Where was Star Wars filmed? Sahara Desert: Planet Tatooine and Star Wars


External territories, Arkanis sector. The distance from the center of the Galaxy is 43,000 light years. A desert planet orbiting a binary star located in the outer territories away from the main galactic routes. The planet is a good place for smugglers and gangsters. The yellow stars around which Tatooine revolves are called Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The planet has 3 satellites. For centuries, Tatooine was the site of orbital showdowns among various gangster groups. The surface of the planet is literally littered with the wreckage of ancient spaceships buried under the desert sands. Tatooine was colonized several centuries ago. On the planet, in addition to colonists of different races and nationalities, there are also aborigines: the fussy and annoying Jawa people, and the aggressive Tusken nomads. Animal life is extremely diverse. The form of government is complete anarchy, only the king of the underworld, a representative of the Hutt race, Jabba the Hutt, has any power, but in fact Tatooine is completely independent of the Republic, and later the Empire. There are 3 cities on the surface, as well as a huge number of farms for extracting moisture and growing fruits, called deb-deb and pica. Tatooine - homeworld Anakin Skywalker, the future Sith Lord Darth Vader, and also a haven for Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker's teacher. Tatooine rotates around its axis in 23 standard hours, and around the sun in 304 local days. From time to time, strong sandstorms occur on the surface of the planet, forcing all residents to hide in their homes and shelters. On this planet is going a large number of racing fans who come to watch exciting swoop racing.


The planet got its name “Tatooine” from the consonant name of the Jawas (one local people) - “Tah doo Een e”. Tatooine is a desert planet orbiting the binary star Outer Rim near the worlds of Ryloth and Piroketh, approximately 43,000 light-years from the galactic core. Tatooine is a planet that occupies a strategic location at the intersection of several hyperspace routes, but is far from the center of the galaxy and the Galactic Republic. Tatooine is the site of orbital showdowns between various gangster groups. The surface of the planet is littered with the wreckage of ancient spaceships buried under the desert sands. The yellow stars that make up the system are called Tattoo 1 and Tattoo 2. The planet has three satellites.

Tatooine belonged to the Rakata Empire. It was so long ago that neither living nor electronic memory knew when the attack on the Empire took place. The planet once had large oceans and a jungle world, but as a result of orbital bombardments towards Rakata, the biosphere was destroyed. According to scientists, it was then, after global climate change, that the only intelligent species on the planet has split into two subspecies - the annoying, fussy Jawas and the furious nomadic Tuskens, commonly called sand people. The Sand People are a race of nomadic warrior tribes who reject any attempts at trade (and even simple communication), they are hostile to all strangers. Jawas, on the other hand, are diminutive scavengers more interested in trading than fighting. Their language is terribly difficult to understand and their culture remains a mystery.

1000 years before the rise of the Empire, the Old Republic declared the planet suitable for colonization, but almost 900 years passed before the planet was repopulated. In 100 years before the Battle of Yavin, the colonization ship Royal Widow crashed, causing the cities of Mos Eisley and Bestine to be founded on the planet. Shortly thereafter, in 95 BBY, the second wave of colonists founded Fort Tusken, which was destroyed by the Sand People a year later. It was from this event that the Sand People began to be called Tusken bandits.

The Corellian Mining Industry (just like the Old Republic in the past) began developing local ore, but for the same reasons abandoned its intentions. After the destruction of the Tatu III orbital station, many crawlers were abandoned to their fate. The abandoned crawlers were used for their needs by the Jawas, who served as mobile fortresses and a means of earning money.

Modern Tatooine is ruled by the Hutts. These are powerful gangsters and crime bosses who have turned the desert world into a hub of criminal activity. Gambling, smuggling and slavery are commonplace in a harsh world that brings criminals and bounty hunters from all over the galaxy to the planet. Tatooine is also famous for its dangerous race, the Boonta Eve Classic, held near Mos Espa on Boonta Eve.

Tatooine's surface is an almost endless monotonous sea of ​​sand, washed by the intense energy of two yellow suns. They are occasionally interrupted by rocky canyons once carved by the oceans. The heat during the day is unbearable and the nights are cold. The air is dry and the soil is scorched. Sometimes you can see strange fogs that appear in places where sand dunes abut rocky cliffs. Nothing outside the cities lasts long. People rarely move without an armed escort, and those who went into the sands never returned.

The unusual concentration of magnetic ores in the planet's mantle, which interacts with Tatooine's intense planetary magnetic field, fluctuating winds and atmospheric concentrations create a zone of relative coolness in a small area of ​​the planet. This temperate zone, where temperatures rarely exceed 43 standard degrees, was inhabited by people. The official capital of Tatooine is Bestine. It is located approximately 200 kilometers west of the Mos Eisley space port, located on the edge of the Dune Sea. There are also other settlements on the planet: Mos Espa, Mos Enta, Mos Gamos.

During early colonization, the first settlers (miners and investors), abandoning their mines and equipment, began to leave the planet. But not everyone could afford a return ticket from Tatooine. And those who had to stay began to engage in moisture farming - creating moisture farms (condensing water from the air using dehumidifiers) and using the resulting moisture to irrigate crops such as deb-deb and pica, or to sell it to survive. When the Hutts arrived on Tatooine, they breathed into the planet new life, providing jobs in their criminal business and creating a basis for trade.

The animal life of Tatooine, despite such a very arid climate, is extremely diverse: banthas, rontos, dewbacks, eopies, djerbas, womp gerbils, worrts, scarriers, sand flies, bone beetles, rock leeches, dune lizards, sand snakes, scalmites, feathered lizards , sandskippers, meevites, and the sarlacc (a giant sessile invertebrate with a trap-mouth) that takes a thousand years to digest its prey. There are also krayt dragons on Tatooine. Many hunt them for the priceless stomach stones known as dragonballs, but few survive.

The planet has a lot of vegetation, such as the hubba gourd, which is a major food source for the Jawas and Sand People.

Two multiple orbital exoplanets discovered using the method of timing the transits of two central stars

There are more than two dozen filming locations for the Star Wars saga in Tunisia. Most of them appeared only in episodes as landscapes of the fantastic desert planet Tatooine; they are of no interest to ordinary tourists (not fans).

In the first part of this article we will talk about the five most interesting places filming In the second part, we’ll talk about which of them you can see on organized excursions, and where you’ll have to go on your own.

1. Matmata, Sidi Driss Hotel

The Tunisian town of Matmata is famous for the underground houses of the Berbers. In one of these underground houses, the filming of “Episode 4: A New Hope” took place in 1976. The Sidi Driss Hotel, set up in several Berber underground houses in 1969 (7 years before filming), was chosen for the filming location.

Scenes were filmed here in the house of Lars Owen, Luke Skywalker's adoptive uncle. After filming, the hotel owner got rid of some of the scenery; at that time the film had not yet become ultra-popular, and there was no real value in these decorations.

In 1995, a French Star Wars fan named Philippe Vanney restored almost the entire set. Now the hotel is operational, you can book a room there, prices are affordable - from 25 dollars per night.

In 2002, scenes from “Episode 2: Attack of the Clones” were filmed here. How did all the staff fit in here? It’s hard to imagine, because the film crew consisted of 250-300 people.

Obi Wan's Cabin and is located 2.5 kilometers north of the Adjima pier. Ask the taxi driver to drive along the road along the coast to the north, look carefully to the left, the house white don't miss it (see photo next to it, click on photo to enlarge).

Cantina in Mos Eisley(smugglers bar) is located in the very center of Ajim. This building is now in poor condition. It's difficult to find; there are no good landmarks around. You can either hope that the taxi driver will know his location, or use Mobile Internet and Google.Maps, the house is marked on this map.


outer ring

Sector System Circulation period

23 standard hours

Rotation period

304 local days

Number of suns Number of moons Physical data Water Surface

desert with rare rocks, canyons and cliffs.


usually extremely hot and almost unbearable. Temperatures reach above 65.5 C, except in one area where they rarely exceed 43 C, but can drop below zero at night.

Social data Main population Population Attractions

Mos Eisley spaceport, Jabba the Hutt's palace, Janland Sands, Lars' moisture farm, Obi-Wan Kenobi's home and the Great Sinkhole of Carkoon.


Tatooine- a fantastic planet from the epic film "". It is located at the intersection of many hyperspace routes, and therefore many traders use the Mos Eisley spaceport as a transfer station. Far from the watchful eyes of the Empire, Tatooine became a haven for various kinds of adventurers - smugglers, mercenaries, bounty hunters, as well as for the king of the underworld - Jabba the Hutt. Only a few small settlements and farms (such as Anchorhead and Bestine) are scattered across the barren surface of the planet. The owners of other territories remain local peoples - Jawas and sand people, as well as strange life forms living in remote areas. In this desolate and inhospitable world, a significant part of the events of the first, second, fourth and sixth episodes of the saga takes place. Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker grew up on Tatooine.

The planet is named after the real city of Tataouine in Tunisia, in which the fantastic Tatooine was filmed. The scenery continues to stand next to the village today and attracts many tourists who want to see the filming locations.


External territories, Arkanis sector. The distance from the center of the Galaxy is 43,000 light years. A desert planet orbiting a binary star located in the outer territories far from the main galactic routes. But the planet is a good place for smugglers and gangsters of all stripes. The yellow stars around which Tatooine revolves are called Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The planet has 3 satellites. For centuries, Tatooine has been the site of orbital showdowns between various gangster groups, so that the surface of the planet is literally littered with the wreckage of ancient spaceships buried under the desert sands. Tatooine was officially colonized several centuries ago; in addition to colonists of different races and nationalities, there are also aborigines on the planet: the fussy and annoying Jawa people, and the aggressive Tusken nomads. Animal life is extremely diverse. The form of government is complete anarchy, only the king of the underworld, a representative of the Hutt race Jabba the Hutt, has any power, but in fact Tatooine is completely independent of the Republic. and later - the Empire. There are 3 cities on the surface, as well as a huge number of farms for extracting moisture and growing fruits, called deb-deb and pica. Tatooine is the home world of Anakin Skywalker, the future Sith Lord Darth Vader, and also the home of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker's teacher. Tatooine rotates around its axis in 23 standard hours, and around the sun in 304 local days. From time to time, strong sandstorms occur on the surface of the planet, forcing all residents to hide in their shelters and homes. The planet also attracts a large number of racing fans who come to watch exciting swoop racing.


The planet got its name “Tatooine” from the consonant name Jav - “Tah doo Een e”. Tatooine is a desert planet orbiting a binary Outer Rim star near the worlds of Ryloth and Piroketh, approximately 43,000 light-years from the galactic core. Tatooine is very old world, occupies a strategic location due to the intersecting multiple hyperspace routes, although it is located far from the center of the galaxy and the Galactic Republic. However, it occupies a good place for smugglers and gangsters of all stripes. As a result, Tatooine was the site of orbital showdowns between various gangster groups, so that the surface of the planet was literally littered with the wreckage of ancient spaceships buried under the desert sands. The yellow stars that make up the system are called Tattoo 1 and Tattoo 2, respectively. The planet has three satellites.

In the distant past, which neither living nor electronic memory knows when it happened, Tatooine belonged to the Rakata Empire. The planet once had large oceans and a jungle world, but as a result of the Rakata's orbital bombardments, the biosphere was destroyed. Probably then, after global climate changes, according to scientists, the only intelligent species on the planet was divided into two subspecies - the annoying, fussy Jawas and the furious Tusken nomads, usually called sand people. The most dominant of these, the Sand People are a race of nomadic warrior tribes who reject any attempts at trade or even simple communication, and are hostile to all outsiders. Jawas, on the other hand, are diminutive scavengers more interested in trading than fighting. Their language is terribly difficult to understand, their culture remains a mystery.

Tatooine was discovered by the Republic 5,000 BC. In 4,200 BC, orbital scanning revealed substantial underground ore deposits, and various private companies began mining the planet. Colonists began to arrive on the planet - the so-called first wave. Outpost Anchorhead (Anchor Head) is the first settlement on Tatooine, built by the Cherka Corporation, for ore mining and the only one that survived to modern era. There are rumors that the ore on Tatooine is not standard. The companies denied this, but the force of the denials only added weight to the rumors. In the end, it was discovered that the ore has specific magnetic properties. The mines were abandoned, Tatooine was forgotten. Apparently for this reason the planet was not properly registered by the Old Republic.

1000 years before the rise of the Empire, the Old Republic declared the planet suitable for colonization, but almost 900 years passed before the planet was repopulated. In 100 BC, the colonization ship "Royal Widow" crashed, thereby founding the cities of Mos Eisley and Bestine on the planet. These modern settlers are the second wave. Shortly thereafter, in 95 BBY, colonists founded Fort Tusken, which was destroyed by the Sand People a year later. It was from this event that the Sand People began to be called Tusken bandits.

The Corellian Mining Industry, like the Old Republic in the past, began developing local ore, but for the same reasons abandoned its intentions and after the destruction of the Tatu III orbital station, many crawlers were abandoned to their fate. The abandoned crawlers were used for their needs by the Jawas, who served as mobile fortresses and a means of earning money.

Modern Tatooine is ruled by the Hutts, powerful gangsters and crime bosses who have turned the desert world into a hub of criminal activity. Gambling, smuggling and slavery are common in the harsh world, bringing criminals and bounty hunters from all over the galaxy to the planet. Tatooine is also famous for its dangerous race, the Boonta Eve Classic, held near Mos Espa on Boonta Eve.

Tatooine's surface is an almost endless, monotonous sea of ​​sand, washed by the intense energy of twin yellow suns, occasionally interrupted by rocky canyons once carved by the oceans. The heat during the day is unbearable and the nights are cold. The air is dry and the soil is scorched. Sometimes you can see strange fogs that appear in places where sand dunes abut rocky cliffs. Nothing outside the cities lasts long. People rarely move without an armed escort, and those who went into the sands simply did not return.

The unusual concentration of magnetic ores in the planet's mantle interacting with Tatooine's intense planetary magnetic field, constantly changing winds and atmospheric concentrations, create a zone of relative coolness in a small area of ​​the planet. This temperate zone, where temperatures rarely exceed 43 standard degrees, was inhabited by people. The official capital of Tatooine, Bestine, is located approximately 200 kilometers west of the space port of Mos Eisley, located on the edge of the Dune Sea. There are also other settlements on the planet: Mos Espa, Mos Enta, Mos Gamos.

During early colonization, as mentioned above, the first settlers - miners and investors, abandoning their mines and equipment, began to leave the planet, but not everyone could afford a ticket back from Tatooine. Those who were forced to remain began to engage in moisture farming - creating moisture farms (condensing water from the air using dehumidifiers) and using the resulting moisture to irrigate crops such as deb-deb and pica, or to sell it to survive. When the Hutts arrived on Tatooine, they breathed new life into the planet, providing jobs in their criminal businesses and creating a basis for trade.

The animal life of Tatooine, despite such a very arid climate, is extremely diverse: banthas, rontos, dewbacks, eopies, djerbas, womp gerbils, worrts, scarriers, sand flies, bone beetles, rock leeches, dune lizards, sand snakes, scalmites, feathered lizards , sandskippers, meewits, and the sarlacc, which is rumored to take a thousand years to digest its prey. There are also krayt dragons on Tatooine. Many hunt them for the priceless gizzard stones known as dragonballs, but few survive.

There is also some vegetation on the planet - the hubba gourd - which is the main source of food for the Jawas and sand people.

Tatooine - uninteresting world for the casual traveler. Maybe this will change if space ways will prove profitable, but for now it is an inhospitable place that should be avoided.

Historical dates

  • 2,000,000 BC - Beggar's Canyon (Beggar Canyon) was formed.
  • 5000 BBY - Tatooine is discovered by the Old Republic.
  • 4,200 BBY - Anchorhead outpost founded.
  • 3,956 BBY - Revan arrived in Tatooine while searching for the Star Forge.
  • 1100 BC - rediscovery of the planet by the Old Republic.
  • 700 BC - B'omarr monks build a monastery.
  • 550 BC - Bandit Olkhara used a monastery of monks as his hideout.
  • 100 BBY - The Royal Widow crashed on the planet, founding of Mos Eisley.
  • 99 BB - the capital of Tatooine, Bestin, was founded.
  • 96 BBY - Droid Uprising, Fort Tusken founded.
  • 95 BC - the destruction of Fort Tusken by the Sand People, the Sand People began to be called the “Tusken Bandits.”
  • 93 BBY - Anchorhead revived.
  • 85 BBY - Mos Eisley is inhabited by humans and Rodians.
  • 80 BC - founding of Mos Espa by Humans and Rodians.
  • 70 BBY - destruction of Tatu III station, sand crawlers take over the Jawas.
  • 65 BBY - The Hutts arrived on Tatooine.
  • 60 BBY - Merle Tosh established Tosh Station on the outskirts of Anchorhead.
  • 32 BBY - Anakin Skywalker became a local legend in Mos Espa, being the only person ever to win the Bunta Classic race.
  • 22 BBY - Shmi Skywalker is captured by Tusken bandits, Anakin Skywalker returns to Tatooine, feeling his mother's pain. Shmi Skywalker dies. Anakin destroys an entire Tusken village in anger.
  • 19 BBY - Obi-Wan Kenobi hides on Tatooine, trying to save little Luke Skywalker.
  • 0 ABY - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca leave the planet.
  • 4 after BB - Boba Fett brought Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, to Jabba the Hutt's palace. Luke, Leia, Chewie and Lando return to Tatooine to save Han. Jabba the Hutt dies at the hands of Leia Organa.
  • 8 ABY - After their marriage, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo travel to Tatooine to restore the Alderaanian Painting and the key hidden within.
  • 12 after BB - “Eye of Palpatine” stopped on the planet.
  • 14 after BB - Jaden Korr visited the planet twice.
  • 22 after BB - Jedi trainees Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila arrived on the planet in search of the truth about Tahiri's parents.


  • Anchorhead
  • Bespin(capital)
  • Mos Eisley
  • Mos Gamos
  • Mos Enta
  • Mos Espa
  • Fort Tusken


  • Tatooine (Russian) on Wookieepedia: Wiki about Star Wars


  • Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays, softcover, 1997. George Lucas, Leigh Brackett, Lawrence Kasdan, Laurent Bouzereau, ISBN 0-345-40981-7
  • Star Wars: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, 1st paperback printing, 1995. Kevin J. Anderson (editor of anthology). ISBN 0-553-56468-4
  • Star Wars: Tales from Jabba's Palace, 1st edition, 1995. Kevin J. Anderson (editor), ISBN 0-553-56815-9
  • Star Wars, Darksaber, 1st paperback printing, 1995. Kevin J. Anderson, ISBN 0-553-57611-9
  • The Essential guide to Planets and Moons (Star Wars), 1st edition, by Daniel Wallace, Scott Kolins. 1998. ISBN 0-345-42068-3


Published: August 1, 2011 at 07:00

This name became famous thanks to the fictional planet of Luke Skywalker. But Tatooine is not only a dry desert planet of a double star system in the Arcanis sector. At least one place with the same name exists on the Earth map. And it has existed much longer than George Lucas - in a slightly different guise.

2. Tatooine (this is one of the pronunciation options for the name) is a small town in the North African state of Tunisia. This place is home to ksars, fortified Berber granaries.

3. Also, for millions of movie fans, this name is associated with the slave dwellings of the city of Mos Eisley on the home planet of Luke’s father, the Dark Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Among the Berbers, the name of the city Tatooine has two meanings, “eyes” or “water springs” - and this despite the fact that the city looks very arid.

4. George Lucas filmed the first episode of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in one of the villages of Tatooine, called Xar Ouled Soltana. But the connection between “Star Wars” and Tunisia stretches back to the original film of the epic, when from many places in the country the director chose the one that would most fully correspond to his ideas about the fictional desert planet Tatooine.

5. He named his planet, the pronunciation of which varies slightly, after a historical French garrison city. Perhaps as a sign of respect, perhaps simply because to the ear of a Western viewer it was a cool name, unlike any other familiar name. The buildings that served as the backdrop for filming the city of Mos Eisley are located in only one part of the city - in the area known as Ksar Ouled Soltana.

6. The village of Ksar Ouled Soltana began its existence several hundred years ago as the site of ksars, fortified Berber granaries that are dispersed around courtyards. The barns are adobe buildings decorated with historical scenes. They are often located on top of a hill. This way the precious grain was better protected from theft.

7. Although the granaries are currently uninhabited, the filming of Star Wars gave them new life. In addition to the fact that this place is one of the treasures for any tourist interested in the history of Tunisia, the granaries of Tatooine have also become a place of pilgrimage for fans of the George Lucas film epic, who come here to spend an exotic vacation in the spirit of “Star Wars”.

8. But apparently, these places haven't turned into a full Star Wars themed enclave. There is only one tourist shop here, and while some local residents wear Obi-Wan Kenobi's cloak, sometimes it is difficult to tell whether it is worn in honor of the Jedi Master or is their traditional clothing.

9. Tourists who arrive here by rental car or, more often, by bus, find that there are no hotels in the city and only a few restaurants. Therefore, you can only stay here for a couple of hours. But at least there is a guarantee that here you will not be surrounded by a crowd of other tourists.

10. As a result, everyone who ends up in the granaries of Ksar Ouled Soltan feels chosen. Of course, you could visit somewhere in the Outer Rim Territory - but remember the Hutts. Apparently there are a lot of them.






Scenery for "Star Wars" in Tunisia (Tunisia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

  • Last minute tours to Tunisia
  • Tours for May Worldwide

May the Force be with you.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The scenery for George Lucas's iconic Star Wars saga is one of the obligatory stops on the route of a two-day excursion to the Sahara. Although since the filming of the first film of the epic “Episode IV. New Hope”, for which they were built, almost 40 years have passed, the scenery is still viable and regularly brings good income to the Tunisian treasury. In Mos Espe - that's what this place was called in the film - you can walk the streets hometown Anakin Skywalker, touch spaceships, try on the attire of the desert people and wave the Jedi sword. And, of course, take pictures in completely realistic landscapes of the planet Tatooine.

A little history

Tunisia has many Star Wars filming locations that were used as locations for the Skywalkers' home planet of Tatooine. However, if you are not one of the ardent fans of the movie saga, just visit these sets - they are the largest and most easily recognizable.

By the way, the cinematic Tatooine got its name from the real Tunisian city of Tataouine - it is located a couple of hundred kilometers from the scenery.

The film “Star Wars. Episode IV. New Hope" was filmed in 1977, this is the first part of the epic to appear. (Lucas started with episode four because he said he couldn't wait to destroy the Death Star - which is what happened in this movie.) Tunisia was chosen for filming Tatooine due to its proximity to Europe and the low cost of work on location. The area between the Sahara Desert and the salt lake of Chott el Djerid was ideal for recreating the homeland of the Skywalkers - a hot and dry planet orbiting a double sun, the sunset of which can be seen in the film. There the scenery of Mos Espa was built - a spaceport, a haven for adventurers and smugglers.

The area between the Sahara Desert and the salt lake of Chott el Djerid was ideal for recreating the homeland of the Skywalkers - a hot and dry planet orbiting a double sun.

How to get there

Organized tour groups are brought to the Star Wars set in Tunisia on excursions to the Sahara. This usually occurs early in the morning of the second excursion day, after a stop at Chott el Djerid and a visit to the oasis of Tozeur. The location can only be reached by a four-wheel drive jeep - the road partly runs along the salt crust, partly along the dunes. For an independent trip, it is most convenient to rent transport from one of the agencies in Tozeur.

Happy on Tatooine!

What to see

The Star Wars sets consist of about two dozen houses of a characteristic round shape with air ducts and other external communications. Mos Espa is located in a circle, there are two wide streets And central square. You can go into any of the houses. Time, of course, takes its toll - the plaster shell of the houses is crumbling from the mesh base, and in some places there are gaping holes in the buildings. The doors, however, are quite functional - so you can feel like a real inhabitant of Tatooine, looking out from the slightly open door.

On the square there are models of starships and space weapons, dotted with numerous quotes from the film thanks to the efforts of tourists. Enterprising Tunisians offer to take pictures in the robes of sand people (Lucas borrowed them from the traditional Tunisian clothing “burnous”), try on the mantle of Darth Vader and take a menacing pose with a Jedi sword for a modest bribe of 1-2 TND.

There is no toilet at the location, which needs to be taken into account when calculating the time in combination with your capabilities.

Prices on the page are as of September 2018.