A school of dolphins in a dream. Riding a dolphin. Dream of dolphins in a clear sea

Since ancient times, dolphins have been considered friends of people, dating back to the ancient Greek legend about the rescue of the singer Arion by dolphins. To this day, they help children and the sick, generously sharing positivity and kindness with them.

It has been proven that dolphins are not inferior to humans in intelligence and have own language communication. The image of a dolphin in the astral sense is freedom from prejudice, spiritual growth and the beginning of a new life. In dreams with dolphins, the subconscious is trying to give you inspiration or hope for the best. Dolphins are also images of our friends, both in a dream and in reality.

What does sleep mean for women?

Dream books agree that married women dream of dolphins.

To the girl

For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will become a kind and reliable friend in the future.

The girl should be careful, since this dream could mean an unplanned situation for which she is not ready.

Dolphin in the pool

Such a dream tells you that you are too strict with yourself. You attach too much importance to various conventions propagated by society. Be more natural, listen to your desires and aspirations.

In clean water

Dream book of the 21st century says you will be promoted at work.

Modern dream book says: you have everything under control. Your patron-philanthropist or good friends will always support you.

In dirty water

Warning about the danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or disease of the genitourinary system.

Stroke with hand

If you dream that you are caressing dolphins, stroking them, swimming with them, holding on to their fins, such a dream means that you can count on good support from friends and family in reality.

Riding a dolphin

Big dream book speaks of the disappointment that you will experience towards your lover: he will not appreciate your efforts and romantic impulses.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: V real life you suffer from unrequited love.

Talk to the dolphin, talk

In reality you will see what you could not believe.

Dolphin attacks you

If you dream of an aggressive dolphin that is trying to hit you with its nose, pushing you, know that dream books interpret such a dream as yours too little effort.

You haven't put enough effort into something to hope that it will work out. Work harder and you will be rewarded in full.

Saves you in your sleep

In reality, a good friend or someone will help you in time. close person: mom, dad, brother, sister.

Circus dolphins

Such a dream is a reflection of your current life. Most likely, you are trying to attract the attention of a person significant to you with the help of something unnatural for you. shocking behavior.

General overview of dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Miller interprets the dream about dolphins from a psychological point of view, and there are several interpretations in his dream book.

Dolphin in a dream - not very good good sign. This a symbol of your softness, trust in authorities.

Dolphins are your luck, which you may miss. You must drop all indecisiveness. Find strength of spirit, show character, and then you will achieve everything you want. In addition, if you can overcome yourself, you will have a reliable friend and patron.

Dolphins jump out of the water - everything in your life is going as it should, everything is going as usual.

Dolphins in cold water– it’s time to stop and analyze the situation.

Dolphins in warm water - don’t interfere with the situation, everything is going as well as possible.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book speaks of dolphins in a dream as a sign of your spiritual growth. And also about your amazing ability to not drown in problems, but to stay afloat in difficult situations.

Freud's Dream Book

It is known that only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure. Freud explains dolphins in dreams lack of thrill in sex. You are looking for ways to get these sensations. You can’t shake the feeling that your relationship is mired in routine and, without novelty, does not bring the same pleasure. If you dream that you are riding on the back of a dolphin, you may have sex in the water. Decide to do this yourself, and therefore follow someone’s infectious example, and at the same time get a lot of new thrills. In Freud's thinking, the dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

  • If you dream of a wounded dolphin, it means a sexually transmitted disease.
  • If you dream of a dead dolphin, it means frigidity.

Eastern women's dream book

Seeing a dolphin in a dream means you are bending under authority or authority.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

I dreamed about a dolphin - you will fall in love, but unrequitedly.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dolphin - collective image. This is an idea, an inspired thought. This idea is good and even perhaps brilliant, but in reality there is no benefit from it.

The fact that you have not lost the ability to dream is wonderful. But implement these dreams will not succeed in these circumstances, save your idea for later.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dolphins are playful and cheerful creatures. If you dream that they are splashing and frolicking in their natural habitat, you should take an example from them and learn from childish spontaneity.

Dream Interpretation Juno

  • You will have one who will be engaged in saving other people
  • Married life in love and harmony
  • For pregnant women, feeding dolphins or seeing dolphins play - the kids will be healthy and they will eat well.

Dolphins in a dream are a contradictory and vague image. It encourages you to figure out the situation on your own, be determined and take action. Or just enjoy life - it all depends on life circumstances and your intuition. Listen to yourself: which interpretation is closer to you?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin:

Dolphin - child, child; prosperity, well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Seeing a dolphin in a dream means:

The dolphin is a powerful symbol.
Dolphins symbolize boundless joy, playfulness, unpredictability and even spiritual enlightenment. These superintelligent, conscious creatures live together in joy and harmony. Don't you need to play more and enjoy life?

English dream book

A dream with a dolphin in the dream book is interpreted as:

Dreams of dolphins are not good. After this dream, you should be wary of the sea: yours will die in the sea. best friend, the sea will bury your bright hopes and dreams of love.

If you dreamed of a dolphin while traveling, it means... You are in great danger.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dreaming with a dolphin means:

Seeing yourself among swimming dolphins in a dream means communication at a high level.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dolphin dream meaning:

A dream in which you see dolphins is a warning: you are wasting too much time and minding your own business; if dolphins frolic in clean water, then such a dream may be a harbinger of a promotion.

Chinese dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a dolphin:

A white elephant or dolphin - foreshadows an appointment to a position.

Modern dream book

What a dolphin might dream about:

If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that in sex you lack the thrill of sensations and you are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm.
If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will motivate you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on such a thing. But in vain! Unforgettable impressions, by the way, gives water sex!

Newest dream book

Dolphin in a dream means:

Dolphin - fall in love without reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

If a girl dreams of a dolphin, it means:

Dolphin - life saving / some kind of deliverance.

Dream book for a bitch

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin?

Dolphin - you have an amazing tendency to fall under the influence of others, try to somehow control it before it gets you into big troubles and problems.

Dream book Meneghetti

Dolphin in a dream from Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Symbolizes the positivity of a healthy relationship, friendship, companion, or positive dominant instincts.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Dolphin in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Appointment to a position.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dolphin in a dream from Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A dolphin seen in a dream is a sign of gentle speeches and kind treatment.

American dream book

Dolphin in a dream from American dream book

Dolphin - unbridled joy; playfulness; spontaneity.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Dolphin in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dolphin - joy, good news.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dolphin in a dream from Freud's dream book

The dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

A frolicking dolphin symbolizes your health and sexual attractiveness.

Many dolphins symbolize your active and varied sex life.

If you are sailing on a ship and dolphins are frolicking around you, then there are a lot of people hovering around you who would like to fight off your sexual partner. Be vigilant and attentive to your partner.

If a man swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, this symbolizes his homosexual aspirations.

If a woman swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes her insatiability. One man is clearly not enough for her.

A wounded dolphin symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

A dead dolphin symbolizes impotence or frigidity.

Children's dream book

Dolphin in a dream from Children's dream book

Dolphin - you will have wonderful friends who will be completely different from your previous ones. They may be united by some unusual hobby or general interest in something, passion for something.

Miller's Dream Book

Dolphin in a dream from Miller's dream book

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Dolphin in a dream from Miller's dream book

Seeing is an opportunity to fall under the influence of the new government.

Small dream book

Dolphin in a dream from Small dream book

A dream in which you see a dolphin is an unfavorable dream. Additionally, it also symbolizes loyalty to the new government or leadership.

Dream book for women

Dolphin in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Women

Friends will support you in difficult times. If a dolphin rushes at you, not playing, but attacking, do not expect success, you did not make enough effort to achieve it. If the dolphin is friendly, you will avoid long doubts and worries, make a firm decision and find peace and freedom. If the dream was from Thursday to Friday, you don’t need to make any effort, everything will work out by itself. If from Friday to Saturday you take a thoughtless and unjustified risk, you should not do it.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

The meaning of a dream about a dolphin

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that in sex you lack the thrill of sensations and you are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm. If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will motivate you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on such a thing. But in vain! By the way, water sex gives you an unforgettable experience!

Seeing a dolphin in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Savior and psychopomp, soul escort in underground world, savior of shipwrecked people, king of fish. Symbolizes sea power, safety and speed. Two dolphins looking in different directions represent the duality of nature. A dolphin with an anchor means speed and slowness, two dolphins together - the middle between the extremes of “hurry slowly”. In Celtic epic, the dolphin is associated with the worship of springs and the powers of water. In Christianity, this is Christ, the savior of souls, carrying them through the depths of death. A dolphin with an anchor or ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor signifies the crucified Christ. The dolphin taking the place of the whale signifies resurrection. Among the Egyptians it is an attribute of Isis. IN Ancient Greece- a psychopomp who accompanies souls to the Isles of the Blessed. It has both lunar and solar characteristics: in connection with Apollo of Delphi, it symbolizes light and the sun; being consonant with the word womb - lunar beginning. Has erotic symbolism if depicted with the “woman of the sea” Aphrodite or Eros. Attribute of the sea lord Poseidon and Dionysus. Naked Tethys swims through the sea on a dolphin. In Minoan culture, it represents power on the seas. In Mithraism it is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light. For the Romans, it symbolizes the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the Isles of the Blessed. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the dolphin was used instead of fish in presentations of Ea-Oannes. It is an attribute of Ishtar and dedicated to Atargatis.

Dream interpretation of dolphins in the sea

The dolphin is God's creature, living in both the sea and air elements. This creature is like a connecting link between the earthly and the heavenly. Being the king of aquatic inhabitants - fish, he saves people, victims of shipwrecks, and escorts souls to the otherworldly light.

Allegory of Dreams

In dreams, a dolphin is the personification of security, freedom, love, reliability, and nobility. According to Sumerian-Semitic legend, the first man who emerged from the sea was a hero in the form of a half-dolphin.

The dolphin thus represents the beginning of something great.

The question of why dolphins dream of being in the sea is covered in more detail in dream books of different years.

Classic interpretations of the image of dolphins

Previous soothsayers interpret the image of a dolphin as the rationalization abilities of the dreamer, his communication with people with advanced thinking. This is the personification of wealth inner world the sleeper and his environment.

Miller's Dream Book

This creature, appearing in a dream, announces an upcoming event, by participating in which you will meet very pleasant people. At the same time, you will demonstrate your talents as a flexible interlocutor, will be able to relax and have a great rest.

If you dreamed that you made friends with this creature, it means you will soon make a friend who has out-of-the-box thinking. This friendship will replenish your spiritual world.

If you dreamed of dolphins in the sea

To dream of a plot where you watched a dolphin swimming in a pool indicates control over you by management officials. They hinder your creativity.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dream about this inhabitant of the seas, according to the famous seer, the dreamer will soon have a masterly idea. If it is wisely implemented in reality, it will bring huge income and stunning success.

Moreover, all thoughts are now rational and ready to be implemented in projects. You can confidently, without any risk, take action in this direction. This can contribute to a promotion and career growth.

When he swims among the raging sea, this may warn of some danger.

Freud's Dream Book

This creature is the personification of your desires for thrills in sex, welcoming any intimate experiments, searching for new, unforgettable sensations. At the same time, your sex partner will be impressed by this.

If a young girl is lucky enough to swim with a dolphin in a dream, this is a guarantee of a successful marriage and a successful pregnancy.

Interpretations of the image of a dolphin today

The image of this inhabitant sea ​​waters, as modern soothsayers point out, is associated with spiritual enlightenment, the dreamer’s awareness of his actions.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Healer and Feng Shui expert, Denise pairs dolphin dreams with awakening the dreamer's intuition . This is a sign whose message is to connect creative intuition with receptivity.

This image, appearing in a dream, guarantees the development of enormous inner potential, without forgetting to remain gentle and loving.

Why do you dream of a dolphin in the water?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The diviners agree with the previous opinion, but with some reservation. They note that the plans and ideas that the dreamer is hatching are original and masterly, but not for the conditions where he is going to implement them.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

The poet and prose writer has his own point of view on the meaning of the image of this sea animal in dreams. He believes that he is dreaming, foreshadowing love without reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian psychologist and philosopher is sure that a dream about a dolphin foretells winning the favor of a companion, stable and harmonious friendships filled with pure impulses.

Why do you dream about a dolphin?

Night visions are nothing more than fragments of the involuntary activity of the subconscious, the psyche; they do not change reality and do not lie, but in an allegorical style they inform the dreamer about possible events. Let us consider and explain the meaning of some fragments:

  • swim with a dolphin;
  • feed the animal;
  • talk to a sea creature;
  • on an attraction at a dolphinarium;
  • people with dolphins;
  • a lot of beluga whales.

I dream about a story where you happened to swim with this sea ​​life in clear water, means that in life you have a patron from high-ranking persons. It will accompany you in all your endeavors.

If there was a whole flock of them, this is the personification of your environment, consisting of sincere and devoted people who you can always rely on.

If you happen to swim and try to outrun a dolphin, it means you will persistently go towards your goal and achieve it.

I dreamed of swimming next to a dolphin

Laziness that prevents you from achieving what you want is indicated by a dream where this creature tried to attack you.

If you happened to stroke a cute creature in a dream, this is evidence that the dreamer has a need to justify himself in something.

If you tried to stroke him, and he swam away, it means all your attempts to establish connections with influential people vain. This may be due to the dreamer's bad reputation, which is the result of gossip.

If you dream about a story in which you hand-fed this cute creature, it may indicate the dreamer’s disappointment in life. Because of this, he became withdrawn and uncommunicative.

If in a dream a dolphin asked you to feed it, this indicates your acceptance of someone else's opinion, or falling under someone else's influence, but without negative consequences.

If you have a dream where you talked to him, it means you will be convinced of something you couldn’t believe.

When you see yourself in a dream at a dolphinarium and watch a trained dolphin perform, this promises great success in business.

If during the performance he performed complex stunts, then in life you are destined for great challenges on the way to the implementation of the enterprise.

When you are lucky enough to swim, frolic and pet dolphins in a dolphinarium, this predicts a long-awaited pregnancy married woman, and the young lady will have a profitable marriage and a comfortable life.

If in a dream you watched people in the sea with a whole school of dolphins swimming around them, this means that your family needs help.

For a woman in this position, such a plot signals possible problems in gestation. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to visit a leading doctor.

If in a dream you saw a lot of beluga whales in the northern waters, it means that you will soon have an opportunity where there will be freedom for your creativity. Perhaps you will receive advantageous offer to participate in a grandiose project that promises considerable profit.

Your rating:

Why do you dream about a real dolphin? The dream book considers it a reflection of joy, unpredictability and spiritual enlightenment. The appearance of this character in a dream hints: one should open the boundaries of perception of the world and find harmony. However, the dream symbol also has a more mundane interpretation.

What does a dolphin mean according to the Enigma dream book?

Dolphin is a positive sign that conveys healthy relationships and strong partnerships in love or business. The same character can be associated in a dream with a good-natured person, but somewhat prone to risk.

Seeing a killer whale in the open ocean means that you are bored with the monotony. It's time to add some color to everyday life. Did you dream about riding on a live dolphin? A period is approaching when you will experience extraordinary luck.

What do the dream books of Miller, Freud, Vanga think?

Why do you dream of a dolphin according to Miller’s interpreter? Ahead good times, you need to have time to do what you have been planning for a long time. But Miller warns: you may fall under the influence of others, so carefully filter people and information.

Freud identifies the mammal with sexual attractiveness and health. A pod of dolphins symbolizes the rich and active life. But if a wounded dolphin appeared in a dream, then you are threatened by illness or impotence, possibly creative.

The dream interpreter of the seer Vanga also gives a positive interpretation, but draws attention to the following nuances. The two creatures together reflect the middle ground between extremes. If they look in different directions, then this is a sign of duality of perception.

Why do girls and boys dream about this image?

If a dolphin appeared in a dream to a young girl, she was destined for happy love. For a mature woman, a pod of dolphins is a symbol of insatiability in love. Is there a toothy shark among the harmless fish? The carefree existence is over. Dream book advice: get ready for the envy of your friends.

Why does a man dream about a big dolphin? There will be an opportunity to implement a non-standard project. Have you ever swum next to sea animals? In the near future, longing for the past will come over you, and this will prevent you from completing plans in the present.

What does small and big dolphin mean?

Did you dream about a little dolphin? Expect easy profits. The cub is associated with a child, an idea or an endeavor. You should immediately abandon doubts and make a decision if a small killer whale appeared in the night.

A large dolphin in a dream foretells the joy of meeting with dear friend or good news, popularity, fame. Did you see a really huge dolphin? The dream book is convinced: this is a harbinger of the beginning important enterprise, long-term business.

By the way, dolphins have another unpopular interpretation. This is an eloquent hint: instead of getting down to business, you are wasting time and resources. Think about it, maybe it’s time to grow up and choose different priorities?

Why see colorful fish in a dream?

In addition, the dream book suggests deciphering the color of a dolphin.

  • White – promotion, appointment to a position.
  • Pink – fantasies, dreams, illusions.
  • Black – deliverance from evil, recovery.
  • Gray – everyday life, a one-sided view of things.

Why do you dream of a sick fish? Get ready for a bad period, need, bad luck. Did you manage to save the dolphin? The dream book prophesies: thanks to your efforts, business life will intensify. But to kill him means that you will destroy happiness with your own hands.

Why see a dolphin in the sea, river

When interpreting the dream plot, be sure to take into account where exactly the dolphins were. Were you lucky to see pure white individuals frolicking in the blue sea? The next stage of life will be easy, enjoyable and successful in all areas.

On the open ocean, they are also identified with safety, confidence and speed. But for those who are on a trip, this is a sign of danger that lurks along the way. If dolphins swam in the river with clean water, then expect good news and friendly meetings. Dirty water promises bad news and unpleasant dates.

The worst thing, according to the dream book, is if a dolphin begins to swim away from you in a dream. Hopes and expectations will not be fulfilled, a lot of work will have to be done, but to no avail, and the situation on all “fronts” will sharply worsen.

Interpretation of various actions

Why do you dream about swimming with dolphins? In reality, you will find completely new friends. Bathing symbolizes unusual hobby, field of activity, as well as communication with authoritative persons. Horseback riding promises a fun adventure and an unforgettable experience. The dream book will help to interpret other actions.

  • Swimming with a dolphin means career growth.
  • Playing with him is a non-trivial solution to the problem.
  • Hugging means unexpected guests.
  • Touching with hands means disappointment, deception.
  • Catching by the tail is extraordinary luck.

If you kissed a dolphin in the night, then you will truly know happiness. You can also kiss a mammal before successfully implementing your plan.

I dreamed that a dolphin bit

In the dream, was the dolphin aggressive, attacking and even biting? A brilliant idea will ripen in your head. But the dream book warns: it will turn out to be so fantastic that it is unlikely to be useful in life. Aggression from a good creature hints that you did not try hard enough, which means you will fail.

It's good to see that the dolphin, on the contrary, saved you. There is a difficult stage ahead, but you will receive the necessary help. Miraculous salvation in dreams suggests: difficult task is completely solvable, you just need to apply an approach that is unusual for you.