Dead relatives in a dream. Why do dead relatives dream alive? Why do you dream about a relative’s grave?

A dream in which dead relatives appear always evokes a feeling of fear. In many cultures, dead people in dreams are regarded as advisers and tipsters. Some people dream of them as harbingers of bad weather, a bad idea, or good news. If a dream with a deceased person is repeated frequently, the dreamer needs to remember what usually happens after such a dream and associate the deceased in a dream with the events that he always warns about.

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    Why do you dream about dead relatives?

    The subconscious sometimes “follows orders” and represents in the form of a dream the thoughts that visited during the day. For example, remembering your deceased parents (this could even be a fleeting thought), you can expect a night dream about them.

    Sometimes people believe that this “visit” may not be accidental - close relatives who have left the dreamer are trying to convey something, warn about danger, convey news. Or they want to "see each other" this way. But such dreams also have more veiled meanings, revealed in famous dream books.

    Each dream book reveals the essence of dreams with the dead in different ways. The most popular interpreters always attach special significance to this dream.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    According to this dream interpreter, the dead who appear alive in a dream come to warn of a dangerous situation. If they give advice to the sleeping person, then this advice has great power and should be believed and followed. As a rule, the deceased father always protects from trouble, and deceased mother strives to protect health.

    After talking with her, you need to listen to your body and get examined at the slightest ailment. But this is if you dream of dead people alive. If they “revolt” in a dream, then this promises a difficult situation, a problem.

    Vanga's dream book says that deceased relatives always warn of an imminent illness or a possible accident. If in a dream dead people hug a sleeping person, this indicates imminent changes in life. Moreover, the coming changes can be both good and bad.

    When the dead die again in a dream, this speaks of imminent betrayal on the part of loved ones, friends and impending conspiracies and intrigues on their part. After such a dream, it is better to be more attentive with your family and beware of betrayal.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The deceased who dreamed of being alive indicate that they need to be remembered, order a prayer service, a service, light a candle or visit their graves.

    If you kiss or hug deceased relatives in a dream, then in reality all doubts, hesitations or fears about acceptance will go away important decision. But if in a dream only the voice of the deceased is heard, this means a serious illness or health problems.

    Interpreter of Freud

    In this case, Freud's dream book “spared” kindred feelings. He does not see any sexual connotation in such a dream, considering the appearance of the deceased a sign of longevity for the dreamer.

    Freud also points out the importance of speeches made by the dead in dreams. These words or advice are prophetic and must be followed.

    Modern interpreter

    By to the modern interpreter dreams, seeing dead relatives in night vision means a change in weather. Also, such a dream will lead to everyday troubles and problems. Kissing the dead in a dream means a long life.

    If the dead call for them and the dreamer leaves with them, this is bad sign, the harbinger of imminent death. If the dreamer refused to go, he may avoid death, but caution should be exercised in the near future. Also considered a sign of death is a dream in which the dreamer eats food with deceased loved ones.


    A mother is always the protector of her children. And even after her death, she continues to protect and warn of danger. Dreams in which a deceased mother appears alive can have several interpretations:

    • The dreamer must be careful, he should avoid dangerous situations;
    • Such a dream during pregnancy foretells the birth of a girl;
    • The house to which the deceased mother came will be filled with prosperity and warmth;
    • If in a dream there was a quarrel with a deceased mother, this predicts a deterioration in the dreamer’s health.


    In such dreams, every detail is important: what the father said, when he appeared, what the situation was, how the dreamer himself was presented. All the words spoken by the deceased father have meaning; they must be seriously considered.

    If the father appears in beautiful, new clothes, smiling and good-natured, this promises the child a prosperous life, family joys and prosperity. This dream also suggests that it’s time to decide important questions, don't hesitate. And that the outcome of events will be favorable for the dreamer.

    Hugs with a dead dad are very good dream, foreshadowing improved relationships with loved ones, reconciliation, and successful resolution of conflicts.

    If dead father daughter dreams, you need to remember what the deceased relative looked like. If he was joyful and kind, the daughter will have a good future and marriage. And if the father was angry, then the girl should not blindly trust the groom, she needs to make sure of his good intentions.

    If a deceased father gives money in a dream, this is a sign of financial problems. The dreamer should be careful with money, not give or borrow, not get involved in dubious enterprises, and not trust business partners.

    Grandfather or grandmother

    Grandparents dying and coming in a dream are always a warning. They show concern for the dreamer, knowingly predicting troubles that may happen to him. You need to be careful about what your grandparents say and do.

    More often, grandmother dreams of a change in weather, especially if the dreamer has planned a trip. Such a dream indicates that the weather will interfere with plans. A grandfather in a dream can warn about the dangers of planned matters related to finances.

    Brother or sister

    If the dreamer meets his deceased brother, this dream means that it is necessary to help someone from his environment. You need to look around carefully and see someone who needs help, who is suffering from trouble or hardship. If you help a person in need, the good will return a hundredfold.

    Dream about deceased sister is interpreted differently. It can mean success in your undertakings. This dream can also warn of an unfair situation awaiting the dreamer.

    It is also important to remember the words and actions of the deceased brother or sister you dreamed about. This may change the interpretation of the dream. It is believed that under no circumstances should one give or take money from the deceased. Also, you cannot follow them if they call you. Such symbols are clearly interpreted as possible death or danger to life.

    Husband's relatives

    A dream in which a woman dreams of her husband's relatives may be a warning. The mother-in-law warns about possible difficulties that the spouse is hiding, as well as dangers to his health.

    If you dream of your mother-in-law in the apartment where the dreamer and her husband now live, this is a sign that an accident may occur in the house. A satisfied mother-in-law means the birth of a child or a major purchase. A dissatisfied mother-in-law looking at an apartment in a dream is a sign of her dissatisfaction with changes in housing.

    The father-in-law can warn about problems in the financial plan - caution should be exercised when planning large expenses. If the father-in-law is sitting in the kitchen in a dream, it means possible difficulties for the spouse at work, or a change of place of employment.

Deceased relatives come to us in dreams during periods of life instability and instability. It happens that this is a warning and even a warning against rash actions. So, let's figure out why deceased relatives dream.

Basic interpretations

Health problems

Ailments and ailments promise the dreamer a dream deceased mother. However, only if she is talking to you. Another dream with a deceased brother speaks of diseases that will cling to you in the near future. If a deceased relative calls you in a dream, then under no circumstances follow him. If you go, you'll get sick.

In addition, depression and loss of vitality are predicted by a dream in which you place something in the coffin of a deceased person. Thus, you lose some of your energy.

If you see how you dress a relative, then all your dormant sores will come out.


Troubles and failures are symbolized by a relative dreaming in a coffin. Also, such a dream is a clear sign of quarrels and scandals in the family. A break in relationships, treason and betrayal are not excluded. If you see a deceased father looking at you, it means that you have problems with work, business and in general in the material sphere.

To prosperity

On the other hand, seeing dead relatives is not so bad. Especially if you don't interact with them in your sleep. Thus, a deceased mother is a sign of longevity, distant relatives are a sign of material benefits. Taking a thing from the hands of a deceased relative means a stable future. Kissing a relative means being happy for a while, but not for long: a dark streak is just around the corner.

Why do you dream about deceased relatives talking to you?

Often deceased relatives appear in our dreams for a reason, but with the purpose of telling us some information, warning and admonishing us. This usually happens when our emotional state is on the verge of a breakdown and the body is working to its limits. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised - after all, this is a signal at the subconscious level. We must take care of ourselves, normalize our lives. It would also be a good idea to visit the cemetery where the dreamed deceased relative is buried.

Relatives also appear in dreams to indicate problems related to children. It happens that grandparents, long deceased, dream of it in order to warn their grandchildren and children from mistakes.

Deceased relatives depending on the degree of relationship


Among other things, a deceased mother seen in a dream carries positive information. Usually a dream is a kind of warning that you need to take care of yourself and your family. If you listen, life will get better. You will receive sincere joy, real happiness and the love of loved ones.


A dream with a father has a more negative prognosis, however, this is most likely also a warning. Especially concerns business management, work, relationships with colleagues. Perhaps in the near future you will be asked difficult task, so get ready to roll up your sleeves and work hard.


Double interpretation. On the one hand, nothing threatens your health, on the other hand, emotional sphere is under threat. Tests for durability and strength are not excluded.


Indignation and anger await you. And the reason is only in you. Try to improve your life, this cannot continue.


This dream, as a rule, is to notify that there will be a lot of things to do and work. Sometimes symbolizes change. If you call in a dream, then trouble cannot be avoided.


A road of uncertainty has opened before you. A deceased grandmother is a symbol of help and support. As a result, it will be possible to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, although considerable efforts will have to be made.

Where do dreams come from, why are they so vivid, intense, and why does the dreamer occasionally experience emotions in them that he may not experience in reality? Scientists still cannot find accurate and substantiated results on these and many other questions.

But from time immemorial, many people have explained dreams with nothing more than signs from above. Psychologists refute the inexplicable nature of dreams, considering them “pranks” of our subconscious.

It is believed that the deceased appear in dreams when the weather changes. But there are many other interpretations of why dead people dream of being alive. Many people agree on one thing - such dreams are warning.

Why such dreams?

Usually they leave a significant residue, even if the dreamed person was close and loved.

If the dreamer is suspicious, the most gloomy thoughts may haunt him for a long time, and the interpretation of what he saw seems tragic to him.

You shouldn’t despair right away, and if you really want to decipher your dream, you need to remember its details, and then familiarize yourself with the interpretation.

According to many, there is no need to be upset if the dreamer himself is the deceased. This promises a long life, which will also be joyful and intense.

Why does a person dream of dead people alive?

  • Pay attention to the mood of the deceased. If he is cheerful, take a closer look at the people around you - perhaps not all of them are as friendly as they want to seem. If the deceased roars, beware of a quarrel with anyone;
  • To understand why you dreamed about the deceased, remember what a sensitive state you yourself were in. Fear, anxiety and others negative emotions talk about upcoming troubles, troubles;
  • As for the conversation with the deceased, there are two radically different judgments regarding its interpretation. One of them says that seeing people who have passed away alive in a dream and talking to them means trouble. Another judgment, on the contrary, says that this is a sign of new glorious acquaintances, changes for the better. Exact value depends on what mood you and the deceased who came to you were in;
  • The calmness of the deceased means that your life will be joyful, and prosperity, comfort, and peace will reign in your home;
  • It is considered a bad sign if the deceased, who appeared alive in a dream, asked for something or, on the contrary, gave it. However, many people tend to assume that taking something from the deceased is a sign of wealth.

In fact, you should be careful if the deceased invited you to come with you, and even more so if the dreamer responded to this invitation.

They say that the deceased who comes to the house reminds that a person has a responsibility, which he, perhaps, forgot about.

In almost all dream books, the interpretation of why a dead person can dream of being alive says that he, most likely, easily reminds everyone of himself and continues to protect him even after his departure. It is believed that if he himself said that he is alive, the main news will soon come.

The deceased rising from the coffin warns that soon you will have to greet guests from afar.

What will relatives tell you about?

Often they are the ones who appear to people. They say that it is not for nothing that deceased relatives dream of being alive, and this is what this can lead to.


It is believed to encourage caution. It is acceptable that the mother wants to warn about threats, to give a sign that it is impossible to lose vigilance.

Here are some other cases in which a deceased mother may appear alive:

  • For the birth of my daughter;
  • See her in own home- to well-being in the family. This promises a correct and loving soul mate, bliss in family life, obedient children;
  • It is necessary to draw conclusions if you see a quarrel with your mother. The rowdy behavior may mean that in reality, troubles, problems in the family or at work, and, perhaps, a miserable incident await you. Be careful - your discretion can protect you from such misfortunes;
  • If you saw that you were talking with your mother, pay attention to your lifestyle, only if you see such a dream often.


It is believed that a dream in which a deceased dad appeared alive is favorable. It says that you can consider yourself a responsible and accomplished person. In addition, dad tells you that there are faithful people around you who are ready to come to your aid and support at any moment.

If dad comes to you in a dream every day or very often, listen to his words - most likely, he tries to prevent troubles, give advice, and urge caution.

Conversations with dad promise quick changes that will be happy.

Grandmother grandfather

When you see a granny in a dream, think about whether you have made a mistake in the recent past. Traditionally, she is alive to call for a review of your actions, and if the grandmother advised something, strictly use her advice in real life.

Crying relatives in a dream often warn of discord in the family, and if you dreamed about your grandmother in exactly this state, pay attention to whether everything is fine in your relationship with your other half, your children.

If your grandmother gave you money, it is possible that your physical situation will deteriorate.

The grandfather who appears revived foreshadows new troubles, matters that may be associated with difficulties. Most likely, a lot of work awaits you, and in addition to your care, perhaps you will have to solve the problems of other people.

If your grandfather is cheerful in a dream, be prepared for the fact that troubles may overtake you. When you see grandparents in their own home, pay attention to your health.

Brother, sister

These close relatives indicate that someone needs your help, and you should not refuse it. A scuffle, a fight with a dead brother who appears alive, portends revenue.

The deceased sister can warn about the unknown, uncertainty.


Seeing them in a dream, many experience panic.

However, if you dream about a lot of coffins without dead people or with them, get familiar with what such dreams can mean, and they do not invariably promise troubles and troubles.

  • Being empty, they promise you lasting health and long years life;
  • Seeing that on empty tomb your name is written, think about it - perhaps it’s time to change your life, yourself;
  • If there are many of them and they are with the dead, expect the end of some relationship or business. Such a dream can also mean an early introduction to marriage;
  • If the coffins are near the church, be careful - important troubles may overtake you;
  • Young people dream of many coffins with the dead, leading to a life of prosperity and a joyful family life. For family people, such a dream promises prosperity. Elderly people should not be afraid of it either - it promises them news from distant relatives.

It is believed that pounding coffins means expecting hard work with excellent pay, and buying them portends prosperity and family well-being.

Have you seen many coffins with the dead floating along the river? Expect big profits.

Boarded up coffins indicate that you will finally be left in peace by the past that has been weighing you down all day, and if you nail them up with your own hands, then you yourself will do everything in your power to find peace.

If you have a personal business and you dreamed of zinc coffins, most likely things will go downhill. However, having seen that they were buried, you can count on things getting better very soon.

What to do?

This question does not invariably arise among those to whom the deceased appeared in a dream. Usually the question of what to do if you dream of dead people is asked by those to whom this happens often or even on a daily basis.

To the result on this question You are allowed to approach from several sides.

What does the church say?

The deceased may beg you to pray more frequently for his repose.

It is permissible to pray for a deceased person, if you dream about him every day, both at home and in church. Read a special canon, an akathist for the deceased, sing a litiya.

In the church you can order a service for the deceased, a memorial service, a magpie, and light candles.

The commemoration of an unbaptized deceased and prayers for him should be read at home (privately).

What will psychologists say?

Sometimes psychologists explain why the dead are so often seen in dreams by the dreamers feeling guilty about them. It’s possible that you didn’t have time to say or do something for him, and this haunts him. In this case, you can order a service in a church, go to the grave of the deceased, and ask for mercy.

Analyze your dreams, compare what you saw and heard with real facts– it is acceptable that you are required to take action to prevent troubles or, on the contrary, to achieve your goals.

Often, people, seeing deceased relatives alive in a dream, become very frightened. They decide that relatives don’t just appear in dreams and that the deceased in their dreams foreshadow troubles, losses and misfortunes.

But these are all prejudices. Such dreams are harbingers of both bad and good events. To accurately interpret a dream, you need to understand the details.

What do you mean by dead relatives in a dream?

Dreams with deceased relatives are difficult to interpret. To understand everything they saw, people who dream of deceased relatives alive need to remember what exactly the deceased did in the dream.

There is an opinion, that deceased relatives want to warn the living about what is coming in his life.

The graves of deceased relatives remind in a dream about keeping an eye on them. If you dream about the grave of a deceased relative, you need to remember what condition it is in.

  • Fresh means trouble from enemies.
  • Ungroomed indicates that deep melancholy awaits the person.

If you dreamed about dead relatives together with the living ones, this does not mean that an insurmountable disaster will happen to the living. Most often, there was a close connection between deceased and living relatives who appeared in the same dream. This is how the deceased warn the dreamer that the living are in danger of a dark streak.

If you dreamed coffin with a loved one, then this means misfortune for the dreamer. In this case, it is important who dreamed: grandmother, grandfather or parents.

  • If you dreamed about your father in a coffin, the person will face financial difficulties.
  • If you dreamed about your grandmother, then the dreamer needs to reconsider his attitude towards his friends.
  • If you dream about your grandfather or mother, then this means health problems.

If you often dream about the same deceased people, you should worry about the people close to you, or rather about their relationship to the dreamer.

So, parents or grandparents who come in a dream warn that some event is coming soon, a change in the attitude of people close to you.

Why do you dream about dead parents?

Deceased relatives, especially parents, dream in various places, they do various actions. The dream book interprets each dream differently, taking into account the relationship of the dreamer to the one who died.

Connection with mom- the strongest possible. Therefore, if you dreamed about your mother, this will affect your future life.

  • If the mother is kind and happy in a dream, then the dreamer should be more attentive.
  • A woman who dreamed of her mother may become pregnant in the near future.
  • A quarrel with a deceased mother portends illness. So, parents or grandfather,
  • A deceased father in a dream is a symbol of work. It can promise both success in business and failure.
  • An ill father portends financial difficulties.
  • If dad cries, the dreamer expects regret or repentance.
  • If the deceased dreamed of being in a coffin, the person would face financial losses.

Why do you dream about dead grandparents?

But often it’s not only parents who appear in dreams. Sometimes I dream about dead relatives - grandparents.

  • If she hugs, then the sleeper receives protection and patronage in his life.
  • Swearing means that the sleeper is committing wrong acts and actions.
  • If the grandmother, brother and sister of the sleeping person are sitting at the same table together, this means several upcoming events in the dreamer’s life.
  • The meaning of the dream in which she cries cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Most often this promises trouble in family life.

A grandfather can be dreamed of, even if the sleeper has never seen him before or the grandfather died before meeting him. The dream book claims that the grandfather predicts what the career of the one who sees the dream will be.

  • The dream book interprets a dream with a grandfather pitying the sleeping person as the saddest one for a career. This means that the dreamer will face serious challenges in the future, which only intelligence and luck will help to overcome.
  • The patient predicts minor financial difficulties.
  • If the grandfather is alive and well, then his career will flourish.
  • According to the dream book, a fighting and hostile grandfather indicates that a mistake has been made that can no longer be corrected. All that remains is to regret it.

Why do you dream of dead relatives alive?

As mentioned above, deceased relatives come to warn the living about future events. They are reflections of the very essence of man.

You should heed the warnings of every loved one who appears in a dream, but if you dream of your dead parents being alive, you need to be especially careful. Since they have the closest relationship to the sleeper.

You should also take into account the relationship with the deceased before he died, because the deceased can take away the dreamer’s energy if he talks to him for a long time.

  • Sleeping Man's Brother during any conversation, it takes away energy from a living person, therefore, if there was a good relationship with him before his death, he will not speak.

Extremely hostile close person is a reflection of the fears of the sleeper. In order to avoid such nightmares, you should forget about the tragic loss.

If you dreamed that a relative died, what does it mean?

If a loved one dies in a dream Yep, don’t consider it prophetic. This only indicates that a person will face drastic changes in his life. This most often indicates a sharp change in the weather outside the window, but it can also mean much more serious changes: in your personal life, career, destiny.

Thus, you should not be afraid if you see dead relatives in your dreams. They only help to cope with problems and move on with life.

The dead who come to a person in a dream can talk about various kinds of fears of the dreamer, which a person may not notice while awake. Thus, in dreams a person deals with his personal experiences and with the messages of the Spirit.

When a deceased relative appears in a dream, it is always confusing and raises a lot of questions about why such a plot is being dreamed about. Many dream books say that the deceased is bad sign, but most often such a dream is only a warning.

If you carefully analyze what you see, you can find many answers and safely resolve whole line current problems.

It is also possible that such a plot does not mean anything other than that you simply miss the deceased too much to a loved one and you just can’t let him go. Try to come to terms with the loss, and then, most likely, you will be able to forget about the frightening dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

If dead relatives come to you in a dream, pay close attention to the vision, as it is a warning.

Did you see your father during your night's rest? Think seriously about the dangers that a new business may pose. Weigh all the pros and cons of this event and decide what you will do if the plan does not end well. There is a high probability that the event will be cancelled.

Communicating in a dream with a mother who is actually buried means health problems. You shouldn’t wait for the disease to loudly announce itself. A preventative medical examination and tests will help identify the disease and begin treatment in a timely manner, thereby increasing the chances of recovery.

Seeing a deceased brother means helping a loved one. If one of the people you know in reality is in dire need of support, provide it, and you can rest assured that the good will be returned with interest.

If a friend or girlfriend tries to give you advice in a dream, listen carefully. Perhaps this advice will help in reality to prevent a fatal mistake and harm yourself. You should take the dream especially seriously if a friend or girlfriend made a promise from you.

Seeing dead relatives in a dream who unexpectedly rose again is a sign of the bad influence that those around you have on you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. If someone is overly actively trying to drag you into something monetary enterprise, do not rush to get involved in it. There is a huge likelihood of a disastrous outcome and even complete bankruptcy.

If a deceased relative in the coffin rebels, do not count on difficult situation to help friends. She won't be there.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dream of a deceased relative, you will soon have to face injustice in real life. If there were a lot of dead people, then the family or close friends will get sick or get into a serious accident. To avoid the fatal consequences of a dream, you should try to prevent trouble.

Hugging a deceased relative or friend in a dream means change. Changes can be both positive and negative. In any case, don't despair. Hard times passes, giving way to new joyful events. Only peace of mind and confidence in a bright future will help you overcome all adversity with dignity. The dream book recommends maintaining composure and being optimistic in any situation, even a seemingly hopeless one.

You dream that a deceased relative is dying. Such a vision is a harbinger of the deceit of your closest friends. People you trusted have already long time they are scheming behind your back. Don't be so gullible, otherwise you'll good attitude people will have to pay a cruel price. Perhaps it is your relatives who are making cunning plans to deceive you. In this case, the dream book advises not to trust anyone and not to let yourself be deceived.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream means losing your fears. You will be able to overcome all the fears and doubts that tormented you and made you suffer previously. Life will become much easier without fears. If you dreamed of a long-dead relative calling you to follow him, you should not do this.

If you follow a dead person in a dream, then in reality you may soon become seriously ill or plunge into a real long-term depression.

If you dreamed that deceased relatives were alive, then they would have no peace in the next world. In order for the souls of deceased relatives to find peace, it is necessary to visit the church and light a candle for their repose. You can also arrange a small wake in a narrow circle. Hearing the voice of the deceased - such a dream can indicate illness in real life.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing deceased relatives: you have a long and joyful life ahead, filled with all kinds of events and accomplishments. Freud also calls for listening very carefully to everything that the dead say in their dreams. Their words, as this interpreter says, are of great importance. Much of what deceased relatives say comes true.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If in a dream you regularly see deceased close relatives, then, rest assured, they warn of danger. You should also accept a gift from a deceased relative or give him something yourself: you will lose part of your vital energy and receive in return powerlessness and despondency. Try not to touch things belonging to the deceased at all.

A few more interpretations of what dead relatives dream about

If you dreamed about deceased grandmother, then get ready to take part in solving serious issues in reality. Try to remember if your grandmother told you anything in a dream? If yes, then pay close attention to the words she said. They can help solve problems. A happy and joyful grandmother promises a successful completion of affairs.

In dream books you can also find an explanation of why a deceased relative cries in a dream. A crying dead man warns of conflicts that will soon arise between you and your loved ones. Try not to aggravate the already difficult relationships with relatives. Try to clarify all omissions immediately, otherwise a quarrel may develop into a serious discord between family members.

If in a dream a deceased relative gives money, then in real life try to be as economical as possible. Frivolity in money matters may well result in a great financial ruin. The Dream Interpretation advises at the present time not to chase big profits, but to invest money only in reliable projects.

In dream books you can also find an interpretation of what a conversation with a deceased relative means in a dream. This dream suggests that in real life someone is looking for you, and has been for quite some time. Perhaps this is an old friend with whom time separated many years ago.

Lee Hadwin, famous English artist, who draws in a dream, is sure that through dreams a person receives information from other dimensions and civilizations. Astrologers, many researchers and scientists share the same point of view.

From the book Mysteries of the Underworld"