The names of the seven dwarves from Snow White. Dwarf names from Snow White. How fairy-tale creatures got names


Princess Snow White lived in a castle with her stepmother, the queen.

Although royal blood flowed in the girl’s veins, her stepmother forced her to do the dirtiest work and dressed her in rags. Despite this, the girl was happy as soon as she found a moment to sing a song and dream alone. However, her stepmother became increasingly jealous of her beauty. When Snow White found out that the queen wanted to drive her away from the world, she decided to run away.

She ran in fear through the dark forest. Tree branches tore her dress, and bats clung to her hair. It seemed to the girl that disgusting monsters were hiding behind the twisted black trunks. And when she tripped and fell into the pond, the logs lying in the water seemed to her like terrible crocodiles. Finally, from fear and fatigue, she became completely exhausted and fell to the ground unconscious.

When Snow White woke up, she saw that cute and friendly animals were crowded around her. They took her to a small house that stood in a clearing lost in the forest.

Snow White knocked on the door. No one answered her, and then she carefully entered the house.

Oh, I see seven small chairs!” the girl exclaimed in amazement. “Seven children probably live here.”

She spent the whole day sweeping dust, taking out trash, scrubbing and washing the floor. On the second floor the girl found seven lovely little beds.

Just look! - exclaimed Snow White. - There is a name written on each bed! And the names are so funny - Doc, Simpleton, Sneeze, Quiet. Can children have such names? And also Grumpy, Veselchak and Sonya. A-ah... - the girl yawned.

I really want to sleep. “Let me lie down for a minute,” muttered the sleepy Snow White, lay down across the bed and fell asleep sweetly...

She dreamed that seven little people appeared in the room. Snow White thought she heard them talking: “Wow, what a monster! Spread out on three whole beds! Let's kill it before it wakes up!”

At these words, Snow White suddenly woke up and sat up on the bed.

“Oh, so you’re real,” she was amazed, looking down at the seven small figures. “How are you?”

How are you? “Things are as white as soot,” one of the dwarves muttered, menacingly crossing his arms over his chest and frowning his eyebrows.

Oh, yes, you know how to speak,” Snow White beamed with joy. “But just don’t tell me your names.” I'll try to guess myself. You are Doc,” she pointed her finger at the gnome with glasses that had slid down to the tip of his nose.

Hmm, hmm... - Doc made a stupid face. - Yes, that's right!

And you are Quiet, right?

The dwarf blushed and tied his beard in a knot out of embarrassment. Seeing the third dwarf stretching and yawning, Snow White said without a shadow of a doubt:

And your name is Sonya.

I wonder how you guessed?” the dwarf muttered sleepily. The rest of the dwarfs began to laugh, and Snow White raised her head with pride, happy that she could guess names so easily.

One of the gnomes grabbed his nose, trying to keep from sneezing, and the girl immediately realized that his name was Sneeze. And the other one laughed so hard that he couldn’t even say his name.

“My name is Veselchak,” he finally said, choking with laughter, and pointed to his neighbor, who was looking at Snow White with a stupid smile from all over his mouth; His ears were large, protruding and constantly moving.

This is the Simpleton,” Veselchak introduced him. “He never talks.”

Why? “Can’t?” the girl asked sympathetically.

He doesn't know how. Never tried it.

This is amazing! - Snow White exclaimed, after which she turned to the dwarf, who stood with a dissatisfied expression. Mimicking him, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him from under her brows, trying to look just as important.

And you, of course, are Grumpy.

So what?” muttered the dwarf. “Everyone knows my name.” “Hey,” he poked Doc in the side. “Now you ask her what her name is and what she’s doing here.”

Tell us what you are and who are you doing here?” asked the dwarf, but immediately corrected himself: “That is, who are you, dear girl?”

Oh, really, I forgot to introduce myself to you. I am Princess Snow White.

Princess?” the dwarves exclaimed in unison. These words made a particular impression on Doc.

Ah, Your Snow Whiteness... that is, Your Highness, we are very flattered by the honor that you bestow upon us,” the dwarf bowed ceremoniously.

Snow White curtsied in response.

Oh, shut up, you dumbass,” Grumpy gave Doc a kick in the side. “You better tell her to leave!”

Please don’t send me away,” the princess asked plaintively. “If you do this, she will kill me!” The dwarves froze in horror.

Kill you? Who would dare do such a thing? Who, tell me?

My stepmother, the queen.

Queen! - cried the dwarfs. Snow White nodded her head sadly.

“She’s evil,” said Quiet.

“She’s really ugly,” Chikhun muttered.

She’s a disgusting old witch!” Grumpy snorted. “I warn you, if the queen finds Snow White here, she will take cruel revenge on all of us.”

But she doesn’t know where I am!” objected Snow White.

The Queen knows everything,” Grumpy answered gloomily. “She knows black magic!”

She won't find me here, I assure you. And if you let me stay, I will run your household, sew, clean, cook and...

She will cook the food! - The gnomes jumped up with delight.

“Do you know how to make morgaliks with marmel revenade?” Doc asked excitedly. “That is, I wanted to say, reveliki with morven rogelade... Ugh.” That is...

Bagels with rhubarb marmalade!” Grumpy and Sneezy shouted.

Of course I can,” Snow White smiled. “And berry mousse too.”

Hooray! Berry mousse!” the dwarfs screamed in unison with delight. “Snow White remains!”

Screams of joy echoed throughout the house. The dwarfs jumped, danced and clapped their hands, and Princess Snow White had fun with them. She was in a wonderful mood. The girl found seven new friends and a refuge where she could safely hide from the evil queen and her black magic. Everyone was happy - even Grumpy.


Although the dwarves warned that the queen would continue to pursue her, Snow White was confident that nothing bad would happen to her again. Therefore, when one morning the gnomes went into the forest and the girl was left alone, she cordially greeted a wretched old woman in rags who knocked on the door of the house. Kind and trusting Snow White did not even suspect that this old woman was her terrible stepmother, who had changed her appearance.

The old lady gave the princess a red juicy apple. Snow White hesitated, but the apple looked so delicious that she finally took a bite.

The apple turned out to be poisoned! Princess Snow White fell asleep death-like, from which only the kiss of true love could bring her out.

When the dwarves returned, they found Snow White lifeless. The dwarves were inconsolable. They made a crystal coffin with gold decorations for Snow White, but could not decide to bury the beautiful princess. The gnomes placed the coffin with the girl in a shady forest clearing and spent days and nights there in grief, decorating the coffin with the most beautiful forest flowers.

“I will never forget the day when the princess appeared with us, and the dinner that she prepared then,” Doc sighed sadly.

Eh,” Grumpy muttered. “At least now no one puts me in a tub of hot water and forces me to wash myself.” Doc looked at him in surprise.

Do you really regret that we let her stay?

Certainly. I immediately realized that this would not lead to good - and here is the result.

So you think we should have driven her away?” Doc was surprised.

This time Grumpy didn't answer, he just lowered his head sadly.

The simpleton was also very worried. He wandered thoughtfully through the meadow and collected daisies, feeling a huge heaviness in his heart. He could not forget how Snow White said goodbye to him when he went into the forest. She always gently ruffled his ears and gently kissed the very top of his bald head.

“Friends, hold on, don’t give in to despondency,” Doc called on the gnomes, seeing their dejected faces.

That’s right,” Veselchak agreed. “We must at least somehow hold on and find solace in memories.” Remember how much fun we had on the day Snow White appeared?

The quiet man blushed to his ears, as he constantly remembered that evening. It all started with a song that the dwarves sang with Snow White. The merry fellow sang his verse beautifully, but when it was his turn, Tikhoni, he began to blush and stutter, and this in the presence of the princess! However, Snow White's approving smile gave him courage, he calmed down and finished his verse properly.

“I’ll do it...” Chihun began, “help...” he squeezed his nose with two fingers and quickly put his bouquet aside. Flower pollen always made him sneeze. He began to speak quickly, fearing that he would sneeze before he could finish:


They came up with a great idea, only Sneeze did not foresee one thing: the Simpleton’s long cloak completely covered his head and caused an irresistible desire to sneeze. The poor fellow fought with himself as best he could, but in the end he could not stand it. The sneeze, as loud as a cannon shot, shook them so much that the Simpleton lost his balance and fell to the ground with a crash. Everyone laughed a lot, and Snow White laughed loudest of all.

Yes, it looked funny,” Sonya smiled reluctantly, holding back a yawn, “But the best of all that... I remember... was the story that the princess told us that evening.

It was a love story,” Tikhonya recalled.

Nonsense,” Grumpy muttered. “Such stories are of no use.”

“Why, they are beautiful,” Doc objected dreamily. “I remember Snow White said this: “Once upon a time there was a pretty princess who fell in love with a prince. The prince was so beautiful and romantic that she couldn’t resist sneaking a kiss from him...”

Kissed... - Tikhony repeated as if in an echo.

The dwarves were silent for a long time. They were not angry with Grumpy, because they knew that he loved Snow White as much as they did, although he did not want to admit it.

“I’ll never forget the song she sang to us,” Veselchak finally said, “about how the prince would come and take her to his castle.” She sang about spring, when their love blossomed, about birds, flowers and wedding bells, announcing the fulfillment of wishes.

One by one, with their heads bowed, the gnomes approached the crystal-golden coffin and placed their bouquets on it. Doc and Veselchak took off the lid and placed a wreath of the most beautiful flowers in the princess's hands, and then knelt on both sides of the coffin.

Suddenly the dwarves raised their heads in fear, hearing not far away the clatter of hooves and a sonorous male voice. Soon a tall, handsome young man rode out into the clearing. He jumped off his horse, walked up to the coffin and, kneeling on one knee, kissed Snow White's lifeless lips.

The princess's eyelids began to tremble. She opened her eyes and, seeing the prince, smiled joyfully. The girl extended her arms to him, and he hugged her and kissed her again, and then picked her up like a feather and sat her in the saddle.

From such a picture, the gnomes began tossing their hats with enthusiastic screams, and then began to joyfully jump around the clearing, laughing and singing a cheerful song. They made such a noise that soon the whole forest knew about their joy.

However, the hour of parting has come. The prince lifted the dwarves one by one so that Snow White, who was sitting on her horse, could say goodbye to them.

Finally, he himself jumped into the saddle, and the horse moved along the forest path, and Snow White last time looked around and waved to the gnomes.

The dwarfs stood by the road for a long time and watched as the handsome prince took their beloved Snow White to the castle. Soon the ringing bells announced to the whole kingdom about the wedding of the young couple, who from then on lived happily ever after.

Translation by A. Kocharov

They accompany us throughout childhood and help us believe in miracles and love, even when we become adults. Can you remember the names of the gnomes from wonderful fairy tale"Snow White"? Let's remember together.

Who are gnomes?

Dwarves can be found on the pages of Scandinavian and German folklore. They look like people short and wear beards. Occupation fairy-tale creatures associated with the mining of diamonds and jewelry deep underground. Dwarves do not really like people, but, as a rule, they do not do evil.

How fairy-tale creatures got names

The names of the dwarfs for "Snow White" were invented by the one to whom most adults owe a fairy-tale childhood, namely Walt Disney. In the original, written by the Brothers Grimm, these cute fairy-tale creatures did not have names. There were also a few other differences: for example, in the original, the queen dies after dancing in hot shoes. But such a plot is not suitable for a small viewer, it was decided to change it a little. Here are the favorite names of the dwarfs from Snow White:

  1. Smart guy. This is the eldest of the gnomes and, as expected, the most important. To make him look respectable, he has glasses on. Knows everything and about everything. True, he stutters during conversations.
  2. Grumpy. This gnome is always dissatisfied with everyone. Everywhere he suspects a trick. The only fairy-tale creature who is unkind to Princess Snow White.
  3. Veselchak. This darling gnome is the life of any company with an infectious smile. Sweet and kind.
  4. Sonya. This gnome always wants to sleep everywhere. He yawns constantly and is slightly lethargic.
  5. A modest person - here he is - an example of shyness. At the same time, the gnome always turns very red.
  6. Sneeze. The gnome clearly suffered from allergies. Especially when smelling flowers. He sneezed so much that at the mere sign of it, the dwarves ran to stop him, and in one episode they even tied his beard in a knot.
  7. Vyalenky or Simpleton. The youngest of all the gnomes. Very cute and funny. This is the only one of all the gnomes who has not yet grown a beard. And he doesn't have hair either.

Which of the gnomes is the best?

The names of the seven dwarves have been refreshed in your memory, but can you remember which was your favorite dwarf? Winner among the little ones fairy-tale heroes becomes Vyalenky! This is not surprising, because he is the youngest of all seven dwarves, very kind and simple-minded, which is why kids love him the most.

Each fairy tale has its own story, which is written during the creation of the animation. Some interesting facts that relate to the creation of the cartoon "Snow White":

Who removed Snow White from her throne?

Despite criticism and skeptical reviews, "Snow White" remained the box office leader until the film's release. Gone with the Wind". It was the first color film. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is an Oscar winner.

We sincerely hope that the names of gnomes helped you briefly return to childhood and take a break from the complexities of the adult world.

News and society

Let's list the names of the dwarfs from Snow White. How many do you know?

March 17, 2017

Based on a fairy tale written long ago by the Brothers Grimm, in 1937 the Walt Disney film studio staged full-length cartoon, keeping its original title - “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The plot tells us about an orphaned girl who is expelled from her own home by her evil stepmother-witch. Wandering through the forest, she meets seven Lilliputian brothers who offer her shelter. Absolutely all children and adults know how this fairy tale ends, but not everyone remembers the names of the gnomes, who are the main characters. So we decided to introduce ourselves to these funny characters.

Smart guy

Let's start listing the names of the gnomes with the main one, the bearer of which was the leader of his brothers. In the English version of the cartoon, he is called “Doc” from the word “Doctor”, since only he knows everything and always. Distinctive feature this brother had a stutter. But this defect did not at all prevent him from teaching everyone and giving invaluable advice.


It’s easy to guess what kind of character this hero has. The grumbler is always dissatisfied with what is happening; he does not like the weather, the people around him, and even the food. Moreover, he is the only one of his brothers who believes that a woman brings misfortune to the house. Therefore, he is categorically against Snow White living in their hut.

It is worth noting that this character is one of the main ones in the series “Once Upon a Time.” Using his example, we are shown how the names of gnomes appear and even how they change. Grumpy, for example, previously called himself a Dreamer, and after his dreams did not turn into reality, he became what we always knew him to be.


This gnome is a concentration of positivity. He sees only good in everything. At every opportunity dances or sings. He constantly hums Tyrolean tunes, often listing in them the names of the gnomes - his brothers.


In Russian translation it sounds like female name, but if not for it, it would be impossible to convey the whole essence of the character of this Lilliputian brother. Sonya yawns all the time, that's all free time spends time dozing, and if he needs to do something or go somewhere, he will demonstrate fatigue and lethargy with his whole appearance.


You probably already guessed a long time ago that all the names of the dwarfs from Snow White are an accurate description of the heroes themselves and their main qualities. Here is the Shy One we come to, an extremely shy person. In any conversation, he lowers his head, draws in his neck, and it seems that he does not have the strength to listen to the end of his interlocutor. The Shy Man's peculiarity is that every time he turns red and looks like a big tomato.


Sometimes it seems that this hero The authors focused on all types of allergies to which a person can react with a runny nose. For this gnome, flowers and dust, fluff and snow, rain and even food are unbearable. Sometimes he likes to sneeze just to amuse his brothers.


Or “The Simpleton,” as Snow White affectionately calls him, is the smallest of all the Lilliputian brothers. The only character in the fairy tale who doesn’t tense up at all, to such an extent that he doesn’t even speak. He either uses gestures or makes characteristic sounds by which he is understood and heard. But despite all this, the Simpleton always looks funny and complements the overall picture.

If you remember the names of the seven dwarves from Snow White, you can safely say that you have met the main characters of this fairy tale. Each name fully reveals the character and characteristics of its owner and even makes it possible to guess how they will act in different situations. However, sometimes the dwarven brothers surprise the viewer, showing us courage and courage, which, as it may seem at first glance, are not at all inherent to them.




What were the names of the dwarfs in the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and received the best answer

Answer from Poddubny Stanislav Semenovich[guru]
Like seven days a week.

Reply from Loratus[guru]
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Or maybe not. But for some reason I remembered the days of the week.

Reply from Denis[newbie]
Snow White

Reply from Nadya[guru]
Original in English In Russian
Doc Smart Guy
Bashful Shy
Sneezy Sneezy
Happy Veselchak
Dopey Simpleton
Sleepy Sonya
Grumpy Grumpy

Reply from Guest from the Future[guru]
“Oh, you can talk,” Snow White beamed with joy. - But just don’t tell me your names. I'll try to guess myself. You are Doc,” she pointed her finger at the gnome with glasses that had slid down to the tip of his nose.
- Hmm, hmm... - Doc made a stupid face. - Yes, that's right!
- And you are Quiet, right?
The dwarf blushed and tied his beard in a knot out of embarrassment. Seeing the third dwarf stretching and yawning, Snow White said without a shadow of a doubt:
- And your name is Sonya.
- I wonder how you guessed? - the dwarf muttered sleepily. The rest of the dwarfs began to laugh, and Snow White raised her head with pride, happy that she could guess names so easily.
One of the gnomes grabbed his nose, trying to keep from sneezing, and the girl immediately realized that his name was Sneeze. And the other one laughed so hard that he couldn’t even say his name.
“My name is Veselchak,” he finally said, choking with laughter, and pointed to his neighbor, who was looking at Snow White with a stupid smile from all over his mouth; His ears were large, protruding and constantly moving.
“This is the Simpleton,” Veselchak introduced him. - He never talks.
- Why? Can't? - the girl asked sympathetically.
- He doesn't know how. Never tried it.
- This is amazing! - Snow White exclaimed, after which she turned to the dwarf, who stood with a dissatisfied expression. Mimicking him, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him from under her brows, trying to look just as important.
- And you, of course, are Grumpy.
- So what? - muttered the dwarf. - Everyone knows my name. Hey, he poked Doc in the side. - Now ask her what her name is and what she’s doing here.

1. The cartoon was supposed to begin with a scene featuring Snow White's mother, but this idea had to be abandoned in order to avoid the wrath of the censors.
2. When the cartoon was released in 1937, plural English word dwarf (gnome) was written, as in the credits, - dwarfs. After the release of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, it became common to write dwarves.

3. 32 animators, 102 assistant animators, 167 people “on the spot”, 25 artists who painted backgrounds in watercolors took part in the production of the cartoon; 65 effects animators, 158 female artists who colored the frames with inks and paints. About 2 million illustrations were created using about one and a half thousand shades of colors.
4. Dancer Marge Champion became the prototype for Snow White. During filming, she met animator Art Babbitt, married him, but after some time filed for divorce.

Some of the material was subsequently recycled for use in Robin Hood.

5. 25 songs were written for the cartoon, and only 8 of them were included in the final version.
6. The idea for Snow White came to Walt Disney at the age of 15, when he was working as a newspaper salesman in Kansas City. He saw a silent film presentation starring Marguerite Clark and then attended the premiere in February 1917. The movie Snow White was shown on a 4-sided screen using 4 spotlights, so Walt was looking at two screens at once and marveling at the synchronicity of the movements. What he saw impressed Walt so much that he subsequently had no doubts about which cartoon to make the first full-length.
7. To give Snow White a more natural look, the fill artists applied their own blush to her cheeks. When Walt Disney asked if they were going to use this technique in every shot, one of them replied: “What do you think women do all their lives?”

8. The prototype of the Evil Queen was actress Gail Sondergaard.

9. The animators told Lucille LaVerne, who voiced the Evil Queen, that the Witch's voice needed to be older and raspier, so they would be looking for someone else to fill the role. Then Lucille left the recording booth, returned there a couple of minutes later and gave out the convincing voice of the Witch. Shocked animators asked how she did it, to which the actress replied: “Oh, I just took my teeth out.”

10.B original fairy tale Brothers Grimm's Evil Queen dies when she is forced to dance in shoes made of hot metal (a brutal fairy tale for brutal children).

11. In the original fairy tale, the dwarves did not have names.

12. The animators came up with about 50 names for the gnomes, among them Terrible, Big, Chatterbox, Dirty, Talker, Suffocating, Gloomy, Jumper, Screamer, Careless, Dodger, Cunning, etc. At the last minute, Zadohlik was renamed Sneeze. Sluggish was the last dwarf to be given a name.
13. To stimulate the work of animators, Walt Disney introduced his famous “Five dollars a joke” policy at the studio. A striking example The effectiveness of such a measure was the idea of ​​Ward Kimball, who proposed to show the noses of gnomes, one after another, protruding from behind the headboards of the beds.

14. Sluggish should have been able to speak, but a suitable voice could not be found. One of the contenders was Mel Blanc, who at the time voiced Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes characters.
15. Dormouse and Grumpy were voiced by Pinto Colvig, the voice of Goofy.

16. Some animators were against calling the gnome Dopey, arguing that the word dopey was too modern to be used in a timeless tale. Walt Disney objected, saying that William Shakespeare used the word in one of his plays. Everyone was satisfied with the answer, although in fact the word "languid" never appears in any of Shakespeare's works.
17. When comedian Billy Gilbert learned that one of the dwarfs was named Sneeze, he called Walt Disney, showed him his signature sneezing joke and immediately got the role.

18. In the scene in which Snow White sends the dwarves to wash their hands before eating, animator Frank Thomas depicted Sluggish trying to keep up with the others, with an unsteady gait. Walt Disney loved this one so much distinguishing feature the unlucky gnome that he ordered this technique to be used in every scene with his participation. The rest of the animators thanked Frank profusely for the extra work.

19. It was written in the script more scenes starring the Prince, but the difficulties of his animation forced the creators to limit his time on screen as much as possible.
20. When the cartoon was ready, it turned out that last scene The prince twitches due to the incorrect framing of the frames. The budget no longer allowed for fixing anything, so Roy Disney, Walt Disney's brother and business partner, suggested leaving it as is. The error was corrected only in 1993 during the digital restoration of the cartoon.
21. Deleted Scenes:
1). The Evil Queen keeps the Prince captive and forces skeletons to dance around him for entertainment;
2). During the song Some Day My Prince Will Come, Snow White was supposed to imagine herself and the Prince dancing in the clouds under a sea of ​​stars;
3). Gnomes and forest dwellers building a coffin for Snow White;
4). During the scene of the dwarves washing themselves before dinner, Sluggish swallows a bar of soap. The final version of the cartoon did not show how the gnomes get it out of there; this scene, performed in pencil to the dwarves' song The Music In Your Soup, was later shown at Disneyland;
5). The dwarves had to sing the song “You”re Never Too Old To Be Young (“It’s impossible to be too old to stay young”).

6). Dwarves quarrel in the bedroom over Snow White

7). Eating soup and singing the song Music in Your Soup.

8). The original version of the meeting between Snow White and the Prince

22. Animator Wolfgang Reiterman was able to successfully animate the Slave in the Magic Mirror on his ninth attempt. He had to fold the piece of paper in half, draw part of a face on it, then turn the sheet over and finish the rest. How shocked he was when his painstaking hard work was virtually hidden under fire, smoke and distorted glass during filming.
23. Assuming that "Snow White" would fail at the box office, representatives of the Hollywood film industry called the cartoon "Walt Disney's mistake."
24. “Snow White” held the title of the highest-grossing film in history for about a year, until it was displaced by “Gone with the Wind.”
25. After the premiere of the cartoon at the New York Music Hall, it turned out that the upholstery on most of the seats needed to be changed, as many children were afraid of the scenes of Snow White wandering in the Enchanted Forest and the transformation of the Evil Queen into the Witch.

26. Sergei Eisenstein called "Snow White" best film in the world." Dutch artist Piet Mondrian admitted that this was his favorite film.
27. In storage Disney Company A storyboard for a sequel to the cartoon entitled "Snow White Returns" was discovered. Judging by the number of sketches, the cartoon was supposed to be a short film. It included deleted scenes of the dwarves eating soup and making a bed for Snow White, created by Ward Kimball. One can only guess why Walt Disney abandoned the idea of ​​​​creating a second part.
28. The cartoon was awarded a special Oscar - a large statuette and seven small ones.