Compote of wild pears for the winter. Compote from wild pears for the winter: a recipe for delicious compote from whole pears without sterilization

Among the wide variety of canned drinks, pear compote is the tastiest. It should be prepared on an “industrial scale”, because it is always drunk first. During the season of pear abundance, you have a great opportunity to preserve such a compote.

It takes 1 hour to prepare such preservation, and from the ingredients listed here you get 3 liters of compote.


  • pears – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 2.7 l.

Cooking recipe

1. For compote, you should purchase the juiciest variety of pears you can find. The more juice the fruits release, the richer the drink will be. You should give preference to strong pears so that they do not become mushy during the cooking process. The fruits must be ripe, beautiful and without significant flaws.

2. Cut the pears into quarters. Remove any remaining seed pockets and fruit stems. If the pear flesh begins to darken, it should be sprinkled with a small amount of lemon juice.

3. Cut the pear pieces into thin slices. Place them in an enamel bowl. You can use a regular pan for cooking compote (but only with enamel).

4. Cover the crushed fruits with sugar. You can completely adjust its quantity to your own taste. Don't be afraid to miss proportions. If you give too little sugar, the compote can be boiled with an additional portion after opening. If there is too much of it, dilute the drink with boiled water.

5. Pour water over the pears with sugar. Stir everything with a wooden spatula to dissolve the sugar.

6. Place the bowl over medium heat. Bring the compote to a boil. Boil pears in syrup for 15 minutes. If you have chosen a hard variety of fruit for the compote, you can prepare the drink for 20 minutes.

7. Treat the jar and lid with soda. Then rinse everything with water. Sterilize the neck of the container with boiling water. Boil the lid in water for a couple of minutes. Carefully fill the jar with pear pieces. Pour in half the hot compote (so that the container does not burst).

8. Fill the jar with compote to the brim. If there is not enough syrup, add boiling water. The container must be well filled for the compote to sterilize inner side covers. Seal the jar hermetically with a key for preservation. Turn over and cover with a blanket. Allow the canned compote to cool completely.

If properly organized allows you to consume fresh fruit until spring, then pears, as a rule, do not last that long. But preservation of compotes can correct such an unpleasant fact. For this purpose, select only ripe and dense fruits. They should not have rotten parts, broken barrels or other defects. Large fruits can be cut into halves or quarters, removing the seed capsule and stem, while small fruits can be left whole. If the fruit has a very thick skin, it is better to cut it off. You can use a potato peeler for this. It will help remove the “skin” very thinly, preserving all the aromatic pulp.

Peeled pears cannot be stored just like that - they will quickly darken. You need to put them in a bowl of water, acidified with a teaspoon of citric acid. Or you can simply sprinkle the peeled fruits with lemon juice diluted in water - 1 part juice is enough for 4 parts water. However, it is better to provide everything you need in advance and not delay processing - these fruits spoil quite quickly.

The pear itself is a very sweet fruit. Don't go overboard with sugar, just a little is needed. If you like rich compotes, then add more than half the jar of pears, then the taste will be very bright. And for compotes for every day, it is enough to fill one third with fruit.

There is always not enough time for household chores, so you will probably need the most simple recipes how to cook. Based on three liter jar you will need 1.4 kilograms of pears, 100 grams of sugar, 3 liters of water, a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Wash the pears thoroughly and place them in a saucepan. Cover the fruit completely with water and let it boil. Boil for fifteen minutes over slightly reduced heat, then remove the fruit from the pan and let it cool slightly. Then put them in an already clean, sterilized jar.

Add citric acid and sugar to the water used for cooking. Boil the resulting syrup until the added ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the hot syrup over the pears you placed in the jar. Roll up the sterilized lid and place it upside down, wrap it in a blanket and wait for it to cool completely. That’s the whole recipe, thanks to which pear compote for the winter will become a constant delicacy for everyone at home.

Compote of pears with vanilla is very original recipe, the highlight of which is its sour-sweet taste and wonderful aroma. This compote can be used as a ready-made drink for the holiday table.

To prepare it for two or three liter jars you need 2 kilograms of pears, 5-6 liters of water, half a kilogram of sugar, 4 grams of citric acid, a third of a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Cooking will take you very little time. First, prepare the syrup by mixing the specified amount of regular and vanilla sugar and citric acid in water. Dip whole or chopped pears into the syrup boiling on the stove. Let them boil again, only then reduce the heat. The fruits should boil for about 10–15 minutes. When you pierce them with a fork, they should crackle slightly - this is a sure sign of readiness.

Then remove the blanched fruit from the pan. Place them in jars that are already clean and sterilized. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and let it boil again. Pour syrup over fruits in jars and seal them with sterilized lids. You should additionally “boil” the jars in boiling water for 20 minutes. Afterwards, all that remains is to put the jars in a warm place, wrap them in a blanket and look forward to how the guests at your table will enjoy this treat. And don’t forget to make sure that the harvest of these fruits pleases you next year.

It’s rare that anyone makes pear compote. Most often the choice falls on apples and various berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, cherries and so on. But these people cannot even imagine how tasty the pear drink is. And if you belong to this category of people, we advise you to fix this as soon as possible.

We will be preparing several versions of compotes. It will be with spices, with honey, with apples, with citric acid. We will also show you how to cook and close the compote different methods. All this is very easy, very simple and definitely requires your attention. If you cook it, you won't regret it!

General cooking principles

The good thing about pears is that you can choose them even unripe. They can sit in the refrigerator or fruit basket for several days to “finish.” The main thing is not to choose overripe fruits. Such fruits will be soft inside. They are very good for consumption right away, but not for compote.

We advise you to buy pears at the market from those people who show that they are selling their own, homemade and real. Most often these are older people who grow everything natural. Plus, they can give you a try. The pear should be sweet and aromatic. If the fruit does not smell of anything, it means it was grown with preservatives. And its taste will be the same as its aroma.

The peel of pears must be smooth and matte. There are no traces of impacts, stains, scratches, cracks or other defects that will quickly ruin your compote. The product you buy for pawning must be perfect!

Classic pear compote

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

The classics are always loved by everyone. That is why we could not deprive you of such a recipe. Everything is simple here - three ingredients and a delicious pear compote is ready.

How to cook:

Tip: You can use towels, blankets or even warm sweaters as a warm place.

Winter drink without sterilization

This quick way preparing pear compote, since there is no need to sterilize jars filled with compote. Imagine how many extra liters you can close by saving this time.

How much time - 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 23 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pears thoroughly and place them in a saucepan;
  2. Pour water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  3. Cook for fifteen minutes;
  4. When time will pass, transfer the fruits to pre-washed and sterilized jars;
  5. Add sugar to the pear “broth” and stir;
  6. When the syrup is obtained (that is, the sugar has dissolved), pour it over the pears;
  7. Immediately roll up the jars with sterilized lids and put them “under a fur coat”.

Tip: containers with compote must be turned over so that the hot air separating the compote and the lid does not tear off these very lids.

Fruit compote with an unusual preservative

We will prepare pear compote with a unique preservative - citric acid. This is what will help the drink last as long as possible and become even tastier.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 64 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pears, peel them if desired and you can cut them or leave them whole;
  2. Fill the selected jars with them up to the “hangers”;
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil;
  4. Add sugar and, stirring, dissolve it;
  5. When this goal is achieved, boil the syrup for at least another 3-5 minutes;
  6. Pour over the pears and cover them with lids, let sit for five minutes;
  7. After this, pour the syrup back into the pan, bring to a boil again and pour over the pears again;
  8. When the next five minutes have passed, pour the syrup into the same bowl;
  9. Put on fire, add citric acid and boil everything again;
  10. Pour syrup over the pears and roll up the lids.

Tip: Instead of sugar, you can use honey to get unusual taste.

Delicious wild fruit drink

If you have a wild pear growing in your garden, you are lucky! You can also make an excellent drink from this fruit. Everything is as simple as in classic recipe, only the main ingredient has changed slightly in size. Follow us, it will be delicious.

How long is it - 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 26 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pears, put them in pre-washed and sterilized jars;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove to bring to a boil;
  3. After this, fill the jars with boiling water, cover with lids and leave for half an hour;
  4. When time has passed, pour the water back into the saucepan;
  5. Add sugar and boil again, bringing the water to syrup;
  6. Boil the syrup for five minutes;
  7. Pour into the pears and this time roll up the lids and put the compote in a warm place.

Tip: add a vanilla pod cut lengthwise to the jar of compote. You will be surprised by the results you get in a few months.

Honey-fruit delight

We will prepare a drink from pears, in which we replace sugar with honey. In this version, the compote gets an unusual taste, the same aroma and much more more benefit. Join us!

How long is it - 1 hour and 10 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 60 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pears, cut each fruit in half to remove the core;
  2. Cut the fruit into slices using a sharp knife;
  3. Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice from one half;
  4. Combine juice with half water;
  5. Place the pears into the resulting solution and let stand for at least five minutes;
  6. When time has passed, transfer the slices into previously prepared jars;
  7. Pour the remaining water into the saucepan and let it boil;
  8. At this point, add honey and let it dissolve for 5-7 minutes;
  9. Pour the resulting sweet water over the pears and place the jars in a saucepan;
  10. Pour water up to the shoulders and let it boil, then sterilize for fifteen minutes;
  11. After this, roll up the lids and put the jars of compote in a warm place upside down.

Tip: use natural honey, not store-bought honey, which is prepared without the participation of bees, to get the maximum benefit from the drink.

Drink with added spice

A very unusual pear compote, to which we suggest adding vanilla sugar. This will give the drink a sweet taste and an unforgettable aroma. Rest assured, this compote will become your favorite!

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 38 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add vanilla sugar, citric acid and sugar;
  2. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat for two hundred minutes until it boils;
  3. Boil the finished syrup for five minutes, stirring it;
  4. Wash and peel the pears, remove the cores;
  5. Place the halves into the boiling syrup and bring to a boil;
  6. From this point on, cook for no more than a quarter of an hour;
  7. After this, transfer the pears to a previously prepared, washed and sterilized jar;
  8. Strain the syrup from the saucepan and pour it there;
  9. Place the jars in a saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with a cloth;
  10. Pour water up to the shoulders and bring to a boil, sterilize;
  11. After that, roll them up and put them “under a fur coat”.

Tip: Vanilla sugar can be replaced with a vanilla bean.

Apple and pear compote in jars

We suggest preparing this recipe for those who really love fruits. There will be not only pears, but also apples. It's very tasty and sweet, it's healthy, try it.

How long is it - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 127 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, peel and cut each into eight pieces;
  2. Be sure to cut out the core from each slice;
  3. Next, place them in a bowl, cover with cold water and add a little citric acid;
  4. Wash and peel the pears, cut into slices and remove the cores;
  5. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add about two glasses of water, put on the stove;
  6. Bring it all to a boil over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves;
  7. When the syrup begins to boil, place the pear and apples there;
  8. Cook for about fifteen minutes until the fruit becomes more or less soft;
  9. Next, you can add a little citrus juice or zest to taste;
  10. Pour the finished compote into washed jars and roll up.

Tip: If your pears are sweet enough, use tart apples for a harmonious taste.

To give the compote a more than unusual taste, we recommend using various additives in the form of spices. This could be nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods, star anise or cardamom pods. Just imagine this taste and aroma!

By the way, there are also some secrets about the aroma. You can add the secret ingredients that we will offer you directly to the finished compote, and then immediately roll it up. They will not affect the taste of the drink in any way, but will leave their aroma. These are bananas, persimmons and pomegranates.

To get a healthier drink, we recommend replacing sugar with honey. But here it is worth remembering that at high temperatures this product loses absolutely all its benefits. So you need to add honey to a jar that already has berries, boiling water, and they have been standing for two to three minutes. After this, you can roll up the containers.

When you put the jars away, they must be turned upside down. This is necessary so that the hot steam that forms between the lid and the compote does not tear off these same lids.

As a “fur coat” you can use not only warm blankets, it can also be towels, sweaters, jackets - any clothes that are warm and voluminous so that you can cover more than one can.

When you prepare this compote, do not forget to pour yourself at least half a glass to try what you get. Just do not share with other family members, otherwise they will force you to open all the jars before it has cooled down.

Summer is the time to take care of delicious and at the same time useful preparations capable of delighting the whole family and their friends during the cold season. The standard set of fruits and berries can always be diversified and get an unsurpassed taste. Pear is one of those fruits that people rarely pay attention to for canning, and in vain. The wealth of vitamins and minerals, when properly preserved, is simply amazing. There is a sufficient amount of sugar in it, and there is little acid that leads to spoilage of the product. As a result, an ideal option and a whole field for experimentation.

Before seaming, you should choose the most suitable fruits. Under no circumstances should you choose overripe fruits: they will increase the likelihood of fermentation and rapid spoilage of the drink. The same applies to damaged areas - if there are no options, then the bad areas must be carefully disposed of.

Small, firm pears can be used whole. Sometimes you don’t even have to remove the stalk. Such foresight will help, in addition to compote, to enjoy juicy pulp. And it is very tasty. Large fruits should be thoroughly cleaned of entrails and seeds should not be allowed to get in. The hard peel should be carefully peeled, as it can impart a slight tartness. And this is in no way suitable.

The pleasant color of the pear, even in compote, can be preserved if initially, after processing, the fruit is poured with cold water with the addition of citric acid. It is not recommended to soak fruits for more than half an hour. This can lead to loss of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, having given the pear the required color, you should start preparing the syrup. In this case, you should focus on taste qualities fetus The sweeter they are, the less sugar you need.

Some people think that the color of pear compote is not beautiful. In this case, no one forbids experimenting with brighter berries. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, rowan, plums will perfectly complement the drink and give it a rich taste. And there is no need to talk about how many additional vitamins they will give to the seamer.

Valuable properties of compote

Very often, this drink is used to cleanse the body and suppress various infections. It is useful to drink for colds and ailments. In addition, its diuretic effect is excellent. Those seeking to cleanse the body of excess and at the same time relieve the kidneys and liver can take this property into account. The circulatory system will also say “thank you” for such unloading.

Calorie content

Connoisseurs of slender forms will not ignore the energy value of such a preparation. In general, it does not exceed 65 kcal. But this does not mean that it cannot be reduced through the use of honey in the process of harvesting. This will improve efficiency. But there is no need to overdo it with this delicacy.

The best recipe for pear compote for a 3 liter jar

Who has ever tried to make this drink and failed? At least once the results were disastrous. The standard method is not suitable. Often banks simply explode, and there is no limit to the frustration. In order not to exclude everyone’s favorite roll from the diet, it is worth making a minor trick and then the enthusiastic exclamations of the household will not subside.


  • Pear fruits – 12 pieces.
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams.
  • Sterilized water - 2.5 liters.

Yield: 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Select the fruits carefully: smooth surface and slight sweetness. Rinse. Remove the stem and inner seeds. Carefully divide into small pieces. Soft varieties should be left as quarters. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

2.Add a glass of sugar. The quantity can be varied depending on taste preferences.

3.Pour in water. Place on the fire divider and turn on the gas.

4.As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat. Mix. It is important that the slices do not boil over. The cooking process takes about 15-20 minutes. It all depends on the pear. Prepare a jar with a lid: rinse, grind with baking soda, sterilize for about 20 minutes. Leave to dry with the neck down.

5.Pour the compote into the prepared bowl so that it overflows. Close using the prepared lid. Check if the container is airtight by turning the can over. Place in a cool place with the container upside down. Wrap up.

Literally the next day, a tasty and healthy drink is ready. If you want to taste, you can always do so. Although it is better to enjoy such a rich taste in winter, when its quality will only increase, and sunny fruits will be in short supply.

A simple recipe for pear and apple compote for the winter without sterilization

It would seem, reach out and enjoy the taste of healthy fruits. Those who know a lot about tasty and healthy food will rightfully appreciate the proposed option. Everyone will like this compote. It is rich, tasty and incredibly healthy. And the main thing is that any fruit can be taken from the garden and get the maximum benefit from it, even in winter.


  • Apples - 4 fruits.
  • Pears - 3 fruits.
  • Distilled water – 2.7 liters.
  • Granulated sugar – 220 grams.

Yield: 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare food.

2. Wash the fruits, remove the stalks, seeds and skins.

3. Sterilize the jar well. Dry. Place pre-prepared fruits.

4. Boil water. Pour into a jar of fruit. Cover with a lid. Let it brew.

5.Pour back into the pan using a special lid.

6.Add granulated sugar and make syrup, bringing it to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes.

7.Pour syrup into a jar of fruit.

8.Close the jar using a seaming machine.

9. Turn the compote over and wrap it for a day. Move the basement.

It would seem like a simple drink, but in the cold season everyone will say Thanks a lot for such a tasty and at the same time healthy uzvar preserved from the summer.

Watch our video recipe:

Bon appetit!!!

How to make an assortment of pears, grapes, peaches and oranges

Not only is compote an undeniable storehouse of vitamins, it has a positive effect on many metabolic processes, which means it helps fight various diseases. This glass contains everything that will charge the body with vigor. And even special connoisseurs will appreciate the taste. The proposed option is incredibly interesting because it combines components that grow both at domestic latitudes and those brought from far away. It only benefits from this combination of components.


  • Green pears – 8 fruits.
  • Peaches – 6 medium fruits.
  • Orange - a couple of pieces.
  • Grapes - a bunch.
  • Granulated sugar – 350 grams.
  • Distilled water – 5 liters.

Yield: 6 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Fruits must be taken slightly unripe. This will help avoid overcooking. Rinse thoroughly, remove excess: seeds, stalks, seeds.

2. Divide the grapes into berries.

3. Peel the peaches so that you get four equal slices.

4.Rinse the oranges. Place in boiling water. Take it out and put it in cold water. This will help get rid of the bitter taste. Divide into four wedges, removing the core.

5.Pour water. Boil. Add sugar. Boil the syrup for about 20 minutes.

6. Thoroughly sterilize the jars, dry them, and add fruit.

7.Pour in syrup to the top. It can shimmer. This will prevent air bubbles from getting in.

8.Close the lid using a twist machine. Turn over. Wrap up. The next day, move to a cool place.

Very rich and delicious recipe helping many to survive the winter painlessly with the help of a healthy drink.

Why conservation is not stored and explodes

It is very disappointing when the drink does not wait for the specified hour and simply spoils. Compotes often explode. And in order to prevent such a situation, it is worth following some of the following rules.

  • It is good to wash fruits and remove excess particles to prevent the entry of germs and rot.
  • For canning, use only fresh fruits with thick, undamaged skins.
  • The fruits must undergo sufficient or correct heat treatment.
  • Use only new lids with elastic bands with sufficient elasticity.
  • The twisting machine must be in full working order. This will prevent the appearance of leaky parts and the penetration of air under the cover, resulting in further explosion.
  • The covers should not have a hint of rust or punctures. Otherwise, depressurization cannot be avoided.

Another point that should never be forgotten is the correct and well-sterilized utensils and products used in the process of creating blanks.

  • Each jar must be inspected for chips, cracks, and breaks.
  • Thorough sterilization is the key to the absence of microorganisms.
  • Covers should be checked for rubber bands, chips and rust.
  • Under no circumstances should fruits with rot be used.

Some tricks will help make the drink richer and more delicious. The main thing is to apply them before actual cooking, then the result will be simply amazing.

  • If there are hard fruits, you should boil them a little before putting them in jars. This precaution will help release more vitamins.
  • If the peel has been previously cut, it can serve as an excellent base for syrup. It should be boiled with water and sugar. After this, use a colander to strain out any excess.
  • You should avoid using dishwashing liquid. An ideal result can be achieved by using baking soda. It will not only get rid of germs, but also prevent their further appearance.
  • Using an oven to sterilize jars, you can achieve the desired effect much faster.
  • After twisting, the jars should be checked for bubbles. For these purposes, you just need to turn the jar over. If there are bubbles rising to the top, you should roll the can again. When this does not help, it is recommended to remove the lid and repeat the process of rolling the compote again.
  • If you don't have fresh pears, you can always use drying. However, it is worth taking into account that wild animals are often used to prepare dried fruits. This type of fruit has a special tartness. In order to diversify the taste, you need to add currants or plums. Cherries will not only increase vitamin content, but will also diversify the taste value of the drink by an order of magnitude.

Pear compote is an excellent drink that gives vigor and energy. It is pleasant to drink at any time of the year and get the most from canned fruits. The main thing is to follow all the preparation rules during the process and then the result will be incredibly tasty. Connoisseurs can always add their favorite berries in any quantity. With a little effort, you can enjoy a first-class drink all year round and get everything you need. A little imagination and every day a fragrant compote will be ready for the table! Summer is a time of abundance of fruits, and you can go wild in terms of preparing compotes for the winter. It can be cherry or from ranetki.

Compotes are a piece of summer, rolled into jars by loving hands. Opening a container of fruit drink in winter allows you to fully enjoy it. magical taste and divine aroma. The huge advantage of homemade preparations over store-bought juices or lemonades is their beneficial properties. After all, even after processing, fruits and berries retain many vitamins, which are so necessary during the cold season. What can store-bought drinks boast? Preservatives and dyes. Compotes are especially good for those who have small children. After all, children love sweet drinks so much, but loving parents are unlikely to treat their baby with chemical “cocktails.” If you have never prepared compotes for the winter, then this collection will certainly come in handy. The end of summer is the time for aromatic pears, which make delicious drinks home production. After studying these recipes, you will learn how to preserve pear compote for the winter in pure form, as well as with the addition of other berries and fruits. Believe me, it’s very simple, and most importantly, tasty and healthy!

Pear compote for the winter - a simple preparation option

Today we have pears on our agenda. As you know, they have many varieties and begin to ripen around July and end in late autumn.

If you want to drink delicious pear compote in winter, take care of it in summer.

You won't be disappointed if you use our proven recipe.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter

Ingredients for 3 liters

  • Pears – 1kg;
  • Granulated sugar - to taste (about 12-15 tbsp);
  • Citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • Cherries - several pieces.

From this number of pears we got one 2-liter and one liter jar of a delicious drink called pear compote.

How to prepare delicious pear compote for the winter

There are several ways to prepare this wonderful drink and you will get full information this topic by reading this article.

But, first, we offer you the easiest option for preparing pear compote, so to speak. accelerated method– without sterilization. It was according to this recipe that we prepared our pear compote for the winter.

Which pears to choose for compote

You can make the preparation from different varieties of pears, the main thing is to follow the basic rules.

  1. The fruits should not be soft (overripe), the compote will turn out cloudy and unpresentable, and the pears themselves will definitely lose their shape. It’s not worth taking green fruits, they are tasty, and even more so aromatic compote it won't work. Mature but dense pulp is the key to success!
  2. The pears must not be damaged. Dark spots they talk about fruit disease, it is better not to take them. Pears with wormholes and bruised places are also not suitable; they can only be used for jam or marmalade. Well, it’s better not to use fruits with rotten rot at all!
  3. The size of the fetus does not matter. We cut large and medium ones into halves or quarters (removing the core), and close the small ones entirely.

How to properly close pear compote without sterilization

In our recipe for pear compote we used the fruits of the Forest Beauty variety. They have juicy sweet pulp, bright skin green with a red barrel (if the fruit has ripened in the sun). This type of pear makes just a great drink! So cook it and see for yourself!

Let's start by, as usual, thoroughly washing the containers - jars and lids. After that, steam the jars by inserting boiling water into the neck of a kettle (2 minutes is enough), and boil the lids (1 minute).

Cover the prepared jars with lids and leave for a while.

Then we wash all the fruits to be preserved. Let the water drain and start cutting them. In our case, these will be quarters. Cut the fruit in half, and after halving, divide it into two parts again. Then remove the core with the seeds.

While we are cutting pears, water is already heating up on the stove for compote. We are preparing approximately 2.7 liters, since we have 2 and 1 liter jars, you can safely replace them with a 3 liter jar.

First fill a 2-liter jar with the prepared slices (about 1 third).

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We do the same with a one-liter jar. But here, we wanted to slightly diversify our pear compote and make its color brighter. For this purpose, add a few cherries to the jar. Ultimately, the compote will have a rich pink, and the fruits themselves will acquire an interesting color. Instead of cherries, you can also take black currants.

The jars are filled and we immediately fill them with water, which by this time has already boiled, cover with a lid and leave to steam for 15-20 minutes.

The specified time has passed. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan (one at a time), put citric acid directly into the jar (for 2 liters = 2/3 tsp, for 1 liter = 1/3 tsp).

Add sugar to the drained water to taste (approximately: for 2 liters = 8-9 heaped tablespoons, for 1 liter = 4-5 heaped tablespoons). Let it boil until the sugar dissolves, and then pour it into jars.

For a 3-liter jar of pear compote you will need 12-15 tbsp. sugar or 250-300 grams of sugar, depending on how sweet you want the compote to be.

Roll up the lids, turn over and wrap. We don't bother you for a day. After which we send our pear compote to a secluded place for the winter.

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Other ways to make pear compote

And now, as stated at the beginning, we’ll talk about other options for preparing pear compote.

Firstly, I would like to note that pears go well with various spices: cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom. A light color compote can be shaded using cherries, raspberries, currants, and strawberries as an addition. Pears in compote also go well with apples. And if they have a pronounced sourness, it is not necessary to add citric acid to the compote.

Pear compote with blanching

Cut the pears into slices or halves, remove the core. Make sugar syrup and place the pears in the boiling water, bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and leave the pears to steep for 5-10 minutes.

Remove the pears from the syrup with a slotted spoon, place them in jars, add citric acid, pour boiling syrup over them, roll them up, turn them over, and wrap them.

Pear compote with sterilization

Place the prepared pears in clean jars, 1/3 or half full, add citric acid, pour boiling sugar syrup.

Prepare a deep pan with water, put a napkin on the bottom, heat the water, place a jar of compote in it (the water should only reach the hangers), cover with a lid and wait until bubbles appear in the jar rising up. We sterilize 3-liter jars in this way for 15 minutes, take them out of the water, roll them up, turn them over, and insulate them.

We told you about the main ways to prepare pear compote for the winter. Use the one you like best. You can also prepare mixed pear compotes with other fruits and berries. Imagine!

Pear and plum compote for the winter

Do you know that plum and pear create an amazing composition of taste, color and aroma? These garden fruits complement each other perfectly, so you can use them to make wonderful compotes. The sweetness of the pear, diluted with the acidity of the plum, results in a drink made from these fruits boasting a pleasant taste. The delicate light purple color of the compote pleases the eye, and the amazing aroma warms the soul and lifts the mood. The ease of preparing such a drink is obvious, so if you have plums and pears in the refrigerator, don’t hesitate for a minute! In less than an hour, your pantry will be replenished with a wonderful preparation.


  • Ripe pears – 300 g;
  • Blue plums – 250 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • Citric acid – 0.5 tsp;
  • Drinking water – 3 l.


  1. First of all, prepare the dishes. Wash a 3-liter glass bottle thoroughly with baking soda, and then rinse equally well under high pressure running water. Place the washed container on a clean towel, turning it upside down. Leave to drain excess liquid.
  2. Meanwhile, start preparing the fruit. Rinse the pears and plums thoroughly under running water. Place the fruit in a colander to drain the moisture.

  1. Bring drinking water to a boil in any convenient way.
  2. Remove slightly dried pears from stems and cores, and then cut into large slices. Divide the plums into halves, removing the pits. Place the prepared fruits in a bottle.
  3. Fill the contents of a large jar with boiling water. The liquid should reach the very neck of the bottle.
  4. Scald the new metal lid with boiling water, and then cover the container with the future compote with it.
  5. Leave the fruit in boiling water for 20-30 minutes. This procedure is called blanching and will replace sterilization.
  6. After the specified time, drain the liquid from the bottle into a convenient saucepan. The pieces of fruit should remain in the jar. Re-cover the bottle with the cap.
  7. Place the saucepan with the fruit liquid on the fire. Add granulated sugar. Stir the syrup until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. Bring it to a boil.
  8. Add citric acid to the fruit bottle. Pour boiling syrup into a container.
  9. Cover the bottle with a lid after boiling it in water for about 2-3 minutes.
  10. That's the whole simple recipe for pear compote for the winter. All that remains is to turn the bottle over, wrap it in a blanket and leave the seal until it cools completely, and then move it to the pantry or basement.

Canned pear compote with lemon

This drink has an exquisite tropical taste. Moderate sweetness, slight sourness and unforgettable aroma. What else is needed for real pleasure? Compote of pears for the winter with lemon can be prepared using the first method, that is, the blanching method. But there is another option, which you will learn about from this recipe.


  • Medium lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Water – 7.5 l;
  • Granulated sugar – 600 g;
  • Pears – 1.2 kg.


  1. First prepare the container. For the specified amount of products you will need 3 jars with a capacity of 3 liters. Wash each of them with soda and rinse with running water.
  2. Boil water in a large bowl. Place a colander, sieve, or any convenient device with holes over a container of boiling water. Place clean jars on top, turning them upside down. Sterilize the containers over steam for 10 minutes, then place them on a towel in the same form. Leave the jars until completely dry.
  3. Wash the pears and lemon thoroughly and dry naturally (using a colander).

  1. Slice the pears large pieces, having previously removed the cores and tails from them.
  2. Free the lemon from the “butts”, and then chop it into thin rings or semicircles.

  1. Distribute the pears among the bottles, filling them 1/5 of the total volume. Add 4-5 lemon rings (8-10 semicircles) to each container.
  2. Bring water (7.5 l) to a boil. Add granulated sugar to it and, stirring, wait until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the syrup into the fruit jars, filling them all the way to the top. Seal the containers well with sterile lids.
  4. Cool the pieces by turning them upside down and wrapping them in a warm blanket. Store pear and lemon compote in a dark, cool, dry place.

Wild pear compote for the winter

Surprisingly, but true: the wild pear, which at first glance looks inconspicuous, has an incomparable taste. That is why the most beautiful compotes are made from it. Moderately sweet, aromatic and slightly tart, the drink will certainly become a favorite among winter preparations. To prepare compote from wild game, you do not need to waste time chopping the fruits; it is prepared from whole pears.


  • Wild pear – 600 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. (without top);
  • Drinking water – 2.5 l.


  1. As always, you first need to wash the three-liter jar of soda and then let it drain.
  2. Rinse the pears under running water and place in a bottle.
  3. Bring the water to a boil. Pour boiling water over the contents of the bottle. The container must be completely filled with liquid.
  4. Pour boiling water over the lid and cover the jar with it.
  5. Leave the pears in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  6. Drain the jar and bring it back to a boil. Repeat the procedure by pouring boiling water into the jar again, covering it with a lid and leaving for 20 minutes. Double blanching is used in cases where the fruits are rolled whole.
  7. Drain the liquid back into the pan. Add sugar. Place the bowl with the syrup on the fire and bring to a boil. The liquid should be stirred occasionally so that the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  8. Pour the syrup into the jar and immediately seal it with a sterile lid. You shouldn’t add citric acid; game compote will still be sweet and sour. However, if you like sour drinks, then add 0.25 tsp to the bottle. citric acid.

  1. Cool the compote to room temperature as usual. Move the delicious game drink for storage to a room convenient for you. Bon appetit!