"Good night, kids!": the best presenters. Interesting facts about the program "Good night, kids!"

The program " Good night, kids! In the near future, it will be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-running children's program in the world!

The program has existed since September 1964. She almost never stopped airing and was always popular. The third generation is already watching it.

1. The history of the birth of the program “Good night, kids! " originates in 1963, when Chief Editor editor of programs for children and youth, Valentina Ivanovna Fedorova, while in the GDR, saw an animated series about the adventures of a sandman. This is how the idea came up to create an evening program for children in our country. On September 1, 1964, its first issue was released. The first screensaver was black and white. The screensaver depicted a clock with moving hands. Then the program did not have a constant release time, and the author of the screensaver, artist Irina Vlasova, set the time again every time.

2. Alexander Kurlyandsky, Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev, Roman Sef and others took part in the creation of the program. The program was conceived as a “Bedtime Story.” And immediately the program had its own voice, its own unique song “Tired Toys Are Sleeping,” which lulls the little ones to sleep. The music for the lullaby was written by composer Arkady Ostrovsky, the lyrics were written by poetess Zoya Petrova, and the lullaby was performed by Oleg Anofriev, and a little later by Valentina Tolkunova.

3. The screensaver became color in the late 70s.

4. The screensaver in the form of a plasticine cartoon was made by Alexander Tatarsky.

5. In the late 80s, the screensaver and lullaby song changed for a while. Instead of a TV and toys sitting around it, a drawn garden and birds appeared. The new song “Sleep, my joy, fall asleep...” (music by B. Flis, Russian text by S. Sviridenko) was performed by Elena Kamburova.

6. The creators of the program argued for a long time about the name. There were several options: " Evening Tale", "Good night", "Bedtime story", "Visiting the magic man Tik-Tak." But on the eve of the first broadcast, they decided on a name for the program: “Good night, kids!”

7. The first episodes of the program were in the form of pictures with voice-over text. Then puppet shows and small plays appeared, in which artists from the Moscow Art Theater and the Satire Theater performed.

8. B puppet shows Buratino and the hare Tepa, the dolls Shustrik and Myamlik took part. In addition, the participants in the program were children aged 4-6 years and theater actors who told fairy tales.

9. May 20, 1968 happened most important event in the history of the program - the first, albeit Czech, cartoon “NUT” was shown. And then the Nut doll was made. After watching the cartoon main character appeared in the studio. This was a new fairytale element. The cartoon character miraculously appears and begins to communicate. However, not one of the first heroes lasted long, as they did not receive real adoration from the audience.

And only in September 1968, the first participant, who became legendary and still exists today, joined the string of characters - dog FILYA. Its prototype was the DOG OF BRAVNI, which had been collecting dust in a doll warehouse for a long time. The first actor to voice Filya was Grigory Tolchinsky. He liked to joke: “I’ll retire and publish the book “Twenty Years Under Aunt Valya’s Skirt.” Today's voice of Fili is actor Sergei Grigoriev.

10. The surprising thing is that Filya is not the first dog. A couple of years earlier there was already a character - the dog Kuzya. But apparently Kuzy’s character somehow didn’t work out, unlike the good-natured and smart Fili. Then Uncle Volodya, beloved by many, appeared on screens with the bunny Tepa and the dog Chizhik.

11. February 10, 1971 next to Aunt Valya Leontyeva in the studio Piggy the pig appeared. A naughty child - a piglet constantly plays pranks, gets into different stories and learns from your own mistakes. He owes his charm to Natalya Derzhavina, in whose voice he spoke until 2002. Until the moment when the wonderful actress passed away.

12. In 1970, in August, STEPASHKA was “born”- a kind of opposite of Piggy. An obedient, inquisitive bunny, very diligent, polite and reasonable.

13. Stepashka is voiced by Natalya Golubentseva. The actress often uses her character’s voice in real life. Hearing it, even strict traffic cops become kinder before their eyes and forget about the fine. The actress became so comfortable with Stepashka that she pasted a photo with him into her certificate of Honored Artist.

14. In 1979 in the program KAKUSHA appeared, the only girl who took root in the program and fell in love with the audience. For a very long time they could not find the character of Karkusha. Many actresses who auditioned for the role were unable to get used to the image of the funny crow, until Gertrude Sufimova came to Good Night. And it was already impossible to imagine Karkusha differently... When the actress died in 1998, at the age of 72, a crow settled on the hand of actress Galina Marchenko.

15. In 1984, Mishutka was introduced into the main cast of the famous four: Fili, Khryusha, Stepashka and Karkushi.

16. And the heroes of the program were the cat Tsap-Tsarapych.

20. Here full list puppet characters participating in the program:

  • Pinocchio (1964, 1980s, 1991-1995 occasionally)
  • Bunny Tyopa (1964-1967)
  • Dog Chizhik, Alyosha-Pochemuchka, Cat (1965)
  • Shishiga, Enek-Benek (1966-1968)
  • Shustrik, Myamlik
  • Filya (since May 20, 1968)
  • Stepashka (since 1970)
  • Piggy (since February 10, 1971)
  • Eroshka (circa 1969-1971)
  • Ukhtysh (1973-1975)
  • Karkusha (since 1979)
  • Gulya (occasionally in the mid-1980s)
  • Cockerel Pea (occasionally in the 1990s in episodes with “Aunt Daria”)
  • Kolobok (occasionally in the mid-1980s with a modified phrase from a song described in a fairy tale: “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I came to visit you!”)
  • Tsap-Tsarapych (occasionally until 1992 with the magical “Mrr!”)
  • Mishutka (occasionally until 1992 and from March 4, 2002)
  • Cat Vasil Vasilich (occasionally since 1995)
  • Kinderino (Kinder Surprise) (occasionally in the mid and late 1990s, an attempt to use product placement) In some issues, characters eat a chocolate egg or play with a Kinder Surprise toy
  • Parrot Kesha (occasionally in the mid and late 1990s in issues with Eduard Uspensky)
  • Domovoy, Mokryona (granddaughter of Domovoy), Lesovichok, Fedya the Hedgehog (occasionally in the late 1990s)
  • Gnome Bookvoezhka (occasionally since the 2000s)
  • Bibigon (2009-2010) (product placement for the TV channel of the same name)
  • Tiger cub named Moore (since September 22, 2014)

21. The heroes had difficult relationships, conflicts and unresolved issues to the world. The presenters answered these questions: Aunt Valya, Aunt Tanya, Aunt Lina, Aunt Sveta, Uncle Volodya and Uncle Yura.

Leading in different time were:

31. Valeria Rizhskaya - Aunt Lera, Irina Martynova - Aunt Ira.

32. Vladimir Pinchevsky (The Wizard, Munchausen, Doctor, presenter of the series Tales of the Peoples of the World).

33. Viktor Bychkov - Uncle Vitya (from 2007 to 2012).

37. When the world was restored and issues were resolved, the children received a cartoon as a reward. This is how Krzmelik and Vakhmurka, Lelek and Bolek, the dog Rex and the mole burst into our lives.

38. When in the early 80s it was decided to replace the dolls with people, the indignation of millions of viewers knew no bounds, and two months later the dolls took their usual places. In its long screen life, "Good Night" has survived all sorts of times. More often than not, clouds gathered over Piggy, and for the most unexpected reasons. For example, once a question was brought up to the State Television and Radio board about why all the dolls in the program blink, but Khryusha does not.

39. Political “sabotage” was also attributed to the program. Allegedly, when Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev’s famous trip to America took place, the cartoon “The Frog Traveler” was urgently taken off the air. When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, it was not recommended to show a cartoon about the bear Mishka, who never completed the job he started. But the transmission staff considers all this to be coincidences.

40. Currently, the presenters are Anna Mikhalkova, Oksana Fedorova, Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov and Dmitry Malikov.

41. And five friends live in a toy house in Ostankino: Filya, Stepashka, Khryusha, Karkusha and Mishutka. Each of them has its own story.

43. Our little pig Piggy is the life of the party. He is very inquisitive: everything is interesting to him. Who is the master of asking questions! He is the first inventor: almost all tricks and pranks are the work of Piggy’s paws. Not a single prank is complete without it. How fun it is to get a little naughty! Our Piggy doesn't really like to clean and put things in order. But together with his friends, he is ready to move mountains, and not just clean his room. Piggy loves everything sweet: best gift for him - a kilogram or two of sweets, several bars of chocolate and big jar jam. Karkusha sometimes gets a little angry with Piggy: after all, eating a lot of sweets is harmful! But Piggy says that sweets help him in his creativity. Our Piggy - famous poet. Usually inspiration comes to him after he eats sweets. At least that's what he says.

44. Stepashka. In 1970, little viewers met Stepashka for the first time.

45. Stepashka has a carrot growing on her window. But only for the love of art. After all, Stepashka loves nature very much and often goes to the forest with Mishutka. And the most beautiful landscapes Stepashka even sketches. He really wants to become a real artist and therefore studies hard. His friends really like Stepashka’s drawings, especially if he draws their portrait. Stepashka loves to dream. Often all friends gather together in one room and listen to Stepashka. After all, dreaming is so interesting! True, Khryusha and Filya run away, but only in order to immediately begin to act and make Stepashka’s wildest dreams come true. Stepashka - very good friend: You can trust him with any secret, and rest assured, Stepashka will not tell anyone anything.

46. ​​Filya is an old-timer of the “Good night, kids!” program. Its appearance dates back to 1968.

47. Look, who is the most well-read! Sometimes you think that Phil knows everything in the world! Or at least wants to know. Fili's room is always in order: books and textbooks lie in an even stack on the shelf, all the toys are in their places. Filya loves music very much. He even thought about taking part in music competition, but remembered that he couldn’t play any musical instrument. But that's just for now. He is a very responsible and serious dog. If he promised something, he will certainly fulfill it. He sings very well. And who knows, maybe we’ll see Filya on stage soon!

48. Karkusha became a permanent participant in the program in 1979.

49. The only girl in our company. Karkusha is sure that these boys need an eye and an eye! Just look, they'll learn something strange. This is where she will appear and everything will fall into place. You also need to be able to play pranks in such a way that no one is offended: this is what Karkusha thinks. She loves bright ribbons, bows and decorations. Well, that's why she's a girl. Karkusha is also a wonderful cook. All my friends' favorite dish is the signature cake. True, Piggy always strives to take a larger piece, but this trick will not work with Karkusha. She also loves to be complimented. All friends are happy to tell Karkusha what a wonderful, beautiful and smart crow she is. There are no such things anywhere else!

50. Mishutka. The little bear Mishutka appeared on the screen in 2002.

51. Previously, before meeting his friends, Mishutka lived in the forest. He still has a small hut where he keeps some of his supplies and tools. Mishutka loves sports very much, and every morning she does exercises with our friends. After all, all babies should be strong and healthy. Mishutka loves to make crafts. There is a special corner in his room where Mishutka spends hours poring over his creations. Oh, what crafts come out of Mishutka’s skillful paws!

One day, Karkusha’s favorite locker broke. What do you think, Mishutka instantly made a new one, more beautiful than the previous one, and now Karkusha cannot get enough of it. Mishutka often does not understand many things, because life in the forest is very different from life in the city. The little bear goes to Fila for help, and his friend always helps him with pleasure. Sometimes Mishutka begins to miss her forest. And then he leaves for several days. But it definitely comes back. Because his friends and kids are waiting for him, who watch the program “Good night, kids!” every evening.

As it became known, in the near future the program “Good night, kids!” will be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest running children's program in the world. It’s not surprising, because even now we all remember this program and remember its characters with warmth. It is so?

The program has existed since September 1964. She almost never stopped airing and was always popular. The third generation is already watching it
The history of the birth of the program “Good night, kids!” dates back to 1963, when the editor-in-chief of programs for children and youth, Valentina Ivanovna Fedorova, while in the GDR, saw an animated series telling about the adventures of a sandman. This is how the idea came up to create an evening program for children in our country. On September 1, 1964, its first issue was released. The first screensaver was black and white. The screensaver depicted a clock with moving hands. Then the program did not have a constant release time, and the author of the screensaver, artist Irina Vlasova, set the time again every time

Alexander Kurlyandsky, Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev, Roman Sef and others took part in the creation of the program. The program was conceived as a “Bedtime Story.” And immediately the program had its own voice, its own unique song “Tired Toys Are Sleeping,” which lulls the little ones to sleep. The music for the lullaby was written by composer Arkady Ostrovsky, the lyrics were written by poetess Zoya Petrova, and the lullaby was performed by Oleg Anofriev, and a little later by Valentina Tolkunova

The screensaver became color in the late 70s

The screensaver in the form of a plasticine cartoon was made by Alexander Tatarsky

In the late 80s, the screensaver and lullaby song changed for a while. Instead of a TV and toys sitting around it, a drawn garden and birds appeared. The new song “Sleep, my joy, sleep...” (music by B. Flis, Russian text by S. Sviridenko) performed by Elena Kamburova

The creators of the program argued for a long time about the name. There were several options: “Evening Tale”, “Good Night”, “Bedtime Story”, “Visiting the Magic Tick-Tock Man”. But on the eve of the first broadcast, they decided on a name for the program: “Good night, kids!”

The first episodes of the program were in the form of pictures with voice-over text. Then puppet shows and small plays appeared, in which artists from the Moscow Art Theater and the Satire Theater played

The puppet shows included Pinocchio and the hare Tepa, and the dolls Shustrik and Myamlik. In addition, the participants in the program were children 4-6 years old and theater actors who told fairy tales

On February 20, 1968, the most important event in the history of the program took place - the first, although Czech, cartoon “NUT” was shown. And then the Nut doll was made. After watching the cartoon, the main character appeared in the studio. This was a new fairytale element. The cartoon character miraculously appears and begins to communicate. However, not one of the first heroes lasted long, as they did not receive real adoration from the audience. And only in September 1968, the first participant, the dog Phil, joined the string of characters, who became legendary and still exists today. Its prototype was the DOG OF BRAVNI, which had been collecting dust in a doll warehouse for a long time. The first actor to voice Filya was Grigory Tolchinsky. He liked to joke: “I’ll retire and publish the book “Twenty Years Under Aunt Valya’s Skirt.” Today's voice of Fili is actor Sergei Grigoriev

The surprising thing is that Filya is not the first dog. A couple of years earlier there was already a character - the dog Kuzya. But apparently Kuzya’s character somehow went wrong, unlike the good-natured and smart Fili. Then Uncle Volodya, beloved by many, appeared on screens with the bunny Tepa and the dog Chizhik

On February 10, 1971, a pig named Khryusha appeared in the studio next to Aunt Valya Leontyeva. A naughty child pig is constantly playing pranks, getting into different situations and learning from his own mistakes. He owes his charm to Natalia Derzhavina, in whose voice he spoke until 2002. Until the moment when the wonderful actress passed away

In 1974, in August, STEPASHKA was “born” - a kind of opposite of Khryusha. An obedient, inquisitive bunny, very diligent, polite and reasonable.

Stepashka is voiced by Natalya Golubentseva. The actress often uses her character’s voice in real life. Hearing it, even strict traffic cops become kinder before their eyes and forget about the fine. The actress became so comfortable with Stepashka that she pasted a photo with him into her certificate of Honored Artist

In 1982, KARKUSHA appeared in the program, the only girl who took root in the program and fell in love with the audience. For a very long time they could not find the character of Karkusha. Many actresses who auditioned for the role were unable to get used to the image of the funny crow, until Gertrude Sufimova came to Good Night. And it was already impossible to imagine Karkusha differently... When the actress died in 1998, at the age of 72, a crow settled on the hand of actress Galina Marchenko

In 1984, Mishutka was introduced into the main cast of the famous four: Fili, Khryusha, Stepashka and Karkushi.

And the heroes of the program were the cat Tsap-Tsarapych


The heroes had complex relationships, conflicts and unresolved questions about the world. The presenters answered these questions: Aunt Valya, Aunt Tanya, Aunt Lina, Aunt Sveta, Uncle Volodya and Uncle Yura

When the world was restored and issues were resolved, the children received a cartoon as a reward. This is how Krzmelik and Vakhmurka, Lelek and Bolek, the dog Rex and the mole burst into our lives

When in the early 80s the decision was made to replace the dolls with people, the indignation of millions of viewers knew no bounds, and two months later the dolls took their usual places. In its long screen life, "Good Night" has survived all sorts of times. More often than not, clouds gathered over Piggy, and for the most unexpected reasons. For example, once a question was brought up to the State Television and Radio board about why all the dolls in the program blink, but Khryusha does not.

Political “sabotage” was also attributed to the program. Allegedly, when Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev’s famous trip to America took place, the cartoon “The Frog Traveler” was urgently taken off the air. When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, it was not recommended to show a cartoon about the bear Mishka, who never completed the job he started. But the broadcast staff considers all this to be coincidences.

Currently the presenters are Anna Mikhalkova, Oksana Fedorova, Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov and Dmitry Malikov

And five friends live in a toy house in Ostankino: Filya, Stepashka, Khryusha, Karkusha and Mishutka. Each of them has its own story.

Our little pig Piggy is the life of the party. He is very inquisitive: everything is interesting to him. Who is the master of asking questions! He is the first inventor: almost all tricks and pranks are the work of Piggy’s paws. Not a single prank is complete without it. How fun it is to get a little naughty! Our Piggy doesn't really like to clean and put things in order. But together with his friends, he is ready to move mountains, and not just clean his room. Piggy loves everything sweet: the best gift for him is a kilogram or two of sweets, several bars of chocolate and a large jar of jam. Karkusha sometimes gets a little angry with Piggy: after all, eating a lot of sweets is harmful! But Piggy says that sweets help him in his creativity. Our Piggy is a famous poet. Usually inspiration comes to him after he eats sweets. At least that's what he says.

In 1974, little viewers met Stepashka for the first time.

Stepashka has a carrot growing on her window. But only for the love of art. After all, Stepashka loves nature very much and often goes to the forest with Mishutka. And Stepashka even sketches the most beautiful landscapes. He really wants to become a real artist and therefore studies hard. His friends really like Stepashka’s drawings, especially if he draws their portrait. Stepashka loves to dream. Often all friends gather together in one room and listen to Stepashka. After all, dreaming is so interesting! True, Khryusha and Filya run away, but only in order to immediately begin to act and make Stepashka’s wildest dreams come true. Stepashka is a very good friend: you can trust him with any secret, and rest assured, Stepashka will not tell anyone anything

Filya is an old-timer of the “Good night, kids!” program. Its appearance dates back to 1968.

That's who is the most well-read! Sometimes you think that Phil knows everything in the world! Or at least wants to know. Fili's room is always in order: books and textbooks lie in an even stack on the shelf, all the toys are in their places. Filya loves music very much. He even thought about taking part in a music competition, but remembered that he could not play any musical instrument. But that's just for now. He is a very responsible and serious dog. If he promised something, he will certainly fulfill it. He sings very well. And who knows, maybe we’ll see Filya on stage soon!

Karkusha became a regular participant in the program in 1982.

The only girl in our company. Karkusha is sure that these boys need an eye and an eye! Just look, they'll learn something strange. This is where she will appear and everything will fall into place. You also need to be able to play pranks in such a way that no one is offended: this is what Karkusha thinks. She loves bright ribbons, bows and decorations. Well, that's why she's a girl. Karkusha is also a wonderful cook. All my friends’ favorite dish is the signature cake. True, Piggy always strives to take a larger piece, but this trick will not work with Karkusha. She also loves to be complimented. All friends are happy to tell Karkusha what a wonderful, beautiful and smart crow she is. There are no such things anywhere else!

The little bear Mishutka appeared on the screen in 2002.

Previously, before meeting his friends, Mishutka lived in the forest. He still has a small hut where he keeps some of his supplies and tools. Mishutka loves sports very much, and every morning she does exercises with our friends. After all, all babies should be strong and healthy. Mishutka loves to make crafts. There is a special corner in his room where Mishutka spends hours poring over his creations. Oh, what crafts come out of Mishutka’s skillful paws! One day, Karkusha’s favorite locker broke. What do you think, Mishutka instantly made a new one, more beautiful than the previous one, and now Karkusha cannot get enough of it. Mishutka often does not understand many things, because life in the forest is very different from life in the city. The little bear goes to Fila for help, and his friend always helps him with pleasure. Sometimes Mishutka begins to miss her forest. And then he leaves for several days. But it definitely comes back. Because his friends and kids are waiting for him, who watch the program “Good night, kids!” every evening.

From here

In contact with

For several generations now, children have been sitting in front of TV screens in the evenings, waiting for an evening fairy tale. Bags of letters have been and are still being sent to the program. The presenters are asked to show their favorite cartoons and make sure that parents don’t get divorced, dad doesn’t drink, and grandma doesn’t get sick.

For many Soviet kids, Tatyana Vedeneeva, , , Yuri Nikolaev became family and friends. "GOOG night kids!" became the first domestic program for kids, and the kids loved it.

Probably many people remember how in their childhood they would run to the TV in the evening to watch Once again watch “Good night, kids!” Of course, this meant that you would soon be sent to bed, but before bed you could watch one of your favorite shows, which is now one of the oldest on television.

TV transformation

Program “Good night, kids!” was born in 1964. On September 1, 1964, the first episode of the program was released. The idea for the program was born after the visit of the chief editor of the children's television editorial office, Valentina Fedorova, to the GDR, where she saw a cartoon about a sand man (Sandmännchen). On November 26, 1963, the active period of creating the program began - the first scripts were written, sketches of the scenery and dolls of the main characters appeared, the idea and concept of a children's television program was developed. Alexander Kurlyandsky, Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev, Roman Sef and others took part in the creation of the program.

The title originally proposed was “Bedtime Story.”
At first the program was broadcast only in live, V daytime, and was accompanied by a cheerful song: “We’re starting, we’re starting the program for the guys. Those who want to see us should hurry to the TV.”

- “Tired toys are sleeping” (First performance of the song) (A. Ostrovsky - Z. Petrova)

These were releases in the form black and white pictures under which the actors told fairy tales. Then there was neither Piggy, nor Stepashka, nor the favorite cartoon screensaver on the screen. There were only announcers who read fairy tales from the screen. The main characters of Soviet children were born only in the early seventies.

So Shustrik and Myamlik settled in the studio. In 1966, new characters appeared - Shishiga, Enek-Benek. I don’t know these heroes, it would be interesting to look at them, but there are no images of one or the other on the Internet.

On February 20, 1968, the most important event in the history of the program took place - the first, though Czech, cartoon “NUT” was shown. And then the Nut doll was made. After watching the cartoon, the main character appeared in the studio.

This was a new fairytale element. The cartoon character miraculously appears and begins to communicate. However, not one of the first heroes lasted long, as they did not receive real adoration from the audience. And only in September 1968, the first participant, the dog Phil, joined the string of characters, who became legendary and still exists today. Its prototype was the DOG OF BRAVNI, which had been collecting dust in a doll warehouse for a long time

The surprising thing is that Filya is not the first dog. A couple of years earlier there was already a character - the dog Kuzya. But apparently Kuzya’s character somehow went wrong, unlike the good-natured and smart Fili.
Then Uncle Volodya, beloved by many, appeared on screens with the bunny Tepa and the dog Chizhik.

On February 10, 1971, a pig named Khryusha appeared in the studio next to Aunt Valya Leontyeva. A naughty child pig is constantly playing pranks, getting into different situations and learning from his own mistakes. He owes his charm to Natalia Derzhavina, in whose voice he spoke until 2002. Until the moment when the wonderful actress passed away.

Following them, Filya and Eroshka were “born”. The latter was at first a boy, then he was reborn into a baby elephant, a puppy... In general, the metamorphosis ended with the bunny Stepashka.

In 1974, in August, STEPASHKA was “born” - a kind of opposite of Khryusha. An obedient, inquisitive bunny, very diligent, polite and reasonable.

Well, Piggy was at first a red-haired girl, but then, apparently due to bad behavior, she was made... a piglet. In 1982, KARKUSHA appeared in the program, the only girl who took root in the program and fell in love with the audience.
In the same year, the first plasticine screensaver appeared.
In 1984, Mishutka was introduced into the main cast of the famous four: Fili, Khryusha, Stepashka and Karkushi.

Our uncle Volodya

So “Good night, kids!” became the first domestic program for preschool audiences. Accordingly, there were no experts in this field. And to the first presenter of the main children's program Soviet Union Uncle Volodya Ukhin had to rely on his own intuition and knowledge acquired at GITIS and the Variety Theater.

Having become the host of “Good night, kids!”, Vladimir Ivanovich forever connected his life with the program. Ukhin worked in the studio for children's programs until 1995, leaving it only once. At the invitation of Japanese television, Uhin traveled to the Country rising sun and led there educational program"We speak Russian."

150 for everyone

CT did not have money for expensive programs at that time. The budget for each program had to be one hundred and fifty rubles, including wages for writers, actors and artists.

So, for a small fee, cartoonists Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, Vadim Kurchevsky, Nikolai Serebryakov and Lev Milgin made wonderful illustrations.
And the simplest form - drawings in the frame and text behind the frame - required fifteen to twenty illustrations.

In Russian style

The dolls involved in the transfer are updated every three years. However, the most painstaking work is not even creating the dolls themselves, but sewing new clothes for them.

One day it was decided to order doll outfits from England. Measurements from the dolls and photographs depicting old clothes were sent to Foggy Albion. Alas, those abroad were not at all impressed with our favorite characters. The order placed by imported craftsmen was sent to the warehouse. Since then, costumes for dolls have been made exclusively in their homeland.
Over the several decades of its existence, the museum of the program has accumulated dozens of Piggy, Stepashek, Karkush and Fil.

Natalya Derzhavina - Piggy

"Tired toys are sleeping…"

The wonderful lullaby “Tired toys are sleeping...” was written by composer Arkady Ostrovsky and poetess Zoya Petrova for the first release of the program. The song was performed against the backdrop of a screensaver depicting a little girl, a bear, a squirrel and a clock.

Forever Young

Over the years of its existence, the program has undergone changes many times. More than once clouds gathered over her. It happened that dolls disappeared from the air. For example, with the appointment of the new Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin, the bunny Stepashka was suddenly removed from the screen...

More than once the program was going to be replaced by a completely new children's program, but it continues to exist. Apparently, it is an axiom that sooner or later programs need to be closed in time for the program “Good night, kids!” doesn't fit. Her characters do not age, just as Peter Pan, Carlson and other fairy tale folk do not age...

Frame: TC "Class"

9 facts from the history of the program “Good night, kids”

Few people in our country can imagine their childhood without the program “Good night, kids.” This is not surprising, because it has been on the air for more than 50 years, and for more than one generation of children in the evenings they run to the TV screen as soon as they hear a well-known song.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

The idea for the program came to Valentina Fedorova when, during a visit to the GDR, she saw a program called “The Sandman.” According to European folklore, this character visits children in the evenings and sends wonderful dreams to those who go to bed on time, and pours magic sleeping sand into the eyes of those who are playing too much and don’t want to go to bed. After Fedorova returned back, it was decided to create a television program for Soviet children that they would love to watch before bed.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

The first screensaver, which appeared in 1964, was black and white and depicted a clock with moving hands. Then the program did not have a constant release time, and the artist Irina Vlasova painted the time again every time. In the late 1970s, the screensaver became color. The lullaby “Tired toys are sleeping” was sung along with her. The plasticine cartoon at the beginning of the program appeared already in the 1980s, and was drawn by Alexander Tatarsky.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

After this, the screensaver changed several times, each time collecting exclusively good feedback from TV viewers. But in the fall of 1999, another one appeared, in which there was a hare ringing a bell. It was she who caused a real flurry of indignation among the audience and demands to immediately change it to the old one. Instead of helping children fall asleep faster, this video scared them and brought them to tears. The thing turned out to be that the hare in the picture had scary eyes and teeth.
frame: TK "Class"

The first issues looked like ordinary pictures with voice-over text. Then performances and short plays began to be staged for the children, in which theater artists performed. The first puppet characters of the program were Pinocchio, the hare Tyopa and the dolls Shustrik and Myamlik, which were specially made at the Sergei Obraztsov Theater. Sometimes the participants were children 4-6 years old and actors who told them fairy tales. And only later permanent heroes appeared: the dog Filya, the bunny Stepashka, the piglet Khryusha and the crow Karkusha.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

The plot of the program, as a rule, consists of an instructive story in which the characters take part. The presenter explains what needs to be done and how to behave in a given situation, and at the end the children are shown a cartoon on the topic under discussion.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

The first actor to voice Filya was Grigory Tolchinsky. He liked to joke: “I’ll retire and publish the book “Twenty Years Under Aunt Valya’s Skirt.” The hosts, Aunt Valya and Uncle Volodya, were no less loved by the children than dolls. After them, Aunt Sveta and Uncle Yura came to the program, and later Aunt Lina. All of them are now retired. Today the program is hosted by former Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova and Anna Mikhalkova.
frame: TK "Class"

The dolls are renewed every three years, sending worn-out sets into storage. Each working doll is treated very carefully - they are brought to the studio only for the period of filming, and the rest of the time the animals spend in a special storage room. There they are looked after: cleaned, combed, changed. And there, in cardboard boxes, is the entire doll’s wardrobe. Fili and Stepashka even have their own tailcoats with bow ties. Piggy has a real leather jacket with studs, Karkusha has a huge number of bows.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

Surprisingly, the program was repeatedly attributed to political “sabotage.” When Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev’s famous trip to America took place, officials saw the new episode as a mockery of this trip and forced the cartoon “The Frog Traveler” to be urgently taken off the air. And when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, officials did not recommend showing a cartoon about the bear Mishka, who never completed the job he started. But the transmission staff considers all this to be coincidences.
frame: TK "Class"

Such a popular project could not help but find critics. More often than not, clouds gathered over poor Piggy. For example, one day the head of the editorial office of children's programs remarked: all the dolls blink, but Piggy does not. Disorder. We decided to replace the dolls with people. The audience was outraged, and two months later the dolls were returned. And at the beginning of perestroika, Soviet Muslims took up arms against Piggy. They wrote a letter: “Remove the pork from the picture. Our religion does not allow us to eat unclean meat...” The editor of the program replied: “It may not be possible to eat, but no one forbids watching.”
frame: TK "Class"

For several years now, negotiations have been underway to include “Good Night, Kids” in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-running program for children. And this is not without reason. Despite the fact that there are many different television projects in the world dedicated to children's attention, none of them can boast that children have been watching it for more than half a century.
frame: USSR State Television and Radio

For many years now, each issue ends with traditional phrases. "Good night, girls and boys!" - Khryusha and Stepashka wish the children, “Good night, guys!” - says Filya, “Kar-kar-kar,” Karkusha says goodbye. The presenter always ends the farewell by saying: “Good night!” or “Sweet dreams!”
frame: State Television and Radio of the USSR February 9, 2016

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1. The program has existed since September 1964. She almost never stopped airing and was always popular. The third generation is already watching it.

2. The history of the birth of the program “Good night, kids!” dates back to 1963, when the editor-in-chief of programs for children and youth, Valentina Ivanovna Fedorova, while in the GDR, saw an animated series about the adventures of a sandman. This is how the idea came up to create an evening program for children in our country.

On September 1, 1964, its first issue was released. The first screensaver was black and white. The screensaver depicted a clock with moving hands. Then the program did not have a constant release time, and the author of the screensaver, artist Irina Vlasova, set the time again every time.

3. Alexander Kurlyandsky, Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev, Roman Sef and others took part in the creation of the program. The program was conceived as a “Bedtime Story.” And immediately the program had its own voice, its own unique song “Tired Toys Are Sleeping,” which lulls the little ones to sleep. The music for the lullaby was written by composer Arkady Ostrovsky, the lyrics were written by poetess Zoya Petrova, and the lullaby was performed by Oleg Anofriev, and a little later by Valentina Tolkunova.

4. The screensaver became color in the late 70s.

5. The screensaver in the form of a plasticine cartoon was made by Alexander Tatarsky.

6. In the late 80s, the screensaver and lullaby song changed for a while. Instead of a TV and toys sitting around it, a drawn garden and birds appeared. New song“Sleep, my joy, sleep...” (music by B. Flis, Russian text by S. Sviridenko) performed by Elena Kamburova.

7. The creators of the program argued for a long time about the name. There were several options: “Evening Tale”, “Good Night”, “Bedtime Story”, “Visiting the Magic Tick-Tock Man”. But on the eve of the first broadcast, a name was found for the program: “Good night, kids!”

8. The first episodes of the program were in the form of pictures with voice-over text. Then puppet shows and small plays appeared, in which artists from the Moscow Art Theater and the Satire Theater performed.

9. Pinocchio and the hare Tepa, dolls Shustrik and Myamlik took part in the puppet shows. In addition, the participants in the program were children aged 4-6 years and theater actors who told fairy tales.

10. On February 20, 1968, the most important event in the history of the program took place - the first, though Czech, cartoon “Nut” was shown. And then the Nut doll was made. After watching the cartoon, the main character appeared in the studio. This was a new fairytale element. The cartoon character miraculously appears and begins to communicate. However, none of the first heroes lasted long, as they did not receive real adoration from the audience.

And only in September 1968, the first participant, the dog Phil, who became legendary and still exists, joined the string of characters. Its prototype was the dog Bravnya, who had been collecting dust in a doll warehouse for a long time. The first actor to voice Filya was Grigory Tolchinsky. He liked to joke: “I’ll retire and publish the book “Twenty Years Under Aunt Valya’s Skirt.” Today's voice of Fili is actor Sergei Grigoriev.

11. The surprising thing is that Filya is not the first dog. A few years before this, there was already a character, the dog Kuzya. But, apparently, Kuzya’s character somehow didn’t work out, unlike the good-natured and smart Fili. Then Uncle Volodya, beloved by many, appeared on screens with the bunny Tepa and the dog Chizhik.

12. On February 10, 1971, next to Aunt Valya Leontyeva, a piglet, Khryusha, appeared in the studio. A naughty child - a piglet constantly plays pranks, gets into different stories and learns from his own mistakes. He owes his charm to Natalya Derzhavina, in whose voice he spoke until 2002. Until the moment when the wonderful actress passed away.

13. In August 1974, Stepashka was “born” - a kind of opposite of Khryusha. An obedient, inquisitive bunny, very diligent, polite and reasonable.

14. Stepashka is voiced by Natalya Golubentseva. The actress often uses her character’s voice in real life. Hearing it, even strict traffic cops become kinder before their eyes and forget about the fine. The actress became so comfortable with Stepashka that she pasted a photo with him into her certificate of Honored Artist.

15. In 1982, Karkusha appeared, the only girl who took root in the program and fell in love with the audience. For a very long time they could not find the character of Karkusha. Many actresses who auditioned for the role were unable to get used to the image of the funny crow, until Gertrude Sufimova came to Good Night. And it was already impossible to imagine Karkusha differently... When the actress died in 1998, at the age of 72, the crow settled on the hand of actress Galina Marchenko.

16. In 1984, Mishutka was introduced into the main cast of the famous four: Fili, Khryusha, Stepashka and Karkushi.

17. And the heroes of the program were the cat Tsap-Tsarapych...

18. ...Pinocchio...

19. ...Bibigon.

20. The heroes had complex relationships, conflicts and unresolved questions about the world. The presenters answered these questions: Aunt Valya, Aunt Tanya, Aunt Lina, Aunt Sveta, Uncle Volodya and Uncle Yura.

21. When the world was restored and issues were resolved, the children received a cartoon as a reward. This is how Krzmelik and Vakhmurka, Lelek and Bolek, the dog Rex and the mole burst into our lives.

22. When in the early 80s the decision was made to replace dolls with people, the indignation of millions of viewers knew no bounds, and two months later the dolls took their usual places. In its long screen life, "Good Night" has survived all sorts of times. Most often, clouds gathered over Piggy and for the most unexpected reasons. For example, once a question was brought up to the State Television and Radio board about why all the dolls in the program blink, but Khryusha does not.

23. Political “sabotage” was also attributed to the program. Allegedly, when Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev’s famous trip to America took place, the cartoon “The Frog Traveler” was urgently taken off the air. When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, it was not recommended to show a cartoon about the bear Mishka, who never completed the job he started. But the transmission staff considers all this to be coincidences.

24. Currently, the presenters are Anna Mikhalkova, Oksana Fedorova, Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov and Dmitry Malikov.

25. And five friends live in a toy house in Ostankino: Filya, Stepashka, Khryusha, Karkusha and Mishutka. Each of them has its own story.

27. Our little pig Piggy is the life of the party. He is very inquisitive: everything is interesting to him. Who is the master of asking questions! He is the first inventor: almost all tricks and pranks are the work of Piggy’s paws. Not a single prank is complete without it. How fun it is to get a little naughty!

Our Piggy doesn't really like to clean and put things in order. But together with his friends, he is ready to move mountains, and not just clean his room. Piggy loves everything sweet: the best gift for him is a kilogram or two of sweets, several bars of chocolate and a large jar of jam. Karkusha sometimes gets a little angry with Piggy: after all, eating a lot of sweets is harmful! But Piggy says that sweets help him in his creativity. Our Piggy is a famous poet. Usually inspiration comes to him after he eats sweets. At least that's what he says.

28. In 1974, little viewers met Stepashka for the first time.

29. Stepashka has a carrot growing on her window. But only for the love of art. After all, Stepashka loves nature very much and often goes to the forest with Mishutka. And Stepashka even sketches the most beautiful landscapes. He really wants to become a real artist and therefore studies hard. His friends really like Stepashka’s drawings, especially if he draws their portrait.

Stepashka loves to dream. Often all friends gather together in one room and listen to Stepashka. After all, dreaming is so interesting! True, Khryusha and Filya run away, but only in order to immediately begin to act and make Stepashka’s wildest dreams come true. Stepashka is a very good friend: you can trust him with any secret, and rest assured, Stepashka will not tell anyone anything.

30. Filya is an old-timer of the “Good night, kids!” program. Its appearance dates back to 1968.

31. That's who is the most well-read! Sometimes you think that Phil knows everything in the world! Or at least wants to know. Fili's room is always in order: books and textbooks lie in an even stack on the shelf, all the toys are in their places.

Filya loves music very much. He even thought about taking part in a music competition, but remembered that he could not play any musical instrument. But that's just for now. He is a very responsible and serious dog. If he promised something, he will certainly fulfill it. He sings very well. And who knows, maybe we’ll see Filya on stage soon!

32. Karkusha became a permanent participant in the program in 1982.

33. The only girl in our company. Karkusha is sure that these boys need an eye and an eye! Just in case they learn something strange. This is where she will appear, and everything will fall into place. You also need to be able to play pranks in such a way that no one is offended - this is what Karkusha thinks. She loves bright ribbons, bows and decorations. Well, that's why she's a girl.

Karkusha is also a wonderful cook. All my friends' favorite dish is the signature cake. True, Piggy always strives to take a larger piece, but this trick will not work with Karkusha. She also loves to be complimented. All friends are happy to tell Karkusha what a wonderful, beautiful and smart crow she is. There are no such things anywhere else!

34. The little bear Mishutka appeared on the screen in 2002.

35. Previously, before meeting his friends, Mishutka lived in the forest. He still has a small hut where he keeps some of his supplies and tools. Mishutka loves sports very much, and every morning she does exercises with our friends. After all, all babies should be strong and healthy. Mishutka loves to make crafts. There is a special corner in his room where Mishutka spends hours poring over his creations. Oh, what crafts come out of Mishutka’s skillful paws!

One day, Karkusha’s favorite locker broke. What do you think, Mishutka instantly made a new one, more beautiful than the previous one, and now Karkusha cannot get enough of it. Mishutka often does not understand many things, because life in the forest is very different from life in the city. The little bear goes to Fila for help, and his friend always helps him with pleasure. Sometimes Mishutka begins to miss her forest. And then he leaves for several days. But it definitely comes back. Because his friends and kids are waiting for him, who watch the program “Good night, kids!” every evening.

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