Vanessa May is an actress. Vanessa May


Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson(English) Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson ; whale. 陳美, Chen Měi, born. 27 October) - British violinist, composer, skier, singer. She is known mainly for her techno adaptations of classical compositions. Performance style: “violin techno-acoustic fusion” (eng. violin techno-acoustic fusion), or "pop violin".


In January 2014, Vanessa qualified for Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi and represented the Thai team in giant slalom and competed under her father's last name - Vanakorn. Of the 89 athletes who took part, she was able to finish both runs, taking the last, 67th, place and losing 50.10 seconds to the winner.

It subsequently turned out that Vanessa’s results during the selection for the Games were falsified at the Slovenian stage of the World Cup, commissioned by an unnamed Thai company. The four officials involved in the conspiracy were suspended from work for 4 years by decision of the Slovenian Ski Federation. In November, by decision of the FIS disciplinary commission, May was disqualified for 4 years, and five tournament organizers were suspended from work for a period of one to two years. May appealed this decision.

CAS concluded that FIS did not have sufficient evidence to support May's fraud and overturned the disqualification. At the same time, the court rejected the second appeal of the 36-year-old athlete (to cancel her results in qualifying competitions due to a violation of FIS rules), and therefore she did not have the right to compete at the Olympics in Sochi.


In most of her performances, Vanessa Mae uses the Guadagnini "Gizmo" violin, made in 1761 and bought at auction by her parents for £250,000. In January 1995, the violin was stolen, but in March of that year the police returned it to its owner. Once the artist fell with her violin on the eve of one of her performances and broke it. After several weeks of painstaking work, the instrument was restored.

The artist also uses Zeta Jazz Model electric violins, made in the USA - white, with the colors of the American flag and, since 2001, silver-white, and three Ted Brewer Violins electric violins.

From time to time, Vanessa Mae buys other violins and then sells them at charity auctions.



  • Violin (1990)
  • My Favorite Things: Kids" Classics (1991)
  • Tchaikovsky & Beethoven Violin Concertos (1991/1992)
  • The Violin Player (1994)
  • The Violin Player: Japanese Releases (1995)
  • The Alternative Record from Vanessa-Mae (1996)
  • The Classical Album 1(November 1996)
  • China Girl: The Classical Album 2(January 1997)
  • Storm(January 1997)
  • The Original Four Seasons and the Devil's Trill Sonata: The Classical Album 3(February 1999)
  • The Classical Collection: Part 1 (2000)
  • Subject to Change -Vanessa-Mae(July 2001)
  • The Best of Vanessa-Mae(November 2002)
  • Xpectation (Jazz collaboration with Prince) (2003)
  • The Ultimate(January 2003)
  • Choreography (2004)
  • Platinum Collection (2007)

Special Albums

  • The Violin Player: Japanese Release (1995)
  • The Classical Album 1: Silver Limited Edition(January 1, 1997)
  • Storm: Asian Special Edition(January 1, 1997)
  • The Original Four Seasons and the Devil's Trill Sonata: Asian Special Edition(February 1, 1999)
  • Subject to Change: Asian Special Edition(July 1, 2001)
  • The Ultimate: Dutch Limited Edition(January, 2004)


  • "Toccata & Fugue - The Mixes" (1995)
  • "Happy Valley" (1997)
  • "Destiny" (2001)
  • "White Bird" (2001)


  • The Violin Fantasy (1998)
  • Arabian Nights (2000)
  • The Making of Me (TV series) (2008)

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  • Vanessa-Mae (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • - statistics on the FIS website (English)

Excerpt characterizing Vanessa Mae

– Is he still here? – she asked quickly.
- Yes, I saw him just now.
She was obviously unable to speak and made signs with her hands to leave her.

Pierre did not stay for dinner, but immediately left the room and left. He went around the city to look for Anatoly Kuragin, at the thought of whom all the blood now rushed to his heart and he had difficulty catching his breath. In the mountains, among the gypsies, among the Comoneno, it was not there. Pierre went to the club.
In the club everything went on as usual: the guests who had come to dine sat in groups and greeted Pierre and talked about city news. The footman, having greeted him, reported to him, knowing his acquaintance and habits, that a place had been left for him in the small dining room, that Prince Mikhail Zakharych was in the library, and Pavel Timofeich had not arrived yet. One of Pierre's acquaintances, between talking about the weather, asked him if he had heard about Kuragin's kidnapping of Rostova, which they talk about in the city, is it true? Pierre laughed and said that this was nonsense, because he was now only from the Rostovs. He asked everyone about Anatole; one told him that he had not come yet, the other that he would dine today. It was strange for Pierre to look at this calm, indifferent crowd of people who did not know what was going on in his soul. He walked around the hall, waited until everyone had arrived, and without waiting for Anatole, he did not have lunch and went home.
Anatole, whom he was looking for, dined with Dolokhov that day and consulted with him on how to correct the spoiled matter. It seemed to him necessary to see Rostova. In the evening he went to his sister to talk with her about the means to arrange this meeting. When Pierre, having traveled all over Moscow in vain, returned home, the valet reported to him that Prince Anatol Vasilich was with the countess. The Countess's living room was full of guests.
Pierre, without greeting his wife, whom he had not seen since his arrival (she hated him more than ever at that moment), entered the living room and, seeing Anatole, approached him.
“Ah, Pierre,” said the countess, approaching her husband. “You don’t know what situation our Anatole is in...” She stopped, seeing in her husband’s low-hanging head, in his sparkling eyes, in his decisive gait that terrible expression of rage and strength that she knew and experienced in herself after the duel with Dolokhov.
“Where you are, there is debauchery and evil,” Pierre said to his wife. “Anatole, let’s go, I need to talk to you,” he said in French.
Anatole looked back at his sister and stood up obediently, ready to follow Pierre.
Pierre took him by the hand, pulled him towards him and walked out of the room.
“Si vous vous permettez dans mon salon, [If you allow yourself in my living room,” Helen said in a whisper; but Pierre left the room without answering her.
Anatole followed him with his usual, dashing gait. But there was noticeable concern on his face.
Entering his office, Pierre closed the door and turned to Anatole without looking at him.
– You promised Countess Rostova to marry her and wanted to take her away?
“My dear,” Anatole answered in French (as the whole conversation went), I do not consider myself obligated to answer interrogations made in such a tone.
Pierre's face, previously pale, became distorted with rage. He grabbed his big hand Anatole by the collar of his uniform and began to shake from side to side until Anatole’s face took on a sufficient expression of fear.
“When I say that I need to talk to you...” Pierre repeated.
- Well, this is stupid. A? - said Anatole, feeling the collar button that had been torn off with the cloth.
“You are a scoundrel and a scoundrel, and I don’t know what holds me back from the pleasure of crushing your head with this,” said Pierre, “expressing himself so artificially because he spoke French.” He took the heavy paperweight in his hand and raised it threateningly and immediately hastily put it back in its place.
– Did you promise to marry her?
- I, I, I didn’t think; however, I never promised, because...
Pierre interrupted him. - Do you have her letters? Do you have any letters? - Pierre repeated, moving towards Anatole.
Anatole looked at him and immediately, putting his hand in his pocket, took out his wallet.
Pierre took the letter handed to him and, pushing away the table that was standing on the road, fell onto the sofa.
“Je ne serai pas violent, ne craignez rien, [Don’t be afraid, I won’t use violence,” said Pierre, responding to Anatole’s frightened gesture. “Letters – one,” said Pierre, as if repeating a lesson to himself. “Second,” he continued after a moment of silence, getting up again and starting to walk, “you must leave Moscow tomorrow.”
- But how can I...
“Third,” Pierre continued without listening to him, “you must never say a word about what happened between you and the countess.” This, I know, I cannot forbid you, but if you have a spark of conscience... - Pierre silently walked around the room several times. Anatole sat at the table and bit his lips with a frown.
“You can’t help but finally understand that besides your pleasure there is happiness, the peace of other people, that you are ruining your whole life because you want to have fun. Have fun with women like my wife - with these you are in your right, they know what you want from them. They are armed against you with the same experience of depravity; but to promise a girl to marry her... to deceive, to steal... Don’t you understand that this is as vile as killing an old man or a child!...
Pierre fell silent and looked at Anatole with a gaze that was no longer angry, but questioning.
- I don’t know that. A? - said Anatole, cheering up as Pierre overcame his anger. “I don’t know this and I don’t want to know,” he said, without looking at Pierre and with a slight trembling of his lower jaw, “but you told me these words: vile and the like, which I comme un homme d’honneur [as honest man] I won’t let anyone.
Pierre looked at him in surprise, unable to understand what he needed.
“Although it was face to face,” Anatole continued, “I can’t...
- Well, do you need satisfaction? - Pierre said mockingly.
“At least you can take back what you said.” A? If you want me to fulfill your wishes. A?
“I’ll take it back,” said Pierre, and I ask you to excuse me. Pierre glanced involuntarily at the torn button. - And money, if you need it for the trip. – Anatole smiled.
This expression of a timid and mean smile, familiar to him from his wife, exploded Pierre.
- Oh, vile, heartless breed! – he said and left the room.
The next day Anatole left for St. Petersburg.

Pierre went to Marya Dmitrievna to report the fulfillment of her wish - the expulsion of Kuragin from Moscow. The whole house was in fear and excitement. Natasha was very ill, and, as Marya Dmitrievna told him in secret, on the same night it was announced to her that Anatole was married, she poisoned herself with arsenic, which she quietly obtained. Having swallowed a little of it, she was so frightened that she woke up Sonya and told her what she had done. At the time they were accepted necessary measures against poison, and now she was out of danger; but still she was so weak that it was impossible to think of taking her to the village and they sent for the countess. Pierre saw the confused count and the tear-stained Sonya, but could not see Natasha.
Pierre had lunch at the club that day and heard talk from all sides about an attempt to kidnap Rostova and stubbornly refuted this talk, assuring everyone that nothing more happened than that his brother-in-law proposed to Rostova and was refused. It seemed to Pierre that it was his responsibility to hide the whole matter and restore Rostova’s reputation.
He fearfully awaited the return of Prince Andrei and every day he came to see the old prince about him.
Prince Nikolai Andreich knew through M lle Bourienne all the rumors circulating around the city, and read that note to Princess Marya, which Natasha refused to her fiancé. He seemed more cheerful than usual and was looking forward to his son with great impatience.
A few days after Anatole's departure, Pierre received a note from Prince Andrei, notifying him of his arrival and asking Pierre to come see him.
Prince Andrei, having arrived in Moscow, at the very first minute of his arrival received from his father a note from Natasha to Princess Marya, in which she refused the groom (she stole this note from Princess Marya and gave it to Prince m lle Bourienne) and heard from his father, with additions, stories about the abduction Natasha.
Prince Andrei arrived the evening before. Pierre came to him the next morning. Pierre expected to find Prince Andrei in almost the same position in which Natasha was, and therefore he was surprised when, entering the living room, he heard from the office the loud voice of Prince Andrei, animatedly saying something about some kind of St. Petersburg intrigue. The old prince and another voice occasionally interrupted him. Princess Marya came out to meet Pierre. She sighed, pointing her eyes at the door where Prince Andrei was, apparently wanting to express her sympathy for his grief; but Pierre saw from Princess Marya’s face that she was glad both about what happened and about how her brother accepted the news of his bride’s betrayal.

Vanessa Mae, whose biography will be discussed in our article, has become one of the most popular musicians of our time playing classical instruments. Unfortunately, in lately good game Only true amateurs can appreciate the violin classical music. This instrument is most often used in modern arrangements to give compositions some zest and charm. It is worth recognizing that the “instrument” of the great Paganini has been unfairly forgotten today, and only a few of the crowd of recognized musicians are trying to popularize it among the masses by playing the violin modern music. Vanessa Mae, whose biography attracted the interest of listeners all over the world after the release of her composition “Storm,” became one of them.

Listening to her works, it becomes clear that this performer is not only gifted with impeccable hearing. From the first notes it is clear that the girl is truly in love with her instrument.


Vanessa Mae short biography described below, was born in October 1978 in Singapore. She owes her exotic appearance to her parents: her mother is from China, and her father was born in Thailand. The talent of the future violinist manifested itself quite early; she began studying music at the age of 5, and she played both the violin and the piano.

There is information that Vanessa Mae, whose biography is discussed in this article, first sat down at the piano at the age of only three years. And her stepfather, Graham Nicholson, instilled in her an interest in playing the violin a little later. He replaced her father when the girl was 5 years old. It was then that her parents divorced, and her mother moved little Vanessa from Singapore to London.

First victories and musical education

The biography of violinist Vanessa Mae as a performer began quite early. She performed for the first time before the general public at the age of nine at an international music festival, held in Germany. And a year later, when she turned 10, the girl was already performing on the same stage with the legendary London Orchestra. The violinist’s subsequent achievements include the fact that she became the youngest student of music at the King’s College in London.

Debut in front of a wide audience

When she was 12 years old, May made her debut with her first album called Violine, which she recorded together with the same London orchestra.

At the age of 13, she was already independently playing and recording concerts of such difficult composers as Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. Thanks to this, Vanessa Mae (whose biography is truly amazing in how early the girl achieved recognition in musical world) entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest performer in history to record concerts of these composers.

In 1995, Vanessa received recognition not only from lovers of classical, but also popular music. IN creative union With Michael Butt she records and releases her second album entitled The Violin Player.

During its recording, May used not only a classical, but also an electric violin, which she mastered playing in 1992. The music that sounded in this album was completely unusual for that time: there were various directions, including techno-acoustics. It was this highlight that attracted attention to the performer discussed in our article. The record took top places in the top charts in more than 20 countries around the world. Over the entire period, almost 8 million copies of this disc were sold.

Sad separation from mother

Vanessa Mae has the image of a sexy Asian woman with an exotic appearance. It would seem that such a girl cannot have problems with fans. But in reality, everything is not so simple. She went on her first date only at the age of 20, and the reason for this was her mother, Pamela, who was her manager and was overly protective of her daughter. The woman always tried to control Vanessa’s personal life and limited it in many ways. It all ended with Vanessa firing her mother as a manager in 1999. After this incident, relatives completely stopped their communication. Her mother still has not been able to forgive Vanessa for making such a decision.

Vanessa Mae: biography, personal life

Vanessa herself, in the same 1999, managed to completely change her personal life. She met a man with whom she is still in a relationship to this day. It turned out to be Lionel Catalan, the owner of a wine trading business. He is 10 years older than Vanessa and tries to look after and protect her in everything.

At the same time, May herself states that it was with Lionel that she felt grown up and independent, because her mother was overly protective of her at one time and did not even allow the girl to cut fruit on her own (she was constantly afraid that her daughter might accidentally injure her brilliant hands). Her lover often accompanies Vanessa on tour and supports her in every possible way. And the girl, in turn, does not insist on official marriage, because he believes that this is not at all the key to a long and strong relationship.

Famous British violinist, talented composer, actress and athlete Vanessa May was born in the fall of 1978 in Singapore. Little Vanessa was only 4 years old when her mother Pamela Tan, a native of China, divorced the girl’s natural father, Thai Varaprong Vanakorn, and moved with her daughter to England, where she married London lawyer Graham Nicholson.

The childhood and youth of the famous violinist can hardly be called rosy and carefree. Musical biography Vanessa Mae started very early. The baby first sat down at the piano at the age of 3. At 5, her stepfather introduced her to the violin, but the piano remained a more important instrument for the girl for a long time.

The mother, obsessed with the desire to make her daughter famous and dreamed of Vanessa getting into the Guinness Book of Records, forced the girl to study music 4 hours a day. The only exception was her birthday. The woman never tired of reminding the little girl that her love for her was proportional to the success that her daughter achieved in music.

Later, the artist admitted in one of her interviews that it was quite cruel, but, nevertheless, the mother achieved her goal - to make her daughter famous throughout the world.

Starting at the age of 8, Vanessa Mae spent half the day at school and the other half rehearsing. At this age she became a laureate of the competition young pianists Great Britain, and at 10 she was already giving concerts accompanied by the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The girl turned out to be the youngest student at the Royal College of Music: she was barely 11 years old. But in the famous educational institution she only stayed for six months: May was no longer interested in learning playing techniques - she wanted to create herself.

Even then, the musician experimented with all her might with genres, trends and styles, boldly mixing academic performance with modern arrangements.


At the age of 12, Vanessa Mae toured continuously. She hardly showed up at school. This suited my mother quite well: she demanded that her daughter devote herself entirely to music. At my mother’s insistence, communication with peers stopped. Pamela Tan controlled Vanessa's every step, not allowing her to do anything that would distract the young violinist from her work.

Pamela assigned a bodyguard to her daughter, who relentlessly followed her everywhere. The mother chose the girl's clothes and carefully controlled her bank accounts. There was no talk of any entertainment.

The 12-year-old artist recorded her debut disc in 1990, and 4 years later her first album, “The Violin Player,” was released, which brought the violinist incredible fame. It consists of adaptations of works by German composers.

Special success had the composition “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor” by Johann Sebastian Bach, arranged by the young talent. The audience was shocked by Vanessa Mae's acting style and her specific vision classical works and an amazing ability to combine acoustic sound with electric. Vanessa Mae herself called this experiment “techno-acoustic fusion.”

In 1996, the girl received a BRIT Awards nomination. She was named the best British performer.

The second album, entitled "China Girl", was released in 1997. Vanessa May dedicated it to Chinese classical music, paying tribute to her Eastern roots.

A year later, the violinist went on her first world tour, called “Storm On”.

Most often in her concert performances, Vanessa Mae uses Guadagnini's "Gizmo" violin, created by famous master in 1761. In 1995, the instrument was stolen, but the police managed to return it to its owner. One day, on the eve of a concert, May smashed her famous violin to pieces. The restorers had to work for several weeks, and as a result, the rarity was restored. Amazingly, the violinist claims that after restoration the instrument sounds the same.

May also often uses a Zeta Jazz Model electric violin made in the USA. The instrument of this particular brand became the star’s first electric violin. Vanessa Mae often sells her instruments at auctions after concerts, donating the proceeds to charity.

In 1998, Vanessa decides to try her hand at a new role: she becomes an actress. May starred in several films and TV series, but unlike music, they did not bring her worldwide fame.

1999 was the year for Vanessa Mae of getting rid of too close maternal care. The girl decided to put an end to Pamela’s interference in her personal life and career: her daughter fired her mother from the position of her manager. Pamela Tan took this gesture extremely painfully. Since then, mother and daughter have not communicated.

Vanessa Mae’s relationship with her own father also did not work out. They met 10 years after their parents' divorce. As it turned out, dad reappeared in his daughter’s life only to ask for money.

In 2006, the artist topped the list of the wealthiest British musicians under 30 years old. Her net worth is estimated at approximately $70 million. Asteroid number 10313 is named after the famous violinist.

In total, the star gave her fans 17 discs, the last of which was released in 2007. It's called "Platinum Collection".

Russian fans of Vanessa May were incredibly happy when they heard about her concert, which will take place in Moscow in February 2017. It is known that the concert will take place in Crocus City Hall - one of the best halls capitals.


A few years ago, Vanessa May moved from London to Switzerland. She chose this country because of her passion for skiing, in which she achieved some success.

In 2014, the world was pleasantly surprised by the news that Vanessa Mae would take part in the Sochi Olympics as a skier. Since the athlete had dual citizenship - Britain and Thailand - she could not compete for either of these countries. Britain fielded strong athletes, and Thailand demanded Vanessa May renounce her English citizenship. But in last moment as an exception, the country's authorities allowed the skier to participate in the Olympics.

Vanessa Mae performed at winter games in Sochi under his father’s last name – Vanakorn. She made a successful debut in the giant slalom discipline. She showed a rather weak result and was only able to finish 67th. But if we take into account that many participants, due to the difficult route, were not able to reach the finish line at all, then this result turned out to be acceptable.

Personal life

The girl was able to go on a date for the first time when she turned 20 years old. Previously, this was out of the question, because behind the daughter’s back the figures of the mother and the guard were constantly looming. Maybe that’s why Vanessa Mae’s personal life is still unsettled today. The artist herself says that she developed a mistrust of the institution of marriage due to her parental experience. After all, my mother also divorced her second husband, Briton Graham Nicholson.

It is noteworthy that it was with her stepfather and grandmother that Vanessa Mae developed a warm family relationship. The violinist still calls Nicholson dad today. She claims that he not only paid for her music lessons as a child, but also loved her and never interfered with her career.

The fact that a young man appeared next to the girl became known at the very end of the 1990s. The star met Lionel Catalan at a French ski resort. Lionel is the son of the mayor of Val d'Isere. At first, the guy didn’t even realize that the cute girl with an oriental appearance was the same Vanessa Mae. Pair long time lived in London. Lionel Catalan has a small business:

The Frenchman is engaged in winemaking.

Vanessa Mae claims that before meeting Lionel she was “terribly dependent.” Mom protected her from outside world, so the girl couldn’t even buy a carton of milk. But her beloved man helped her adapt and overcome many difficulties.

We haven't heard anything about Vanessa Mae's marriage yet. In one of the interviews, she admitted that she did not strive for an official relationship, because the stamp in her passport could not save her parents’ family. Therefore Lionel - common law husband violinists. They do not have children, but the artist says that they may appear. And the main thing that she will not allow herself to do is put pressure on them and control their lives, as her mother used to do.

It is known that the star loves animals. Favorite dog breed is Shar Pei. She once dedicated her first work to a puppy of this breed named “Pasha”.

Three Tibetan terriers, a sharpei Gaspar and parrots live in the artist’s house.


1991 - My Favorite Things: Kids" Classics

19911992 - Tchaikovsky&Beethoven Violin Concertos

1994 - The Violin Player

1995 - The Violin Player: Japanese Releases

1996 - The Alternative Record from Vanessa-Mae

2000 - The Classical Collection: Part 1

The British violinist is always open to communication and willingly answers any questions, except those related to her personal life. She thinks there's nothing interesting about it

after all, everything is already determined in it and no events that could interest the public occur. Vanessa Mae's common-law husband has been with her for more than fifteen years, and all this time they have almost never parted. The name of the violinist’s lover is Lionel Catalan, he is a wine expert, and they met at one of the French ski resorts. For Vanessa, alpine skiing is one of her strongest hobbies - she first started skiing when she was four years old, and since then she prefers to relax in the mountains, where there are good slopes.

In the photo - Vanessa May and Lionel Catalan

Lionel is ten years older than Vanessa, he is the son of the mayor of the town where they met, and when they met, he did not even know that she was a world famous violinist. He spares nothing for his beloved - Vanessa greatly values ​​his luxurious gift - a platinum ring with a Colombian emerald and a scattering of diamonds. Lionel accompanies Vanessa Mae on tour with her elderly grandmother, to whom the violinist is more attached than to her mother, who was her manager until she came of age. The violinist's mother Pamela May Nicholson, a pianist, after her divorce from Vanessa's father, moved with her daughter to the UK, where she married again - to lawyer Graham Nicholson. She forced her daughter to practice the violin for at least four hours a day and always said that the more success Vanessa achieved in music, the more she would love her, and this, according to the violinist, was very heartless. The relationship between them has always been very difficult - Vanessa believes that her mother deprived her of her childhood and friends with whom she was forbidden to communicate, so as not to be distracted from rehearsals. Even May's first date didn't take place until she was twenty.

Her entire childhood was devoted to music lessons and touring - from the age of twelve she began to travel around the world with concerts, and her mother controlled all her bank accounts, and after Vanessa’s proposal to take a break from their collaboration, the relationship between them worsened to such an extent that there was no intervention from lawyers, and since then the mother and daughter have not communicated. Despite Vanessa's numerous attempts to improve the relationship, Pamela May does not want to make contact, completely erasing her from her life. The violinist also did not have a good relationship with her own father, who, after many years of absence from her life, showed up one day only to ask her for money.

And only Vanessa Mae’s common-law husband, her grandmother, and even her stepfather, whom her mother divorced long ago and whom she continues to call dad, remain the closest and dearest people to her. The violinist is in no hurry to get married - she says that she doesn’t see much point in it, because if a man wants, he will cheat even if there is a stamp in his passport. She loves Lionel very much and says that he helped her grow up - before, her mother always decided everything for her, whose goal was to raise her daughter to the pinnacle of success. However, Vanessa is grateful to Pamela for helping her become who she is today. May is one of the richest performers in Great Britain, but, according to the violinist, making money has never been an end in itself for her, and she does not know how to manage it at all. She spends part of the money on purchasing violins, many of which are subsequently sold at charity auctions.

In December, Vanessa will come to Russia with a series of concerts. publishes interesting details of her biography.

Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is like that full name the world famous “princess of pop violin”. She was the first to teach the youth of the 90s to love classical music and showed that classic does not mean boring, performing violin techno arrangements of classical compositions. Spectacular Asian appearance ((she is Chinese on her mother and Thai on her father) and classical instrument in your hands - you remember it immediately. She is, in her own way, a symbol of a generation - but do we know everything about her?

  • Vanessa-Mae plays an eighteenth-century violin Italian master Guadagnini, which her parents bought for her at auction. Once the violin was stolen, but the thieves were found and the instrument was returned, another time Vanessa fell just before the performance and broke it. However, thanks to talented craftsmen, the violin was repaired and regained its unique tone. Now it is estimated at 458 thousand dollars.
  • EMI awarded the violinist an award as the best-selling classical music performer. By the way, Sony BMG, Virgin Records and EMI are the record labels with which Vanessa collaborates.
  • Vanessa first appeared on stage at the age of 9 years. She played with the Philharmonie Orchestra when she was ten. Under Professor Felix Andrievsky, Vanessa was the youngest student at the Royal music college. In October 1991, Vanessa Mae recorded her debut disc Violin and in March 1991 released a charity disc. At that time she was 11 years old.
  • People magazine named her one of the "50 Most beautiful people in the World", and FHM magazine - one of the "100 most beautiful women in the world"; she played Bach for the royal family and presented wedding dresses Jean-Paul Gaultier at Milan Fashion Week.
  • Vanessa was born on the same day as the genius of violin art Nicolo Paganini - October 27.
  • Vanessa believes that the electric violin is comfortable, but the classical one sounds more natural and convincing. She loves the electric sound of the instrument, but does not play it all the time. She is also good at playing the piano.
  • Vanessa has been to Moscow six times - with concerts for the public, including in the Kremlin, and at private parties, and in television shows. Most of all she loves cold weather and when it snows.
  • Vanessa Mae hates smokers and bad cuisine and loves oriental dog breeds. There is even a separate paragraph dedicated to the latter in her rider. She never goes anywhere without her dogs—a black Shar Pei named Gaspard and a Chihuahua named Maximus. They have chips and foreign passports to accompany their owner everywhere.
  • Vanessa now lives in Switzerland, where she regularly skis, loves walking in the mountains with her dogs, reading fantasy books and hates cooking.