Contrast as a technique that reveals the idea of ​​L.N.’s story. Tolstoy "After the Ball". Analysis of the story “after the ball.” history, composition, contrast, antithesis. (fat Lev n.)

Antithesis is a comparison of opposite images; and in more in a broad sense- any comparison of opposing concepts, situations or any other elements in literary work. Proverbs are based on this artistic device, and it is widely used in world literature, for example, the contrast between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza in the novel “Don Quixote” by M. Cervantes. L.N. Tolstoy resorted to the same technique in one of his later stories - “After the Ball.”

The hero on whose behalf the story is told is a person in whose fate chance played decisive role. Before the turning point that happened in his youth, Ivan Vasilyevich was a student at a provincial university and dreamed of entering military service. He was “a very cheerful and lively fellow, and also rich,” so “the main pleasure... were evenings and balls.” Ivan Vasilyevich’s imagination was captivated by the lovely Varenka B., “tall, slender, graceful and majestic,” she had a regal appearance, “which would have scared her away if not for the affectionate, always cheerful smile on her mouth and lovely, sparkling eyes.”

At the provincial leader’s ball, he danced with Varenka all evening and “was drunk with love without wine.” He saw only her “tall, slender figure in a white dress with a pink belt,” saw only “her radiant, flushed, dimpled face and gentle, sweet eyes.” Love for Varenka “released everything hidden” in my soul young man"capacity of love."

But fate wanted his whole life to “change” after one night, or rather the morning that followed, when he witnessed the scene of the monstrous, inhuman punishment of a fugitive Tatar.

The story, most of which is devoted to depicting a brilliant ball, is not by chance called “After the Ball.” A monstrous event, which played a decisive role in the fate of Ivan Vasilyevich, occurred precisely after him. But in order to more fully realize his idea, Tolstoy constructed the story as a consistent and contrasting depiction of the mazurka and execution scenes with many contrasting details. Without the episode of the soldier’s torture, the picture of the ball, with its grace, beautiful and elegant women, enthusiastic feelings and delicate pink and white colors, would have lost all meaning. And the execution scene would not have seemed so terrible to the student if it had not been preceded by a ball. The more festive and brilliant the young man imagined the world around him at first, the more unexpected and tragic his insight turned out to be, showing the world from a completely different, cruel and extremely unsightly side.

During the ball, the young man felt a special “enthusiastic and tender feeling” for the colonel, Varenka’s father. He saw in front of him a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man with a ruddy face and the same gentle, joyful smile as his daughter. When the father invited Varenka to dance, everyone around looked at them with enthusiastic emotion. While dancing, the colonel “briskly stamped one foot”, “his figure was now quietly and smoothly, now noisily and violently... moved around the hall”; “he deftly walked two laps”; “gently, sweetly, he wrapped his arms around his daughter...” And the narrator himself, “embracing the whole world with his love,” was afraid of only one thing: “so that something would spoil” this happiness. And of course, he could not have imagined that this “something” would turn out to be so terrible. In the morning on the square he saw the father of his beloved girl in a completely different guise: the colonel “walked... with a trembling gait”; “he drew in air, puffing out his cheeks, and slowly released it through his protruding lip”; “with a strong hand in a suede glove he hit a frightened, short, weak soldier in the face because he did not lower his stick strongly enough” on the back of the fugitive Tatar. The punishment, which was supervised by the father of his beloved girl, caused a real mental crisis in the hero.

In these episodes we seem to have two different people: one of them evokes sympathy and a kind smile, the other - disgust and disgust... Even brighter is the contrast between the colonel, with his ruddy face and white mustache and sideburns, and the punished, who, “twitching with his whole body, splashing his feet on the melted snow.. . under the blows raining down on him from both sides,” he moved through the ranks of soldiers. “I was so ashamed,” the hero describes the surging feelings, “that, not knowing where to look, as if I had been caught in the very shameful act..., I lowered my eyes... There was an almost physical melancholy in my heart, reaching the point of nausea... it seemed that I was about to vomit with all the horror that entered me from this sight.”

Ivan Vasilyevich was never able to find out and understand why all this “was done with such confidence and was recognized by everyone as necessary.” “And without finding out, I could not enter military service, as I had wanted before, and not only did not serve in the military, but did not serve anywhere...” The hero’s love for Varenka began to wane from that day on. Just as earlier he involuntarily connected Varenka with her father-colonel “in one tender, touching feeling,” so now, “when she... was thinking with a smile on her face,” Ivan Vasilyevich “immediately remembered the colonel on the square,” and he felt awkward and unpleasant. He began to see the girl less and less, until his love for her completely cooled.

The story described in the story “After the Ball” was not just the author’s imagination. The prototype of Varenka B. was Varvara Andreevna Koreysh, the daughter of the military commander in Kazan, Andrei Petrovich Koreysh. Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (brother of L.N. Tolstoy) was in love with this girl, but his romantic feeling faded after he, having fun dancing with Varenka at the mazurka ball, the next morning saw how her father led the execution. This incident became known to Lev Nikolaevich at the same time and made an indelible impression on him. Therefore, after fifty seconds extra years he used it to show with such artistic skill how the brightest dreams of a young enthusiastic person can in an instant be shattered by cruel reality and completely change the rest of his life.

Literature lesson in 8th grade.

Contrast as a technique to reveal the idea of ​​Leo Tolstoy’s story

"After the ball."

Lesson objectives:

1.Show how the technique of contrast helps reveal the idea of ​​the story.

2. Carry out analysis work artistic means, creating pictures of a ball and execution.

3. Education of mercy, humanity, sensitive attitude towards people, non-acceptance of violence against the individual.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of what has been studied.

Basic concepts: worldview, problems of existence, despotism, despotism of power, moral renewal, morality.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation, recording of music by L. Beethoven and G. Sviridov, comparison table, test.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory speech by the teacher and setting the goal of the lesson.

Slide 1-2

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” and its creation story.

The writer was worried all his life about the lack of rights of the Russian soldier. Back in 1855, he worked on a project to reform the army, in which he opposed the barbaric punishment of “driving through the ranks.” But the story goes far beyond a protest against the inhumane treatment of soldiers. The writer poses broad humanistic problems such as duty, honor, conscience and humanity.

Slide 3

Today we will talk about how L.N. Tolstoy illuminates these problems, with the help of what artistic techniques and means he achieves their expression.

2.Work on the content of the text. (Analysis of interconnected episodes, language and composition of the work, comparison of the behavior of the characters.)

What event is described in the story?

(The hero of the story is shocked by what he saw after the ball.)

Slide 4

In the story, you can hear the roll call of two eras - the one that Tolstoy directly depicts (the 40s of the 19th century, during the reign of Nicholas I), and the one that is present invisibly, defining the main issues of existence. Therefore, the writer restores the past to show that its horrors live in the present. He opposes violence and oppression, against inhumane treatment of people. Studying this work, we must give a correct assessment of the characters and events, determine how relevant this story is today.

Slide 5

What feature of the composition did you notice?

(Frame composition, “story within a story.”)

What do we call contrast?

(Contrast, antithesis).

What is built on contrast in the story?

(Description of the events of the ball and after, psychological state heroes.)

Slide 6

Episode Analysis

Work in groups (using the method of dialogue technology).

Slide 7

- Read the ball scene again and fill in the table.

Reading the episode "At the Ball". (Music by G. Sviridov sounds.)

Slide 8

Examination independent work students in groups to fill out table No. 1.

Slide 9

What epithets were chosen to describe the ball?

(The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the musicians are famous.)

- How does Ivan Vasilyevich feel at the ball?

(Satisfied, happy, kind.)

Why does the hero see everything at the ball in such rainbow colors?

(He is happy because he is in love.)

What color scheme does Tolstoy use to depict this scene?

(Warm colors.)

Which color is dominant? Why? What associations does it give you? white? What might it symbolize?

(Goodness, light, purity, dream, ideal.)

Let’s read the scene “After the Ball” (execution) and see what epithets and color scheme the author uses in it.

Reading the episode.

-Fill out table No. 2.

Slide 10

Checking students’ independent work on filling out table No. 2

Slide 11

(Use of epithets, colors.)

Tolstoy helps not only to see, but also to hear the events taking place.

(Splashing his feet in the snow, he slapped him hard on the back.)

How does the state of the story's hero change?

(Shame and horror.)

At what point do Ivan Vasilyevich’s feelings change?

(Scene with the colonel.)

Why did the colonel hit the soldier in the face?

(Because he weakly hit the Tatar.)

What detail of clothing does the writer draw our attention to in this scene?

(White glove.)

Remember what he said during the beating?

(“Everything must be done according to the law.”)

Tolstoy uses the technique of mirror reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a distorting mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now again “everything must be done according to the law.”

What law does the colonel live by? Under what law did he whip the soldier?

(According to the law of military life.)

What side of military life did Ivan Vasilyevich see? What traits showed up in the colonel’s behavior?


Why did Ivan Vasilyevich, after seeing the execution scene, change his mind about becoming a military man?

(He had to accept these laws, this cruelty, but he could not participate in this horror, since he felt shame from the mere sight.)

We figured out how and why Ivan Vasilyevich’s views changed. But something else was revealed to the hero that morning. He found his place in life, because one of his interlocutors says: “No matter how many people would be worthless if you were not there.” Ivan Vasilyevich refused to live by “military laws” with their cruelty. He begins to understand the falsity of the laws high society, to which Colonel B. Tolstoy belongs, reveals the truth to both the hero and the reader: there is another law by which people have tried to live from time immemorial.

What is this law?

On what day do the events in the story take place?

(Forgiveness Sunday - Clean Monday.)

What does this holiday mean?

(We must forgive everyone and repent.)

What phrase sounds in the hero’s memory throughout Clean Monday?

(“Brothers, have mercy!”)

What do you understand by mercy?

(Willingness to help, forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy.)

Who heard the Tatar's pleas?

(Ivan Vasilyevich and a weak soldier.)

What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero of the story on this holy day? How should you learn to live?

(According to God's laws, compassion, forgiveness, loving people.)

This morning of Clean Monday changed the hero’s life. He was disappointed in military service, because I saw all her cruelty, falsehood social life and realized that we must live according to Christian laws.

3. Summing up the lesson.

Slide 12

The topic of human responsibility for what happens around us is still relevant today. Unfortunately, in our lives we have to face injustice and determine for ourselves what to do in order to look decent in such situations.

Homework : Explain in writing the title of Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball.”

Running the test


L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball.”

1. Genre of the work:

b) story,

c) story.

2. The following helps to reveal the idea of ​​a work:

a) antithesis,

b) hyperbole,

c) personification.

3. The work makes you think about:

a) the fate of the colonel;

b) a person’s personal responsibility for the life of society;

c) the love of Ivan Vasilyevich.

4. Theme of the work:

a) a story about a colonel;

b) display of the Nicholas era;

c) a story about the love of Ivan Vasilyevich.

5. Why did the colonel, attentive and sensitive at the ball, turn out to be cruel and heartless after the ball?

b) at the ball he put on a “mask” of integrity;

c) the colonel performs his duties;

d) other reasons.

6. What can be said about life position main character?

a) he affirms the idea of ​​L.N. Tolstoy “non-resistance to evil through violence”;

b) affirms the idea of ​​the need for a person to be involved in the troubles of other people;

c) understands the need to “change living conditions” in order to “change a person’s views.”

7. What can be said about Leo Tolstoy’s life position?

c) calls to fight arbitrariness.

1. Contrast of color palette.

2. Contrasting feelings and things.

3. Connecting contrasting passages.

In L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball,” contrast plays a structure-forming role in the creation of the work. Two sides of the same coin become the starting point for the development of plot action. The critic K. Lomunov wrote about the contrast in the work: “Like many other works of the late Tolstoy, the story “After the Ball” is built on the principle of artistic contrast: a bright, colorful picture of a cheerful ball in a noble meeting is replaced by a harsh scene of painful punishment of a defenseless soldier, who is under dry spell. the crackle of drums is driven along the parade ground through the ranks.”

With the help of contrast, the author creates a special atmosphere, or aura, of the story. The incident that changed the life and fate of the protagonist is also based on contrast. The author shows the other side of the image of a magnificent and sophisticated colonel. Readers were able to fully appreciate its essence. After all, it was the fundamental change in this figure that caused such irreversible consequences not only for the student, but also for the daughter of the colonel himself. The core of the work, called “contrast,” forms concentric circles around itself, thereby creating a work of art.

The story is told from the perspective of Ivan Vasilyevich, who begins it with a description of his beloved. “She was wearing a white dress with a pink belt and white kid gloves that did not reach her thin, sharp elbows, and white satin shoes.” Before us is depicted a sublime being, almost an angel, and not a real earthly person. But the images that appear after the ball of the provincial leader turn out to be quite earthly. “The soldiers in black uniforms stood in two rows facing each other, holding their guns to their feet, and did not move.” In these two passages there is a contrast even at the level of color. Varenka is white and airy. The soldiers are black, with guns. With a few strokes, the author negates the feeling of sincerity and purity created by the image of the girl. “After the ball” different rules and laws apply. "Behind them<солдат>a drummer and a flute player stood and, without ceasing, repeated the same unpleasant, shrill melody.” But the first sounds that he hears main character, still different.

In the soul of a young man, “musicians” play a different melody - the melody of love. She overwhelmed the main character so much that he could not fall asleep. “Everything was singing in my soul and occasionally I heard the motif of a mazurka.”

After what he saw in the morning, Ivan Vasilyevich was filled with another feeling: “... there was an almost physical melancholy in my heart, reaching the point of nausea, such that I stopped several times, and it seemed to me that I was about to vomit with all the horror that had entered into me from this sight." The sight that opened up to the young man in love in the morning was truly monstrous. The contrasting transition used by the author when creating the work adds emotionality and enhances the impression of what was read.

After what he saw in the hero’s soul, only horror remained. In memory of the ball, the young man in love kept a feather from Varenka’s fan. He hid it in his glove and felt the unearthly warmth that it radiated. However, after the morning spectacle, even this sentimental pledge of peace and prosperity was unable to preserve the memory of his beautiful beloved.

The image of a suede glove that belonged to Varenka’s father is also used by the writer to create contrast. The glove first appears when the colonel is about to dance with his daughter. He pulls it on right hand with the words “everything must be done according to the law.” After that, smiling and taking his daughter’s hand, he goes to dance. In the scene of punishment, the suede glove appears again, but in a completely different context: “...with his strong hand in a suede glove, he beat a frightened, short, weak soldier in the face because he did not lower his stick firmly enough on the red back of the Tatar.”

Drawing portraits of those who attended the ball, the author uses mainly “light”, “pleasant” images: velvet, diamond, plump, white, pink, kid. We see completely different colors in the morning. “It was something so motley, wet, red, unnatural that I did not believe that it was a human body.” And these paintings are separated from each other by just a few hours. At the same time, the color palette of a ballroom night can be called clean, sparkling - not only externally, but internally.

The contrast, which serves as the main compositional device in Tolstoy’s story, also manifests itself in the image of Ivan Vasilyevich. After all, it is he who is the connecting link between two opposing passages of the story. If not for this figure, the two parts of one whole would never have been able to connect. Only such a contrast, which occurs not only before our eyes, but also in the soul of the main character, has a tragic impact on his fate.

In his story, Tolstoy uses contrast as the surest means of influence. By the way, the reason for the creation of this work was a real story that happened. Its events have a shocking effect on both the narrator and the reader. The contrast technique used by the author is unique. potent drug, thanks to which the impression of what is read reaches that brightness and sharpness, as if the reader were observing everything that was happening with his own eyes, being a direct eyewitness to this dramatic story.

1. Contrasting the images of the main characters
2. Color palette works.
3. Musical picture the surrounding world.
4. Contrasting portrait of the colonel.

Our life path strewn with the wreckage of what we began to be and what we could become.
A. Bergson

Our life is filled with accidents and unpredictable events. There are times when they cannot be immediately distinguished in the general flow of life. Therefore, in order not only to identify it for yourself, but also to show it to the whole world, it is necessary to describe these phenomena. To do this, you can use the technique of contrast. A picture compiled in this way allows not only the writer, but also us to understand the background of a particular situation. On the other hand, this approach to facts makes it possible to present them in a more objective light. In this case, two opposing characteristics of the same situation are given, leaving us the right to resolve this issue.

However, by selecting various details of the description, the author of the work can tell us the path that he prefers. Let's consider our assumptions using the example of L.N. Tolstoy's story “After the Ball.” It presents a case that radically changed the life of a young man. At the same time, his decision influenced the fate of other people. And it was the contrasting pictures that played a significant role in this choice, further aggravating the current situation.

Already at the level of composition we are presented with two opposite poles: the ball and the punishment scene. The first amazes with its luxury and beauty, the second with its cruelty and senselessness. This contrast shows that there simply cannot be anything else in life. It is impossible to find any middle option. However, only two heroes - Ivan Vasilyevich and the colonel - are destined to go through both plot spaces. They are like two equally opposite worlds, since they represent different approaches to solving the same problem. The colonel believes that the Tatar deserves such a terrible punishment. So he runs him through the gauntlet. Ivan Vasilyevich, on the contrary, does not understand why such cruelty should be shown, especially since the one being punished begs the soldiers to “have mercy.” These heroes also differ because one acts (the colonel), while the other is inactive. But in this sense it is not entirely correct to talk about the contrast of images. With their help, the author shows different approaches to the same problem.

In the story, Tolstoy uses more expressive facts, which make up a contrasting picture of the narrative. It is created on different levels: color and sound.

One of them no longer concerns the main “opponents” of the approach to life: Ivan Vasilyevich and the colonel. The color scheme characterizes other characters: Varenka and the Tatar. The girl in her color halo appears as a beautiful and immaculate beauty. Varenka's image is described through white and pink shades. Moreover, the first color is intensified: it is repeated several times in one sentence. “She was wearing a white dress with a pink belt and white kid gloves that did not reach her thin, sharp elbows, and white satin shoes.” It seems that with the help of this shade the author wants to show the very soul and essence of the girl, but cannot reflect them in any way - they are so beautiful. The pink color only emphasizes Varenka’s tenderness and freshness.

To describe the Tatar, using only one color scheme, an image of the horror that is imprinted in the memory of Ivan Vasilyevich is created. To do this, the author also places all the characteristics of the contrast in one sentence, thereby enhancing the impression of what he saw, “...I caught a glimpse of the back of the person being punished between the rows. It was something so motley, wet, red, unnatural that I didn’t believe it was a human body.” At the sight of such a scene, Ivan Vasilyevich felt ashamed; he did not know where to escape from such an impression. cruel punishment. Soon he found the strength to break away from this terrible sight and go home.

And at this moment another level of contrast arises - sound. Ivan Vasilyevich did not see anything, but the terrible sounds of such an inhumane incident remained with him. “All the way in my ears the drumbeat was beating and the flute was whistling, then I heard the words: “Brothers, have mercy,” then I heard the self-confident, angry voice of the colonel shouting: “Will you smear? Will you?”” And again the writer collects all the sound series in one sentence. They create a harsh tirade of sounds, devoid of any euphony, moving from low tones (fraction) to high, one might say, hysterical (flute). Moreover, even in one sentence, the writer creates a consistent chain of different elements. First, music is heard, then the Tatar’s plea, which ends with the colonel’s menacing voice. This framing also shows us that any cries for help will not be heard. In contrast to this cruel picture are the beautiful sounds of the ball. They literally intoxicated the main character a couple of hours ago. “Even though I was a lover of champagne, I didn’t drink, because without wine I was drunk with love, but I danced until I dropped - I danced quadrilles, waltzes, and polkas, of course, as far as possible: all with Varenka.” And the hero continues to hear them the moment he leaves the ball: they are so sweet and delightful. “I was singing all the time in my soul and occasionally heard the motif of the mazurka,” despite the fact that this was the only dance to which Ivan Vasilyevich did not invite Varenka. At that moment he was looking at the girl from the side. Therefore, the melody sounding in his soul reminded him of that beautiful image at the ball.

The most important achievement of the writer is that he manages to show a contrasting combination not only with the help of various elements. but also within the limits of one person - the colonel. At the ball, the military man is beautiful, despite some shortcomings in clothing, which are justified by his great attention to his daughter. “Varenka’s father was a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man. His face was very ruddy, with a white... curled mustache.” During punishment, it is as if a completely different person appears before us. The colonel "...sucked in air, puffing out his cheeks, and slowly released it through his protruding lip." In such a contrasting comparison, we are shown not only the appearance, but also the behavior of a military man. He is changing before our eyes. And after such a picture, combined with other plots and events, Ivan Vasilyevich tries not to see Varenka anymore. “And the love just faded away. So this is what things happen and what changes and directs a person’s whole life.” The contrasting picture created by Tolstoy in this work also played a significant role in this decision.

The feeling that the main character experienced also appears in contrast to us. After the ball, he was in love and inspired by the feelings that arose for Varenka: “I was not only cheerful and contented, I was happy, blissful, I was kind, I was not me, but some unearthly creature who knows no evil and is capable of one thing.” good". However, after the punishment scene, Ivan Vasilyevich is depressed and humiliated. “Meanwhile, there was an almost physical melancholy in my heart, almost to the point of nausea, such that I stopped several times, and it seemed to me that I was about to vomit with all the horror that entered me from this sight.” Each of the events left an indelible mark on the soul of Ivan Vasilyevich. But the last impression so eclipsed everything that the main character had seen and felt before. It was this that influenced his further actions and decisions.

Consequently, the use of contrast allows not only to show the event from two sides, but also, to some extent, to have a significant impact on the actions of the main characters. It seems that the author does not interfere with the narrative, and everything gradually goes on as usual. But in reality, everything is completely different. Negative side contrast shows which side the author is on and what position should be taken when considering a particular problem. Tolstoy skillfully used this technique to show in a short story how a person’s life can change not only from chance, but also from the perception of the contrast of the world in which he lives.

Src="" alt=">Contrast as the basis of the composition of the story by L.N. Tolstoy"> Контраст как основа композиции рассказа Л.Н.Толстой "После бала"!}

Src="" alt=">The purpose of the lesson: to expand students’ understanding of the work of Leo Tolstoy introduce his views on"> Цель урока: расширить представление учащихся о творчестве Л.Н.Толстого познакомить с его взглядами на ближайшую историю Задачи: рассмотреть сюжет и композицию рассказа дать представление о контрасте как !} artistic technique, on which the story is based

Src="" alt=">Before us is a portrait of L.N. Tolstoy by artist N.N. .Ge (1884)."> Перед нами портрет Л.Н. Толстого работы художника Н.Н.Ге (1884)."Поздний вечер. Комната погружена в полумрак. Кажется, что в доме установилась глубокая тишина, все вокруг спит, и только великий труженик Толстой не может оторваться от работы, которая составляет главное дело его жизни... Он хочет, чтобы правда, понятая им, стала доступна всем людям... Толстой похож здесь на мудрого и величественного пророка, строгого судью и учителя жизни... Невидимая свеча ярко освещает лицо Толстого, свет серебрит седины его, и это создаёт ощущение ясности мысли, внутреннего спокойствия и мягкой человечности, так странно сочетающейся с суровостью проповедника".!}

Src="" alt=">From the diary of L.N. Tolstoy 1903 August 9. Posted by in one day "Daughter and Father"."> Из дневника Л.Н.Толстого 1903г. 9 августа.Написал в один день «Дочь и отец». Не дурно. 20августа.Только нынче кончил сказки, и не три, а две. Недоволен. Зато “А вы говорите” недурно. Здоровье все хорошо. Нынче еду в Пирогово. [..] 18 июня. …веселый бал в Казани, влюблен в Корейшу, красавицу, дочь воинского начальника - поляка, танцую с нею; ее красавец старик-отец ласково берет ее и идет мазурку. И наутро, после влюбленной бессонной ночи, звуки барабана, и сквозь строй гонит татарина, и воинский начальник велит больней бить. (Очень бы хорошо.)!}

Src="" alt=">History of the creation of the story What was the source for the creation of the story? It is known what is the basis"> История создания рассказа Что же послужило источником для создания рассказа? Известно, что в основу рассказа легла история, которая произошла со старшим братом писателя - Сергеем Николаевичем.!}

Src="" alt=">The writer’s memory has preserved a lot and captured it in this story. Together with the writer we are transported"> Память писателя сохранила многое и запечатлела в этом рассказе. Вместе с писателем мы переносимся в 40-е годы 19века, время царствования Николая I. Ещё прочным было тогда дворянско-крепостническое государство. В войсках свирепствовала палочная дисциплина, и солдат за любую провинность секли плетьми или прогоняли "сквозь строй", когда под !} drum roll the person being punished was dragged between the rows of soldiers and each was obliged to hit his naked body with a spitz-rut. The person was often beaten to death.

Src="" alt=">21st century (the era in which the reader lives) 40s 19th century, time of Nicholas 1 (events depicted in"> 21век (эпоха, в которой живёт читатель) 40-е годы 19в,время Николая1 (события, изображённые в рассказе) 1900-е годы, время Николая2 (современная автору эпоха) Перекличка эпох в рассказе «После бала»!}

Src="" alt=">The author emphasizes the contrast in the composition of the story in the system of images in linguistic means in"> Автор подчёркивает контраст в композиции рассказа в системе образов в языковых средствах в описаниях!}

Src="" alt=">Contrast as compositional device The story has the following main parts: The story, thus,"> Contrast as a compositional device The story has the following main parts: The story, therefore, is enclosed in a “frame.” This compositional device is called “a story within a story” because the work is written by the writer so that we learn about all the events from the narrator introduction at the ball after the ball conclusion

Src="" alt=">Observation of linguistic means At the ball:">!}

Src="" alt=">Execution:">!}

Src="" alt=">What conclusions about spiritual qualities The colonel is prompted by observations of his attitude towards "> What conclusions about the spiritual qualities of the colonel are prompted by observations of his attitude towards his daughter at the ball? What qualities of his nature are manifested in the scene on the parade ground? What is the root of these contradictions, according to Tolstoy? Colonel Contrast in the system images

Src="" alt=">How does Ivan Vasilyevich appear in the characteristics of his interlocutors? What is his role in life Ivan's fate"> Каким предстаёт Иван Васильевич в характеристике своих собеседников? Какую роль в жизненной судьбе Ивана Васильевича сыграл «случай»? Как характеризует героя его решение не служить в военной службе и нигде не служить? Иван Васильевич!}

Src="" alt=">Conclusion What do you see as the critical strength of the story? In the original editions, the story had the following"> Вывод В чём вы видите критическую силу рассказа? В первоначальных редакциях рассказ имел следующие названия: "Дочь и отец", "А вы говорите". Почему писатель отдал предпочтение заглавию "После бала?"!}

Src="" alt=">If we look directly at the past, our present will also be revealed to us. If we just"> Если мы прямо поглядим на прошедшее, нам откроется и наше настоящее. Если мы только перестанем слепить себе глаза выдуманными государственными пользами и благами и посмотрим на то, что одно важно: добро и зло жизни людей, нам все станет ясно. Если мы назовем настоящими именами костры, пытки, плахи, клейма, рекрутские наборы, то мы найдем и настоящее имя для тюрем, острогов, войск с общею воинскою повинностью, прокуроров, жандармов. Если мы не будем говорить: зачем поминать? и не будем заслонять дел людских прошедшего воображаемыми пользами для различных фикций, мы поймем то, что делалось прежде, поймем и то, что делается теперь. (Л.Н.Толстой. Николай Палкин) Значение рассказа «После бала»!}