What is "dolce vita" for Italians. Dolce Vita in Italian: birthday at sea Interesting Italian phraseological units dolce vita

Italians are masters of many arts. Art beautiful life, the art of adapting and getting out, the art of living in the moment and enjoying it.

I thought, why not take a few lessons from them? Yes, not everything that the Italians do skillfully can be “landed” in another country due to various objective factors. But their attitude to many things is precisely what turns the life of an ordinary Italian into the desired “la dolce vita”.

Food is a pleasure, eating is a ritual

Italians live according to a schedule. It sounds incredible, but it is true. Only the schedule is special. This is a strict adherence to the course: coffee with pastries in the morning - lunch with the family in the afternoon - aperitif from 17-19.30 - dinner at 20-21 at home or in a restaurant.

On the go? Running with a glass of coffee in hand? Fast food? All these are forced measures, used only as a last resort. Even if an Italian has 30 minutes for lunch, it will be pasta in a cafe in the company of friends/colleagues, and not a snack in front of a monitor screen or with a tablet/smartphone/book in hand. The best food is the one that grows where you are, is freshly prepared and eaten immediately. And food is also a pleasure that must be shared with someone.

Because, savoring and sharing impressions is an integral part of the ritual; it makes the food even tastier.

Communication is the engine of social life, conversation is an art

Can you freely communicate with a stranger, and not on forced weather and natural topics, but in a way that is interesting?

Italy is a place where organizers of networking courses face inevitable bankruptcy, since everyone has mastered this art since childhood. Totally agree last month I suddenly found myself drawn into a long conversation with either a pizzaiolo at a tiny takeaway pizza place, or with the caretaker of a local film library, or with a lady doing Nordic walking on the beach, or with a gentleman in a cafe, who turned out to be the owner of a family workshop for sewing gloves.

Topics range from views of the citrus harvest and comparisons of wines from the Veneto and Abruzzo regions to the relationship between Caesar and Cleopatra and the dominance of Romanesque architecture in the Emilia-Romagna region. Such conversations provide food for thought, enrich you with new knowledge, give you new acquaintances and expand your boundaries. I was afraid that these conversations would take a lot of energy from me, but no - on the contrary, they fill me up.

Life is not a pursuit of something. It's just life. Here and now

Stop. Exhale. Look around. Notice that there is life around you. It's especially funny to watch Americans stopped at full speed ahead. They are still moving their legs, their eyes are still looking for the target, but where to run? Everyone has already taken a cup of coffee and is looking at them like they are crazy: Slow down, folks! It is very difficult to switch from the constant rush and the feeling that you won’t get there in time - you will miss some opportunity, into the understanding that opportunities sit quietly along the road and watch you rush along it.

Italians live with the feeling that they can do everything. And this greatly reduces the level of stress around you.

You suddenly stop rushing and start to have time. Even with a three-hour siesta. Even with the constant delays of everything and everyone. Your focus just shifts to something else.

Give yourself time for everything you do(for food, for a long walk home, for leisurely communication with a friend) and you will be surprised how quickly these costs will pay off.

Slowing down is the way to better quality life and... faster progress in many areas of life.

Quality of life is priority number 1. No compromises

Paradox: in order for your life to become better, you don’t need even more money.

On the contrary, in pursuit of higher earnings and satisfaction of ambitions, you begin to lose quality of life. Even if everything has already been achieved and built, you will spend even more effort on maintaining your status. The very structure of life in Italy is such that it leaves room for pleasure and quality living.

Remember we talked about scheduling?

It is actually designed in such a way that all those little things that form the basis of a quality life are already built into the normal daily routine.

There is time for morning coffee and the newspaper; time to spend the day with family, pick up your child from school, or take a nap; time to meet friends and have an aperitif and so on. Let this be repeated a hundred times, but not everyone got it!

Not to live in order to work, but to work in order to have time to live. And have time to live well.

Be more lenient with yourself. "Why not?" is a philosophy of life

Italy is full of temptations: delicious coffee at every turn and delicious desserts, excellent wines, delicious ice cream (yes, I understand that this is all about food again), interior shops and stores with accessories, where it is impossible to leave without shopping. So, why not?!

The idea is not to deny yourself small joys, and so on every day.

Important: It’s not about eating up problems, it’s not about over-indulging yourself, it’s just a little bit, when you want, in order to continue to feel that life is wonderful!

Spend time with your family. Family is a fortress

When you run out of money, your achievements are forgotten, your friends scatter around the world, all that remains is... this is your family.

In the conditions of constant political and economic instability that characterized Italy throughout its history, the family often remained the only place where you would be sheltered and not betrayed.

Now everything is far from being so brutal, but family is still important.

Italian Sunday dinners, where all close and distant relatives gather, Already proverbial, Italians make fun of their family gatherings, but...observe. Because despite the noise and din, the unbearable aunties, the boring signature dish grandmothers and constant conversations about figure and football, the family continues to give a feeling of stability and security.

We often focus on quality over quantity.

And Italians believe that quality comes only after quantity :)) And what matters is not where your child goes and what he studies, but how much time you spend together.

Walk with children. Everywhere. Children are awesome

In Italy, children are allowed everywhere. Of course, I’m not talking about formal do’s and don’ts, but about whether you are welcome to see you with your child everywhere or only in those places that are equipped with special children’s rooms. So, in Italy you are welcome everywhere. I see children in pretentious restaurants, and in beauty salons, and in boutiques, not to mention ordinary cafes, trattorias and shops. They will quickly bring you a special chair, have fun with the baby, find something to occupy your three-year-old - in general, if you have a child in your arms, then you are not an outcast who is denied access to decent places.

And one more joy: the children's menu here is the exception, not the rule. No sad chicken breasts and mashed potatoes! Children eat the same things as adults, and they eat great.

A healthy lifestyle is not a choice of an individual, it is a lifestyle

Therefore, pasta and pizza do not affect your figure. The average Italian eats 26 kg of pasta per year, and wears size M. Interestingly, I have practically never met any Italians on a diet.

Himself them daily diet Already, in fact, a diet. It is based on several simple rules: maintain a balance of vegetables/flour/protein foods/fruits, prepare food only from fresh ingredients, use simple recipes, control portions.

And the second aspect of Italian healthy lifestyle: on foot and by bike.

A car is for going on large-scale shopping or to work if you work far away. Shopping is not a weekly cart filled at the supermarket, it is a daily visit to a bunch of small shops and to the market for freshly baked bread, pesto, caught fish. Meeting with friends is a park, square, beach, hanging out in a bar or near it - everyone is on their feet.

Tailor makes the man. This is your way of communication

Italians care VERY much about the impression they make on others. And you know? This is good. It is beautiful.

It's nice to see people on the streets. They have clothes for every occasion: you won't go to the park in what you wear to the market or to meet friends. Shorts, colorful shirts, flip-flops in the summer in the city center somewhere in Rome or Florence are nonsense. If a person is dressed like this, he is 100% a tourist. Being well (not necessarily expensive!) and dressed appropriately for the situation is respect for yourself and others.

Absolutely special story– the way they handle scarves, neckerchiefs, hats and other accessories. As one of my friends said, I’m ready to sell my soul to learn how to tie a scarf like this!

Good manners make life more enjoyable

I can’t complain about my lack of good manners, but I had to remember some things again in Italy. Very basic things but used in amazing ways changes the atmosphere around you.

Wherever you enter, smile and greet all the people there. When I walk into a small supermarket near my house, every employee greets me, whether he’s at the checkout counter or doing the display, it doesn’t matter.

Now I’m the first to say hello and leave there every time with the feeling that I was in some pleasant place, and not just buying milk. When talking to a person, respond to his gaze, maintain contact. If you get pushed, say “Sorry” first and the incident will turn into an exchange of compliments.

Some will call these things social tinsel, so be it, but it is more pleasant to live with it than without it, and society as a whole is becoming kinder.

Have you learned anything good from the Italians? Write below in the comments. published

Hi all! Ciao a tutti! My name is Anna, I'm 32 years old, I live and
I work in Milan. I want to tell you about one day from the Italian
vacation dolce vita and how my husband and I celebrated his birthday
at sea, about how we spent half a day basking in the sun and riding a boat, and
then we went to a real medieval town, listened to minstrels,
watched the performance and feasted on delicious local dishes. Place
action: Basilicata, region in southern Italy, between toe and heel
Italian "boot". So, here we go:

Calls at 8 o'clock sharp. It beeps in the most disgusting way, I’ll tell you,
It’s impossible not to wake up, and even my prudent husband
leaves it on the table, away from the bed, so that he has to get up,
to turn it off, and definitely wake up. In retaliation, I turn on my husband
hand to take a picture of his watch - fortunately, he is aware and remembers that
Today is not only his birthday, but also the day of soooo many
photo for a certain Russian LiveJournal community. Don't wish happy birthday
Congratulations - I already congratulated you at midnight)))

We turn on the TV - they are again broadcasting about the meeting between Sarkozy and Merkel.
Lately in Italy the only talk has been about the world-wide
economic crisis. Germany and France are saving the United Europe, they will assure
us TV. I don't know whether to believe them or not.

Remembering my mission, I wander onto the balcony to photograph the view from the windows of our room. This is such beauty, yes.

Then - the bathroom. It's me, hello!

Meanwhile, the birthday boy checks his mail and writes laudatory reviews of
yesterday's restaurant. We were in the Arab quarter (built by Arabs)
the glorious medieval town of Tursi is nearby (we are now
We are relaxing in Policoro, Basilicata) and ate absolutely wonderful pizza.

Meanwhile, TV is frightening us with unnamed heat: they promise 38 degrees. A
The sea is knee-deep for us! Moreover, the sea is just a stone's throw away))))

I'm collecting
bag, trying not to forget anything, because according to the law of meanness
you will definitely need some completely unnecessary item that
You dragged it around to no avail for several days and finally posted it. Look like that's it.

studies the news and frowns displeased. I forbid you to spoil yourself
I'm in the mood for my birthday with news about the crisis and push me towards the bathroom.
He understands the hint.

In the meantime, I get dressed, it turns out like this:

Coming out
from the bathroom, the birthday boy hunches over the computer and diligently answers
congratulations from friends, this time Skype messages arrived at the same time
from my best friends (hey guys!!!). Sticking out tongue from kneeling
(I decided not to take a photo), my husband replies with a transliteration in Russian. Ahead
question, I answer: no, I’m not trained in Russian, that is, self-taught, from me
picked up, but understands a lot, you need to keep your ears open in conversation so that
don’t stir up anything too much)))

We go down for breakfast. Below is the birthday boy for devouring croissants.

My prod. set: vitamin juice, muesli with yogurt and plums.

I couldn’t restrain myself (((The croissant is stuffed with orange jam for extra “benefit”). But I don’t regret it at all!

The banquet hall, also known as the food hall, is where we have breakfast, and others have lunch and dinner.

After breakfast we have to quickly go to the town for a newspaper and then to the beach)))
We are in the elevator in full uniform. You see, I already painted my lips brighter,
otherwise my mother-in-law is already fed up with statements that I need to put on makeup
brighter after I dyed my hair from brunette to blonde (I like her
already complained to the general public in her LJ). And even though she
(mother-in-law) is far away from us now, out of inertia I still smear:

In the hotel lobby there is an exhibition of works (reproductions, of course) by the famous Andy Warhol.

We are on our way to the glorious city of Policoro. While we're driving, I'll let you know that
the city is only fifty years old, it (the city) is very unprepossessing, if not
It’s scary to say, and the 90s turned out to be hard years for him too. But
Now, according to local residents, the city is completely cleared of the mafia.

To me
there’s nothing to do, I’m bawling songs (luckily you can’t hear me, because neither
I have no hearing or voice) and photograph the beach outfit.
The hat is my mother-in-law’s, I cherish it like the apple of my eye, it’s too good,
vintage, you know:

We're passing through
past a spontaneous fruit stand - we bought fruit there for lunch at
first day here. Of course, we were cheated and cheated, but the fruit
good. We've already devoured all the peaches, all that's left are the plums, they're sooooo sweet

Corriere for my husband and myself - Grazia magazine. I must immediately report that
The Russian edition is, IMHO, much more interesting than its Italian counterpart. But I
I buy out of habit.

We leave
car in the garage and walk to the sea. This is me against the backdrop of the village,
sorry, the concentration of villas adjacent to our hotel. All this
splendor - one owner. More on this later.

village - its own pier, where the yachts of rich Buratins who bought
villas in Basilicata, completely unknown from a tourist point of view,
square meter which costs almost the same as a square meter in
Milan near the center (4 thousand 500 euros).

to the beach, I take photos for the newsreel and stretch in the sun
read your magazine and fry your chicken legs. But that was not the case - for me
It quickly hits my head and I pull my beloved into the sea.

By the way, this is a beach at the hotel, umbrellas and sunbeds are free.

I get out of the water, and my husband takes pictures of me, giggling contentedly. Thank you
him for this. And I’m struggling because even though the beach is sandy, it’s
There are pebbles entering/exiting the water, and it’s damn inconvenient.

After swimming in the sea, take a shower to wash off the salt.

I got to my journal. And I came across an article about Motherland,
more precisely, about what fashionable Russian beauties are wearing this summer. Italians
they say that colorful chiffon skirts and brooches are held in high esteem. Are they lying? Or

magazine I continue the review of the press and move on to Corriere and almost immediately
I come across an advertisement for our five-star hotel and the village next to it.
Call all this wealth - Marinagri

don't get me wrong, we imagined ourselves staying in a five-star hotel at the very
We can’t afford the height of the season, but this is MarinAgri’s first summer, the whole
structure less than a year, so they held a sale at a reduced price.
The people are coming! Why are we worse?!

Business before pleasure. I promised my husband that I would give him a ride for his birthday.
on a sailboat. This is me in a life jacket (you know, I’m very
I’m swimming unimportantly), in the background (with his back to us) is our instructor,
the husband is on the other side of the camera.

However, let's sail:

I follow the instructor’s suggestion and obediently remove the seagulls....

and reeds. By the way, all the time we ride we chat about Russia and
our notorious cold. Perestroika, frosts and beautiful girls- Here
a set of typical associations with Russia. Is it true, Lately, still ours
millionaires have caught up.

It’s me again, smiling bravely, but terribly afraid of being left out and failing the photo mission about Italy:

And this is our boat already on the shore. My husband is happy with the gift, the instructor is happy with the earnings, and I am happy with the fact that I’m back on solid ground.

After skiing - shower and lunch. While I was unpacking the plums and mineral water, my husband took a nap, tired of riding, darling...

Me with plum and Corriere - I haven’t even read the newspaper.

I'm just about to immerse myself in reading the serious Italian press,
how nearby they are starting kite surfing lessons, how can you not take a photo!?


finally the editorial of Corriere Della Sera. And although Corriere too
trumpets about the crisis and the inevitable kirdyk to all of us, but on the first page
right in the middle there is still a photo of an aggressive fighting bull, already
killed 10 people in Spain. This is what all Italians are all about. All about the crisis
- and they are about the crisis, but they will still add something like that)))

I'm interrupting
to photograph a Canadair plane. In Italy they are used for
extinguishing fires. This is an anphib plane, it splashes down and takes water for
extinguishing fire straight from the sea. Here are two such bright yellow beauties for half an hour
flying back and forth, apparently something is really burning nearby.

Over time, my husband manages to convince me that I’m already as red as a tomato, and
I have to go back to the hotel. I'm stubborn (I'm generally stubborn, and my character is
I'm intolerable), so we agree that we'll go to the pool at
On the way back to the hotel I again photograph the beautiful yachts:

We meet this couple. He is clearly Italian, she, in my opinion, is Russian. What will the LJ public say?

Home, sweet home.
This is our room, cleaned:

And this is the pool:

It's me again in the hydromassage pool. And the facial expression is tense,
because the water very diligently massages my butt)))

again they drag me back to the rooms... I resist again - it was so wonderful to warm up
in the sun! I only give in to the mention that it’s time to call my
maman and get ready - we have an extensive evening program.

I'm calling mom, as promised. Thanks to everyone, everyone, for Skype! Otherwise I would have already gone broke on phone calls!

Then - shower and get ready. I'm preparing an outfit.

Chingachgook war paint guns:

Well, the final result:

we are ready, we are going again to the glorious city of Policoro to pick up the ordered
the day before, cakes (the two of us would not have finished the cake) with a memorable inscription
"Congratulations to the cat!" Well, now you know what drove my husband)))

I didn’t start a confectionery shop, otherwise I simply wouldn’t have gotten out of there.
There is such a variety, everything is so appetizing that you want to try everything
a lot at once, so that you can taste it better)))

Meanwhile, the cakes were successfully delivered to the hotel and placed in the refrigerator.
we are already in Valsinni (called Favale in the Middle Ages), where a
chronological order: visit to the castle where the incident happened in the 16th century
terrible tragedy, performance under open air and a meal accompanied by singing
minstrels. All this is not exclusively for us - it is an initiative of residents
the town of Valsinni itself for tourists.

bought, while we wait for our turn to visit the castle, we go around the artistic
Exhibitions. Below are houses historical center town of Valsinia.

This is a list of what we are going to eat tonight:
assortment of appetizers, first course (pasta to choose from), second course (meat), fruit,
sweets, plenty of wine - and all for a ridiculous 18 ducats (euro). Now you
Do you understand why we limit ourselves to only fruit for lunch?!

While visiting the castle we are told about what happened here in the 16th century
tragedy: siblings stabbed their sister Isabella Di Mora to death,
talented poetess, suspecting her of having an affair with a noble Spaniard
(Italy was at that time under the Spaniards).

I won’t bore you with the details of what happened, let’s move straight to the play, or better yet, to the musical on the theme of the same name:

And this is already one of the 7 appetizers that we had a chance to try! Warm bread with baked eggplant inside:

Here are the minstrels - those same artists! They sang about their land, about good wine,
about meat, about simple peasants. “No one will ever be hungry here” -
minstrels sang. And it’s true - from a restaurant, sorry, from a medieval
taverns, we rolled out like koloboks....)))

(note the frightened expression of the girl in red - the minstrels sang really loudly)

Do you know that wine aids digestion? I also found out about this only in Italy, and I actively use the advice:

we got there at one o'clock in the morning. My husband told me that I was 40 minutes away
slept quietly, only occasionally waking up and reminding him “dear, don’t
drive!" and dozed off again.

And these are the same cakes - instead of a birthday cake:

The two of us barely managed just one thing. But they considered it their duty to eat at least one cake - how could it be otherwise!

And now it’s already half past two, after this photo there was an express shower and bathing.

Thank you for your patience to those who read/watched this post to the end.
Hope you enjoyed your day!

So, what is "dolce vita"? Why does this expression have so many fans? Literally it translates as " sweet life". With champagne, sweets, confectionery products and everything is clear to the spirits. But why is this the name of a brand of artificial eyelashes, a lingerie store, or a jewelry studio? What's sweet about them?

Idiom - untranslatable Italian folklore

If you ask a resident of Italy what “dolce vita” is, he can speak on this topic for quite a long time. The fact is that Italians tend to have long, detailed conversations, doing it easily and gracefully, so that it becomes pleasant for both the narrator and the listener.

It is possible to fully translate the capacious expression meaning “sweet life” only by comprehensively considering its meaning. And it consists of many pieces of the mosaic that make up the quality of life. This is an indispensable adherence to the daily routine, love for family, food, relaxation, walks, siesta, fashion... And at the same time you need to keep in style - look your best.

What does an Italian day consist of?

Life can be lived in worries, worries and bustle. In such conditions, achievements will not bring much satisfaction, because new problems will arise that will need to be solved. The meaning of "dolce vita" is to enjoy the process.

Italians value life very much: in the morning it is an indispensable newspaper with a cup of coffee, in the afternoon - lunch with the family and a three-hour siesta, in the evening - meeting with friends with a bottle of wine.

Before going to bed, they go outside for an evening promenade (la passegiata). You need to admire the sunset, look at others and show yourself.

Work and study

For an Italian, work is just a means of living; there are more important things. Maybe that's why there are so many strikes in the country. It’s not scary to be late, your career is not the main thing, your studies can last your whole life, you take exams as you prepare for them. Living on your parents' neck until you're forty is a common thing.

Thanks to the art of networking, which Italians master perfectly, many issues are resolved through personal connections, the help of family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. And all accompanied by a leisurely conversation at a cafe table, bar counter, on the beach or at a party. The Italian's motto is piano-piano. Taking your time to live is one of the meanings of the word “dolce vita”. No fuss - no stress - no depression.

The quality of life is not affected by the amount of money.

Italian mafia

"Mafia" means "family" in Italian. Family ties are everything. Every Sunday, relatives gather around a large table, learn news, and discuss problems. If you need money, your family will help you; if you need money, your relatives will help you. Elders are respected and obeyed. The family will not betray, will accept and encourage. All secrets will remain outside the threshold.

Everyone loves children. They are welcome on the streets, at a party, in the gym, in shops, in hairdressers, in restaurants. They are pampered and loved to play with. They are happy to pick up the child after school. He is not dictated where to go. Time spent with children is highly valued. That's what "dolce vita" is.

Health of the nation

Eating in Italy is a pleasure. Everything is fresh, just cooked, varied, colorful. Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, pastries, dessert, and wine - everything is present in the daily diet. Nutritionists have only recently developed this formula, but in Italy they have always eaten this way.

Everywhere on foot, by bike: to the beach, to a picnic, to the park, to the shops. There is a lot of movement, but no one forces you to burn calories. With this lifestyle, they do not accumulate.

For an Italian, staying at home is a punishment. It won't bring him joy computer game or communication on social networks. He loves to hug, kiss when meeting and saying goodbye, to show off and give compliments, to play a role (there are many of them in life, as it turned out: hostess, storyteller, protector, guide...) and receive emotional feedback from the viewer enjoying the talent. This is "dolce vita". Expressions of admiration are the norm.

Keep the style!

In Italy it is called bella figura. Here you are met by your clothes. They express themselves in clothes. People here know how to tie a scarf, pick out a bag, and wear accessories so well that it’s immediately clear that these people live by fashion. Fashion itself in Italy is special, reminiscent of a game. With clothes, manners change, and you can act childish, strict, reckless or sophisticated.

Behavior in public is also a game. No matter how difficult it is, no one cancels good manners. Smiles, politeness, straight back. The Italian is the master of life, not the victim. Dolce Vita!

Translation into Russian

Eat Russian expression“chic, sparkle, beauty” - this is what they love in Italy. A sense of taste and lifestyle give birth to many talented designers. Italian chic is the ability to present yourself and emphasize your individuality. It is considered vulgar to wear heels during the day or to the office. More decent than ballet shoes. Jeans for any occasion that highlight your figure are a must.

The image is complemented by fashionable and trendy accessories. Watch, scarf, bag, glasses, scarf, jewelry. And definitely makeup and manicure. Hair is often worn loose, allowing for artistic disorder in the hairstyle. But clothes must be ironed thoroughly.


What is "dolce vita"? It's a lifestyle. The ability to appreciate every moment, enjoy communication with family, wear clothes gracefully, and not be shy to demonstrate talents. This is the freedom to do as you want, to want happiness and love. Don’t give in to despondency, don’t rush to live. Notice the sun, take a chair outside and bask in its rays. To compliment strangers and love everyone, especially family.

Don't lose your temper in public, that's what family is for. Everyone should see - you are strong, handsome. Be able to celebrate every day. Look to the future with optimism. Maybe this is how we should live. But why can't others do it? Apparently, this is something that needs to be learned.

Milan is full of Russian tourists. Our compatriots probably came to one of the fashion capitals to update their wardrobe, because now is the sales season, admire the sights of the city and join the Italian dolce vita. And so that this one dolce vita seemed even sweeter - a few simple tips from our compatriots traveling in Italy.

It's no secret that every country has its own unwritten code of rules of what you can and shouldn't do. And although globalization erases the fragile boundaries of interethnic European cultures, tourists in Italy would do well to know and follow these rules in order to avoid sidelong glances and bewildered shrugs. After all, sometimes it won’t even occur to a tourist that he is mistaken in something until he understands that this is not customary in Italy, that is non si fa.

And since in Italy there is a cult of food, and local residents love to exchange impressions of what they eat, recipes and tips about the best restaurants and pizzerias, then most of our advice to tourists is gastronomic.

After all, people here might be offended if you suddenly decide to chop spaghetti with a knife (real blasphemy!) or wrap the pasta onto a fork with a spoon (oh, you can immediately see that you are an incompetent tourist!). Remember, for a true Italian, local cuisine is an art, and there is no place for amateurs.

And here are some of the most common mistakes of tourists in Italy, which invariably ignite mocking sparkles in the eyes of Italians who are already beginning to get used to the quirks of foreigners:


1) You should not order cappuccino after lunch or at the end of a meal, because in Italy it is exclusively a morning drink, part of a typically Italian cappuccino + brioche ceremony at a bar on the way to work; but pasta carbonara + cappuccino = non si fa!

2) Do not add grated Parmesan cheese to pasta with seafood or mushrooms - this is not allowed, non si fa.

3) In the south of Italy, do not eat oranges at the end of a big lunch (or dinner), because here people think that oranges are a heavy food. Of course, under the blessed southern sun, they are ripening so healthy!

4) If you are at a bar having an Italian aperitif, and the bartender has put out cute bowls of nuts, chips, crackers and olives on the bar counter, then limit yourself to a couple of chips, because usually the waiter, along with the ordered drinks, brings a separate bowl of them to the table.

5) Do not take tomatoes with mozzarella (caprese salad) as a side dish meat dish, caprese in Italy is a separate dish and is not usually combined with anything, non si fa! By the way, pasta and risotto are also separate dishes, and not side dishes!

6) When having breakfast in a cafe, don’t immediately rush to a table - try to do like the locals: have a bite of brioche and coffee at the bar. It's also much cheaper!

7) Do not leave the dishes untouched, even if you are already completely full: the Italians will think that you are turning up your nose and will be seriously offended, because you remember that the locals are sure that their cuisine is the best in the world!

8) It is not customary to leave tips in restaurants; in most cases, the service is already included in the bill. But if you are very satisfied with the meal, then leave a few coins on the table so that you get 2-3 euros.

9) Do not add ketchup to pasta: in bel paese it really is considered a gastronomic crime!

10) Look your Italian friends in the eyes when you clink glasses with them, it is not customary here to look away at the moment of chin-chin!

11) In Italy, it is customary to have lunch around 13.00-14.00 and dinner after 20.00, so do not be surprised when another restaurant, especially not in a crowded tourist center, may refuse to serve you if you decide to dine at four o’clock.

In communication:

1) When four people (or more) meet and begin shaking hands, make sure that the hands of all four people greeting each other with a handshake do not cross - Italians believe that otherwise there will be trouble.

2) And again about handshakes: no matter how cold it is, always take off your gloves before shaking someone's hand.

3) Try to speak clearly: Italians are accustomed to lively facial expressions, not to mention gestures, and therefore they may simply not understand you if you habitually mutter something, poorly articulating.

They meet you by their clothes...

1) Do not wear socks with sandals - Italians believe that “only Germans do this”, and the inhabitants of the Apennines do not have a particularly high opinion of the taste of the Aryans.

2) Shorts, open tops and T-shirts are typical tourist clothing - it is better to change them to something else, especially in the evening. Some Italians still think that appearing on the street in shorts after five in the evening is the height of indecency. And, of course, it is worth remembering that entry into active churches and some museums with extremely exposed arms and legs is prohibited.

3) Buy beautiful high-heeled shoes from the best Italian brands for your pleasure, but just don’t wear them for a walk around the city, especially in the morning, or on an excursion. Non si fa! Heels are an evening “dress uniform”!

4) Rhinestones, embroideries and cutouts are only allowed in the evening, but not during the day. And still, the chances are high that a typical Italian woman will choose a discreet black dress rather than a colorful dress. In Italy, ladies should remember this.

I hope you find these simple tips useful. And have a good trip to bel paese! A presto, see you later!