Lp singer biography personal life. The LP video "When We're High" became a wedding gift. Personal life LP

Her clients as a composer and songwriter include Backstreet Boys (“Love Will Keep You Up All Night”), Cher, Rihanna (“Cheers (Drink to That)”). She wrote the soundtrack “Beautiful People” for the film “Burlesque”, performed by Christina Aguilera. The vast experience of working in the inner workings of the pop industry could not pass without a trace for the author and performer.

Mass popularity came to the singer unexpectedly

LP regularly performed concerts in the United States and participated in the recording of albums and individual tracks of other musicians. However, one message on Instagram brought her to worldwide popularity: a Greek stranger praised her song Lost On You and asked permission to use it. He released a single in Greece and thus spread the LP's music far beyond North America.

Lost On You is one of the most searched songs on Shazam

The ballad of the American singer and composer at some point, after the release of the single in Greece, became the fourth most popular song in the world in the Shazam melody recognition service.

LP has unique vocal abilities and mastery of artistic whistling

Laura Pergolizzi has a wide vocal range, which extends from a velvety baritone to unimaginable trills in the upper registers. In the live recording of the hit Lost On You, listeners can also appreciate the masterful level of artistic whistling.

The singer uses the pseudonym LP not only in work, but also in life.

Mine stage name Laura Pergolizzi received the LP as a child, when she performed in front of her peers at a children's camp. She moved to New York with him in 1996 and still performs on stage today. In addition, this is what her friends and her girlfriend call her. LP also corrects journalists who address her as “Laura.”

LP is an open lesbian

LP itself does not rely on its sexual orientation, she just is who she is. But the singer’s androgynous appearance is constantly exploited in the media, but LP only jokes about it. For example, she laughingly told reporters about the recording of the latest album: “The record company wanted the title to contain a hint of androgyny - after all, how could there be anything more original than a hermaphrodite.”

A song from the latest album was featured in the series Orange Is The New Black

Song about ex-girlfriend LP "Muddy Waters" from the album of the same name can be heard in emotional final scene fourth season series Orange Is The New Black, which is shown on Netflix.

LP is riding a wave of popularity

The singer has such a busy schedule of solo performances that Laura Pergolizzi very rarely manages to find a place to relax - she performs every day in various cities on the planet. Even a telephone interview for

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Lauren Ruth Ward first appeared in the work of Laura Pergolisi in the video for “Lost On You”. It soon became known that this was not just a guest actress, but the singer’s lover. Folk singer Lauren Ruth Ward was born in 1988 in Baltimore, for some time she performed with an indie folk group, and also wrote songs herself. She signed her first contract with the recording studio “Copeland Entertainment” in 2014, after successfully performing the song "Just A Fool", in a duet with Mike Squillante.

Lauren performed a lot at charity festivals and participated in charity events. “Music touches all races, genders and ages. I have hope that the song will be able to overcome all barriers and reach human consciousness and touch the hearts of people, bringing into them a piece of goodness and mutual respect,” says Lauren. “Through music, we can show compassion to those who have already suffered from violence and attract the attention of those who can help them. I hope one day I will reach a point where I can give generously to charity. I feel the need for such actions and their importance.”

Lauren Ruth Ward met LP at a time when she was going through a difficult breakup with Tamzin Brown. As a result of mental torment, the song was born, which brought her worldwide popularity. Lauren, who supported the singer, finally “healed her heart.”

Lauren Ruth Ward ft. Mike Squillante - Just A Fool(Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton cover, December 5, 2012)

In confirmation of their Serious relationships the girls got a paired tattoo - they both now have the letter “L” on their arm, representing the name of their beloved. The collaboration of the two singers had a beneficial effect on the work of both. Lauren recently released a provocative video “Make Love To Myself”, in which she herself acted as a director. The video plays on the lesbian theme: Lauren changes many lovers from frame to frame - so that in the last frame she can see a smiling Laura...

On July 12, 2017, 36-year-old Laura and 29-year-old Lauren Ruth Ward decided to make their relationship official. They signed in Paris, during the European LP tour, which is taking place with truly triumphant results.

"This is true! We did it! Well, she did it, but I was going to do it anyway, so it's over! She asked, I said “Yes” and BOOM – we got married...” Laura commented on the expressive photo on her Instagram page.



LP (real name Laura Pergolizzi, born in 1981) – American singer, singer-songwriter. The songs of her authorship have been taken into their repertoire by such performers as Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Rita Ora, Backstreet Boys, Cher, Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others. Laura Pergolisi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York, where she began performing under...


LP(real name Laura Pergolisi, Laura Pergolizzi, b. in 1981) is an American singer, songwriter. The songs of her authorship have been taken into their repertoire by such performers as Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others.

Laura Pergolisi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York City, where she began performing under the name LP. Her mother is from Naples, her father is half Sicilian, half Irish.

In 2010, after Laura wrote the song “Cheers (Drink to That)” for Rihanna, released on the singer’s fifth album Loud, she moved to Los Angeles. In an interview, Rihanna said that this song is one of her favorites.

In 2012 the LP was named Best Performer of the week (“Artist of the Week”) by Vogue magazine.

In July 2016, the singer successfully performed with the song “Lost On You” (“You Don’t Understand”) in Rome at the Coca Cola Summer Festival 2016. The composition took first place in the charts in Greece and Israel, and also became number 3 in Italy.

On July 12, 2017, in Paris during a European tour, Laura Pergolisi with her friend, folk singer Lauren Ruth Ward.

The clip (“When we’re high”) became each other. The video was published the day after the wedding, which took place in Paris. There are a lot of beautiful women of all races and skin tones are trying to seduce the singer, the heroine of the video. But LP remains cool and sings about loving only one girl... Of course, the central role in this kaleidoscope of beauties is played by Lauren Ruth Ward.

The LP's tour in Europe was a triumphant result. On

Popular American singer, author and songwriter Laura Pergolizzi is better known today as an LP singer. She does not hide her gay orientation, but on the contrary, talks about it in lyrical songs such as “Other People”, “Lost on You”, etc. Therefore, the husband and children of the singer LP on this moment are missing.

Androgynous appearance, open and at the same time mysterious smile LP (b. 1981), her lush, covering part of her face, head of black curls make up the unique image of the singer LP. An integral part of Laura's stage appearance was her Sunglasses. “I try to hide behind dark glasses,” LP admits frankly, “sometimes it seems provocative, but it doesn’t bother me.”

On stage, glasses protect the singer from bright light spotlights, but in life they allow you to remain less recognizable. Perhaps this is the only barrier between the singer and her many fans. By nature, LP is a shy person and needs her own personal space. “I need protection,...boyfriend,” LP admits. However, the LP singer does not yet feel the desire to have a husband and children.

Personal life of the singer LP

Laura Pergolizzi (El P) was in romantic relationships with model and actress Tamzin Brown. However, the personal life of the singer LP and Brown did not work out. “When our relationship came to an end, I already knew what I would have to go through!” - exclaims LP. After this event, the single “Lost On You” was born, in which popular singer shares her innermost experiences.

“Lost On You” is a lament for five romantic years in the LP singer’s love life. The beginning of the end became clear when Tamzin Brown suggested that the LP singer openly declare her relationship as husband and wife. “I was very upset that Tamzin understood how much I didn’t want this,” LP admitted. “However, I had to take this step because I really loved her very much.”

LP and Lauren Ruth Ward

“Oops... I fell in love!” - LP realized after meeting Lauren Ruth Ward. From 2015 to the present day, the LP draws its creative energy from tender, reverent feelings for singer Lauren Ruth Ward. Having become very popular and famous today, the American singer of Italian origin LP, with her characteristic spontaneity, announced that she was marrying her beloved Lauren Ruth Ward.

Lauren Ruth Ward was born in 1988 in Baltimore. Today she lives in Los Angeles, along with LP and their adorable dog Orsen. Before meeting with LP, Lauren performed with an indie folk band, wrote songs and performed them with her slightly hoarse, velvety voice. Her covers, posted on YouTube, were noted by professional musicians.

In 2014, Lauren signed her first music contract with Copeland Entertainment. Throughout her career, the singer advocates for the rights of women and children in Latin America, expressing their position in songs; takes part in numerous charity events, as she has a negative attitude towards violence in any form.

Pages of the creative biography of the singer LP

Laura Pergolizzi was born in Huntington, Long Island, New York. Her name clearly indicates Italian origin. Indeed, the singer’s parents are from Naples. Mom LP - Opera singer, who, after the birth of her daughter, chose to take care of her family and left the stage. Laura's father is a fairly well-known lawyer.

In the landmark LP 1996, in New York, performing in one of summer camps, Laura decided to take a unique stage name for herself - “LP”. “LP is both my initials and a very original pseudonym. All my friends call me LP,” admits the famous singer.

After her mother's death, Laura moved to Manhattan in 1997. By that time, she had successfully graduated from Walt Whitman High School and decided to devote herself to music. In 1998, in New York, LP, with her outstanding voice, attracted the attention of members of the rock band Cracker, who immediately offered her to sing for the album “Gentleman’s Blues”.

The talent of the singer, composer and musician is truly multifaceted. LP plays guitar and ukulele and has recorded 5 studio albums and 10 hit singles. “I can also whistle in different ways, so we decided that we could use artistic whistling in my new singles. I am for the revival of the forgotten musical culture!”, LP smiles.

In 2001, Cracker frontman David Lowery, impressed by her stunning voice, invited LP to record their debut album, Heart-Shaped Scar, in their own studio. LP agreed. Today, the popularity of the LP is growing; it is rightfully one of the most striking musical discoveries of recent years.

Not long ago I saw a video for the song “Lost on you”.

The clip is very atmospheric, beautiful, the red-haired model girl is very beautiful! The song really caught my attention, I looked at the soloist - the guy is so thin, frail, with a shock of unkempt hair, not very handsome, but seems normal for a guy))

I found this video, I watched it - well, it’s definitely a guy, one hundred percent.))

But when I started reading... In general, this is a girl, more precisely, a young woman, she is 35 years old, her name is Laura Pergolizzi. Actually, the name of the group is Laura's initials. The surname and that same mane of curly hair make it clear that the girl is of Italian origin.)) A little about her and the song.

According to the singer, the video mixes her real life and memories. The LP does not explain where exactly life is and where is the past, but I think that the border can still be drawn. The footage from the LP itself, where she performs the song, playing the ukulele, and washes down the sudden sadness with alcohol, refers to the present. Well, the ephemeral red-haired girl wandering around evening New York apparently belongs to the world of memories.

The plot of the video is quite simple: the heroine, aka LP (I am against mixing real people and the heroes of the video clips, but since the LP itself insists on the autobiographical nature of the video, then so be it), indulges in memories of his ex-lover. In the video, LP's former flame is played by Laura Hanson Sims. The heroine of the LP imagines her ex-girlfriend starting her day with a cool shower, smoking, walking around New York, while asking her a question: Baby, is that lost on you? (We will talk about the meaning of this phrase below). But gradually nostalgia recedes, and the image of the red-haired girl dissolves in the New York landscape. The clip ends on a positive note: LP's real girlfriend, Lauren Ruth Ward, appears in the frame and finally dispels the haze of dreary memories with a tender kiss.

Laura Hanson Sims is a red-haired fashion model from Nashville, USA. At the time of this writing, Laura is working with several modeling agencies: The Society (New York), Elite (London), AMAX (Nashville) and Next (Los Angeles).

Lauren Ruth Ward is a singer originally from Baltimore, USA, lives and works in Los Angeles. At the time of writing this article, he is in a relationship with LP (Laura Pergolizzi).

(highlighted in color - article and Internet)

What I personally found interesting in the article were the names. Laura (singer), Laura (model in the video), Lauren (real girlfriend of the singer).))

Listen and enjoy!

The author of the hits Lost on you and Another People, singer LP (in life - Laura Pergolizzi), after a June concert at a club and a recent performance in the show “X-Factor” (STB), comes to Ukraine again. This time with a big concert at the Sports Palace...

I go into the singer’s dressing room. Laura is dressed in black tight trousers, a silver jacket and a naked shirt, from under which tattoos are visible.

“I like your hat,” says LP.

I answer that this is a Ukrainian designer, to which the singer raises thumb up, and her manager makes some notes on a notepad.

LP is very friendly, during the interview she sits relaxed in her chair and laughs a lot.

"The show in Kyiv was one of the best"

- Laura, in the last six months you are going to Kyiv for the third time. How do you like our audience?

I really like the Ukrainian audience. I only received from her positive emotions. The show I did in June was fantastic, it was one of my best performances.

- What did you like in Kyiv? Tried it national cuisine- borscht, dumplings?

I had a little time to walk around Kyiv and eat in your restaurants. However, I don't eat meat, and there are a lot of meat restaurants in Kyiv, so this complicates things a little. But I love fish, and I dined at one of your fish establishments. I also noticed that you guys really love quinoa (a grain crop that is classified as a pseudocereal - Ed.).

- You have a dog named Orson. Do you take it with you on tour?

I tried several times to take him on tour with me, but my fiancee (36-year-old Laura is a gay girl - Ed.) really misses him. So I can't take Orson away from her, but I miss him very much. I would like them both to be with me always.

"When I wrote Lost on you, I felt strange"

- Tell us about the technical process of writing songs. For example, your hit Lost of you - did you come up with the music or the lyrics first?

This happens in different ways. When I have an idea, I take notes on my phone. I record fragments of melodies, chords, lyrics, and some variations of names. Lost on you just appeared from such notes. When I wrote this song, I was a little uneasy, I felt strange (the LP dedicated Lost on you to my ex-girlfriend. - Author).

Most often I write the music first and then the lyrics, but at the same time I like it when I have a song title. I think it is very important, key, it should be catchy.

The songwriting process depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I can come to the people who help me write and show them the material, and together we will refine it. This interesting process, amusing. It can take a day or several weeks.

- I know that when the manager of the previous label you worked with heard the song Lost on you, he did not want to record it. Did you communicate with this person after your success?

He not only refused to let me record the song, he fired me. Yes, now he is aware of my successes. But the thing is, people in the music business are very careful. And the company looked at how much money I brought in, and based on these considerations, decided to fire me. This is business and I understand that.

You shouldn't be upset because someone didn't take your song or because someone doesn't share your musical tastes. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. Often in my life, men who were not physically interested in me brought me a lot of money.

After the success of the song Lost on you, I told the story many times about being fired from the label. I really want people to know that one person's treasure can be another person's trash. I quit that day and told myself to move on. It is very important for an artist to understand this and continue to compose songs, sing, and develop. Getting fired from a label is not a tragedy.

"Europeans are more open to new things than Americans"

- In Europe you are more popular than in your homeland, in the USA. Does this bother you? Will you continue to reach American audiences?

My career really started in the States. But I have always strived to create new music anywhere, and I'm glad that it is now in demand here in Europe.

There's one thing I learned a few years ago, maybe even earlier: you should never force a scene or take it by storm. If you do this, you are likely to waste potential that could be useful if you just continue to work hard, do your thing and move on. What needs to happen will happen. This happened with Lost on you. I never thought that this was the song that would make me popular. It just happened and I was like, "Wow! Seriously? She was a hit?!"

You never know in which country people will like your music and where you will become a star. But when you pack a 12,000-seat arena four nights in a row, it doesn’t really matter what city it happens in. You should be grateful for any success in any country.

One way or another, I will continue to perform and promote my songs in the States. So I'm fine (laughs).

- Is the European public somehow different from the American public?

Yes, there are some differences. I think American audiences are less receptive to new names. I can't know for sure, but I feel that the European public has a more eclectic taste. It seemed to me that people in Europe listen to more different genres of music than Americans. Europeans are more open to everything new.

By the way

About a possible move from the USA

- Due to your wild popularity in Europe, have you thought about moving here?

Yes, I have such thoughts. I want to buy a house somewhere in Europe, maybe in Greece or Paris. I say Paris because I don’t know any other French cities (laughs). I have thoughts about moving here, but first I need to at least just buy a house so that I have a place where I can stay. I'll probably look for it in the coming years.