Vacation without a passport or visa. Which countries do not require a passport to enter?

Anyone who has gone on vacation abroad knows how much effort, time and money goes into preparing documents: issuing foreign passports, collecting all the necessary certificates, paying fees, obtaining visas... Sometimes you just want to buy a ticket or get into a car without any bureaucratic delays. go on vacation to unknown lands. Unfortunately, the situation in the world is not favorable for the abolition of visa regimes. Nevertheless, there are still places where you can go without a passport in 2019 and have an inexpensive vacation. So that after this there is no bitter taste left, let’s consider where exactly we are called.

Choosing a direction

Let's look at the most popular routes for Russians.

Abkhazia: the land of delicious tangerines, warm sea... and former luxury

Since 2009, an agreement on a visa-free regime has been in force between Russia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Abkhazia, according to which citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to enter this territory without visas and foreign passports. The maximum stay here is 90 days.

Holidays in Abkhazia have traditionally been very popular among Russians: dry subtropics, mountains, 200-year-old Sukhumi botanical garden, barbecue, wine and the main trump card - a warm and clean sea (Sukhumi, Pitsunda, Gagry). This option is just for those who want to go on vacation without a passport at sea. True, there is one nuance, but more on it later.

Getting to Abkhazia is not difficult. There are only two ways - through Georgia (but then you will need foreign passports and visas) and through Russia. This is exactly the option we need. To get to Abkhazia, you must:

  • get to Sochi (by train, plane, car);
  • take a regular bus, minibus or personal car to the Psou checkpoint (about 10 km from Sochi);
  • go through passport control. Tourists who arrived by bus need to cross the Abkhaz border on foot along a pedestrian bridge (about 2 km). Motorists are moving along another bridge - a road bridge. Customs and passport controls take place twice - on the Russian side and the Abkhazian side.

Passing the checkpoint usually takes about 30 minutes (during the holiday season the flow of tourists increases and you have to wait for your turn for several hours). Checkpoints operate around the clock, with 30-minute shifts.

During passport control, citizens of the Russian Federation must present:

  • or foreign (if available). In the first case, it is necessary, in the second, an entry stamp will be placed in the international passport. Now about the bad. The Republic of Abkhazia is not recognized by the Georgian authorities, and from their point of view, your visit here is illegal. Such a stamp in your international passport will put you at odds with the Georgians: if you then decide to come to Georgia with such a passport, you may face a sentence of two to five years in prison or a fine of two thousand lari (almost $830). But most likely they will simply not let you in and will completely block entry into the country for five years. Therefore, we do not take a foreign passport with us to Abkhazia;
  • with a citizenship stamp (if we are traveling with children under 14 years old);
  • national passport and birth certificate for children from 14 to 18 years old.

Drivers of passenger cars must pay a fee (150 rubles), have a driver's license and a registration certificate for the car.

If you are going to visit resorts without a foreign passport, then at your place of residence you will also have to pay a resort fee - 30 rubles per person for a stay of more than 3 days.

The Abkhaz authorities require an insurance policy (for 30 thousand rubles). The amount of coverage per person (children under 6 years of age are exempt from payment) ranges from 30 to 750 rubles. (depending on the length of stay - from 3 to 183 days), for a car - from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Tourists in Abkhazia should be prepared for high prices, desolation and dirt, bad roads, traces of the past war, as well as a warm, clean sea and lush greenery.

Holidays in Belarus: traditional hospitality

The Republic of Belarus is one of the best holiday destinations where Russians do not need a foreign passport in 2019. The corresponding agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus has been in force since 1997. Border controls have been completely abolished in the Belarusian-Russian railway communication: you buy a ticket and travel without any migration cards or passport controls. It is enough to have only your national passport with you.

In 2017, the rules for those wishing to enter Belarus by car changed. In connection with the tragic events in Eastern Ukraine, passport control was introduced (especially for transit trips). They may be asked to present the following documents:

  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • insurance policy;
  • “Green card” of car insurance.

An insurance policy and a “Green Card” can be issued directly at the checkpoint.

Belarusian Polesie, blue lakes, wonderful cuisine, normal prices, good nature and hospitality of Belarusians will be your reward for your visit.

We are going to Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is an excellent country option for Russians where you can go without a passport in 2019:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation can enter the territory of Kazakhstan without foreign passports or visas by rail, road and air transport;
  • Residence in the country is allowed for 90 days.

To enter Kazakhstan, a Russian citizen only needs to have an internal passport, for children under 14 years old - a birth certificate, for teenagers older - a passport and birth certificate.

Upon entry, you must fill out a migration card and put a stamp on it with the date of entry. This card is subsequently confiscated upon re-crossing the border with Kazakhstan; it is used to check whether you have exceeded your period of stay.

An important rule should be remembered: within five days of staying in the republic, a citizen of the Russian Federation must register with the migration police. Special effort or there is no cost required for this (migration departments are located at all checkpoints, airports, hotels, in every district or city). To register, you must have your passport and migration card with you. You should not neglect this rule - otherwise, when leaving, you will have to pay a fine and ruin your entire vacation experience.

A holiday abroad in Kazakhstan without a visa or passport will be a real gift. Kazakhstan is not only about the beauty of nature. Modern cities and unique culture will not leave you indifferent.

When entering, insurance policies are not required, but it should be taken into account that Kazakhstan is already a different country, and Russian insurance does not apply here. Free medical care will be provided only in case of a threat to life; for the rest you will have to pay. Therefore, it is advisable to take out international insurance.

Kyrgyzstan: mountains, Issyk-Kul and budget holidays

A good holiday abroad for Russians without a passport is guaranteed in the Kyrgyz Republic. There is an agreement on visa-free entry between Russia and Kyrgyzstan, on the basis of which you can use a national passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and stay in the country for up to 90 days. Children under 14 years old must have a birth certificate with them, from 14 to 18 - a passport and certificate.

At the entrance, a migration card is issued. If you stay in the country for up to 30 days, you do not need to register anywhere; if you stay longer, you need to register with the migration authorities at your place of residence.

When choosing where to relax without a visa and without a passport, you should take a closer look at your vacation in Kyrgyzstan. You can get here not only by plane, but also through the territory of Kazakhstan by car or rail.

In Kyrgyzstan, tourists are attracted by the beauty of untouched nature, the clean water of Lake Issyk-Kul, unique cuisine and very affordable prices (300-400 rubles in a hotel per night).

South Ossetia: there are tickets, but I don’t need to go there...

Without a foreign passport in 2019, Russian citizens can come to South Ossetia. The beauty of the mountains here is impressive, but the consequences of the military conflict are felt very strongly (perhaps this will appeal to fans of extreme recreation): the tourist infrastructure is all destroyed.

The territory of the self-proclaimed state is difficult to access: the airfield in Tskhinvali does not work, the railway connection is interrupted. The only way to get there is to fly to Vladikavkaz and drive through the mountains to Tskhinvali (the journey takes more than three hours). The reward will be the beauty of pristine nature and clean mountain air.

At home like abroad: Kaliningrad region

For those who want to know where they can relax without a passport at sea, we inform you that such an opportunity exists. And not at some Turkish resort, but on the sandy amber beaches of Prussia, on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Historically, it so happened that part of the territory Russian Federation found itself surrounded by Europe at a distance from the main territory. In order to enter the Russian Kaliningrad region, no foreign passports are required. The problem is how to get there.

This can be done in several ways:

  • by car. Through the territory of Belarus and Lithuania. If there are no problems with Belarus, then you can travel through the territory of Lithuania only with a foreign passport and a Schengen visa;
  • by train. This option does not require a Schengen visa, but requires a foreign passport, so it is also not suitable for us.

You can get from Russia to Kaliningrad without a passport:

  • by plane. This is the most expensive method (from 8 to 16 thousand rubles);
  • by ferry. It departs year-round from the port of Ust-Luga (150 km from St. Petersburg) and arrives in Baltiysk (40 km from Kaliningrad). Sea travel time is from 36 hours to two days (depending on the weather). Next - by train or minibus. The ticket price is 6150 rubles. (three meals a day included), extra charge for luggage.

The ferry is cheaper than air travel, but not everyone can handle seasickness. The reward for tourists will be ancient Koenigsberg and the search for amber on the sea beaches.

Tajikistan: it’s no longer possible...

If since 2005 Russians had the right to enter Tajikistan with internal passports, then from January 1, 2015, entry into the territory of this country and transit movement through it for citizens of the Russian Federation became possible only with a foreign passport. Today, the Republic of Tajikistan no longer has the status of an accessible country without a foreign passport for Russians.

In 2019, no changes occurred in this regard - it will not be possible to come on vacation to Tajikistan with an internal Russian passport. No special visa is required to enter this country. At the entrance, the foreign passport will be stamped with a border crossing stamp.

Traveling without a passport: Video

If you have citizenship of the Russian Federation, then you can easily visit foreign countries without having a foreign passport.

The question of the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport frightens many people. They think that this document is necessary for travel. But that's not true. There are a number of countries that you can enter with a Russian internal passport.

Most Russians have long begun to think about where to go on vacation in 2019. The main selection criterion is not the financial situation, but the ability to cross the border without having a foreign passport. This may also be due to a number of reasons, for example, an unplanned vacation.

Why is it needed at all?

Based on the laws of the Russian Federation, in order to cross the state border, a citizen must have a foreign passport, which confirms his identity in a foreign country.

When crossing the border, it is needed to:

  • confirm that you are a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • mark the crossing of the state border;
  • attach a visa to it (for states that require a visa).

But there are exceptions to this situation. Thanks to the agreements signed between Russia and other countries, an alternative option for crossing state borders is provided.

To date, such agreements have been signed between the Russian Federation and the following countries:

  • Belarus;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Ukraine.

If you travel to another country by car, you need to take out international insurance (green card). After all, you can cross the border without a foreign passport, but a car without insurance will not be allowed through.

What countries and attractions can you visit without a passport?

We present to your attention a list of countries that are available to all Russian citizens who do not have a foreign passport.


Russians do not often choose this country for travel. There is an opinion that there are no places where you can have a good rest. But the Republic of Belarus is rich in beautiful places and attractions that will be of interest. Most Russians have no idea about the tourism opportunities of this country.

Belarus has an interesting history, culture and diverse nature. IN major cities you can see beautiful monuments, unique architectural structures and natural wonders.

The famous Belarusian Father Frost lives in the wonderful Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This will be a reason to go here and celebrate the New Year among nature. Also in Belovezhskaya Pushcha you can see rare animals listed in the Red Book. Staying here will evoke unforgettable emotions in children, and adults have the opportunity to remember their childhood.

In addition to this miracle of Belarus, there is another place - Polesie, famous for its open spaces and beautiful nature. Going to the capital Minsk or another city, you can see historical and cultural monuments with your own eyes.

If you like active recreation, and not just lying on the beach, then in the Republic of Belarus you will have something to see and learn something new.


Not many people know that you can go on vacation to Kazakhstan without having a passport. Moreover, a holiday in this country will be remembered for a lifetime. Here you can visit the legendary Baikonur Cosmodrome and go on excursions to Astana and Almaty. Kazakhstan is famous for its beautiful nature and picturesque lakes. There are also wonderful ski resorts. If you go to the western part of the country, you can visit a unique mosque - Beket-ata, which is located underground.

Beket-Ata Mosque

For holidaymakers from Russia, Kazakhstan is open to visitors all year round. Those who like sunbathing should go here in the summer, those who like to watch beautiful landscapes should go here in spring or autumn. Borovoe is the most popular and beautiful place in Kazakhstan.

In this country you can find wonderful combinations of old buildings, modern architecture and historical buildings. The nature has an untouched appearance and will appeal to many tourists.


It must be said that Russians have always loved and love to go on vacation, especially to Abkhazia. It is famous for its resorts Pitsunda, Gagra and others. When going to this country, you must know exactly what you want to get from your vacation. To see the old botanical garden, founded more than 200 years ago, you should go to the capital of the country - Sukhim. Vacationers love to go to the monkey nursery and walk along the beaches of Mahadzhirov and Dioscuri.

You can have a good rest not only in the capital. Gagra has well-groomed beaches, historical attractions, and picturesque nature. To visit the past, you should go to the historical center - Abaat, visit the Zhekvar Gorge and get closer to nature. There are many more cultural places in Abkhazia, a visit to which will evoke vivid emotions.


Visiting Kyrgyzstan does not require a visa. The country has beautiful resorts and a number of natural wonders. Take, for example, thermal springs or Issyk-Kul. Visiting natural springs will be good for your health. In Kyrgyzstan you can see the Museums of History and Art, the House of Parliament and a monument symbolizing independence.

Also here is the largest market for things in the whole Central Asia, which sells beautiful wardrobe items.

Lake Issyk-Kul

It is worth remembering that when visiting Kyrgyzstan, you should not take photographs of airports and military installations. But, despite this, foreign tourists are not in danger here, and they are in comfortable conditions. Since you're heading to Kyrgyzstan, be sure to try its cuisine. It differs from others in its variety of dishes and their unique taste. To travel around the country, do not be afraid to use taxi services, prices are affordable.

Taking with you only your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation, you can go to one of the oldest countries in Central Asia - Tajikistan. Its history begins before our era; history buffs come here every year. Traveling around the country, you can immerse yourself in its history and learn how civilization developed in Central Asia.

The most beautiful and popular attractions of Tajikistan:

  1. Old and mysterious cities: Khujand, Penjikent, Kurgan-Tube.
  2. Fan rivers, mountains, lakes. By going here, you can observe beautiful landscapes that not every country has.
  3. The capital is Dushanbe. This city is full of not only foreign tourists, but also business people who come here to solve important economic and other issues.

Tajikistan has many more attractions that I could talk about for hours. Therefore, when going to this country, you need to carefully study the interesting places.

Hearing the name of this republic, one immediately recalls the unpleasant events associated with the political tension that existed there not so long ago. Despite this, if you don’t know where to go on vacation in the summer without having a passport, then South Ossetia will be a suitable option. It has fertile lands, fascinating nature, amazing places, original traditions.

Holidays in South Ossetia in the summer are unforgettable. Here you have the opportunity to go for a walk in the mountains. On the way you will meet various gorges and pure springs. There is wonderful mountain air here, not polluted by industrial waste. By going here on vacation, you can strengthen not only your spirit, but also your body. Because there are many springs with mineral waters.

South Ossetia is well suited for people who love both active and passive recreation. Mountaineering lovers will also find something to do here.

Resorts of Russia

When thinking about a vacation, don’t forget about your home country. It has many beautiful places, is rich in nature, lakes, rivers, mountains. For extreme sports enthusiasts, a trip to the Altai, Ural, Caucasus and other mountains is suitable.

You can go to Karelia and enjoy the natural beauty of this region of Russia, visit North Caucasus, famous for its relief.

The Stavropol and Krasnodar resorts are open to all Russians, and you don’t need a foreign passport to go there. If you decide to travel with children, you should choose your destinations carefully. The beaches of Anapa and Tuapse are very popular. It should be said that in Anapa there are children's sanatoriums where you can improve the health of children.

The city of Gelendzhik has inexpensive housing; for Russian tourists the prices are not too high. Holidays in Gelendzhik are suitable for people who are tired of the constant bustle and want peace and quiet.

For lovers of active recreation, Lazarevskoye is more suitable. But, of course, the most popular resort is the city of Sochi. It has beautiful sights, a pleasant climate and a unique atmosphere. The city is constantly developing and attracting more and more tourists. In Russia there are many decent places for tourism and recreation that do not require a foreign passport and visa.

Is it possible to travel to Ukraine?

Despite the tense situation between Russia and Ukraine, you can go there on vacation. Only since 2019, in order for citizens of the Russian Federation to enter Ukraine, they need an invitation from relatives living on its territory, acquaintances, and employers. Despite the complexity of the procedure, it is possible to go on vacation to Ukraine without a visa.

The main tourist destinations are located not only in Western Ukraine, but also in central. In summer you can go to the Azov or Black Seas. A holiday in this country will not put a big dent in your wallet.

In winter, ski resorts located in the Carpathians are popular. Russians love to celebrate New Year there. They rent a wooden house and enjoy the beauty of the snowy surrounding area.

Having visited cities such as Lutsk and Lviv, you will see beautiful architectural buildings that are at every turn here. Sightseeing lovers will certainly enjoy it here. Moreover, when you go to the Volyn region, you can visit the oldest monastery in the state - Svyatogorsk.

It is also worth visiting the capital Kyiv, the “Black Sea pearl” Odessa. There are so many cities in this country that are completely different from each other.

Since 2019, citizens of the Russian Federation need to have a foreign passport to enter the country.

To sum it up, it should be said that there is no need to despair and be left without travel if you do not have a foreign passport. The above states are not far from the borders of the Russian Federation and will be an excellent place for an unforgettable holiday both outside home country, and in her features.

Vacations are not always planned, and few people can carefully prepare for them. Either the distant resorts of Hurghada and Antalya have already become boring, or global warming has made the climate of other countries more pleasant - but new destinations are increasingly attracting the attention of Russians. In addition, there are a number of countries where you can go without a passport in 2019, which significantly simplifies the financial side of the issue and opens up new horizons.

The usual procedure when passing through control of another state at customs or at the airport:

  • receiving a border crossing mark;
  • for countries that require a visa, a mandatory stamp with the date of entry;
  • time limit depending on the purpose of travel.

But there is an alternative option for those who want to travel abroad - without a passport.

Thanks to the fact that the leadership of the Russian Federation has signed bilateral agreements with these countries, the customs of Belarus and Ukraine - states in the north-east of the Russian Federation - will not require a foreign passport, but will allow you to cross the border using an internal identity card.

Where Russians do not need a foreign passport in 2019, except Slavic countries? Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia will not disappoint the guest at all, and the local flavor will leave memories for a long time. These countries differ significantly from the usual way of life in Russia, and are not at all similar to the sultry resorts of the Mediterranean.

In 2019, the current list of destinations to which countries do not require a foreign passport became even wider: the opportunity to cross the border with only a national internal document in hand became available to Armenia. Local hospitality and famous cognac excursions were already familiar to tourists - there was a visa-free regime between the countries. Now it is also possible to enter with internal passports. This is a pressing issue for the Turkish resorts that Russians love.


Gagra, Pitsunda, Sukhum – who hasn’t heard about these resorts with a wonderful climate and an unforgettable vacation? You can go to Abkhazia without a passport, planning a route around Stavropol on the way back - such an excursion around the south-eastern part of the mainland will become very colorful. After the luxurious Olympics and the World Cup football championship held in Sochi, this southern region became more popular. Mineral springs, of which there are many in this Transcaucasian region, marvelous nature, the clearest sea attract Russians until late autumn - the climate allows you to extend the velvet season.


For lovers of a relaxed holiday and retro, this country is suitable, where a foreign passport is also not required. Local cuisine and the second state language - Russian, will not give the impression of being abroad, but the ancient architecture of castles, national parks and way of life will leave a very cozy feeling. You can also relax here in winter if skiing and skating are your thing.

Hardworking and hospitable people, local flavor, a variety of attractions and unforgettable nature from crystal clear lakes to the “Kazakh Switzerland” (Burabaya) - this is what awaits holiday lovers in Kazakhstan. The extreme of a state where you can fly without a passport is that you need to plan your budget carefully - you can see the country with minimal expenses, or spend a fortune on ski resorts or pristine places where you need to go with a guide. An important caveat is that you will need a medical insurance policy for the duration of your trip.


The issue of visa-free travel to this country has been under discussion since 2011. For many Russians, a vacation without a passport at sea near an apartment in Turkey is a dream. The political situation forces country leaders to reconsider the issue, but there are loopholes even under the current circumstances. Officially, the state’s position suggests the possibility of entering Turkey only with a foreign passport. It is permissible not to apply for a visa only if you are visiting the country for tourism purposes and do not plan to stay here longer than 60 days. However, it is possible to go on vacation without a passport through Russia by choosing a sea cruise, where Istanbul will be one of the ports. When walking along the coast, it is important to remain only as part of your tour group, so that the accompanying company can provide lists and special permissions in case of questions. But this way you can stay in this amazing city for two days.


A trip to this state is synonymous with cheap holidays and an abundance of Central Asian natural attractions that have not been touched by civilization. The impressive mountain ranges of the Tien Shan and Pamirs, horseback riding and local thermal springs, as well as Kyrgyz cuisine are an excellent opportunity to see and experience Asia.


The amazing world of ancient civilization that this country opens up to you will clearly present Central Asia in all its glory. The most beautiful natural places, very reasonable prices. In the recent past, the state of borders between countries changed - it was allowed to stay with a Russian civil identity card without a visa for up to 90 days. Then a restriction was introduced: Russians could only stay in Tajikistan with a foreign passport, having first filled out a migration card. However, at the time of travel, it is better to clarify the entry procedure at the Embassy. It is also worth taking into account the conservative views of the population: when visiting Tajikistan, give preference to a more restrained wardrobe and makeup.

South Ossetia

After the war with Georgia, the state's infrastructure was significantly damaged, but today it is calm and safe. The resorts of Ossetia are still famous for their mineral water springs, incredibly beautiful nature and clean air. The mountain trails are varied - both for beginners and for advanced experienced skiers and climbers, they are available in winter and summer.


The part of Russia that looks and lives like the Baltic states is an amazing region with the clearest sea. ? It depends on how you build the route. You can get there without a passport in only two ways - by sea and by air, simply because in this case you do not need to cross the borders of other states, as if you had to get there by land.

Is it possible to go to Ukraine

The once friendly country has recently accepted Russian citizens only upon presentation of a foreign passport. The requirements have become more stringent:

  1. It is imperative to fill out the form electronically (it is posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine) at least 30 days before the intended trip.
  2. Provide biometric information to customs.

Migration flows are determined by a common historical past and close blood ties on both sides of the border, so the situation needs to be checked at the current moment if you are planning a vacation in Western Ukraine or Odessa resorts.


The list of countries where you can go without a passport is not as large as we would like, but quite diverse. When planning your trip, pay attention to the internal order of life in the country. These states live not only as a tourist destination, so you are literally going to visit, you will see all the national flavor and traditions. This is interesting and educational; you should respect the rules of the countries that have kindly opened their borders to you.