Why do you dream of a dead person in an open or closed coffin? Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person?

Dream interpretation of a living dead man

You didn’t read a thriller before going to bed, didn’t watch a horror movie, but dreamed of a dead man rising from the grave. Why do you dream of a living dead man? The interpretation of such dreams is not very favorable. A sharp deterioration in health, a short-term, fleeting illness is possible.

The main thing you need to remember in such dreams is who the living dead person is to you. Completely dreamed stranger- one interpretation, relative or acquaintance - completely different.

Relative or friend

How to understand the meaning of dreams where the main characters were mother and father? Why see them dead if they are actually alive?

Seeing parents dead in a dream

To see in a dream how your now living acquaintance, brother, friend, father, other relative rises from the coffin at a funeral, means for him long life to a very old age, for you - minor health problems.

It is much worse to see your chosen one in this role. Take this as a signal that it's time to change something in your relationship.. After such dreams, you need to add more communication, joy, and try to dispel doubts about fidelity.

  • Your late father spoke to you in a dream - wait interesting news. Deceased mother usually warns his child about impending trouble. If they complain about worn-out clothes, you need to remember them according to Christian custom and give alms to the poor.
  • A deceased relative, father or mother calls you to come to him, and you agree - to death. If he tells you not to follow him, but to come back, you will live a long time.
  • The girl saw a vision of her late father, he was crying and upset - it’s worth thinking about your lifestyle and being more strict in choosing a gentleman.
  • The father hugs you - this means that the time has come to resolve a hidden conflict that has been brewing for a long time. Gives money - be careful, it warns of possible financial fraud. You can instantly lose everything you have earned with your sweat and blood.
  • A deceased close relative in a dream warns of impending danger, but is never a bad omen in itself, that’s why he is a relative.


In your life you have never seen this person, he is not familiar to you, you did not attend his funeral, but according to the dream version, you are sure that he died and then came to life. Depending on how he behaved after the resurrection, the interpretation of such dreams depends.

A dead man in a dream wants to get out of the coffin

  • If you dreamed of a dead man asking you to help him get out of the coffin, a slander campaign has been launched against you, they want to completely discredit you in the eyes of others.
  • Seeing zombies in a dream means your deepest fears and complexes have come to life, you live in anticipation of stress. Someone is trying to influence you, to reprogram your psyche. Try to exclude such people from your circle of friends and reduce their influence to zero.
  • Did you dream that you were attacked by zombies thirsting for your blood? The dream book warns of danger - expect troubles in your personal and public life.
  • Try not to enter into dialogue with the dead man. There is a belief that during a conversation he can steal your soul and you will die. Don’t give him anything, don’t give him anything - along with the gift you risk giving away your health.

Behavior of the living dead

The interpretation of dreams depends on the behavior and mood of a person who actually died a long time ago, and you saw him alive. How did he behave after the resurrection?

Emotions of the deceased

How did he react to your meeting? Are you happy or, on the contrary, sad? Or maybe he just ignored your attention?

Actions of the deceased

I happened to see in a dream various actions and manipulations that were not characteristic of a dead body. Seers give certain interpretations.

  • To see a dead person eating with appetite - the first signs of an insidious ailment make themselves felt. See a doctor so you don't regret it later.
  • If you dreamed that a dead man was crawling out of a coffin - expect uninvited but dear guests, he simply comes to life - you will receive news or a letter.
  • It moves, tries to turn around - you are in real danger. If you help him, then a relapse of the old disease will remind you of itself.
  • The dead man cried - a quarrel, a domestic conflict is inevitable. Try to control your emotions; you are often tormented by unreasonable fears.
  • At a funeral he rises from the coffin - the long-awaited changes in your life will not come.
  • The corpse smiled at you - you yourself do not suspect that you live in an atmosphere of deception. In time you will figure it all out. Sticking out your tongue - your happiness rests on deception and therefore will not last long.
  • Shakes his fist and swears - you will debunk all your romantic misconceptions.
  • A decomposed corpse enters the room - to gain peace of mind and calmness.

Other interpretations

The interpretation of dreams in which a dead person comes to life has a wide range - from a reminder of unfinished business and memories of youth to changes in the weather. In summer there is rain, thunderstorm, in winter there is a blizzard or just a sudden change in weather.

A corpse walks in its sleep

Loff's Dream Book

A resurrected corpse in a dream symbolizes the need to resolve a long-simmering conflict that you have always left “for later.”

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing in a dream how a lifeless body comes to life means that your plans and projects, which have taken a lot of strength and energy from you, will not bring desired result and will be unprofitable.

Did you dream that several dead people were resurrected? Miller's dream book interprets this vision as a harbinger of great luck, especially if in the dream you did not panic, but rejoiced at meeting long-lost people.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If the deceased comes to life thanks to your actions, get ready for pleasant changes in your life.

Gypsy dream book

Dreaming of a living dead person - the patient will experience relief until complete healing.

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Seeing a dead person in a coffin in a dream, as a rule, we get scared. However, you shouldn’t give in right away. negative emotions. It is better to analyze the dream.

Very often they appear to warn against something, to save from trouble, or even to indicate imminent changes for the better.

Let's start with the most terrible scenario in a dream: a dead man rises from the coffin. There are a lot of interpretations on this matter. Most dream books say that this is to make a profit. However, not everything is so simple. There is definitely only one rather strange image that promises big money - a coffin with a deceased person floating on calm water. All others need careful analysis.

Modern interpreters believe that the revived dead person appears to convey his karma to the dreamer. And if he was a rich man during his lifetime, then one can really expect an increase in capital. If he was a poor man, then he will have to prepare for difficulties.

What the deceased does is also important. If he lying in a coffin, then this means quarrels and scandals. If you stand and watch for a long time, it means trouble. If you come out of the coffin to scold or hit, you should remember all your sins, especially those related to the person you dreamed about. It's probably time to pay for them. Having seen such a dream, you should try to correct it sometime mistakes made. Then troubles can be avoided.

Giving away your things in a dream a dead person is a bad sign. If he takes them with him into the coffin, then illness can be expected.

The exception is those dreams in which something is taken: mother, grandmothers,. They most likely came for your troubles and misfortunes, so you can prepare for a new, happy stage of life.

Dreams with erotic overtones have a special interpretation. Intimate relationships with a revived dead person always mean good luck. This is especially true of the plot when a woman risen from the grave seduces a man. After such a night's ordeal, a good luck in all matters and beginnings.

The dead man moves in the coffin

It happens that in a dream a dead person clearly does not come to life, but a person clearly understands that he is moving there: rustling sounds can be heard, the bedspread will barely noticeably sway, it will begin to sway. Such a dream does not bode well. Most likely, you will have to prepare for losses: this death warning someone close to you. It matters where it stands. Bad news will come to the person in whose house the dream takes place.

Rolling over in his grave

A dream in which a dead person turns over in his grave promises quick and significant profit. You can expect a salary increase or repayment of old debts. In any case, there will be some income and, most likely, it will not be small.

The deceased is talking

If so, it’s worth remembering his words. All dream interpreters agree that such information cannot be neglected, regardless of where it came from - from your subconscious or from other world. If he gave some advice or asked to do something, be sure to do it in reality.

It’s a bad sign if a dead person calls you into his coffin. Such dreams foreshadow severe, protracted illnesses, which will be very difficult to fight.

Dreaming of a funeral

Seeing in a dream is always to changes in life. What matters is the environment in which they occur. If on a sunny, clear day, then the changes should be in better side. Maybe even. If, on the contrary, it is cloudy and dull around, then nothing good should be expected.

Of particular importance is a dream in which the dreamer himself carries the coffin. This may mean that in the future he may commit treason. If there is a familiar person in the coffin, then he will be the victim. After this, you should think about your thoughts and intentions: is everything you are thinking about really correct? Could this lead to dire consequences?

Living man in a coffin

Seeing someone you know in a coffin, actually alive and well, is very good sign. This portends that the dreamer actually will live a very long time, and good luck will accompany him all his life. Moreover, perhaps in the near future he will be able to help you with something. So, faced with real life with difficulties, you will know who to turn to.

However, if an acquaintance dreamed of being in an iron coffin, or upholstered in red cloth, this only means that the sleeping man harbored a grudge against him. Even if outwardly their relationship looks smooth, somewhere deep down there remains dissatisfaction, which sooner or later will result in big quarrel. After such a dream, you should listen to yourself to understand how you really feel about the person you saw in a coffin in a dream. Remember situations from the past when you felt offended by him. Have you been able to completely get rid of this feeling? Maybe it’s worth talking to him again and finally finding out everything?

Seeing is also a good sign. If you have some kind of problem, it means that soon it will be possible to “bury” it. And after this there will come a period of prosperity and joy.

It’s especially good to see yourself crawling out of a coffin. It means start of a new life, transition to a qualitatively different level. After such a dream you need to pay attention close attention for every opportunity to change your life. For example, you may receive an offer to interview for a job. Even if the plans did not include changing anything in your career plan, it is worth thinking carefully. Perhaps someone will invite you on a date, and this meeting will turn out to be fateful.

But seeing yourself climbing or falling into a coffin is a warning dream. Perhaps something threatens your well-being, a person you know behind your back can set up a trap, from which it will not be so easy to get out. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and not trusting everything they say.

Seeing a stranger in a coffin

The person in the coffin, whom you have never seen before in your life, brings good news. Perhaps in the near future, welcome guests will come to you - friends or distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. This dream also suggests that you will soon be able to purchase something you have long dreamed of.

Deceased with open eyes

The open eyes of a deceased person seen in a dream indicate some connection with the past. If you are very concerned about something from past events, then soon they will cease to be important to you. Perhaps this will be facilitated by some events that will occur in the near future. Another option is the return of a person from the past to your life.

Seeing a dead person in a church

Coffin with a deceased in - to an unsuccessful marriage. If the sleeping person has matrimonial plans, then it is worth considering whether it is worth bringing them to life right now. If there is an opportunity to postpone them, then you should take advantage of it. Such an image can be produced by the subconscious when a person is completely unsure of the choice he has made. Perhaps he is afraid to admit this even to himself. But it is difficult to deceive your own heart and intuition.

Stranger in a coffin

If you dreamed about a person whom you have never seen in your life, then this is a sign of good events in life.

Such a dream can predict that soon people who have not been able to meet for a long time, friends or distant relatives, will come to visit.

You can also count on purchasing something that you have wanted for a very long time, but never managed to buy.

Coffin with a dead person in the house

If in a dream you can clearly see in which apartment the coffin with the deceased is located, then this indicates that this is where the atmosphere will be tense in the near future: quarrels will follow, scandals, perhaps even fights. Moreover, such a dream also indicates the reason that will provoke this - drunkenness.

Therefore, having seen such a dream, think about your lifestyle. And try to abstain from drinking alcohol in the near future.

This unpleasant dream often symbolizes various obstacles in life. Although in some cases, a coffin with a deceased person predicts various troubles for you, and may even turn out to be prophetic, especially if you hear the name of the deceased person and see loved ones.

An unfamiliar dead person in a dream often predicts troubles, dead business and failure.

To understand what they mean similar dreams, the dream book advises paying attention to the following points: where exactly did you see the coffin?

Is this place familiar or not and does it exist in real life? Who does the deceased person resemble and what field of activity might the dead acquaintance be associated with? Could this really happen again?

This is what dreams of a dead man in a coffin most often mean.

familiar person

If you are not his close or relative, then seeing such a dream can be a prophetic sign. Usually, the very next day you can find out about the death of a person, especially if he drank and behaved riskily, not in the best way.

If you dreamed of a dead person in a coffin and the dream environment resembled reality, this dream may indicate that this will actually happen. And the dream you saw can come true literally the next day or after some time.

But, if nothing like this happened, then the deceased may predict many unpleasant changes for you or the end of a relationship with someone.

Sometimes the clue is the name and patronymic of the deceased. For example, one woman dreamed of a coffin with a neighbor named Lyubov Alexandrovna. In fact, in reality, nothing bad happened to this lady, but the dreamer herself broke up with her man named Alexander.

Symbolically, such a dream told her that Alexander’s love had died, and the clue was the name and patronymic of the deceased. But such coincidences happen if the name carries some meaning. For example, Faith and Love or Hope. Although such coincidences are rare.

If, after seeing a coffin in a dream, you become with a person you know and who is alive, then the dream book writes about the end of your relationship with him. If he appeared in the middle of the road and the funeral procession prevented him from going somewhere, expect obstacles in business. In general, seeing a coffin in a dream always means trouble.

If your boss died in it or important person, then in reality his life is not in danger. But there may be a personnel change and another person will be in charge of the company.

The dream book writes that this dream also means a break in relations with someone. Usually your loved one, for example, a friend, is in the coffin. For lovers, such a dream predicts an imminent separation and the fact that reciprocal love cannot be achieved by any means. Most likely, love has cooled down forever and it will simply be impossible to improve the situation with anything.

In some situations, a deceased familiar person in a coffin may dream of liberation. Such dreams are often seen by children who do not love their brother or sister.

It is for this reason that they often see an unwanted family member killed, injured, sick and dead.

In fact, it is simply an outlet for negative emotions. The dream book writes that in reality nothing bad will happen to this person. Moreover, the person who dreams of being in a coffin will live a long time.


Such a dream requires more accurate interpretation. An unfamiliar deceased person in a coffin in a dream predicts significant obstacles and troubles for you. If you saw his face, pay attention to who he resembles in the dream. This is how the dream book interprets such a dream in various situations.

Coffins with the dead always mean various obstacles in life. Seeing them in a store, at work or on the way home means losses or troubles. If you are trying to move a coffin that is preventing you from passing, then the dream book writes that the work you are doing will not bring any sense.

It is possible that you are trying to embrace the immensity or do something that is impossible. In some cases, such a dream promises you failure in love. For example, you will have to do something, but there will be no result.

Or nothing good will happen with your loved one. A coffin with a deceased person in a store means grief or an obstacle that will significantly limit your freedom of choice.

Why do you dream unknown dead that scare you? Expect great disasters. Usually in a dream, people begin to dream of coffins due to negative magical influences, witchcraft and damage.

However, most often such dreams symbolize numerous obstacles and troubles for you. The dream book writes that such a dream also means a disease that will not be fatal, but will greatly scare you.

If the deceased is buried or taken away with the coffin, this is a good sign. What bothered you in life will soon leave it forever. So you can rejoice that troubles will soon be a thing of the past.

If the deceased in a dream resembled your acquaintance or friend, this dream means tears and all sorts of troubles. The dream book writes that a dream means obstacles, grievances and disappointment in this person.

Sometimes this is an indicator that the façade will fade and you will see his real face. The death and funeral of a celebrity, a coffin with her in a dream, signifies your illness or a cooling of interest in some activity or business.

In some situations, such a dream promises you quarrels with your superiors and troubles at work, as well as participation in some kind of scandal.

Many people can be very frightened by a dream in which the deceased dream, there is nothing strange in this, since on a subconscious level for many people death does not cause any positive emotions. However, there is huge amount interpretations and explanations for such disturbing images sent by the subconscious.

In order to correctly interpret this or that vision, it is important not only to remember the details of what is happening, but also to pay attention to the emotions experienced in the dream, the state of the dead, his personality, as well as many other important factors. If the dream really carries a bad sign, you can check Lunar calendar to understand how likely it is to come true.

We should not forget that if there were tragic events in a person’s life not so long ago, then the memory of this can directly affect dreams in the near future. Various dream books give their definitions on this matter.

From bad to good

According to Grishina’s dream book, seeing a coffin in a dream or carrying it means a quick resolution of problems in the monetary sphere, well-being and gaining financial independence. Perhaps a sudden win or promotion.

Climb into the coffin of your own free will and take the place of the deceased according to approval Noble dream book means an acute lack of knowledge. It's time to go to courses or start preparing to enter a university. If this is not possible, you can limit yourself to self-education in the area of ​​interest. If the dreamer himself is dead, this may be due to minor troubles that will not have much impact on the result, but can significantly fray the nerves.

Shereminskaya's dream book believes that a dead person in a dream is a good omen. If the deceased is a friend of the sleeping person in real life, this promises him success and the beginning of a white streak. If the dreamer is a young man or a young girl, such a dream means a quick wedding and happy marital relations. For married people - to resolve financial problems and gain stability in this area. If the deceased is the person who dreams about this, it means well-being and successful completion of the task.

According to the New family dream book, which dreams of a dead man in a coffin inside the house, means unhappy love or a too hasty decision to tie the knot due to pregnancy. Why is the sleeper himself a dead man in his dream? This is an omen of changes not for the better, which will affect all areas of life. It’s worth preparing mentally and giving yourself time to rest so as not to become a hostage to your own feelings and emotions, which, as a rule, do not help, but only make it harder to recover after a serious shock or a series of failures.

The Gypsy dream book, on the contrary, believes that seeing yourself in a dream in the place of a dead person is a sign of great luck and long years of life. But if a dead person comes back to life, this is a bad sign, promising deprivation and various troubles. The dream book also warns that you should not talk to the dead in a dream.

The French dream book encourages you to remember the details of what happened in the dream, and special attention pay attention to the coffin, since its appearance will have direct significance in the interpretation. Coffin made of gold or expensive materials, richly decorated, dreams of success and joy, but an ugly coffin, made sloppily from ordinary boards - to an unfortunate loss of funds, possible dismissal or loss. It is important to understand how to increase or at least preserve the accumulated and earned funds so as not to be left with nothing.

An old English dream book warns the dreamer about enormous dangers and failures in life that cannot be avoided. However, if the coffin is closed, then there is nothing to fear.

Zhou Gong and his Chinese dream book interprets what dreams of a dead man in a coffin mean as news of the imminent arrival of long-awaited guests or relatives, as well as success in business and finance. A coffin standing in a beautiful and decorated hall means prosperity and joy for the dreamer. However, if the deceased began to speak or came to life, this means terrible changes and great misfortunes. You should immediately stop talking with the dead and henceforth try not to enter into dialogues with the dead at all, so as not to invite trouble.

The modern dream book believes that seeing a dead man in a coffin come to life in a dream, standing up and stretching out his hands, can mean danger in real life. Trouble will most likely be caused by a person who has been plotting for a long time or wants revenge. You should avoid dark alleys in the near future and not enter into dialogue with strangers.

Deceased in a coffin

A dead man in tears who cries in his coffin is often dreamed of before a serious quarrel or conflict. There is a possibility of suffering greatly psychologically, so it is worth preparing in advance to prevent emotions from overpowering reason. You should never respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A dead person in a coffin in a dream, lying with a smile on his lips or having a calm appearance, is an omen of good luck in the areas of finance and work. If the deceased's eyes are open, this means joyful shopping and updating his wardrobe.

Why does a dead person fall out of the coffin? This is often a warning of longing for the deceased or of suffering associated with the breakdown of a love relationship.

A white coffin in a dream means that a sick relative will soon recover, and the illness will not make itself felt for a long time or will go away forever.

A deceased man in a dream means great success in real life, while a woman, on the contrary, dreams of future obstacles on the way to the implementation of her plans. The dream book recommends activating your full potential and making every effort to achieve your goal.

Why dream of a dead person who is familiar to the sleeper in real life and has health problems? He will soon recover and be completely cured.

When the dead persistently call to themselves, this is a very terrible sign that one dreams of before death in real life. If you dreamed about this, you should use the Lunar calendar to understand the likelihood of the dream coming true.

Some dream books believe that a deceased person in a coffin can be an omen of a funeral in reality. However, if there really was a funeral in your life recently, then most likely the dream was inspired by emotions and memories.

Why dream of a closed coffin that is in motion? This could mean serious damage to one's reputation or great shame. There may be a disagreement with a loved one or a huge quarrel.

Seeing yourself dead in a coffin and then coming back to life is a sign of rebirth. Most likely, now is the time to reconsider your life plans in order to gain confidence in your abilities, which will help you easily cope with the task.

Why do you dream of a living dead person? According to some dream books, a dream may mean that the dreamer has been putting off business and tasks for a long time. It's time to deal with old problems and finish unfinished business, otherwise they will not allow you to move forward, and the dreamer will get stuck in one place.

Dreams often make you think. Sometimes the impressions of the things you see are not the most pleasant. Death and everything connected with it affects people negatively, because cemeteries, funerals and wreaths are associations with grief. But contrary to popular belief, such stories are not always a bad sign for dreamers. With the help of information about the plot, emotions and facts from life, you can find out why you dream of coffins with the dead.

They say that It’s not without reason that you dream of dead people, and dreams are especially important, in which the dead are in a coffin. After such a development of events, as a rule, anxiety remains. Dead people in a dream are the threshold of all sorts of incidents and changes that soon await the dreamer. To determine as accurately as possible why coffins with dead people dream of open, closed, and also different sizes and flowers, you need to use dream details.

Characteristics of the coffin

Lid. For forecasts it is necessary to remember what the coffin lid looked like and where it was. An inverted lid dreams of protection and help, and if it was not like that, the dreamer will overcome difficulties on his own. According to some interpretations, the black lid promises insults and disappointments, other interpretations are more optimistic - a person immersed in sleep will maintain his position under any conditions.

If you happen to receive such an item as a gift from a friend, it means that this person will support you financially or morally. If in a dream the lid was in the dreamer’s entrance, he should expect material losses. The Chinese have a theory that a coffin lid is a harbinger. career growth for those who dreamed about it.

  • often such dreams symbolize the dreamer’s inner emptiness and mental heaviness;
  • for travelers, the coffin portends anxiety and risk;
  • open lid - to a long and blissful life;
  • a closed empty coffin - for a date or a joyful meeting with friends;
  • if the box was covered with earth, it means that the sleeping person will be surprised by sudden sad news;
  • Seeing an empty coffin fall means avoiding trouble and helping the Universe.

A closed house can be interpreted as the completion of the current stage of life and a future responsible step. The dreamer needs rest and reflection to understand his true path and further actions. It is advisable to take a vacation. After such a dream, a person can expect mystical events. For newlyweds, this is a promise of a prosperous life.

Sigmund Freud interpreted the rich coffin as a prophecy of a new addition to the family, and the poor closed box as a symbol of the low self-esteem of a person immersed in sleep. Nostradamus believed that a dilapidated house indicates infertility. According to French dream book, appearance closed coffins in dreams - to poverty in the near future.

Many esotericists are convinced that the empty box in which the dead are buried is a symbol of the dreamer’s spiritual emptiness and a lot of unrest. Opening a coffin in a dream means that in reality a person is burdened by some kind of secret. If the box had to be closed on its own, the dreamer wants to hide some episode from others or forget it forever.

Open box. Many followers of esotericism agree that such a dream is a warning that is important to heed. It is not recommended to take on new things; it is necessary to pay attention to all old problems, to what was started earlier. Sometimes such a development of events in a dream is the threshold of the death of relatives.

An open coffin is a signal of humiliation and poverty of the family, but the result will be successful if the box was closed. In some sources you can also find positive interpretations, namely success in your endeavors.

People are often interested not only in empty objects for funeral ceremonies, but also in why they dream of coffins with the dead. Many boxes, for example, can mean:

  • The need to take a short break and rethink life; focus on things that require effort and completion.
  • Life is full of turmoil and things that are abandoned halfway through.
  • Two, three or a mass of closed coffins, which are placed in strict sequence, indicate that memory needs to be freed from depressing memories.
  • If the boxes opened after they came out of the ground, it means that the dreamer will face a lot of grief. You need to be careful and weigh every action.
  • If the objects were black, the sleeping person is surrounded by many enemies. Now is not the time for trust.
  • And also such dreams can mean “burying” problems and finding harmony.

Carry the coffin. Such active participation in a funeral procession is a sign of an ugly act that will cause trouble for the dreamer's relatives. Foretells an imminent financial success, also unexpected if the coffin was brought into one’s own home.

The subconscious mind reports participation in an adventurous venture. Its ending will be negative, it is necessary to stop. If other people are carrying the dominion next to a person who is immersed in sleep, you will not have to be left with problems without support. The dreamer will probably take on other people's troubles or debts. Or he will be held responsible for the guilt of another person.

A small coffin is interpreted by most dream books as bad sign, a harbinger of failures and dangers to life, serious illnesses and conflicts with children. For women, such dreams promise family problems, and for men - difficulties in work.

If a child dreams of a small coffin, it means nervous shock. Freud interpreted such a dream as sexual dissatisfaction, the impossibility of realization and emancipation. A rare interpretation speaks of achievements in minor matters.

Dream heroes

The people seen are no less significant for explaining why strangers or relatives dream of dead people in coffins. These can also be dead, living or resurrected people.

The living dream of a blissful life. Unknown - to longevity. If you dreamed of an acquaintance, it means you need to stop hiding from difficulties and solve common problems. It is likely that you will soon learn about the achievements of this friend.

A living friend is a good sign for the dreamer and his friend: wealth awaits him and he will always be able to help. A conversation with a living person in a coffin informs about his impending illness or serious troubles. Only the person who had the dream can help.

Living dead. When a dead person rises from a coffin in a dream, it’s like becoming the hero of a horror movie. Such dreams are painful and indicate the following:

  • Soon uninvited guests will appear in the house.
  • If a loved one or a good friend comes to life, he lacks the dreamer’s attention. Give the person more time, demonstrate how dear and important he is.
  • Talking to a resurrected person is a negative sign that promises big trouble.

Strangers are a message from the subconscious about the relevance of reconsidering your social circle and crossing out people who interfere and pull you back. There will be minor disappointments that will not do much harm.

Close people. It's always scary to see loved ones in a burial box, dreams are no exception. Interpretations of dream books are contradictory. Psychology reviews similar visions as a result of extreme concern for the dreamed person or fear of losing him.

It happens that the subconscious is really capable of detecting upcoming disasters and predicting to a loved one the dreamer is in danger or illness. In contrast, other interpretations promise luck and prosperity.

Deceased relatives. As a rule, seeing deceased relatives means sadness due to grief. But sometimes this is a warning about events:

  • relatives advise to be careful;
  • hugs mean upcoming changes;
  • kissing a dead person means getting rid of fears;
  • resurrected relatives who rose from the grave - to bad influence and lack of support from comrades;
  • if you dreamed of a brother, someone needs the dreamer’s help; kindness will pay off in spades;
  • receiving something as a gift from a deceased person means profit, giving something as a gift means losses.

Mother. Appearance in a dream dear person For everyone, it indicates troubles in their personal life. You need to take a closer look at your chosen one, perhaps change your attitude towards this person. It is also a signal of a meeting with someone for whom the dreamer will experience maternal feelings. Difficulties with children are likely.

The father is dreamed of as a message that the devil will break his leg in matters that relate to money. It is recommended to put things in order and abandon risky endeavors, since they will not pay off. Ask for forgiveness if your conscience bothers you. It is possible that the family will face troubles; it is important to go hand in hand.

The resurrected pope is a sign of the visit of important guests. A long funeral procession following the coffin promises many pleasant events. A father's tears in a dream are a very sad occasion. For a woman, such dreams indicate that the road she has chosen is the wrong one.

Grandmother. Seeing a deceased grandmother can mean quick participation in resolving significant issues. Try to remember the words of your grandmother, if she said something. Her advice may be able to save you from misfortune. Hearing bells ringing during a funeral is very sad news. If the grandmother came to life and cried in a dream, this means conflicts in the family. A joyful granny who smiles at her grandson or granddaughter is a symbol of a successful end to things.

It is imperative to remember the deceased people after such a dream.

Interpretations by different dream books

Many dream interpreters offer different individual explanations of why dead people are unknown or familiar, alive, and so on. Among them, the interpretations of Loff, Miller and Grishina stand out.

Loff's Dream Book

The collection of this famous researcher and psychologist suggests interpreting the appearance of coffins and dead bodies as troubles for the person seen in a dream. Dreams with strangers or long-dead people are not worthy of attention. If the deceased stood up and walked towards the dreamer, he meant the guest. Seeing a skeleton in a box means financial profit. The lid of a house near a private house or entrance symbolizes spiritual poverty (in cases where a person immersed in sleep has not encountered mourning ceremonies for a long time).

Miller's Dream Interpreter

If you dreamed about someone close to you, this should be taken as a warning about trials. The fall of a box with a dead person is a good sign; it promises overcoming any dangers. Expect bad news if the deceased speaks. Hearing from a relative means news from relatives, a friend means news from a circle of acquaintances.

For older people, such a development of events, unfortunately, can be a literal prophecy: it is necessary to prepare for a serious illness or death. However, psychologist Gustav Miller adds that such dreams are often seen by pensioners due to thoughts about death, funeral costs, wills, and so on. Therefore, it is likely that the nature of the dream is not prophetic, but projection.

Grishina's interpretations

The coffin is a symbol of fear and melancholy in real life. Seeing yourself in the role of the deceased means obstacles in the implementation of the plan. Digging up a box with a dead person - a secret will be revealed. Burying a closed house with a deceased person indicates attempts to forget some episode that does not give the dreamer peace.

New family and gypsy dream books

A family dream interpreter interprets visions in which the sleeping person is a dead person as the threshold of a serious illness. The dreamer faces death if he does not consult a doctor in time. The second interpretation concerns problems in the family and at work. According to gypsy dream book being dead in a dream is a symbol good health in the future.

Due to various superstitions, death and funeral paraphernalia in a dream are often perceived as an absolutely negative sign. Despite the despondency and hopelessness that such dreams leave behind, it is important to carefully and competently analyze all the details. This is the only way to get the right conclusions and even influence fate in some cases.