Financial services sales manager at a bank. Manager: main responsibilities. Account Manager

Sales is technology. And a little luck.

Are you familiar with the situation when you spend a large number of effort and time to attract clients, conduct dozens of meetings and consultations, and, unfortunately, get minimal results? Unlike your colleague, who works less, puts in less effort, and his results are much better than yours. At this moment the thought comes to you: “Why is this happening? Am I working more and getting less results? I guess I was just unlucky this month...” Of course, you can blame it on failure, but it won’t increase your productivity.

Ownership plays a much larger role in sales. sales technologies. In this article we will look at one of the basic technologies - classical 5 step sales model banking products.

This is the model that most bank branch managers use, and it is this algorithm that is discussed in basic sales training. What is the essence of this algorithm?

Before going directly to sales stages, I would like to do a little lyrical digression and say one important thing. Why is it so important to master sales technologies? The fact is that sales are not a spontaneous process s, depending solely on your luck. In sales, 80% depends on how professionally You can build a dialogue with the client, what tools You use how you deal with customer objections. Once you master the necessary technologies, you will be able to sell significantly more.

In this and subsequent articles I will tell you about standard (classical) sales models, and also about nuances application of various methods and technologies in the banking sector. We'll sort out most errors, which 90% of managers admit when communicating with clients. As a result, all this will allow you increase sales at your bank office and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments to customer service procedures.

Well, are you ready? Then let's take a look classic 5-step sales model.

We will consider the 5-step model, although there are modifications of this model with a different number of steps (5, 6, 7 sales stages).

The idea of ​​this approach is that the sales process can be represented as follows: stairs:

Climbing these stairs step by step, with each step you become closer and closer to your goal - for sale. When working according to this algorithm, it is important to follow all stages, move sequentially, and not suddenly jump from one step to another.

As you can see, each stage has your goal:

1.Making contact — to win over the client, create a friendly atmosphere, “favorable” soil for subsequent sales.

2. Identifying needs — it is important for the manager to understand which product will most fully satisfy the client’s needs, to find out the important and most significant points for the client.

3. Product presentation — talk about the product that is most suitable for the client on clear language, make the client want to use a banking product or service

4. Work with objections — dispel all doubts and give reasoned answers to the client’s objections

5. Completing the deal — kindly say goodbye to the client, thank you for your cooperation and invite you to come again.

Your task, as a manager and negotiator, is, first of all, to make sure that the goal of the current stage has been achieved, and only after that move to the next level.

I often encounter this situation: a client comes to the office, the manager asks how he can help the client.

Manager: " Hello, Ivan Ivanovich, how can I help you?»

Client: “I would like to open a deposit”

Manager: “Excellent, Ivan Ivanovich. We have deposits in the bank with replenishment, some with withdrawal of part of the deposit, some with an increased interest rate, for example, for 1 year the rate will be 11% per annum, although there is no capitalization, but a plastic card is issued as a gift. What kind of contribution will we make?”

and this can go on for a long time...


QUESTION: Colleague, how do you evaluate the manager’s behavior? What moment do you think was missed? What did the bank manager do wrong?

It is very interesting to hear your opinion on this situation. And I will voice my opinion in the next article! Remember that I regularly give pleasant gifts to all active subscribers :)

In addition, in the following articles we will dwell in detail on each stage of sales, analyze the main points, typical mistakes and “little tricks” to improve the efficiency of working with clients.

Sell ​​beautifully and easily!

Sincerely, Oleg Shevelev ( be friends on VK , instagram)

useful links

  • – upgrade your sales skills without leaving home in just 3 hours;
  • Well " "
  • – become a call master in just 30 minutes;
  • Youtube channel "It's Time to Grow"– subscribe now to be the first to access new materials;

The profession of a credit manager is a very broad concept, and you won’t find any number of specialist titles! Credit manager or broker, expert, appraiser, consultant...

A lending specialist communicates with clients, assesses the borrower’s solvency, selects appropriate loan terms, processes loans and follows them up until closing. Already within this activity there are specializations in the following parameters:

  • who exactly is the borrower (individual or organization);
  • what kind of loan (consumer, mortgage, auto, business loans).

Places of work

Loan specialists can work:

  • in banks, leasing and investment companies;
  • at retail outlets - car dealerships, jewelry stores, shops household appliances and in general in any store that offers fairly expensive goods. This specialist can represent both the bank and the store itself, which interacts with banking structures;
  • in the financial and economic departments of large companies.

History of the profession

The need for borrowed money arose with the advent of money. Until the middle of the 18th century, when the first banks appeared, people turned to moneylenders for loans.

Financial needs modern man have increased greatly. Small consumer loans, car loans, mortgage loans, as well as loans for small and medium-sized businesses are in particular demand. In this regard, the position of credit manager has become very popular today.

Responsibilities of a Credit Manager

Although many of the job responsibilities of a lending specialist may vary, the main thing is that he organizes and conducts all credit transactions. It could be:

  • advising clients on loan terms;
  • calculating the loan amount and drawing up a payment schedule;
  • filling out a loan application and checking the provided documents;
  • monitoring customer solvency, risk assessment;
  • control over the borrowers’ use of received funds, support of the issued loan until its full repayment;
  • distribution of other banking services.

In the bank job responsibilities credit manager:

  • attracting and consulting clients;
  • conclusion of loan agreements;
  • ensuring timely return of funds.

In the most large banks Credit specialists specialize in types of lending: consumer, mortgage, automobile, card products.

In a large company, the credit manager of the financial department is responsible for:

  • drawing up the financial section of the business plan;
  • searching for profitable financial sources of lending;
  • work with securities (bonds, bills);
  • management of the enterprise's credit portfolio.

Requirements for a loan manager

To start working as a lending specialist, it is enough to be an adult citizen of the Russian Federation with secondary education. Banks, credit organizations and retail outlets usually do not have special requirements for either age or education and teach beginners their credit products free of charge in their own training centers.

However, having a higher economic Education and experience in finance, you can count on the position of VIP client manager or department head.

The requirements for a lending specialist in a large company are much higher:

  • higher economic education;
  • knowledge of financial and economic analysis;
  • in matters of lending and investing funds;
  • experience working in credit banking institutions;
  • PC ownership;
  • good negotiation skills;
  • pedantry.

Credit manager resume sample

How to become a loan manager

You can become a lending manager at specialized universities in economics or finance faculties with specialties in “Banking”, “Finance and Credit”. Or in training center the employer himself.

Loan manager salary

The salary of a lending specialist directly depends on his professional experience and usually consists of salary, bonuses and bonuses. A beginning specialist usually earns around 20-25 thousand rubles per month. average salary credit manager is 40 thousand rubles per month. The maximum monthly income can reach 80 thousand rubles.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

Sales manager of banking products to corporate clients.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

The work consists of monitoring the market for corporate clients and offers from partner banks, on the basis of which a database of potential clients is formed for the bank, with whom work is subsequently carried out to establish contacts and sell them banking products.

3. What education is required to obtain your position?

A higher economic education is required. The work experience requirements for each bank are different.

4. Describe your work day.

Depending on the work plan drawn up the day before, the working day begins either with previously scheduled meetings or with telephone calls to potential clients. Then, throughout the day, negotiations are held with existing and potential clients. By the end of the working day, a work plan for the next day is drawn up. In between meetings, attention is paid to studying new products offered by the bank, monitoring the services of competing banks, studying regulatory and legislative framework. It should be noted that the position of a manager involves constant communication with clients, and it is not always possible to adhere to the work plan. It is adjusted throughout the working day.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

Since the job involves holding meetings, most of the working time is spent in the offices of potential clients.

6. What do you like most about your business?

The opportunity to communicate with a large number of people holding different positions and working in all kinds of business sectors, as well as learn something new every day.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

It is not always possible to make a decision on your own.

8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

The salary level corresponds to the amount of work I perform. Although you always want more.

9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

I work in a young team where average age specialists are 25-30 years old. I am glad that there is no anger or hostility on the part of my colleagues. The team is friendly and cheerful.

10. What human qualities, in your opinion, are the most important in your business?

Communication skills, negotiation skills, persuasion skills, the ability to find advantages where they cannot exist and thus sell products.

11. Work gives me additional features(here is everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

The opportunity for self-realization, increasing the level of knowledge, broadening one’s general horizons.

12. You have the opportunity to evaluate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

13. Why did you choose this job?

I enjoy watching the development of businesses in various industries throughout their existence. Working in a bank, you have the opportunity to analyze financial condition corporate clients over time.

Working as a sales manager is also interesting because when we get to know the company, we get acquainted with their production process, and accordingly, we learn how certain things and products appear.

Direct sales are one of the main areas of banking activity that generate income. They involve the sale of bank products outside the walls of the branch. The development of this area is carried out by the bank's direct sales development manager. The specificity of his work is that he works outside the office 70-90% of the time. An employee with such a position must independently search for clients, make “cold” calls and meet with each potential client on his territory.

To fulfill your plans, you need to constantly look for new clients, go to companies to make presentations, have a presentable appearance, excellent communication skills and be mobile in order to be on time for all meetings and not lose sight of every detail. The first few months of work will be the most stressful, since you will have to develop your own customer base. Once it has been collected, it will be possible to promote bank products: loans, deposits, salary projects and so on.

The manager must have a car at his disposal to quickly move around the city. This is especially true when working in big cities, when potential clients need to be looked for far beyond the location of the bank’s office. Health insurance is usually paid separately.

To work as a direct sales development manager in a bank, you must have:

  • resistance to stress, so you will have to constantly communicate with different clients, who are visited daily by dozens of representatives of other banks with their offers.
  • a positive attitude, since in work there are often unsuccessful and failed transactions. You shouldn’t stop there – you need to move on and look for new partners.
  • Competence, care and literacy. Every meeting with clients is a potential chance to win their trust and favor. There may not be a second chance, so you need to draw up a communication plan as clearly as possible.

Salary of a direct sales development manager in a bank.

The job of a direct sales development manager is one of the most difficult, but it is also the most highly paid. The salary is piecework: the more new clients are attracted and the bank’s products are issued, the greater the income.

The average salary in the capital's regions is from 50,000 rubles. In other regions - from 30,000 rubles. It consists of:

  • Salary is a fixed amount, less than which a specialist does not receive. Its size is usually not large in order to encourage the employee to fulfill the plan.
  • Bonus - an amount paid based on performance indicators at the discretion of management. It is this that makes up the majority of the income, so this stimulates the specialist to work actively.

Requirements for a direct sales development manager in a bank:

  • Work experience, presence of own client base. These things will be a priority when hiring, since the bank will not have to spend time on training and wait while the employee searches for clients. However, if the candidate has the necessary qualities and is liked by the manager, then he may be hired without experience.
  • Creative thinking. To develop direct sales, a manager must create effective tools and methods that improve the quality of work and make it as easy as possible to find new clients. Working according to the same canons is unlikely to always bring desired result, therefore, the initiative shown will help with career advancement and financial rewards.
  • Direct sales skills and road presentations. Ability to establish contacts with strangers and finding an approach to them is a big plus for work, because this is the main task of a manager.
  • Ability to turn cold calls into meetings. The manager has only one chance to please an unfamiliar client. A personal meeting requires a preliminary “cold” call, during which you need to win over the client and achieve a meeting where you can finally turn a “stranger” into a “good bank client.” The quality of a call is influenced by several factors, including positive conversation, unobtrusiveness, voice timbre, etc.
  • Nice appearance grammatically correct speech, customer oriented, proactive life position. These qualities have positive influence even the most picky and harmful client, so the manager must cultivate these traits in himself, if they are not given by nature.

Responsibilities of the direct sales development manager in the bank:

  • Implementation of personal and departmental plans. Direct sales are a priority way to promote banking services, so the development manager has the responsibility to find as many new clients as possible and sell maximum amount products of the bank yourself and help others in this matter. The development of direct sales implies the creation and implementation of new, more effective ways achieving the desired results.
  • Conducting presentations on the territory of bank partners, consulting corporate clients. A good presentation determines whether the client will cooperate with the bank and how much he will like the offers. The presentation should be clear, short and provide feedback to potential clients. If, for example, clients “nod their heads” and leave, then the presentation was not successful and you need to change the way it is presented in order to interest the audience.
  • Collecting documents from potential borrowers and transferring them to the branch. To simplify the process of issuing loans, salary or credit cards, the manager collects everyone’s documents in one place, for example, on the company’s premises, so that clients do not waste time traveling to the bank. The borrower will only have to come to the office once to receive a loan or card.
  • Conducting telephone conversations for the purpose of personal meetings and promotion of banking products. Every call and meeting should bring maximum efficiency and results, i.e. after them, a new client should appear in the bank and the product should be sold. All fruitless meetings and calls are not paid for and waste the manager’s precious time.
  • Development of new sales methods. To develop the sales direction, the manager must develop new work options that will bring more results.