Why do you dream about a bracelet with green stones? I dreamed about a bracelet - interpretation of a dream according to dream books

If she loses her bracelet, all sorts of troubles await her.

Find a bracelet in a dream- to the fact that you will become the owner of significant property.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Bracelet- symbolizes connection or separation (compare - handcuffs).

The girl is given a bracelet- to marriage, woman- to slander.

Broken bracelet- to separation.

Bracelet see- to wealth.

Dream book of lovers

If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you found a bracelet in a dream- this means that a big win awaits you soon.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in which you lost your bracelet- promises you troubles related to children.

Dream book for a bitch

Bracelet- imminent marriage, which will turn out to be very happy.

Lose- troubles, disappointments.

Find a bracelet- you will receive an inheritance or purchase real estate.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a bracelet on your hand in a dream- find out some scandalous story, receive a bracelet as a gift- a sign of secret love.

If a young woman loses her bracelet- Trouble awaits her.

Found bracelet- acquisition of property.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

silver bracelet- this is a sign that your own daughter (or your sister’s daughter) will soon get married.

If similar dream dreamed of a woman- in reality she will gain wealth, she will have a luxurious wardrobe with many outfits.

An iron bracelet dreamed by a woman- portends her brother’s active support and caring attention.

Broken or lost bracelet- promises the opposite.

Lunar dream book

Bracelet on hand- scandalous story; get - secret love.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bracelet for men- marriage of convenience; improved health.

For woman- secret love, pleasant dependence.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

English dream book

Why does a woman dream about a bracelet?

You see a bracelet on your hand in a dream. Most likely, a very profitable marriage awaits you in the near future. If you find a bracelet in a dream, then expect good luck - Fortune will finally turn to face you. Great love will come to you, and you will immediately get married if someone puts a bracelet on your hand in a dream.

Old Russian dream book

Seeing a bracelet in a dream means:

trap; on the hand - a scandalous story; receiving is secret love.

Slavic dream book

A dream with a bracelet in the dream book is interpreted as:

A trap, a scandalous story, a secret love.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Dreaming with a bracelet means:

Silver - portends a quarrel between husband and wife using force; tapping, ringing, hitting each other - trouble associated with separation from his wife.

Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of sleep bracelet:

A bracelet on your hand is an unpleasant story, a nuisance.

Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a bracelet:

Seeing a bracelet on your hand in a dream - a gift from a lover or friend - is a sign of an early and happy marriage.
If a young woman loses her bracelet, all sorts of trouble awaits her.
Finding a bracelet in a dream means that you will become the owner of significant property.

Small dream book

What a bracelet might mean in a dream:

A dream in which you see a bracelet on your hand, given by a friend or lover, portends an imminent happy marriage.

For a young woman, a dream in which she lost a bracelet means that losses and other troubles await her. Finding a bracelet means a successful acquisition of property.

Miller's Dream Book

A bracelet in a dream means:

Seeing it on your hand is a gift from a lover or friend - an early and happy marriage; for a young woman - to lose is trouble; find - you will become the owner of significant property.
Also see Lock (device).

Love dream book

If a girl dreams of a bracelet, it means:

If in a dream you see a bracelet on your hand, and this is a gift from a loved one, it means it’s time to meet the parents of your betrothed. Everything is going towards the wedding. A dream in which you lost a bracelet promises you disappointments and failures, primarily related to love affairs. However, you must exercise due prudence, and then the blow will not be so strong and painful.

Dream book for women

Why does a woman dream of a bracelet:

Seeing a bracelet on your hand in a dream means a gift. If you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, you will have a reason to thank your fate.

If you find a bracelet in a dream from Monday to Tuesday, this means that a big win awaits you soon.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in which you lost your bracelet promises you troubles related to children.

Dream book alphabetically

Bracelet in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

A bracelet in a dream foreshadows a misunderstanding in a public place, which will not happen through your fault, but because of which you will suffer first of all. If in a dream you see a bracelet on your hand, it means that you will get married pretty soon; if this bracelet was given to you by a friend or lover, your marriage will be long and happy. Losing a bracelet in a dream means troubles that will happen in the very near future.

Searching and finding a bracelet means that unexpected wealth will soon fall on you. Wearing or fastening a bracelet on your wrist means you may have doubts about the sincerity of your beloved’s feelings, but the subsequent course of events will completely dispel them.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Bracelet in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Unexpected money or winning the lottery. Finding a bracelet means unexpected news awaits you that you are the owner of significant property.

Seeing a bracelet on your hand means a profitable marriage awaits you: with diamonds - happy marriage; made of gold - your chosen one has rich relatives; made of silver - marriage will be built on mutual respect.

Try to remember what the bracelet from your dream looked like and draw it. Carry the drawing with you.

Dropping a bracelet means that you are faced with a difficult choice, on which not only your well-being, but also the peace of mind of your loved ones depends.

Imagine that you dropped a bracelet into the sea while standing on the deck of a high-speed liner (see Sea, Deck).

Rommel's Dream Book

Bracelet in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

A) a trap.

B) imminent marriage.

Seeing a bracelet on your hand in a dream means learning some scandalous story, receiving a bracelet as a gift is a sign of secret love.

If a young woman loses her bracelet, she will be in trouble.

A found bracelet means the acquisition of property.

A bracelet represents a certain unbreakable connection in a dream.

Seeing a bracelet on your hand, given by a loved one, means a strong and long-lasting happy union. Sleep has no given value, if the bracelet was made of gold.

If the bracelet is torn and/or lost, then such a dream is unfavorable for a young unmarried person in terms of her personal life. She may do a rash act that will push away a potential groom.

If you are lucky enough to find a bracelet with stones, then you may soon buy or inherit a plot of land.

If you dreamed of bracelets according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A gold bracelet in a dream is a trap.

If you dream that you are being given a gold bracelet, you risk getting into a scandalous story, especially if you managed to try on the bracelet.

If it was silver bracelet, a secret relationship awaits you that will last a long time.

Why do you dream of bracelets, Longo’s dream book

If you dream that you are wearing a chic gold bracelet with semi-precious stones on your hand, it means that in reality you begin to abuse the trust and love of your loved ones. You take their affection for granted; moreover, sometimes it seems to you that they are not giving you this love. The dream warns that the moment you realize what treasure fate has awarded you, it will be irreparably late to return it.

In general, the meaning of a dream about a bracelet directly correlates with the material from which it is made, as well as the quality of workmanship. If it was an original leather bracelet, then we can talk about certain complexes of the dreamer that put a barrier between him and the people close to him. A gold bracelet on the hand indicates the formation of the egoistic model of behavior described above.

A beaded bracelet reveals your pettiness and habit of finding fault with the person with whom fate connects you on every occasion. If you happen to break a bracelet made of beads in a dream, know that because of this habit of your character you can destroy your own personal happiness.

To dream of a pearl bracelet indicates that you value other people's work and always try to reward the person who has done you a favor, even if that person refuses gratitude. This coin in reality also has a reverse side: you deprive the people around you of the pleasure of doing good unselfishly.

A watch with a bracelet in a dream indicates that your union with your current partner, alas, will not last forever. For business man If someone is married, such a bracelet speaks of his rare punctuality in everything, even in the performance of marital duty.

A broken bracelet falling from your hand warns of the imminent need to make an important life choice in reality.

Why do you dream of bracelets, English dream book

A bracelet on your hand symbolizes a profitable marriage.

Finding a bracelet in a dream means favorable circumstances for you, but only if you did not wear it.

Why do you dream about a bracelet, French dream book

A woman's bracelet dreams of joyful events and wealth.

Buying a bracelet in a dream means becoming dependent on someone. If you happened to buy a gold bracelet, this dependence will be of a financial nature.

A gold bracelet is torn and lost - to liberation from debt obligations, to the joy of material freedom.

Giving a bracelet - a dream promises a quick marriage for a single man.

Seeing a Bracelet, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why dream of a bracelet on your own hand - in reality you will receive a nice gift. And if you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, this is a promise that in reality some event will happen for you, for which you will be extremely grateful to Fate.
  • If from Monday to Tuesday you had a dream in which you find a bracelet - a very positive sign, foreshadowing big win. Is it time for you to go buy a lottery ticket?
  • But if you dreamed that you lost your bracelet, and such a vision visited you on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, this is a warning that you need to pay more attention to your children: some troubles may happen to them.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a bracelet mean in a dream?

  • Have you seen the bracelet, it can be interpreted different ways. Just seeing a bracelet means that in reality you should be careful not to fall into a trap, a trap that has already been prepared for you.
  • Seeing a bracelet on your own hand means you have every chance of getting involved in a major scandal.
  • If in a dream you received a bracelet as a gift from someone, it means that a secret love affair awaits you, which for some reason you do not want to make public.
  • If you dreamed of not one bracelet, but several, the dream has a very good value, he promises you wealth and joy.
  • Seeing a broken bracelet means tender affection in reality.
  • Very good dream, in which you give a bracelet to a person. He promises you a quick marriage.
  • Seeing that you are buying a bracelet in a dream means that in reality you may become dependent on another person - financially or emotionally.
  • Selling a bracelet in a dream is a bad omen, indicating that you are in danger of ruin. Try to manage your finances more wisely.
  • It is a bad sign if you dreamed that you lost your bracelet. This is a warning that very soon your joy will be replaced by deep sadness.

The meaning of sleep about Wrist Decoration(Love dream book)

  • You see a bracelet on your hand, and this is a gift from a loved one, which means it’s time to meet the parents of your betrothed. Everything is going towards the wedding.
  • You lost your bracelet, predicts disappointments and failures, primarily related to love affairs. However, you are obliged to show due prudence, and then the blow will not be so strong and painful, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.
  • Why dream of wearing a bracelet without taking it off - someone is preparing a trap for you or a big scandal.
  • Buying means becoming addicted.
  • Selling means a loss.
  • Breaking is fortunate.
  • Losing means sadness and trouble.
  • Finding a bracelet in a dream means that in reality you will become the owner of significant property.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Bracelet, what does it mean?

  • It is recommended to pay attention to such properties of the bracelet as connection or disconnection. If an unmarried girl sees a bracelet on her hand in a dream, it promises her a quick marriage.
  • Why does a married woman dream of a bracelet? The dream is a harbinger of separation or divorce. Or you should be wary of slander in reality. However, a divorce may take place precisely for this reason.
  • If you dreamed of a broken bracelet, it means separation from your loved one.
  • Another meaning of the Bracelet that you see is receiving material benefits, improving your well-being, wealth.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a bracelet in a dream?

  • If in a dream your loved one gave you a bracelet and you put it on your hand, this is a happy prediction that promises you a quick marriage.
  • To see that you find a bracelet - rejoice: in reality you will probably receive great material assets from someone, perhaps real estate. Perhaps an inheritance awaits you. In any case, your well-being will improve significantly.
  • But losing a bracelet in a dream, especially if the dreamer is a young woman, is a bad sign. He says that an extremely unpleasant situation for you will soon arise in your life. And perhaps not alone.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Bracelet

  • Wearing a beautiful bracelet on your hand means those around you love you, and you take advantage of it too much. Often you begin to demand from them signs of attention that, as it seems to you, they do not give you. In fact, you have a treasure that not everyone has, appreciate it and take care of it. When you lose the love of your loved ones, it will be too late, and only then will you understand what wealth God has rewarded you with.
  • If the bracelet is wooden and also of an original shape, the dream says that the behavior described above is not explained by too much demand, but by the presence of complexes that haunt neither you nor your loved ones.
  • Why dream of a gold bracelet - you live in illusions and too rarely “come down to earth”, which sometimes should be done, otherwise you simply will not be able to navigate the situation.
  • A silver bracelet worn on your wrist reveals that you are a person with a rich imagination, who nevertheless knows perfectly well what he wants from life and from loved ones. Unfortunately, loved ones do not always intend to offer what they want. I'll have to get used to it.
  • Dropping a bracelet in a dream means that soon you will have to make a choice on which not only your future will depend, but also the existence of your friends and loved ones. You need to weigh everything carefully before making a decision, and discretion is your best friend in this matter.
  • To see someone lose a bracelet - a dream foretells a quick resolution of difficult problems. Perhaps it will come true thanks to a person you know. But don’t rely too much on outside help - it’s not always the most reliable; it’s better to rely on your own strengths.
  • Giving a bracelet means that at the moment you feel at the pinnacle of success: you can do everything and everything is within your control, so there is nothing wrong if your generosity makes another person feel good. In fact, your position is the short-lived fruit of your efforts. Be prepared for unexpected blows from the person from whom you least expect a trick, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Esoteric dream book

Bracelet in night dreams

  • To see that you receive a bracelet or beads as a gift, or you find jewelry yourself - the dream warns that someone, providing you with services, has not entirely honest intentions towards you. In this way, this person wants to make you dependent on him, hoping to subsequently use your attitude or feeling of gratitude towards him without interference.
  • If you yourself gave a bracelet to a person, then you have similar intentions towards this person. Or, if we are talking about one of your relatives, you want to completely subordinate this person to your will.
  • Why does a man dream of a bracelet - it is likely that in reality he will soon enter into a very profitable marriage, based solely on calculation. In addition, for a man to see a bracelet, it means improved health and recovery if he is sick.
  • If the dreamer is a woman, the bracelet is a symbol of secret love, a pleasant hobby that will bring her many happy moments.

The meaning of a dream about Jewelry (author of the text - Hubayshi Tiflisi)

  • A gold bracelet predicts that you will become a victim of hatred from a brother or some stranger. If a man dreamed that he had a gold bracelet on his hand, then let him prepare for problems in reality.
  • Silver announces that there will not be so many troubles. Silver bracelet - soon your own daughter (or your sister’s daughter) will get married. If a woman had such a dream, then in reality she will gain wealth, she will have a luxurious wardrobe with many outfits.
  • An iron bracelet that a woman dreams of foreshadows her active support and caring attention from her brother. A broken or lost bracelet predicts the opposite.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Interpretation of sleep Bracelet based on date of birth

  • In the spring, why do you dream about a bracelet - for a quick marriage; losing a bracelet in a dream means deception.
  • In the summer, dreaming of a beautiful bracelet on your hand means that you will be admired by some action of a person close to you.
  • In the fall, why dream that you are given an expensive bracelet with diamonds - this means a happy marriage.
  • In winter, why do you dream of a bracelet - For a man - a marriage of convenience; improved health. For a woman - secret love, pleasant dependence; in the following interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Having seen an expensive piece of jewelry on a hand in a dream, rarely can anyone resist asking the question, what is the meaning of a gold bracelet in a dream? The good news is that in most cases the dream book interprets a bracelet as a really good sign!

If you treat the dream thoroughly, then when interpreting it is important appearance bracelet, the material from which it is made, how it sits on your hand - freely or pulls, under what circumstances you received this jewelry.

Let's take a closer look: why do you dream about a bracelet? What does a dream mean, what does it warn about?


Appearance is of key importance, because it is decoration, which means it should show or tell something with its appearance. A bracelet is a piece of jewelry that can be remembered the first time. The decoration may appear in the form of a simple chain, in the form of a ring, in the form of a snake, or in a twisted patterned openwork.

1. Jewelry made in the form of a chain and ring portends unmarried girls and women will soon get married. And if in a dream your loved one fastens the jewelry on a girl’s hand, then there is no doubt about the meaning of the dream!

2. If the decoration was in the form of a snake, this is a gift of wisdom. A person who is lucky enough to wear a “snake” in a dream will soon commit an act that makes him rethink his life. Wise insight will come.

3. But bracelets with ornate patterns need to be treated with caution. No matter how beautiful the interweaving of gold or silver veins may be, in this case the dream warns of intrigues against you and intrigues.

4. A piece of jewelry that is clean and shining indicates the sincerity of the person who gave you a gift in a dream. Rely on the person you dreamed about - and you are unlikely to regret it.

5. The product is dirty, deformed or scratched - be careful! This is a sign of addiction: bondage, alcohol, drugs, casinos.

If you remember someone who handed you such a bracelet in a dream and recognize this person among your friends, avoid him and try to limit communication with him as much as possible, not to mention any common affairs.

Bracelet material

The material of a piece of jewelry can change the meaning of a dream. Iron, silver and gold are metals that have sacred meaning. – reliability. Silver – purity. Gold is wealth.

1. Iron. This is support and care from a relative or friend. Therefore, in a dream, receiving an iron present is sometimes more necessary than a gold one.

2. Silver. If a sick person dreams of such a thing, then his health will soon improve.

  • If the wrist decoration is with interesting drawings and multi-colored stones, then your imagination will find use.
  • If the silver bracelet has a blackened design, then this is a good sign: an increase in wealth in the family is possible.

3. Gold. A sign of wealth. Stable and successful business. However, beware, if in a dream it turns out that the gold is fake, then in your personal environment there is a person who pretends to be a friend, but his plans are most likely to harm you.

How it sits on your hand

How well a product fits on your hand can indicate how reliable the connection is.

  • If jewel is large and slips - loss is likely (if it is gold - wealth, silver - health, iron - support).
  • If the jewelry on your hand is held freely and does not press, then this is a sign of easy and profitable business.
  • A tight product puts pressure on the hand, which indicates dependence. If in a dream a specific person gives you a tight bracelet, then it makes sense to take a closer look at this person in reality, perhaps he is trying to manipulate you.


The context of the circumstances may indicate the details of the interpretation. If in a dream they give you jewelry and help you put it on your hand.

Find better sign It’s not easy, because he talks about a long and reliable relationship.

  • You dreamed that you found a piece of jewelry for your wrist. Finding is an unexpected profit, or even an accidental business that brings profit.
  • I had a dream that I bought a bracelet. It is possible that you will soon become a parent.
  • Loss of decoration. Such a sign does not bode well for anything - it is a possible break in the relationship.
  • Drop the decoration. Very soon you will have to make a choice that will affect not only you personally, but also those around you.
  • In a dream you are selling jewelry. In reality, do not spend a lot of money, losses are possible.

To find out why a bracelet is dreamed of, you don’t have to guess too much - it won’t take long to find the answer. If you remember what it is made of (gold, silver or iron), remember it exact image and under what circumstances it appeared, then the dream book will explain the bracelet in great detail.

And yet, most often a dream about a bracelet is very good sign. Take the interpretation a little more seriously than just for fun. It is possible that such a dream is news from chance. And the chances in our lives are very pleasant guests.
Author: Igor Vaskin