Chicken breast. Let's calculate how many calories are in chicken breast

Chicken meat is widely known for its dietary properties; it is rich in vitamins and microelements. The most dietary part of chicken is considered to be white meat (breast) - it is this that is an indispensable attribute of many diets and is sure to be found in the diet of people who adhere to healthy image life. What is the uniqueness and benefits of chicken breast?

Brisket has many advantages over other deli meats. First of all, it's hers chemical composition– the lion’s share of the nutritional value comes from protein, but carbohydrates and fats have a small percentage of the total product.

Thus, chicken fillet replenishes the body's need for protein without loading it with extra calories.

As a high-protein food, chicken breasts keep you full for a long time, and at the cellular level, they provide building material for building and restoring body tissues, including muscle mass.

Composition in % of fresh chicken breast (skinless and boneless):

Also, white chicken meat is rich in vitamin A, C, vitamins B and PP. Vitamin PP, by the way, stimulates metabolism and also activates the work of the pancreas and liver - it is useful for those who want to speed up their metabolism.

Also, white chicken meat contains a colossal amount of microelements and macroelements. It is especially rich in potassium. As for microelements, we can highlight large number cobalt, molybdenum, zinc and chromium.

Macronutrients mg
Potassium, K 292
Calcium, Ca 8
Magnesium, Mg 86
Sodium, Na 60
Phosphorus, Ph 171
Chlorine, Cl 77
Microelements mg
Iron, Fe 1.4
Iodine, I 0,006
Cobalt, Co 0,009
Manganese, Mn 0.02
Copper, Cu 0,08
Molybdenum, Mo 0,011
Fluorine, F 0,13
Chromium, Cr 0,025
Zinc, Zn 1.3

Thus, even a small amount of brisket will provide the body with vitamins and micro- and macroelements, without adding extra calories and kilograms, and little content fat in this product guarantees easy digestibility, so it is suitable for people with stomach problems, including ulcers and gastritis.

Calorie content of boiled chicken breast

All of the above tables relate to fresh chicken meat. But the method of preparing chicken meat has great value. So, chicken breast fried in oil will dramatically increase the number of calories and lose many vitamins. The most in a useful way Cooking breasts is considered to be boiling, as well as steaming.

When cooked, the calorie content of the product decreases slightly and will be per 100 grams: 95 kcal - if the meat is without skin, and 137 kcal - for boiled brisket with skin (calorie content of raw chicken breast with skin is 164 kcal).

After cooking, you will notice that the weight of a piece of meat has decreased - this is due to the removal of water from it, the meat becomes dry, and fibers begin to separate easily. It is important to remember that the “lost” calories did not disappear, but went into the broth - the calorie content of chicken broth is about 20 kcal per 100 grams.

Calorie content of boiled smoked breast

The advantages of boiled chicken fillet are undeniable, but not everyone likes its dry, insipid taste. There's another one for gourmets win-win– boiled-smoked white meat. The calorie content of boiled-smoked chicken breast per 100 grams is 139 kcal (with skin) - not much more than boiled chicken, but it tastes more tender and pleasant.

The disadvantage of this cooking method is the longer cooking process. In addition, not everyone can boast of having a smokehouse. It is not recommended to buy ready-made boiled-smoked chicken due to the abundance of preservatives and various types of flavor improvers in it.

The benefits of breast and its harm

It seems that chicken breasts are a panacea for all ills: the meat is light, dietary, well digestible and rich in microelements and vitamins. But there are also disadvantages to using this “miracle product”.

First of all, this, oddly enough, is his low calorie content. Undoubtedly, this helps in getting a slim figure, but it is completely unsuitable for people engaged in vigorous physical activity, as well as people working in unfavorable climatic conditions.

The body needs fats to prevent hypothermia - it is not news that the consumption of high-fat foods is more common in the north, in areas with harsh climates. Also, fats play a significant role in the production of hormones and support the immune system.

Another disadvantage of brisket, in comparison with other types of meat, is that it has a relatively low content of such important microelements as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron. If you constantly eat only chicken fillet, the lack of these microelements will have a bad effect on the condition of your bones and teeth.

This does not at all deny the positive effect of chicken breast meat on the body’s condition; I would only like to note that in addition to them, the diet should also contain other sources of protein containing the missing microelements and fats - this could be, for example, sea ​​fish or other types of meat.

Chicken breasts in dietary nutrition

As already mentioned, white chicken meat is an integral part of the diet. There are many recipes to make such food not only dietary, but also tasty. Here are some of them.


  • breasts – 2-3 pcs.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt, seasonings to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​120 kcal/100 g.

Wash the chicken fillet and place to dry. In a bowl, mix the oil, lemon juice, chop the garlic, add salt and seasonings. Soak the fillet in the marinade and leave for 20-30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees, place the fillet in a mold along with the marinade and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. The dietary dish is ready.

By the way, instead of lemon you can put orange, the taste will be more unusual

Simple salad for losing weight


  • chicken breast (cooked in the usual way or steamed) – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 large or 2 small;
  • onion – 1 small or 0.5 large;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​107 kcal/100 g.

Cut the chicken or disassemble into fibers, finely chop the onion, place in a frying pan and sauté with olive oil until golden brown. Chop the cucumber or grate it on a coarse grater. Add salt to taste.

You can also add canned champignons to the recipe - cut them into slices and saute along with the onion. It is better to season this salad with low-fat sour cream.

You can come up with many more recipes with chicken breast, the main thing is that consuming this product rich in protein and vitamins is beneficial.

You will learn how to properly cook chicken breast in the following video.

Chicken breast has always been considered the most dietary part of a chicken carcass. That is why all girls who are on a diet, as well as watching their figure, prefer chicken breast, which is minimal. But, as you know, you can cook it in various ways, this naturally changes the energy value. Let's see how many calories are left in chicken breast with varying degrees of heat treatment.

Useful properties of chicken breast

One of the most valuable properties of chicken breast is its large amount of protein. Often, female athletes adhere to diets based on it in the process of building muscle mass. In addition, this meat has a number of useful substances and vitamins that help process proteins quickly enough. Vitamins A, C, PP and group B are present here. If we talk about useful substances, the main one is probably choline, which promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Potassium, which is also present in chicken meat, normalizes blood pressure. In addition to those listed, there are trace elements such as sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron and chlorine.

Calories in fried chicken breast

The calorie content of fried chicken breast is one of the highest compared to other types of preparation. For example, boiled breast contains only 95 kcal, and fried breast contains 145.5 kcal. First of all, its fat content increases due to the addition of a large amount of vegetable oil, the excessive presence of which does not have a positive effect on the figure. The breakdown of nutritional value here is as follows: proteins – 19.3 g, fats – 7.1 g, carbohydrates – 0.8 g.

Calories in baked chicken breast

Baked chicken breast has more high calorie content than its fried counterpart - 148.5 kcal per 100 g of product; if we talk about nutritional value, then there are 19.7 g of proteins, 6.2 g of fat, 3.6 g of carbohydrates.

Other methods of cooking chicken and their calorie content

Smoked chicken breast and steamed chicken have approximately the same calorie content - 117 and 113 kcal, respectively. The energy value of chicken fillet with vegetables is slightly higher - 126.9 kcal.

Chicken breast based diets

Thanks to its balanced composition, chicken breast is an excellent diet product. So experts in the field of weight loss have developed several types of diets based on chicken breast. The first of them is seven days. For it you need to boil 800 g of chicken meat in 2 liters of water. In order to save taste qualities product, you can add roots, carrots and onions to the pan to taste. Then divide the boiled chicken meat into 5-6 equal portions in proportion to meals per day. Main feature diet is not using salt when preparing dishes. It is also forbidden to add soy sauce to enhance taste properties. You can use lemon juice to add some piquancy. The disadvantage of this diet is that it cannot be used for people with kidney, liver, heart and stomach diseases. In addition, it is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

There is a second diet option using chicken meat. It is designed for the same 6-7 days. In the first three days, you are allowed to eat only apples (1.5-2 kg per day in equal shares). Then 1 day - 1 kg of chicken breast, the next 2 days - 2 liters of kefir (1%) per day. Last day - chicken broth prepared without salt.

On average, following one of the diets you can lose from 1.5 to 3 kg, which is not a bad result. Plus, chicken breasts are so nutritious that you won't feel hungry.


Chicken breast:

Chicken breast (in other words, white chicken meat) is a wonderful product, tasty and healthy. It is not for nothing that chicken breast is included in various diets. In terms of phosphorus content, this meat is second only to seafood. You can eat chicken breast with or without the skin - the skin contains quite a lot of fat.

Chicken is used to restore the strength of physically exhausted people and to strengthen the immune system. Meat is a preventive measure for stroke and myocardial infarction. B vitamins, which are contained in chicken meat, have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and on the functioning of nervous system, support healthy skin and nails.

Chicken meat is useful for patients with peptic ulcers and gastritis, since the fibers of the meat will attract excess acidity, which irritates the mucous membranes of the internal organs.

When purchasing chicken fillet, try to choose bone-in, skin-on chicken breast. When processing, the skin and bones must be removed, and only tender chicken meat must be used for preparing the dish. The package with chilled chicken fillet must be clean, intact, without punctures or signs of damage. And also there should be no liquid in the package, much less blood. Meat should be stored in a special refrigerator. The shelf life of chilled chicken breasts is 5 days. The color of fresh products is uniform, white-pink, and the surface is smooth and dry. Chicken meat should be dense and elastic. Choose medium-sized breasts with smooth edges and no defects or muscle tears.

How to properly cook chicken breast?

To prepare delicious boiled chicken fillet, in addition to the meat itself, you can use:

  • one medium sized carrot
  • one onion (medium or large size),
  • bay leaf,
  • celery stalk,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

First, rinse the breast and remove the skin. It is better to choose domestic young chicken, since it is from such a bird that both the meat and the broth will be much more aromatic and tastier.

Pour water into the pan. The water level should be such that the fillet is slightly covered when it is lowered into it. Bring the water to a boil, then add the whole onion and carrot, cut the celery stalk into large pieces and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Also add about 8 peppercorns and add salt to taste. Reduce heat to low and let vegetables simmer slightly.

After about 10 minutes, you can place the chicken fillet into the pan, after setting the heat to maximum. When the broth boils, add bay leaf to it.

Cook the ingredients in the pan for 15 minutes, then cover the pan with a lid and let the broth brew for at least 10 minutes.

Remove the meat and cut it into pieces. The broth can be poured into wide mugs, add finely chopped herbs and serve with chicken fillet.

An excellent side dish for meat would be boiled, baked or fresh vegetables, as well as rice dishes.

Whole cooked chicken breast is best cut into slices and added with a vegetable side dish, served with porridge or made into a sandwich. Boiled chicken breast, cut or torn by hand into smaller pieces, is often used in salads and appetizers, where sauces and gravies provide rich flavor. It is tastier and healthier immediately after cooking, but if necessary, boiled chicken fillet can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days, after which it will be less juicy, but still suitable for use.

Some housewives prefer not to cook, but to bake chicken breast in foil or heat-resistant dishes. Baked chicken breast actually retains more flavor, but it is not always softer than boiled chicken breast, especially if you cook the chicken breast correctly. Therefore at your disposal different ways to successfully cook chicken breast for yourself and your loved ones.

Very often we hear a question from people who care about their figure - what is the calorie content of chicken breast?

How many calories are in chicken breast:

Calorie content of boneless chicken breast (fillet) – 113 kcal per 100 g. product

Calorie content of chicken breast with bones is 137 kcal per 100 g. product

Calorie content of chicken breast with skin is 164 kcal per 100 g. product

We should also not forget that the calorie content of meat is greatly influenced by the method of its preparation.

How many calories are in boiled chicken breast:

Boiled chicken breast is truly a dietary product. Boiled white meat is used in the preparation of all kinds of salads, stews, vegetable soups, pates, minced meats. Thanks to its composition, boiled chicken breast is suitable for people of any age - both small children and the elderly. Due to the presence of vitamins and other beneficial substances in it, it is well suited for athletes and those on a diet.

Calorie content of boiled chicken breast is 137 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in boiled skinless chicken breast:

If boiled white chicken meat does not have skin, its calorie content will decrease.

The calorie content of boiled skinless chicken breast is 110 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in baked chicken breast:

There is a simple way to prepare white chicken meat - bake a chicken breast.

Calorie content of baked chicken breast is 137 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in chicken breast baked with cheese:

The taste of white chicken meat can be perfectly combined with the taste of cheese. A wonderful dish - chicken breast baked with cheese - will delight you not only with its taste, but also with its relatively low calorie content.

Calorie content of chicken breast baked with cheese – 119 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in turkey breast:

Turkey breast is the name given to the meat from the breast portion of a turkey carcass. Otherwise it is also called turkey meat. Turkey meat, like rabbit meat, contains few calories, contains some fat, but is less smooth-fiber in its structure.

Turkey meat not only has wonderful gastronomic qualities, but is also dietary. It contains more than 28% easily digestible protein with a fairly low calorie content, only 190 Kcal per 100 grams. In addition to phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and vitamins A, C, E, PP, it contains B vitamins that promote improved absorption of food.

There are several ways to prepare this type of meat. Turkey breast is baked, smoked, fried, boiled, etc.

It should be noted that turkey meat is considered a dietary product. This is a tender variety of meat, which allows it to be included in the diet of weakened people, as well as those with an active and stressful lifestyle.

Turkey breast calorie content is 108 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in boiled turkey breast:

Boiled meat, as is known, is somewhat inferior in calorie content to fresh meat, since with this method of cooking, part of the calories of the meat is “taken away” by the broth.

Calorie content of boiled turkey breast is 84 kcal per 100 g. product

Product calculator

Not all foods contain the full range of essential vitamins and minerals, so it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet your body's nutrient needs. The calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of a product and help you create a diet that is completely balanced.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value and chemical composition "Chicken breast (fillet)".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

Energy value Chicken breast (fillet) is 113 kcal.

Calorie content and chemical composition of other products:

Product calorie analysis

The energy (calorie content) of food is accumulated in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is known that 1 g of fat provides 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of protein - 4 kcal. The energy balance diagram shows the ratio of these substances in a product based on their contribution to the calorie content of a given product. What is this information for? Many popular diets are based on this knowledge. For example, the US Department of Health recommends that 60% of calories come from carbohydrates and only 30% from fat. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake. Whichever method you choose, our chart will show you how different foods fit your goal.

Chicken breast (fillet), calorie content 113 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, benefits of Chicken breast (fillet), calories, nutrients, beneficial properties of Chicken breast (fillet).

  • Nutritional value analysis - how healthy the product is!
  • Diagrams - chemical composition in graphs.

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Health benefits of Chicken breast (fillet)

Chicken breast (fillet) rich the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin B3 - 16 %, vitamin B6 - 25 %, vitamin B12 - 20 %, vitamin H - 20 %, vitamin PP - 53,6 %, choline - 15,2 %, magnesium - 21,5 %, phosphorus - 21,4 %, gray - 18,6 %, zinc - 17,1 %, chrome - 18 %, cobalt - 120 %.

Where % is the percentage of satisfaction daily norm per 100 gr.

You can see a complete guide to the healthiest foods in the “My Healthy Diet” app.

Useful properties of Chicken breast (fillet)


Energy value, or calorie content- this is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during the digestion process. The energy value of the product is measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie used to measure the energy value of food is also called a food calorie, so when caloric content is reported in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed energy value tables for Russian products here.

Nutritional value- content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of food product- a set of properties of a food product, the presence of which satisfies the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy.

Vitamins, organic substances required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person's daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

How much energy will boiled chicken give you?

Boiled chicken is a favorite product of all nutritionists. Experts advise using it for children, adults and the elderly. Any proper nutrition includes this bird species. How many calories are in boiled chicken? This indicator depends on the part of the carcass.

Cooking chicken by boiling is the best way. This way it retains all the beneficial substances and does not acquire excess energy value. Gets as close to a cooked dish as possible chicken kebab, marinated in vinegar. Other types of processing only increase calorie content.

How much energy does boiled chicken provide?

Boiled breast is the No. 1 dietary product. It will be a gentle addition to many dishes - salads, rolls, soups, pates and minced meats.

One hundred grams of cooked meat without skin contains 95 kilocalories, while raw fillet without bone is estimated at 113 kcal, and with bone - 137 kcal. If you cook the breast together with the skin, then with 100 grams of the dish, 164 kcal will enter the body.

One hundred grams of chicken contains 23 g of protein, approximately 2 g of fat and 0.4 g of carbohydrates. Such indicators make it possible to easily calculate the daily amount of products to meet the protein requirement. When losing weight and maintaining normal muscle mass, it is recommended to consume 1.3-2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

The calorie content of boiled chicken, as you can see, can vary noticeably.

Each part of the carcass has a different energy value:

  • boiled shin without skin – 110 kilocalories per 100 grams, with skin – 161 kcal;
  • boiled thighs without skin – 160 kcal per 100 g, with skin – 185 kcal;
  • boiled legs without skin – 170 kcal per 100 g;
  • boiled wings – 181 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about chicken by-products, their energy value is also low. Boiled stomachs provide only 94 kilocalories, liver - 166 kcal, heart - 182 kcal.

Valuable composition and benefits

Chicken contains a large number of substances important for the body. These are vitamins (A, groups B, E, F, K, PP and H), minerals (selenium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, cobalt, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, zinc and others), important amino acids. Carbohydrates and fats are practically absent, which makes it possible to include poultry in many diets.

Meat helps in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcers, gout. Regular consumption of boiled chicken prevents the occurrence of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart disease.

Older people especially should focus on poultry in their diet. The meat of young animals brings the most benefits, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and glutamine. It is preferable to eat homemade chicken, since the store-bought product contains harmful substances that are deposited as a result of specific feeding.

Boiled chicken dishes are healthy food and give the body energy. Meat-based broth helps cure recently started colds or restore defenses after surgery. The rich broth will relieve the consequences of food poisoning and energize a weak body. Boiled chicken is an excellent food for pregnant women.

How to cook Dietary Chicken Breasts

  1. Remove skin from chicken breasts, rinse and dry.
  2. Cut into small pieces and place in a deep bowl.
  3. Wash the parsley and dry.
  4. Peel the garlic and chop in a garlic grinder.
  5. Transfer the garlic to the breast, add salt, pour in kefir, stir and leave for an hour.
  6. Transfer the breast along with the marinade to a dry frying pan and simmer until cooked.
  7. Serve with parsley.
Bon appetit! Recipe author: Eleanor

Diet Chicken Breast Recipe Ingredients:

  • Kefir 1% - 100 gr.
  • Chicken breast - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 2 gr.
  • Parsley - 10 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.

Nutritional value of the “Diet Chicken Breasts” dish (per 100 grams):

Calories: 76.9 kcal.

Proteins: 12.4 gr.

Fats: 1.4 gr.

Carbohydrates: 3.4 gr.

Number of servings: 2

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe “Diet Chicken Breasts”

Product Measure Weight, g Bel, gr Fat, g Angle, gr Cal, kcal
kefir 1% 100 gr 100 2.8 1 4 40
chicken breast 100 gr 100 23.6 1.9 0.4 113
salt 2 g 2 0 0 0 0
parsley 10 g 10 0.37 0.04 0.76 4.7
garlic 2 pieces 8 0.52 0.04 2.39 11.44
Total 220 27.3 3 7.6 169.1
1 serving 110 13.6 1.5 3.8 84.6
100 grams 100 12.4 1.4 3.4 76.9

How to cook Spaghetti with Chicken Breast

  1. Boil the spaghetti for 7-8 minutes, drain the water.
  2. Finely chop the chicken breast and onion and add to the spaghetti.
  3. Add spices to taste.
Bon appetit! Recipe author: Alexandra high

Ingredients for Spaghetti with Chicken Breast recipe:

  • Spaghetti - 100 gr.
  • Boiled chicken breast - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 80 gr.
  • Salt (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • Black pepper (to taste) - 2 gr.

Nutritional value of the dish “Spaghetti with chicken breast” (per 100 grams):

Calories: 170.8 kcal.

Proteins: 18.6 gr.

Fats: 1.2 gr.

Carbohydrates: 21.2 gr.

Number of servings: 2

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe “Spaghetti with chicken breast”

(calorie content and nutritional value are calculated approximately, excluding boiling and frying)

Product Measure Weight, g Bel, gr Fat, g Angle, gr Cal, kcal
spaghetti 100 gr 100 10.4 1.1 71.5 344
boiled chicken breast 200 gr 200 59.6 3.6 1 274
onion 80 gr 80 1.12 0 8.32 32.8
salt 2 g 2 0 0 0 0
ground black pepper 2 g 2 0.21 0.07 0.77 5.02
Total 384 71.3 4.8 81.6 655.8
1 serving 192 35.7 2.4 40.8 327.9
100 grams 100 18.6 1.2 21.2 170.8

How many calories are in 100 grams of boiled chicken breast?


How many calories are in chicken breast?

“Chicken breast” is white chicken meat – an irreplaceable product in terms of the amount of proteins and nutrients. No diet can do without it. It is also interesting that in terms of the amount of phosphorus it is second only to seafood. It is best to eat it without the skin, which contains a lot of fat. Undoubtedly, chicken breast lovers are interested in the question, how many calories are in a chicken breast?

Chicken breasts are a universal product in their own way. It is convenient to store it in the freezer, take it out when necessary and cook it very quickly, and there are many ways to prepare chicken breast. If you want a crispy crust, then buy chicken breasts with skin, but keep in mind that this crust is fatty and high in calories, so if you do not want to gain excess weight, it is recommended to remove it before eating.

So how many calories are in chicken breast? 100 grams of product contains 113 calories if it has skin. How many calories are in a skinless chicken breast? Its calorie content is 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.
We remind you that how many calories are in a chicken breast depends on how you eat it, with or without skin.

Olga Lobanova


Irina Vedeneeva(Burlutskaya)

Calories, kcal:

Carbohydrates, g:

Chicken breast is considered a dietary and very healthy product, an easily accessible and affordable source of not only benefits, but also a pleasant taste. Breast (sometimes called brisket, which is not entirely true) is a part located on either side of the sternum, ending in triangular cartilage, similar to a stylized heart (calorizator). The color of chicken breast meat is different from other pieces, it is light pink, and when cooked it is almost white, which is why chicken breast is often called white meat.

Chicken breast calories

The calorie content of chicken breast is 113 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Chicken breast is a champion among other types of meat in terms of the percentage of protein and fat; 24% of easily digestible protein accounts for less than 2% of fat, which makes the breast an ideal food product for bodybuilders who are interested in increasing muscle mass (due to protein consumption), without adding fat.

Chicken breast contains: vitamins, vitamins and are especially important, which are necessary during pregnancy and lactation because they ensure the normal development of the fetus. Vitamins regulate the activity of the adrenal glands and participate in cleansing the liver, stimulate hematopoiesis, and have positive influence on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Minerals represent, and, and, and. This “rich” mineral complex ensures that the heart muscle functions normally, helps increase the body’s defenses and accelerates rehabilitation after illnesses and surgical interventions. skinless breast is often the first and only food for convalescents.

Damage to chicken breast

Chicken breast, like whole chicken, is a cause of allergic reactions. To avoid allergies, you need to cook skinless chicken breast.

Chicken breast and weight loss

Chicken breast is the main ingredient sports nutrition, there is a special one - a diet in which the body receives such an amount of protein that it is more than enough to maintain the functions of the body, plus it increases muscle mass. will help you stay at the same weight for a long time, naturally, if you have physical activity. And.

For more information about the benefits of chicken breast, watch Zina Rudenko’s video “On the dangers and benefits of chicken breasts.”

Especially for
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Nutritionists in many countries recommend that people watching their weight make chicken breast the basis of their diet. This meat has high content squirrel and minimum quantity fat, the very thing for people who want to be slim and healthy.

True, for beauties who not only monitor their menu, but also control the energy value of the foods they eat, it is important to know what the calorie content of chicken breast is. Only with such information will women be able to lose weight easily and pleasantly, controlling all the necessary indicators. It is worth noting that the energy value of meat will vary depending on the cooking method. All these nuances are worth considering in detail.

Boiled chicken breast, what is the calorie content

The optimal way to cook chicken for those who want to get rid of excess weight- boiling.

True, you can cook the breast in different ways: some housewives cook it directly with the skin, others peel the skin, removing excess fat, such manipulations reduce the calorie content of the chicken.

If you cooked chicken breast with skin, its calorie content will be 165 kcal per 100 grams. If you cook pure fillet without bones and skin, then the calorie content of boiled skinless chicken breast per 100 grams will be no more than 100 kcal. These are simply ideal numbers for those who watch their figure.

Meat satisfies quickly and for a long time, goes well with various vegetables, and in general, is useful for many categories of citizens.

Let's talk about the calorie content of fried chicken breast

Many people simply love fried meat, however, cooking chicken breast this way is not the best. The fact is that after frying, the chicken turns out to be too dry, and the energy value of such a dish is high.

100 grams of fried chicken contains about 150 kcal, the numbers may vary depending on how much oil is used for cooking. Such meat will not have a very good effect on your figure, especially if you eat it constantly. For those who really want fried chicken, it is recommended to cook it in the oven on the “Grill” mode.

You can use the following recipe, for preparation take:

  • chicken breast without skin – 300 g;
  • dill and parsley (fresh) 5 g each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • sunflower oil – 20 g;
  • salt – 3 g;
  • ground black pepper – 2 g.

When all the ingredients have been purchased, you can start creating:

  • take convenient form for baking and season it with vegetable oil;
  • Wash the chicken, dry it a little with a paper towel and place on a baking sheet;
  • Wash the greens and chop them as finely as possible;
  • chop the garlic and mix with the prepared herbs, add salt and pepper, rub the resulting mixture onto the breast;
  • send the dish to bake in the oven in the “Grill” mode for 20 minutes.

The calorie content of finished chicken breast per 100 grams will be about 160 kcal. Of course, a lot. For those who have just started losing weight, it is better to feast on boiled chicken; experienced losers can occasionally pamper themselves with dishes with high energy value.

Calorie content of baked and stewed breast

No less useful is chicken, which many housewives bake in foil in the oven. This dish will add variety to your diet; the main thing is to watch the ingredients with which you will cook the meat.

If the chicken is baked without skin and bones, as well as adding oil and a large amount of seasonings, then 100 grams of the dish will contain no more than 115 kcal. True, few people bake breast meat without seasonings and other ingredients. Therefore, when preparing, you need to be more careful; vegetable oil, honey and seasonings can increase the energy value of the food to 150 kcal per 100 grams.

For those who want to lose weight, it is recommended to bake white meat with vegetables, such as tomatoes and onions. This dish will have a minimum of calories and maximum benefits, and the vegetables will make the chicken juicy. Look for the right food combinations, and then losing weight will be easy. By the way, if desired, the meat can be baked with chicken proteins. They are used as a filling for chicken to prevent it from becoming tough.

Stewed white meat is a very tasty and healthy dish. It is traditionally prepared without adding oil, using water and various vegetables. To make the food truly dietary, it is recommended to choose gifts of nature with minimal energy value.

With this approach, 100 grams of calories ready-made dish will not exceed 100 kcal, and this is a very pleasant indicator, considering the fact that additional components for meat can be constantly changed. As a result, you will get a varied menu.

It is worth saying that the most harmful product for people trying to gain a slim figure is smoked chicken breast. Its energy value can reach 180 kcal per 100 grams. Experts do not recommend eating such meat during a diet.

Chicken breast can and should be eaten by those who are on a diet and want to lose weight without harm to their health.

Meat is best prepared by boiling, baking and stewing. By varying the ingredients with which the chicken is cooked, you can create new culinary masterpieces every day, the main thing is not to forget about the energy value of the finished dish.

Don’t starve yourself, lose weight deliciously, that’s the only way to achieve success. Good luck!

Chicken breast is deservedly considered a dietary meat. The high protein content (almost 25 grams out of one hundred) and low energy value make it possible to include this product in any diet. The calorie content of raw chicken breast is only 113 kcal. The same indicator for a finished dish depends, by and large, on the method of heat treatment.

Chicken fillet is a tasty and nutritious product. It is eaten with pleasure by small children, athletes, people engaged in heavy work. physical labor, and just fans of healthy food. The breast can be cooked with a minimum amount of fat, but it will be so juicy and tender that it will displace the harmfulness that many are accustomed to.

This part of the carcass is the most valuable due to the lack of fat.

Chicken fillet contains the following useful minerals and vitamins:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • nicotinic acid.

Such a rich composition allows us to recommend this product to people suffering from ulcers and gastritis. Chicken meat fibers absorb excess acid and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. It is also useful to eat chicken fillet to prevent heart disease (stroke, heart attack).

Energy value and cooking methods

The calorie content of chicken breast itself is low, but after heat treatment it can change due to food additives: oil, spices, vegetables.

Boiled product

The energy value of boiled breast is a little more than 90 kcal, since the broth absorbs some of the calories. IN in this case we mean the product without the skin.

If you bought fillet with skin, it is better to remove it before cooking, otherwise the nutritional value of such a dish will increase by about 25 kcal. But even in this form, boiled breast is rightfully considered the most low calorie dish from meat products.

Fillet in the oven

Another great way to prepare breast meat is to bake it in foil. It allows you to do without oil, which means you don't have to add extra calories. Foil helps preserve the juiciness of the meat, so the dish will fly off the table instantly, but will not harm your figure. In this case, seasonings play an important role; they create an extravaganza of taste.

To make the meat tender, you can pre-marinate it in mustard or lemon juice. These products will have little effect on the overall calorie content of the finished product.

Baked white chicken meat has from 113 to 150 kcal per hundred grams of the finished dish. The indicator depends on what you add to the fillet.

Fried meat

Many people still prefer fried breast. But you should immediately take into account that this type of cooking is not for those who are on a diet. Most of the calories come from the oil that the fillet absorbs as it cooks. But you can cheat here too by using a non-stick frying pan and a minimal amount of fat.

Very often, housewives use a variety of spices and marinades, for example, mayonnaise or store-bought seasonings. This improves the taste of the finished dish, but negatively affects the calorie content. In addition, such a product has a negative effect on the pancreas. The energy value of 100 grams of fried brisket is on average 200 kcal.

Braising chicken breast

A similar method with frying, but less harmful, is stewing.

To do this, you will need a small amount of water, the most common spices or herbs and no fats. One hundred grams of such chicken contains about 100 kcal. True, it will not have such an appetizing crust.

Smoked fillet

Many people praise smoked breast, citing its supposedly low calorie content and excellent taste. But, firstly, such fillet will contain 184 kcal per 100 grams. Secondly, if you buy a ready-made product at the market, you risk getting stale meat, drowned out by flavoring additives. If you decide to smoke, it is better to do it at home.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the best dietary chicken dish is boiled breast. It will fill you up without adding extra calories, and will enrich your body with the right amount of protein.

Boiled chicken makes a great lunch or dinner. No one forbids eating fillet cooked differently, but then you should reduce the portion or burn extra calories with exercise.

IN lately People are increasingly talking about healthy eating. In connection with this object close attention became poultry meat. Mostly you can find chicken on the shelves of our stores, so it was she who was subjected to a thorough examination. Everything was interesting here: the chemical composition of meat from different parts carcasses, as well as the calorie content of chicken breasts compared to red thigh meat.

Essential Feature

Carrying out the necessary research, experts noticed that the composition of chicken meat is not the same. For example, legs contain more fat and various vitamins, and breast, in turn, has a rich composition of minerals. For example, it contains even more phosphorus than seafood, and 100 grams of chicken fillet can satisfy the daily requirement of the human body for cobalt. It is clear that even though the calorie content of chicken breasts is lower, this does not make them any less healthy. Everyone knows about the special properties of the famous chicken broth. Doctors advise using it for colds, as well as during the recovery period after serious and long-term illnesses. But to prepare such a “medicine” you need fillet. After all, when boiling legs, a fairly large amount of harmful substances, as a rule, gets into the broth. In addition, the skin also contains a lot of fat and is not beneficial when boiled. But the low calorie content of chicken breasts allows you not to oversaturate the body with harmful cholesterol, but provides a rich set of micro- and macroelements in their pure form.

Chicken and a slim figure

There is an opinion among people that it is impossible to gain weight from chicken meat. It is worth noting that this statement does not apply to the entire carcass. It is clear that the presence of fat in the legs and hips cannot in any way contribute to weight loss. But dietary white meat is quite suitable for this. The calorie content of chicken breasts is so low that it cannot in any way affect the body’s desire to store fat reserves for future use. The energy contained in a piece of fillet is unable to replace the powerful power storehouse of adipose tissue. It is this fact that experts are guided by when creating diets for weight loss. Meat itself provides nutrition, but it is not enough to obtain the required amount of energy. As a result, the body is forced to resort to the breakdown of existing fats in order to obtain the necessary strength for its vital functions. This is the secret of the diet. A person eats, gets full, but the body still continues to use hidden fat reserves.

Detailed composition of fillet

To begin with, it is worth noting that the calorie content of a chicken breast (clean meat without skin and bones) is only 113 kilocalories. Including 100 grams of regular fillet contains:

But the relatively low calorie content of chicken breast is not its only advantage. Tender fillet contains huge amount useful amino acids, as well as vitamins A, C, PP, H, B 3, B 6 and B 12. And elements such as chromium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, choline and cobalt make it a real vital battery. Consumption of such meat allows sick people to forget about problems with vision, blood vessels, nervous and circulatory systems. In addition, the miraculous fillet allows you to strengthen your immune system and forget about excess weight for a long time.

Features of meat processing

Any product changes its properties after cooking. This fully applies to poultry fillet. After different heat treatments, the product changes noticeably. For example, the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts is much lower than fresh ones, and is only 95 kilocalories per 100 grams of pure product. But frying or smoking leads to the opposite result. In this case, the calorie content increases by one and a half to two times and can reach 197 kilocalories.

This makes the product more energy intensive and ultimately less healthy. There are reasons for this. Firstly, there is the possibility of deposition of fat reserves. Secondly, cholesterol and harmful carcinogens accumulate in the body. Thirdly, the use of liquid smoke during smoking leads to a number of dangerous diseases. But despite this, most people choose these dangerous ways. They believe that the calorie content of boiled, fried or smoked chicken breasts is not the main indicator. But life over time proves the fallacy of such reasoning.

Use of boiled meat

What's good about boiled chicken breast? Its calorie content is much reduced, but beneficial properties in the process of such temperature treatment they do not disappear anywhere. This dietary meat can easily be included in the diet of young children, athletes and the elderly. Each of them will find in chicken fillet for your benefit. This product is capable of:

  • improve memory;
  • strengthen teeth and bones;
  • prevent cases of heart attack or stroke;
  • improve skin condition;
  • heal wounds faster;
  • lose extra pounds that no one needs.

These are just the main positive results that come from eating boiled white chicken meat. In addition, boiled breast has a positive effect on metabolism. It can be consumed in unlimited quantities by diabetics, as well as people with liver and stomach diseases. This meat is not addictive to the body. It can be consumed often and a lot, which is especially important for those who want to be healthy, but cannot live without this product for a long time.

Cooking methods

Chicken meat has become very popular lately. This especially applies to chicken breast. Experts have found so many benefits in it that it is simply criminal not to use such a valuable product for food. It is known that the low calorie content of boiled chicken breast makes it an ideal product for various diets. This applies not only to weight loss issues. The diet of any hospital necessarily contains white chicken meat. Everything is taken into account here: a huge amount of healthy protein, and the rich mineral composition of the product. Sometimes steaming meat is used as an alternative, but it is the cooked fillet that has the very properties mentioned above. A piece of boiled chicken can be eaten in its natural form along with a side dish of vegetables and cereals. Sometimes this meat is used to prepare salads, pates, stews and minced meat. In any case, a positive result will be guaranteed.

Chicken breast - tasty and valuable food product, a source of high quality protein. Low-calorie white chicken meat allows you to meet your body's daily need for protein without excessive consumption of fat and the risk of ruining your figure.

Composition of chicken breasts

Chicken breasts are rich in easily digestible, well-balanced protein (20-30 g per 100 g of product), as well as valuable B vitamins:

  • B3 (niacin) is involved in metabolic reactions, promotes the production of energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and is part of cellular enzymes involved in respiration and metabolism.
  • B4 (choline) is involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, which transmits nerve impulses, regulates insulin levels, promotes the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and hematopoietic organs.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats. Contributes to the production of red blood cells that distribute oxygen. Necessary for the conversion of glycogen into glucose, for the normal functioning of the immune system and for the formation of nerve cells.
  • B9 (folic acid) is essential for the functioning of the circulatory and immune systems.

White chicken meat contains vitamins A, C, H. Chicken breasts are an excellent source of selenium and phosphorus. They contain potassium, magnesium, sulfur, chromium, copper, fluorine, zinc. True, chicken meat is significantly inferior in iron content to beef and pork (1.5 mg versus 3 mg per 100 g of product).

Cooking white chicken meat

White chicken meat is the basis of numerous weight loss programs. It is part of various mono-diets. Calorie content of chicken breast per 100 g of product:

  • boiled without skin - 110 kcal;
  • boiled with skin - 170 kcal.
  • fried - 200 kcal.

Boiled skinless chicken breast is an ideal choice for those who want to lose weight and maintain their normal weight into old age.

Lean white meat should not be overcooked, otherwise it will turn into dry and tasteless rubber. Breasts should be thawed ( retail chains offer customers fresh frozen or chilled meat), remove skin, excess fat and put into boiling water. The water should completely cover the chicken meat. To preserve more valuable vitamins and microelements in the meat, cook it over low heat, along with aromatic seasonings:

  • 30 minutes if the breast is on the bone (chicken meat near the bone must be cooked);
  • 15-20 minutes if the meat is freed from bones and skin;
  • 10 minutes if the meat is cut into pieces.

The chicken is not covered with a lid during cooking. Aromatic roots and spices are added to the water. This can be onions, carrots, parsley and celery (root or stems), leeks, thyme, rosemary, garlic, basil, cloves, peppercorns, bay leaves, etc. Salt is added at the end of cooking.

White chicken meat is used to make dietary broth and low-calorie vegetable soups, rich in vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of broth made from lean white meat chicken is about 20 kilocalories per 100 grams of product:

1. Pour cold water over the chicken breast.


  • one large onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • celery stalks;
  • a few sprigs of fresh parsley or cilantro;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 6 cardamom grains;
  • bay leaf.

3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. Remove the breast from the broth. Strain the broth, cool and place in the refrigerator. Then remove the top layer of fat.

5. If desired, the finished broth can be poured into containers and placed in the freezer.

Chicken breasts in dietary nutrition

White chicken meat goes perfectly with leafy greens, which contain a lot of fiber, including spinach (calorie content 20 kcal per 100 g of product). Chicken breasts are served with green beans (24-32 kcal per 100 g of product), fresh vegetables, eggplant, kohlrabi, rice, buckwheat, unsweetened fruit, and dry white wine. Lean boiled breast is the basis of a variety of dietary salads.

Lean white meat is perfectly tolerated by the human body, is easily digestible and rarely causes allergies. The essence of the protein diet is that with an excess of proteins, the body begins to experience a lack of carbohydrates, which forces it to use up its own energy reserves. First, excess water is removed, which allows the muscles to tighten. Then the process of protein synthesis into glucose occurs in muscle tissue. And finally the breakdown of fats begins.

Chicken breasts are an affordable and inexpensive product. A diet using white chicken meat allows you to part with extra pounds without feeling hungry, maintaining efficiency and good physical shape.