Why do you dream that your mother has died? I dreamed that my mother died: interpretation of the dream from dream books

Why do you dream about your mother dying?

Miller's Dream Book

If your mother died, if in fact she is alive, the dream foreshadows her longevity; if your mother was seriously ill with something, she will soon recover. The dream of a woman or girl has another meaning. Most likely, you will soon have to take on great responsibility and put a lot on your shoulders. Dream Interpretation: Mom died indicates the fact that you will lose support and protection, you will have to rely only on your own strength. You may have to take on male responsibilities in the future.

Mom died - think about it when... last time you saw your relatives and showed concern for them. If a woman or girl had a dream, then it hints that soon a person will appear whom you will treat as your child. If you have children, then pay more attention to them; perhaps they need your support and care.

Why do you dream about your mother dying?

Universal dream book

Interpretation of the dream book: The death of a mother causes horror in people, but in reality not everything is so bad. Mom came to you in a dream and said exact date your death - remember this period, it is then that your mother will experience white stripe, her problems will end, adversity will remain a thing of the past. Why do you dream about your mother dying if she is lying in a coffin? In fact, nothing bad will happen to your mother, troubles will pass her by, but you will feel a slight malaise.

See loved one in agony - this is a warning that you should undergo an examination, do not ignore the pain, if the disease is neglected, the consequences will be bad. Dream Interpretation Mom has died, if in fact she is alive and does not complain about her health, predicts sadness. You dreamed about the death of your mother, who is actually no longer alive - this is a prediction of an upcoming quarrel and a break in relations with one of your relatives, so the dream that you are dreaming is ambiguously deciphered.

Why do you dream about your mother dying?

Modern dream book

Mom died - usually such dreams are interpreted in a positive way, but it all depends on the details, such as your emotions and feelings during the dream, colors, surroundings, words, the presence of other people. The dream interpretation of a mother who has died, if in reality she is alive and well, predicts a long life for her, but you should not ignore problems with your own health. Death from drowning portends a change for the better, death from a heart attack portends a joyful event. But violent death is bad sign, your efforts and efforts will be in vain.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have reciprocal value. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

19th lunar day

Dream pictures reveal secret facets of the sleeper’s personality, which he was not previously aware of. Most of these dreams cause a feeling of fear that remains after waking up. Their interpretation is the work of professionals, not amateurs.

A dream in which a person dreamed that his mother died in reality causes horror. Often, after such a dream in the morning, people do not find a place for themselves, they feel anxiety and panic, they think that something bad will happen to their parents.

But strangely enough, this dream is not a harbinger of bad things for the dreamer’s parents; rather, for the dreamer, it can predict troubles or, conversely, good news. It all depends on the details of the dream and the day of the week on which this unpleasant and frightening dream occurred.

Many dream books reassure dreamers and tell them that seeing in a dream that your mother has died means good health and longevity for your loved one. But there are many interpretations of this dream, depending on what the person saw in his dream.

If a person in a dream knows from somewhere that his mother died, but at the same time he did not see the details of the death or the body of the deceased, then in reality the person is very worried about his parents and is afraid of losing them. This dream also speaks of the dreamer’s insecurity and vulnerability or his loneliness.

If in a dream someone informs a person that his parent has passed away, it means that he will soon be given a chance that will change his life. If the dreamer does not get confused and is able to grab luck by the tail, his business will go uphill and he will be able to significantly improve his financial situation.

Choosing a wreath for a deceased mother in a dream means buying something that will not bring pleasure or will be useless. This dream promises an unwise waste of money. If in a dream the dreamer is preoccupied with the hassle of a funeral and is looking for where to buy ritual attributes or buying them, it means that he will soon lose a substantial amount of money due to his gullibility. This dream can be considered a warning that a person should not engage in any dubious transactions.

If in a dream the most dear and beloved person dies in the dreamer’s arms, then real life he will soon have to defend his interests with his parents. This dream prophesies a major quarrel.

If you had a dream from Thursday to Friday, then it is usually considered prophetic. Of particular importance are those dreams that the dreamer saw before major church holidays or on one of the Birthday Fridays.

You need to fear for the health of the parent if you had a dream that your mother died on one of the Birthday Fridays. A prophetic dream warns the dreamer that his family and loved one there may be health problems. Most often, after such a dream, the dreamer’s mother gets sick or feels unwell. If you had an unpleasant and terrible dream on any other day of the week, then it does not predict any danger to the life and health of a loved one.

A dream in which the dreamer himself kills his mother is a warning that he will soon have to go very far from his father’s house for a long time. It is possible that a change of residence will be associated with a long business trip, moving to another country for permanent residence or study.

If suddenly a person sees in a dream that his parent has died, and after some time appears alive in the same dream, this is a sign of unexpected and joyful news and a successful resolution of affairs. This dream is also good if one of your family and friends is sick. Such an unusual dream promises a speedy recovery for a loved one.

If in a dream a person greatly mourns his deceased parent, it means that in real life he will receive unexpected financial help. The more tears - the more money. But if suddenly the tears become not transparent, but bloody, then because of finances the person will find himself in a dangerous situation or suffer physically.

Trying to revive a dead person in a dream means disappointment and wasted work. Despite all efforts, a person will not achieve what he really wanted, both in career terms and in personal relationships.

Also, when interpreting a dream, it matters how the person died in the dream. If this is death from a heart attack or some kind of illness, then in reality the dreamer needs to pay attention to his surroundings. Among the friends and acquaintances of the person who saw the dream, there are those who envy him and periodically do minor dirty tricks.

If the dreamer sees that in a dream his mother died from strangulation, then he needs to stop conflicting with loved ones. This dream suggests that many are dissatisfied with the quarrelsome and conflictual nature and behavior of the dreamer and try to avoid communication with him. If the dreamer does not change his attitude towards other people, it means that he will soon be left without friends and support.

If in a dream the dreamer dreamed that his mother died from violent death- this is a signal that a rather difficult period will soon begin in his family. This dream predicts quarrels and disagreements that will arise due to the dreamer’s ill-considered actions. Also this dream promises temporary financial difficulties. If the dreamer saw that the parent was covered in blood, then financial problems will be very large.

If the dreamer sees that his mother drowned in a dream, then in reality he will have competitors in the workplace. Ill-wishers will do their best to denigrate and “drown” the person who saw the dream in front of his superiors. Therefore, after this dream, the dreamer needs to increase his zeal and try to stay in the workplace, avoiding intrigue and snooping.

The death of a mother in a dream at the hands of another relative is a sign of other people’s problems that the dreamer will have to solve. This dream promises unnecessary troubles, so it is better not to get involved in other people's affairs.

The dream in which I had a dream: my mother died, was quite scary and unpleasant. But almost all interpretations of this terrible dream do not predict any danger to the life and health of the dreamer’s parents.

Even in a dream, the death of a close, dear and beloved person puts the dreamer in real shock. But according to the law of meanness, such visions periodically come to each of us.

However, there is no need to be ashamed or worry about the meaning of what you saw, because in most dream books, the death of a mother means a good, auspicious sign, promising health, longevity and healing for the family. Death and eternal rest have such an illogical and contradictory interpretation.

I dreamed about the death of my mother in a dream, what does this mean?

If you dream about the death of your mother, then you should first weigh and think about the events taking place in real life, and then leaf through dream books.

For example, a mother’s prolonged illness and disappointing diagnoses from doctors will make anyone think of the imminent death of the dearest person.

And even if you deny the worst turn of affairs and cultivate hope for recovery in your soul, on a subconscious level, mentally, death and accompanying experiences will break out. Such dreams are called lucid, far-fetched, since they reflect reality.

Nevertheless, similar visions can mean and portend a good turn of events, an improvement in all areas of a person’s life, a hint of taking certain actions in relation to the parent, for example, making peace with her.

For women this sad one bad dream can become a prediction of pregnancy or marriage (to die - to have a new life).

But men must prepare for some news, the nature of which depends on the more detailed details of the dream.

  • If in real life you are in a quarrel with your mother, then you should make peace.
  • The parent has been sick for a long time - hope for her speedy recovery.
  • The death of a loved one occurred as a result of an accident, this may mean problems in your personal life.
  • The death of a loved one due to an accident is dangerous to start new things.
  • I dreamed about it deceased mother, which means you should take your health more seriously.
  • Seeing people in a coffin means guests.

Why do you dream about your mother's death if she is alive?

If you dreamed death of mother who is alive, then you urgently need to improve your communication - come, visit, make peace if you are in a quarrel. Growing up, children forget about basic courtesy visits and periodic phone calls.

It happens that parents do not see their sons and daughters for several years. This is a heavy burden to fall on the shoulders of already old mothers and fathers who are dying, left alone with their loneliness.

Be sure to visit your mother, if you haven’t been to your parents’ house for a long time, try to find out more often how she is doing.

If you dreamed about your dead mother being alive

  • Dream Interpretation - deceased mother dreamed alive, according to the theory of the famous psychologist Freud, is interpreted as the beginning of some global changes in the dreamer’s life. Most often this happens at a time when you need wise advice from your parents, but have no one to turn to.

IN in this case It is worth paying very close attention to all the details of the dream, because they contain the solution and contain the answer to an exciting question.

  • Dream Interpretation, interpretation of dreams, why dreams of a dead man alive - mother, according to Miller speaks of unexpected, spontaneous acquisitions that will bring moral satisfaction. In the process of interpreting the dream, you need to pay attention to the intonation of the mother in the dream - a warning voice - be careful in relationships, a joyful one - you are on on the right track, life will get better soon.
  • If the deceased dreamed of being alive and came into the house, then this is the case when the vision does not bode well. Most often, such a vision warns of changes that do not always have a positive context.

If you dream of a deceased mother who came to the house, what is it for?

  • More likely this dream warns about various household losses that homeowners will suffer. These could be fires, problems with gas and water, theft and other troubles associated with acquired property.
  • But if a woman came into the house with a scandal, then you should expect problems in family life, misunderstandings between spouses and all the ensuing consequences.

Why do you dream about your mother’s death from Thursday to Friday?

The patroness of this decade is Venus, who most often sends prophetic dreams, which will definitely come to life. They say that dreams from Thursday to Friday come true. Only dreams have not a direct, but a somewhat veiled interpretation.

For example, death in the world of Morpheus is identified with new life, and feasting and partying can indicate possible troubles. Worth giving special meaning picture, if she dreamed before the big Orthodox holiday from Thursday to Friday.

Why do you dream about your mother’s death and resurrection?

The death and subsequent resurrection of the mother is dreamed of as news, but the context of the news depends on the detailed plot of the vision, but most often predicts good news.

Why do you dream that your mother died or that you met her, the deceased? The dream book states: this sign often promises something good. Such a symbol in a dream foretells longevity or success for the dreamer. Even the more serious interpretation is not so gloomy. The dreamed image simply informs the sleeper about his wrong behavior and future troubles.

Dream where mom dies

If you dreamed about the death of your loved one, you should not worry or be scared. The dream book interprets this sign as new stage life – growing up, independence. Therefore, it is time to learn to make decisions and be fully responsible for them, doing without the help of the mother in difficult situations.

Did you dream that your mother died? In reality he will live for a long time, in excellent health. If she has any serious illness, then she can expect a speedy recovery. This image predicts the successful implementation of the plans of the one who dreamed about it. According to the dream book, a vision may indicate excessive anxiety, loss of a sense of security in the sleeper.

Why do you dream clinical death, after which the mother came to life? In reality, the dreamer will be thanked for his help. In addition, it is possible to recover from an illness or receive some expected good news.

Dream about a deceased mother

Did you dream about a mother who has already died? Night vision warns of the future. Even when in her sleep she talks about abstract, incomprehensible or completely extraneous things. This must be interpreted correctly, since even after death the connection between mother and children is not lost. Soulmate lets you know: you should act like an adult and make independent decisions. The dream book also warns: there are troubles ahead, they must be met well prepared.

Why do you dream about seeing your late mother crying and being sad? This is a signal: the sleeper is doing the wrong thing, and he will soon suffer greatly because of this. In addition, the image warns of danger or health risks. Having seen such a dream, you need to light a candle in the church and remember your loved one.

If the mother, who has already died, is joyful and cheerful in a dream, then everything is fine, the dreamer is doing the right thing. Sometimes you’ll dream about how she’s cooking something in the kitchen - this, according to the dream book, portends family well-being, wealth, unmarried - early marriage.

What does it predict?

A dream that your mother has died means a lack of attention to her, her affairs, and health. In reality, the mother needs more participation and care. For a woman or girl, such a sign in a dream promises the appearance of a person who evokes maternal feelings. Maybe her children expect attention and support. The dream book warns: perhaps you should refrain from implementing your plan. The project may turn out to be so unsuccessful that you will later be ashamed of your actions.

Why do you dream of seeing your mother, who has already died, at home? Happiness, peace, prosperity awaits ahead. Family troubles and domestic quarrels will end. Your relationship with your husband will improve, your children will be happy. Sometimes what you dream about marks some very joyful event, says the dream book. When someone asks for help in reality, you cannot refuse.

Talking to her in a dream is ahead long life or receiving good news. The sign when your mother calls you closer is inauspicious. You need to try to ignore the call in order to avoid trouble and also protect your health.



    Please tell me, I dreamed that my mother died, her heart gave out. Next I find myself at my grandmother’s dacha; she has not been with us for six months now. But, I’m doing something in the garden when my grandmother comes up to me and says that I’m sorry that my mother died. Why would this be, please answer.

  • I saw in a dream that my mother died, I cried a lot, I was still wearing a scarf. And one day I seemed to tell her to always come to me. And she really came, she said that she was in heaven, she was transparent, but very light. She came to me every day and told me something. I asked dad, dad, did you bury mom? He answered no. And that's how it ended. Please tell me what such a dream could mean, if anything, my mother is alive)

  • In a dream I saw that my aunt was telling me and saying that my mother had died. I'm all in makeup, hair and a red dress, I'm walking home and suddenly there's a... big car a truck and in this truck my relatives are sitting and crying. I ran home all in tears and then my aunt said I was joking, your mother is alive. Why this dream, please explain to me.

  • I dreamed about my dad vacuuming the carpet, I suddenly started crying and asking why? Then I already knew that she died, and my mom and my dad had the same plot big snail she was their pet animal, dad seemed to let her into the house (on purpose) and she crushed my mom (in real life, my mom is in the hospital pregnant), on Friday morning she could have died due to bleeding.

  • Anastasia:

    I had a dream that I was coming home for the weekend, when my friend came from the army, my mother wanted to tell me something, I asked something funny, she laughed and said then, after 2 days my mother tells me that she has cancer, after 5 dies, what does that mean? It was like reality.

  • I dreamed of one aunt (I don’t know who it was). My mother said something to her and left the house. My 2 brothers and I were watching a movie on the computer, but for some reason dad was not in the dream. Well, in general, we were sitting and suddenly my aunt said sadly, “Your mother died.” The brothers then went somewhere, and they didn’t know it. And then I started crying. My brothers didn't pay attention to me. And I cried a lot, but impulsively. Then she went to her room and looked for jewelry that her mother had ever worn. All my jewelry is black and white, so my mother sometimes wears it for some evenings. Don't think twice about it. And then I woke up. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT! IT'S MOM'S BIRTHDAY TODAY! AND I HAD A DREAM TODAY!

Experiencing the death of loved ones, even in a dream, is very difficult and painful. If you dreamed that your mother died, there is no need to panic: the interpretation is not bad. Usually such a dream foretells longevity for the parent, good health. Let's look at the dream in detail.

Interpretation in popular dream books

IN Modern dream book It is written that if you dream of a dying or dead mother, who is actually alive, then you are tormented by remorse. Perhaps you had a fight and don’t communicate much. The dream book is in a hurry to warn you about the importance of communicating with your parent while there is still such an opportunity. Indeed, there is something to think about.

Let's consider other, no less popular interpreters:

According to Miller:

  1. The psychologist claims that if a mother is sick in life, she will soon get better. The dream foreshadows her for many years life.
  2. For young girls and women, a dream means soon taking on greater responsibilities. You will control a lot, the well-being of some people depends on you. A dream that your mother has died warns that you will soon lose support, and you may even have to perform male duties.

According to Freud:

  1. A scientist and psychologist assures that your children need attention, you are devoting too little time to them! Whether the dreamer is a man or a woman, he must at this moment Spend more time at home and take care of the children.
  2. If there are no children, then Freud predicts a quick acquaintance with the person you will take care of. Perhaps it will be your other half or just good man who needs some kind of help, even guardianship.

The universal dream book says that a dream such as a mother’s words about the date of her death can be terrifying! But everything is not as it seems. Remember the named date, from this day everything will get better in your life.
If you dreamed that your mother was in her death throes, then in reality you should pay attention to your health. Get examined, because a disease detected at an early stage has a better chance of being cured.