“Good attitude towards horses” V. Mayakovsky. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Good attitude towards horses": structure, idea, theme of the work

Kolpakova Ira

This work is an essay according to plan: perception, interpretation, evaluation. I continue to analyze the essay according to this plan, since such a scheme will help prepare for the Unified State Exam, namely: the second part will help to repeat the terms, the interpretation will help to cope with the most difficult task C5.7.



Analysis of V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Good attitude towards horses” (Perception, interpretation, evaluation)

A feeling of pain and melancholy arose in me when I first read V. Mayakovsky’s poem “A Good Treatment for Horses.” I heard the noise of the street with its roar and evil laughter. This street is soulless, “shod with ice.” The sensation of pain intensifies as the horse falls. I realized that this poem is about loneliness in a crowd, about the impossibility of sympathy.

From this point of view, I will try to analyze this poem. The plot is based on chance. But Mayakovsky rethinks this case. We are talking about a “good” attitude not only towards horses, but also towards people.

The main theme of the poem lies in the words:

...we are all a little bit of a horse,

Each of us is a horse in our own way.

So, let's see how this theme develops in the composition of the poem. The poem begins with a description big picture world, a lot comes from both fairy tales and life. On Kuznetsky Most, in Moscow, there was a cafe “Pittoresk”, where Mayakovsky often performed. And in the cafe and on the street there are a lot of loiterers: the same onlookers whom the poet mentions.

...behind the onlooker there is an onlooker,

The pants that Kuznetsky came to flare

Huddled together

The laughter rang and tinkled...

The climax of the poem:

I came up and saw -

Behind the chapel is a chapel

It's rolling down the face,

Hiding in the fur...

The poem is metaphorical. The poet changed the original title “Attitude towards horses” to “Good attitude towards horses”. The title itself contains irony. The metaphor “shod with ice” conveys the perception of a horse: the street is shod with ice, the street (not the horse) is slipping. What is the author’s worldview and attitude? The author's voice is heard not only in the final part. The world described by the poet is terrible: “beaten by hooves,” “swept by the wind,” “shod with ice.” The sounds convey the measured, heavy, careful step of an old horse along a slippery, ringing, icy pavement. Pauses at the end of each line allow the reader to feel the tension build. Rough warning sounds: “Rob, coffin, rude,” as if foreshadowing approaching danger. Indeed, the danger turns out to be real. The crowd does not accept either the suffering of the horse or the suffering of the hero. He tries to calm his heart. Words:

And it was worth living

And it was worth the work - they connect the feeling of a horse and lyrical hero. A conflict between the world has broken out. The image of a foal leaves hope for salvation.

This poem provides an opportunity to reflect on Mayakovsky’s view of the meaning of life, the meaning of being. “I love all living things. My soul and heart are naked to make grief my own,” Mayakovsky wrote. The poem continues the theme of the crowd, the poet and the world of people. “Horse, listen,” is consonant with the title of the poem. “Listen” - a burst brought to a whisper. Mayakovsky remains in the Russian tradition as a sympathetic poet, ready to help. But the world was not always ready to turn its face to him.

Back in 1916, in the poem “I’m tired of it,” Mayakovsky wrote:

No people

You see

The cry of a thousand days of torment?

The soul does not want to go dumb,

And tell whom?

And in the poem “Giveaway”:


Everything my soul owns

And her wealth, go and kill her!...

I'll give it back now

For just one word



Yes, a person only needs kind word sympathy. Mayakovsky's poems are still relevant today. After all, a person is ready to move mountains, can get back on his feet, realize his need just for one “affectionate, kind, humane” word.

Mayakovsky’s poem “Good attitude towards horses” is a typical example of the poet’s early lyrics. In his youth, he was concerned with the theme of confrontation between man and the crowd, to which he devoted many of his works. Brief Analysis“A Good Treatment for Horses” is planned to examine just such a poem; it can be used as the basis for a literature lesson in the 5th grade.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the work was written in 1918, when other poets, caught in the whirlwind of the revolution, wrote mainly about it.

Theme of the poem– love for the most common working animal, which symbolizes ordinary people.

Composition- a sequentially developing story, from the moment the horse fell until it stood up and continued on its way.

Genre- lyric poem.

Poetic size- ladder.

Epithets – “horse eyes”, “general animal melancholy”, red-haired child”.

Metaphors“the street overturned”, “laughter rang out”, “melancholy poured out”.

Neologisms“flare”, “neigh”.

History of creation

Mayakovsky wrote to Lilya Brik about the concept of this work. The poet acutely felt that in the midst of the revolution people became embittered, they were overcome by fear, they did not show mercy or even simple attention to each other. It was during this period, as the history of the creation of “A Good Relationship with Horses” says, that he came up with the idea of ​​“something heartfelt about a horse.” The poem was obviously written after May - then Lilya Brik received a letter from the poet in which he outlined his idea.

The year 1918 was also important for Mayakovsky himself - he was already recognized in literary circles, but he felt sad that no one understood him. He transferred his emotional state into poetic form and created a kind of cry from the soul, which could not get through to people. At the same time, the poet emphasizes the desire to continue to create, hoping to one day be understood and accepted by at least one person.


This work touches on many issues. First of all, this is love for the dray nag, that is, ordinary working people who work for the good of society. And this society is not always as grateful to them as it should be.

The theme of indifference and cruelty, which greatly worried Mayakovsky at that time, also becomes the subject of consideration in this poem. The lyrical hero witnesses a situation when a poor old horse, tired of work, falls, and people around, instead of helping the animal or at least sympathizing with it, only laugh and point their fingers.

And here the poet speaks out main idea- you need to be kinder. The simple sympathetic words of the lyrical hero were enough for the old nag to not just get up and walk. No, she became happier, felt like a child and realized that all her efforts were not in vain. Everyone needs to do the same in everyone - people should be kind to each other so that the burden of life is not so heavy for them.


This is a story in poetic form, almost a report, the plot of which develops sequentially: the horse falls - they make fun of it - the lyrical hero comes and encourages it - she is happy, so she finds the strength to get up.

Using these images, Mayakovsky also tells his own story - in 1918, the poet worked hard, trying to benefit the new, emerging revolutionary society, but continued to feel like an outcast. Like the horse, at some point he decided to stop trying, but still decided to continue working for people - this is the meaning of the verse.


This is a lyrical poem, but, like all of Mayakovsky’s works, it is not entirely typical for this genre. It is perceived differently because conversational style, in which it is written, which makes it different from traditional lyrics.

The unconventional poetic meter used by Mayakovsky—the ladder—plays a special role in creating the mood. The poet also uses imprecise rhyme, which helped him create unusual situations, images, and ideas.

Means of expression

Mayakovsky was an innovative poet, and although he used familiar means of expression, such as epithets- “horse eyes”, “general animal melancholy”, red child” - and metaphors- “the street overturned”, “laughter rang out”, “melancholy poured out”, they still do not play the main role in the artistic concept.

The poet uses a variety of neologisms, such as “flare”, “neigh” and others, as well as alliteration, conveying the mood. So, he imitates the heavy tread of an old horse with the help of words such as “mushroom, rob, coffin, rude.”

With these artistic means the poet shows how hard it was for the horse to walk and how painful it was to fall. Main role V in this case the sound recording plays.

There are probably no people who don’t like poetry. Reading the poems of poets, we see their mood, we read their thoughts, which tell us about the past and present, about sadness and joy, delight, love, experiences, dreams. Poetic word conveys the deep meaning as best as possible and emotional coloring works. Thanks to poems, we can lose ourselves in the writer’s experiences, enjoying the plot of the poem, supporting the hero and the created images. Poems make it possible to find out the personality of the poet and his mood. Thus, in Vladimir Mayakovsky’s work “A Good Treatment for Horses,” the author reflects on the vices of people, on their shortcomings, and at the same time, with the help of the lyrical hero, he shows us what we should be, teaches us empathy, sympathy, and compassion.

Mayakovsky's poem has a good attitude towards horses

In Mayakovsky’s poem “A Good Treatment for Horses,” the writer told the story of a horse that “crashed,” describing the crowd’s reaction to what happened.
Mayakovsky is a wonderful writer who can give us in a few words full description phenomena that occur in people's lives, using onomatopoeia, repetition, sound writing, assonance, alliteration. It is thanks to the ability to use various poetic means in the work “A Good Treatment for Horses,” including metaphors, that the writer helps us, as readers, not only see the picture, but also hear everything that is happening, the same clatter of hooves, the same laughter, etc. similar. He can give us the complete picture in a few words. So, just a few words about the street, but what kind full picture appears before us.

Only “it was blown by the wind”, “shod with ice”, “the street slid”, and our imagination allows us to see the street on a frosty windy day, which is completely covered with ice. And along this icy road gallops a horse that stumbled and fell. At this moment, in theory, everyone should come to their senses and come to the rescue. Oh, no. Passers-by “huddled”, and not only gathered in a crowd of onlookers, but also began to laugh. Their laughter rang and tinkled. And the author treats such onlookers with disdain, telling us that their laughter “rings,” their voices sound like a howl. And only one hero of the poem ran up to the fallen horse. He ran up and saw “horse eyes” from which tears were falling, no, “drops” that were rolling “down his face.” The hero did not remain indifferent, he found comforting words: “Baby, we are all a little bit of a horse.” Seeing the support and understanding, the animal perked up, believed in itself and “rushed, stood up, neighed and walked”, “came cheerful” and realized “it was worth living and working.”

Further, working on Mayakovsky’s essay “Good Treatment of Horses” and analyzing it, I would like to say that this is not a meaningless work. The work entitled “Good Treatment of Horses” by Mayakovsky carries a deep meaning and is worth understanding here good attitude to people, to neighbors. The author encourages us to learn empathy for our neighbors, support, experience, and understanding. Anything can happen in life, and only the support of others, a kind word, words of consolation work wonders, make you move forward, “don’t give up.”

Mayakovsky was an extraordinary personality and an outstanding poet. He often raised, in his works, simple human themes. One of them is pity and participation in the fate of a horse that fell in the middle of the square, in his poem “A Good Treatment for Horses.” And people were hurrying and running around. They do not care about the tragedy of a living being.

The author talks about what happened to humanity, which has no compassion for the poor animal, where did everyone go? best qualities that are inherent to humanity. She lay in the middle of the street and looked around with sad eyes. Mayakovsky compares people to a horse, implying that the same thing could happen to anyone in society, and around, hundreds of people will still rush and rush and no one will show compassion. Many will simply pass by and not even turn their heads. Each line of the poet is filled with sadness and tragic loneliness, where through laughter and voices one can hear, as it were, the clatter of horse hooves receding into the gray mist of the day.

Mayakovsky has his own artistic and expressive means, with the help of which the atmosphere of the work is intensified. To do this, the writer uses a special rhyme of lines and words, which was so characteristic of him. He actually was great master come up with new words and means to express your thoughts more clearly and unconventionally. Mayakovsky used precise and imprecise, rich rhymes, with feminine and masculine accents. The poet used free and free verse, which gave him the opportunity to more accurately express the necessary thoughts and emotions. He called for help - sound recording, phonetic speech device, which gave the work special expressiveness.

The lines often repeat and contrast sounds: vowels and consonants. Used alliteration and assonance, metaphors and inversion. When at the end of the poem, the red horse, having collected his last strength, remembering herself as a little horse, got up and walked down the street, loudly clattering her hooves. She seemed to be supported by the lyrical hero, who sympathized with her and condemned those who laughed at her. And there was hope that there would be goodness, joy and life.

Analysis of the poem Good attitude towards Mayakovsky’s horses

V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Good attitude towards horses” is one of the most piercing and life-affirming poems of the poet, loved even by those who do not like the poet’s work.
It begins with the words:

"They beat the hooves,
It was as if they sang:
Experienced by the wind,
shod with ice
the street was slipping."

To convey the atmosphere of that time, the chaos that reigned in society, Mayakovsky uses such gloomy words to begin his poem.

And you immediately imagine a cobblestone street in the center of old Moscow. a cold winter day, a cart with a red horse in harness and clerks, artisans and other business people scurrying about their business. Everything goes as usual....

I. oh horror" "Horse on the croup
and immediately
behind the onlooker there is an onlooker,
those who came
huddled together..."

A crowd immediately gathered near the old mare, whose laughter “ringed” throughout Kuznetsky.
Here Mayakovsky wants to show the spiritual appearance of a huge crowd. There can be no talk of any compassion or mercy.

What about the horse? Helpless, old and without strength, she lay on the pavement and understood everything. And only one (!) person from the crowd approached the horse and looked into the “horse’s eyes,” full of prayer, humiliation and shame for his helpless old age. The compassion for the horse was so great that the man spoke to it in human language:

"Horse, don't.
listen to what you think you are
worse than these?
we all
a little bit
each of us
in my own way

Here Mayakovsky makes it clear that the people who mocked the fallen horse are no better than the horses themselves.
These human words of support worked a miracle! The horse seemed to understand them and they gave her strength! The horse jumped to its feet, neighed and walked away! She no longer felt old and sick, she remembered her youth and seemed like a foal!

“And it was worth living and working!” - Mayakovsky ends his poem with this life-affirming phrase. And somehow my soul feels good from such a plot outcome.

What is this poem about? The poem teaches us kindness, participation, indifference to the misfortune of others, respect for old age. A kind word spoken at the right time, help and support to those who especially need it, can change a lot in a person’s soul. Even the horse understood the man's sincere compassion towards her.

As you know, Mayakovsky experienced persecution, misunderstanding, and denial of his creativity in his life, so we can assume that he imagined himself as that very horse that so needs human participation!

Analysis of the poem Good attitude towards horses according to plan

  • Analysis of the poem The north blew. Feta grass cried

    IN late creativity Afanasy Fet actually abandons landscape lyrics, he describes only personal experiences, all his lyrics become intimate.

  • The poem “Good attitude towards horses” was written by Mayakovsky in 1918. At the beginning of the year, the poet, in a letter to L. Brik, expressed the idea of ​​writing something about horses. It is claimed that the work was based on real case horse falls on Kuznetsky Bridge. Mayakovsky witnessed this incident.

    Genre of the work

    In the classical sense, this is a lyric poem. But Mayakovsky belonged to the futurist camp, which was characterized by the denial of all established values. His poems broke accepted standards and rules. The work in question is small scene from real life.

    The main theme of the work

    The main theme of the work at first glance it is simple and understandable. The exhausted horse could not stand it and fell in the middle of the street. The incident immediately attracted a crowd of onlookers who were not averse to laughing at the animal. This is exactly what the author makes you think about.
    Post-revolutionary Russia was a riot of wild and dark masses. Mayakovsky was a staunch supporter of the revolution, but he expected something completely different from it. The poet strove to cleanse society of all dirt and vulgarity. As a result, all the darkest instincts of the crowd burst out. It's a great pleasure to laugh at a poor horse. Even Kuznetsky Most is laughing along with the crowd. No one feels compassion or tries to help.

    Mayakovsky sees tears in the horse’s eyes and understands that she is the same living creature, capable of thinking and suffering. He is the only one who was able to discern human traits in the horse. The animal, obediently engaged in its hard work, became for the poet above the surrounding ignorant crowd.

    The lyrical hero addresses the horse with encouraging words. He encourages her to endure shame and failure. Mayakovsky's appeal produces results: the horse gets up and, as if nothing had happened, moves on.


    The small scene has a clear structure. The beginning is a horse falling and the crowd laughing. The climax is the monologue of the lyrical hero. The denouement - the horse gets up on its own and, like a foal, continues its difficult journey.

    Meter and rhyme

    The work was written special welcome- “ladder”. The rhyme is imprecise; it sets a non-standard rhythm for the poem.

    Expressive means

    The futurist Mayakovsky was very fond of using alliteration. At the beginning of the poem, this role is played by the repeated combination “gr”. Subsequently, “z” attracts attention (“immediately behind the onlooker there is an onlooker”, “it rang and tinkled”).

    Another characteristic technique of Mayakovsky is the introduction of neologisms, the deliberate distortion of words (“flare”, “pleshcha”, “ploshe”, “laughed”).

    The main idea of ​​the work

    In the image of a horse, Mayakovsky depicts common man in conditions of complete devastation. “We are all a little horse” is the central phrase of the poem. The restoration of the country required unprecedented labor efforts of the entire population. Many could not stand the stress. Therefore, we must help our neighbor, and not laugh at him. Otherwise, a paradox will arise: people will become animals, and the horse will become a person.

    Plan for analysis of the poem, you are my native land

    • History of creation
    • Genre of the work
    • The main theme of the work
    • Composition
    • Product size
    • The main idea of ​​the poem