Which zodiac sign is the smartest? The smartest zodiac sign according to astrologers

Fire Element (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

Representatives of the Fire element have intuition. Their thinking is like a fire that burns only when the wind blows on it. The extraordinary gift of premonition that these people are endowed with often helps to take the only the right decision and find a way out of difficult situations. For Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, it is simply necessary to see a goal in front of them. Only then will they be able to fully mobilize their intellectual potential.

Air Element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

These signs live in their own world, full of illusions, which they try to analyze regularly. Sometimes they are simply unable to comprehend reality. Grandiose projects are constantly brewing in their heads, which they almost never implement. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius often become the authors of fresh ideas. True, they are often implemented by other zodiac signs.

Earth Element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Signs under the protection of the Earth element have excellent analytical thinking. They love solving logical and strategic problems. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are excellent at solving those issues that can be analyzed and have a scientific explanation. True, Earth signs often have little imagination and imagination.

Water Element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

How and what these signs think is unknown to most people. Their fantasies and ideas are not subject to society. It is not without reason that many representatives of water poetry become famous and successful people. Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces can use their intellect both in the exact sciences and in the arts. Their way of thinking is diverse and deep. They are able to predict future events.

Each person is unique and individual in their own way. Someone sings and dances well, and someone is well versed in technology and electronics. All these qualities directly depend on the Zodiac constellation under which a particular person was born. Today we will try to determine which of the entire zodiac constellation is the most smart sign Zodiac.

Many factors influence a person’s character, his capabilities and destiny. And not last place occupies the date of birth of a person, which predetermines his entire life.

Planets solar system, patronizing the types of the Zodiac, have a certain influence on various areas.

Each zodiac sign has its own patron planet. And the description of this planet helps to identify the smartest, most talented, sexiest, most beautiful type. In this article we will talk about which is the smartest zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has certain abilities and characteristics. Many types of the zodiac circle are directly opposite personalities, which is quite logical. Some types are characterized by unearthly beauty, others by a sharp mind, and still others by luck in everything. One thing is obvious - a lot depends on the date of birth.

All signs of the Zodiac are influenced by the planets and constellations under which they were born.

It is believed that among all the planets, Uranus and Mercury are the ones that endow the Zodiac type with intelligence and intelligence.

Mercury is responsible for the intellect, governing the mind, thinking and education of a person.

Signs born under the auspices of this planet are distinguished by erudition, logic, excellent memory and intelligence. So the smartest sign of the Zodiac is under the protection of these planets.


Geminis are the children of Mercury. Almost from the first years of life, Geminis surprise everyone around them with their incredible intelligence.

Among Gemini women and men, almost everyone is considered very talented and savvy.

They can long time get carried away by something interesting, achieving excellent results in it. Geminis are characterized by practicality in the area they have chosen for themselves. What sets them apart is their intelligence and sharp mind, although this is not always good, since finding worthy friends, a life partner and suitable company can be extremely difficult. Geminis do not like to communicate with uneducated people.


The planet Uranus rules Aquarius. Aquarians, like Geminis, are, if not the smartest, then, one might say, one of the smartest types of the Zodiac.

Among Aquarius there are a lot of inventors and artists who are world famous.

If you're wondering, what sign drives progress? The answer is clear - Aquarius. They do not look for standard ways, solving any problem in an original and unusual way. Once they become interested in something, they will work on it until they achieve certain results.

What astrologers say about other zodiac signs


Aries are dexterous and quick-witted people who know how to create the impression they need among others.

Among them there are also geniuses, but quite rarely. As for the average Aries, he is excellent at using any, even seemingly unnecessary, knowledge in practice, benefiting from it.


At first contact, Taurus does not always seem savvy and quick-witted, more often creating the impression of being slow-witted and stupid, but this is wrong.

With close communication, this zodiac sign can turn out to be a real erudite, and his habit of thinking and weighing everything will become an advantage. One of the negative traits of Taurus men and women is the inability to use their knowledge in practice.


Cancer is an erudite and intellectual person who often hides it.

With close contact, Cancer can open up and actually surprise the interlocutor with his thoughts. In addition, it is very useful to turn to such people for advice, since wisdom and life experience will allow Cancer to give optimal advice.


Leo is an intellectual on display. It often turns out that a given zodiac sign knows much less than it wants to show to others.

All knowledge may be narrowly focused and very superficial, but this does not mean that it is stupid. It’s just not right for the “king of beasts” to show his ignorance of anything.


Virgo is a true student who loves to gain new knowledge and develop.

Among women and men of this type Zodiac signs include those who study all their lives and do not know how to use the acquired knowledge in practice, and those who learn everything with extraordinary speed.


Libras are smart and modest. Due to some modesty, Libras may be underestimated by society.

However, this zodiac sign is not particularly worried about this, knowing perfectly well its capabilities and potentials. Creative personalities are often found among them.


Scorpio is a sign that loves to test all its knowledge in practice.

They often do not have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but the fact that they strive for practice makes them smart and with developed intuition. It’s not for nothing that practice is considered the best teacher.


Sagittarius is a rather smart sign, since both men and women of this type can safely be called well-read and smart.

They have excellent memory and intuition, which very often helps them in life. Surprisingly, many brilliant ideas for Sagittarius come not from acquired knowledge or experience, but from nowhere, which also makes them lucky in life.


Capricorn is considered a very intelligent type of the zodiac.

He loves to study and gain new knowledge, which he then happily uses in practice. In addition, Capricorns are reasonable and consistent, and this makes them not just smart, but also logical. Very few people will be able to question the mind and intelligence of Capricorns.


Pisces love to exaggerate everything in life. When discussing the intellectual abilities of this type of zodiac circle, it is necessary to note their richly developed imagination, which often helps them in life.

As for intellectual success, it is often random and very unpredictable. However, this does not make this sign stupid at all.

The smartest sign of the Zodiac - let's summarize

Having studied the horoscope, we can say with confidence that there are definitely no stupid people in the zodiac circle. Each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, often intellectual abilities depend not only on which planet protects a person, but also on what year he was born, what period of day/night, and so on.

If you asked yourself the question, which is the smartest zodiac sign in the zodiac circle among men and women, then it is impossible to answer it unequivocally.

All people are different. Although, according to scientists, the most intelligent and talented individuals are still found among Gemini and Aquarius.

Do you think that the level of your intelligence and erudition is formed due to the knowledge acquired at school or college? But no! Our astrological horoscope states that a person’s mind and thinking depend on his belonging to the Zodiac Sign. According to this theory, each constellation differs in its level of intelligence. Let's find out which Zodiac Signs are the smartest and which are not so smart!


Aries cannot be called geniuses, but thanks to their intelligence and dexterity they often create the impression smart people. The key to success for representatives of this Zodiac Sign is not in intelligence and erudition, but in the ability to use even the most insignificant knowledge in practice and benefit from it.


Taurus, at first glance, may seem slow-witted and stupid, but upon close communication, representatives of this Zodiac Sign turn out to be real scholars and thinkers. But sometimes they often don’t use their knowledge in practice, which is not very smart.


Geminis are very well-read and can sometimes simply shock you with the depth of their knowledge. However, when it comes to worldly wisdom, they step aside, since they understand absolutely nothing about the realities of modern times.


Cancers can be called erudite people. However, for some reason they hide all their knowledge behind seven seals. But if you ask Cancer for life advice, he will never refuse. Moreover, his advice will be very wise and true.


Leos love to show off their intelligence. But they know much less than they want to show. Moreover, their knowledge is often superficial and narrowly focused. According to the astrological horoscope, Leos will never admit their stupidity and ignorance, even if all the facts are available.


Virgos love to learn and gain new knowledge. Representatives of this constellation become smart gradually, but some of them turn out to be stupid eternal students, and others, having mastered all the necessary knowledge, are in a hurry to put them into practice.


Libras are very smart, but often their intellectual abilities go unnoticed by society, since most often they only have applied knowledge.


Scorpios may not know a fraction of what the erudite Taurus knows, but this does not make them the stupidest sign of the Zodiac. On the contrary, representatives of this constellation do not get stuck on theory, but strive to test everything in practice. And, as you know, practice is the best teacher.


Sagittarius can safely be called the smartest sign of the Zodiac. People of this constellation are very smart, well-read, they have excellent memory and ingenuity. What's interesting is often wise thoughts and decisions come to Sagittarius not from the knowledge acquired in the process of life, but from somewhere from the genetic memory of their ancestors.


Capricorns can also be called one of the smartest Zodiac Signs. According to astrological horoscope, they strive to acquire new knowledge, and at the same time have time to test it in practice. Plus, Capricorns are very reasonable and consistent, which will never question their intellectual abilities.


The Aquarius mind is the intelligence of the future. Very often, representatives of this Zodiac Sign remain misunderstood, since their ideas are ahead of their time. Their thoughts move forward, while other people can barely keep up with them.


Pisces are permanent residents of their fantasies. Well, where does intelligence come from? Astrologers claim that the intellectual successes of representatives of this constellation are always random and unpredictable.

According to the astrological horoscope, each Zodiac Sign has its own level of thinking and intelligence. In fact, none of them can be called stupid or smart, since these concepts are very inaccurate and depend on many other factors. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.04.2014 10:09

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina named a list of the most persistent, decisive and unshakable Zodiac Signs according to the horoscope. These...

Many people who are interested in astrology are interested in learning about the smartest sign of the zodiac. Astrologers claim that there is not one such sign, but three. From this article you will learn about which zodiac signs are considered the most intelligent and why.

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Every zodiac sign has its own patron. This is a planet that influences the fate and character of a person.

Some are born under the auspices of the planet of love, others are protected by the planet of luck, and others are helped by the planet of power.

But today we will be interested in planets associated with the mind:

  • Mercury. Its sphere of influence is human thinking and intelligence, erudition and logic.
  • Uranus. It includes flashes of insight and genius.

Let's move on to considering the signs of the zodiac.

  1. Twins. This sign is ruled by Mercury. From birth, Geminis surprise first mom and dad, and then everyone around them with their curiosity and intelligence. They are very smart and value education, they know how to isolate the main thing from huge flows of information. Therefore, they often achieve success in learning languages, science and journalism.
  2. Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. Her trump cards are an analytical mind, developed intelligence and attention to detail. Moderate criticism and practicality will not allow her to be misled. Virgos often find themselves in research work. They also make excellent doctors and other medical professionals.
  3. Aquarius is under the protection of the planet Uranus. From birth, Aquarians are endowed with an inquisitive mind and seem unusual to others; they love to do everything in their own way, inventing new ways of performing the most ordinary actions. Many Aquarians are well versed in the latest technology and electronics; they adore everything ultra-modern. It seems that these are the people of the future. Aquarians like to conduct experiments - scientific, psychological, and social.

These are the three smartest signs of the zodiac.

Surprisingly or not, the symbols of all three signs are human. Each of them represents a person, not an animal.

But don’t think that the rest of the zodiac is stupid and uneducated. This is not true at all. However, representatives of other signs received other things not related to the mind as their main talents. For example, a subtle sense of beauty or perseverance in achieving goals.

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People say that an intelligent person will be able to find a way out of hopeless situation, which the wise simply will not fall into. A person's mental ability is measured by IQ tests, wisdom by EQ tests, and the planets govern the predisposition to both. However, astrologers do not divide people into smart and stupid. The direction of intellect is different for all signs of the Zodiac, and if some easily manage to solve geometric problems, then others, those for whom the bisector and hypotenuse are a kind of rodent, easily compose scientific dissertations on the influence of ukulele music on the growth of red Plumeria. But still there are zodiac signs that to a greater extent subject to the influence of smart planets and “distinguished by their special intelligence and intelligence.”

Who got the “mind” from Mercury?

Representatives of the signs of the Zodiac, who have fallen under the influence of the “smartest” planet Mercury, are more endowed with the ability of their minds for the exact sciences, have “iron” logic and high erudition. People with a strong Mercury in the horoscope are very curious and are always ready to learn new things. Gemini and Virgo are under the auspices of Mercury.

Geminis have every right to be considered one of the smartest signs Zodiac circle. Their sign most clearly demonstrates the ability of the mind for intellectual development, communication and expansion of cognitive horizons. They are easy to learn and show high results in public speaking, politics, journalism and any mediation.

Virgos are distinguished from other signs by their special pragmatism, which helps them choose and successfully implement their life strategy. They have enviable business qualities and know how to use their extraordinary intelligence for personal enrichment. This is confirmed by statistics, according to which among Virgos there are greatest number millionaires.

Mercury has a weak influence on Pisces. However, they don’t really need it. Representatives of this sign do not storm libraries and do not pore over self-improvement. This does not in the least prevent them from occupying high positions, being influential leaders and teaching life to more educated people. With their confident position, they prove an amazing paradox - you don’t have to be very smart to become a good boss.

Intelligence level of zodiac signs


Without claiming to be a genius, Aries easily take all the “peaks” with their clever ingenuity. This allows them to quickly eliminate problems that may seem insurmountable to other signs. Aries achieve success in life thanks to the ability to extract 100% benefit for themselves from any information.


Many consider Taurus, to put it mildly, narrow-minded. And in vain! Yes, they think slowly, are somewhat conservative and wary of any changes. However, having used their brains (which Taurus has in abundance in critical situations), they are able to surprise everyone with their knowledge.


One of the most intelligent signs has its own “Achilles heel”. Extraordinary mental abilities have more than once brought Gemini to the pinnacle of success, but sometimes they become hostage to the know-it-all mind and lose where they need to listen not to its clever logical arguments, but to the voice of a wise heart.


One can only envy the erudition of Cancers, but this can only be done by those to whom Cancers are ready to reveal their deep knowledge. And if they are in no hurry to share their intellectual achievements, then almost everyone can count on wise life advice from Cancer.


Leos attract others not so much with their intelligence as with their strength of character. Not everyone is able to see this substitution. This “hypnosis” is explained by the fact that Leos have highly developed intuitive thinking, and where their reason fails them, they easily achieve success with the ability to anticipate the development of the situation.


Don’t feed the girls bread, just give them something to learn. They master the chosen direction with feeling, sense and arrangement. However, some representatives of this sign have a tendency to go to extremes. Some Virgos literally collect their knowledge, walking through life as eternal students, while others, without having time to finish their lesson, rush to test everything in practice.


Smart Libras have a wealth of knowledge, which, unfortunately, they cannot attribute to their merits. Therefore, the fruits of their intellectual abilities are often appropriated by not very smart, but very cunning people. Libra can only enjoy the process of using their knowledge.


Scorpios have never strived to be smarter than everyone else. Lack of outstanding mental abilities they compensate with stunning charisma. And this, we must honestly admit, often has much greater weight in society and helps to achieve goals that even the smartest signs are not always able to achieve.


Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and knowledge. Their thirst for knowledge is irresistible, and they also have phenomenal memory and ingenuity. A predisposition to deep analysis, the ability to make complex and responsible decisions, pragmatism and assertiveness allow them to occupy high leadership positions and manage the masses.


Showing off your intelligence is one of Capricorns' favorite pastimes. And there is something to shine! Furiously absorbing knowledge, they do not put it on the dusty shelves of the archives of their memory. Capricorns need to bring all the projects conceived in their heads to life. The consistency inherent in the sign in everything helps to take any impregnable fortress by intellectual assault.


The Aquarius mind is ahead of its time. They own the inventions of the future, the understanding of which is still inaccessible to the minds of most people. Therefore, many of the ideas of Aquarius often raise suspicions of inadequacy or mild schizophrenia of their bearer. Balancing on the brink of mental disorders and genius, Aquarians achieve stunning success or fall into oblivion.


Pisces often become victims of the fantasies of their mind. They build invented illusions and worlds understandable only to them, rather not from a great mind, but from its ability to amazing imagination. Such qualities are indispensable for creative people. As for intellectual achievements and erudition, they are a random and hardly predictable phenomenon. Despite this, Pisces cope well with the role of leader.