Dancing season 3 Litvinov casting. Stas Litvinov: My solo career and, of course, theater come first. About unusual hobbies

Stas Litvinov is a young talented dancer who was born on November 14, 1990 in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. Today he is best known to fans choreographic art as one of the artists of the Leningrad Center Theater troupe and a participant in the TV shows “Dance” and “Dancing on TNT”. The biography of Stas Litvinov does not hide the fact that in early childhood he had problems with overweight and the placement of his feet: the boy was literally clubfooted. When Stanislav Litvinov was about seven years old, his mother decided that it was time for him to take care of himself, and took him to a children's choreographic ensemble. At first Stas didn’t want to go there at all, but after the first lesson it was no longer possible to persuade the boy to skip training.

Stanislav Litvinov in childhood | VK

Stas Litvinov absorbed dances like a sponge. He suggests that the talent for plastic arts was passed on to him from his mother, who at one time did aerobics. By the way, it was Stanislav’s mother who sewed his first stage costumes. After graduating from school, the young man leaves hometown to Kharkov, where he enters the State Academy of Culture at the choreography department. Already from the second year, he not only studies, but also begins to teach himself, and at the same time participates in various castings and competitions.

Stanislav with his mother | VK

Four years later, Stanislav Litvinov transferred to the correspondence department and left for the capital of Ukraine. There he appears in video clips, participates in TV shows, and works with show business stars on stage. Among the celebrities with whom Litvinov collaborated, one can note several dozen more popular artists.

The young man also became the winner of the RedBull Beat Battle championship as part of the Abzac Crew team. After receiving a diploma higher education Stas Litvinov finally turns dancing into a profession: he is a permanent member of the troupe of the St. Petersburg Leningrad Center Theater, with which to this day he tours not only in Russian cities, but also in neighboring countries.


When Stanislav Litvinov still lived in Kyiv, he took part in the most popular Ukrainian choreographic show “Everybody Dance!” True, in the third season he could not even overcome the first stage, but in the fourth he was in the TOP 50, but dropped out after unsuccessful night choreography. Subsequently, the guy made another attempt to overcome the difficult barrier, but again did not make it into the coveted “twenty”.

In 2015, Stas Litvinov demonstrated his dances in Russian project“Dance”, where he performed with, the current choreographer of the show “Dancing on TNT”. There, the young dancer reached the semi-finals and was remembered by the audience as a very strong participant. In the first season of “Dancing on TNT,” Stanislav successfully passed the casting, but further development his career on the project did not take off. He returned two years later and this time joined the team along with such talented dancers as, and.

Interestingly, the casting of the third season for young man I remember, in addition to the competently executed number, also because of the scandalous conflict. Stas Litvinov did not understand each other: the girl, who was an invited member of the jury, very heatedly and emotionally praised the Ukrainian dancer, but Stanislav reacted to her remark rather dryly and asked “professionals to speak out,” meaning mentors and Yegor Druzhinin. The star of “House 2” considered this answer an insult and even wanted to leave the set. Fortunately, this conflict had no impact on future fate young man in the project: Stas Litvinov’s dances speak for themselves.

Personal life

The public knows practically nothing about the romantic adventures and personal life of Stas Litvinov, except that he has not yet changed his bachelor status. But the information that Stas might not have become a professional dancer is very interesting. Firstly, as a child he was also very passionate about volleyball and seriously thought about the possibility of following the sports path, and secondly, creative biography Stas Litvinov could have been hampered by numerous injuries. Due to the enormous loads, the guy’s ligaments in his legs tore, his meniscus suffered, and even tumors formed on his spine, the removal of which required surgery.

Stanislav Litvinov | Official website

In the life of Stanislav Litvinov, in addition to dancing, there is room for other hobbies: he plays the guitar, develops acting and oratory, is interested in literature, travel and cooking of the peoples of the world. In addition, the dancer has a passion for numismatics: Litvinov collects money from various countries, as well as commemorative coins, dedicated to the regions of the Russian Federation.

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28.12.2016 19:14

Stas Litvinov is a young talented dancer who was born on November 14, 1990 in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. Today he is best known to fans of choreographic art as one of the artists of the Leningrad Center Theater troupe and a participant in the TV shows “Dance” and “Dancing on TNT.” The biography of Stas Litvinov does not hide the fact that in early childhood he had problems with excess weight and the position of his legs: the boy was literally clubfooted. When Stanislav Litvinov was about seven years old, his mother decided that it was time for him to take care of himself, and took him to a children's choreographic ensemble. At first Stas didn’t want to go there at all, but after the first lesson it was no longer possible to persuade the boy to skip training.

Stas Litvinov absorbed dances like a sponge. He suggests that the talent for plastic arts was passed on to him from his mother, who at one time did aerobics. By the way, it was Stanislav’s mother who sewed his first stage costumes. After graduating from school, the young man leaves his hometown for Kharkov, where he enters the State Academy of Culture at the choreography department. Already from the second year, he not only studies, but also begins to teach himself, and at the same time participates in various castings and competitions.

Four years later, Stanislav Litvinov transferred to the correspondence department and left for the capital of Ukraine. There he appears in video clips, participates in TV shows, and works with show business stars on stage. Among the celebrities with whom Litvinov collaborated are Nyusha, Timati, Svetlana Loboda, Dima Monatica, Vera Brezhneva, Dima Bilan, Polina Gagarina and several dozen other popular artists.

The young man also became the winner of the RedBull Beat Battle championship as part of the Abzac Crew team. After receiving a diploma of higher education, Stas Litvinov finally turns dancing into a profession: he is a permanent member of the troupe of the St. Petersburg Leningrad Center Theater, with which to this day he tours not only in Russian cities, but also in neighboring countries.

Stas Litvinov at the project "Dancing on TNT" in 2016

When Stanislav Litvinov still lived in Kyiv, he took part in the most popular Ukrainian choreographic show “Everybody Dance!” True, in the third season he could not even overcome the first stage, but in the fourth he was in the TOP 50, but dropped out after unsuccessful night choreography. Subsequently, the guy made another attempt to overcome the difficult barrier, but again did not make it into the coveted “twenty”.

In 2015, Stas Litvinov demonstrated his dancing in the Russian project “Dance”, where he performed with Alexander Mogilev, the current choreographer of the show “Dancing on TNT”. There, the young dancer reached the semi-finals and was remembered by the audience as a very strong participant. In the first season of “Dancing on TNT,” Stanislav successfully passed the casting, but his career did not receive further development on the project. He returned two years later and this time joined Yegor Druzhinin's team along with such talented dancers as Keiko Lee, Dasha Rolik and Irina Kononova.

It’s interesting that the casting of the third season for the young man was remembered, in addition to a well-executed number, also because of the scandalous conflict. Stas Litvinov and Olga Buzova did not understand each other: the girl, who was a guest member of the jury, very vigorously and emotionally highly praised the Ukrainian dancer, but Stanislav reacted to her remark rather dryly and asked “professionals to speak out,” meaning mentors Miguel and Egor Druzhinina. The star of “House 2” considered this answer an insult and even wanted to leave the set. Fortunately, this conflict did not in any way affect the future fate of the young man in the project: Stas Litvinov’s dances speak for themselves.

Personal life of Stas Litvinov

The public knows practically nothing about the romantic adventures and personal life of Stas Litvinov, except that he has not yet changed his bachelor status. But the information that Stas might not have become a professional dancer is very interesting. Firstly, as a child he was also very keen on volleyball and seriously thought about the possibility of following the sports path, and secondly, Stas Litvinov’s creative biography could have been hampered by numerous injuries. Due to the enormous loads, the guy’s ligaments in his legs tore, his meniscus suffered, and even tumors formed on his spine, the removal of which required surgery.

In the life of Stanislav Litvinov, in addition to dancing, there is room for other hobbies: he plays the guitar, develops acting and public speaking, and is interested in literature, travel and cooking of the peoples of the world. In addition, the dancer has a passion for numismatics: Litvinov collects money from various countries, as well as commemorative coins dedicated to regions of the Russian Federation.

Stas Litvinov- a young dancer who took part in the most famous dance projects in the world: “Everybody Dance”, “Dance”, “ ».

The first dance school of Stas Litvinov

Stanislav Litvinov born on November 14, 1990, in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk.

Since childhood, the boy was a little chubby, so to cope with this problem, at the age of 7, his mother took him to a children's . Stas was not particularly eager to go to dance, but after the first lesson he became so attached to this activity that during his training he did not miss a single lesson.

Despite the fact that the boy was not able to perform the movements shown by the teacher the first time, he did not give up, thanks to which he achieved some success.

The beginning of the creative path of Stas Litvinov

The boy's intensive training yielded certain results and teachers increasingly began sending Stas to various competitions. It was the victories at these competitions that prompted the boy to choose the profession of a dancer.

After graduating from school, he went to Kharkov, where he entered the Academy of Culture in the department of folk choreography. While still a student, Stas tries his hand at teaching and takes part in various student competitions.

After 4 years, the young dancer transferred to the correspondence department and left for Kyiv.

After moving to Kyiv, Stas was cast in the show ballet “The Fast and the Furious,” performing “ " And " ».

In 2013 Stas Litvinov begins dancing in show ballet with Dima Monatic, participates in famous television shows, and appears in video clips.

In the same year, Litvinov decides to move to Moscow to work with such stars as Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Philip Kirkorov.

His creative partners were very popular contemporary performers Stars: Dima Bilan, Polina Gagarina, Vera Brezhneva.

Glory o young performer was slowly gaining momentum. Stanislav became the winner of the Red Bull Battle championship, being a member of the Abzac Crew team.

In addition, the talented dancer tries his hand at the Ukrainian project “Everyone Dances,” where he reached 50.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Litvinov continues his career at the St. Petersburg Leningrad Center Theater.

In 2014-2016, he supplemented his activities with work at the Shtab dance school.

Participation of Stas Litvinov in the projects “Dance” and “Dancing on TNT”

In 2015, Stanislav Litvinov took part in the Russian project “Dance”. He prepared and performed a wonderful number in a duet with, who then became the choreographer of the “Dancing on TNT” project. The dancer reached the semi-finals and captivated the participants with his true skill.

In 2017, Stas tried himself in the “Dancing on TNT” project and became a finalist, taking 2nd place.

It's funny that after Olga Buzova's enthusiastic praise, he asked for the opinion of the professional choreographers who were on the jury. Olga was terribly offended, but prudence prevailed.

Through thorns to the stars

Immense overloads and constant training took their toll. The young dancer’s meniscus was displaced, he was treated for a torn ligament, and even had surgery on a tumor on his spine. However, this does not stop the dancer in his quest for self-improvement.

The artist himself says that if he cannot continue his dancing career due to deteriorating health, he will work as a mechanic. Few people know that Stas Litvinov My first specialty is a car mechanic.

Stas has several hobbies: he plays the guitar, collects coins, and loves to play volleyball.

Now Stas, due to the nature of his work, often goes on tour to cities in Russia and to cities in neighboring countries.

Stas Litvinov video

Stanislav Litvinov became famous thanks to his participation in popular dance television projects. He heard “no” many times at castings, but did not lose faith in himself.

Biography of Litvinov

Stanislav was born on November 14, 1990 in Dnepropetrovsk. As a child, the boy was clumsy and club-footed, and also had overweight. Mom decided to “fight” these problems with the help of dancing and took him to a choreographic ensemble. 7-year-old Stas didn’t want to go there at first, but after the first lesson he changed his mind. He became interested in dancing and did not miss a single training session.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Stas leaves for Kharkov and enters the folk choreography department of the State Academy of Culture. Since his 2nd year, Litvinov has been combining his studies and teaching dance to aspiring choreographers. An active guy simultaneously participates in various dance competitions.

In 2012, Stas transferred to distance learning and moved to Kyiv. Here he takes part in the filming of television projects and videos. The following year, Litvinov received a master's degree in choreography and soon was casting for the troupe of the Leningrad Center Theater. He continues to work as part of it to this day.

TV show in the life of Stanislav

As a first-year student, Litvinov went to Kyiv to film the show “Everybody Dance.” He was impressed by the atmosphere there and decided to try his hand at the project. In 2010, Stas staged a number in literally an hour and went to the casting of “Everybody Dance,” but due to an injury he failed to impress the jury.

A year later, the guy takes part in the Ukrainian dance show"Maidans", playing for the city of Kharkov. In 2011, he repeated his attempt to get onto the “Everyone Dance” project. This time Litvinov passes the casting and finds himself among the 50 best dancers, but does not make it to the finals. The next year he comes to the project again, but does not even make it into the hundred participants.

In 2015, Stas demonstrated his talent in the “Dance” project (Channel 1) and reached the semi-finals. The following year, the choreographer took part in the show “Dancing” (TNT). Many viewers remembered it because of the scandal with Olya Buzova, who was part of the project’s jury. The emotional girl began to praise him, and Litvinov asked for the opinions of professionals. But this quarrel did not affect the guy’s project fate. The jury and spectators highly appreciated his dancing. According to the voting results, Stas took 3rd place.

Social media

The dancer is registered in popular social networks. Stas Litvinov on Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/stas_litvinov/) constantly posts fresh photographs and videos of rehearsals and performances. 127 thousand subscribers follow his life on this network.

Stanislav is also registered on VKontakte (https://vk.com/stas_litvinov) and Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/stas.litvinov.official). He does not have accounts on Twitter or Odnoklassniki.

Litvinov has his own website (http://www.stanislavlitvinov.com/), on which it is located short biography, photos, videos and his contact information.

Stas believes that the basis of success is constant movement forward. Therefore, he continues to improve his technique, tries new directions, participates in shows and masters acting.

Stanislav Litvinov was born on November 14, 1990 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. The biography of Stas Litvinov does not hide the fact that in early childhood he had problems with excess weight and the position of his legs: the boy was literally clubfooted. When Stanislav Litvinov was about seven years old, his mother decided that it was time for him to take care of himself, and took him to a children's choreographic ensemble. At first Stas didn’t want to go there at all, but after the first lesson it was no longer possible to persuade the boy to skip training.

Stas Litvinov absorbed dances like a sponge. He suggests that the talent for plastic arts was passed on to him from his mother, who at one time did aerobics. By the way, it was Stanislav’s mother who sewed his first stage costumes. After graduating from school, the young man leaves his hometown for Kharkov, where he enters the State Academy of Culture at the choreography department. Already from the second year, he not only studies, but also begins to teach himself, and at the same time participates in various castings and competitions.

Four years later, Stanislav Litvinov transferred to the correspondence department and left for the capital of Ukraine. There he appears in video clips, participates in TV shows, and works with show business stars on stage. Among the celebrities with whom Litvinov collaborated are Nyusha, Timati, Svetlana Loboda, Dima Monatica, Vera Brezhneva, Dima Bilan, Polina Gagarina and several dozen other popular artists.

The young man also became the winner of the RedBull Beat Battle championship as part of the Abzac Crew team. After receiving a diploma of higher education, Stas Litvinov finally turns dancing into a profession: he is a permanent member of the troupe of the St. Petersburg Leningrad Center Theater, with which to this day he tours not only in Russian cities, but also in neighboring countries.

When Stanislav Litvinov still lived in Kyiv, he took part in the most popular Ukrainian choreographic show “Everybody Dance!” True, in the third season he could not even overcome the first stage, but in the fourth he was in the TOP 50, but dropped out after unsuccessful night choreography. Subsequently, the guy made another attempt to overcome the difficult barrier, but again did not make it into the coveted “twenty”.

In 2015, Stas Litvinov demonstrated his dancing in the Russian project “Dance”, where he performed with Alexander Mogilev, the current choreographer of the show “Dancing on TNT”. There, the young dancer reached the semi-finals and was remembered by the audience as a very strong participant. In the first season of “Dancing on TNT,” Stanislav successfully passed the casting, but his career did not receive further development on the project. He returned two years later and this time joined Yegor Druzhinin’s team.