Calculation of the number of vacation days upon dismissal. Calculation of vacation pay. If the employee did not have a salary

You should know that non-working holidays are not included. For the calculation, the average number of calendar days for each month worked is taken. The length of service for calculation does not include all days, but only days of actual stay, weekends and holidays, as well as absence for a good reason.

With an annual paid duration of 28 days, the amount for each month worked is calculated as follows: 28/12 = 2.33 days. Next, you need the number of months worked in a year, and then multiply this number by 2.33 days. The resulting figure will be the duration of your vacation. Remember that Rostrud allows this figure to be rounded up, but not down.

To calculate the annual length of service, the following days must be subtracted: absence from work for an unexcused reason, the number of days of vacation at your own expense, as well as parental leave.

In the case where an employee was absent from work due to the above, the duration of leave should be calculated as follows: first determine the average number of days worked in a month. To do this, take the average number of calendar days in a month, namely 29.4, divide by the total number of days in this period. Then multiply the resulting figure by the number of calendar days worked. For example, an employee worked 15 days in June. Thus, 29.4/30*15=14.7 (average number of days worked in June).

Then divide 2.33 by 29.4 and multiply by the average number of days worked per month. For example, 2.33/29.4*14.7=1.2 (number of days of allotted vacation for June).

If you have been working in an organization for a long time and have not been on vacation for the past few years, it is useful to find out the number of vacation days that you have accumulated over the years. By law, you have the right to receive compensation for vacation if the number of days exceeds 28, as well as upon dismissal. Or perhaps, on the contrary, you recently got a job, but have already planned a vacation.

You will need

  • - your actual work experience in the organization.


In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every working person is entitled to at least 28 days vacation for each year worked. Some categories of employees are entitled to extended leave. These categories include minors, heavy production workers, teaching staff etc.

Calculation period for determining the quantity days vacation is considered last year work if you are working less than a year, the period of time during which you are registered in the organization. For each month worked you receive 2.33 days of vacation (28 days divide the required vacation into 12 months).

For quantity days vacation you need to count quantity months during which you worked in the organization and multiply them by 2.33. If you have worked for this employer for 11 months, you are entitled to full leave at 28 days.

The vacation pay calculator calculates according to the rules of Art. 139 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2007 No. 922.

How to use the calculator:

  1. To calculate vacation pay (compensation), you need to find out the billing period. The default calculation period is 12 months preceding the start date of the vacation (or dismissal). The rules for choosing a billing period are specified in the Government Decree.
  2. If there are periods in the billing period that need to be excluded when calculating average earnings (for example, the employee was on sick leave or on a business trip), you indicate the number of calendar days of exceptions in the “excluded days” column. In this case, the amount must be indicated in the Salary column wages and other accruals for time worked this month. Which periods are excluded when calculating average earnings can also be found in the Government Decree.
  3. If during the billing period the company increased official salaries (tariff rates) for all employees of the company, it is necessary to apply an indexation coefficient. The coefficient is calculated by dividing the new salary (tariff rate) by the old salary (tariff rate). For example, the salary increased from 15,000 to 18,000 rubles, the coefficient will be 18,000/15,000 = 1.2. The coefficient is entered in the months preceding the month of salary increase.
    The right to apply the coefficient arises only if salaries and tariff rates have been increased for all employees without exception. If at least one employee has not been promoted, the coefficient cannot be applied.
  4. If the employee worked only in the month of going on vacation, it is necessary to enter the amount of accrued earnings for the days worked in this month in the “Salary” line.
  5. If the employee did not work a single day before the vacation, to calculate vacation pay, it is necessary to indicate the salary (tariff rate) established for the employee.

Calculation mechanism:

Average earnings for a fully worked period are calculated by dividing the amount of income for the billing period by the number of months in the billing period multiplied by the average monthly number of calendar days (now set to 29.3; before 04/02/2014, the value was 29.4).

  1. Vacation pay is calculated by multiplying the average daily earnings by the number of vacation days. Please note that calendar days of vacation are considered including weekends (but excluding holidays). To calculate the number of calendar days of vacation, we recommend using.

" № 22/2011

How this article will help: We will tell you how to calculate the quantity unused days rest even in the most difficult cases.
What it will protect you from: You can avoid common mistakes when calculating vacation days that your employee did not take off. Therefore, calculating compensation for unused vacation will also not cause problems.

An employee earns the right to full-time leave after 11 months of work in a given company. Of course, he can take his leave earlier, having worked for the company for six months or even less. But then part of the vacation will be used, as they say, in advance. But in order to determine exactly how many days of rest an employee has earned, you need to count it vacation experience. It’s good when it includes all the time that the employee worked in the company.

How to make your work easier

All subscribers of our magazine can quickly and without errors calculate the number of days for which an employee is entitled to salary using the “Error-Free Salary Calculator”, which is posted on our website at This service is available for the entire subscription period.

Difficulties with calculating the vacation days that an employee is entitled to arise if he has taken vacations at his own expense. Or the employee was babysitting. In addition, there are cases when, even without working a full 11 months, an employee receives the right to the whole.

How not to make a mistake when determining how many days of legal rest your employee has left? Let's consider all the basic calculation rules.

What periods are included in the vacation experience?

As you probably already know well, the working year begins not on January 1, but on the day of employment. For example, if your employee started working on November 9, 2011, their first work year will end on November 8, 2012. A working year is precisely the length of service for which an employee is entitled to vacation. In most cases this is 28 calendar days.

If your company is “simplified”

The periods that must be included in the length of service giving the right to leave are listed in Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (see table below). Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Which periods are taken into account in the vacation period and which are not?

What periods should be included in the vacation period?

What periods are not included in the vacation period?

Actual working time Vacation time without pay exceeding 14 calendar days during the working year
The time when the employee did not actually work, but he retained his place of work (position) Time of maternity leave
Time of forced absenteeism in case of illegal dismissal or suspension from work and subsequent reinstatement to the previous job The time when the employee was absent from work without good reasons(including if he was suspended from work in cases provided for in Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
Time of suspension from work of an employee who has not passed a mandatory medical examination (examination) through no fault of his own

Time of illness, as well as past vacations

When calculating the vacation period, it is necessary to take into account all periods of incapacity for work. And also the time when a person rested. Let’s say an employee of JSC “Rechnik” S.D. Makarov got a job on March 4, 2011, and quit on November 9, 2011. In April he was sick for 12 calendar days, and in September he was on annual leave for 14 days. In this case, to calculate vacation time, it is necessary to take into account both sickness and vacation time.

Leave without pay

Among other things, the length of service takes into account vacations at one’s own expense, not exceeding 14 calendar days in a working year. All those days that the employee took time off without pay in excess of this limit are not included in the length of service. This rule also applies in cases where the working year has not been fully worked out. In other words, an employee who has worked for the company for six months has the opportunity to take the same 14 days at his own expense without losing any vacation time. Let’s take the same employee of JSC “Rechnik” Makarov. But suppose that in September he was on vacation for two weeks at his own expense. This will not affect the calculation of vacation time upon dismissal. You need to take into account all 14 days of vacation at your own expense, despite the fact that Makarov did not work the entire working year.

Maternity and child care leave

The time spent on maternity leave is included in the total length of service, which gives the right to leave. But the period when the employee was on maternity leave is excluded from the calculation (paragraph 9 of article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


The period of time when the employee was on maternity leave is excluded from the calculation of the vacation period.

Example 1: How to take into account the time of “children’s” vacations in the vacation record

M.V. Morozova got a job at Sapphire LLC on March 2, 2009. From June 8 to October 25, 2009, she was on maternity leave. Since October 26, 2009 - on maternity leave for up to one and a half years. Resigns by at will October 3, 2011.

In this case, only the period from March 2 to October 25, 2009 should be included in the vacation experience.

But if an employee, while on maternity leave, works part-time, the period of such work is included in her leave period. The fact is that working under such conditions does not in any way limit either the duration of annual leave or length of service. This is stipulated in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What is the formula for determining the number of days of unused vacation?

In this case, a period equal to or greater than half a month is taken as a full month worked. Surpluses amounting to less than half a month are excluded from the calculation. This procedure is prescribed in paragraph 35 of the Rules on regular and additional holidays, approved by the People's Commissar of the USSR on April 30, 1930 No. 169 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Example 2: Calculation of days of unused vacation upon dismissal of an employee during the first year of work

P. I. Voronov was hired by Polymer LLC on February 2, 2011. From May 6 to June 7 inclusive, he was on leave without pay, and on November 15 he resigned. Annual paid leave in the company is standard 28 calendar days.

The period from February 2 to May 1 inclusive - that's three full months - was fully worked by the employee. He also fully worked the period from June 8 to November 7, that is, another five months. There are still 8 days left in November and 4 days in May. Plus, you need to include 14 days of vacation at your own expense in the calculation. The total is 26 days, which are rounded up to one full month.

Thus, the employee is entitled to compensation for 9 months or 21 days (28 days: 12 months 9 months).

However, often the calculation does not result in an integer number of days. Meanwhile official rules There is no rounding here. Therefore, traditionally the calculated total value is taken with two decimal places. Let us emphasize - exactly the final one. The fact is that we do not recommend rounding to two digits the number of vacation days an employee is entitled to in one month, namely, using 2.33 days (28 days: 12 months) in the calculation. This leads to unjustified distortions if the employee is entitled to compensation for more than one month.

If the company’s management decides to round the number of days to whole units, then this should be done not according to the rules of arithmetic, but upward. That is, it is impossible to pay compensation for, say, not 9.33 days, but 9 days. If we round up, then up to 10 days. Confirmation of this is the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 7, 2005 No. 4334-17.

What kind of vacation is entitled to an employee who has worked for at least 10.5 months?

It happens that an employee had worked for the company for 11 months or a little more at the time of dismissal. Nevertheless, he is entitled to full leave (clause 28 of the Rules). Of course, if he never took advantage of his right to rest.

But what happens when an employee is fired after working, say, 10 months and 18 days? Or one (two, three, etc.) year 10 months and 18 days? What compensation is he entitled to for his last working year? Also full. After all, paragraph 35 of the Rules states that surpluses amounting to at least half a month are rounded up. This means that in our case we get the same 11 months.

Important detail

An employee who worked at least 10.5 months in the last working year is entitled to full vacation.

Example 3: Calculation of days of unused vacation if the employee worked 10.5 months in the last working year

N.P. Severov got a job at Volna LLC on February 1, 2010, and quit on December 15, 2011. Vacation in the company is 28 calendar days. During his work in the company, Severov used 42 days. He had no periods excluded from his vacation experience.

The first working year is from February 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011. For this, the employee is entitled to 28 days of vacation. The second working year is from February 1 to December 15, 2011 (date of dismissal). This is 10 months and 15 days. This figure is rounded up to 11 months. This means that the employee is entitled to compensation for a full working year.

Thus, the employee is entitled to compensation for 14 calendar days (28 days 2 – 42 days).

Now let's consider this situation. Let's assume that at the time of dismissal the employee has worked a full year and has 28 unused calendar days of annual leave. He writes a request for leave with subsequent dismissal, and the company satisfies this request. So, in this case, do not forget to pay the employee compensation for those 2.33 days of vacation that will be accumulated over the last 28 days. That is, during vacation. After all, let us remind you that these days are included in the vacation period on a general basis, and the date of dismissal in this case is recognized as the last day of vacation.

The main thing to remember

1. The time of past paid vacations, as well as periods of illness, regardless of their duration, are included in the vacation record.

2. An employee who has worked at least 10.5 months in a working year is entitled to full leave.

3. You can include no more than 14 days of vacation at your own expense for each working year in your vacation experience.

Calculating vacation days is an important knowledge that every accountant and every employer should have. After all, it is the employer who is ultimately responsible for all financial and other activities in his own organization.

Vacation according to law

The Code of Labor Laws states that every officially employed citizen or tax resident Russian Federation has the right to a well-deserved calendar paid annual leave. The law also stipulates the right to additional paid days for reasons, for example, temporary disability or for training, or to solve production problems (business trips), and so on.

The nineteenth chapter of the Labor Code is devoted to the nuances of granting leave and everything connected with it. The specifics of granting leave to certain categories of workers (for example, in the field of education or military personnel) are described in Federal laws and other acts regulating the working hours of these above-mentioned categories.

Duration of vacation

Quantity vacation days per year, according to Labor Code, is generally twenty-eight calendar days. At his own request and in agreement with employees, the employer can increase this number, if this does not lead to a deterioration in working conditions. Such changes must be described in the internal documents of the enterprise: necessarily in the Collective Agreement and Internal Labor Regulations, if the organization has a Vacation Regulation, then it is also mandatory there.

Every employee should know how many vacation days he is entitled to per year and understand the principle of calculating vacation pay. Not only because an accountant or a payroll employee may make a mistake - and the sooner it is discovered, the easier it will be to correct - but also because exact knowledge talking about your own finances and free time will help you avoid unnecessary disappointments, and a satisfied employee is also good for production.

Who gets a long vacation?

Some employees are entitled by law to a vacation longer than twenty-eight days. For example, employees of children's educational institutions junior level rest forty-two days. Some other education employees may take up to fifty-six calendar days off. This is due to the specifics of the work process, as well as many other parameters, such as length of service, workload during academic year, cool management and much more.

Payment of vacation pay to such employees is made as in general cases.

Additional holidays

It is important to know who is entitled to additional days of rest and when in order to correctly calculate the additional leave.

The legislation provides for the provision of paid additional days to two categories of workers:

  • those who perform irregular work;
  • those who work in harmful and difficult conditions.

Also annual additional paid leave (according to Federal laws and various government regulations) requires:

  • astronauts;
  • civil servants;
  • military personnel;
  • donors;
  • air traffic controllers;
  • exposed to radiation;
  • municipal employees;
  • prosecutors and investigators, scientific and teaching staff;
  • employed in the metallurgical industry;
  • workers in the coal and shale industries and mine construction;
  • employees of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • healthcare workers;
  • archival workers;
  • electric power industry workers;
  • judges;
  • rescuers;
  • athletes and coaches;
  • customs officials;
  • engaged in construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of underground structures;
  • those employed in the exploration and production of uranium, beryllium and thorium ores in nuclear energy and industry;
  • those employed in the extraction and transportation of salt and non-metallic minerals;
  • employees of internal affairs bodies and authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • employees with a special nature of work;
  • sent to the Chechen Republic;
  • working in the Far North and regions equivalent to it.

Additional leave for performing work overtime or under hazardous conditions should be at least three days - no less.

When is leave available?

According to labor legislation, leave is granted annually. At the same time, it is not necessary to wait until twelve calendar months have passed from the first day of employment: you can use your legal rest when the full eleven months have been worked.

You can also reach an agreement with the employer and employees and ask for leave after working for the first six months. Of course, then the calculation of the number of vacation days will be slightly different than if you work for at least eleven months, and vacation payments will be lower. And if an employee decides to quit immediately after a vacation, vacation payments will be deducted from his final calculation - as for the period used on credit.

Some employees may also request leave without waiting for the six-month period. These include:

  • minors;
  • women before or after maternity leave.

The employer has no right to refuse such employees and is obliged to provide rest.

How are vacation pay calculated?

If we greatly simplify the existing scheme for calculating vacation payments, we can say that the calculation is made based on three values:

  • average daily earnings of an employee;
  • billing period;
  • number of days of rest.

There is a convenient and simple formula for calculating payments, which is used in almost every enterprise: Average daily earnings * number of vacation days = vacation payments

Average daily earnings

The calculation of this figure is influenced by the calculation period for calculating vacation pay. If the employee managed to work calendar year, average daily earnings will be calculated based on all payments for this year. If you only worked for six months or even less, only payments that are actually received in your hands will be taken into account - which, of course, will be a much smaller amount.

The average salary of an employee does not in any way affect the number of vacation days - only the amount that the employee receives.

To calculate the average daily earnings, all payments received by the employee during the billing period, which belong to the category of wages and are taxed in the general manner, are first summed up. That is:

  • wages with all indexations, coefficients and allowances;
  • additional payments accepted for this enterprise for a given profession (position);
  • bonuses, if they are paid regularly and in a fixed amount and are part of the remuneration system adopted by the organization.

Not included in the calculation:

  • financial assistance over 4000 rubles;
  • one-time social payments;
  • payments based on average earnings.

Billing period

This time period is usually understood as the months and days worked between two annual vacations. Moreover, if, for example, an employee always splits his vacation into two parts, rather than taking it in its entirety, there will be one billing period and it will need to be calculated based on the first part of the vacation. That is, if an employee got a job at a company in March 2010, took part of the vacation in May 2011, and took the other half off in September 2011, the billing period will be from March 2010 to February 2011 in both cases. At the same time, a certain number of days will already be counted for the days worked in March and April 2011 - because a new billing period begins.

Based on these parameters, the number of vacation days should be calculated.

You need to understand that the billing period for calculating average earnings includes only fully worked and paid days. For example, this quantity does not include:

  • forced absenteeism and absenteeism due to the fault of the employee;
  • time off without pay;
  • periods of temporary disability;
  • time off to care for children or relatives;
  • other periods during which wages were not maintained or were only partially retained.

All of the above affects the calculation of average earnings for payments, but does not affect the calculation of the time period giving the right to receive days of the next vacation.

Number of rest days

So, the period for calculating vacation pay has been determined, the employee’s average daily earnings have been found, and the final calculation of payments can be made. At this stage, the accountant or payroll employee must check whether the employee is entitled to the stated number of vacation days. For example, if in previous periods an employee took days in advance, he may already significantly “overshoot” his allotment, and then, of course, no one will give him or pay for the requested fifteen or twenty days.

If an employee has worked without breaks for several years in a row, he can now afford to take a longer walk or receive the days due to him in the form of monetary compensation. But we are forced to remind you that not sending an employee on vacation for more than two years in a row is considered a serious violation, everyone must rest one way or another, no matter how important matter whatever they did, and no matter how much they loved their work.

If the employee properly complied with labor legislation and took days of rest exactly at the required times, minimum quantity the days of rest that he can use in a year are fourteen, the maximum is the number of days established by law and internal regulations of the enterprise. That is, if, for example, we are talking about pedagogical organization, whose employees are entitled to rest for fifty-six days by law, but the manager has assigned everyone an additional five days, then the maximum duration of vacation will be sixty-one days.

How are vacation days calculated if the pay period was not fully worked?

In cases where the employee was not sick, did not miss work, and intends to go on a well-deserved vacation, only after working the period required by law, everything with the calculation of vacation days and payments is clear. But what if an employee was sick for a long time, went to study or on business trips, etc.?

Let's look at an example. Let's say an employee got a job at a company on July 10, 2011 and worked until March 20, 2013 without annual paid leave. During this time period, he went on sick leave from August 11, 2012 to August 21, 2012. The company has established a maximum duration of calendar leave of 32 days.

To understand how many days of unused vacation he is entitled to, he must first calculate the billing period or the vacation period in months and days.

Ten days due to temporary disability must be excluded from this amount.

We get: 12 months + 8 months 10 days – 10 days = 20 months.

To calculate the entitlement days of vacation, you need to do the following: (32 (days of annual leave) / 12 (number of months in a year)) x 20 (vacation period in months) = 53.33 days. That is, 53 days - rounding occurs according to a mathematical principle.

Calculations are made in the same way in all other cases: when an employee is fired, when he goes on vacation during a billing period that has not been fully worked, and so on.

We hope our article has clarified how to calculate vacation days.

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All employed citizens have the right to count on legal annual leave, which is paid. Its standard duration is 28 days.

And in any case, the employer simply needs to figure out how to correctly calculate the vacation days that will be paid.

Important aspects

Let's figure out what a vacation is, what is the procedure for applying for it and its duration. Let's find out which regulatory documents worth considering.

Required terms

Vacation is the period during which an employee is released from fulfilling his obligations. During the vacation, the employee retains his job.

When going on annual leave, a person receives vacation pay, calculated taking into account the amount of wages and the number of days.

Dismissal means the termination of the employment relationship between the employer and his subordinate.

The billing period is the time that is taken as the basis when calculating regular vacations.

Vacation compensation is the amount of money that is paid to the employee in lieu of unused vacation.

What is the procedure for registration

So, the standard leave, which is provided to a larger number of citizens, is 28 days.

In accordance with the Labor Code of Russia, the following have the right to receive additional vacation days:

  • an employee who has irregular working hours;
  • an employee of a company who works in hazardous conditions.

The following also have longer holidays:

  • astronaut;
  • serviceman;
  • miner;
  • customs officer;
  • persons who work in the Far North;
  • health workers;
  • teachers, etc.

A number of current orders have been approved. Salary calculation is carried out taking into account the requirements.

When paying contributions, you should rely on the norms. The procedure for granting additional time off is described in.

Calculation procedure

To determine the duration of vacation, the employer must calculate how much time the person worked between vacations. This period will be considered as a settlement period.

Calculations are carried out from the time the employee joined, and not from the beginning of the year.

Even in cases where an employee takes vacation in parts, the entire period worked in the year is included in the calculation period.

For example, an employee was hired by the company in May 2013. He took his first leave in June 2014, and the rest in December. The billing period is May 2013-April 2014 (this is a working year).

In May the calculations begin again. In this situation, the person will receive vacation pay for unused vacation time for last year and for the worked month of May.

To determine the number of vacation days for all months, you need to divide the allotted vacation period by 12. The minimum value is 2.33.

The number of vacation days is determined individually in each organization.

The main thing is that they do not last less than 28 days. The billing periods include the period that is fully worked and paid.

Factors influencing the duration of the required rest:

  1. The person often took time off without pay (more than 2 weeks).
  2. Vacation time.
  3. Absence from work unless there is a good reason.

If a person has not gone on vacation for several years, then he can take long time for relaxation.

And the employer will have to bear the consequences for not providing leave to his subordinates.

For compensation upon dismissal

And to determine the amount of payment, it is necessary to determine how many days an employee of the enterprise is entitled to.

Compensation is paid even in cases where the person is.

The calculations take into account not only the time worked for the year, but also vacations that were not used. Such rules are relevant for companies of any form of ownership.

It is impossible to pay compensation instead of providing leave to a pregnant woman, a minor, or a person who has dangerous working conditions.

Compensation is calculated as follows:

How to determine the number of days of unused legal vacation? The standard duration of vacation is 28 days in 12 months.

A person who has worked for a company for less than 11 months receives compensation for missed vacation. If even less time is worked, vacation days are calculated taking into account the days and months worked.

Persons who have worked for at least 5.5 months receive full compensation for vacation if the dismissal occurs due to:

  • liquidation of the company;
  • reduction in the number of employees;
  • sending a person to study;
  • for another job and the initiator is the employer.

In all other cases, vacation days are taken into account, which are determined by dividing the total duration of vacation by the number of days per year.

For example, Ivanov has been working at the company for 5 years, but only took vacations for 4 years in a row. In the last working year, 7 months were worked.

Partial months are rounded up. So, if 7 months and 4 days were worked, only 7 months would be taken into account. If most of the month has been worked, then rounding is carried out upward.

If the employee is entitled to additional leave, the calculation formula will be slightly adjusted taking into account the days that are additionally provided for rest.

What to do in case of downtime? According to legal requirements, such time is deducted from the salary and is not included in the length of service.

This means that this time is not taken into account when calculating compensation upon dismissal ().

Compensation for unused vacation time is included in the salary to the extent that it is accrued according to general rules.

Such payments can be made for a period not exceeding 2 years ().

The amount of compensation is calculated taking into account the number of days that exceeded the basic duration of vacation ().

For the actual period worked

If an employee took part of the vacation over 2 years, then he has the right to take back the days due before dismissal, or to receive compensation amounts during settlements.

In other cases, you should proceed like this:

  1. Count how much time you worked at the enterprise.
  2. Find out how many vacation days the company gives to people in your profession.
  3. Determine the number of days used and paid for.
  4. All other days will be taken into account as unearned vacation.

It is worth using the formula:

Let's give an example. Let's consider a situation where the billing period has been fully worked out. Sidorov is going to take 2 weeks of vacation. Earned 300 thousand rubles in a year.

The amount of compensation will be as follows:

Later Sidorov decided to take another 2 weeks. But he was unable to work the entire pay period due to illness.

When calculating, it is worth taking into account the days that were not worked. We use the formula:

How to calculate the number of days of unused vacation

After determining the length of service, a person can calculate the vacation days that are due.

The formula is:
If you want to receive compensation for unused vacation time, you should do the calculations like this:
When making calculations, it is important to take into account all years in which vacation was not used or was partially used.

For less than a year

Vacation pay for a year that is not fully worked out is calculated in a special way. The amount depends on the billing periods, duration of vacation and average earnings.

Average earnings include every increase and additional payment, including the 13th salary.

Divide earnings by the number of days in a month. With a full year worked, this figure will be equal to 352.8 days.

And the average daily salary is multiplied by vacation days. To facilitate calculations, months are distinguished that have been fully worked out and months that have not been fully worked out.

Full months are multiplied by 29.4, and incomplete months are divided by the number of days of the month and multiplied by the amount received for the months worked.

Here's an example:

The employee has a salary of 20 thousand and received a bonus of 5 thousand. The calculation is carried out for the period from May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015.

The person took a vacation in August, in which he worked 2 days. In February the person was on sick leave. The size of the bonus for length of service is 15 thousand. Salary for August is 2173 rubles.

Salary for February:

During the year, 285,923 rubles were received. Fully worked days in full months are 294, and in partial months – 17.6 days.

The total indicator of calendar days is 311.6. Average salary per day 917.6 rubles. For 28 days, a person will receive vacation pay in the amount of 25,692 rubles.

When calculating vacation pay, you need to take into account whether the lately salary. Then the amount will be adjusted.

Nuances after leaving maternity leave

Video: how to calculate the amount of compensation for unused vacation

And it doesn’t matter whether she worked for more than 6 months at the enterprise. That is, the employee has the right to take leave in advance, and the management of the enterprise has no right to refuse this.

This means that she can take the standard 28 days (unless otherwise provided by law).

It is worth distinguishing between maternity leave and another vacation. They are provided for different reasons and are also paid differently.

The duration of the holidays is as follows:

The employer pays for care leave for up to 1.5 years. Until the age of 3, payments from the company are not due.

If an employee becomes pregnant before the right to receive leave in normal situations begins, she has the right to count on receiving each of the leaves - regular, maternity.

She will retain this right even if her work experience is only a week. Is vacation allowed after the end of maternity leave?

If an employee has accumulated unused days during her work, she can take them or receive compensation.

But you cannot be on 2 vacations at the same time - maternity and regular. If a woman wants to take a vacation, she will receive it, but then she will lose child benefits.

It is better to take such leave after maternity leave ends. Its duration is calculated according to general rules. The employee has the right to take all or part of the vacation

Partial days of vacation

If any month of the billing period has not been fully worked, daily earnings are determined as follows:

Calendar days in an incomplete month are determined as follows: