met at different periods of the latter’s life.

Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper is also famous for the fact that the master depicted Mary Magdalene at the right hand of Christ. Because he placed her this way, many began to claim that she was the legal wife of Jesus. There was even a hypothesis that the contours of the bodies of Christ and Mary Magdalene represent the letter M, which means “Matrimonio”, that is, marriage.

6. “Madonna Litta” - a painting dedicated to the Mother of God and the Child Christ.

On hand, this is a very traditional religious plot. But it was Leonardo da Vinci’s painting that became one of the best in this subject. In fact, this masterpiece is not very large size, only 42 x 33 cm. But it still truly amazes with its beauty and purity. This picture is also notable for its mysterious details. Why does a baby hold a chick in his hand? For what reason is his mother's dress torn in the place where the baby is pressed to her chest? And why is the picture so dark?

The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci are not just beautiful canvases, they are a whole separate species art, striking the imagination with its indescribable splendor and bewitching secrets.

What did the great creator leave to the world?

What was Leonardo da Vinci famous for besides his paintings? Undoubtedly, he was talented in many areas that, it would seem, cannot be combined with each other at all. However, despite all his genius, he had one interesting character trait that did not really fit with his work - he liked to abandon the work he had begun and leave it like that forever. But nevertheless, Leonardo da Vinci still completed several truly brilliant discoveries. They changed the then ideas about life.

Leonardo da Vinci's discoveries are amazing. What can we say about a man who created an entire science? Are you familiar with paleontology? But it was Leonardo da Vinci who was its founder. It was he who first made an entry in his diary about a certain rare fossil that he managed to discover. Scientists are still wondering what they were talking about. It is only known rough description: a kind of stone that looks like a fossilized honeycomb and has a hexagonal shape. Leonardo also described the first ideas about paleontology as a science in general.

Thanks to da Vinci, people learned to jump out of airplanes without crashing. After all, it was he who invented the parachute. Of course, initially it was only a prototype of a modern parachute and it looked completely different, but this does not diminish the importance of the invention. In his diary, the master wrote about a piece of linen fabric, 11 meters long and wide. He was confident that this would help the person land without any injury. And as time has shown, he was absolutely right.

Of course, the helicopter was invented much later than Leonardo da Vinci died, but the idea of ​​the flying machine belonged to him. It doesn't look at all like what we now call a helicopter, but rather resembles an inverted round table with one leg, to which the pedals are screwed. It was thanks to them that the invention was supposed to fly.

Incredible but true

What else did Leonardo da Vinci create? Incredibly, he also had a hand in robotics. Just think, back in the 15th century he personally designed the first model of the so-called robot. His invention had many complex mechanisms and springs. But most importantly, this robot was humanoid and could even move its arms. Besides this, Italian genius came up with several mechanical lions. They could move on their own using mechanisms like sentries.

Leonardo da Vinci made so many discoveries on earth that he became interested in something new in space. He could spend hours looking at the stars. And although it cannot be said that he invented a telescope, in one of his books you can find instructions for creating something very similar to it.

We even owe our cars to Da Vinci. He came up with a wooden model of a car with three wheels. This entire structure was driven by a special mechanism. Many scientists believe that this idea was born back in 1478.

Among other things, Leonardo was also interested in military affairs. He came up with a multi-barrel and rapid-fire weapon - a machine gun, or rather, its prototype.

Of course, Leonardo da Vinci could not help but come up with something for painters. It was he who developed an artistic technique in which all distant things appear blurry. He also invented chiaroscuro.

It is worth noting that all of Leonardo da Vinci’s discoveries turned out to be very useful, and some of his developments are still used today. They are only slightly improved.

Yet we cannot help but admit that Leonardo da Vinci, whose contribution to science was enormous, was a real genius.

Water is Leonardo da Vinci's favorite element

If you love diving or have dived to significant depths at least once in your life, then thank Leonardo da Vinci. It was he who invented scuba gear. Da Vinci designed a kind of floating cork buoy that held a reed tube above the water for air. It was also he who invented the leather air bag.

Leonardo da Vinci, biology

The genius was interested in everything: the principles of breathing, yawning, coughing, vomiting, and especially the beating of the heart. Leonardo da Vinci studied biology, closely connecting it with physiology. It was he who first described the heart as a muscle and almost came to the conclusion that it was it that pumped blood in the human body. Yes Vichni even attempted to create a prosthetic aortic valve through which blood flow passed.

Anatomy as art

Everyone knows that da Vinci was interested in anatomy. In 2005, researchers discovered his secret laboratory, where he allegedly dissected bones from corpses. And it apparently had an effect. It was Da Vinci who accurately described the shape of the human spine. Among other things, there is an opinion that he discovered diseases such as atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. The Italian also managed to distinguish himself in dentistry. Leonardo was the first person to depict the correct structure of teeth in the oral cavity, describing in detail their number.

Do you wear glasses or contacts? And for this we should thank Leonardo. In 1509, he wrote down in his diary a certain model of how and with what help the optical power of the human eye can be changed.

Leonardo da Vinci, whose contribution to science is simply invaluable, created, studied or discovered so many things that it is impossible to count. The greatest discoveries definitely belong to his ingenious hands and head.

He was a very mysterious figure. And, of course, to this day there are various interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci.

It is known for certain that he was a cryptographer. Leonardo wrote with his left hand and in very small letters. And he did it from right to left. But by the way, Da Vinci wrote equally well with both hands.

The Florentine always spoke in riddles and even made prophecies, most of which came true.

It is interesting that a monument to him was erected not where Leonardo da Vinci was born, but in a completely different place - in Milan.

It is believed that the Italian was a vegetarian. But this did not prevent him from being the manager of court feasts for thirteen years. He even came up with several culinary “helpers” to make the chefs’ work easier.

Among other things, the Florentine played the lyre incredibly beautifully. But even this is not all the interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci.

Name: Leonardo da Vinci

Place of birth: near Vinci, Florentine Republic

Place of death: Castle of Clos-Lucé, near Amboise, Duchy of Touraine, Republic of Florence

Age: 67 years old

Leonardo da Vinci - biography

Leonardo da Vinci was called a “universal man,” that is, a person whose activities and achievements were not limited to a single sphere. He was an artist, musician, writer, the most prominent representative of the art of the Renaissance. But the private, personal life of a genius is covered in secrets and mysteries. Perhaps this is due to a lack of information, or maybe it’s all about the mysterious figure of the Italian master.

Leonardo da Vinci - childhood

Leonardo da Vinci, whose biography is of great interest to fans of this greatest artist born on April 15, 1452 near the city, whose name today is associated primarily with the names of great painters.

The future artist was born near Florence, in the middle of the 15th century. His father was a notary, and his mother was a peasant. Such a misalliance could not exist, and soon Leonardo’s father found himself a more suitable wife - a girl from a noble family. Until the age of three, the child lived with his mother, and after that his father took him into his family. All subsequent years, the painter tried to recreate the image of his mother on canvas.

For some time, his father fiercely sought to instill in Leonardo a love for the family business. But his efforts were in vain: his son was not interested in the laws of society.

At the age of fourteen, Leonardo went to Florence and became an apprentice to the sculptor and painter Andrea del Verrocchio. At that time, Florence was the intellectual center of Italy, which allowed the young man to combine work with study. He learned the basics of drawing and chemistry. But most of all he was interested in drawing, sculpture and modeling.

The main feature of the Renaissance masterpieces is a return to the ideals of Antiquity. During this era, the ancient Greek canons received new life. Students and seasoned masters discussed and argued about revolutionary events in culture and art. Leonardo did not take part in these disputes. He worked more and more, spending days in the workshop.

It would be unfair to miss one of the important facts in the biography of Leonardo da Vinci. One day his teacher received an order. The painting “The Baptism of Christ” was to be painted. According to the traditions of that time, he entrusted two fragments to his young student. Leonardo was commissioned to depict the angels.

When the painting was ready, Verrocchio looked at the canvas and threw down his brush in anger. Some fragments clearly indicated that the student had significantly outgrown the teacher in his skill. From then until the last hour of his life, Andrea del Verrocchio did not return to painting.

In the 15th century, there was an association of artists in Italy called the Guild of St. Luke. Membership in this guild allowed local artists to open their own workshops and sell their works on the official market. In addition, all members of the association were provided with financial and social support. As a rule, these were experienced and mature artists, sculptors and printers. Leonardo da Vinci joined the guild at the age of twenty.

Leonardo da Vinci - personal life

Little is known about the personal life of the titanic figure of the Renaissance. There are sources that talk about accusations of sodomy, that is, deviant sexual behavior. The accusation was based on an anonymous denunciation. But in those days in Florence, denunciation and slander flourished with violent force. The artist was arrested, kept in prison and released two months later due to lack of testimony.

In Florence, during the time of da Vinci, there was an organization called the “Officers of the Night.” The servants of this organization zealously monitored the moral character of the townspeople and actively fought against sodomists. For some time the painter was under the supervision of these moral fighters. But this is according to one version.

And according to another, da Vinci was not accused of anything like that at all, and he was present at the trial solely as a witness. There is a third version, whose adherents claim that the sexual preferences of the great master were far from the generally accepted norm; the power and influence of his father allowed him to avoid imprisonment.

But be that as it may, there is no information in the biography about the painter’s relationships with women. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he long time lived with young people. also did not stand aside from the debate about the sex life of the genius and conducted his own investigation. The famous psychotherapist was sure of Da Vinci's homosexuality.

For almost thirty years, Gian Giacomo Caprotti, better known today as Salai, lived in the maestro’s workshop. When Leonardo da Vinci was already a fully accomplished master, a boy of angelic beauty appeared in his house. His image is present in many masterpieces. But he was not just a model. Officially, he is considered a student. Salai's paintings were not widely known.

But according to the entries in da Vinci’s diary, the aspiring artist was not distinguished by honesty and, at times, behaved like the last scoundrel. What made the great painter keep this man next to him is not known. But these were hardly paternal feelings or admiration for the young talent. Da Vinci's student did not write anything great, and he was not an orphan. All that remains is guesswork.

More than one painter emerged from the studio of Leonardo da Vinci. The master devoted a lot of time, first of all, to training young people. According to his methodology, the aspiring artist had to first study the shapes of objects, learn to copy the works of the master, examine the creations of other experienced authors, and only then begin to create his own work.

What kind of relationship a genius had with his followers in his free time from teaching is not so important. The important thing is that the master’s lessons were not in vain, and they subsequently managed to create new image male body, sensuality and love.

The end of the life of Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vicci passed away on May 2, 1519 at the age of 67 years. His body was interred in a place near Ambauze. All his drawings and tools were transferred to his favorite student Francesco Melzi. All the paintings were inherited by his other student, Salai. 23341

Alleged self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci and "Vitruvian Man"

1. Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the village of Anchiano, a suburb of the town of Vinci, which is located in the vicinity of Florence, Italy. The house where he was born is now a museum.

2. Leonardo had no last name modern sense; "da Vinci" simply means "(originally) from the town of Vinci." His full name- Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, that is, “Leonardo, son of Mr. Piero from Vinci.”

The house where Leonardo lived as a child

3. Leonardo's parents were 25-year-old notary Piero and peasant woman Katerina. Leonardo spent the first years of his life with his mother. His father soon married a rich and noble girl, but this marriage turned out to be childless, and Piero took his three-year-old son to be raised.

4. In his youth, Leonardo began to study many subjects, but, having started, then abandoned them. But despite his various hobbies, he never gave up drawing and sculpting.

5. Taking into account his son’s love for drawing, Leonardo’s father selected several of his drawings and took them to his friend, the painter Andrea Verrocchio, so that he could say whether Leonardo would reach heights in this field. Verrocchio was so amazed by the enormous potential that he saw in the drawings of young Leonardo that he immediately agreed to place Leonardo in his workshop. Here he studied drawing, chemistry, metallurgy, working with metal and plaster.

"The Baptism of Christ"

6. One day Verrocchio received an order for the painting “The Baptism of Christ” and commissioned Leonardo to paint one of the two angels. This was the time when art workshops practiced painting by a teacher together with student assistants. The Little Angel Holding Robes (left), which was painted by Leonardo, demonstrated the superiority of the student over the teacher. According to the great collection “Biographies of Famous Painters, Sculptors and Architects,” the amazed Verrocchio then abandoned his brush and never returned to painting.

7. Leonardo da Vinci carefully hid his personal life, so there is no reliable information about his affairs with women.

8. During his life, Leonardo achieved brilliant results in all areas of his activity, often far ahead of his time. For example, during his life Leonardo da Vinci made thousands of notes and drawings on anatomy. According to clinical anatomy professor Peter Abrams, scientific work da Vinci was 300 years ahead of her time and in many ways superior to the famous Gray's Anatomy.

9. Famous painting Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is painted on wood (poplar) and measures only 77 x 53 centimeters.

One of the inventions is a crossbow

10. It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci was a vegetarian. One of the evidence is given in a letter from researcher Andrea Corsali, addressed to the ruler of Florence, Giuliano Medici: “Between Goa and Rosegud there is a land called Gambaya, where the Indus River flows into the sea. It is inhabited by the Gudzarati people, excellent traders. Some of them dress like the apostles, and some of them dress like they do in Turkey. They do not feed on anything that contains blood, and do not allow themselves to harm any living things, like our Leonardo Da Vinci. They live on rice, milk and other non-living foods.”

11. Leonardo's hobbies even included cooking and the art of serving. For 13 years, the organization of court feasts rested on his shoulders. Original dish“from Leonardo” - thinly sliced ​​stewed meat with vegetables laid on top - was very popular at court feasts.

12. During Leonardo's lifetime, many of his inventions remained unknown to the general public. The inventor encrypted his drawings and they were published only in the 19th century. The source of our knowledge about Leonardo da Vinci's inventions is the Codex Atlanticus, a manuscript of Leonardo da Vinci compiled by Pompeo Leoni.

"Savior of the World"

13. In November 2017, Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Salvator Mundi" became the most expensive work art in history. It was sold at Christie's for a record $400 million.

14. Leonardo da Vinci tried to avoid people and spend time alone. Nevertheless, when in society, he kept an open mind and could start a conversation on any topic.

15. The designs of a bicycle, a tank, a hang glider, a machine gun, a helicopter, a submarine, a parachute are just a small part of what Leonardo da Vinci invented or cleverly modified from his predecessors. But his only invention that received recognition during his lifetime was a wheel lock for a pistol.

16. Leonardo adored animals, all without exception. Coming to the market, he bought birds for the sole purpose of releasing them into the wild - to his delight and to the chagrin of the traders.

17. Leonardo da Vinci was equally good with his right and left hands. However, most of his works were written with his left hand from right to left, i.e. in a mirror position.

18. Realism in painting moved to a qualitatively new level thanks to the work of Leonardo da Vinci. In his canvases, he sought to soften the outlines and figures, since he was the first to realize that light is scattered in the air, so the human eye does not see clear boundaries and color contrasts. For other artists of that era, the lines in the paintings usually clearly outlined the subject, so the image often had the appearance of a painted drawing.

19. The most extensive restoration of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous work “The Last Supper” took 21 years (1978 - 1999). The master created the fresco itself for 3 years: from 1495 to 1498.

20. The last years of his life, Leonardo da Vinci lived under the patronage of the French king Francis I in his castle of Clos Lucé. Two years before his death, the master’s right hand became numb, and he could hardly move without assistance. Leonardo spent the last year of his life in bed. On April 23, 1519, he left a will, and on May 2, at the age of 67, he died surrounded by his students and his masterpieces at the Château de Clos Lucé in France.

"The Last Supper"


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Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most prominent personalities of the Renaissance, whose works, views and creations were so progressive that they came into reality only many years later, which provided the creator with the status of a seer.

Leonardo da Vinci found an adaptation for many of his talents, including painting, design, sculpture, architecture, as well as scientific activity, thanks to which the mentor entered the ranks of scientists and philosophers as one of the best natural scientists. You can give him laurels and mention many achievements, which are not enough to even count, because some of the secrets of his life may not be revealed to us to this day.

At the end of his life, Leonardo da Vinci traveled a lot, or more precisely, he worked in different country at the invitation of kings and other noble persons. Not every creator or artist can boast of capturing their person in eternal memory in the works of palaces or many churches there is a large-scale memory of who once lived and worked. Leonardo also gave a thread of the progressiveness of science of that time - his Golden ratio and a deep study of human anatomy contributed to the advancement of medicine and the study of the human body in detail, which, as you understand, has value not only for the artistic field, as it turned out.

Leonardo da Vinci spent the last years of his life in France. He was invited to live and work in 1516 by the King of France, Francis I, who later became his biggest customer. After the artist lived for two years in France, taught, and worked on his new projects, his right hand began to go numb. Having completely lost the opportunity to work with her, the master took to bed and spent almost the last year of his life in it.

On May 2, 1519, Leonardo da Vinci died. Surrounded by him were his creations and those people, his students, to whom he was dear and who, without a doubt, were dear to him. The painter and philosopher died in the castle of Clos-Lucé, in which Francis I himself once grew up, where everything recent years and lived the great Leonardo. Francis, who was a close friend and ally of Leonardo da Vinci, in whose arms he died great inventor, could not allow his friend to rest far away, so Leonardo da Vinci was buried in the castle of Amboise. The dedicated tombstone in the chapel of the castle of Amboise is still visible to our eyes. Unfortunately, the grave of Leonardo da Vinci itself was lost during the Huguenot wars, but this does not give rise to legends that Leonardo’s grave was somewhere else - the tombstone completely completes the picture of the burial place of the painter from Milan. In addition, there is a message carved on it that indicates the year of death and the age at which Leonardo died, namely at the age of 67 years in 1519, as well as the place where he died - in Cloux, as well as the place of burial - in the castle of Amboise. Based on these data, we can clearly understand the location of the grave of the great and talented Leonardo da Vinci, although in fact his grave has been gone for a long time.

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