Why xenomorph? Biology of xenomorphs: how Aliens work. Analogies of Aliens and real-life animals

The brake is also a mechanism

Such a big sheet about the Aliens =)))

Xenomorphs, also known as Aliens, are a race of anthropomorphic aliens from the Alien and Alien vs. Predator film series. They were invented by the Swiss artist Hans Rudolf Giger (02/05/1940-05/12/2014). Especially for the film, the appearance of the xenomorphs was constantly changing.

There are two versions of the origin of xenomorphs.

Version 1.
The simplest: It's natural intelligent species an animal that developed on an unknown planet through natural development.
And this version immediately becomes implausible, since in order to reproduce, a xenomorph cub must be born from the body of some creature, thereby killing it (see below). As a result, every time a new baby is born, an individual of some species of creature dies, and after it the whole species dies. If the xenomorphs continued to multiply like this, there would not be a single living creature left on their planet, and then they would die of starvation.
However, it is possible that on the xenomorphs’ home planet they live in symbiosis with some other species for which the xenomorphs’ life cycle is not lethal. Roughly speaking, this hypothetical species, during the course of evolution (as a defense against the dominant predator - a xenomorph), has developed a special sphincter (possibly part of the digestive tract), through which the hatched breastfish is born painlessly for the parent individual.

Version 2.
Xenomorphs were created by the Mala'kak (Space Jockeys) civilization as living weapons. They were used to end the civil war that was destroying their civilization. But the xenomorphs went against their creators and destroyed their civilization completely.


Xenomorphs have the same intelligence as typical primates. Although they do not demonstrate their highly civilized level of development (for example, abstract reasoning, introspection and technological progress).

The circulatory system is not closed: the heart with holes absorbs blood (in Aliens, the function of blood is performed by molecular acid) located between the organs, and pushes it through the vessels to various parts of the body, where it is pushed out into the cracks between the organs. Blood lytic enzymes (in in this case- acids) transform it into an organic high-molecular sulfonic acid - a real antifreeze, which allows the xenomorph not to be afraid of low temperatures. This substance is a unique absorbent, it is very toxic and even at low concentrations kills any infection. After the death of a creature, acidic blood fills the space between the cells, reacting with the intercellular fluid and being neutralized, partially oxidizes some tissues.
The metabolic activity of Aliens is not inhibited under almost any conditions environment. Interstitial fluid is capable of absorbing oxygen and nitrogen from the atmosphere necessary for cell metabolism, isolating the necessary components from any gas mixtures and delivering them to tissues, and the ability to control internal pressure over a wide range helps to withstand even the vacuum of space for a long time. Accordingly, it can survive in space. It does not emit heat, since the internal body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature, as a result of which it is not visible in the infrared spectrum.
The endocrine system consists of glands that produce high molecular weight blood acid, a neurotoxic paralytic poison, biopolymer resin (for nest construction) and pheromones. The toxin introduced by the Alien into the victim’s body selectively paralyzes some functions of the cortex and brain stem, completely immobilizing the victim. However, the poison does not affect the functioning of the lungs, heart and glands, but only sharply slows it down. Poison is only used in some games. In the films, there was a hint of the presence of poison only in one scene in the film Aliens, when the queen tried to hit Ripley, who was in a working robot, with her tail.

Sense organs
They navigate by smell using a pheromone locator. They perceive electromagnetic radiation and use low-frequency ultrasound for navigation. It is not known what kind of vestibular apparatus the Aliens have, but they are capable of abruptly changing their position in all three planes without losing orientation in space (move along the ceiling, wall and floor). Aliens easily distinguish androids from people and usually do not touch them.

Life expectancy is unknown, but some queens were many thousands of years old, for example, Queen Matriarch in Aliens versus Predator (2010) was about 100,000 years old. The age of soldiers can also be measured in millennia. They are probably still susceptible to aging: in the comic book Aliens: Wraith, an ordinary Alien is shown aged. Old Aliens are distinguished by a light gray color and less strength and speed.

Physical data
The adult xenomorph is a true living weapon that is known for its cruelty and unforgivingness. At full maturity, the xenomorph has great physical strength and agility. They are masters of stealth; their favorite method of hunting is to attack from ambush. Their black skin color helps them be more secretive at night. In the movie "Aliens" it is shown that they prefer a nocturnal lifestyle.
Xenomorphs are ready to do anything (even get seriously injured) just to destroy their enemy.
Adult xenomorphs are very dexterous creatures. They are able to climb even on vertical surfaces. They are also very maneuverable and are able to dodge any attacks.
Xenomorphs can withstand conditions critical to many other life forms: in the film Alien: Resurrection, a xenomorph withstood short-term exposure to liquid nitrogen, and in the film Alien 3, it escaped alive from a vat of molten lead (although it died by exploding when it was suddenly cooled ). In addition, xenomorphs can regrow lost limbs and, if necessary, discard them themselves.

Life cycle

Xenomorph eggs



Infant form of xenomorph. The Chestbreaker embryo is usually delivered into the host creature's body by a Facehugger, although in the film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem it is seen that some varieties of adult xenomorphs can inject embryos directly without the use of a Facehugger. The embryo absorbs nutrients from the host's body, forcing him to eat a lot. In the novelization of the film Alien by Alan Dean Foster, it is stated that the embryo absorbs x-rays and appears as a dark spot on the X-ray image. When the breastbreaker embryo develops (and very quickly), it will begin to look for a way out of the body and will be forced to kill its host creature by tearing its chest and crawling out. At this stage of development, the xenomorph is whitish in color with underdeveloped limbs.
Despite its size, the chestbreaker is very strong: in the film “Alien” it is clear that the chestbreaker is able to pierce the space suit of a Space Jockey, and in the film “Alien: Resurrection” it penetrated right through human head, which was pressed to the chest of the embryo carrier.
The breastbreaker carries the hereditary information of the host creature, for example, if the breastbreaker is born from a bipedal creature, it will also be bipedal; if from a four-legged creature, then he will be a runner; if the breastbreaker is born from a yautja, then it will be an alien predator.
Having escaped and found itself in relative safety, the breastbreaker moults and quickly turns into an adult xenomorph.

The chestbreaker spins a cocoon for itself and turns into a young xenomorph.
Juvenile xenomorphs differ from adults in that they lack limbs, but other adult body features are present.

There is also an alternative development into an adult xenomorph: the breastbreaker can immediately become an adult, shedding its “milky skin”, that is, molting. It is unknown how this metamorphosis occurs externally.

It is unknown exactly how long xenomorphs live. But for example, queen queens can live up to 100,000 years.
The Old Alien can be distinguished by its lighter gray skin, as well as less strength and speed.

Types of xenomorphs

Classic xenomorphs emerge from humans and are basically drones.

Xenomorph Warrior
The main offensive force in the hive, while the other xenomorph castes are most likely defensive.

The main difference between a warrior and a xenomorph drone is his ribbed head, although there is also a smooth-headed warrior.
They also have a more complex head pattern on the sides than drones.

Alien Predator (Predalien) - a hybrid of a xenomorph and a yautja. Appears as a result of attaching a facehugger to a representative of the Yautja race.

Biology and appearance
The Alien Predator is taller than normal xenomorphs (except Praetorians and the Queen). Its external body and head structure is very similar to that of a normal xenomorph, but the head also has dreadlocks like a Yautja, as well as mandibles. The alien predator is partly gray-green in color and partly black.

Life cycle
The egg and facehugger stages are similar to those of other xenomorphs, as they only receive genetic information from infected creatures during the embryonic stage.

The Alien Predator's Chestbreaker looks different from the regular Xenomorph's Chestbreaker. Its color is brownish (greenish at the end of the film "Alien vs. Predator"). His jaws also look like those of a Yautja. The squeak of this embryo is almost the same as the squeak of a regular breastbreaker, but with some growling.

After the Chestbreaker pierces the chest of an infected Yautja, it quickly consumes large number food in order to rapidly develop into an adult. Its “skin” becomes stronger, making it more resistant to damage.
The adult is the most different from other xenomorphs. Its main difference from other xenomorphs is that it can infect (launch breastbreaker embryos) without the help of facehuggers. Moreover, it can launch from 4 to 5 embryos.

Elite xenomorphs. His key role in the hive is to guard and protect important and key places, as well as the queen herself.

Life cycle
When the hive population grows to a significant size, the queen chooses Aliens from among her subjects to become her personal guards - the Praetorians. Having received “permission” for further development, future Praetorians must leave the hive as soon as possible, otherwise they will be torn to pieces by their own, since their bodies during the development process begin to produce pheromones that irritate other Aliens. During the molt, Praetorians live separately from the community, obtaining their own food and avoiding encounters with other xenomorphs. Most of the praetorian candidates die, but the best are selected in this way.

Anatomy and physiology
The Praetorian is very similar to the queen and at the same time to the soldier. It reaches a height of over 2 meters. It also possesses great strength, tougher skin, and higher intelligence than the drone xenomorphs.

Interesting facts
The Praetorian cannot climb vertical (or any other) surfaces.

Xenomorph Runner
Runner (or Dog xenomorph) - scouts in the alien hive.

This subspecies of xenomorph differs significantly from other castes in the common xenomorph hive. He is born from four-legged animals (from dogs to cattle), and is already fully formed - he just has to grow.
It has a longer tail tip, no dorsal "tubes", and also has thinner limbs.
The runner is very fast and agile. He can also spit acid.

The Proto-Xenomorph or Deacon is a xenomorph-like creature that was born from the Creator in the film Prometheus.

This creature appears to be the ancestor of xenomorphs (originating on a planet adjacent to LV-426; acidic blood of a facehugger-like "worm; oral infection of a host by an embryo; similar appearance resulting from "inheriting" the host's traits), although chronologically it arose later.

It releases a certain amount of acid from its blood and spits it on its victims. Capable of exploding upon death, raising acidic smoke, or spilling acid around its corpse. It is the closest brother to the boiler.

Boiler is a mutant xenomorph from the game Aliens: Colonial Mariens.

Origin, appearance and habits
As a result, thermo nuclear explosion The xenomorphs that lived in the sewers of the Hadley's Hope colony mutated into this species. Perhaps xenomorph warriors mutated into boilers, since both of them have a ribbed surface of the head. After the explosion, the skin acquired a light gray color, light green blisters appeared on the body, and growths formed on the back. They are completely blind, but they have acute hearing. If everything is quiet around, then they simply “walk” leisurely through the sewer, but when they hear some suspicious loud sound, the boiler changes significantly in behavior. Its bulbs begin to glow brightly, and the xenomorph will begin to make unpleasant sounds. And then the boiler will rush straight to the source of the sound, and if the sounds continue, the creature will stop near the source and explode with acid. This suicide attack is not only fatal to the boiler, but in most cases to the victim as well. However, boilers cannot distinguish between a person and a pump by sound and therefore can explode near the pump...

Interesting facts
1. Both the boiler and the spitter have luminous plaques;
2. They both spit acid (albeit in different ways).

Xenomorph Queen
The largest and smartest representative of his hive. She is usually the mother of all her hive workers and soldiers, and she is practically the only one who has the right to lay eggs.

The xenomorph queen is approximately four and a half meters tall. She has an extremely powerful tail, the length of which is equal to her own height. The Queen's cranial crown is somewhat flat compared to that of an adult xenomorph, and extends approximately two meters back from her head. The Queen has secondary arms ( total number her arms are six), which are approximately three times shorter than the main ones. When the queen is part of a functioning hive, she is suspended from the hive's ceiling in a strong, resinous "hammock". Apart from the unusual cranial crown, the queen's most famous physical feature is the large translucent ovipositor, almost 8 meters long, extending from her body. The ovipositor, like the Queen herself, is supported by a special resinous network.

Life cycle
The Xenomorph Queen is born as a normal Xenomorph and lives exactly the same as a normal one. But after a few days, the female xenomorph sheds the skin of a regular xenomorph and becomes first a praetorian and then a queen. It is not known exactly how long the queen’s life lasts, but there were individuals who lived for about 100,000 years.

Building a hive
The queen looks for an open, empty space and begins to build the future hive. Once built, the queen develops a giant biopolymer sac from which she lays eggs and produces her soldiers and drones.

At her disposal are drones (soldiers with smooth heads) and praetorians - large males.

Rare and unique xenomorphs

Xenomorph Empress

Xenomorph Empress - highest caste xenomorphs. Xenomorph Empresses rule over almost all Xenomorph castes, even the queens themselves.
Appears in the games Aliens Online and Aliens vs. Predator 2". A particularly large and ancient queen. Even stronger and more durable. It is possible that the queens in Aliens versus Predator (2010) and Aliens: Infestation are also Empresses.

Xenomorph gorilla
Xenomorph Gorillas are semi-sentient creatures living in the jungles of the planet Ziwen. In many ways, the physique really resembles gorillas, and appearance ordinary xenomorphs. Their facehugger has blue skin color.

They have long arms, capable of quickly capturing their prey. But their main weapon is their secondary mouth. It is more powerful than a normal xenomorph due to large sizes of your skull.

Rhino xenomorph

Rhino xenomorph is a type of xenomorph that is born from a rhinoceros, or from another large earthly creature. Most likely, its analogue was presented in the game aliens colonial marines in the form of a boss. And as a second activator (the first boiler), the activator represents a mass of substance that the queen secretes if you play as a xen, then when it glows, click what it will show, your xen will die and you will be reborn giant.


As a result of genetic intervention by humans when creating a clone of a dead Ripley infected by an alien queen, the cloned queen at some point stops laying eggs and gives birth to a new creature. However, the newborn does not feel kinship with the queen and kills her, but feels Ripley as his mother.

The newborn was very different from ordinary individuals - it is larger, covered with translucent skin, has no tail, its short skull resembles a human (including pronounced eye sockets). The eyes, nose, teeth and tongue are also more likely to be human. He is quite smart and knows how to express emotions with facial expressions.

Xenomorph #6
An artificially bred xenomorph in the laboratories of the Weyland Yutani Corporation. He is the main character in the game as an alien. No. 6 is more intelligent, cunning, physically strong and resilient, in addition, he is aware of himself as an individual and knows who he is.
The sixth was experimentally grown in Weyland Yutani's laboratory on planet BG 386. From the very beginning, Weyland considered him special. During some tests with this alien, a failure occurred in the power system, which is why the xenomorph escaped. He freed his brothers and the queen and then went with the others to the hive at the factory. After that, he began to carry out the queen's orders. Thanks to his intelligence and patience, he was able to destroy not a single 10 marines and even killed 2 predators and took one predator warrior alive. However, when returning to the hive, the queen was killed by a marine, so he lost consciousness and was taken by Weyland's fighters and taken from the planet, but this time he escaped and killed or infected the entire team. After which he moulted and became the queen. The ship he was on is most likely flying to the “Home of the Xenomorphs”.

Xenomorph Hive
The nesting place of the queen, as well as the place of residence of her “subjects” of xenomorphs. Usually, hives become what xenomorphs can conquer - houses, spaceships, etc.
The braid of the hive is highlighted by the dorsal pipes of the xenmorphs. They consist of a resin-like substance. Xenomorph warriors often merge with this braid in order to ambush and attack an enemy entering the hive. The largest area, surrounded by the braid of the hive, is the Home of the xenomorphs.

Beehive braid

Home xenomorphs

The main planet of the xenomorphs (Or A6 454) is the main planet where the xenomorphs live. The home of the xenomorphs is almost the same size as the Earth, and consists of three main continents with a small ocean. There are xenomorph hives all over the planet, although there are also deserts, mountains and oceans from other areas.
The home of the xenomorphs was shown several times in the game Aliens versus Predator 2010 - the first time, when Junior at the end directs the ship's course directly to the Home of the xenomorphs, thereby finding the largest place for the Yautja to hunt xenomorphs; and the second time, when at the end of the game as Six she is transported from BG-386 to the same planet.

Mala" like
Mala"kak, or also Space Jockeys, are an intelligent alien race of gigantic proportions.

The Space Jockey first appears in the 1979 film Alien. The space tug Nostromo receives a signal that leads it to the planet LV-426, orbiting the star ζ2 Reticularis as part of the double star Zeta Reticularis. Going to the source of the signal, the team discovers an abandoned ship of the Jockeys, and inside - the Jockey himself in the pilot's seat. According to team members, he died so long ago that he had already turned to stone and grown into the chair. In the lower compartment of the ship they find Alien eggs, and meanwhile one of the crew members, Ellen Ripley, manages to partially decipher the signal and she comes to the conclusion that the signal was not a call for help, as they thought, but a warning of danger. After Thomas Kane is infected by Facehugger, the team abandons Jockey's ship and flies off the planet. The characters don't mention Jockey anymore in the film.
In the DVD commentary, Ridley Scott suggests that the Space Jockey's ship was a bomber ship, and the Alien eggs on board were weapons with which they fought an unknown enemy.

In the novelization of the film by Alan Dean Foster, which was written from the final version of the script, the Weyland-Yutani company managed to decipher the signal from the Space Jockey ship, which caused the Nostromo ship to land on the planet. According to the decryption, the alien ship boarded LV-426 on a research mission. It is obvious that his team, like Kane, found one or more Alien eggs and also became infected with them. Even before the entire team was killed, they realized that it was too late to send a distress signal, so they installed a transmitter with a danger warning signal. “Whoever they are, you cannot deny them nobility. We can only hope that humanity will still meet them someday, but in a more favorable environment,”- says the android Ash.

In a scene cut from the theatrical release of Aliens, his ship is found 57 years later by the Jorden family of colonists, however, it is unknown whether they found the Jockey himself. Meanwhile, in Foster's novelization, during the commission meeting, he mentions Jockey, although in the novelization of the first film, Jockey is not present.

Aliens vs Predator: Requiem
The Jockey Skull appears in the movie Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. It hangs upstairs in the trophy room in the shot where the Predator is processing the Alien's skull.

In 2012, the film “Prometheus” was released, which, according to Ridley Scott, was filmed in order to at least partially show the story of the Jockey.
In the story, archaeologists across the Earth find images of people worshiping tall humanoids pointing to the stars. Analyzing the images, scientists come to the conclusion that from these images it is possible to calculate the star system from which the aliens came. An expedition of the Prometheus spacecraft is being organized to LV-223, one of the three natural satellites of a giant gas planet orbiting the star ζ2 Reticulum as part of the double star Zeta Reticulum. On the surface of the planetoid, the expedition discovers artificial structures, near one of which they land. Inside, the crew discovers the corpses of the Creators themselves and some vessels with a black liquid of organic origin. Scientists take the head of one of the humanoids and examine it. It turns out that what was mistaken for a head is a helmet. Inside, the head of a humanoid creature is found, which in appearance (except for height) and in DNA is extremely similar to humans.
As a result of a coincidence, one of the members (Charlie Holloway) of the expedition comes into contact with the liquid from the vessels, as a result of which he develops symptoms of a fatal disease (or mutation) and is killed. One of the female scientists (Elizabeth Shaw), as a result of an intimate relationship with Charlie, becomes pregnant, and the fetus turns out to be a squid-like monster, since Holloway was infected at that time. Behind all this, the heroes come to the conclusion that the planet is a military base where the Creators stored stocks of biological weapons, over which they lost control and died. Under an artificial structure they find a spaceship, inside of which there is a still living representative of this race in hyper-sleep. At the same time, the android David launches a hologram on the ship’s dashboard, which shows that the Creators were going to fly to Earth and, obviously, this biological weapon was intended for earthlings. When attempting to contact the Creator (where Shaw tries to ask him why their race was going to destroy the Earth), he kills the scientists and prepares the ship for takeoff. The Prometheus crew decides to ram and shoot down the ship in order to save humanity. They succeed (although the Prometheus itself and everyone on board die), but the Creator survives and attacks Shaw, who is the only one to survive. She manages to set the squid-like monster, extracted from her earlier, on him. The monster paralyzes the alien and injects a larva into his body. The woman and the android David fly away on another ship of the Creators to find out why they first created people and then decided to destroy them. Meanwhile, a creature similar to the Alien breaks out of the alien's body.

In a deleted scene, David has a more extensive dialogue with the Creator, and when Shaw later asks him what they were talking about, he replies that when asked where their race came from, the Creator said a word that in most ancient earthly languages ​​meant heaven.

"and its sequels. Below is a list various forms xenomorph ever mentioned in various films, computer games, comics, etc.

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    ✪ Necromorphs: Monster Review of the game “Dead Space”

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    We continue our acquaintance with the most dangerous, vile and incredible creatures that inhabit the darkest corners of known space. In past videos we came face to face with xenomorphs, arachnids, headcrabs and other creatures. Today in turn, in my humble opinion, are some of the most terrifying creatures of darkness - necromorphs from the Dead Void or Dead Space. We will find out what they are, where they come from, how they reproduce, how and why they are killed, what their life cycle is and, of course, how to kill them. Recently I asked you a little riddle to test your attentiveness on YouTube, Instagram and VK, what this video will be about. Many of you guessed right, so look for your names and nicknames throughout the video! Necromorphs are a dead life form. Devoid of pity, pain and compassion, these creatures exist to spread an alien, extraterrestrial bacteria that transforms dead flesh into something terrible and hostile. If you don’t delve deeply into the nature and history of necromorphs, you might think that they are just another very dangerous zombie, but this is an erroneous point of view. Behind the threat of the lesser necromorphs lies something truly amazing and unimaginable, capable of destroying all life in the universe, turning it into a dead void - the Brother Moons. But first things first. Those converted into necromorphs immediately attack any uninfected life form with the goal of killing and subsequent transformation. Outbreaks of infection occur where mysterious extraterrestrial Obelisks appear, which resemble huge dildos from hell. Their study revealed the secret of such structures: Obelisks are sent to various planets by Brotherly Moons, which are the final stage, as far as is known, of the development of necromorphs. They are huge planetary scale accumulations of dead infected flesh, the purpose of which is to absorb all living things. All necromorphs are united into a common intelligent telepathic network. Lesser creatures are devoid of reason as such, and they are controlled through Obelisks by the Brotherly Moons. So, the infection takes place in several stages: as soon as the Obelisk lands on a planet on which life exists, it begins to relay a signal that turns dead flesh within a certain radius of the obelisk into necromorphs. This signal affects intelligent beings in a completely different way: it drives them crazy, transmitting terrible images to their minds, including drawings of obelisks. This is done so that creatures affected by the signal create copies of the obelisks, thereby spreading the influence of the signal to new territories, further increasing the reach of the pandemic. In addition, insanity manifests itself in aggressive actions towards others and towards themselves: victims of the signal become dangerous, try to kill everyone around them, and at the same time themselves, becoming biological material for the subsequent replenishment of the army of necromorphs. In addition to the Obelisk signal, the source of infection is the pathogen itself, which is spread by various types of necromorphs, for example, Corruptors or Swarms. As already mentioned: living organisms do not directly transform into necromorphs. First they need to be killed. If a bacterium comes into contact with living person, then he experiences only some mental and motor disorders: catatonia, paralysis, breathing problems. On the other hand, such disorders can cause death, make a person easy prey for other necromorphs, and so on, that is, they still contribute to the spread of infection. Devouring the flesh of nephromorphs also leads to infection, death and subsequent transformation. Infected corpses turn into necromorphs extremely quickly, and the effect of rebirth is simply terrible. The cells of a dead organism begin to rebuild, which is expressed in a change in the shape of both individual organs and parts of the body, and the entire organism. Internal organs are unnecessarily recombined into additional muscles, and bones break and often become a kind of huge knives. This alone makes necromorphs very dangerous. The process of rebirth takes a matter of seconds, and during this process a huge amount of heat is released, which is why the blood literally boils. The flesh of necromorphs also spreads infection, growing to the floor, walls and ceiling, it is very similar to living earth from the zerg. This flesh, injected directly into the human circulatory system, initiates the transformation process. Necromorphs are very diverse in their types. If you want to know in detail about the features of all types of necromorphs, write in the comments “Let's Dead Space!” As I said before, necromorphs kill and spread infection for a reason. Their ultimate goal is to consume all life in the universe. The culmination of the infection of an entire planet is the birth of a new Brotherly Moon - the final form of the evolution of necromorphs. Once the pandemic reaches sufficient proportions, the Convergence begins. All necroforms, the entire biosphere of the planet and all Obelisks rush into the stratosphere, where the birth of a perfect dead creature - the Brotherly Moon - takes place. After this, the creature's only goal remains to consume all living things in its path. All necromorphs have amazing damage resistance. What kills a person will not stop a necromorph due to the lack of vital organs and the feeling of pain. They also don't need air to breathe. The main and most effective way to combat necromorphs is to dismember or completely destroy their bodies. Since there are a huge number of types of necromorphs, amputation is not a universal method, but in most cases it is the limbs that should be shot or cut off: arms and legs, since without them they become practically harmless and die. But I repeat, there are exceptions. A necromorph that has lost its head, in most cases, will not be particularly upset and will continue to try to kill you. In some cases, a powerful stream of flame, explosion or electric discharge can also help. But there are types of necromorphs that are able to quickly regenerate lost limbs, or simply mutate after losing them, becoming even stronger and more dangerous. In general, necromorphs have absorbed everything that is most terrible and deadly, becoming one of the most, or perhaps the most dangerous creatures in the universe. Who else would you like to hear about in future videos? Write in the comments and watch other videos on the channel! Don't forget to turn on the bell, otherwise many subscribers miss new videos! Also subscribe to my second streamer channel and support with some money, if you don’t mind! Links in the description! Thanks for watching! And remember - no one will come to your aid.

Soldiers and drones

They are responsible for protection and hunting, as well as expanding the living space, building the hive, collecting food, feeding the queen and caring for the eggs. Under normal conditions, these individuals are not capable of reproduction, but in the absence of a queen they can lay from one to three eggs (more precisely, using the bodies of living creatures to create eggs, like wasps). If desired, queens can evolve into a Praetorian - a larger, smarter and less mobile individual with a shield on the head similar to the queen’s shield [ ] .

Externally, the drone and the soldier differ in size (the soldier is slightly larger) and the covering of the head (smooth for the drone, ribbed for the soldier). Drones appear in the films Alien and Alien vs. Predator, and soldiers appear in Aliens and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. In each of these films, the appearance of the creatures is different. It is also possible that the xenomorphs from the film "Alien Covenant" are also drones.

In comics and computer games, several castes stand out among drones, differing in appearance and behavior.

Cloned xenomorphs

A special type of drone that appears in the film "Alien" Resurrection. This subspecies appeared from eggs laid by the queen cloned with Ellen Ripley and is a kind of hybrid due to the fact that during cloning the genes of Ripley and the queen were mixed. Externally, they are quite different from ordinary drones - they are brownish in color, their legs are adapted for digital walking rather than plantigrade walking and have five segments, and their heads are shorter and more pointed. Characteristic feature cloned xenomorphs is that they periodically exhale steam.


Queen or Uterus- the main and largest individual in the colony (several times larger than an ordinary Alien). The rest obey her unquestioningly, even if it costs them their lives. Moves only on two large limbs. Her exoskeleton is so durable that standard 10mm kinetic weapons cannot penetrate it. Unlike the constantly changing soldiers, from the moment she grows up, the queen’s appearance remains practically unchanged: her head is adorned with a huge comb-like “crown”, which turns into a head cover, the presence of additional limbs on her chest, the presence of huge spikes on her back instead of small breathing tubes, but her main feature - the presence of an umbilical cord of the ovipositor. This translucent biopolymer sac filled with eggs is so huge that because of it the queen cannot move independently and is therefore in a “cradle” - a kind of hammock made of salivary threads and strips of biopolymer resin that support the queen and her ovipositor in a suspended state. However, in case of danger, the queen is able to tear off the ovipositor and move independently. Example: in the game “Aliens versus Predator (2010),” the old queen breaks off her ovipositor to escape captivity, but after some time she grows a new one.

There is also a known fact, mentioned in Ridley Scott's books, that an adult queen, who has fully completed her development, has an intelligence superior to that of an ordinary human. Also, signs of intelligence are visible in the film “Aliens”. When Ellen Ripley first demonstrated the action of a flamethrower and then pointed the barrel at the eggs laid by the queen, the queen understood her intentions and, in order to preserve them, ordered the two soldiers who were going to attack Ripley to retreat. Another time, the queen understood the transport purpose of the elevator, and then used it.

There is also an "Alien King" figurine.


Ripley Clones

Hybrid (Alien Predator, Predatory Alien)

Queen Mother

The various Queen Mothers are the supreme leaders of all xenomorph species, with other Queens and Empresses subordinate to them. Each Queen Mother rules her own variety of Aliens, such as black or red. They have telepathy and empathy. They are distinguished by five spines on the edge of the crest instead of three, like ordinary queens.

Appears in the comics Aliens: Earth War and Aliens: Genocide and the book Aliens: The Female War.

Varieties that appeared only in games

  • Empress:

The Empress appears in Aliens Online and Aliens vs.  Predator 2". A particularly large and ancient queen. Even stronger and more durable. It is possible that the queens in Aliens versus Predator (2010), the 2004 film, and Aliens: Infestation are also Empresses.

  • Flying Alien

The Flying Alien appears in Aliens: Extermination and Alien vs. Predator (SNES) as a boss, and in the Kenner toy line as the Flying Queen.

  • Xeno-Borg
  • Alien mutant

Alien warriors mutated as a result of the nuclear explosion on LV-426. Completely blind. Focus on noise. The attack is a self-detonation. Appears in Aliens: Colonial Marines.

  • Spitter

Another type of mutated Aliens. Their heads glow in the dark. They spit acid from a considerable distance. Very fast. Appears in Aliens: Colonial Marines.

  • Crow

Very similar to a not fully developed Praetorian. A distinctive feature is the head like that of a warrior. Only one individual is found. Only large-caliber weapons are suitable against him. Serious damage can also be caused by a blow from the forklift's arm. Appears only in the game Aliens: Colonial Marines.

  • Large Alien
  • Tarkatan Alien

It is generally similar to a normal drone, but has retractable blades on its arms, and its mouth is much wider than that of normal xenomorphs and lined with long, conical teeth. All these traits are inherited from the Tarkatans. Other distinctive features are a short head, and a shorter stature compared to classic xenomorphs, about the size of an average person. Blood has acidic properties, but more limited, for the sake of game balance. Variations:

  1. Acid player. The most classic Alien. External differences are a smooth head, like a drone’s, and acid oozes from the tail. Special moves are focused on the use of acid, and in terms of gameplay this variation is a typical zoner.
  2. Tarkatan. A kind of replacement for Baraka in the game’s roster. External differences - a corrugated head, like a soldier's. Uses special techniques typical of Baraka, minus projectile.
  3. Stuntman. Something between a praetorian and a queen. External differences are the presence of a crown-collar on the head. Specializes in summoning eggs and other xenomorphs.

Appeared as DLC as part of Kombat Pack 2 in Mortal Kombat X.

Varieties that appeared only in comics

In the comic "Aliens" Apocalypse: The Destroying Angels" (Russian) Strangers. Apocalypse: Angels of Destruction) Space jockeys are presented as a type of Alien.


To create a hive, one facehugger who finds himself in a populated space (planet, spaceship, station) may be enough. Once the xenomorph reaches the adult stage in the absence of a queen, it will transform first into a Praetorian, then into a queen. Having found a suitable isolated area, usually in the warmest place, and having eaten, it will grow an ovipositor and lay its first eggs. The first facehuggers will either attack those who approach, or will leave the hive and find carriers on their own. The hatched xenomorphs, having reached the adult stage in freedom, will return to the hive, where they will feed the queen and take care of the eggs as soldiers and drones. From this moment on, the facehuggers will not have to leave the hive, since the adults themselves will deliver future carriers there.

8. Analogies of Aliens and real-life animals
9. Influence on other works


Soldiers and drones

They are responsible for protection and hunting, expanding living space, building a hive, collecting food, feeding the queen and caring for eggs. Under normal conditions, these individuals are not capable of reproduction, but in the absence of a queen they can lay from one to three eggs. Also, in the event of the death of the queen, an ordinary Alien becomes first a praetorian, and then a new queen, and begins to lay eggs like a full-fledged queen.

Externally, the drone and the soldier differ in size and head covering. The drone first appeared in the film "Alien", the soldiers - in the film "Aliens".


Queen or Queen - the main and largest individual in the colony. The rest obey her unquestioningly, even if it costs them their lives. Moves only on two large limbs. Her external exoskeleton is so strong that standard 10mm weapons cannot penetrate it. Unlike the constantly changing soldiers, from the moment she grows up, the queen’s appearance remains practically unchanged: her head is adorned with a huge comb-like “crown”, which turns into a head cover, the presence of additional limbs on her chest, the presence of huge spikes on her back instead of small breathing tubes, but her main feature presence of an umbilical cord of the ovipositor. This translucent biopolymer sac filled with eggs is so huge that because of it the queen cannot move independently and is therefore in a “cradle” - a kind of hammock made of salivary threads and strips of biopolymer resin that support the queen and her ovipositor in a suspended state. However, in case of danger, the queen is able to break off the umbilical cord of the ovipositor and move independently, after which after some time she can grow a new ovipositor and fulfill her destiny. Example: in the game Aliens versus Predator 3, the old queen cuts off her ovipositor to escape captivity, but after some time she grows a new one. The queen's biopolymer bag becomes leather in old age; this phenomenon was discovered in the film Alien vs. Predator. There is also a known fact mentioned in Ridley Scott’s books that an adult queen, who has fully completed her development, has an intelligence superior to that of an ordinary human. Also, a sign of intelligence can be seen in the film “Aliens”. When Ripley threatened the queen with a weapon, the queen understood her intentions and, in order to stay alive, ordered the two soldiers who were about to attack Ripley to retreat. Another time, the Queen used the elevator herself.


Runner four-legged form of the Alien, the result of the development of an embryo in the animal's body. It is smaller and slightly faster than ordinary individuals, spits acid, and there are no visible breathing tubes on its back. First shown in the film "Alien 3", where the carrier is a dog. In the hive, thanks to their agility and speed, runners play the role of scouts and food getters.

Ripley Clones

From the remains of the deceased Ellen Ripley, infected by the Alien, she was cloned 8 times in the film “Alien: Resurrection”. The clones combined Alien and human properties to varying degrees, and also possessed Ripley's memory and Alien instincts. In the Alien: Resurrection comic, unlike the film, they have dark green blood. 7 clones turned out to be non-viable and soon died. The last clone also appeared in the comic book "Aliens versus Predator versus The Terminator".


Newborn human-Alien hybrid from the movie “Alien: Resurrection”.

As a result of genetic intervention by humans to create a clone of the dead Ripley, infected by the Alien queen, the cloned queen at some point stops laying eggs and gives birth to a new creature. However, the newborn does not feel any kinship with the queen and kills her, and considers a human clone of Ripley to be his mother.

The newborn is very different from ordinary individuals - it is larger, covered with translucent skin, and does not have a tail. Its short skull resembles that of a human. The eyes, nose, teeth and tongue are also more likely to be human. Capable of expressing emotions through facial expressions.

Alien Predator

Alien Predator - special kind Alien, a product of the development of an embryo in the body of a Predator. They have both the features of ordinary Aliens and some features of a Predator, for example, mandibles and dreadlocks. It was first illustrated by artist Dave Dorman in 1992. Later he became a character in books, comics and computer games. Later, in 2003, he appeared at the end of the film “Alien vs. Predator” in the form of a chestbreaker, and in the sequel “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem” he became an adult, or rather even a queen. In the film, it has the ability to directly implant an embryo into the human body, and in quantities of up to 4-5 pieces.

Expanded Universe

In the expanded Alien universe created by books, comics and computer games, there are other varieties of Aliens.

Space Jockey

In the comic "Aliens" Apocalypse: The Destroying Angels" Space Jockeys are presented as a type of Alien.


Praetorian elite soldier of the hive. The Praetorian is many times larger and stronger than the Alien Drone and Alien Soldier, but smaller than the Queen. When the hive population grows to a significant size, the queen chooses Aliens from among her subjects to become her personal guards, the Praetorians. Having received “permission” for further development, future Praetorians must leave the hive as soon as possible, otherwise they will be torn to pieces by their own, since their bodies during the development process begin to produce pheromones that irritate other Aliens. During the molt, Praetorians live separately from the community, obtaining their own food and avoiding encounters with other xenomorphs. Most of the praetorian candidates die, but the best are selected in this way. At the end of the molt, the Praetorian returns to the hive, becoming the queen's constant guard. The Praetorian no longer participates in the main life of the hive. You can meet the Praetorian either if he believes that there is a threat to the queen, or if you happen to be having dinner with her. Praetorians develop only from soldiers, drones and sometimes runners; alien predators cannot become guards due to genetic differences. Now about physiology: outwardly he resembles a soldier who has grown twice as big, in addition he has a powerful bone crest, like a queen’s. Such a monster has enormous strength, powerful horns and higher intelligence. However, due to their heavy armor, they cannot move along walls and ceilings. The Praetorians have the right to command the rest of the Aliens, setting up ambushes and traps for their opponents. Appeared in the computer games "Aliens versus Predator", "Aliens versus Predator 2" and "Aliens versus Predator 3".


Xenoborg from the game “Aliens versus Predator” is a human-made security cyborg based on the Alien. It is a drone with a laser target designator implanted in its head and two continuous laser weapons in its forelimbs. Automatically turns on when a living object approaches.

Large Alien

Boss in the game "Alien 3". Looks like a soldier, but is about the size of a queen. There is no tail. Moves on its hind legs. Jumps well. Periodically splashes acid.

Varieties that appeared only in comics

  • In the comic book "Aliens: Purge", the gynoid Eloise was grown from an Alien egg infected with a biological computer virus, using leprosy spores as an intermediary carrier. This was a prototype - it did not include restrictions on behavior, only the basic code of morality. In this comic, leprosy slows down the development of the Alien embryo in the lepers, but they could work in the Alien nest without fear. Eloise herself began to experience maternal feelings for Aliens. Strangers perceive her as a queen. The laboratory in which it was created belonged to the merged companies - the Adelaide and Bombay Alliance. When the Alliance soldiers shot the scientists who were creating the android, and began to shoot lepers and Aliens, Eloise killed the soldiers and, together with the remaining “subjects,” left the planet on the Alliance ship.
  • In the Aliens comic, ordinary Aliens are somewhat different in appearance from ordinary ones, and attack without caring about their own survival. The "Queen" looks like a huge crystal city and has hypnosis.
  • In the Alien Loves Predator comic, Alien Abe behaves like a human, with a temperament more reminiscent of a teenager. Despite the fact that he does not hide his appearance, people do not pay attention or simply do not realize that he is an alien. In one of the episodes they talk about him as a dark-skinned man young man. His two younger brothers and his queen mother also appear in the comic.

The Alien, or xenomorph - a creepy alien monster with an elongated skull, two pairs of jaws, a sharp tail and acidic blood - is known even to those who are not familiar with the film of the same name and its sequels. But they are definitely worth watching. After all, in addition to the legendary monster, “Alien” gave birth to an original and dark universe that is developing to this day, and not only on movie screens.

The appearance of the Alien

It's hard to imagine that such a huge franchise was born because of lucky coincidence circumstances. When working on the Alien script, Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett did not expect their names to go down in cinema history. The original plot of Alien was far from what viewers saw: producers David Giler and Walter Hill rewrote it more than once. It was they who included the android Ash in the plot, adding notes of sci-fi drama to the horror. The result was an incredibly beautiful and daring film for its era about how seven space truckers find an abandoned ship with the larvae of unknown creatures on a distant planet. One of which gets on board their vessel and causes a bloodbath.

The idea of ​​making ordinary hard workers the heroes of the film turned out to be successful. It was easy for viewers to associate themselves with such characters, empathize with them and understand the motives for their actions

The film was incredibly lucky with its design. O'Bannon collaborated on Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune, and although the project was canceled, it allowed the screenwriter to become familiar with the work of Hans Rudi Giger, both horrifying and erotic. Alien director Ridley Scott also liked Giger's work. The artist was tasked with coming up with the appearance of an alien at all stages of development, the setting of an alien ship and views of another planet. His facehugger models were so realistic that when he tried to bring them to filming in the USA, Giger was detained at customs. They couldn't believe that this was just decoration.

Frighteningly realistic and at the same time alien to our world, the biomechanical designs of Hans Rudi Giger are impressive at first glance. It’s unlikely that “Alien” would have become a cult film if a less eccentric and talented artist had worked on its design

Director Ridley Scott, the make-up artists, the set designers, and, of course, the cast gave their best. Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley has become no less a striking image of a strong fantasy heroine than Princess Leia from Star Wars.

The story opened up enormous possibilities for creating sequels and prequels to suit every taste. The space of “Alien,” according to the canons of good old science fiction, is not at all friendly and is fraught with a lot of dangers and discoveries - just like the Earth with sinister corporations and robots that are indistinguishable from people that have seized power.

Alien Biology

An alien, or xenomorph (from a combination of the Greek words "alien" and "form"), is an upright creature that is composed of both organic and inorganic matter and has two powerful jaws, a sharp tail, a durable exoskeleton and acidic blood. The life cycle of an Alien consists of several stages.

The structure of a xenomorph colony resembles an anthill or a beehive. There are several types of Aliens, differing in appearance and abilities. The largest and smartest - queen. She lays eggs for procreation and manages the hive. Its inhabitants are divided into workers and larger and more aggressive warriors. The appearance and abilities of Aliens may vary depending on whose organism they used for development. There are more types of Aliens in comics and games than in the movies, and they can change their specialization if necessary. But it is not entirely clear which species, besides those shown in the films, can be considered canonical.

From horror to action films

Despite the excellent box office of Alien, Fox was in no hurry to greenlight the sequel. Few people had any idea in which direction to develop the series. As a result, David Giler bet on the up-and-coming director James Cameron. His script for The Terminator impressed the producer, and Cameron became both the screenwriter and director of the sequel, Aliens.

Through Cameron's efforts, the series turned from a horror film into an action film. The director was a longtime fan of Heinlein's Starship Troopers and wanted to make a film not about helpless victims, but about future soldiers ready to face an unknown threat. Their story reflected Cameron's interest in the Vietnam War. Like American soldiers, the Marines in the film are well armed and trained, but meeting an unknown enemy on foreign soil turns into a real nightmare for them.

After Ripley defeated the Alien Queen with the help of a robot loader, such devices became a popular weapon for fighting evil creatures

The Alien universe was perfect for an action movie, and even Ripley, who survived the first part, fit into the plot without any problems. For fifty years, while she was in cryogenic sleep, a colony was founded on the ill-fated planet where her team encountered the Alien. Communication with its inhabitants is cut off, and an armed detachment is sent there to investigate. Ripley flies with him, hoping that defeating an old enemy will help her restore her reputation and get rid of her nightmares. It's not hard to guess what happens next. Instead of one natural killer, the squad encounters a whole brood of creatures that have made the colony their home.

“Aliens” became a rare sequel that surpassed the original in popularity. The fast pace, bloody action and brave heroine impressed both audiences and critics. In addition, Cameron's imagination expanded the Aliens universe. It turned out that xenomorphs have an intelligent queen capable of laying eggs, and they themselves are divided into soldiers and workers, like ants or bees. Not only strong and tenacious, but also smart and organized aliens have become worthy opponents for people.

After Aliens, Ellen Ripley was jokingly nicknamed Rambolina. Well, she looks no worse than Stallone’s hero. And he can deal with enemies and save civilians

Evil corporation

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation is constantly trying to get its hands on a sample of the Alien. The main direction of its activity is the exploration of new planets and the production of all the equipment necessary for this, from spaceships to spacesuits and on-board food. It also produces androids that are indistinguishable from humans. The corporation appeared as a result of the merger of the American company Weiland and the Japanese Yutani. And although the company's history is told differently in Prometheus and the original tetralogy, its business model remains the same. Weyland-Yutani is a classic evil corporation that is ready to do anything to get new technologies and make money from them. She sends colonists to a planet inhabited by Aliens, conducts inhumane experiments and eliminates their witnesses. According to Ripley, it is not clear who is worse: Aliens who kill out of instinct or people who are ready to kill each other for profit.

Fall and oblivion

By the time work began on the third part of the saga, the authors’ luck had turned away. The producers couldn't decide how to develop the story. Several scripts were written for Alien 3. But Shusett and O'Bannon were not satisfied with the story about the conflict between two powers competing in the development of biological weapons, about the transformation of animals on an agricultural colony into Aliens, or about the meeting of hermit monks with xenomorphs.

As a result, the film was based on a plot about criminals on a prison planet who are fighting a monster. Ripley gets there in the company of a facehugger, who upon arrival infects a dog with the Alien larva. Ripley again has to hunt a monster, this time especially fast, and local prisoners are not eager to help her. In addition, the embryo of the Alien queen is developing inside the heroine herself, after which unscrupulous agents of the corporation are already flying.

Unfortunately, due to a conflict between the producers and director David Fincher, it was not possible to adequately present the story. The disagreements were so strong that the young director left the project as soon as he finished filming, and the film was edited without him. As a result, instead of a masterpiece, an average action movie with chaotic ideas came out. The film did not add anything new to the Alien universe. It just confirmed that xenomorphs can use not only humans for reproduction, and hybrids with other creatures will look a little different.

At the end of the third film, Ripley sacrifices herself to destroy the Alien queen larva living inside her. This could have been a beautiful ending to the heroine’s story. But the greed of the film company overcame common sense

The final scene of Alien 3 could have put a spectacular end to the history of the series. But, despite the protests of the franchise authors, the studio decided to earn some more money. The next script was ordered from Joss Whedon, and the director's chair went to the Frenchman Jean-Pierre Jeunet. They tried to find a fresh look at the series that was losing popularity, but instead they ended up with a film that was associated only with Ripley and xenomorphs with Alien. Interesting topics, which could affect the plot, were not embodied in a typical story about cool kids exterminating evil aliens.

In the new film, the military clones the Alien queen (and Ripley for company) and breeds several xenomorphs. They scatter throughout the research ship and begin hunting for the crew. This time Ripley has to get rid of them in the company of space pirates. Moreover, the cloned Ripley is practically a superheroine. Thanks to it built into her DNA genetic code Aliens, she became much faster and stronger, and her blood turned into acid. This was not the ending fans were expecting. And the average viewer was not particularly impressed by another typical action movie, as evidenced by the modest box office receipts.

Ripley's clone, combining human and Alien traits, is an interesting character. But he failed to pull “Resurrection” out of the abyss of banality and mediocrity alone

Alien on paper and monitor

After 1997, Aliens disappeared from movie screens for a long time. But the franchise was not forgotten: video games and comics continued to be released about xenomorphs, and a crossover with “Predator” appeared.

Games based on the Alien universe began to be released shortly after the premiere of the first film. First, adventure games appeared for antediluvian computers and consoles, and later arcade machines came into fashion, where xenormorphs could be shot with light pistols. From the mid-nineties to the early 2000s, the horror-shooter hybrids Alien Trilogy and Alien Resurrection and the online team shooter Aliens Online, which was ahead of its time, saw the light of day.

Alien: Colonial Marines was one of the biggest gaming flops of 2013

Of interest to modern audiences may be the two-dimensional side-scroller Aliens Infestation for the Nintendo DS, the controversial shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines, released on PC and consoles of the previous generation, and, of course, Alien: Isolation - an excellent horror game in a retrofuturistic setting that you can play on modern consoles and PCs. The plots of the games do not blow your mind, but they allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the series.

Another thing is the amazing Alien: Isolation, in the spirit of the first film

In addition to films and games, many novels and comics based on Alien have been published, both included in the canon and remaining in the status of fan fiction. There are the most different texts- from stories of how Ripley saves xenomorphs from the clutches another group colonists (and in the finale, in order to avoid inconsistencies with the plots of the films, loses his memory), to large-scale panels about the seizure of the Earth by aliens and the attempts of people to reconquer the planet. In the books, such undeservedly forgotten characters in films as Marine Hicks and the colonist girl Newt from “Aliens” were developed.

Alien and Predator

There were many crossovers involving the Alien, but only one developed into a large-scale series. In 1989, they came up with the idea of ​​pitting an ideal killer against a natural hunter on the pages of the comic book Alien vs. Predator published by Dark Horse. They met on the big screen only in 2004, in the film “Alien vs. Predator.” The spectacle turned out bloody, but stupid. However, this did not prevent the release of a sequel of even lower quality three years later. It is not surprising that the creators of Alien disowned this duology and it is generally considered not to be canon.

The Alien vs. Predator crossover is not considered canon for the Alien series.

But the conflict between Aliens and Predators with people has become an excellent theme for video games. The first-person shooter series developed by Rebellion Developments was especially successful. In it you could play as a hero of any faction, and each of the three had not only his own plot, but also individual style games. These games were loved for their frightening atmosphere and extreme cruelty. Well, where else can you tear out the spine from the back of a living person with your own hands? Except in Mortal Kombat. In the last part of which, by the way, you can play as Alien and Predator.

But if stories about fights between Aliens, Predators and humans still look convincing, then it’s hard to look at the covers of comics about the fight between Batman, Superman, Judge Dredd and Green Lantern with xenomorphs without smiling. But they were published not as a parody, but in all seriousness. Superman, for example, had to face the Alien on a planet with few sunlight, because of which the superhero lost some of his strength and was unable to quickly deal with the monster.

Forward to the past

The series truly returned to the big screen in 2012 with the release of Prometheus, an ambitious science-fiction film directed by Ridley Scott. Although it does not lead directly to the story of Alien, it is easiest to characterize it as a prequel to the main series.

The Prometheus starship is flying on a research mission to a distant planet. Scientists have calculated that in numerous drawings left by ancient civilizations, the gods pointed specifically to her. Hoping to find answers to questions about the origin of humanity and the meaning of its existence, the crew explores the ruins of alien buildings, one of which turns out to be a spaceship. He headed for Earth, but his entire crew, with the exception of one humanoid sleeping in a cryogenic chamber, died. An attempt to establish contact with the alien fails: he attacks the people who spoke to him. In addition, the hold of his ship is filled with vessels with black liquid that causes people terrible mutations. At the end of the film, this leads to the appearance of a creature similar to the Alien...

Thanks to the beautiful video sequence, “Prometheus” leaves a pleasant impression

"Prometheus" does not shy away from raising eternal questions about faith and the meaning of life, while at the same time discussing such popular topics in science fiction as the relationship between robots and people. Android David, played by Michael Fassbender, seemingly friendly, but in the depths of his digital consciousness harboring a grudge against his creators, became the main pearl of the film. The rest of the characters also turned out to be likable, although they acted illogically for professional researchers. But this is perhaps the only significant complaint about Prometheus. The film is imbued with the spirit of good old science fiction, whose universe is full of alluring and at the same time deadly dangerous secrets. And walking along the dusty paths of a distant abandoned world in the company of heroes turned out to be very pleasant. Not least thanks to the beautiful design of the film, combining Giger's design and modern, expensive special effects.

“Prometheus” complemented the “Aliens” universe well, lifting the veil of secrecy over the origin of the pilot of the alien ship that the heroes of the first film stumbled upon. At the same time, the film left many questions unanswered, hinting at the possibility of a sequel. And he didn’t have to wait long. Alien: Covenant was the first in a trilogy of films connecting the events of Prometheus and Alien. The film was released in May and got rid of some of the shortcomings of “Prometheus” - it brought back the Aliens themselves, answered several long-standing questions of the universe, and was also just as beautiful. But his characters were also at odds with logic... Maybe they’ll fix it in the next film?

* * *

The Alien series turned out to be tenacious, just like the monster of the same name. And although the first two films raised the quality bar so high that it is almost impossible to repeat their success, I still want to see their backstory and continuation. The universe created nearly forty years ago, populated by bizarre monsters, insidious robots and unscrupulous employees of giant corporations, continues to excite the imagination. And I want to believe that the skill of the writers and directors will allow the world of Aliens to develop further, and not sink into oblivion.