How to dress for the theater as a teenage girl. Theater dress code: how to dress without being embarrassed

Despite the development of fashion trends, you should dress correctly in a temple of culture and art. We’ll look at how to choose an outfit for such a rare “holiday” below.

Which dress to choose?

If you are concerned about the question of what to wear to Bolshoi Theater, then the answer should be sought in evening dresses. According to the rules of etiquette, such an outfit will not be pretentious, especially if you are going to a premiere and have seats in the stalls. In other cases, it is better to wear a cocktail dress.

For youth theaters, it is better to prefer a long dress to a short (knee-length) straight silhouette of a dark light. The exception is dresses with long sleeves and small prints. The look can be completed with a thin belt at the waist. Do not expose your shoulders and décolleté. The intelligentsia gathers here and will not appreciate these impulses. But light jewelry or high-quality jewelry will come in handy.

A taboo for the theater is fluffy dresses. It should be remembered that the places are quite narrow and a crinoline will be inappropriate. It is better to choose dark, calm shades for the color scheme.

Alternative options

Some stylists suggest replacing the dress. What to wear to the theater is a skirt suit. The main thing is that the skirt is not short, and the suit is not too conservative.

A worthy alternative is trouser overalls. It doesn't look too fancy like an evening dress, so you can safely wear it when you're going to visit youth performance. In cool weather, it is indispensable in combination with a jacket.

You can also wear cropped trousers and a blouse to the theater. This option looks especially good if the pants are colored or have a pattern. But it’s better to leave the shirt white.

When choosing a jacket, you should take into account the age of the visitor and the characteristics of the performance. To complement an evening dress at the opera, fur boleros, a kimono jacket or a shawl are suitable. For other outfits, they prefer a jacket studded with rhinestones. But the outfit itself should have monochromatic shades. A bright tweed jacket is also appropriate.


When you decided what to wear to Mariinsky Theater or any other, it's time to think about accessories.

The main rule to follow is the “calmness” of the jewelry. Your outfit already speaks of the holiday. You should opt for a small necklace, ring or earrings.

It is important to choose the right bag for the theater. A small elegant clutch or handbag with a short chain is what you need. There is also special kind– a “theatrical” handbag, which is necessary in such a situation.

The fan complements the most sophisticated outfits. Sometimes the room becomes stuffy, then it is used for its intended purpose.

Theater shoes

Above we looked at what to wear to the theater. All that remains is to decide on shoes. Classic option are shoes. Super fashionable and modern models are best left at home. The heel should be no higher than 7 cm. For long dress With a train, you can choose ballet flats so that the heels do not cling to the hem of the dress.

If you come to the theater in the cold season in boots, it is better to change your shoes there. Winter shoes are bad form. Shoes should be formal, but not stand out from the overall outfit, but complement it.


Makeup helps complete the look. It should be remembered that the theater is not a nightclub and therefore immediately put aside shiny cosmetics. Discreet shades are just what is needed. Be sure to use foundation and powder to even out your complexion. Blush makes the face more prominent and corrects its shape. Therefore, they should not be neglected either.

Use eyeliner. Choose shadows depending on the color. Makeup should be evening, but not intense. Use a lipstick slightly darker than the shade of your lips. In such cases, it is important to use a lip pencil.

What's better to leave at home?

If the answer to the question of what to wear is obvious, then many people forget about the taboo. Is it possible to go to the theater in jeans? No way.

Below we have compiled a list of prohibited elements:

  • boots, slippers, sneakers, sandals;
  • jeans, shorts;
  • mini-skirt;
  • fishnet tights;
  • T-shirt or sweater;
  • an abundance of sequins, rhinestones and shiny fabrics.

When leaving home, just look in the mirror and adequately evaluate your outfit. People come to the theater to watch a performance. Therefore, you should not turn a visit to a cultural event into a demonstration of bare legs or cleavage. You should also choose accessories carefully. Two or three decorations are enough.

Casual style is only appropriate for provincial cultural centers or youth performances. There is never a need to dress in sportswear.

Let's sum it up

Choosing an outfit for the theater is important. To choose the right clothes, accessories and hairstyle, you should know theater etiquette.

It’s quite easy to understand it by remembering a few simple rules.

  • The dress should be simple and elegant. Professionally sewn and ironed, with a clear shape.
  • A beautiful gait is also important in the theater. The key to this is comfortable low-heeled shoes.
  • Accessories are in harmony with the entire outfit.
  • The hairstyle should be modern and individual. In the theater, they prefer smoothly combed hair so as not to disturb the audience sitting in the back during the performance.

What should a girl wear to the theater: photo

We have prepared several photos to clearly show the outfits for going to the theater.

How to spend free time, most effective? Exists huge amount various options: playing sports, reading books, watching TV shows, meeting friends and acquaintances. One way effective implementation free time is going to the theater.

Why is this option the most preferable? How to dress for the theater? When and where did they appear? How to behave correctly in the theater? What you should not wear and other interesting facts.

From the history of theaters

The first information about the emergence of this art dates back to Ancient Greece. In those days, actors dressed in goat skins and sang songs in honor of the god of agriculture, Dionysus. They were highly respected.

In Rus', theatrical art originated with the advent of ritual ceremonies and Christian holidays. One of my favorites was Maslenitsa. It was a rite of farewell to winter and welcome to spring; on this holiday it was customary to gather large folk festivities with dressing up, jokes, games, and performances.

in Ancient Rus'

Folk. He was represented by: buffoons, showmen, puppeteers.

School. The plays were written by teachers and performed by students. Performances were shown on holidays.

Courtier. Appeared in the mid-17th century. The first stage directors and actors were foreigners, mostly Germans.

Curious facts

In ancient theaters, the plots of performances were only on mythological or historical themes.

The actors were only men who performed in special, high masks. Shoes with thick soles were worn on the feet. Women were not allowed to attend performances; later they sat separately from men.

Actor Bruce Willis, known to many Russian viewers for his roles in the films "Die Hard" and "Armageddon", played in the school theater as a teenager.

The longest performance in ancient times could take one year.

The first stone theater was built under Catherine II, it was located in St. Petersburg.

In the Middle Ages, women could only play maids or slaves.

Seven reasons to go to the theater

  1. Spend the evening in a beautiful setting and with nice people.
  2. Get the whole gamut of human emotions: laughter, tears, excitement, joy and others.
  3. By worrying about the fate of the characters in the play, you can find a solution to some of your life problems.
  4. Expand your horizons.
  5. Going to the theater can become a good family tradition.
  6. An opportunity to mentally transport yourself to other times and learn a lot of interesting things about people’s lives.
  7. The atmosphere of magic and fairy tales inherent in the theater helps to escape from everyday work and forget about unresolved problems.

How to dress for the theater

Many lovers theatrical arts do not always dress in accordance with certain rules of etiquette. Let's look at how to do this beautifully and elegantly. Basic rules.

  • How should a woman dress for the theater? This issue must be taken very seriously, since attending such an event is considered a solemn occasion. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the type of theater, as well as the time of the performance. Children's and doll's allow you to dress without any frills. This could be a skirt and blouse, or a trouser set. For the evening performance in drama theater, a classic dress would be more appropriate. Preferably black or blue. If you are going to the opera or ballet, then in this case you need to wear an evening dress. There may be different options, but be careful with the neckline and cutouts, they should not be too revealing. A win-win option for any type of theater it will be small black dress, the main thing is that its length is not too short. Be sure to bring a second pair of mid- or high-heeled shoes. Don't forget about accessories that match your outfit: jewelry (earrings, rings, beads, etc.), scarves, a small handbag. The most important thing when choosing options for how to dress for the theater as a woman is to remember that clothes should be smart and comfortable. Makeup should be made brighter and more festive than daytime.
  • How should a man dress for the theater? A suit of dark colors is preferable: black, blue, gray. The shirt should be light colors, preferably plain. Don't forget a tie or scarf.
  • to the theater for a teenager? The most best choice there will be a dress to the knees or a little higher, as well as a skirt with a blouse or blouse. You can choose any color. You can wear trousers if you don’t have skirts or dresses in your wardrobe.
  • to a musical? and suits should be worn in classical theaters, and in more modern ones, the options may be slightly different. For a man - jeans with a jacket, and for his companion - a dress or skirt with a blouse, jeans can also be worn. A musical allows you to wear clothes of a more informal nature, although you should not forget that this is still a theater.

Three-piece suit

This option for going to the theater is best chosen by a man. What is included in the concept of a three-piece suit? Trousers, jacket and vest. The most preferred colors: black and gray. The vest may be a different shade than the trousers and jacket. In such a suit, any man will look elegant and solemn.

Theater etiquette

If you go to the theater, it is not enough to know how to dress correctly; you need to remember the basic rules of behavior in this place. These include:

  • You must arrive at the theater 20-30 minutes before the start of the performance. Why is this necessary? So that you have time to undress and clean yourself up in the toilet room: change your shoes, if necessary, correct your makeup and hairstyle.
  • If a woman goes to the theater with a man, then he must help her take off her outerwear and put it in the wardrobe.
  • What if your seats are in the middle of the row, and other spectators are already sitting in their seats? You must apologize for the disturbance and walk towards those seated. The man always goes first and helps his lady sit down.
  • IN auditorium They come no later than the third call. There are also some nuances here. If your seats are in the middle of the row, then it is better to go to them in advance so as not to disturb the people sitting on the edge. Otherwise, you can enter the hall a little later.
  • Being late for a performance is considered a sign of bad taste and a gross violation of the rules of theater etiquette.
  • Before the show starts, you can buy binoculars from the cloakroom. Remember that it is intended to look at actors and theater scenery, and in no case other people who came to the theater.
  • During the performance, cell phones must be turned off so that they do not disturb the actors and other spectators.
  • Discussing the actors' performance during the performance is unacceptable, like any other conversations. Keep quiet.

10 things you shouldn't wear to a classical theater

  • Sports suit.
  • Ripped jeans.
  • Sneakers or sneakers.
  • Shorts.
  • Very short dress.
  • T-shirt.
  • Sweater.
  • Tights or fishnet stockings.
  • Dress with a very deep neckline.
  • A formal suit without accessories.

People come to the theater to enjoy the performance and the acting. Therefore, you need to know one simple rule. How to dress for the theater is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but remember that appearance reflects your attitude to what is happening, it is necessary. If you are not sure of the correctness of your decision, then choose an old classic that has been proven over the years. We wish that your choice will always be impeccable, and that the problem of how to dress for the theater will always find its solution.

When going to the theater, say, in the nineteenth century, fashionistas faced the same question - “how to dress for the theater.” However, what a dress should be like for going out was absolutely clear: elegant, fashionable, beautiful and, if possible, expensive.

But what to wear to the theater these days?, when did the tradition of dressing up in elegant dresses and diamonds for the theater, and for men wearing a tailcoat, practically sink into oblivion? Today, when people come to the theater in jeans, sneakers, shorts and luxurious evening dresses with a deep neckline, how to dress so that, on the one hand, you don’t look too smart, and on the other, you don’t look like a tourist with with a backpack on her shoulders, who ended up in the theater by chance?

Of course, the choice of outfit depends to a large extent on what you are going to see.

If you are going to a high-profile theater premiere(to the Bolshoi Theatre, Mariinsky Theater or even a local theater) or the opening/closing of a theater or film festival, then a lot depends on... the cost of your tickets. If you are going to experience art from a gallery, then you should not wear expensive jewelry and bare your shoulders. A versatile little black dress and stylish accessories are ideal:

If you wish, you can experiment with the style:

If you are a happy owner of seats in the stalls, casual style will be out of place. According to the norms social etiquette What's the best thing for women to wear to a premiere? evening dress or elegant evening dress, preferably with a skirt. It is not at all necessary to wear an evening dress or a floor-length skirt to the theater, especially considering the fact that the length of the evening dress has been significantly reduced. The amount of expensive jewelry and furs and the degree of openness of the shoulders directly depends on the cost of tickets.

Look at the photo and decide how to dress for the theater!

How should a man dress for the theater?

If your companion asks you for advice on going to the theater for a man, recommend that he wear a classic men's suit to the theater premiere or, if you are going to attend the opening or closing of a theater or film festival and walk along the red carpet, a tuxedo.

How should a woman or girl dress for an ordinary performance at the theater?

Theatergoers in the post-Soviet space dress for the theater more carefully than European theatergoers. Perhaps the whole point is that in Europe a person with aesthetic taste visits the theater once a month or a month and a half, while we go to the theater on average once or twice a year, and going to the theater is to some extent a holiday.

How to properly dress for an ordinary theater production?

The opinions of stylists differ greatly: some of them believe that you need to dress for the theater as you would for a holiday - or in an evening dress (to the middle of the knee or - for young girls - even higher) or in a good suit. At the same time, others argue that it is quite acceptable to dress casually for the theater, and the option jacket-jeans very acceptable.

We advise our readers to follow the golden mean and, when going to the theater, wear an outfit in the style creative casual . You can wear a cocktail dress to a private performance (it’s better not to show your shoulders at a private performance, don’t show a lot of expensive family jewelry), a blouse with a skirt or trousers, or a stylish fashionable suit.

By the way, in the photo on the left is a pantsuit.

Girls can dress like in these photos:

"If you don't know what to wear, wear red!"

What should you not wear to the theater?

In addition, shorts, T-shirts, tunics, short dresses, miniskirts and any sportswear will look inappropriate: after all, a theater, even the most modern and experimental one, is not a gym.

What shoes should I wear?

When going to the theater, wear whatever you want on your feet - shoes or sandals with stilettos or wedges, medium heels or even flats. Boots and boots would also be appropriate.

Depending on the time of year The exception is flip-flops, sneakers, sneakers, military boots and UGG boots.. Even if you are an inveterate theatergoer and go to all the performances of creative groups touring in your city, let the theater still remain a theater - a place of introduction to high, intellectual and beautiful art. Dress creatively there and show off your own taste. Dressing beautifully and stylishly is also an art.

If you are going to the theater or opera, you should find out in advance how to dress and follow the established rules. In big cities, ladies often wear modest evening dresses in black, blue or red to the theater. However, this does not mean that you have to wear a dress of these exact colors. You can experiment with other colors. Men usually come to the theater in a dark suit.

However, the color of the suit depends on the established rules of a particular society. Casual clothing such as jeans, shorts and shirts in light colors should be avoided. However, in small towns there may be exceptions.

Let's take a closer look at what women and men should wear to the theater.

What to wear to the theater for men

What should men wear? Men rarely spend time carefully selecting clothes for going out. However, if you want to look stylish, the following tips will help you:

  1. Choose a stylish tuxedo or a dark suit.
  2. If you plan to go to the theater immediately after work, you should dress appropriately in advance, while being careful not to violate your company's dress code. Semi-formal attire is only appropriate if the theater allows it. There is often an indication of this on the ticket.
  3. Choose a formal business shirt with a white or black tie, depending on your preference.
  4. White ties are usually worn at the opening of the theater season. True, if you are going on a tour of a visiting theater, which will not last long, you can wear a white tie to all performances.
  5. Wear leather boots on your feet that match the color of your suit.
  6. Vests, cufflinks and tie pins are good theater accessories. Their color is selected depending on your style, approximately the same color as the rest of your clothes, or a contrasting one.

Useful tips for men:

  • Wear pants that won't wrinkle because you'll be sitting all evening. If your trousers wrinkle easily, you can imagine what they will become after the performance.
  • If it is customary to dress strictly formally at the theater, never come there in casual clothes.
  • If your lady is going to wear a black dress, you should not choose a black suit for yourself, otherwise your couple will look boring and uninteresting. Your clothes should be slightly different in color from your partner's.

What to wear to the theater for women

What should women wear to the theater? An evening at the theater or opera is a great opportunity for a woman to dress beautifully and show off. Your dress should be formal but attractive. Here are some guidelines for choosing your clothing:

  1. It is customary to wear long evening dresses or medium-length dresses made of silk, satin or chiffon to the theater; These materials drape well and look very beautiful.
  2. It is better to choose the color of the dress dark. If you choose a black dress, you will always look stylish.
  3. Hair can be pulled back at the back of the head, loosened, or done in some elegant hairstyle. If your hair looks clean and well-groomed, you will always look great.
  4. The beauty of your dress will be emphasized by delicate jewelry, an elegant shawl, clutch or small evening bag.
  5. Shoes should be chosen with platforms or heels. Their color should be in harmony with your dress.

Useful tips for girls and women:

  • There is no need to invent any stunning outfits when you are going to the theater. Your dress should be beautiful, but not provocative.
  • Don't wear tops or skirts.
  • Prepare your dress in advance and keep it ready. Give yourself enough time to select all the necessary accessories.

Both women and men feel confident if they are well and correctly dressed. The theater or opera is a place where you can meet your friends or business partners. You have to impress peoplepleasant impression. Follow the theater dress code and read our tips, then you can easily choose an outfit for yourself.

Rules of decency today are becoming outdated faster than they are invented. However, our theater columnist Maria Simonova has figured out how to dress for the theater without people pointing fingers at you.

We talk about what men should do in 7 current tips for gentlemen.

Place and occasion

They say that stylists have this rule: the more beautiful and rich the theater building, the more luxurious it is interior decoration, the more solemn the image of the guests can be. If you adhere to this principle, then in Tomsk you can put on festive outfits first of all in the “Version”, and on a smaller scale - in the Youth Theater. But, of course, the rule is not immutable.

If the Drama Theater looks like a grain elevator, and a big one at that concert hall can hardly be called an architectural masterpiece, this is not a reason to forget about evening dresses and suits. Still, the main thing is not the facades, vignettes and stucco moldings, but the specifics of the events themselves. Since they can be classified as cultural, then the outfit should be chosen accordingly.

Floor-length dress

Choosing a revealing, floor-length evening dress today is risky. Few people decide to wear such outfits, so you should only contact them if you are ready to turn out to be a black sheep. If you strive for this role, and feel comfortable in it, and want to catch other people’s gazes, then, of course, a long, unconditional evening dress is what you need for going to a play or concert.

As an option, you can agree with your friends and appear as a whole group in long outfits. At the Mariinsky Theater, for example, today you can meet such groups of ladies who have chosen luxurious evening dresses and enjoy the fact that during the intermission everyone can’t take their eyes off them.

Cocktail dress

If you are not going to disturb the peace and value your delicate taste and the feeling of the moment, then a cocktail dress is ideal for going to the theater or a concert. Let it be simple, without crazy bells and whistles.

Accessories will help you express your complex nature - for example, a brooch and a neckerchief. For those who strive for a correct look, the length of the dress is average: a palm below or above the knee.


It is better to choose a color so that people sitting at the other end of the hall do not immediately see you. No need for flashy, provocative neon shades.

In the current theater season, colors such as these are especially fashionable. beautiful names, How Marsala(deep wine shade), yellow oak(yellow-brown), reflection in the pond(dark blue), storm(deep grey).

These are top options; a cocktail dress in these tones will look very trendy. All recommendations about fashionable colors are also relevant for men’s looks (we’ll tell you more about outfits for gentlemen in the next issue).

Little black dress

A black dress is a universal option, it is timeless and out of fashion. Just don’t give others a reason to think that you are in mourning!

Throwing a cardigan of a different tone on top, a neckerchief, a brooch chain, bright jewelry, gloves will help you avoid such thoughts... There are many ways to liven things up!

On tour

What to do if you are not just going to a performance, but on a tour, and the production involves “stars” of the screen, people who have played in cult TV series?

Buying something unprecedented for the evening is completely optional. “Stars” shouldn’t force you to change your habits!

Those who feel uncomfortable in evening dresses should prefer a laconic option - a sheath dress. Or choose an alternative to a floor-length evening dress, such as a skirt with a blouse. The skirt can be long or a pencil skirt. The blouse is silk, with a discreet print if desired.

To the puppet theater

Is the outfit different for visiting a puppet theater? The performances in them are different.

For example, if you are going to “Skomorokh” named after. R. Vinderman on “Pannochka” or “ Queen of Spades”, then these are productions designed for an adult audience. When choosing a dress, you don’t have to think about the fact that the theater is not dramatic.

And if you are taking your child to a fairy tale, then it would be nice to take part in creating an atmosphere of fun and celebration. At such performances, bright dresses with flowers, stripes and other fun prints look harmonious.

Experimental theater

Today theater is changing rapidly, there are many experimental productions.

If you are going to a performance by a group you are not too familiar with and have heard that they reject the principle of the “fourth wall” or simply like to unexpectedly involve the audience in their works, then it is better to choose a casual style. Who knows, maybe you will have a chance to sit on the stage or even lie on it, depicting, for example, a stream.

A cocktail dress or formal suit will look strange in this situation, and it may suffer, which is also a shame.

Read the announcements!

Sometimes the announcement of the production helps you choose the appropriate outfit for attending a performance.

If we are talking about modern play, about a new drama, then there is a high chance that you will see a “hard” story. It is also very likely that among her heroes there will be drug addicts or homeless people. Or the heroes will seek to commit suicide.

At work like this, the room is more comfortable in a casual style, not in an evening dress.

Spirit of the era

If the story that interests you takes place in a certain era, then you can dress in its spirit - this will mean that you are on the same wavelength with what is happening.

For example, for the performances “Two on a Swing” (Tomsk Drama), “The Eldest Son” (Tomsk Youth Theater), things in the style of the 60s are perfect. And for “Anna in the Tropics” (Tomsk Drama), where the action develops in the late 20s, you can choose outfits or accessories from the corresponding era, especially since this season designers are happy to turn to those times in their collections. The 20s inspire them to modern options trends of that expressive style.

From the office

Don't despair if you don't have time to change clothes and go to the theater straight from the office. Accessories will help out.

In any handbag there is room for a neckerchief, a brooch and a brighter-than-usual lipstick. This way you can create the image of a lady.


It is more appropriate to take small bags to the theater. This season, the trend is minaudières and small box bags. They can be decorated with stones, covered with reptile skin (imitation or original), and a spectacular texture, for example, lace, is also possible.

Such tiny bags are convenient - after all, to the theater you only need to take a minimum of things with you - money, phone, keys. A handbag can become an accessory that can be used in an interesting way - match it with a scarf or jewelry that allows you to create a harmonious image.

Hats and hairstyles

Do you like high hairstyles and decorative hats? Their compatibility with theater is an ethical issue. The audience will be sitting behind you, perhaps because of your hairstyle or accessory they will not see the best mise-en-scène of the performance!

If you really want to do your hair up high or wear a hat, then there is a way out! Buy tickets for the last row, it's also economical! Or take off your hat during the performance, and during intermission, walk around the foyer in it.

As for hairstyles, stylists recommend light styling that harmonizes with the outfit.


Shoes for Tomsk spectators are always a problem.

The season begins in the fall, when we usually have either puddles or snow. And it ends in the spring, when there are still puddles or snow. In general, you can’t walk down the street in nice shoes; you always have to change your shoes. Otherwise, it’s strange if boots are suddenly worn with an elegant dress. This is the fly in the ointment for a stylish look.

It is better to take a change of shoes with you, preferably classic pumps.


As for makeup, evening makeup is acceptable for the theater.

But this is not necessary - if you don’t like it, then don’t do it so as not to feel uncomfortable.


Jewelry for going to a performance is far from just diamonds.

The principle “I’ll take all my jewelry for a walk” is already considered a vulgar tradition and “a thing of the past.” Moreover, now you won’t surprise anyone with diamonds, and the abundance of successful imitations makes it difficult even for connoisseurs to distinguish costume jewelry from real stones.

Not comme il faut

What looks strange in the theater are ultra-short outfits, fishnet stockings, dresses with crinoline, extremely high heels, and an abundance of rhinestones and sparkles.

This will make you stand out too much from the rest of the audience.

Expert opinion

Anna Scherrer

Buyer and top stylist at the Bridesmaid fashion and beauty center - Often the choice of clothes for visiting a theater, concert or museum depends on a person’s worldview, his attitude towards to the outside world. My main recommendation is that a person’s appearance should not be discordant with what surrounds him. For example, in the Russian Museum, torn jeans and a leather jacket are inappropriate. We still come to admire the paintings of great artists, and we will show disrespect to the audience if we appear in such an image. Ultra-short mini, stiletto heels, fluffy jacket too best option for an exhibition of works by classics. It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about the Russian Museum or the Tomsk Art Museum. Rules for exhibitions dedicated to traditional art, are the same and do not depend on the city.
If we are talking about a modern exhibition, performances, installations, then this is a different direction. Casual style is suitable for such an event. Create a shocking, artsy image even for an event dedicated to contemporary art, I wouldn't recommend it. It is better to give viewers the opportunity to concentrate on the exhibition, without distracting their attention with your complex appearance. This is an ethical moment, a matter of education. In the theater and at a concert it is simpler in the sense that during the action the lights in the hall go out, and even the owners of very original outfits cannot prevent people from perceiving art.

Text: Maria Simonova