Analysis of the work “The Wise Minnow” by Saltykov-Shchedrin. The wise minnow

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin - writer, journalist, critic. Literary work combined with public service: V different time Vice-Governor of Ryazan and Tver, headed the State Chambers in the cities of Penza, Tula and Ryazan.

Mikhail Evgrafovich perfectly mastered a formidable weapon - the word. Life observations formed the basis of his creations; from the pen of the genius of journalism, many texts appeared on the topic of the day. Today we will get acquainted with the work that Saltykov created, " The wise minnow". A summary will be presented in this article.


Work " The wise minnow" (V modern interpretation- “The Wise Minnow”), which is included in the cycle “Fairy Tales for Children of considerable age", first published in 1883. It ridicules cowardice and addresses the age-old philosophical question of what is the meaning of life.

Here is summary"The wise minnow." It is worth noting that reading the original will not take much time and will bring a lot of aesthetic pleasure, since it was written by a real master of the word, so do not limit yourself to getting to know the “reworked” work.

Once upon a time there was a gudgeon, he was lucky with his parents, they were smart and gave the right life guidelines. Long years("arid eyelids") they lived, avoiding numerous dangers that may await small representatives underwater world. The father, dying, instructed his son - in order to live a long life, you need to keep your eyes open and not yawn.

The gudgeon himself was not stupid, or rather, he was “smart.” I decided that the surest recipe for longevity is not to provoke trouble, to live without anyone noticing. For a year, he dug a hole with his nose, just large enough for himself to fit in, exercised at night, and at midday, when everyone was full and hiding from the heat, he ran out in search of food. He didn’t get enough sleep at night, the wise minnow wasn’t eating enough, he was afraid... Every day he shook with fear that he would gape and not be able to save his precious life, as his father punished. What did Shchedrin want to say with this work?

"The Wise Minnow": summary - main idea

Having lived “more than a hundred years,” the gudgeon at his deathbed asked himself the question of what would happen if everyone, like him, led a smart life? And he made a disappointing conclusion - the gudgeon race would have been interrupted. No family, no friends... Only impartial epithets: dunce, fool and disgrace - that's all he deserved for his hermit life. He lived and trembled - that's all, not a citizen, a useless unit who only takes up space for nothing... This is how the author spoke about his hero in the text.

The wise gudgeon died, disappeared, and how this happened - whether naturally or who helped, no one noticed, and no one was interested in it.

This is the summary of “The Wise Minnow” - a fairy tale that the author wrote, ridiculing the mores of society of bygone times. But it has not lost its relevance in our time.


Representative of the fishing community main character, having abandoned blessings, left behind him the glory of a trembling creature. The gudgeon, whom the author satirically called wise, chose a meaningless life, filled only with fear and deprivation, and as a result, for a criminally ineffective life lived, punishment followed - death in the insight of his worthlessness and uselessness.

We hope that the summary of “The Wise Minnow” in this presentation will be useful to you.

wise gudgeon, wise gudgeon summary
fairy tale/fable

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Original language: Date of writing:

December 1882 - first half of January 1883

Date of first publication: Publisher:

newspaper "Common Cause" (Geneva)

Text of the work in Wikisource This term has other meanings, see Wise gudgeon.

(in some modern children's publications - “The Wise Minnow”) - satirical tale from the series “Fairy Tales for Children of a Fair Age” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, published in 1883.

  • 1 History of creation and publication
  • 2 Criticism
  • 3 Plot
  • 4 Using an expression
  • 5 Film adaptations
  • 6 Illustrations
  • 7 Notes

History of creation and publication

Written in December 1882 - the first half of January 1883. First published in September 1883 in No. 55 of the emigrant newspaper “Common Cause” (Geneva), p. 2-4, together with the fairy tales “The Selfless Hare” and “The Poor Wolf”, under the editorial heading “Fairy tales for children of a fair age”, without a signature. Russia for the first time - in the journal “Domestic Notes” No. 1, 1884, p. 275-280 (January 16). As a book publication - in the publication of the free hectograph “Public Benefit”, under the general title “Fairy Tales” and under the signature of N. Shchedrin. The Geneva edition was published eight times during 1883 (before the publication of fairy tales in Otechestvennye zapiski) in different formats (six times with an indication of the release date and two times without an indication). The publication was distributed by members of Narodnaya Volya, as evidenced by the seal on a number of surviving copies (“Book Agents of Narodnaya Volya”). One of the editions of the collection with the date of release, unlike all the others, contains only one fairy tale - “The Wise Minnow”.


According to commentators and critics, the tale is dedicated to a satirical criticism of the cowardice and cowardice that took over the public mood of part of the intelligentsia after the defeat of the Narodnaya Volya.

Writer and critic Konstantin Arsenyev noted that the fairy tale “The Wise Minnow” echoes “The Fourth Evening” from “Poshekhonsky Stories”, which appeared in No. 10 of “Domestic Notes” for 1883, where the publicist Kramolnikov denounces liberals hiding from harsh reality in “ holes,” declaring that they would not be able to escape in this way.

Subsequently, on the basis of this similarity and considering its appearance in Russia in January 1884 as the first publication of the fairy tale, the writer Ivanov-Razumnik concluded that the idea of ​​“Gudgeon” was originally expressed in the third Poshekhon “evening”. In reality, Kramolnikov’s speech in “Poshekhonsky Stories” does not foreshadow, but repeats the idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Wise Minnow” that had already been written and published in the foreign “Common Cause.”


A gudgeon lives in the river. His parents lived through Aredian centuries and are dying a natural death. Before his death, the gudgeon's father tells him to always be careful (after all, there is danger everywhere), and he himself almost got caught in the fish soup. The gudgeon decides to dig a small hole for itself so that no one but him can fit there, and never leaves the hole during the day, and at night he briefly crawls out of it to perform night exercise.

Many years pass like this. The gudgeon is afraid of everything and does not crawl out of its hole. One day he sees in a dream how he wins two hundred thousand rubles in the lottery. The gudgeon lives for a hundred years, sick and old, but is glad that he dies like a father and mother. Having fallen asleep, he sees his old ambitious dreams, as if he had won two hundred thousand and was swallowing the pike himself. Falling asleep, the gudgeon forgets itself, its snout crawls out of the hole, and after that the gudgeon inexplicably disappears. The tale ends with the following assumption:

Most likely, he himself died, because what sweetness is it for a pike to swallow a sick, dying gudgeon, and a wise one at that?

Using an Expression

The expression “wise minnow” was used as a common noun, in particular, by V.I. Lenin in the fight against Russian liberals, the former “left Octobrists” who switched to supporting the right-liberal model of constitutional democracy after the dissolution of the Duma of the first convocation by Nicholas II:

Oh, wise minnows of the notorious progressive “intelligentsia”! The defense of the peaceful renovationists by the intellectual radicals, the turn of the central organ of the Cadets party. to peaceful renewal immediately after the instructions about the forms, these are all typical examples of liberal tactics. The government takes one step to the right, and we take two steps to the right! Look - we are again legal and peaceful, tactful and loyal, we will adapt even without forms, we will always adapt in relation to meanness! This seems like realpolitik to the liberal bourgeoisie.

V.I. Lenin, Forgery of the Duma by the government and the tasks of social democracy, 1906, PSS V.I. Lenin, vol. 14, p. 199. Archived from the original on November 21, 2012.

According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions,” Shchedrin, under the guise of a minnow, portrayed the Russian liberal intelligentsia, concerned only with survival; in an ironic and allegorical sense, the expression is used to mean: a conformist person, a socially or politically passive cowardly person who elevates his conformism to the rank of philosophy.

Film adaptations

In 1979, director V. Karavaev released a cartoon of the same name based on the fairy tale (Soyuzmultfilm studio, duration 9 minutes 23 seconds).


The tale has been illustrated many times, incl. such artists as Kukryniksy (1939), Yu. Severin (1978), M. Skobelev and A. Eliseev (1973)


Wikiquote has a page on the topic
  1. 1 2 According to 19th-century spelling standards, the word “minnow” in this tale traditionally written with “i” - “p” And scare", including in modern academic (with commentary) publications by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Some children's illustrated non-academic publications name the main character according to modern standards- "P e scarce."
  2. 1 2 3 Comments by V. N. Baskakov, A. S. Bushmin on the publication: M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales. Motley letters // Collected works in twenty volumes. - Volume 16. - Book 1. - P. 425-435.
  3. K. K. Arsenyev. Saltykov-Shchedrin. St. Petersburg, 1906, p. 218-219.
  4. M. E. Saltykov (Shchedrin). Soch., vol. V. M. - L., GIZ, 1927, p. 496-497.
  5. Quote according to the commentary of T. Sumarokova in: Saltykov-Shchedrin, M. E. History of a city; Fairy tales / Preface. Yu. Kozlovsky; Comment. T. Sumarokova; Il A. Samokhvalova. - M.: Pravda, 1984. - 400 pp., ill. - P. 395.
  6. The instructions of the tsarist government prohibiting the issuance of election forms to unlegalized parties were introduced after the dissolution of the Duma of the first convocation by Nicholas II.
  7. The wise gudgeon // encyclopedic Dictionary catchwords and expressions / comp. Vadim Serov. - M.: “Locked-Press”, 2003..
  8. Kukryniksy, illustration for the fairy tale The Wise Minnow. Archived from the original on November 21, 2012.
  9. The Wise Minnow, 1978
  10. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The wise minnow." Drawings by M. Skobelev and A. Eliseev. Ed. "Children's Literature", M. - 1973

wise gudgeon, wise gudgeon summary, wise gudgeon read

Wise minnow Information About

Saltykov-Shchedrin M., fairy tale "The Wise Minnow"

Genre: satirical tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow" and their characteristics

  1. The wise minnow. Stupid, timid, useless. He wished well to no one, no one remembered him.
  2. Minnow parents. Smart, careful, taught by bitter experience.
  3. Other fish. Pike, crayfish.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow"
  1. Father's advice
  2. How the father got caught in the net.
  3. How my father avoided fish soup
  4. New hole and life plan
  5. The gudgeon follows the plan
  6. Dream about two hundred thousand
  7. Crayfish and pike
  8. Centennial anniversary
  9. Reasoning about gender
  10. Who will remember him?
  11. Pleasant oblivion
  12. Death of a Minnow
The short summary of the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Father and mother taught the minnow to be careful
  2. My father gave an example of an ear that he almost hit
  3. The gudgeon decided to hollow out a hole and leave it only at night and at lunchtime
  4. Neither crayfish nor pike caught the gudgeon and he lived for more than a hundred years.
  5. The gudgeon began to regret that no one respects or loves him
  6. He had a pleasant dream, he leaned out of the hole and died.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow"
You need to live doing good and bringing benefit, so that people have something to remember about you.

What does the fairy tale “The Wise Minnow” teach?
The fairy tale teaches people not to be afraid of difficulties and dangers. Teaches you to live boldly and confidently. Teaches you to do good to people. Teaches you to be useful. Teaches you to continue your family line. Teaches that long life not a guarantee of a useful life. Teaches you to take risks, lead an active lifestyle, and enjoy life.

Review of the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow"
This is a very edifying story. The gudgeon thought only that no one would eat him; he trembled and was afraid all his life. And it turned out that although he lived for more than a hundred years, he only real life I haven't seen it. He has nothing to remember before dying, only his own fears. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow"
To be afraid of wolves, not to go into the forest.
A timid person is afraid of his own shadow.
You can’t see two deaths, but you can’t avoid one.
You live once, not later, but now.
He who loves people is loved by life.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Wise Minnow"
The gudgeon's father and mother were smart. They advised the gudgeon to live carefully so as not to get caught in the teeth of pike and other predators.
And the gudgeon began to scatter with its mind. He sees that he gets swear words everywhere. Big fish can swallow it. The gudgeon is also offended by his brother - as soon as he catches a mosquito, the whole herd rushes to take it away.
And man is generally a terrible creature. How many different devices for killing he invented! Seines, nets, nets, fishing rods.
My father especially warned me about oud. Although he almost hit himself in the ear.
At that time, fishermen caught fish with a seine. And the minnow was hooked. He feels that he is being pulled somewhere. Then they pulled him out of the water, and the gudgeon father immediately became soft in the heat. All you can see is a fire, and something black bubbling on the cauldron. And they put fish in it - they make fish soup.
But the father gudgeon was lucky then. They released him for a little.
And so the gudgeon decided to follow the advice of his parents and his own reasoning. And the first thing he did was to dig out a comfortable and deep hole for himself. And secondly, I decided to go out for exercise only at night, when all the fish are sleeping. And in order to get food and drink, run out for half an hour at lunchtime, when the other fish are already full.
And so the gudgeon began to live. During the day he trembled and at night he exercised. At lunchtime it will jump out, swallow some water and return to its burrow.
One day the minnow dreamed that he had won a winning ticket. So he leaned out of the hole almost half his muzzle, and there was just a little brother sitting there. I would have gotten there.
Another time, the crayfish settled down opposite the hole and began to guard the gudgeon. But the gudgeon is cunning; it sat in the hole all day. And another time, too, when a pike was guarding him.
So the gudgeon lived for more than a hundred years, and every day he trembled, and every day he thought that thank God he was still alive. He didn’t have a family or children.
And now the pikes began to praise him for his prudence, but with a selfish goal. They thought to lure the minnow out with flattery. But the cunning gudgeon did not give in.
Several more years passed. The gudgeon began to die, but suddenly a thought came to his mind. That if all minnows lived like he did, their race would have ended long ago.
The minnow felt sorry for his worthless life. I wanted to crawl out of the hole for the last time, but I got scared and trembled. His whole life flashed before the gudgeon. He realized that he had brought no benefit, had not said a kind word to anyone, and no one would remember him.
No one comes to him for advice on how to live a hundred years, no one even calls him wise. Only a dunce. And the gudgeon began to forget himself, but in his oblivion he only saw that same pleasant dream that he won two hundred thousand, but grew by half a darshin, so that he could swallow a pike himself.
And little by little the gudgeon began to crawl out of the hole, but suddenly disappeared. Either a pike gobbled it up, or cancer, or he just died. After all, what pike would want to swallow a dying gudgeon, and a wise one at that?

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Wise Minnow"

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Summary: Main character fairy tale story The wise gudgeon is trying to save his existence and his life at any possible cost. He is afraid of everything in the world, hides from everyone, from large and small fish, colorful crayfish, tiny water fleas and, of course, from humans. From a very young age, he often listened to stories from his father about the cruelty and deceit of man. They can put a worm, fly or other bait on their fishing rod, or they can stretch a large and long net along the entire river, thereby scooping into it all living things that fall into these nets.
I thought long and hard about compiling and writing a gudgeon for myself about how it is possible to avoid this or that trick and danger. He made such a narrow hole for himself that no one but himself could get into it. I decided to leave the hole and look for food only at night or during the day, when life near the river freezes a little and calms down. He often dreamed that he won a lot of money and grew up a lot, that even the insidious and large toothy pike was not scary and dangerous for him. So a hundred years passed. By his old age, he had not started a family, he had no friends, no children. The author censures this main character, since his whole life was useless and could not bring any benefit to anyone and could not make his kind of minnows a little more perfect. You can read the fairy tale The Wise Minnow online for free on our website here. You can listen to it in audio recording. Leave your reviews and comments.

Text of the fairy tale The Wise Minnow

Once upon a time there lived a minnow. Both his father and mother were smart; Little by little, the arid eyelids lived in the river and did not get caught either in the fish soup or in the pike. They ordered the same for my son. “Look, son,” said the old gudgeon, dying, “if you want to chew on life, then keep your eyes open!”

And the young minnow had a mind. He began to use this mind and saw: no matter where he turned, he was cursed. All around, in the water, everything big fish they swim, and he is the least of them all; Any fish can swallow him, but he cannot swallow anyone. And he doesn’t understand: why swallow? A cancer can cut it in half with its claws, a water flea can bite into its spine and torture it to death. Even his brother the gudgeon, and when he sees that he has caught a mosquito, the whole herd will rush to take it away. They’ll take it away and start fighting with each other, only they’ll crush a mosquito for nothing.

And the man? - what kind of malicious creature is this! No matter what tricks he came up with in order to destroy him, the minnow, in vain! And the seine, and the nets, and the tops, and the net, and, finally... the fishing rod! It seems that what could be more stupid than oud? A thread, a hook on a thread, a worm or a fly on a hook... And how are they put on? In a most, one might say, unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is on the fishing rod that most gudgeons are caught!

His old father warned him more than once about uda. “Most of all, beware of the oud! - he said, - because even though this is the stupidest projectile, but with us minnows, what is stupid is more accurate. They will throw a fly at us, as if they want to take advantage of us; If you grab it, it’s death in a fly!”

The old man also told how he once almost hit his ear. At that time they were caught by a whole artel, the net was stretched across the entire width of the river, and they were dragged along the bottom for about two miles. Passion, how many fish were caught then! And pikes, and perches, and chubs, and roaches, and char - even lazy bream were lifted from the mud from the bottom! And we lost count of the minnows. And what fears he, the old gudgeon, suffered while he was being dragged along the river - this cannot be told in a fairy tale, nor can I describe it with a pen. He feels that he is being taken, but he doesn’t know where. He sees that he has a pike on one side and a perch on the other; he thinks: just about now, either one or the other will eat him, but they don’t touch him... “There was no time for food at that time, brother!” Everyone has one thing on their mind: death has come! But no one understands how and why she came.

Finally they began to close the wings of the seine, dragged it to the shore and began to throw fish from the reel into the grass. It was then that he learned what ukha was. Something red flutters on the sand; gray clouds run upward from him; and it was so hot that he immediately became limp. It’s already sickening without water, and then they give in... He hears “bonfire,” they say. And on the “bonfire” something black is placed on this, and in it the water, like in a lake, shakes during a storm. This is a “cauldron”, they say. And in the end they began to say: put fish in the “cauldron” - there will be “fish soup”! And they started throwing our brother there. A fisherman will sear a fish - it will first plunge, then jump out like crazy, then plunge again - and become quiet. “Uhi” means she tasted it. They kicked and kicked at first indiscriminately, and then one old man looked at him and said: “What good is he, a kid, for fish soup! Let it grow in the river!” He took him by the gills and let him into free water. And he, don’t be stupid, goes home with all his might! He came running, and his minnow was looking out of the hole, neither alive nor dead...

And what! No matter how much the old man explained at that time what fish soup was and what it consisted of, however, even when brought into the river, rarely did anyone have a sound understanding of fish soup!

But he, the gudgeon-son, perfectly remembered the teachings of the gudgeon-father, and even reeled it into his mustache. He was an enlightened minnow, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that living life is not like licking a whorl. “You have to live so that no one notices,” he said to himself, “or else you’ll just disappear!” - and began to get settled. First of all, I came up with a hole for myself so that he could climb into it, but no one else could get in! He dug this hole with his nose for a whole year, and during that time he took on so much fear, spending the night either in the mud, or under the water burdock, or in the sedge. Finally, however, he dug it out to perfection. Clean, neat - just enough for one person to fit in. The second thing, about his life, he decided this way: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping, he will exercise, and during the day he will sit in a hole and tremble. But since he still needs to drink and eat, and he doesn’t receive a salary and doesn’t keep servants, he will run out of the hole around noon, when all the fish are already full, and, God willing, maybe he’ll provide a booger or two. And if he doesn’t provide, he will lie down in a hole hungry and tremble again. For it is better not to eat or drink than to lose life with a full stomach.

That's what he did. At night I did exercise, in moonlight He swam, and during the day he climbed into a hole and trembled. Only at noon will he run out to grab something - but what can you do at noon! At this time, a mosquito hides under a leaf from the heat, and a bug buries itself under the bark. Absorbs water - and the Sabbath!

He lies in the hole day and day, doesn’t get enough sleep at night, doesn’t finish eating, and still thinks: “Does it seem like I’m alive? Oh, will there be something tomorrow?

He falls asleep, sinfully, and in his sleep he dreams that he has winning ticket and he won two hundred thousand with it. Not remembering himself with delight, he will turn over on the other side - lo and behold, half of his snout has stuck out of the hole... What if at that time the little puppy was nearby! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

One day he woke up and saw: a crayfish was standing right opposite his hole. He stands motionless, as if bewitched, his bony eyes staring at him. Only the whiskers move as the water flows. That's when he got scared! And for half a day, until it got completely dark, this cancer was waiting for him, and meanwhile he kept trembling, still trembling.

Another time, he had just managed to return to the hole before dawn, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep - he looked, out of nowhere, a pike was standing right next to the hole, clapping its teeth. And she also guarded him all day, as if she had had enough of him alone. And he fooled the pike: he didn’t come out of the bark, and it was a sabbath.

And this happened to him more than once, not twice, but almost every day. And every day he, trembling, won victories and victories, every day he exclaimed: “Glory to you, Lord! Alive!

But this is not enough: he did not marry and had no children, although his father had big family. He reasoned like this: “Father could have lived by joking! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perches did not covet us small fry. And although once he was about to get caught in the ear, there was an old man who rescued him! And now, as the fish in the rivers have increased, the gudgeons are in honor. So there’s no time for family here, but how to just live on your own!”

And the wise gudgeon lived in this way for more than a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. He has no friends, no relatives; neither he is to anyone, nor anyone is to him. He doesn’t play cards, doesn’t drink wine, doesn’t smoke tobacco, doesn’t chase hot girls—he just trembles and thinks only one thing: “Thank God! Looks like he's alive!

Even the pikes, in the end, began to praise him: “If only everyone lived like this, the river would be quiet!” But they said it on purpose; they thought that he would recommend himself for praise - here, they say, I am! Then bang! But he did not succumb to this trick either, and once again, with his wisdom, he defeated the machinations of his enemies.

How many years have passed since the hundred years is unknown, only the wise gudgeon began to die. He lies in a hole and thinks: “Thank God, I’m dying by my own death, just like my mother and father died.” And then he remembered the pike’s words: “If only everyone lived like this wise minnow lives...” Well, really, what would happen then?

He began to think about the mind that he had, and suddenly it was as if someone whispered to him: “After all, this way, perhaps, the entire piscary race would have died out long ago!”

Because, to continue the gudgeon family, first of all you need a family, and he doesn’t have one. But this is not enough: in order for the gudgeon family to strengthen and prosper, for its members to be healthy and vigorous, it is necessary that they are raised in their native element, and not in a hole where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that the minnows receive sufficient nutrition, so that they do not alienate the public, share bread and salt with each other and borrow virtues and other excellent qualities from each other. For only such a life can improve the gudgeon breed and will not allow it to be crushed and degenerate into smelt.

Those who think that only those minnows can be considered worthy citizens who, mad with fear, sit in holes and tremble, believe incorrectly. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless minnows. They give no one warmth or cold, no honor, no dishonor, no glory, no infamy... they live, take up space for nothing and eat food.

All this seemed so clearly and clearly that suddenly a passionate hunt came to him: “I’ll crawl out of the hole and swim like a goldeneye across the entire river!” But as soon as he thought about it, he became frightened again. And he began to die, trembling. He lived - he trembled, and he died - he trembled.

His whole life flashed before him instantly. What joys did he have? Who did he console? Who did you give good advice to? To whom kind word said? Whom did you shelter, warm, protect? Who has heard of him? Who will remember its existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: “No one, no one.”

He lived and trembled - that's all. Even now: death is on his nose, and he is still trembling, he doesn’t know why. In his hole it is dark, cramped, there is nowhere to turn, not a ray of sunlight can look in, and there is no smell of warmth. And he lies in this damp darkness, blind, exhausted, useless to anyone, lying and waiting: when will starvation finally free him from a useless existence?

He can hear other fish scurrying past his hole - perhaps, like him, gudgeons - and not one of them takes an interest in him. Not a single thought will come to mind: “Let me ask the wise minnow, how did he manage to live for more than a hundred years, and not be swallowed by a pike, not crushed by a crayfish with his claws, not caught by a fisherman with a hook?” They swim past, and maybe they don’t even know that in this hole the wise gudgeon completes its life process!

And what’s most offensive is that I haven’t even heard anyone call him wise. They simply say: “Have you heard about the dunce who doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t see anyone, doesn’t share bread and salt with anyone, and only saves his hateful life?” And many even simply call him a fool and a disgrace and wonder how the water tolerates such idols.

He thus scattered his mind and dozed off. That is, it wasn’t just that he was dozing, but that he had already begun to forget. Death whispers rang in his ears, and languor spread throughout his body. And here he had the same seductive dream. It’s as if he won two hundred thousand, grew by as much as half an arshin and swallows the pike himself.

And while he was dreaming about this, his snout, little by little, came out of the hole entirely and stuck out.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether the pike swallowed him, whether the crayfish was crushed with a claw, or he himself died of his own death and floated to the surface - there were no witnesses to this case. Most likely, he himself died, because what sweetness is it for a pike to swallow a sick, dying gudgeon, and what’s more, a “wise” one?

Listen to the fairy tale The Wise Minnow online

Watch the fairy tale The Wise Minnow online

At the very difficult years reaction and strict censorship, which created simply unbearable conditions for its continuation literary activity, Saltykov-Shchedrin found a brilliant way out of this situation. It was at that time that he began to write his works in the form of fairy tales, which allowed him to continue the flagellation of vices Russian society despite the fury of censorship.

Fairy tales became a kind of economical form for the satirist, which allowed him to continue the themes of his past. Hiding the true meaning of what was written from the censor, the writer used Aesopian language, grotesque, hyperbole and antithesis. In fairy tales for “a fair age,” Saltykov-Shchedrin, as before, spoke about the plight of the people and ridiculed their oppressors. Bureaucrats, pompadour mayors and other unpleasant characters appear in fairy tales in the images of animals - an eagle, a wolf, a bear, etc.

“He lived and trembled, and he died - he trembled”

According to the spelling norms of the 19th century, the word “minnow” was written with an “and” - “minnow”.
One of these works is the textbook tale “The Wise Minnow,” written by Saltykov-Shchedrin in 1883. The plot of the fairy tale, which tells about the life of the most ordinary minnow, is known to any educated person. Having a cowardly character, the gudgeon leads a secluded life, tries not to stick out of its hole, flinches from every rustle and flickering shadow. This is how he lives until his death, and only at the end of his life does he realize the worthlessness of his so miserable existence. Before his death, questions arise in his mind regarding his entire life: “Whom did he regret, who did he help, what did he do that was good and useful?” The answers to these questions lead the gudgeon to rather sad conclusions: that no one knows him, no one needs him, and it’s unlikely that anyone will remember him at all.

In this story, the satirist clearly reflects the morals of modern petty-bourgeois Russia in caricature form. The image of a minnow has absorbed all the unpleasant qualities of a cowardly, self-contained man in the street, constantly shaking for his own skin. “He lived and trembled, and he died - he trembled” - this is the moral of this satirical tale.

The expression “wise minnow” was used as a common noun, in particular, by V.I. Lenin in the fight against liberals, former “left Octobrists” who switched to supporting the right-liberal model of constitutional democracy.

Reading the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin is quite difficult; some people still cannot understand the deep meaning that the writer puts into his works. The thoughts expressed in the tales of this talented satirist are still relevant today in Russia, mired in a series of social problems.