Which zodiac sign is the smartest? Which zodiac sign is the dumbest, stupidest, smartest, wisest according to astrologers?

Each person is influenced by many factors: the opinions of others, upbringing at home, at school, and even what zodiac sign he was born under.

Each zodiac sign has its own patron planet. It is from them that we will identify which zodiac sign representatives have the highest IQ.

The smartest sign of the zodiac

Planets Uranus and Mercury. They are the ones who endow the zodiac signs with intelligence and ingenuity. Mercury rules the mind, intellect, thinking. People born under these planets differ from other signs in their erudition, excellent memory and logic.

Therefore, both Gemini and Virgo, both men and women, are considered talented and smart. They can work on a goal for a long time until they achieve an excellent result. Very often, representatives of these signs are characterized as smart people, but it is very difficult for them to find good friends and a worthy companion in life.

Aquarius was born under the auspices of Uranus. Basically, these are inventors and artists. These are people who are not looking for any ordinary ways; it is quite logical for them to look for unoriginal ways to solve problems.

Mars and Venus. Mars affects the zodiac signs in different ways through the manifestation of perseverance, determination, and also aggression.

Such people know how to impress people: Aries deftly use any acquired knowledge to benefit from it.

As for Taurus, when you first get to know them, you get the impression that these people are “a little out of this world.” But this impression is wrong. With close contact, you understand that they weigh all their thoughts and think through all their actions. Their downside is that this sign does not know how to apply their knowledge in everyday life.

Libras are smart but modest people, which is why they may be underestimated by others. But this does not cause any inconvenience to this zodiac sign, since he knows his capabilities and potential very well. Very often among creative personalities It is Libra who meets.

Moon and Sun: Cancer and Leo. A person who always hides his erudition and intelligence is a Cancer. When you get to know this zodiac sign, it opens up, and then you understand how wise and how big it is life experience has.

Leos share their experiences with great pleasure, but their lives themselves are not always easy. Their Achilles heel is ambition. Leo loves flattery and very often does not understand how people really treat him.

Pluto and Jupiter: Scorpio and Sagittarius. Scorpio very often does not have any theoretical knowledge, but this does not stop him and is drawn to practice, which helps him develop intuition and intelligence.

Men, like women born under the sign of Sagittarius, are very well-read and have a good memory. Many astrologers consider this zodiac sign to be lucky, because they are almost always right.

Neptune and Saturn: Capricorn and Pisces. Capricorn loves to read. These people are very reasonable and logical and it is difficult to stump them with a question.

Pisces have a very great imagination, which has saved them more than once in life situations. They are great romantics and dreamers, for which their patron planet Neptune is responsible. It is this planet that endows the sign with intellectual success, which is sometimes incredibly unpredictable.

Even without thoroughly studying all the signs zodiac circle and their patron planets, we can say with confidence that each of them has intelligence, logic, ingenuity, imagination, but to varying degrees. And each sign is interesting and unique in its own way.

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12th place
On last place Aries, but this is not at all because they are stupid. They are just used to acting more and thinking less. Of course, sometimes it seems that Aries do not think at all before acting, but this is not entirely true - in fact, in the process they still analyze the situation. And if suddenly something goes wrong, it means it’s planned that way.

11th place
Pisces, of course, are very smart, but they believe that thinking is harmful because it has a bad effect on intuition. And they are great at replacing the mind with intuition, because in many respects this is much more correct. Only for some reason their intuition does not extend to the material side of things.

10th place
For some reason, it is the hindsight that works best for Taurus - they know exactly what to do in any situation, but for some reason only after the job is done. And even during a crisis or while intoxicated, Taurus begins to act much more brilliantly than anyone else. What prevents him from doing this right away is unknown.

9th place
Cancers are very conservative. And although they believe that the mind needs to be trained throughout life, they mainly use it to talk to themselves. Because is there a smarter person than himself?

8th place
People of this sign masterfully combine genius and villain. Their problem is that their emotional range is too wide, which prevents them from focusing on any one thing. important task, and generally leads to the most unpredictable consequences, which they correct, I must say, very cleverly.

7th place
It seems that when Libra received their bright and spontaneous mind from the universe, they forgot to give them instructions for it. And now they constantly oscillate between two completely opposite decisions, unable to coldly analyze the situation. But they have an excellent instinct, which saves them.

6th place
Capricorns were generously endowed with intelligence, and they did not forget about the ability to use it. They know and can do everything very well. The only thing they lack significantly is wisdom in everyday affairs.

5th place
Leos have a very bright and strong mind, and they also learn quickly and know what aspects to improve to make them feel good. Their problem is that they make plans more often than they act - unlike the same Aries, for example.

4th place
People of this sign love to show off and pretend that they are not particularly smart. And they do this so that they are not assigned all sorts of uninteresting things that they don’t particularly want to do.

3rd place
Gemini's sharp analytical mind and absolutely irrepressible imagination can give rise to great and terrible things. They are also endowed with absolutely mind-blowing cunning, which makes it absolutely impossible to catch them doing anything - these people are able to fool even Scorpio around their finger, although it would seem that he has no equal in cunning.

2nd place
These people have a powerful computer in their heads, and they themselves have an iron logic that makes them evil geniuses. Virgos have problems when they try to build a real human relationship with someone. Because where feelings and emotions rule, there is no place for cold analysis.

1st place
Sagittarians have complete harmony intellectually. They have a sharp mind, developed intuition, they learn quickly and easily, they are witty, eloquent, and even have that notorious worldly wisdom that Capricorns so lack. But why they often don’t want to use these at all is a big mystery.

Incredible facts

Each zodiac sign has its own strengths, but when we talk about intelligence, some members of the zodiac stand out from the rest.

It should be noted that there istwo types of intelligence : analytical and emotional .

Analytical intelligence is usually measured using IQ tests, and emotional intelligence refers to emotional and intuitive abilities.

These three zodiac signsthese two types of intelligence are highly developed .

This does not mean that people born under other zodiac signs are less gifted, but only that some planets have a greater influence on certain personality traits.

Which zodiac signs are the smartest?

1. Aquarius

The zodiac sign Aquarius is ruled by Uranus - the planet of freedom, change, and the ability to see new opportunities.

Aquarians never follow the crowd, and their inherent independence inspires them to new, original ideas. They have very inventive mind, and they are capable of incredible achievements in any field. Their determination helps them to succeed.

Their enthusiasm energizes others, and if they are passionate about something, they are ready to put in all their efforts to achieve something. Their main advantage is ability to think outside the box.

Famous Aquarians:

Galileo Galilei, Bob Marley, Thomas Edison, A.P. Chekhov, Jules Verne, Amadeus Mozart

2. Scorpio

Scorpios are often underestimated because they mysterious person may hide their true abilities. If they believe in or love something, they can become completely immersed in the subject of their interest. Although they are capable of making irrational decisions at times, they are willing to get back on track.

In addition, they have strong sensitivity and intuition, which increases their level of emotional intelligence.

Scorpios are charismatic and attractive, which allows them to become an example for other people and teach them through their actions. They are receptive very insightful and almost impossible to deceive.

Famous Scorpios:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Bill Gates, Christopher Columbus, Pablo Picasso, Grace Kelly

3. Gemini

Gemini, who are ruled by the planet of communication - Mercury, have excellent abilities as a speaker and thinker.

These are witty, cheerful and sociable people. They are very quickly grasp any topic and are distinguished by their developed logical thinking .

They are capable in many areas, from learning new languages ​​to solving math problems.

Geminis can explain the most complex concepts in the simplest way.

Famous Geminis:

Arthur Conan Doyle, Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, Peter I, Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman

Of course, all zodiac signs are unique and it would be unfair to ignore the rest. Each of them has their own type of intelligence.

Intuitive Intelligence - Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire signs always see opportunities and are able to take risks. They find inspiration, are impulsive and confident. They will not make a deal that will entail any losses. If they are interested in something, they are ready to put all their energy into it.


Representatives of the Aries sign are very trusting and simple-minded by nature. They trust their instincts and intuition, are driven by passion, have an optimistic outlook on life and self-confidence.


Leo's intellect is controlled by their inflexibility and courage. Determination helps them overcome any fear of failure, and if they set their mind to a goal, they will achieve it. The high standard they set for themselves motivates them and helps them move forward, relying on their intuitive intelligence.


Sagittarians are very developed spiritually and intellectually. They have high level intelligence and wisdom when they realize their potential. Sagittarians make the best teachers, and they are philosophers at heart.

Practical Intelligence – Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capzero G

The signs of this element are very down to earth and the most balanced in the entire Zodiac. They need to get concrete results and look for a scientific explanation, since their imagination is not so developed. You can trust them with any practical problem, which they will always cope with.


Taurus' intelligence comes from their down-to-earth nature. They are calm, disciplined and well aware of their abilities. They are incredibly dedicated people, driven by tenacity and a passion for knowledge.


Virgos are very practical and have well-developed logical thinking. Their thoughts are always organized, which gives them the ability to reason and act rationally.

Believe it or not, mental abilities are directly related to zodiac signs, and this has been proven by astrologers. That is why we decided to compile the world's most reliable ranking of zodiac signs based on their intellectual abilities.

12th place. Aries

Representatives of this sign are by no means stupid. However, they are guided by the principle “Think less.” At the same time, this approach to life does not prevent them from achieving positive results. And if something didn’t work out for Aries, then he will definitely pretend that it was planned that way.

11th place. Fish

Representatives of this sign have more than enough intelligence. However, they do not know how to use it. And all because they are not inclined to trust their intuition, which, by the way, works excellently for them. That is why they often find themselves in different and very difficult situations, which is why they feel a lot of sadness and think about the meaninglessness of life.

10th place. Taurus

Taurus are smart and far-sighted, but they share their talent at the wrong time. They will stubbornly remain silent while you tell them about your business or life plans, and when everything goes wrong, they will say that they knew it.

9th place. Cancer

Cancers are naturally endowed with intelligence, but they do not strive to develop it. They are conservatives, and the knowledge they received at school and university is sufficient for them.

8th place. Scorpion

Representatives of this sign are very smart, simply geniuses. However, they are hampered by their impulsiveness and explosive nature. After all, before analyzing what is happening around them and then making a decision, they rush into battle without any plan. But it is worth noting that they eliminate the consequences of their impulsive decisions independently and wisely.

7th place. Scales

This sign is not distinguished by any special intelligence or intellectual abilities, but not everything is as deplorable as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that they have deadly intuition and a sense of harmony in life. Thanks to this they are saved.

6th place. Capricorns

They know everything. And this is seriously true. If you ask Capricorn how to build communism in parallel world, he will give a clear plan and guidance for action. However, they do not know how to use their mind when it comes to normal everyday life. After all, such a function as “worldly wisdom” is completely absent in most Capricorns.

5th place. Lion

They are very smart, creative, grasp everything on the fly and know how to boost their intelligence. In addition, representatives of this sign retain their liveliness and mobility of mind until old age. But they occupy only the fifth line of our hit parade due to the fact that they spend all their potential on building Napoleonic plans, but do not undertake to implement them.

4th place. Aquarius

Representatives of this sign are not only smart, but also cunning. They skillfully hide their intelligence and talents so that, God forbid, no one obliges them to do any routine and boring tasks.

3rd place. Twins

They are smart, quick-witted and usually well educated. However, all these qualities did not help Gemini take first place, because they are too cunning and sometimes do not notice how their cunning is obvious to everyone around them.

2nd place. Virgo

This sign rightfully takes second place in our hit parade. Virgos have an analytical mind, incredible intuition, and the ability for rationalism and pragmatism. Among the representatives of this sign there are many scientists and geniuses of deduction. However, they failed to take the first line because such an abstruse approach to everyday life only brings them suffering. Woe from Wit is about Virgos.

1st place. Sagittarius

Why did they bypass everyone? It's simple - they have a fantastic mind. They are endowed with developed intelligence, worldly wisdom, the ability to study and learn new things throughout their lives, wit, eloquence, and love for all sciences at once. However, often their inconstancy and frivolity plays a cruel joke on them - after all, many Sagittarius, despite such a generous gift from the universe, do not achieve great success in work and financial matters.

Astrologers decided to find out which are the most smart signs Zodiac, stupid, naive and insightful. After a long research work They compiled a rating: intellectuals were placed at the beginning of the list, and gullible characters at the end.

Rating from the smartest to the most naive and stupid signs of the Zodiac

  1. Twins. The smartest sign who always has a ready answer to any asked question. These people are not only savvy, but also cunning; if they don’t know what to answer, they begin to pretend that they didn’t hear or are too busy. The advantage of Gemini is that they always keep their emotions under control, so in difficult situations they act with their heads and not with their hearts. Their intelligence is also appreciated by their superiors: it is Gemini who can sell snow in the middle of winter. They also never stop there, constantly expanding their knowledge.
  2. Cancer. Few people can guess how smart Cancer is, he just doesn’t like to brag about it, but this sign has a very high intelligence. In addition, he is an excellent psychologist and manipulator, so he easily achieves his goal. However, it cannot be said that Cancers have a flexible mind. This zodiac sign carefully thinks through every step he takes, because haste is fraught with big mistakes.
  3. Virgo is a sign whose mental abilities are underestimated by many. Virgo is careful and meticulous, she will always find flaws in everything, which is why she rarely makes mistakes both in her work and in choosing friends. Virgos are often ruthless towards others - with a mask of virtue, they organize revenge and make diabolical plans. In a word, you need to be careful with this sign - he is smart, which means it will be difficult to deceive him, and he always has everything under control.
  4. Scorpion often pretends to be naive and stupid so that he is not pestered with questions and tasks that he does not want to answer and does not want to complete. This sign is very stubborn. They are good manipulators. They are evil in nature, and some can even be called sadists. To take revenge, they always develop a thorough plan, which they definitely implement. Outwardly they are sweet and beautiful, but in the soul of each representative of this sign there is anger and discontent, which they will still show someday.
  5. Aquarius. This sign is a selfless person, but as long as his interests are not at stake. Here he turns into a clever cunning man. His coldness and calmness disappear, and a thoughtful, intellectual personality appears who will go to great lengths for his goal. But, interestingly, it is very difficult for Aquarius to figure out everyday situations on his own; he needs someone who will tell him and guide him, otherwise this sign can cause trouble.
  6. Capricorn. It is better not to mess with this sign - very smart and rational. He skillfully avoids all difficult situations, while using his intelligence only half-strength. As for professional activities, this sign will give anyone a head start - the matter is burning in his hands. He devotes himself completely to his passion, achieving high results.
  7. Scales. This sign is a little naive, but he always knows how to protect himself, choosing a diplomatic path to resolve the conflict. Force is not his method; he avoids uncomfortable situations by all means, showing cunning. Libras are often indecisive, which is not the best in the best possible way affects their life - they are used, but they are afraid to say so, and continue to obey the manipulator.
  8. Lion. In reality, Leos are not as cool as they show themselves - posing and the desire to be better are their second self. There are many PR people among this sign, since thanks to their natural oratory skills they know how to impress and captivate the public. Leos, despite their external splendor, are very vulnerable, they always remember the mistakes they made and try not to repeat them again. However, Leo in love becomes blind and stupid, stepping on the same rake again and again.
  9. Fish. This sign lives in the world of fairy tales, so if you tell him a fictitious story, he will immediately believe it, and perceive the truth as a lie. Pisces are naive. In relationships, they are accustomed to obeying and are easily misled. They're missing mental abilities to discern an enemy, mistaking him for a friend, and a friend, seeing him as an enemy. But, if in life situations their mentality harms them, then in creative life This is only beneficial - they are excellent artists, poets, writers, who are valued and respected as professionals.
  10. Taurus. A very naive sign. Taurus always understands when he is being used, offended and bullied, but considers it necessary to remain silent and not react. He has great patience, which he developed for the sake of his peace of mind (he really does not like to enter into conflicts). Yes, for some time he remembers the offense, but then he easily forgets, which is something that those around him often take advantage of - rarely does anyone apologize to him, because they do not consider it necessary to do so.
  11. Aries. This sign thinks accurately and deeply, but because of his temper, he often makes big mistakes. He rarely thinks about the consequences and relationships with him resemble a game of cat and mouse; the partner must skillfully circumvent sharp corners, this is the only way to live in friendship and harmony. But, by the way, if you are friendly and flexible with Aries, you can easily dull his vigilance and turn him into a naive person who is very easy to manipulate. Aries needs to learn to admire himself less, then his life will begin to turn out as well as possible.
  12. Sagittarius. This sign is intellectual by nature, although there are few scientists among Sagittarians. But in everyday life, their mind always comes to the rescue - they easily get out of difficult situations, somewhere hypocritical or deceiving. The question is, why did they end up at the bottom of the rankings? The answer is simple - they are super naive and very gullible. Even when their intuition tells them that the person in front of them does not have the best intentions, they push such thoughts into a far corner and continue to see only the positive in the person. That's why they are often deceived.

Whether to believe the proposed rating or not is up to everyone, but there is some truth in everything. Perhaps this list will please some, and upset others, and others will come to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to change something about themselves in order to make their life more comfortable and communication pleasant.