Dream interpretation cousin. Why do you dream about your dead cousin, should you panic?

Traditional dream books believe that only dreams in which a non-existent sister appears to the dreamer should be interpreted. However modern interpreters They say: visions can be significant when relatives, cousins, and even second cousins. As the Maly Velesov dream book says, the sister dreams of some happy event or for a gift.

You can determine other meanings of what your sister dreams about by remembering all the details of your night vision. Degree of relationship is important appearance, mood and actions of a woman or girl. What kind of sister most often appears in dreams?

  • Dear.
  • Cousin.
  • Deceased.
  • Husband's sister.
  • She may cry.
  • Be naked or clothed.
  • Can talk to the dreamer or perform some other actions.

Let's try to understand all the variety of dreams in order to understand why my sister is dreaming.

Relation degree

If you dreamed of a sister that you actually have, interpreters assure: most likely, such a vision reflects the real state of affairs and the relationship of the dreamer with the relative. Seeing a sister with whom you have a good relationship in a dream is a favorable sign, and if the relationship does not work out, most likely, after similar vision you have household chores ahead of you.

The question of why one dreams about one’s own sister, Spring dream book interprets it this way: soon you will need the support and participation of loved ones, and you will definitely receive it. Most often, a dream about an older relative is explained in this way; when a younger sister appeared in a dream, on the contrary, someone close to you will need the help of the sleeping person. Maybe it’s not her who needs help, it’s just that her little sister is very bright image a person who needs care and guardianship.

When in fact you don't have sister, but for some reason it appears in a dream, which means that you will soon be able to resolve your long-standing housing issue. When asked why you dream cousin, most dream books do not give the most rosy answer: most often such dreams occur when the dreamer’s family is diligently accumulating grievances, and he subconsciously feels this. You need to find the reason for your relatives' dissatisfaction and try to prevent protracted quarrels and conflicts - this is what your cousin dreams about.

If you dreamed about your second cousin, try to refrain from rash actions on the personal front, which you may seriously regret later. There is no need to quarrel with your “other half”, and if there is none, there is no need to rush to find new ones romantic relationships, and even more so - sex for one night.

Why do you dream deceased sister? This image most often warns of some dangers or troubles. Seeing your dead sister alive and talking to her - in such a dream you can find out what kind of danger threatens you. Your late sister will tell you about this - you need to remember what was said.

A vision where you saw a dead relative alive can tell you what to do correctly in difficult situation, and if you saw that your dead sister was placed alive in a cemetery, you need to go to the cemetery and honor her memory.

To see that your sister is happy, then in fact her life will be happy and carefree. The more bitterly your relative cries in your night dreams, the better real life will be for her. A dream about a sister suggests that, most likely, she will get married.

When your sister is in your night visions, after such a dream you should be especially vigilant with regard to your property. If a girl gets married in a dream, it means that someone has designs on your property, so take care of your pockets, valuables and information that enemies can use as a weapon of blackmail.

If, upon waking up, you are not sure whether the plot of the dream was really about your sister getting married, but you clearly remember that you saw the girl in, in reality you should warn your sister to be careful. Sister in wedding dress in your dream may mean that in reality she may have health problems, or she may face an emergency on the road. The vision in which you saw your sister naked has the same meaning as dreams of your sister in a wedding dress.

Interpreters agree: to see your own sister in your dream is an unfavorable sign. A dream book for the whole family says that if you quarreled with your sister in a dream, you need to reconsider your plans for the future - perhaps they are not too realistic. If you dreamed of quarreling with your sister, with whom in reality you are not very a good relationship, - there is a high probability of reconciliation between you in reality.

Solomon's Dream Book

Cousin- lies, gossip.

New family dream book

Cousin- dreams of disappointment and chagrin.

Correspondence with cousin- means the final break between families.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Cousin- to strengthen family ties.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing cousins ​​in a dream- to a cut on your finger or hand, and in some cases to more serious injury.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing your cousin in a dream- portends sad events that will force you to admit your own wrongness and short-sightedness.

Talk to her in your sleep- this means that in reality you will suffer from anxiety and premonitions of something bad. Visit her and see her in poor condition- your worries will be justified, it's great to see her happy th - make a successful purchase.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cousin- lies, gossip, resentment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cousin- uncertainty of relationship with a person.

Collection of dream books

Cousins- dream of a breakup family relations with them.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Sometimes a dreamed cousin warns of possible sad events. In this case, the one who sees such a dream will have to admit his guilt, wrongness, and also agree that he was short-sighted. Most likely, he will have to ask for forgiveness from the one he offended.

What if you dream about your cousin?

And so, why does my cousin dream about this day? Such a dream promises troubles. If in a dream someone dreamed that he was having a conversation with his cousin, then such a dream promises that he will have to suffer from worries and premonitions of some sad events. Similar dream may dream from Thursday to Friday.

If a cousin is sick, and the person who has such a dream visits her, then this is a sign that all experiences will soon come true. And if the sister has already recovered in the dream, then a very successful purchase will soon be made.

Corresponding with a cousin in a dream (e-mail or letter with an envelope) means the complete destruction of the existing relationship between her family and the family of the person who had such a dream.

If someone dreams of several cousins ​​at once, then this dream warns that the person will have to be careful with his body. Such a dream promises cuts, fractures and other serious injuries. Sometimes sisters dream of childhood memories.

If a child dreams that he is communicating with his cousin in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows scandals.

A sister in a dream also warns that a schoolchild or student may have insurmountable difficulties related to studies, so now you need to start thinking about problematic subjects and about starting to overcome difficult material.

If a cousin quarrels in a dream, then this is a sign of the collapse of all hopes that were associated with the future. All upcoming plans and expectations are unrealistic.

Farewell to a cousin in a dream - the onset of such a period in real life when you need to fully rely on yourself and your strengths. Help from outside will definitely not come. You will have to work for a long time to achieve your goals.

What does it portend?

However Ukrainian dream book interprets a dream about a cousin positively. This is a sign of happiness and an unexpected gift.

The 21st century dream book about a cousin explains the dream as follows: irritation, anger, lies, gossip, grievances and a sense of guilt.

If one of a couple in love dreams of a cousin, then they will have to quarrel over nonsense or separate for a while. If he sees such a dream old man, then soon he will have unwanted guests who can give him headaches and other ailments.

A man on a business trip sees his cousin in a dream - a sign of grief. Upon arrival home he will find Bad mood among family members, and conflicts cannot be avoided. In this case, disputes can be with both the wife and children.

If you dream that your cousin closed the door, left in an unknown direction, or disappeared, then this good dream. In reality, all illnesses and difficulties will be left behind.

Sometimes a dreaming sister wants to warn that a relative has not communicated with her for a long time.

If a husband or wife has a dream about a more cheerful cousin, then she warns of uncertainty in the relationship.

A dream in which a person studies with his cousin promises unexpected losses. Sister's betrothal means intrusive guardianship and painful control over someone close.

Why do you dream that your cousin is hitting you? The plot of the vision reflects your irresistible desire to deal with a certain person. You feel jealous, irritated by someone else's superiority, which causes such dreams.

Try to control your own emotions. Self-control will allow you to achieve peace of mind.

Seeing a naked cousin in a dream

Dreaming of a naked cousin means a deterioration in your well-being and health. A vision can predict the onset of a serious illness or an exacerbation of a chronic illness.

Don't put off visiting your doctor. As soon as the first signs of illness or discomfort appear, take action.

Why do you dream about walking with your cousin?

Walking with a cousin in a dream means the appearance of anxious feelings, anxiety and worry. Your inner voice foreshadows future sad events.

Listen to your own intuition, try to take protective measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles.

Cousin hugs in sleep

If you dreamed that your cousin was hugging you, take part in a dull and boring event. The event will leave behind gloomy memories without arousing your interest.

Try to abstract yourself from what is happening, tune in to a positive mood. To pass the time profitably, start planning things that are important to you.

I dreamed about my deceased cousin

Why do you dream about your deceased cousin? The vision foreshadows the emergence of problems that can affect important areas of life. The cause of the difficulties that arise may be your rash actions.

Pay attention to matters on the love front; not only work and the professional sphere require a reverent attitude towards yourself.

A cousin arrived in a dream

A dream about the arrival of a cousin is an unfavorable symbol, especially if the arrival was a reason to express accumulated dissatisfaction with you. The plot you see foreshadows a family scandal or a complete break in relations with your sister.

Show prudence; you should not be the first to enter into conflict, provoking a quarrel. Endurance and patience will help avoid negative consequences.

Why do you dream of talking to your cousin?

Talking with a cousin according to the Orakul dream book means a harbinger of the emergence of disputes, conflict situations and quarrels, as well as disagreements between household members. The misunderstanding that arises can cause a serious quarrel if nothing is done in time.

Try not to provoke a scandal. It is better not to touch upon burning topics in the conversation, to remain calm and self-controlled.

I dreamed that you were arguing with your cousin

Arguing with a cousin in a dream is an unfavorable vision, promising the collapse of planned plans and future hopes. The expectations you had in mind will not be met.

Don't give up and despair. Set new goals for yourself, taking into account previous mistakes, and move towards achieving them.

Dream Interpretation Cousin

You see relatives in dreams quite often. But night dreams in which the closest blood relatives participate are significant. But it’s quite difficult to understand why a cousin is dreaming.

Almost every dream book says that a cousin dreams of irritation, anger and resentment towards one of the family members.

The most unfavorable sign is if in a dream she came to visit you to express her dissatisfaction with you. And only the death of a relative in a dream means for her long life in health and joy.

If you dreamed about your cousin

In order to explain what your cousin is dreaming about, you need to remember what she looked like and what mood she was in. If in reality you don’t have such relatives, but you dreamed of a pretty girl who calls herself your cousin, then be prepared for a conflict with your other half based on jealousy.

Cousin's fortune

The main interpretation will depend on the state of the uncle or aunt’s daughter in the dream. If she is in good health and mood, then you will receive good news. Seeing her sick or irritated means you will have to go through an unpleasant situation and fully admit your guilt for the offense.

Prosperous health and mood

See her with good mood- receive a small gift that will be useful to you in your household. Hugging and rejoicing at the meeting leads to tears. If you dream that a girl’s wedding is being prepared in your house, you will have to visit boring and unpleasant people.


If you were at her wedding

If you dreamed that your cousin’s wedding would soon take place, and you rush to congratulate her on this important event- be prepared to hear unpleasant gossip about this person. Hugging her at the event itself is upsetting.

  • I dreamed about my cousin's wedding, but wedding dress there was a dreamer - to illness. If the dress was dirty or had holes, you will have to undergo treatment in a medical facility for a long time, Miller’s dream book warns.
  • If you dream of a cousin’s wedding with her own husband or lover, the relationship with your sister will be ruined due to nonsense.
  • A relative of your husband wants to organize a celebration in your house - they are rudely interfering in your personal life, she says family dream book.


Seeing a cousin in an interesting position means the collapse of hopes and plans. The first to notice her pregnancy in a dream, but she denies this fact - plans to spend time together will not come true. And if you manage to achieve them through incredible efforts, it will be the most depressing time in your life.

  • Congratulating your cousin upon learning that the pregnancy has already taken place - this person has plans in which you will have to work for her benefit, explains the newest dream book.
  • If you dream that you are making an appointment with your sister and immediately find out about her pregnancy, you have a lot of bad premonitions. Seeing her in a dream means your fears will come true.
  • Going to visit your husband’s sister after learning that the pregnancy ended successfully in childbirth - take her responsibilities onto your shoulders.

Anxious dream about sister

If you dreamed of a deceased cousin, the new business will not get the proper progress and will bring you serious losses. In case when in fact living relative appears in a dream as a deceased person, for example, lies in a coffin - then, strangely enough, this good sign. The woman will live a long life.

Seeing your own cousin die is a sign of a warm meeting in reality, especially if in your night dreams she died in your arms.

Your conversation will be warm and pleasant, even if there were some communication problems before.

The death of the husband's cousin means that he will have to correct the mistakes of his father or mother and apologize to the cousin's family.

Talking in a dream with a relative who died a long time ago, hearing from her about imminent death husband - be careful, especially, I had to see other relatives on her side. This means that for your significant other the next day will be dangerous with injuries.

Own feelings

Much in the interpretation depends on what kind of relationship you have with this person in reality. If you love her sincerely and are happy about every opportunity to see her or talk, then night dreams with her should bring joy and pleasant emotions. Perhaps you are looking forward to your next meeting and think about it often.

Strained relationships, unresolved grievances in real life only aggravate the negative interpretation. If you have never seen this person, it makes sense for the next 24 hours to be much more careful than always.