Bitter timely thoughts. Journalism by M. Gorky (“Untimely Thoughts”) and A. Blok (“Intellectuals and Revolution”)

From friendly correspondence

In Germany we listen to Echo via the computer. Sometimes "Freedom". We have several Russian television programs. But we hardly include them, only in very rare cases, such as today, when we talk about Vysotsky. But we watch, rather, we also listen, RTVI, more often “Minority Report”. Not everything, of course. For example, I only like Shenderovich, my beloved Radzikhovsky, Kiselev.
Tatyana Lin

Apparently, I have many of the same tastes as your family. Of my 3-4 favorite journalists, Lenya Radzikhovsky is in first place. I know him from Ogonyok. He was already a famous author then, but he began his professional life as a journalist (in terms of earning money) with us. And at 19.00 on Fridays (and earlier on Thursdays) I can be very upset by changing Radzikhovsky to anyone in “Minority Report”.
Alexander Shcherbakov
January 2009
And here is a small Ognykovsky note by Leonid Radzikhovsky (he often wrote large analytical articles) from the first February issue of 1992. In it, as in a drop of water, both the circumstances of the time and the views of the thinking intelligentsia are reproduced.

What is Yeltsin thinking about when he looks at the price tag, clearly taken from a jewelry store, with a piece of sausage shyly lying next to it?

Where are you galloping, proud horse?

And where will you put your hooves?

Pushkin’s epigraph is not an attempt at cheap banter, which is so shamefully fashionable today. Nothing like that. I am not going to compare Yeltsin and Peter the Great, I am not going to compare St. Petersburg and an empty grocery store. But without any mockery and mockery, one can and should compare two state philosophies, two worldviews, two political ideas.

A man for the state, a man who approaches the state like poor Eugene approaches the Bronze Horseman.

The state was built “to harm an arrogant neighbor.” And although the neighbors have long been (the Swedes are right after Battle of Poltava) dismantled their empires and a considerable part of their arrogance, we continued to build our nuclear missile pyramids “to spite” them. And all the thoughts of our military-industrial feudal lords more than fit into such an imperial philosophy. And poor Eugene, on whose back he pranced Bronze Horseman, endured...

Yeltsin is the first leader of Russia elected by the “poor Eugenes.” It is called upon to finally turn Russian political philosophy 180 degrees and begin to open the “window to Europe” from the other end.

The state is for the people. Sausage is more important than SS-20 missiles. And it is better to dismantle the monstrous and majestic pyramid, built for centuries, into small houses for “these little ones.” Here she is new philosophy, which has long been dominant among the former “arrogant neighbor” and has finally reached us!

But a paradox! “Butter instead of guns” - but the oil has completely disappeared! While the guns were being driven, by some miracle there was both butter and sausage. And now, when we turned “to face the sausage,” it’s not there... Why?

Maybe Yeltsin was thinking about this?

...One grandmaster did not make the first move for half an hour, sat thinking, and then moved the pawn “e2-e4”. He was once asked: what are you thinking about, why don’t you start? He replied: I’m thinking about starting the next game.

So what was our President thinking about in Saratov, after the people brought him bread, the security guards brought him salt, and in the store a lonely sausage looked at him like a retired member of the Politburo? Maybe, like that grandmaster, about a new reform? Or about a bright future when sausage becomes just sausage?


The beginning of M. Gorky's journalistic activity dates back to the 1890s, when, working in 1895-1896. in the provincial newspapers of the Volga region and the South of Russia - “Samara Gazeta”, “Nizhegorodsky Listok” and “Odessa News” - he invariably defended the interests of the people. At that time, his worldview had not yet fully formed; Without accepting the landowner-bourgeois system, Gorky did not see any real ways to replace it.

Already in early work Gorky's extreme anthropocentrism is combined with an active rejection of the spiritual qualities of the majority modern people. This contradiction led to the desire young writer contrast the imperfect personality of the real modern man bright individuality, which brought his humanistic concept closer to the ideas of F. Nietzsche in the 1890s of the 19th century. Under the influence of Nietzscheanism, Gorky’s work affirms perfect image A titanic man who is endowed with traits similar to the Nietzschean superman: Prometheism, activism and spiritual strength.

For Gorky, from the very beginning, the purposefulness of force was important positive hero, which already in his early work was conceived as the savior of people from their own weakness, insignificance and sleepy vegetation. The contrast between philistine and heroic types of individualism, expressed in the programmatic journalistic article “Notes on philistinism” (1905), became an important ideological result, pointing to the movement of Gorky’s thought towards the philosophy of collectivism and identifying two main options for Gorky’s subsequent creativity, opposed to each other: individualist - individuality .

The writer found the justification for the ideas to which he was close in the works of “Nietzschean Marxists” - god builders - A. A. Bogdanov and A. V. Lunacharsky. Starting from the god-building period, Gorky’s anthropocentrism falls into complete and unconditional dependence on the logic of the “creative, that is, socially connecting people” idea. In the second half of the 1900s, Gorky called it “the great monistic idea of ​​socialism,” and in the 1930s it was Bolshevism, communism.

Under the influence of the “guiding” idea, the Nietzschean features of Gorky’s Man are transformed, and from the second half of the 1900s he is no longer a Mischief-maker, not an abstract “Man with a capital P,” but a proletarian revolutionary, and not even just a revolutionary, but a “revolutionary in spirit.” In 1917 - 1918, the writer appeared in the image of an “eternal revolutionary” who “would like to revive and spiritualize the entire brain of the world, as much as there is in people’s skulls,” and whom Gorky contrasts with the “revolutionary for a while,” pursuing in the course of radical socio-political break your selfish class interests. From this moment on, the pure Nietzschean type virtually disappears in Gorky’s work as a hero bearing a positive beginning. Why? The answer to this question can already be found in “Untimely Thoughts,” where the writer enters into an argument with the leaders conducting a superhuman experiment on Russia, testifying to the real, extremely cruel manifestations of this experiment.

Gorky accuses the Bolshevik leaders of individualism and leaderism: “... have already been poisoned by the rotten poison of power.” “Imagining themselves to be the Napoleons of socialism, the Leninists tear and rush, completing the destruction of Russia - the Russian people will pay for this with lakes of blood,” they “cold-bloodedly dishonor the revolution, dishonor the working class, forcing it to carry out bloody massacres, urging it to pogroms, to arrests in nothing innocent people..." But ideas, the writer insists, are not defeated by “techniques of physical violence.” A truly heroic individual - an “eternal revolutionary,” Gorky constantly reminds in “Untimely Thoughts”, “is not capable of resorting to certain methods of violence against a person except in cases of irreducible necessity and with a feeling of organic disgust for any act of violence.”

Having subsequently changed his attitude towards the personality of V.I. Lenin, Gorky did not abandon his fundamentally negative attitude towards the cruelty of the supermen of the revolution. “Leaderism” is a disease; developing from the atrophy of the emotion of collectivism, it is expressed in the hypertrophy of the “individual principle,” writes Gorky. In 1930, while supervising the publication of the book “History civil war", Gorky writes in a letter to M. N. Pokrovsky about the need for "a particularly careful study of partisanism, over-praised - as you agree - by fiction writers and poets." According to Gorky, "the glorification of partisan leaders is not a politically harmless matter, and in our circumstances it is not the “role of the individual” in the partisan movement should be so romantically emphasized.” What circumstances are we talking about? The overwhelming majority of readers are the peasantry; the glorification of leaders can lead the consciousness of the peasant masses, captured by private property emotions, away from collectivism to the individualism of a strong personality who has broken away from the people or puts himself above the collective.

Gorky is confident that a person captured by the petty-bourgeois “zoological individualism” of the owner, regardless of who it is: a capitalist small or large predator, is a representative of “ former people"(emigrants), "mechanical citizens" Soviet Union(the inhabitants), the “socially unhealthy force” (the peasantry) or the “much-verbal” intelligentsia - will inevitably move only in one direction: individualism - leaderism - fascism. “The wolf psyche of the big philistinism, the fox psyche of the small one, creates liars, hypocrites, traitors, murderers from around the corner.” In journalism Soviet years Gorky completes the chain of “philistine” - “cynic” - “hooligan”, indicated in his work of the 1900s. He writes: “from hooliganism to fascism the distance is “shorter than a sparrow’s nose.”

Having equated leaderism and petty-bourgeois individualism with fascism, Gorky at the same time continues to defend heroic individualism; he is convinced that the individual “I” can and should merge with the collective “we” without any damage to ourselves: “I wanted - and want - to see all people as heroes of labor and creativity, builders of new free forms of life. We must live in such a way that each of us, despite the differences in individuality, feels like a person equal to everyone else and everyone else.”

Imagining themselves to be the Napoleons of socialism, the Leninists tear and rush, completing the destruction of Russia - the Russian people will pay for it with lakes of blood.

Lenin himself, of course, is a man of exceptional strength; For twenty-five years he stood in the forefront of the fighters for the triumph of socialism, he is one of the largest and most prominent figures of international social democracy; a talented man, he has all the qualities of a “leader,” as well as the lack of morality necessary for this role and a purely lordly, ruthless attitude towards the life of the masses.

Lenin is a “leader” and a Russian gentleman, not alien to some of the spiritual properties of this class that has gone into oblivion, and therefore he considers himself entitled to carry out a cruel experiment with the Russian people, doomed in advance to failure.

The people, exhausted and devastated by the war, have already paid for this experience with thousands of lives and will be forced to pay with tens of thousands, which will decapitate them for a long time.

This inevitable tragedy does not bother Lenin, a slave of dogma, and his minions - his slaves. Life, in all its complexity, is not known to Lenin, he does not know the masses of the people, he did not live with them, but he - from books - learned how to raise this mass on its hind legs, what is the easiest way to enrage its instincts. The working class is for the Lenins what ore is for the metal worker. Is it possible - under all given conditions - to cast a socialist state from this ore? Apparently - impossible; however - why not try? What does Lenin risk if the experiment fails?

He works like a chemist in a laboratory, with the difference that the chemist uses dead matter, but his work gives a result valuable for life, while Lenin works on living material and leads to the death of the revolution. Conscious workers who follow Lenin must understand that a ruthless experiment is being carried out on the Russian working class, which will destroy the best forces of the workers and will stop the normal development of the Russian revolution for a long time.

I am already being reproached for the fact that “after twenty-five years of serving democracy” I “took off my mask” and betrayed my people.

G. G. Bolsheviks have legal right determine my behavior as they please, but I must remind these gentlemen that excellent spiritual qualities I have never been blinded by the Russian people, I have not bowed my knees to democracy, and for me it is not something so sacred that it is completely inaccessible to criticism and condemnation.

In 1911, in an article about “Self-Taught Writers,” I said: “Abominations must be denounced, and if our peasant is a beast, we must say so, and if a worker says:

“I am a proletarian!” - in the same disgusting tone of a man of caste, in which a nobleman says:

“I am a nobleman!” This worker must be ridiculed mercilessly.”

Now that known part the working masses, excited by the maddened rulers of their will, manifest the spirit and methods of the caste, acting with violence and terror - that violence against which its best leaders, its conscious comrades, fought so courageously and for a long time - now, of course, I cannot walk in the ranks this part of the working class.

I find that silencing Rech and other bourgeois newspapers with your fist just because they are hostile to democracy is disgraceful for democracy.

Does democracy feel wrong in its actions and is afraid of criticism from its enemies? Are the Cadets so ideologically strong that they can only be defeated through physical violence?

Depriving freedom of the press is physical violence, and it is unworthy of democracy.

Keeping the old revolutionary Burtsev, a man who inflicted many powerful blows on the monarchy, in prison, keeping him in prison just because he is carried away by his role as a scavenger for political parties, is a disgrace for democracy. Keeping in prison such honest people as A.V. Kartashev, such talented workers as M.V. Bernatsky, and cultural figures such as A.I. Konovalov, who did a lot of good for his workers, is disgraceful for democracy.

To frighten people who do not want to participate in Mr. Trotsky’s mad dance over the ruins of Russia with terror and pogroms is shameful and criminal.

All this is unnecessary and will only increase hatred of the working class. He will have to pay for the mistakes and crimes of his leaders - with thousands of lives, streams of blood.

They want to arrest Irakli Tsereteli, a talented politician and an honest person.

For the struggle against the monarchy, for his defense of the interests of the working class, for the propaganda of the ideas of socialism, the old government awarded Tsereteli with hard labor and tuberculosis.

Now the government, supposedly acting on behalf and at the will of the entire proletariat, wants to reward Tsereteli with prison - for what? I don't understand.

I know that Tsereteli is dangerously ill, but it goes without saying that I would not dare to insult this courageous man by appealing for compassion for him. Yes - and to whom would I appeal? Serious, reasonable people who have not lost their heads, now feel “in the desert,” alas! - not deserted." They are powerless in the storm of excited passions. Life is ruled by people who are in a constant state of “hot temper and irritation.” This state is recognized by law as one of the reasons that gives the criminal the right to leniency, but it is still a state of “sanity.”

The “civil war,” that is, the mutual destruction of democracy to the malicious pleasure of its enemies, was started and inflamed by these people. And now even for the proletariat, bewitched by their demagogic eloquence, it is clear that they are guided not by the practical interests of the working class, but by the theoretical triumph of anarcho-syndicalist ideas.

Sectarians and fanatics, gradually arousing unrealizable hopes and instincts of the dark masses, unrealizable in reality, they isolate the proletarian, truly socialist, consciously revolutionary intelligentsia - they tear off the head of the working class.

And if they decide to play with the fate of an entire class, what do they care about the fate of one of their old, best comrades, about the life of one of the most honest knights of socialism?

Like the crazy archpriest Avvakum, for them dogma is higher than man.

How will all this end for Russian democracy, which they are trying so hard to depersonalize?

The editors of Novaya Zhizn received the following letter:

“Cannon District of the Putilov Plant.

I have decided to censure you, the writers from the New Life, as Stroev was once a writer, as well as Bazarov, Gimer-Sukhanov, Gorky, and all the compilers of the New Life, your Organ does not correspond real life our common one, you are following the defencists. But remember our working life of the proletarians, do not touch the demonstration that was on Sunday, it was not you who carried out the demonstration, it is not for you to criticize it. And in general our party, the Majority and we support our political leaders, real socialists, liberators of the people from the oppression of the Bourgeoisie and capitalists, and in the future, if such counter-revolutionary articles are written, then we workers swear to you, mark it on our foreheads that we will close your newspaper, and if you wish, inquire your Socialist, the so-called neutralist, he was with us at the Putilov factory with his backward speeches, ask him, let him say yes, no, but soon you will be banned and your organ will begin to equal the cadet, and if you bitter, backward writers continue our polemics with the government agency “Pravda”, then you know we will stop trade in our Narva-Peterhof region. address

Putilovs. Cannon plant District write reply. otherwise there will be repressions.”

Fiercely written!

Children argue with such ferocity, having read the terrible books of Gustav Emar and imagining themselves as terrible Indians.

“Won’t we drown in the mud that we so diligently stir up?” M. Gorky

Today I read “Untimely Thoughts” by Maxim Gorky about the global psychological breakdown of Russia during and after the 1917 revolution. Of course, we can say that he himself is to blame for this, and that then he began to assent to the authorities. But his position in the first years of the revolution cannot but inspire respect. Moreover, what he wrote then is valuable for us now. It is highly recommended that all spiteful critics of everything and everyone read this - this is not written by some monarchist or Orthodox philosopher. This is written by the storm petrel of the revolution. Think about who you, Orthodox Christians, are raking in the heat with your hands and what this can lead to.

"We are all a little afraid of criticism, and self-criticism almost inspires us
We love to justify no less than to condemn, but in this love for
justification is much more about caring for oneself, and not for one’s neighbor - it always involves
a noticeable desire to justify one’s personal future sin; - Very
prudent, but bad.
The favorite hero of Russian life and literature is the unfortunate and
pathetic loser, heroes fail with us; people love prisoners when
they are sent to hard labor, and very willingly helps a strong man from his environment
put on the criminal's robe and shackles.
They don’t like strong people in Rus', and that’s partly why strong man Not
tenacious with us.
He doesn’t like life, he doesn’t like literature, trying in every possible way to confuse him.
strong will in contradictions, drive it into the dark corner of the insoluble,
in general - to be brought down to a lower level, to a level with shameful living conditions, to be brought down and
break. They are looking for and loving not a fighter, not a builder of new forms of life, but -
a righteous man who would take upon himself the vile sins of everyday people.

For almost two weeks now, every night crowds of people have been robbing wine shops.
cellars, get drunk, hit each other on the head with bottles, cut their hands
shards of glass and like pigs lying in the mud and blood.

Theft is developing, robberies are growing, shameless people are practicing
bribery as deftly as the officials of the tsarist government did;
dark people gathered around Smolny are trying to blackmail
a frightened man in the street. The rudeness of the representatives of the “people's government”
Commissars" raises general complaints, and they are fair. Various small
the fry, enjoying power, treats the citizen as a loser, i.e.
That is, the same way the Tsar’s police treated him. They yell at everyone, they yell like
watchmen in Konotop or Chukhloma. All this is happening in the name of the proletariat" and
in the name of “social revolution”, and all this is a triumph of the bestial
everyday life, the development of that Asianism that rots us.
But where and in what way is the “idealism of the Russian worker” expressed?
Karl Kautsky wrote so flatteringly?

The revolution deepens...
The reckless demagoguery of people “deepening” the revolution is bearing fruit,
clearly disastrous for the most conscious and cultural representatives
social interests of the working class. Already in factories and factories, gradually
an evil struggle between unskilled workers and skilled workers begins;
laborers begin to assert that mechanics, turners, foundry workers, etc.
the essence of the "bourgeois".

But what amazes and frightens me most is that the revolution does not bring
signs of a person’s spiritual rebirth does not make people more honest,
more straightforward, does not increase their self-esteem and moral assessment of their work.

Having destroyed the old courts in the name of the proletariat, Mr. people's commissars
thereby strengthening in the minds of the “street” its right to “lynching” - bestial
right. And before, before the revolution, our street loved to beat, indulging in this
the vile “sport” with pleasure. Nowhere is a person beaten so often, with such
with zeal and joy, like we have in Rus'. “Punch in the face”, “under the soul”, “under
mikitki”, “under the ninth rib”, “soap the neck”, “brush the back of the head”,
“to blow a fish out of your nose” - all these are our cute Russian pastimes. This -
boast. People are too accustomed to the fact that they are “beaten casually” -
parents beat, owners beat, police beat.
And now these people, brought up by torture, seem to be given the right
free to torture each other. They exercise their “right” with obvious
voluptuousness, with incredible cruelty.
Street “lynchings” have become
a daily “everyday phenomenon”, and we must remember that each of them is more and more
and further expands and deepens the dull, painful cruelty of the crowd.

You complain: people are destroying industry!
And who and when inspired him that industry is the basis of culture,
the foundation of social and state well-being?
In his eyes, industry is a cunning mechanism, cleverly adapted
in order to rip off seven skins from the consumer. Is he wrong?

A good, honest book has almost completely disappeared from the book market -
the best tool of enlightenment. Why she disappeared - more on that another time. No
sensible, objectively instructive books, and many newspapers proliferated,
which day after day teach people enmity and hatred towards each other,
slander, fumble in the meanest dirt, roar and gnash their teeth, supposedly
working to resolve the question of who is to blame for the devastation of Russia?

Of course, each of the disputants is sincerely convinced that everyone is to blame
his opponents, and only he is right, he is caught, in his hands she trembles
a wonderful bird called truth.
Clutched to each other, newspapers roll through the streets in a ball of poisonous
snake, poisoning and frightening the average man with his evil hiss, teaching him
“freedom of speech” - more precisely, freedom to distort the truth, freedom of slander.
“Free speech” is gradually becoming an indecent word. Certainly,-
“in a fight, everyone has the right to hit with whatever they want and wherever they want”; Certainly,
“politics is a shameless business” and “the best politician is the most shameless
man,” but, recognizing the vile truth of this Zulu morality, which,
Still, you feel melancholy, how painful the anxiety for young Rus' is, only
what communion of the gifts of freedom!
What poison flows and splashes from the pages of that nasty paper on
which newspapers are printed!

If we only argue with each other as hostile as you
argue, but we won’t study,” the student shouts, straining himself.
- What to study? - the soldier asks sternly. “What can you do to me?”
teach? We know you - students have always rebelled. Now is our time, and
It's time to get rid of all of you, bourgeoisie!

Having forced the proletariat to agree to the destruction of freedom of the press, Lenin
and his henchmen thereby legitimized for the enemies of democracy the right to clamp down on it
mouth; threatening hunger and pogroms to everyone who does not agree with Lenin’s despotism -
Trotsky, these “leaders” justify the despotism of power, which is so opposed
All the best forces in the country fought for a painfully long time.

Imagining themselves to be the Napoleons of socialism, the Leninists tear and rush,
having completed the destruction of Russia, the Russian people will pay for it with lakes of blood.

The people, exhausted and devastated by the war, have already paid for this experience.
thousands of lives and will be forced to pay tens of thousands, which will last for a long time
will behead him.
This inevitable tragedy does not bother Lenin, a slave of dogma, and his
minions - his slaves. Life, in all its complexity, is unknown to Lenin; he
does not know the masses, has not lived with them, but he - from books - learned what
you can raise this mass on its hind legs, which is the easiest way to enrage it
instincts. The working class is for the Lenins what ore is for the metal worker.
Is it possible - under all given conditions - to cast from this ore
socialist state? Apparently - impossible; however - why not
try? What does Lenin risk if the experiment fails?
He works like a chemist in a laboratory, with the difference that a chemist
uses dead matter, but his work gives a result valuable for life,
and Lenin works on living material and leads the revolution to destruction.
Conscious workers who follow Lenin must understand that with the Russian
the working class is undergoing a ruthless experiment that will destroy the best
the strength of the workers and will stop the normal development of the Russian revolution for a long time.

In 1911, in an article about “Self-Taught Writers”2 I said: “Abominations
we must denounce, and if our man is a beast, we must say so, but if the worker
“I am a proletarian!” - in the same disgusting tone of a man of caste, with which
nobleman says:
“I am a nobleman!” -
This worker must be ridiculed mercilessly.”

Today is “Forgiveness Sunday”1.
According to ancient custom, on this day people asked each other for forgiveness.
in mutual sins against the honor and dignity of a person. That was then
when conscience existed in Rus'; when even the dark, provincial Russian
the people vaguely felt in their souls a gravitation towards social justice,
understandable perhaps, narrowly, but still understandable.

In our nightmare days, conscience is dead2. Everyone remembers how Russian
the entire intelligentsia, regardless of party deformities, was indignant
the unscrupulous act of Beilis and the vile execution of Lena workers4,
Jewish pogroms and slander accusing all Jews of treason
Russia5. The excitement of conscience caused by the Polovnev trial is also memorable.
Larichkin and other murderers Yollos, Herzenstein6.
But innocent people are killed and honest people Shingarev, Kokoshkin, and ours
The authorities have neither the strength nor the conscience to bring the murderers to justice7.
Six young students, innocent of anything, were shot - this is vile
the matter does not cause disturbances of conscience in a destroyed society of cultured people8.
Dozens of “bourgeois” are being beaten in Sevastopol, in Evpatoria9 - and no one
decides to ask the creators of the “social” revolution: are they
moral masterminds of mass murder?
Conscience is dead. A sense of justice is aimed at business
distribution of material goods - the meaning of this “distribution” is especially
understandable where a beggar sells a spruce log to a beggar under the guise of bread,
baked in a thin layer of dough. Half-starved beggars deceive and rob each other
friend - this is what the current day is filled with.
And for all this - for all the dirt, blood,
meanness and vulgarity - the hidden enemies of the working class will blame
time, the blame lies precisely with the working class, with its intelligentsia, the powerless
overcome the moral collapse of the savage masses. Where there is too much politics, there
there is no place for culture, and if politics is thoroughly saturated with fear of the masses
and flattery to her - how the policy of the Soviet regime suffers from this - here already,
perhaps it is completely useless to talk about conscience, justice,
respect for man and everything else that political cynicism calls
“sentimentality”, but without which you cannot live.

Of course, we are making an experiment in social revolution - an activity that is very
consoling to the maniacs of this wonderful idea and very useful to the swindlers. How
is known to be one of the loudest and most ardently taken to heart slogans
Our original revolution received the slogan: “Rob the loot!”
They rob - amazingly, artistically; there is no doubt about this process
history will tell the self-robbery of Rus' with the greatest pathos.
They rob and sell churches, military museums, sell guns and rifles,
they steal commissariat supplies, they plunder the palaces of former grand dukes,
they plunder everything that can be plundered, everything that can be sold is sold,
Feodosia soldiers even trade in people: they brought Turkish, Armenian women from the Caucasus,
Kurdok and sell them for 25 rubles. per piece. It's very "original" and we can
to be proud - there was nothing like this even in the era of the Great French

Further in Pravda it is printed:
“Every revolution, in the process of its progressive development,
inevitably includes a number of negative phenomena that are inevitably associated with
the breakdown of the old, thousand-year-old state structure. Young hero
creating new life; touches with his muscular hands someone else's dilapidated
prosperity, and the townspeople, just those about whom Gorky wrote, begin
cry about the death of the Russian state and culture.”
I cannot consider facts such as theft to be “inevitable.”
national property in the Winter, Gatchina and other palaces. I don't
I understand what the connection is with the “breaking of the thousand-year-old state structure”
has the destruction of the Maly Theater in Moscow and theft in the restroom of the famous
our artist, M. N. Ermolova?

Without wishing to list the known acts of senseless pogroms and robberies,
I affirm that responsibility for this shame perpetrated by hooligans falls
and on the proletariat, obviously powerless to exterminate hooliganism in its midst.

The accursed war destroyed tens of thousands of the best workers, replacing them with
machines by people who went to work “for defense” in order to avoid
military service. All these are people alien to proletarian psychology,
politically undeveloped, unconscious and devoid of natural
proletarians' inclination towards the creativity of a new culture - they are only concerned
bourgeois desire to arrange their personal well-being as quickly as possible and in
whatever the herd. These are people who are organically incapable of accepting and embodying
life of the idea of ​​pure socialism.
And so, the remnant of the working intelligentsia, not exterminated by the war and
civil strife, found himself in close surroundings of the masses, people psychologically
strangers, people who speak the language of the proletarian, but do not know how to feel
proletarian, people whose moods, desires and actions doom the best,
the upper layer of the working class to disgrace and destruction.
The irritated instincts of this dark mass found expressions
zoological anarchism, and these leaders of the rebellious philistines now, like us
We see that they are implementing the beggarly ideas of Proudhon, but not Marx, developing
Pugachevism, not socialism, and in every possible way promote universal alignment with
moral and material poverty.

G. G. People's Commissars do not understand at all the fact that when
they proclaim the slogans of the “social” revolution - spiritually and physically
the exhausted people translate these slogans into their own language in a few short
in words:
- Thunder, rob, destroy...
And destroys rare nests of agricultural crops in Russia,
destroys the cities of Persia, its vineyards, orchards, even its irrigation system
system, destroy everything and everywhere.
And when the people's commissars shout too eloquently and in panic about
the need to fight the “bourgeois”, the dark masses understand this as a direct
call for murder, which she proved.
By saying that the people’s commissars “don’t understand” what echo they are awakening among the people
their hysterical cries about the impending counter-revolution, I deliberately do
an assumption that somewhat explains the insane manner of their actions, but by no means
I justify them. If they got into the “government”, they should know who and
under what conditions they govern.
The people were sick, suffered, indescribably exhausted, full of feelings of revenge,
anger, hatred, and these feelings keep growing, according to their strength
organizing the will of the people.

And these good-natured, twitchy, exhausted people brutally finished off
wounded cadets, splitting their skulls with rifle butts, and these same soldiers, seeing
that in one of the alleys a crowd was destroying a store, three volleys were fired at the crowd,
leaving up to twenty dead and wounded rioters on the spot. And then they helped
store owners to block broken doors and broken windows with boards.
These people are terrible, equally easily capable of feats
self-sacrifice and selflessness, to shameless crimes and vile
violence. You hate them and feel sorry for them with all your soul and feel that you don’t have
strength to understand smoldering and flashes dark soul your people.

For several years, his own illnesses and the death of his loved ones constantly reminded him of his impending death. He lost Elsa in 1936, and his first wife, Mileva, passed away after a nervous breakdown in 1948. That same year, Einstein was diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm; his beloved sister Maya also became seriously ill. IN recent years During his life, Einstein restored many broken bridges in his relationships with loved ones - in particular, he made peace with his son Hans Albert. To his great pleasure, Maya and his adopted daughter Margot spent much more time with him during this period than with their husbands.

In 1955, he suffered a ruptured aorta. His devoted secretary Hélène Dukas was distraught when she realized his condition was deteriorating. Einstein refused painkillers. “It is tactless to prolong life artificially,” he told Helen. “My mission is completed, it’s time to leave. I will do it elegantly.” On April 17, he threw his remaining strength into working on the “theory of everything” - and died before the morning of the 18th. His body was cremated (although the brain was embalmed and preserved by Thomas Harvey, who performed the autopsy at Princeton Hospital), and his ashes were scattered over the Delaware River. Einstein was finally left alone with space.

Five years earlier the magazine "Observer" published Einstein's last equation - much more symbolic than E=mc 2. It was written like this: A=x+y+z, Where A- success in life, x- Job, y- a game, and z– “mouth shut.”

Five Great Opinions About Einstein

“Thanks to the work done by Einstein, the horizons of mankind have expanded immeasurably, and at the same time the picture of the world has acquired a unity and harmony that surpasses anything that could be dreamed of.” – Niels Bohr

"Einstein would have remained one of the greatest theoretical physicists of all time, even if he had not written a line about relativity." – Max Born

"Of all the people of the twentieth century, it was he who showed an amazing combination of such extremely concentrated energies as intelligence, intuition and imagination; these three qualities extremely rarely intersect in one person, but when this happens, people call him a genius. This man was inevitably bound to appear precisely in science, for the twentieth century is the first and most technological of all centuries." – Uttecker Chambers for The Times

"No one else has made such a huge contribution to expanding the boundaries human knowledge twentieth century. There was no one more modest... and more confident that power without wisdom is deadly... Albert Einstein is the clearest example creative abilities of the individual in a free society." – President Dwight Eisenhower

"He's funny, confident, helpful - and understands as much about psychology as I do about physics, so we had a great chat." – Sigmund Freud

Selected bibliography

Aczel, Amir, God's Equation: Einstein, Relativity and the Expanding Universe, Piatkus Books (2000)

Calaprice, Alice (ed.), The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press (2013)

Einstein, Albert, Ideas and Opinions, Souvenir Press (2012) Einstein, Albert, Out of My Later Years, Philosophical Library (1950)

Einstein, Albert, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, Methuen (1920)

Einstein, Albert, The World as I See It, Citadel Press Inc. (2006)

Fölsing, Albrecht, Albert Einstein: A Biography, Viking (1997)

Isaacson, Walter, Einstein: His Life and Universe, Pocket Books (2008)

Moszkowski, Alexander, Einstein the Searcher: His work explained from dialogues with Einstein, Dutton (1921)

Pais, Abraham, Subtle Is the Lord: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein, OUP (2005)

Robinson, Andrew, Einstein: A Hundred Years of Relativity, Palazzo Editions (2010)

Viereck, G. S., Glimpses of the Great, Macauley (1930)



Annus mirabilis (Latin year of miracles) - in the culture of English-speaking countries - the name of several calendar years, marked by particularly important and positive events. Thus, the “years of miracles” were considered 1543, when Nicolaus Copernicus published his work “On the Rotation of the Celestial Spheres”, 1666, when Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, and 1905, when Einstein made the most important discoveries - the photoelectric effect and Brownian motion, and also formulated Special theory relativity. (Hereinafter - translator's note).


Judging by the surviving documents, he is a teacher of Greek grammar.


The work was written jointly with the Polish theoretical physicist Leopold Infeld (1898–1968).


For many centuries human history It was believed that world space was filled with a certain primary substance - “luminiferous ether”. The Michelson-Morley experiment, carried out in 1887 while observing the behavior of solar rays, finally proved that neither ether nor any other “absolute frame of reference” exists in nature, and this is what ultimately led Einstein to create the theory of relativity. And no matter how much Einstein himself subsequently claimed that he did not pay attention to the results of experimental research at all, the results of the Michelson-Morley experiments significantly contributed to the fact that Einstein’s radical theory was so quickly and so readily accepted by the scientific community.


Specifically - in botany and French.


The meaning of being (French).


Dissenter (English Dissenter, from Latin Dissentio - I do not agree) - in England one of the names of persons who deviate from the officially accepted religion.


Charles Benedict "Ben" Ainslie (b. 1977) – English yachtsman, four-time Olympic champion. Mr. Ratty (Ratty) – character famous fairy tale"The Wind in the Willows" by Scottish writer Kenneth Grahame (1859–1932) is a water rat that lives on the banks of a river. By nature he is a serious, independent realist who prefers a quiet life on the river to distant lands.


Just over 5 meters long.


The unified field theory proposed by Einstein is still included in the list of so-called. "unsolved problems of modern physics" - along with such new developments as M-field theory, supersymmetry theory and string theory.


Bad guy", object of universal hatred, bogeyman (French).